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/sqt/ - stupid questions thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 358
Thread images: 47

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liz a cute edition

where can i get an official iso for windows xp without torrenting? i have a legit key
Which settings do I use in XLD to create transparent opus?
All 3 of encoder mode, bitrate and frame size.
If a custom built PC loads to the windows 7 logo and then bsod, does it mean I need a PSU with more watts?

I'm using a HDD with Win7 and it works on my original PC but not on the Custom built with a 300 watt PSU.
which is best out of these? which could build an alternative internet?
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My MSI Gaming X 480 (supposedly the rx 480 with the best cooler) is sitting a bit high, about 58c with just a few chrome tabs, speccy, and a 20 minute youtube running. In games it rarely pokes over 65c, but what might cause such high idle temps? My air flow is pretty good, and the rest of my components are fairly low temp.
Tweak the fan curve
Whats the newest amd a10 apu?
I want to build a itx apu setup but i cant really tell which is the newest top of the line a10 apu.
how truly important are cpu speeds? say would the difference in performance be noticeable from 2.6 to 2.7ghz? how about 2.9 to 3.3, 4.3?
Why doesn't YouTube use h265 already?
you can try this solution

they use VP9 instead
What's the best free software to monitor the health of a hard drive.
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Anyone know why this redirector shit has suddenly appeared over youtube videos?
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How do I get my dream job of hand making waver test probes?
I want to bond thousands of wires manually
How do game companies know if someone pirated their game? e.g Crisis Warhead chicken bullets
CLI: smartmontools
GUI: gsmartctl
CLI: smartmontools
GUI: gsmartcontrol
Markup for HTML

What is a good markup writing a document that will be published in HTML5. Is there a markup that also supports elements such as dl.
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RestructuredText does <dl> definition lists

Markdown has a standard extension for it too:

I've been pleasantly surprised by Pelican lately, a static HTML content generator, that uses both Markdown and RestructuredText as input:

My new homepage is entirely static. There's not even JavaScript. It's blazing fast and very secure. I'm expecting a brief traffic surge soon and all I have to move it to a CDN since it is 100% static.

If I really need something dynamic, I will solve it with a minimal API.

It seems so wasteful to execute dynamic code for every simple page view.
would it be a good idea to store massive amounts of porn videos on youtube as unlisted/prIvate just so I can easily stream them from anywhere?
do they ever check the contents of private videos?
Has anyone gotten lens profiles to work in pirated photoshop CC?
Is there anything better than bettertouchtool?

I feel like I'm only paying for this shit if it's going to be my only option.
just use onedrive
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my 3ds doesn't have an app for that, just youtube

I know how pitiful this sounds
if you wanna email me, i'll give you a link to sp3 xp pro that's on my server. dont feel like getting DMCA'd by M$ by posting the link.
[email protected]
How can I install a local DNS resolver with DNSSEC on my Android phone?
Think you would have better luck on a private facebook group
how come when you search "macos" in pornhub it automatically changes to "mecos"
is it just me?
can you guys try it
I have 1TB on my google Drive and it's mostly empty (only around 100GB is taken)
I'm sharing a folder with someone so he could upload a 30GB file, but when he tries to upload it, he gets a massage that says that there is not enough storage to upload.

Why can't he upload it? is the size of his own drive counted against the file?
I have a 4x4tb raid10 array on my ubuntu server and would like to use more of the storage so I'm guessing either raid0 or spanning. I have a full backup of all this data btw.

I know raid0 is risky with four large drives however simply spanning them in an lvm volume seems a waste speedwise. Wat do? I've thought about raid5 but the write speeds kill it for me.
is there a program or a website that reads a list of urls and check which one is the fastest?
What's your goal? Maybe try jmeter
i want to see what searx mirror is the fastest
Proven affordable monitors for graphic design/visual work in general? Color accuracy, gamut etc.
Windows Piracy Charter:


1. Goto MSDN Subscriber Downloads
2. Search whatever Windows you need.
3. When found, copy its exact filename(*.iso) and note the SHA-1 hash
4. Search Google for filename
5. Download the file from one of the links.
6. Match the hash with hash of step 3


Basically, get your iso from anywhere, just match its SHA-1 hash to check if it matches on MSDN or not.

I can give you direct iso link if you are there, just tell me the version you need.
So someone's HP Pavillion dv9000 finally died for good and he refuses to accept it. Can any current $250 laptop replace that? He seems to think that there's no laptop better than that shit but those specs are kind of terrible these days.
Is there an antivirus I can use when I forgot to activate Common Sense 2016?

if you simply want to compare the response time to each URL, you can create a batch file to ping to each one and compare round trip times.
google chrome's developer options should be enough, just remember to clear the cache
is it possible to have windows running in virtualbox using a virtual 10gbe network adapter?
converting some shit on handbrake from 4k res down to 720. The converted videos take really long to seek, almost 10seconds. The original files don't, what am I doing wrong?

I left the settings as they are except RF slider.
Depends on what hardware you have inside of it and how much power those are draining. It's probably not the issue here.
300w PSU is p small. Post your specs.

Look up 480 undervolting.


7890k, 7870k and 7850k. However, there's not much a difference in performance between the three. In fact, there's not much of a performance difference between FM2+ APUs in general. You'd be better off saving some money and going with either an A8-7600 for a lower TDP or an A10-7700k for overclocking.
are there any benefits to updating wifi drivers or should i just go for the good ol "if it aint broke, dont update it" ?
is there away of benchmarking such drivers ?

If you're not experience any bugs or poor performance I'd say stick with your current drivers.
you should always update. example, client did not update wireless driver on a lenovo laptop, and wound up getting an infected bios. first time i've ever seen one, but updates include security updates as well. not a good idea to skip out on security
How many toes does a fish have?
Coming from no background where is a good place to start learning GNU/Linux?
Is there some kind of reference for how to interact with a terminal?

What I mean is that I want to make an interactive Terminal game from scratch, without using libraries like ncurses.

I need a good list of command codes and how the Terminal interacts with them.
If you consider yourself "smart" and know how to read and can remember what you have read, I suggest going full spartan and install Arch/Gentoo/LFS. It is fucking painful, but it is the fastest way to learn this shit. This approach is also good if you are trying to get over a girl.
what are the best settings for intel graphics openGL driver ?
is there any benchmarking tool for openGL that wont crash my system ?
Ubuntu and their forks
I hear linux mint is pretty easy too
dont go for Arch, Gentoo or other complicated shit like that
>hurr durr its easy you just have to read the wiki for 2 hours
What are some sites I can upload files to from the command line? I only want them to be up temporarily (hours only) and the file size limit can be as low as 10mb
I usually use 0x0 but that's been down
hi, when I download a torrent (eg anime) the torrent works fine but my internet doesn't load anything else (like google, 4chan etc)
Is this normal or just me? i'm using qbittorrent on windows
Set speed limits. If your max download rate is 2MB/s, set it to 1MB/s to start with, play with it until your torrents don't choke & your "internet still loads"
no its not normal unless your internet is THAT shit
install Tixati
also what are some good torrent sites ? i used to use isohunt but thats pretty dead now
fwiw torlock is mid-tier...
I can't tell you any good torrent sites, but here is a decent list of current trackers:


I bought a 6700K about 6 months ago, did I dun goofed and should I replace it with a 7700K?

I don't do any encoding or anything like that but a few games I play are very CPU intensive like Cities Skylines with 400 mods.
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wtf is wrong with you I know I said I use windows but i'm not retarded
what programming/scripting languages that I can choose from if I want to develop android apps?

I only use qbittorrent's search engine in the app itself
overclock it you fucking inbred piece of shit
why in the eleven fucks did you buy a K cpu if you were never going to push its clocks? what the fuck do you think intel is doing with their fake generations? its the same fucking chip plus 1%. spend $50 on a cooler & do something to justify being on this board. fuck. yes, this makes me salty as fuck.
whats a tracker?
how do i use these
does the fiio e10k use a battery I would eventually have to replace?
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wtf are you watching?

I have overclocked it you nigger but nothing like the 5GHZ the 7700K is meant to be able to easily achieve.
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On the first boot of the day my pc will boot into windows 10 and then black screen, it will then reboot and work fine?

Is this a windows 10 thing, or something in the BIOS?

i7 920 OC + 1060
Create a .torrent file
Set the tracker URL in it
Share the .torrent file

The torrent clients then use the tracker to coordinate the swarm
in your torrent client, open an active torrent, edit the tracker list, throw all those udp's in there (formatted however your client prefers)
Windows 7 Professional connected to the Internet via WiFi.

In safe mode with networking, my ping to www.google.co.uk is a consistent 9-11ms. Booted into Windows normally, it's anywhere from 10-30 ms and spikes up to 800-1200 ms on the tenth ping every time, with 100% consistency.

How do I diagnose what's causing this and fix it?

Won't bother listing all the hardware involved since it's apparently not a hardware issue but if necessary I'll write it all up.
Reinstall driver?
I am trying to create a windows 10 install USB but my Gigabyte Z170MX gaming 5 doesn't recognize it.

Also another problem is if I change bios options it commonly restarts, shuts off (with a click) and then reboots a few seconds later with a "boot failure detected" screen where I have to reset to optimized defaults.

Are these boot failures harmful? happens commonly when changing things to do with CPU like C1 states or Turbo boost/hyper threading, etc.
Drivers aren't the issue in this case, I've tried it. Also if it were a driver issue I think it would persist in safe mode.
Core 2 duo, few gigs of DDR2?
Sure, a $250 machine will be better.
For that price for example i could get you a basic lenovo refurb on core i3 (Haswell), I imagine you could get something even better since americans don't pay VAT.
netstat -a see where else is occupying bandwidth possibly
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I booted my pc and everything was fine. Then on windows login screen, my monitor goes black for a few seconds and when it's back on picture happened. What do?
Post your overclock then. What CPU cooler are you using?
did it happen on more than one boot?
if yes, update/reinstall graphics driver.
if no, """did you try turning it off and on again"""?
Could be a dying gpu
Can dropping a phone damage the battery?
My phones battery seems to deplete quicker than normal and it takes twice as long to charge (Its a galaxy note 5)
Yeah, the processor is a core 2 duo t2250 and has 2GB of RAM.

It's really a shame I can't convince this person to buy anything that's not 100% new, because I was going to suggest that to him.

Also I put that price in dollars but I'm actually european.
I have the following directoy tree:
-> video01.mkv
-> subtitles01.srt
-> video02.mkv
-> subtitles02.srt
-> video99.mkv
-> subtitles99.srt

I want to play every video with subtitles. To that, mpv requires the following format:
mpv \{ folder01/video01.mkv --sub-file=folder01/subtitles.srt \} \{ folder02/video02.mkv --sub-file=folder02/subtitles02.srt \} ... \{ folder99/video99.mkv --sub-file=folder99/subtitles99.srt \}

How can I use zsh's shell expansion to create such format?
I know I could do
 for i in * ; do ; cd "$i" && mpv *.mkv --sub-file=*.srt && cd .. ; done ;
but it doesn't exactly do the same thing.

>which is best out of these?
They don't even all do the same thing.

Disable noscript. Use umatrix instead.

Do you really need to be able to have fast write speeds with such a large array? If you do you could buy an ssd and use it as a zfs cache for a raid5/6 array.

Any pomf clone should work.

Sometimes windows need to reboot on boot in order to apply updates. It might be normal.
Thanks for help. I just connected my laptop, which runs on Ubuntu, to the monitor and the problem persists. I think it's clear that my monitor is broken. It is quite old, so this doesn't really surprise me.

Still weird how this happened on windows login screen.
whats a good place to download old games? early 2000's for example
How do i get rid of bloatware on a new laptop, im stupid
uninstall the bloatware
or install a new operating system (Windows or Linux are operating systems )
It'll be tough finding something new in that price range with processor above cheapest pentiums.
And i know your pain, had to buy my dad another Nokia C6 since his broken down, because "he knows that phone by heart".
Was very amusing to see he actually doesn't know how to operate it except making calls.
How about
cd parent folder that contains all folder01 - folder99 folders
mpv --sub-auto=all -- .

>−−sub−auto=<no|exact|fuzzy|all>, −−no−sub−auto
>Load additional subtitle files matching the video filename. The parameter specifies how external subtitle files are matched. exact is enabled by default.
>no - Don't automatically load external subtitle files.
>exact - Load the media filename with subtitle file extension (default).
>fuzzy - Load all subs containing media filename.
>all - Load all subs in the current and −−sub−paths directories.
I should have RTFM. Thanks m8.
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why do GLTron and Argametron windows ports crash on startup ? The latter doesn't even launch at all.
it must be the only instance where linux works better than windows for games
What slows a system down more:

a) the number of programs installed
b) the quantity of files
c) operating system bloat

What's better for RAID 1: hardware or software RAID? Windows 7 for OS if that influences it.
Software is not portable.
Also, you dont need raid 1
What's /g/ think about different e-readers? My parents want to purchase me one as a Christmas present since I asked for books, but I know nothing about them apart from the fact that Amazon Kindle is probably the most popular line of e-book devices.

I guess I'm looking for something with
>Good screen that doesn't kill my eyes
>Adjustable brightness
>Good battery life
>Not too restrictive (can load pirated e-books)
>150€ max

So far according to my own research, the Kindle Paperwhite seems to offer the best value for the price (about 120€), but it doesn't support epub format.
Is there a mini itx or micro atx case with tempered meme glass that has an inverted layout so i can put it on the left of my desk instead of the right?
What is a more convenient way to back up my shit, then? I don't want to go through the suffering of having to rebuild my 4chan folders from scratch again.
And it seems like the fucking kikes push ads to the Kindle. Dropped.

get more money, get kobo aura 1

Raid is not backup.

Use a software backup program,to an external device that you can physically remove when your back up is done

I used to use acronis back in the xp day when i was on windows.
Both my English and Japanese versions of Love Live! School Idol Festival keep on crashing an I can't find out why. Wat do?
How do I stream my kodi library to my new tablet?

cba signing up for Plex and re-uploading everything
I'm on Android on an uprooted phone, by the way.
You can use Calibre to convert pirated epubs or whatever to be sideload on your kindle. If your parents are Jewish and get you the ad supported version just leave it on airplane mode forever, sideload everything, and you won't have ads
I was under the impression that RAID 1 mirrors everything onto two drives. Thus you get not only the benefits of redundancy, but also improved read speeds. How is this inferior to a software backup that does not give you the benefit of reading from two drives at once?
And when you mirror that error on HDD-0? to HDD-1,say you delete something you need? Shit happens in realtime, you dont get a chance to go back.

Raid is not a backup plan,it adds redundancy in most cases(where it actually needs to be utilized).

You dont need raid
Read up for your self or stay ignorant.

Raid is not backup.
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>try to reset pc
>gets to around 5%
>"Sorry, something went wrong. No changes were made to this computer."
>repeat about 10 times

>And when you mirror that error on HDD-0? to HDD-1,say you delete something you need?
Sorry, I should have specified the source of my concern. I don't care about that stuff (I'm very careful about what I delete- I don't think I've ever actually deleted something unintentionally). Last year I had an HDD crash and I figured RAID 1's redundancy would prevent that from happening again since as soon as one drive fails, I could replace it with another.
Here's a stupid question.

I was listening to the Roguelike Radio podcast last week and they had a programmer who was notorious for having his game entirely contained in one huge file. He explained that because he was 100% self-taught and never took any computer science courses but rather just used internet tutorials and books... he never learned how to organize his project into multiple files and folders. So he just wrote everything at once.

While nowhere near as autistic as that guy, I also am pretty much 100% self-taught with this programming stuff: internet tutorials and books for the most part. My question is this: where on Earth do I learn about how to organize everything into multiple files and folders and whatnot? Is that something that they only ever teach in University and so it is just presumed that people who buy programming books already know about it? Because it's a huge hole in my self-education about this stuff and I worry that if I ever try to make something then it will end up like that one guy's thing: a few huge files that will get laughed out of an interviewer's office for lack of organizational skills.
to add on to this: when a project that I'm working on starts to get large, it quickly becomes too unwieldy and i start to realize that i don't know how to organize all of these things properly. where do i learn about that stuff?
yes. dropping batteries is not good for their chemistry. ask google.
>the number of programs installed
it has nothing to do with performance. Not even loaded into the memory.
>the quantity of files
depends on the filesystem but in most cases no.

>operating system bloat
It can have performance impact however bloat is such a retarted term im not sure.
formatted magnet link with those, in case someone else finds it useful
what's the best way to get lots of buffer during the remaining apl freeleech?
When playing movies straight from google drive and using subs, is there any way to delay the subs for a second to make it sync better with the video?
what media player?
Not sure, just from google drive. It looks like a yt window.

worth it?
its 1693.0404
bucks by the way
Anyone with Corsair 200R here?
How do you remove the front panel?
It won't go off for me ;_;
How do I make those webms of my desktop on Linux, specifically arch?
is porn allowed on github
get screen catcher software
whoops and convert to webm format
i use simplescreenrecorder to make a intermediate (fast x264 settings), then trim/crop/encode that to a webm or whatever else
I just use xwininfo + ffmpeg to record a certain window using the ultrafast preset and then encode that to webm.
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i have to write a course paper on NAT - fucking 25 pages (or more), but I can fit everything in 10 pages tops. Any interesting aspect of it I can consider and include, without filling my paper with bullshit ? I'm already looking into double and triple NAT being bad

is there cons of using old version of ubuntu? i cant install latest version because of Xorg and amd driver conflict
You have no support as of like a year ago. Can you not use 16.04 LTS
i need to use Xorg 1.17.1 version only because amd drivers not available for my card
Bumping to re-ask the question. Is it too basic of a thing or something that I can somehow Google if I know the proper jargon to search for?
Are you talking about catalyst (proprietary) drivers? The open source ones are better and guaranteed support your card
Figured it out. There are 6 clips total, I've only ever seen two, the other two pairs are at the very top and very bottom kinda shoved deep, need to push them all out.
i don't want to use opensource drivers because i am playing games
This isn't like nvidia's situation where the open source ones are shit compared to the proprietary.
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Did anyone figure out a way yet on how to use these wobbly fuckers on the go as an actual (((lap)))-top? its the perfect computer for me on the go with its pen etc. but its just awkward trying to use it in a train with its keyboard..

tl;dr: how to use surface pro 2 on your lap, any portable table to carry etc?
>open a stream with VLC: 70% CPU usage
>open a stream with MPV: 50-60% CPU usage
>open a stream with MPC-HC: 5-10% CPU usage

What, how?
Also worth noting that VLC and MPV take 10 seconds to open with Streamlink Twitch GUI, while MPC-HC takes a full minute. What's exactly happening here?
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Whats the Corsair K70 RGB Rapidfire like? It's half price on JB so I was wondering if I should get it or not
Is a Samsung 960 faster than RAM?
Is 4GB RAM and a 2007 xeon enough to run Windows AND Linux at the same time with something like KVM / Proxmox? I would like to use Windows for office things while running 24/7 a lightweight and comfy media server.
Probably not well, but it's not like it'll hurt to try
hello does anyone have an application that recovers lost contacts form iphone im in dire need?
Ok another more relevant question:
Would that save energy? I mean compared to running windows 24/7 with the media server on it.
I guess it's not worth trying to get it to work then. quickbox is nice because it set up everything for you, but deluge,plex, kodi, etc work ok Windows too so I'll be fine I guess.

coursera has free courses on object-oriented programming. those should be helpful.

>derp iphone derp

check your icloud account or ask the fbi. if not those, you're probably fucked.
I have an OrangePi PC. With LibreELEC running it plugs-and-plays any kind of dingle I throw at it, but no matter what distro I use I can't find an Ubuntu driver to make it work. What does LibreELEC do differently to Ubuntu? Can I somehow extract whatever magical universal wifi dongle driver they use and plug it into Ubuntu?
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So I'm not familiar with PC building, I've never done it before. But my 1070 came today and there is nothing in the box but the card, a CD and a pamphlet.

Since it came with no cables, which ones do I need to get myself? Sorry it this is a really stupid question but I'm clueless.
install antergos
Hi. I fail to enable true transparency in rxvt-unicode. I am using i3wm, and transparency does work for everything, except urxvt. I just shows the wallpaper, which is fake transparency.
whats some good portable (for usb drive) FOSS games that dont take many gigabytes?
what about non-foss games?
is there any alternative to PortableApps(tm) for a portable application toolset on the go for my usb drive, anytime, anywhere ?
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Do I have any alternatives to a Razer Blade Stealth if I want a sleek notebook with touch, kaby lake, USB-C + thunder bolt that doesn't have coil whine and is available in Europe?

I already owned a XPS13 (9350) which I really liked, but that had coil whine, which I can't stand at all and thus returned it.

Maybe a Yoga 910? (but w/o TB)
Why is foil made of aluminium called "tin foil"?
Zfs/btrfs is your answer.
Anyone have an alternate download link for KMSPico? The link for the current version on their website is broken.
Disregard this. They updated it today.
So I was thinking of setting up a third session profile for Firefox with the command;

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -p -no-remote "browser3''

However, unlike when I start up the first and second session the 'Choose User Profile' window always pops up when I use the shortcut for the third profile. I've tried googling around but all I'm getting is how to set up separate profiles and not anything actually addressing my issue.

Tom's Hardware recommends the 7800 for the efficiency sweet spot.
>Tin foil, also spelled tinfoil, is a thin foil made of tin. Actual tin foil was superseded by cheaper and more durable[1] aluminium foil after World War II. Despite this, aluminium foil is still referred to as "tin foil" in many regions.
Because although aluminium foil replaced tin foil, the original name stuck with anglos.

>mfw "alu foil" in my language
I will proceed to correct people until they get it right.
It's a conspiracy.
Or you could just not be THAT fucking pedantic
>THAT pedantic
It's simply wrong and ambiguous.
What do you call foil made of tin?
Nevermind, finally got this to work when I did it over for the fifth time again.

Going to assume it was some kind of bug.
What do you call an operating system that's not actually an operating system unto itself,but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX?
If it's not actually an operating system then I don't call it an operating system.
Hello /g/

I recentl< got myself a new pc, my question is can I salvage the (stock) fans of my old pc? or am i setting myself up for dissapointment?
AFAIK I don't have over-heating problems, and i'm not considering over-clocking, but i feel the airflow isn't optimal and would benefit from an extra fan, just to be sure everything stays cool and lasts me a few years.

>be working by myself as PC repair monkey
>rare ocurrence of someone calling me
>go to his house, some old fuck
>from what he says he thinks im from an IT shop he went to
>dont say no
>he still calls me months later to do some basic shit
>still thinks im from that IT shop i never even visited
how bad could this go for me?
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Why can't I save my startpage preferences on Mozilla? Previously I used this html startpage but now I want to change it. Firefox wont save any changes that I do to the startpage preferences.

I deleted the previous html startpage folders and now Firefox just says "Folder not found" on startup. I tried to change the startpage from about:config too but still no. I have also tried refreshing and uninstalling mozilla but no results, it still tries to connect to the previous html folder.

I also tried checking if the mozilla prefs js. file was read only but it wasn't. WHAT DO?
probably a browser hijacker
run malwarebytes or superantispyware
just uncheck trial mode on both, dont need it.
trying to compile with c++

why is "g++ *.cpp -o test.exe" invalid in the windows command prompt, but works with git bash command prompt?
How would I go about transferring all of my stylish themes from chormium to firefox? I really don't want to have to redo them all
can you not just copy paste the contents of them
does mr robot s02 get better? I watched the first episode on release and gave up on the show - should I give it another go?
meant to >>57869954
because bash has globbing, cmd doesn't.
For someone so smart I really am stupid at times...
no it sucks
that's a real shame I really liked s01
Anyone here willing to help a fellow anon with a problem regarding RTMPdump? I want to make it stop closing on its own, just because it thinks the stream is over, when it hasn't even started yet. C compiling may be needed...
1. How do I get OP (yous) back on 4chan x
2. How do I make new threads open in a new tab
yes you can savage old fans from your old pc
if you dont have overheating problems you can just set all ur fans to very low speeds and enjoy the silence if u have loads of them
I want to build my first retro pie build. Can you guys recommend me some hardware? Minimum requirements for the SD card? Any SNES controller that you can vouch for?
Either could be updates or malware.
thanks based anon
>Mac OS porn
Is this guy the latest in cuck technology?
I want to learn MySQL and SQL and I know it's relatively easy to do, but can't find where to start. Can I get some tips and pointers?
Tomorrow I am going to buy one of these three monitors.
Acer Predator XR341CK
Acer Predator X34 or the
I cant decide which one I want, I am leaning towards the freesync one because I currently use a XFX R9 390, however I was planning on upgrading to a 1080 within the next couple months so this is making me consider a G-sync monitor.
Also how shitty will my 390 be at running games at 1440p?
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I'm doing my final project for my database class, and I need to create a new login for my Database using SQL Server management. Problem is, there is no login folder and no option to "create new" from the security folder? Any help?
I have enough money to do a major upgrade to my computer this Christmas, and I'm torn between two options: a Core i5-6400 + MSI H110M Gaming motherboard + 8 GB Crucial DDR4-2133 RAM, or I could go last-gen and get a Core i5-4590 + whatever H97 motherboard I like, and re-use the DDR3 RAM I'm using right now. Either one would be a major upgrade from my current Athlon 860K, I just want to know if it's better to go with LGA 1150 or LGA 1151.
never mind ignore my dumb ass
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whats the usb for? if I connect it, it detects and installs drivers, but I don't get a picture on it, nor is there any "usb" source
How do I show a usb drive as a local drive? My objective is to install programs to usb stick.
What are the avg voltages for skymeme? Im running 3.5 ghz on like 1.1ish volts. I5 6500
Probably for a pointing device that came with it, my projector has an rs232 port and thats what it does.
lets you use the remote control to press page-up/down instead of having to use the keyboard to flip through documents.
thanks anon
I want to make easy money on the interwebz?
Even 1000 dollars a month is fine by me.
Wat do?
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Question for all the system administrators: What's the easiest way to make internet browsing impossible for another user? GPOs? Or can I just set a password to Internet Explorer and Edge?
what's the cheapest router i can get that can handle a ton of torrenting and couple of different machines browsing? my little belkin i got for 20 euros now becomes slow whenever i have torrents or otherwise a lot of connections open.
depends on your setup, there's lots of ways/methods

for example, blocking ports 80 and 443 to their machine

"impossible" might not be feasable, unless the network access they should have is well-defined and allows no possibility of proxying through to an arbitrary server
so people said when double click happens to your logitech mouse, static electricity has build up in it and need to be drained. I did that a few times and the problem still won't go away. Is that mean the switch is broken for mine?
anyone have experience or success with freelancing online?
Thanks for the reply. I'm setting up a local account for my little brother and I don't want him to be able to go online. How would I block these ports effectively?
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So I just moved out of my mom's basement (literally) a couple months ago and up until now I've just accepted this. But I feel like I'm getting ripped off and I want to save money wherever possible. Wat do?
oh, and if you mean internet access in general, not just [web?] browsing, then just block their access to your WAN gateway
might be as simple as configuring your DHCP server not to give them a gateway address, if they have no way to adjust their network settings themselves

oh, home setup?
need to clarify "online", do you mean just web browsing, or all internet access?
if you don't know the difference, this could get tricky
Ideally, the user shouldn't able to connect to anything at all. But just preventing them from browsing the web is fine as well.
bought a new card with a DVI-D DUAL LINK port

can i connect my DVI-I dual link cable to it? is it possible
Should I kill myself?
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How do I get this Dragon dildo suction cup mark off my case?
Anyone here a cop? I've always been interested in becoming one.
no, only other way round.
yes, be sure to make it messy
Speed isn't the indicator it used to be. Some processors do more work per cycle than others.
Check out https://cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.php if you want to compare performance.

MSE or Gentoo

I only see options for 1Gb adapters

Set speed limits in your client, or QoS on your router.

Format and reinstall.

Nook Glowlight Plus is waterproof and has 2GB space for sideloaded content. Also #ebooks on irchighway


Ubuntu's built in backup utility is easy to use. I like BackInTime. If you don't care about snapshots, unison is a nice cross-platform tool to keep a couple folders in sync

Is there a flagship-tier Android phone with expandable memory and a removable battery?
>utilities are expensive
Welcome to earth. You could buy your own modem to get rid of the equipment fee
what is mse?
Use an LTS version. Also AMD open-source drivers are better than catalyst

Nothing limited by sata or msata is faster than ram.

Use cygwin or a linux virtual machine

2) CTRL + left click

user: coms363
pass: goto363

leech neighbors wifi, comparison shop & cancel current service

qucik and dirty? Put a sticker on it
i think a guy i know can see my desktop and what i'm doing, he works in an ICT company

how do i verify this?
Start looking at kiddie porn and see if the party van shows up
How do I split this album into separate tracks while making the log file recognize these new files?
Depends on location, but that'd be dreadful where I live (MD).

Fine, you and the other chap have convinced me to look into backup programs instead of RAID 1. Please do not bully.
trying to figure out why my new computer build (with some old hdd/ram/600w psu components) is running so shittily.

When its laggy the Hard drisk usage is 100% and memory almost 100% as well. I have an i7 3770 and gtx 1060, but using an old 320gb hdd and 4gb ddr3 ram

What could be causing this freezing? Even when i don't load up games, shit will just lock up like mad (windows processes making HD uasge 100)

this is my harddrive, is it possibly too old/need a replacement? to I have too little RAM? http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822152057
>the user shouldn't able to connect to anything at all.
then just blacklist the machines' network interface MACs

The Raspberry Pi I use to watch movies in my living room is too far away from the Wi-Fi which results in lag.

Is it possible to use my laptop to collect the data then send the data from my laptop to my Pi whilst it's playing?
What does your Resource Monitor look like? Anything conspicuous?

That hard drive is has half the theoretical bandwidth and an eight of the cache of modern hard drives but that shouldn't really cause freezing.
old/slow hdd, replace hdd - maybe get a ssd if you don't need a lot of space
updates running
excess services running, debloat or reinstall
malware, reinstall

Not trying to bully, just want to get correct information out there and save your data..
One more thing to keep in mind for important data is the 3-2-1 rule: data doesn't exist unless there are 3 different copies, on 2 different mediums (devices), 1 of which is offsite

better solutions in decreasing order of preference: wired connection to router/switch, powerline adapters, wifi repeater (can use an old router running dd-wrt)
Is there a VPN that isn't blocked by 4chan?
the oldness of those components itself shouldn't be a problem. they could be faulty though.

4gb isn't a lot but i don't know what you have running

HDD could be busted, that one is easy to troubleshoot.
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Thanks for the responses brothers

This is just my system idling ( i didnt load anything ), i have windows updates off, disabled superfetch, search, BITS etc. Right now, in this state, it takes me like 20 seconds to open chrome with this 100% disk usage or whatever.

I must also admit I am using a pirated version of windows 8.1, though i don't think that would be the issue

How can I troubleshoot the harddrive? I literally have nothing running,no steam utorrent etc this is a new build and clean 8.1 install
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I rent an office and have a few devices on a lan there. How do I set things up so I can access the office lan from my house?
I think a vpn with a dynamic dns, but I'm not sure how to set everything up. Routers in both locations are running DD-WRT btw.
Thanks, next time I see a nice sale on a 3+ TB drive I'll make that my offsite backup and leave in my desk at work.
Whats a good ,lightweight and secure Cms or alternative , to make a simple portfolio website?
I need about 3TB of HDD for work-related stuff. Lot of important regularly updated stuff in there though I keep the very most important files updated and the rest I can recreate. But I'd rather not have to.

I'm looking at HDD reviews. Should I pay any attention to a HDD being touted as ultra reliable etc? Or is it still like, if something is really fucking important you should back up it all?

How much more should I be paying for a HDD with a reputation for being reliability? How the fuck do you even test for something like that on a new model, sounds like a bunch of bro science.
how do you convert webms to mp4?
Finally decided to get a new PC since my old one broke more than 10 years ago; want to get it before christmas.
It's supposed to be in use for at least 5 years. Maybe even longer since I usually don't play all the newest crap but want to play the old crap from 2022 or so.
Already have mouse, keyboard and headphones.

Holy Fuck!
Is everything supposed to be this expensive?


[spoiler]I know that I'm about to fall for the 16GB meme.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I also know that spoilers aren't working.[/spoiler]
>How can I troubleshoot the harddrive?

install an OS on another drive and see how it runs. you must have an usb stick or something lying around at least
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WD reds, follow 3-2-1 rule with regular backups

Assemble it yourself, it's like legos for adults
I've got a quick survey question. Do any of you ever go back and try to delete your old abandoned accounts across the web?
>Assemble it yourself

But he does?
What's the deal with dedicated digital music and CD players? Why are they so expensive? If your amp already has a good DAC, then what's the difference if I just use an old Thinkpad to play everything?
Is there any good alternative to Notepad++?

No, unless said account is on mainline social media site such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Then I care about them a bit more. stuff like FPSBanana and Tomshardware
with ffmpeg
>16GB meme
You can max out 8 with a browser and a game. 16 isn't a meme

Thanks for the help, but I guess I just want someone to validate this fuckhuge expense for >muh gaymen.

I'm looking at spending about 4 months of pay. Goddamn low paying apprenticeships.
Yes. Most of the ones I can't delete I made as a teenager under a fake name and aren't tied to anything I have now.
they're either dead or i've forgotten about them
i've never used real names for website accounts (why would you ever do that?)
If you subtract the cost of the monitor, it's not that expensive actually considering the amount of memes on hand.

>i7 for gayman
>gayman motherboard
>window case
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In JPEG compression, what does pic related have to do with the 8x8 tiles? Are these the patterns that are chosen for the tiles/pixels?
>window case
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>more noise/ less soundproofing
>probably no side fan mount option
>increasing likelihood of RGB LED or color-coding autism
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I need a laptop that's absolutely no larger than 18 inches and maybe smaller and lighter is better as I'm a travelling man but it has to be powerful enough to render videos and shit like really really good. What do I buy?
If I were to setup a 5.1 system using 3 cheap lepai amps, what would be a good idea to manage the 3 volume sources?

I was thinking on putting the 3 volume knobs halfway and from there manage the volume via windows volume mixer
I have the following
echo date('d M Y', strtotime($date));

and the result is 01 Jan 1970. What am I doing wrong? I tried removing quotes too. I can't figure it out. I want it to say 05 Dec 2016.
Fuck it, I just bought a pack of ten RJ45 locks.
This pattern represents Discrete Cosine Transformation. Think of it like breaking down the colors in the 8x8 grid into a set of coefficients that can be used to recreate the original colors through an Inverse Discreet Cosine Transformation.

Put simply, you break the colors down into a set of parameters with DCT and you can leave out some of the parameters before applying IDCT and get back very similar colors.

There's more to it than that, but this should get you started on looking up things on wikipedia and google.
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>render videos and shit like really really good.
My phone is encrypted and won't decrypt, even when entering the correct unlock pattern.
What can I do?
already googled it and im not tyrone btw.
Google harder, Jamal.
Give it back, Christian.
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I've been looking for about an hour and I'm still not 100% sure how it works. Like in pic related. Is each individual tile made up of a single basis function pattern? Or are they all different?
MP3 seemed a lot easier to comprehend than this.
cant get docker to work properly on windows
whenever i try to download an image i get the following output:

PS F:\Projects> docker-compose up
Pulling db (mysql:5.7)...
5.7: Pulling from library/mysql
386a066cd84a: Pull complete
827c8d62b332: Pull complete
de135f87677c: Pull complete
05822f26ca6e: Pull complete
63ddbddf6165: Pull complete
15fe0fbc587e: Pull complete
93e74acdb291: Pull complete
11c2df82e984: Pull complete
d42a9e6a85c8: Pull complete
e7fb2f3afd87: Pull complete
30724006a583: Downloading
ERROR: dial tcp: i/o timeout

there's always one left which it keeps retrying until it fails a few minutes later
From the image it looks like the basis functions are being layered over one another, but I don't think that's how it works, is it?

So is each tile given a specific basis function? Or does each pixel in each tile have its own basis function?

That's what I'm saying

Like I'm retarded as fuck so people are gonna watch my shit but first it's gotta get rendered and I need a computer for that. I can offer you value if you help me. Here I go:

Take vitamin D nigger, and go drink a pint of water right now.

Helping me is also helping the white race. Thanks.
Is there a plaintext editor for...

>Windows 10

...that actually handles individual filetypes as individual filetypes with individual icons (think MPC-HC) instead of lumping them into one filetype with one icon?
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Guys gonna buy an ultrawide and another 24" 1080p monitor, so my questions is
Should I wall mount them or mount them into a triple stand like this one
Keep in my mind that they will be arranged like
24- 29 UWL - 24"
If you're familiar with mp3, then you're familiar with how FFT works. This is extremely similar, it's just a transform from one domain to another applied to a two dimensional array of 8x8 and some reorganization of the output. It works kind of like Fourier synthesis in that you reassemble the "frequencies" back into the time domain, or rather you reassemble the colorspace to it's 8x8 grid.

There's a really neat application with (I)DCT in MPEG-7 called Color Layout Descriptor for finding similar images in a large group by the way. It's probably an easier example to learn DCT with than in the addition of the rest of the JPEG compression algorithm.

why don't you want to torrent it? if you have a legot key then you're just downloading a copy of software you have a license to use. nothing illegal about it.
I can't say I've heard of FFT before unfortunately.
I'm still not getting it. I don't think I understand it on more of a fundamental level.
thanks anon!
Living in Japan right now, sold my soul for some anime BDs. But I made one miscalculation: I don't have a Blu-ray drive. Am I specifically gonna need a Japanese one to watch my Malaysian flipbook doodles? Will it work in the US? Is the drive all I need, or do I need special software, too? And are there any that work with Linux?
This one might almost deserve its own thread:

I want to try making some easy money on the side by setting up a blog with ads, then using a shit ton of fake traffic for ad revenue.

How feasible is this? And what's the worst that will happen if I'm caught--could I be sued or charged with a crime?

I know Google Adsense and some others are good at detecting fake traffic--are there any ad providers that aren't?
I'm pretty sure VLC can play Bluray discs
This was pretty popular on /b/ a couple of years ago.
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I'm trying to setup an anonymous ftp server, with anonymous uploading, downloading, and directory creation. I followed this guide:


But I still cannot get uploading or directory creation to work. Outside of that I tried to add some things to the config on my own:


Is there anything else I need to setup in this guide? anonymous writing and directory making are enabled in the config file.
>Living in Japan right now
cool, what do you work with?
When overclocking a CPU or GPU, what exactly causes a crash to occur? I know it has to do with the quality of the silicon chip for your hardware, but what actually causes the computer to crash when you're pushing up the voltage and/or clock speed on the component?
That brings me to another question--I know plenty of people have done it before. Did they ruin it--is it harder to get away with now because of them?
Hmmm, if you don't know FFT I'm going to have a hard time explaining it in a way that's easy to understand.

There's a good DCT implementation in OpenCV if you want some code to grasp what the algorithm does in code. To understand the math behind it I recommend you look for a good book on Digital Signal Processing (DSP). FFT is going to a chapter in it, and once you understand FFT you're basically going to understand how DCT works since they're very similar in how they work in transforming a signal into another domain and back.

That said, you don't need to understand FFT, to get how DCT works, but it will help.
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Can all types of DDR1 RAM be used with any mobo? Can't find a definite answer.
overheating, i think
I had to reinstall my OS. I removed the old computer from Firefox sync but it's last opened tabs are still appearing in my synced tabs list.
How do I delete those tabs?
I have an automated door (opens and closes upon certain conditions) that I'd like to be able to power off wirelessly.

Is there a such thing as a wireless circuit breaker that I could control with a pi?

Or should I stick a relay in there somewhere? The only things wired to the door right now are a button switch to manually operate and then it's wired to a controller for automation.
You just put it into the PCIe slot and the connector on the end is for the cables from the power supply labeled "PCI" They are retard proof and require putting the right peg in the right hole.
How do I steal wifi ?

There are different physical form factors, clock speeds, memory sizes and even voltages, so no.
make sure noones looking then swipe it
thanks, interesting method
What I was wondering is that some RAM is advertised for a specific mobo, and I was wondering if it's compatible with just that mobo and no others.

Take this for example, it's advertised for a Dell mobo, would it work with other ones though?
What's the difference between the function of hardware and the implementation of hardware?
That's ECC (server/workstation) memory and another beast entirely.
What if it was non-ECC? Would it work with any mobo?
Maybe, maybe not. You're better off looking for RAM that's explicitly compatible with your board or as general purpose as you can find and not advertised for some other board.
Is a calculator a stored program computer?
If not, what would be an example of a computer that isn't stored-program based?
getting all kinds of weird errors now
What is the most size efficient way to make a full disk image of an encrypted system disk? Im running clonezilla right now but it looks like the image is going to be massive because all the free space will be encrypted so it will look like actual data...
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Is it worth it to upgrade to a gtx 1050ti from a 770? Mines getting older and sounds like it's going to die anytime I open up bf1 or even xiv
Why is it always so strongly not recommended to put regular AA batteries in a battery charger? Is it just the battery companies trying to rip us off by selling us expensive "rechargeable" batteries or is there actually a good reason for it?
There are a variety of things that can. I'm not exactly an expert on the subject but the "clock" is actually intended to allow operations to fully complete before moving on to the next step, so obviously if you set it a little bit too fast then something might not process correctly.
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Help, I'm afraid I brought my Nexus 5X to a point of no return and I need help to try it get it out of this point.

I tried to install boot, radio, recovery, and system manually and still doesn't work. Tried to extract all the files and try to use


From there and it still doesn't work. I was trying to install TRWP on my phone and some how got corrupted during installation so I can't get into recovery mode.
just assembled a pc today and im getting no video signal and already done the checklist to see if everything was plugged to every part. does this mean i fried something?
You probably should have Googled that one.

They definitely don't recharge, at least not enough to be effectively used again. Also, they may heat up somewhat. The chance that they'll actually heat up enough to cause a fire is negligible, but companies tell you not to recharge them just to cover their ass from litigation.
Why don't you try it out and see for yourself?
Rookie mistake. You just need a little more thermal paste.
What can I do with my i7-2630QM? I don't have or need a laptop.
how would paste help no signal :(
Coaster for a shot glass
Maybe. First, clean everything thoroughly with canned air. Things like that sometimes happen when there's some grit or something causing a tiny short somewhere.

If that doesn't work, disassemble it and reassemble outside the case, with only the minimal components needed to run. Sometimes you can short it out with the case if it's not installed correctly.

Do you get a POST beep?
Your CPU is too hot. Happens to a lot of people. Everytime I have no signal, I put on some more paste.
I can't change my router password the model is ARRIS DG1660
the essid is ARRIS-FC52
the password is the Preshared Key on the same router but when I go to
it says it's invalidated
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What's the best way to get Thunderbird to start minimized? I tried switching it to "minimized" on the shortcut options and it didn't help.
What is the best non-amazon e-reader currently on the market? The Kobo Aura One?
Will they read files I can find on Library Genesis?
I Have a 500GB Seagate portable drive is it possible to set it up with multiple ISO's? I wanna use it as my go to drive with multi OS setup thing
I use the Kobo Aura H2O and have been very happy with it, haven't looked much into the newer models though.

It will read any EPUB natively, and supports some other formats like PDF though they're not ideal. Usually it's easiest to just use Calibre to convert whatever into EPUB if it's not already, this process is fairly lossless for the most part (though converting PDFs into anything else can be a bit of a nightmare so I recommend you don't download them except as a last resort)
I'm mainly wondering if the bigger screen and higher resolution are worth an extra 50 shekels
Probably not considering it's apparently just been released
Why isnt this making the text file? Is there some kind of internal pointer i need to reset?
ofstream file;
file.open("/data/more_data/log.txt", fstream::out);
nm it wanted "./data/more_data/log.txt"
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>Created node server
>Reads from a csv file fine locally
>Host on Azure

Any reason why azure refuses to find that file and read from it?
I've added logging and its 100% due to it not finding it (added a console.log after a if file exists check)
Possibly something to do with it running on a linux machine locally compared to a windows machine?
Permissions thing maybe?
What's a good VPN for torrenting? Price isn't really an issue for me?
Well, the H2O is already 1430 x 1080 on a 6.8" screen so I doubt you'll really notice the difference that much on a few more pixels per inch. I think the screen is a good size for reading books, if you want to read manga or something then I find it a bit small and prefer my tablet, though this is sort of subjective.

The One is also apparently sold out for a while so you also have to consider whether it is worth waiting a few months potentially to get your hands on one.
>paying to pirate
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Should I assume my mobo is fucked?

Can't turn the PC off because when I try to turn it back on, it runs for 5-30s before something sounding like surge protection kicks in and kills it.
I have to unplug the PSU again and again (waiting several minutes in between tries) until it actually boots, but when it does, it will keep running forever.
Now usually I would assume this is a PSU issue, but it's a 500W Platimax AND I already returned it once because it was doing the SAME THING.
Before, it started all on its own. This time it started when I gutted it to swap system fans. At first I thought I just did something really retarded, but I ended up taking the whole fucking thing apart screw by screw (save from taking the CPU out of its socket) to rule out a short / mobo touching the case / faulty wiring, with zero results.
Does it happen as well when you manually short the pins for the power button instead of using the front panel?

Yes, tried that too. Same results as with the button.
It's a GB Z87-HD3 with E3 1230v3, both bought second hand.
disassembled, cleaned, reassembled according to manuals (along with adding more thermal paste to cpu).
still get no signal to monitor, thought it was a monitor problem and switched between 3 monitors and a tv and its not picking up my pc. pc is turning on and booting though, can hear beep and all.

think its a video card problem?
Help I need a program to handle daily time scheduling.

I need these things
>Windows 10 Desktop App
>Linux App
>Android App
>Visual graph of time allocation

I'd use google calendar but its a lot of work logging into google and using their web interface to shedule stuff or check stuff while I'm on my desktop/linux machine.

I want something that allows me to have some sort of desktop widget and alarm system that works across all those platforms.
Definitely sounds like a weird electrical issue, like some battery or capacitor acting up.
Just to make extra sure, your video card has additional power cables from the PSU connected? All the fans and stuff are spinning up?
yep, all fans spinning up, motherboard lighting up and everything
What USB charged phone with front facing speakers should I get?
I'm 25 and starting to feel too old to browse websites where students generally browse. Where can I chat with people my age about technology and stuff?
What are some good cheap mp3 players?
I never use my phone, but I still want to listen to music.
sell on ebay
or give it to me
There's a fourm that's closing down soon that I want to save every thread from as well as any attached files or linked images.

Is there software I can use to just download all that for me?

I know I can probably do it with wget but I've never been able to make sense of the documentation for that, so alternatively, can anybody help me into wget enough to figure out what command to put it in or for somebody to just tell me exactly what said command would be?
File: spy kid focus.gif (835KB, 300x201px) Image search: [Google]
spy kid focus.gif
835KB, 300x201px
My RAM is designed for 1.65V @ 2400MHz, but my processor defaults it to 1.5V @ 1333MHz.

At 1333MHz my CAS timings are 9-9-9-24.

If I overvolt my processor to overclock my RAM, the timings become 11-13-13-31.

I'm not sure what the pros/cons are in this instance. Higher clock speed, but slower CAS timings. Which exactly matters more in terms of performance?
I doubt anyone's ever going to see this little alone offer any helpful advice, but it's a thing that's happened and I feel like sharing.

I bought an Intel iMac from 2006, Intel Core Duo 2, for around 40$ from a seller with great reviews on ebay. I dick around with it for awhile, all is well, but with so much software unsupported on Snow Leopard I was ready to fuck with Debian.

Installed Debian on it, ran fine, I come back to it today and now the iMac won't properly turn on. The little white light comes on, but the screen remains completely dark, there is no apple chime sound, and nothing I do with the keyboard seems to do anything.

There was a power planned power outage, but somehow I thought that it wouldn't require me to unplug all my electronics because I thought that would just be an issue that wouldn't apply to the power intentionally being shut off. Everything else in this goddamn house works just fine, but now the iMac won't.

I never even got time to really play with it in Debian T_T, the screen looked great, the built in speakers were doing great, it was going to be the ultimate toy to play with Linux on and now it's dead two days after having got it. Fml
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Any drawbacks to using a OEM license for Windows 10?
What's a good Linux distro (tor+VPN centered) for usage inside Oracle Virtual Box? I'm mostly doing the following:

SSH - maintaining a website
Browsing internet

The only VPN I've been using is the free ones offered by SoftEther with VPN gate
Can someone point me in the direction of some (easy to understand) resources relating to booting a computer?

On my desktop machine I'd like to maybe half my SSD with a Windows install and then the other half with a GNU/Linux distro to play around with. I would like to have a half decent looking screen with the choices of each OS to boot with, not just generic GRUB with all your boot options.

When I was playing around with my rMBP and loading distros onto it (dual with macOS) I managed to configure rEFInd to have a nice background and decent icons to choose from. However, it was awhile ago and I forget how to do most of it.

Because I have no idea how the boot partition works, what the fuck EFI/UEFI are, what the fuck MBR/GPT are; I'm scared of fucking something up, rebooting and not having any OS to choose from and being completely fucked. I guess you can always just plug in a live USB and force install GRUB onto the system and it sort of 'just werks' right?

I just want a nice looking dual boot experience!
Is it worth buying win10 or pirating it?
Assuming you already have windows installed:
0) Backup your important data!!!
1) Shrink your windows partition so there is ~15GB unallocated space. Use the built in windows disk manager
2) Download ubuntu 16.04 iso & use Rufus to place it onto a usb drive
3) Boot into ubuntu
4) Go through the installation wizard. When it tells you it has detected windows, choose 'install ubuntu alongside windows'
5) Enjoy
Are all the topics numbered at the top like 4chan?
Look up HTTrack
Sorry, are all the URLs numbered at the top.
I've heard good things about the Nook Glowlight Plus - it's waterproof and cheaper than the paperwhite.
I have a simple touch with glowlight (2 generations back) and I like it.

Neighbor's wifi, public/open wifi
Use a live usb drive and spoof the mac address too.

Do you mean appointments and to-do list type things?
Windows: outlook synced to google calendar
Windows/linux: Thunderbird with the lightning plugin, syncs with google calendars so all your devices see stuff.

Which carrier? Might have better luck in smartphone general...

something rockboxable. I personally use a 5th gen ipod video when I don't want to take my phone with me

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