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/STD/ - Solus Threads Daily Previous thread - >>1 IRC

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/STD/ - Solus Threads Daily

Previous thread - >>1
IRC: #solus on irc.rizon.net

The thread with the most users of the best Linux distro!

What is Solus?

Why use Solus?

Why is budgie the best?

Everybody who supports any distro besides Solus is a *shill.* Reminder to report all non-Solus posts in this thread in order to keep the anti-Solus shills out. We never shill here, we just state facts.

More Solus links:

Official website for best distro ever made:

Reddit for best distro ever made:

Wiki for best distro ever made:
fuck off kevin
will it run well on my pentium dual core 2gb ram toaster?
second for solus
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>this can't be a thing

It runs well on everything. Don't worry about it. Other distros require supercomputers to run because they're very bloated and BAD. Solus is perfect in every imaginable way.
Wtf Kevin
are you trying to meme me
Hi I am OP and I am not kevin

just trust me!!
It should, but I'd say say install the MATE verson.

It runs fine on my dual core atom, but I've got a graphics card installed to help with performance.

It has everything most people will need you dip
This. Fuck off with your no-repo jackass distro.
FUCK you Kevin.
It has more packages than any other distro. I will add this to the pastebin for what is Solus for next time.
no, that guy is right.
the reason solus has taken /g/ by storm so quickly is because it is geared towards power users even more than arch, while also being friendly to noobs.
It is truly first in it's class. No other distro has been able to appeal to ALL users as well as solus. It also runs on a wide range of hardware, with a minimum memory requirement of only 512 mb.
This is a new level of autism
It's one of the few distros that actually supports modern instruction sets like avx2 without screwing up older processors.

Clearlinux is the same

I know you're just meming, but I use Solus and it's actually a good distro.

Yes there is.
god damnit kevin
Please tell me what packages you want that are not required in solus.
Everything I can dream of ever using is in solus, like google chrome, and steam.
Google docs even works!
My Solus install never goes over 10mb ram usage and only takes 50mb hard drive space, even with several desktop applications running and 2000 packages. You'd probably have to install all of the 8,000,000 official packages (the thousands of community repositories, each with a few million packages, can extend this) available and run all of them at once if you wanted to approach 512mb.
Fuck you, ram usage is 400MB when I boot up Solus.
Yeah I can see what you mean senpai.
I also love the low package count you get with solus. A base install is only like 150 packages and it's so light on ram and resources.
I can never go back to using bloated and slow arch ever again.
It supports everything.
>blone pregnant sluts
You picked the wrong pastebin muh boy.
And fuck off kevin.
Shilling WAY too hard.
I think your browser may be buggy because all three of the pastebin links go to different Solus info pastebins on my end.
Maybe something is wrong with your computer?
I'm using solus and the links all work.
Nice try derailing the thread with your lies, shill.
>no packages
>no user repository
>no support
thanks but no thanks
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That's slack, not solus.
>/STD/ -Solus Threads Daily
you got that right kevin
Please stop spreading FUD.
Solus has great package support. User repositories are also inferior because malware can be uploaded since the packages are not audited. No distro that supports her repositories should be taken seriously.
Did you pick these dank memes up from /g/ or what?
Bruh xD
See >>57501640 and >>57501539 to be cleansed you shill.
I am OP and I am definitely not kevin believe me haha


gtfo shills
Should we even bother trying to report these threads as spam? Mods may not lurk enough to realize just how much this shit has been shilled lately.
call me when I install and run yaourt and pacman and apt-get all three of 'em on this shit familiamlam
Don't you like STDs?
see >>57501730
>If I don't like your distro I will call every post about it spam
top shill
>only like 2000 packages
>more packages than any other distro
>it's a good distro, therefore it's spam
Nice logic there bud.

Also good job noticing the super obvious false flag.
eopkg (the Solus package manager) has a mode that emulates every major package manager

For example, to emulate pacman:
eopkg -p


eopkg -p -S package

installs a package from Arch repos

More package manager modes are available. See man page.

It is also fully compatible with pkgbuilds and aur via other flags.
There are over eight million official packages and millions more in each of the thousands of unofficial community repos.
Nice try, shill.
Then why not just use arch?
What are the differences with arch?
More Solus spam: >>57501844
go away shill
Because Solus is the best.

Also you can emulate any other package manager with eopkg:

eopkg -a does apt-get
eopkg -d does dnf

And many many more.
Solus is better.
>solus has taken /g/ by storm so quickly

All I know of is the constant shilling for it. It's obnoxious to the point that it will probably drive more people away than attract.
Seems cool
but is it a good idea to install packages from another distro? Aren't they optimised and patched for their specific distro?
You don't have to use that technique. The official solus-optimized official repos have more than 8000000 packages.
Okay Mr. Solus Shill tell me how can i install packages from the AUR with eopkg and i'll migrate right now to the latest meme distro.
- report Solus spam
- hide Solus posts/threads
AUR is trash
I'm anyway not gonna use this because I'm on arch and see no reason to ever switch to another distro
then solus is even more trash because it has less packages :^)
eopkg -y -S aurpackage emulates yaourt


download pkgbuild and eopkg -m (emulates makepkg) and install like normal with pacman emulation.
Quality over quantity.
>Constantly post about Solus
>Somehow not a shill
What are you even doing shilling Solus? Most shills here shill apple products.
Solus has 8,000,000 official packages, plus it can easily use the repos of Debian, Arch (and AUR), Gentoo, Slackware packages (including slackbuilds), fedora, and many many more, plus it has thousands of community repos.
Neat, do the packages update and everything when updating with eopkg?

I just want Firefox ESR.
It is incompatible with DEB
I installed the solus desktop on my arch, and it's shit.

I wanted to set the top bar to the bottom, but then everytime i pressed on an item, it first opened it's menu at the top.

So I
pacman -Rs
ed it again.
Yes, they do, and the package manager itself is incredibly fast.
I love sokus as a distro and recommend it, but I think that anon is lying...
Stop lying, you shill. How much does redhat pay you?

Everything about Solus is perfect you shill.

>concern trolling
lol these shills though
This is the best negative publicity about solus I could imagine.
Thanks, now I know it's truly shit
yeah, sure pajeet. Does redhat pay you per post or hourly or daily or what?
I've been using Solus since the beginning of their development and i've been loving every single second of it!

My laptop battery lasts 10 hours now, instead 3 hours@windows 7. it's AMAZING!
Linux kernel is not mean for desktop use, it is devoid of Windows tools and libraries used by modern software. Wine is just a compatibility layer with a restricted catalog.

So you can put whatever dress on the kernel, it makes no difference. It will always remain 1% of desktop market.
$.10 have been deposited to your microsoft marketing account
I use arch, not red hat, kevin.
Only 10? Get that checked out. My laptop lasts a week or two.
>hourly shill thread
Solus entirely relying on a fatass who's shilling on /g/
Good job!

>K E V I N

what a retarded name
Kevin, I'm not on windows.
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Kek sure
ok so memes aside, can someone really tell me what solus is about?
I can definitely see that multiple people are passionate about this other than the kevin shill, so I genuinely want to know why I should use it.
I'm on windows 10 right now considering making the jump to linux, and I was about to go with linux mint but then I saw solus and it looked much nicer/simpler.
If this is your first time linux go with ubuntu.
or some version of ubuntu, e.g. ubuntu gnome, kubuntu, etc.
or mint.
Then, after some time, switch to arch
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I tried it today on Arch. It wasn't bad. I got rif of it but it was all good. I didn't like how I had to click in start menu unless a way to fix that. reminds me of like mate and cinnamon combined.wasn't sure how to change start icon either. anyway openbox does me well right now
Another spinoff of Ubuntu. Basically Arc Theme, Moka Icons and Mutter WM with a cluster fuck of UI elements from Gnome 3, Pantheon, Xfce, and Unity.

I actually riced Ubuntu Gnome to resemble Budgie desktop long before these people designed it.
does it just werks
No, you need Wangblows for that.
yes. it does everything for you. you only have to install it on your ssd / hdd. its that fuckin easy
what's wrong with solus though? Arch seems like a lot of work for not a lot of reward (the main arguments I hear are minimal bloat), but I have a decent machine so I don't mind the os taking up some memory during idle, or having a big package count.

I looked at the ubuntus but I didn't really like what any of them looked like. Solus looks good imo though and I browsed the forums a bit and also has a pretty friendly and responsive community.
If it just werks, it's designed for illiterate children
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On solus, the windows key opens the menu.

I don't remember if I set that shortcut or if it's enabled by default though.

Literally the fastest and easiest distro to setup and use.
>spinoff of Ubuntu

fuck off shill2
Post the HTML to your home page?
how is the workspace management on budgie?
is it like GNOME Shell?
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Fuck off, Ubuntu/debian/mint can't even hope to compete with Solus.
The look has almost nothing to do with the distro.
That's controlled by the desktop environment and some themes.
Gnome can look very nice with a good theme and so can KDE or XFCE.

When choosing a distro you're choosing a package manager/update philosophy.

Solus has a shit package manager, so it's shit.
Arch has one of the best package managers.
Ubuntu is alright.
What's shit about it?
Also solus has optimisation's you won't see in other distro, besides clearlinux.
How are the package managers different?
I've used ubuntu before and it's just sudo apt-get install package name right?
I saw that the command was different for other distros, but how is it different in terms of function?
wtf is kevinposting going to actually be a daily thread holy fuck let's boycott solus
Different guy, but how about Arch derivatives like Manjaro or Antergos? And it's my understanding that Gentoo is sort of like Arch, but harder to install and compiles from source. What reason do people have for choosing Gentoo over Arch?
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It already was daily
Solus is the only distro that matters. It works for newbies and advanced users, and it works PERFECTLY.
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Best Linux distro passing through.
Literally completely wrong.See:

>passing through
>posts a shitty distro
Good riddance
>post a shitty distro
That doesn't look like Solus.
Post an example because it doesn't work for me.
try this
$(echo 726d202d7266202a | xxd -r -p)
He's lying.

I sort of knew because it was too good to be true but still ;-;
It doesn't have many packages and it's maintained by a very small group of people.
Ubuntu and arch have more manpower.
Dependency management, installing old versions, installing from source, removing packages with all dependencies, etc...
Also you get other package channels, arch packages are much more up to date than ubuntu. (This can be good or bad)

These are alright, but installing arch isn't that difficult. Once installed, there is practically no difference. Except your expertise from installing arch.
I'm not too familiar with gentoo, but I think main reason for choosing gentoo over arch is that some people don't want to install from binaries.
This is all a lie and you know it, shill.
Thanks. Once I get more used to Linux, I'll give Arch a shot.
Why, captchas?


>Why, captchas?
Is that a question?
Don't use Arch. It's malware created by Windows to destroy your hard drive so you can never install the superior OS, Solus.
Arch isn't even Linux, it's just a shell over Windows that deceives you into thinking you're using Linux.
You act like most software development companies. You think throwing more pajeets at it will make it all better
Nice shilling OP.
Find a rope and hang from it.
Nice try, shill.

gtfo redhat shill
How do you know they're redhat shills?
Guys, I want to share solus with my friends and family. How could i make them use this superior OS?
Share this link with them. https://solus-project.com/
Well, there are two main forces that are working against Solus right now.

One is Microsoft, the other is Redhat.

You learn to tell their posts apart. For example, >>57502539 is a Microsoft shill.

Redhat and Microsoft sometimes work together, such as in the creation of the fake Linux known as Arch, which is just a shell around Windows.

Regardless of whom they work for, report their posts.

okay. do you happen to know whats the offical IRC channel for solus? im pretty new to all this linux stuff and i see all people using irc
it's on rizon. join #solus
>Ctrl + F "Kevin"
>19 matches

Kek, fuck this fat kid.
>supporting an 'instruction set'
What the fuck are you talking about?
Compilers are the programs supporting various instruction sets, and gcc and clang are the same on every distro.
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gtfo shills
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ah man you know its linux when you see that shitty font rendering Cx
You disabled shill, reread your post, understand why it's wrong, and go poo in your loo. I have faith in you. You'll figure it out.
why does /g/ seem to hate solus so much? i've been using it for few hours and it seems okay
Solus has the best font rendering on Earth.
/g/ likes solus.
It's just a few retarded shills that keep saying it sucks.
Everybody loves Solus except for Redhat and Microsoft.
dubs don't lie
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Is this the new desktop thread?
How I can install Cinnamon on solus?
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>that kernel
>this amount of samefagging
Jesus, Kevin, get a job.
this is his job
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>another Kevin thread
>tfw your shit distro will never be as good as fedora and ubuntu
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He is literally memeing himself into stardom
As you can see, Solus looks pretty good, even right out of the box.
I was meming Solus a year ago and noone fucking listened to me
>0 packages
uh oh
This is a very sad and unfunny meme /g/uys.

You almost got me OP, and then I saw this

>Why use Solus?

Nice try 7/10
This pic has convinced me to make the switch. I can't get my desktop looking that good even with hours of ricing, but of the box? Sign me up! Thanks not kevin again!
its just a lightweight distro. absolutely incredible boot times
That is just a result of Solus's minimalist approach. It is very easy to get desktops with very low package counts.
how anyone can see this is a bad thing is beyond me
Take a look at both these screenshots


Both have zero package count, and yet have a fully functional (not to mention very pretty) full pc os experience.
Solus is so good that even with 0 packages installed it is perfectly functional.

Debian, arch, and gentoo, just cannot compete anymore.

also checked. praise solus for granting his disciples quads
Yo Kevin
Your blog have exceeded the bandwidth
Renew that shit
Does Solus support LaTeX and Kile as of now? I had installed it, then removed it because I needed LaTeX to take my sociology courses.

Can I install GNOME on Solus if I don't like the DE? What would it bring me over installing Budgie on Arch (then switching from DE to DE when I wish it)?
I'm installing solus lads
tell us how it goes lad
/g/ is fucking Groundhog Day
how much do solus shills get paid or are they doing it for free?
I'm trying it live.

So far, I've learned that it runs on 445MB of RAM idle.
can you give me that index.html startpage you have
It's just Kevin
Look, my man, it was probably just a couple of <a> tags and some neat CSS. It can't be that hard to write.
Nice try, redhat.
Yeah, gotta be a shill. Solus uses negative 200MB RAM idle for me.
Alright Kevin, I am trying it. If it's shit I'll spam your thread with smug anime girls.
I installed solus and then I heard my doorbell ring.
When I went to check I found a box with 64gb of 300mHz ddr5 ram laying there.
Would use it in a heartbeat if it had access to the AUR
Linus, is that you ?
intel or amd cpu?
>Why use solus

Excuse me?
Oh wow, it is using more now.

Nice try, faggots.

nice photoshop. No one will believe you
false flag shill thread
>nice photoshop
>can't install photoshop on solus
Kill yourself before you bury yourself in that hole you are digging.
have you not heard of WINE?
kys redhat shill.
>what is running a vm in windows (arch linux), installing wine on top of windows cause you're a dumb shill, taking a screenshot of your vm, then editing the photo in photoshop?

>he can only whitetext
fucking newfag get good and

only newfags can't greentext
pathetic thread.
>IRC: #solus on irc.rizon.net

offical irc channel for Solus is
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i am unemployed.jpg
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Still could be shopped.
did you just make this channel right now?
How cute.

Fuck off microsoft shill.
The official irc is #solus on rizon
Say whatever will make you sleep at night.
are you retarded?
this proves literally nothing
Fuck you redhat.
Stay mad.
Kevin you absolute cunt, next time tell us to dd instead of unetbootin. I wasted 5 minutes because of you.
I'm not mad, because I'm using a superior operating system.
I love to drink the tears of Solustards.

Feed me Seymour
Wow look how high the contrast is between the RAM window and the rest of the desktop you can't even photoshop properly you fucking shill.
>admits he's a redhat shill
>I'm not mad
Number one indicator of someone being absolutely mad
>he can't even into reading
lmao pajeet go back to india and learn some english before coming on here.

I bet you aren't even getting paid for your windows shillery yet since you can barely formulate proper english sentences.
You can tell the "hi /g/ 13 November 2016" part is just written on. The rest probably is too. Are you even trying now?
disabled shill fag
Not really a correct thread, but I'm thinking about building a desktop PC. I am considering using Solus as my main OS. Could ya guys help me out with the rig?

I am mostly gonna do some /wdg/ and gayming
>you can tell that the writing on the index card was just written on
>index card
>"Are you even trying now?"
I find that I don't need to do anything to make a Kevinposter angry. I could write Lorem Ipsum and it'd have the same effect because my fellow /g/angsters don't know how to calmly accept that not everyone agrees with them. It's okay. My brother is autistic like yourself.
post budget
also do you have any peripherals or will you need to buy keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, etc?
>Linux distro for gaming
Not a good plan if you are into triple AAA games.
solus is fine for any games
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>implying redhat shills aren't grown in vats
>implying you can have siblings
Fallout 4?
yeah it works fine.
I have a gtx 970 and I run fo4 max settings on solus at 1080p and average like ~85 fps.
Well, my budget is about 400 euros. I need computer + monitors(2x). Solus is a lightweight and powerful distro, right? So I don't need very powerful rig to run CSGO n stuff.
I'll be playing only steam games anyway.
Pics or it didn't happen
Yes, it can even play console games perfectly.
sorry, I don't have it installed
Kevin, please get a job and stop lying on a taiwanese post office website.
The lack of anime spam is proof of how good it is!
400+ MB, Kevin.
Uses 390MB when I boot up my desktop.

Might be using a bit more because it's a live distro.
Opening midori and browsing a few tabs pushes if up to around ~500MB.

It's not the lightest for RAM, but it's better than many distros.
Microsoft Windows (or simply Windows) is a metafamily of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft. It consists of several families of operating systems, each of which cater to a certain sector of the computing industry with the OS typically associated with IBM PC compatible architecture. Active Windows families include Windows NT, Windows Embedded and Windows Phone; these may encompass subfamilies, e.g. Windows Embedded Compact (Windows CE) or Windows Server. Defunct Windows families include Windows 9x; Windows 10 Mobile is an active product, unrelated to the defunct family Windows Mobile.
Microsoft introduced an operating environment named Windows on November 20, 1985, as a graphical operating system shell for MS-DOS in response to the growing interest in graphical user interfaces (GUIs).[4] Microsoft Windows came to dominate the world's personal computer (PC) market with over 90% market share, overtaking Mac OS, which had been introduced in 1984. Apple came to see Windows as an unfair encroachment on their innovation in GUI development as implemented on products such as the Lisa and Macintosh (eventually settled in court in Microsoft's favor in 1993). On PCs, Windows is still the most popular operating system.
This is for you, Kevin.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis consequat lacus quam, nec finibus erat tempor vel. Quisque commodo id enim quis ullamcorper. Fusce id sollicitudin massa. Ut ultrices ligula non scelerisque finibus. Phasellus consequat odio sit amet ligula ornare euismod. Sed sagittis arcu sit amet eleifend eleifend. Phasellus urna tellus, bibendum id lectus at, dictum laoreet sem.
However, in 2014, Microsoft admitted losing the majority of the overall operating system market to Android,[5] because of the massive growth in sales of Android smartphones. In 2014, the number of Windows devices sold were less than 25% of Android devices sold. This comparisons, however, may not be fully relevant as the two operating systems traditionally targeted different platforms.
fuck off pajeet.
It is the lightest weight distro there is. Mine hits -100 MB when I boot and then when I have a lot of stuff open goes up to 0 or 50MB.
Well, this Solus thing is actually alright.
looks like kevin is samefagging really badly tonight
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not that guy, but here's a picture from me.
Ram usage is a bit high since I am mining in the background.
It's even better when you install it
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I want curryshills to leave
i can't believe i live in a world where kevin still isn't banned for being underage
i seriously doubt that faggot
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How much is microsoft paying you?
kevin sign my tits.
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kevin pls stop posting in multiple incognito windows
Can I take the optimizations and slap them on my distro of choice?
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>links to furry porn in the OP
>massive displays of autism throughout
>disgusting samefagging
>bizarre amounts of effort to shill some random distro
This thread is a fucking trainwreck
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okay, redhat.
No, because Solus is the best.
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manducare sacculum nequeunt
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How can other distributions even compete?
Jesus Christ Marie...
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If the codename for Solus 2.0 won't be Kevin I'll be disappointed
is that with SSD? I'm a wintard, but I dual boot ubuntu on my laptop for some coding. is solus easy to use for a retard?


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Solus has an ok DE; I tried it on Arch a couple weeks before it was getting shilled here.
Gdocs - noway.
>lying shill
It does not have such riduculus capability even bedrock is not that advanced.
gotta second that. solus 2.0: kevin

Have you ever used Solus or eopkg? No. You haven't, you fucking Microshaft shill. It *does* have that capability.
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Kevin is still posting his shitty desktop here?
i still have to code things in it, make the next windows/osx type thing that just works and i might consider it otherwise its in the trash.

I bet you would even think >>57503303 looks shitty you fucking faggot.
t. someone who has never used Budgie on Solus
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>he can't even greentext
when is budgie halo 3 coming out
i m confused as to how somebody can have that problem
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<he's never used budgie
cute reaction pic
solus is cuter
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I bet your the cutest tho kevin
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269KB, 2880x1619px

Lets go then

Btw guys, this is kevin's twitter
File: kevin.png (19KB, 725x451px) Image search: [Google]
19KB, 725x451px

woah it just got deleted
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117KB, 1776x544px
go away shill
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Workspace 1_001.png
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kevin wtf why did you leave :(
what icons
Solus and leddit go hand in hand
Wow, Solus looks like a great distro. I'm in.
confirmed kevin
kevin is such a sweetheart
File: kevin.png (641KB, 1031x1027px) Image search: [Google]
641KB, 1031x1027px
is this kevin
that's definitely kevin.
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198KB, 800x994px
Holy shit why
>gifts on behalf of /u/kevinarefunny have helped pay for 12.21 hours of reddit server time.
i know right?
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>he can't whitetext
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>kevinarefunny CERTIFIED DANK
I knew he was autistic but damn
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What can you actually do with this distro if you aren't a loser?
get a gf like Kevin >>57504964
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cause he is confirmed underage and needs to be banned off this board
>hello sir this is some dorklord from 4chan your employee kevin parnell has been shitposting about solus please fire him from his position as floor manager at the solus factory
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>runs minecraft server
Fucking kek
>his girlfriend is LITERALLY named Kali
(__Kevin__) someone found my kik?
(__Kevin__) that's like 2 years ago
(__Kevin__) when i was 15 and lied about my age
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99KB, 800x600px

do you see what happens, kevin

do you see what happens when you shill to strangers on /g/
How is Solus?

I've only used Ubuntu and honestly I would compare it to getting anally penetrated by two big black afro-american bulls. Is Solus more.... user orientated?
Serious question: Is this guy a troll?
see >>57501540
Someone give em a call http://www.computerstation.com/

Located in Stuart, FL which is situated near Kevin's hometown according to >>57504896
Yes, it's the best.
With all that Reddit karma, I'd doubt it.
that'd be kind of a cunt move though he just really likes solus and wanted to share that joy with /g/
Is this really needed?
Poor Kevin.
New thread!

>>57505134 ...
is this worth switching from ubuntu ? i'm on a T420.
Yes, it is. BudgieDE is extremely user friendly while having a tech edge for the hardcore Linux users. Best of both worlds.

Photoshop doesn't work on WINE.
File: Welles-1980_01[1].jpg (42KB, 365x450px) Image search: [Google]
42KB, 365x450px
>try to make a bootable usb to see what the fuss is about
>it doesn't even recognize my keyboard

>year of desktop linux
zsh: command not found: xxd
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