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>nvidiacucks will defend this http://www.majorgeeks.com/

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>nvidiacucks will defend this

Yeah, shit sucks, I uninstalled gforce experience as soon as it started doing dumb shit on my network.
It was only good for reminding me to update drivers anyways.
you asked for this

linux does not have this problem
nvidia botnet
this is disgusting, what does the AMD one look like?
how to I delete this?
I uninstalled it because it needed a login in the first place
Just don't install latest drivers. Uninstalling GE isn't enough. It's built into the drivers too.
Wait, it's only on gforce experience?
Dodged a bullet there, I never install that shit.
it's too late I'm afraid
So roll back
>Being this autistic
They actually did this months ago, but apparently nobody noticed then.
how far?
I noticed my firewall blocked two new nvidia programs after installing the latest update.


too bad they never made it past my firewall or they might've had a chance to collect some telemetry. :^)

it's not geforce experience, it's the driver itself.
Or, you could just find the thing and restrict its internet acces.
Or, go to your hosts.txt and redirect whatever place this gets sent to localhost.
Jesus fucking christ. That's fucking it. Next paycheck I'm getting AMD. Fuck any performance degrades, this goes too far.
He says while using Windows running Chrome/Firefox/Chink botnet(Opera) and having Steam open so they can willingly chain themselves to DRM while browsing 4chan and typing Google's Captchats while using Facebook to log in on Reddit.
amazing argument, truly makes you think
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I never install GFE and still have the telemetry programs. They're built in to the driver itself.
That wasn't an argument, that was a factual comment.
and what what?
Where are you going with this?
I don't know what you mean.
You just wanted to say that and nothing else, eh?
Yes? I was just pointing out how stupid some people are.
I have 372.70 and none of this shit.
Boy did I pick the right time to get a 390x just as the 370.00+ drivers started making my 770 run so much worse and this shit about telemetry is already bad enough in w10 without having to worry about it at the fucking driver level fuck NVIDIA and even 3rd party like evga and such fucking up 1070 and 1080s
>So what? I have nothing to hide. Are you a pedo or something?
Subtle nvidia shilling
why the fuck when somebody adds spying/telemetry features the windows community is either "how to disable them" and "you have nothing to hide" ,or both in some cases at the same time?
(this post implies that usually
that usually people do both depending on the situation - vs other windows people they say you can disable them , vs linux people they call pedo/nothing to hide anyways)
If that were the case I'd be defending this shitty practice, no?
That would be obvious shilling
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>When there's crap running in the kernel through drivers
What should I add to my hosts file to stop this cuck shit?
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>being an nvidiot
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>being unable to run games at 144 without lowering literally everything
WinCucks gaymen
Any thing like this for linux and they would literally kill nvidia.
You're hilarious.
It does when you use nvidia
They only develop for people that have money anyways.
>i have nothing to hide
massive cuck, you dont deserve freedom
>here's how to disable it

Enjoy your 3rd world hardware
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Amd cucks will defend this.
>Desktop name is "PREDATOR"
>Username is "Pheonix"
*tips razer gaming headset*
prove it
What am I looking at?
catalyst has always had gaymen ads on its front page, you can turn it off
It'll still connect to some of those, like google analytics ones.
And it'll connect to sites that are not listed there cause it tries to do at other times that seems to be of no use for the driver nor to check updates. (and there's also a legit one used for updates of course).
>just keep your mouth shut when they keep shoving shit into it
>helo my name is Raji and I am your microsoft tech support today how are you
>having to disable botnet
>i-ill make a p-poo in the loo meme, t-that will teach him
>being poor

They can make decisions that the user doesn't want and which make them money. You know why? Because the alternative is AMD. Yes it sucks, yes nobody but nvidia wants it, yes nvidia tries to make money from that data and still people will buy it, because amd is THAT bad.
AMD is to blame for this.

Now gimme those rupees
It was added very recently when they switched to a new driver branch. GFE disappeared from the driver package entirely for a couple of releases, but this telemetry was added. Now GFE is back too.
AMD is clearly the better buy in this stopgap generation of GPUs, but it would be foolish to buy high end now when new standards are about to be implemented to make your card obselete in a single gpu generation or so.

A card like the 470 on the other hand can be had for quite cheap and can hold you over until your precious green cards actually let your computer work with the latest standards in software (vulkan/dx12) and hardware (not gddr5).

This is actually just a terrible time to buy computer parts.
New releases are on the horizon, and soon we will have new gpus and cpus on the market to mix up the competition.

Wait for the dust to settle in a few months.
The telemetry programs don't get installed with older cards either it seems. I was using a GTX 570 while I waited for my new 1070 to arrive, and it didn't show up on a clean driver install using that card. Wiped and reinstalled the exact same driver revision today when my 1070 arrived and the telemetry was there. Weird.

I was going to buy an RX 480, but Amazon UK are currently offering 20% off Warehouse Deals, so I got a 1070 for not much more than a 1060. Will sell up when Vega arrives.
You propably did not have telemetry since drivers on GTX 570 are most likely old as fuck

Why not just install older drivers?
The 570 uses the exact same driver package as the 1070, and shows up as the same version once installed. Yet it obviously does something different, because they weren't there.
AMD GPUs don't have this problem
neither do Intel CPUs
Nvidia is the single worst company for open source
AMD GPU plus Intel CPU is best combo, fully FOSS friendly and good gaming performance
go to
go to, I don't use Windows like a cuckold
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>neither do Intel CPUs
my Intel i7 4790k is great
explain how they are bad
>it's built into the drivers
Just updated - no it isn't. It's contained in the cancer that is GE and that program has always been a festering piece of shit. I'm not defending nvidia on this - this is unbelievably shitty. But it can be avoided.
there is nothing more annoying than the shit-awful quality of amd proprietary linux drivers

make sure your kernel and xorg is 6 months out of date at all times or you can forget fglrx
>tfw just bought a laptop with nvidcuck gpu
should have went with amd.
Amd proprietary drivers has telemetry too.

If you only use open drivers then you don't need to worry about OPs news.
>using XORG
>not using Wayland
>using proprietary drivers
>not using the latest kernel from kernel.org
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All post-Core 2 Intel CPUs have a hardware backdoor built into them (as do all post-FX AMD CPUs). That's far worse than a telemetry program that takes a couple of clicks to disable.

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>If you only use open drivers then you don't need to worry about OPs news.

Is this telemetry shit also in the proprietary drivers used on linux?
Interesting - what card do you have? Because I just installed 375.70 and I don't have any telemetry entries.

It could also be a Win10 only thing.
no, use Linux-libre 4.8.6
>hardware backdoor
You clearly don't understand how Intel ME works.
I can only advise you to kys immediately.
GTX 1070. Fresh install of 375.70 via DDU this morning with only the HD audio driver and PhysX checked.

Five (5) shekels have been deposited into your Intel Customer Experience account. Thank you for your continued hard work.
I don't know about nvidia as i'm an amd user nor on amd cause i've to use the open drivers so my system keeps working after updates.
[lucas@box ~]$ pacman -Qi nvidia
Name : nvidia
Version : 375.10-1
Description : NVIDIA drivers for linux
Architecture : x86_64
URL : http://www.nvidia.com/
Licenses : custom
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : linux>=4.8 linux<4.9 nvidia-utils=375.10 libgl
Optional Deps : None
Required By : None
Optional For : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Installed Size : 6.89 MiB
Packager : Felix Yan <[email protected]>
Build Date : Sat 22 Oct 2016 05:51:03 AM CEST
Install Date : Sun 06 Nov 2016 05:57:52 PM CET
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Validated By : Signature
Should I be worried?
>The Intel Management Engine with its proprietary firmware has complete access to and control over the PC: it can power on or shut down the PC, read all open files, examine all running applications, track all keys pressed and mouse movements, and even capture or display images on the screen. And it has a network interface that is demonstrably insecure, which can allow an attacker on the network to inject rootkits that completely compromise the PC and can report to the attacker all activities performed on the PC. It is a threat to freedom, security, and privacy that can't be ignored.

Thanks for trying to Correct the Record though, Schlomo. :^)
interesting - I'm looking through their installer and NvTmMon is definitely in there, but it does not appear to have been installed on my PC. I have a 980. Only place the file installed to was the standard nvidia extraction directory and a directory in my temp folder. Where is NvTmMon on your system?
It's possible that they're only interested in Pascal users, if it was missing on both a 570 and a 980. The installed version on my system is located at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core

There's also one in a C: root directory, but that's just the unpacked installation files.
yeah, I just had the C:\ root and a temp file that looks like it was left over from 7zip

980 master race I suppose
>source: Richard underStallman's diary
Well, at least you tried.
Most ME functionality you talk about is completely optional and needs to be enabled manually in order to work.
You can actually check if the "network interface" is enabled by opening this site: localhost:16992
If it's unreachable that means you're safe. Negroid.
If you'd work in IT managing thousands of machines you'd understand why Intel ME/AMT is so fucking glorious.
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Hmm, do I trust the Libreboot developers, or some anonymous shill on 4chan? Boy, that's a real toughie. I need some time to think about this.
If you believe anything you read on the internet without investigating by yourself, you're a retard.
Processor itself CANNOT read any files or do anything harmful UNLESS you enable it by yourself, and ALLOW this to happen, ie. by installing Windows driver for ME
It's like bitching about iLO or iDRAC interfaces in servers, because OH BOY SO INSECURE, THEY'RE SPYING ON ME! RICHARD, SAVE US!
God damnit you're fucking stupid.
also this meme response to a bunch of actual arguments. I bet you're 16 at most.
jeebus christ
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this is what's called overextending your company

Nvidia - It's a policy that ensures a healthy mix of the rich and the ignorant.
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>nodejs launcher
only the ti
so, no telemetry then?

Thanks Based AMD

Lisa Su values your privacy
he's just a really big fan of that movie
He's an AMD shill pretending that the equivalently priced AMD card is not 50%-150% worse-performing, even outside goywork crap.

Personally the performance degradation is too much currently. i was hyped to get a fury x (since 490 information neverever) but decided to get a 1070 in the end.
Have you never heard of this wondrous invention called a bios?
Or perhaps you think microcontrollers are powered by space pixies?
According to you, FPGA are as real as unicorn I gather.
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