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>Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer led illegal purge of male employ

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Thread replies: 243
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>Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer led illegal purge of male employees


i guess now we know why Yahoo went from being the most iconic tech company on Earth to literal who status overnight
>archive link
do you have an actual link or are you some kind of retard?
bad girl
>calls someone a retard
>doesnt realize every archive link contains the source url
kill yourself
Good girl! I liked seeing her fight against the patriarchy...but the patriarchy is deeply rooted in society, and that is why Yahoo failed. The men used their privilege to disable us... but we WILL fight back!

Go girl!
i'm not going to visit an arbitrary archive link. why would you even use archive in the first place? please don't tell us it's to obfuscate traffic or something. that's not why the archive exists, you fucking gargantuan retard.
>you will never hear her insane laugh as your nose tickles her butthole

Hold me.
get a diagnosis for autism
no one needs to justify anything to a deranged faggot like you.
Its a good idea to avoid shilling and clickbait discussion and focus on what is going on.
>you will never be ms.mayers boyslave just to keep your job
if you don't want to click it just leave the thread and leave the discussion for those that read the article
What the hell is wrong with an archive link anyway?
What a beauty.
She's probably kinky as fuck.
triggers his ocd
hes probably some faggot from one of those "tech" tabloids and wants to shill against the practice
Nothing at all
>Its a good idea to avoid shilling and clickbait discussion and focus on what is going on.
it's also a great vector for attack. and it's an abuse of the web archive service, which is so strapped for resources as it is.

please stop using the web archive as a host for content. it's not well-funded. it can't handle people using it as a backup host for everything. that's not what it was designed for. make a donation so they can keep operating and then move on from this idiotic practice.
its like a pimp offer a cleab hooker and then you say
"Why are you offering me this piece of shit, i want that one there with AIDS!"

you are a fucking retard
literally what the fuck are you talking about? did you have a stroke?
People use it just for shitty sites they don't want to give revenue to, relax. Nobody is constantly abusing the archive.
Back to the topic of the thread, this is disgusting but not surprising at all, I wonder if anything will come of the lawsuits or if she will wiggle out of it
the archive link is better than the original you fucking autists

the original is full of AIDS javascript and shit
Prob to not give the real website any views.
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did she started doing it when she noticed nobody was fallin for her looks and everybody was laughing at her weird laugh?

Why did it take over two years to open a lawsuit? Is that usually how long it takes for these things?
it's easier to kick them in the cunt when they are going down in flames.
Too much shit going on, bigger chances to settle for a juicy sum.
Giving feminists SJWs education & voting rights was a mistake
Got through the first 3 seconds. Fucking hell that's the stuff of nightmares. Imagine living with that.

>Giving women education & voting rights was a mistake


Boko haram, the Taliban were right.
Daily reminder Firefox uses Yahoo as default search engine

I really need to leave this SJW browser ... but Chrome is a SJW botnet, don't know what to do
use Brave. its nearing its final release.
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I'd purge her backdoor innocence if you know what i mean
Nothing will happen. It's basically impossible to prove discrimination with regards to layoffs unless there's written evidence of a campaign to target a specific demographic.

When the final release comes out I will try to switch over, secondary authentication for Lastpass doesn't work for me right now (using Transakt)

I'm looking at Maxthon Vivaldi and UC Browser right now. There's just not many option, I think Vivaldi is connected to the google botnet
You stupid fucking idiot. Jesus
>butthurt limp-wrist got fired because he sucked at his job and is now suing using the weakest argument ever

What a fag
her butthole is already the size of a watermelon , he provab6 thinks an little more can go in
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Women use it all the time and it works, so why not?
>its like a pimp offer a cleab hooker and then you say
>"Why are you offering me this piece of shit, i want that one there with AIDS!"
I forward all yahoo mail to gmail so that even google can spy on me.

that's linus trovalds photoshopped.
> most iconic tech company

stop lying
nothing, he's either trolling or being a retard
they were literal whos long before 2012 when they hired her
Posting the archive link doesn't give the site real views for ad revenue

The way I looked at it was you could be sure the OP isn't just shilling their website if they post the archive link
Top kekkles
sorry grandpa, 1973 was 86 year ago
That make sense. But doesn't that kind of hurt the legitimacy of the lawsuit? If the guy truly felt he was treated unfairly, he should have gone to the press immediately. Waiting until now makes it seem like the guy is trying to cash out before the company goes under.
It still makes sense. I doubt he was seriously hurt emotionally by this. There would be no point if there was no chance of success.
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While I understand the arguments regarding shilling or avoiding ads, seeing the source URL of the article is useful for filtering at a glance.

Remember also that reporting on this news at all runs counter to the SJW culture dominating Western news cycles. I have read the article and in my opinion it states available fact without bias or editorial spin. I for one choose to recognize this as a useful and to some degree a brave act in the current cultural climate.
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She looks a lot like Joe from Joe Goes
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this poster has been proven to be underage
>he doesnt know about archive

I wasn't even aware that yahoo still existed since a couple of weeks ago when they got like 500 millions accounts hacked. Not surprised of such incompetency when reading the link in OP.
I non ironically thought yahoo was long gone, like a decade ago.
>former Google executive?s
Why cant Mercury news into UTF8
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The only reason they're still alive is cause if their stocks on alibaba, otherwise they'd be long gone.
Your post is the most idiotic thing i've seen all day, and this is 4chan. You are either a complete retard, or should truly get medical help for your severe autism.
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The cunts are believing their own rhetoric and actively engaging in war with us.

What a laugh.

Brothers, how long will you let the inferior roasts perch on your back, bewitching our fellow males into oppressing their own sex? Is this not ridiculous? Is this not obscene? Cast them off and reclaim the throne!

It is time the cunt menace tastes REAL power.

Do not hire cunts.
Do not mate with cunts.
Do not give gifts to cunts.

Do what it takes. They must be ejected as the feckless parasites they are.

We are at war, brothers! WAR!
this is why it is critical for them to overthrow capitalism, because any company doing this is duly punished by the market and forced to sell out

now with globalization that's largely impossible, it will simply mean offshoring of the same functions (provided they actually had any utility to begin with, 'Yahoo' can be effectively replaced in the market with 'Nothing' and we'd all be fine)

in the larger picture putting women in tech means failure of large American tech firms and moving the industry to countries without destructive social policies and ideologies. Exactly as planned
>"Hurrr I hate archive links because I'm too stupid to think"
Thats you. Thats how you sound.
Yahoo never was anything to begin with. The only reason they had great success in the past was because they were one of the few non-shit email providers available, but that changed fast.

You have to go back
Hello newfriend, sorry we don't accept that excuse.

So she laughs like a Brazilian on crack?
You seriously surprised of the actions committed by an affirmative action hire?
>Yahoo was never anything to begin with
>You have to be 18 to post on 4chan
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>get rid of male employees and rely on "the sisterhood"
>company goes down the shitter

Color me surprised.
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The same thing happened to the Huffington Post. They posted this picture to demonstrate their diversity. It didn't work.

He works for cuckfeed probably
>those 2 chinks to pretend they're not racist
Pathetic. Where are the african women ? This is 2016, the era of white female is over.
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Men are (naturally) driven to succeed whether being an individual or part of a team against another team (in this place, running a company). Women, not so much. They are driven to do what is necessary in order to create safe spaces for fragile emotions every other month.
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>“When Savitt began at Yahoo the top managers reporting to her … including the chief editors of the verticals and magazines, were less than 20 percent female. Within a year and a half those top managers were more than 80 percent female,”

So what? You clearly didn't think it was a problem when less than 20% of top management was women.
not technology

Horrible article.

Should read "Suit alleges"
Very much so, although she take a few seconds to properly charge up
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>So what? You clearly didn't think it was a problem when less than 20% of top management was women.

So what? Why do you need more than 20%? Would you rather it was 50%? Why the arbitrary 50/50? Simply because you think it is "fair"?

Men have been building civilization and successful businesses etc. for ever just fine without women. That is not to say women cannot be part of a successful business. But best leave running things to the creators of civilization eh.
That's funny because that's exactly the kind of backlash they got from other SJWs.
You're 1/2 right, women just want to have families and security to raise their kids in. The male drive for success comes indirectly from wanting to inseminate as many girls as they can. We are hard on ourselves and compete with others to try and create the most value to get the most/best mates.

It's evolutionary tendencies. Its easy to rag on women about safe spaces but they just want security
Explain to me how a 20/80 gender split in management constitutes gender bias when its clearly been that way (or probably more stilted) for most of the company's existence.

It's funny how under the whole feminazi propaganda they would have you believe men were ebil sexist racists just keeping women out of any positions of "power" when, in fact, men naturally are driven to succeed. Now the SJWs are "in power" they get to implement their actual sexist racist policies to the detriment of everyone. What a hoot!

>put a cunt in charge of anything

Serves them right. I'm glad most of their work got outsourced to India while they were at it.
>It's evolutionary tendencies. Its easy to rag on women about safe spaces but they just want security

Understandable but it doesn't work too well running a multinational company.

-alleged one person
>Explain to me how a 20/80 gender split in management constitutes gender bias

I don't think it is bias at all. I think it was the natural tendency of men to congregate together to form groups that fulfil an objective. It so happens in this case they were in a company called Yahoo! Just like almost every other successful company.
Some guy is just butthurt that Myers didn't recognize his clear and obvious evolutionary advantages of being good at computers.
>literal who status overnight
Dude that happened way back when they killed Geocities.
Yahoo has been circling the toilet for well over a decade at this point. Mayer did great flipping that albatross.


Don't worry. All-Female companies just eat themselves alive anyway.
Let Yahoo go that way. It'll self destruct.
The Purge: Election Year
Nigger you are either a tech "news" website employee or the most gigantic retard I've seen on 4chan all week.
>used to be 20% female 80% male
>now 80% female and 20% male

The problem is that these progressive fucks are a bunch of liars. They say they want equality and to eliminate bias but the second they get into power, they just change the game so that it's biased in their favor.
>shit-tier workers get bad review
>get fired
>Yahoo’s diversity reports indicate that the percentage of women in leadership positions at the company rose slightly to 24 percent in 2015 from 23 percent in 2014

jesus you freaking betas need hel
So what are you gonna do about it? Actually try to make things equal or just be petulant and bratty about it?
we tried equality and diversity, it doesnt work. time to go back.
Yahoo has always been shit or well the way I've seen it all my life. Always behind google and msn (for news and current events back in the 2000's)
Soon™ (Valve Time)
t. Marissa
Offended lefty detected
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let's pretend this is bait.

I don't mind direct links or the pain to visit the actual page in case OP hacked the archive for lulz
sjw people, sjw people... they never fail to surprise people.
>i guess now we know why Yahoo went from being the most iconic tech company on Earth to literal who status overnight
When she became CEO, the company was already failing
gave me a boner.
>it can't handle people using it as a backup host for everything. that's not what it was designed for
that is literally what it was made for
Why are women so simple and predictable /g/ ?

In third grade girls in my class were obsessed with this battle of the sexes idea and "girls are better than boys" mentality. Do you all remember this phase?

Well, it can be plainly seen now in this instance and in others that women have the mentality and world view as third graders. They have the minds of children. They carried this childish battle of the sexes idea all the way into adulthood and beyond and are now attempting to infiltrate video games? and the tech industry to conduct systematic purges? Of course the men around them have long forgotten about this game, they don't even know the women are still playing this pointless infantile crusade so they allow it . This world is a bad meme, women are a meme, democracy is a meme, non of it works. Western Civilization is crumbling because it was built on memes, People aren't equal, egalitarianism is a meme, DNA is a blueprint and guideline written by the the architect of nature, these stupid marxist sluts think they are better than god, this world is done, it desearves to be annihilated in nuclear hellfire
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this is embarassing
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yea, go home reddit. you're drunk.
>le evil SJW bogeyman
grow up
>illegally purging men
>not SJW
she single-handedly killed Yahoo.
just fucking kill yourself you beta c-u-c-k faggot
Women don't make good tech company CEOs. It's just the truth; they don't understand the culture. Look what happened to Hewlett-Packard, look what happened to Yahoo, look what happened to Theranos. These large companies have had completely unqualified women lead them simply because they want to promote women in tech. Mayer's biggest accomplishment as CEO was shitting out two kids (WOW AMAZING WOMYN!).
>we are no longer accepting comments on this article
Too fucking kek, thanks for the good read anon
This may be the most simple yet insightful take on this I've ever read.
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Anyone who uses an exclamation mark in their branding deserves for their company to die.

Also this fucking captcha.
This. Fucking autists
That site causes a major meltdown in the Wiki editors. Seems someone thought they were so important that the idea should be carried over here.

This. Same here.
>Walk into 2pm meeting
>See this
>"I'm sorry, no one told me I'd be leading the meeting today"
>360 degrees and walk away while they pussies swimming with dolphins.
I'm not clicking that shit it could forward me to a virus.
sure thing tech tabloid employee, i mean totally casual /g/ user
This is pure gold...
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>woman put in charge
>shit hits the fan

feminism, everybody.
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could this potentially be you?
>can pay females les <supdedly
>females are naturally each others worse enemy
>female ceo fires all males and highers more females
Reading comprehension. In the examples listed (and studied), the women were more likely to be put in charge AFTER "shit" had already hit "the fan".

Not that I expected any different reactions.
>part of a series on feminism
sure reddit
And a fedora tip to you too, autist.
>Why are women so simple and predictable
They can be simple... but predictable?
Another concept invented to absolve women of responsibility for their own decisions and failures.
hurr durr i want power without accountability
I want to impregnate her.
It's pretty accurate, though.
Women brought down the Assyrian empire. That kind of history stays with you.
It went from 20% female to 80%. That kind of change doesn't just happen.
Sometimes, change has to be forced for the better good.
Time for men to actually stop being pussies and start doing blue collar work like real men are supposed to do.
This guy gets it. There's a reason that "typing pools" of women did most early computer stuff.
>i guess now we know why Yahoo went from being the most iconic tech company on Earth to literal who status overnight

So now it's: yeah, who?
Women was a mistake
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>letting a woman be ceo

Honestly, we cannot invent artificial wombs and sexbots fast enough.
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would u?
yes im so horny id be her personnel pusy licker
Make this real.
oh fugg im laughin
>tfw shes a mom
>tfw some guy is lucky enough to come in that every night
I'd do it in the boardroom
While they're all watching
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did someone shoop this to show her bra?
What do Yahoo even do now days?
some dresses show more transparency when you take the a picture of them with flash
my thoughts exactly

someone should put linus' glasses on that pic
exist as the punchline
But that's what I do.
I want to hate fuck her and I am a tranny.
>Two of the skinny girls often snidely said about the largest girl: 'I'd kill myself if I got that fat.' One of the assistants got her own back on the food police for several weeks by pretending to buy them fat-free lattes. . . which were really full-fat.

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>3d woman broken tech companies
>2d woman make great tech companies
I still believe Lisa Su can save AMD. I hope she can anyway. She's probably the best person for the job short of an executive from like Intel taking over the company anyway.
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You can't save things are dead. Sad but true.
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This is retarded bait on so many levels

Science Rules
Good goy, go extinct so I may build my harem of 72 virgins.
>They posted this picture to demonstrate their diversity
I don't think that's how diversity works.
Even though Marissa is leaving Yahoo! she still wants to see the company's next chapter.
Yeah, Marissa, that'll be Chapter 11.
Good job, bitch.
They own Tumblr.
>“Of the approximately 16 senior-level editorial employees hired or promoted by Savitt … in approximately an 18-month period, 14 of them, or 87 percent, were female,” the lawsuit said.

she moves quickly
i thought it was because 90% of their staff worked from home
she needs a good spanking
i want her to sit on my face, kick my balls and fire me from yahoo in the moment i cum
>sits on your face for half and hour while kicking you in the balls
>when you come she fires you from AMD
oh no
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>yfw she will now set all houses of males on fire
It is. Not white male = diversity.
That's literally the only meaning in 2016



And no man = equality.
Seems you got triggered hard.

Maybe 4chan isn't the place for your kind.
she's a bad girl, she needs to be punished. for real though she's too hot to be a ceo, should've been a stripper and still would've made mad dough
Why the jews allow to this woman broken their company?

Lisa Su is better.
>Why did they put the chinks at the back.
They cashed out long ago, the company doesn't matter to them anymore. Marissa is a Jew too and deserves to play the CEO game.
>preserves content when thread gets archive and article vanishes
>saves people with shitbox computers from js bloat
>the original link is at the top of the page, use it you want
MRA are the most pathetic humans alive.


>destructive social policies and ideologies
To be fair most other countries are incredibly corrupt. Except in their case the cause is poverty and poor law enforcement while in our case it is deluded voters who think hiring based on merit is an obstacle to equality.

Ironically voter delusion contributes to corruption which in turn contributes to phenomena like old boys clubs.
What do MRAs have to do with anything?

I don't see any virgins complaining about how life is hard when you're the sex that's naturally able to do more physical work (like women who can't get those jobs at all, naturally, are any happier,.oh poor men though, they don't have excuses when they're NEETs!), just a sexist bitch going on trump-tier bigotry rampages. All she's missing is the sexual harassment and burning hatred of mexicans.

it's pretty much fact that this point that a white, blonde american is going to be a very self righteous, prejudiced piece of wannabe-hitler shit, regardless of how much love and peace they preach.

look in the alt-right, and look in the new left. look at all those well off whiteys telling brothers what they want and telling women what jobs they should get.
Stop bitching start inventing. The only thing stopping you complaing fucks is yourself. #HillaryOverkill
I'd grab her pussy.

>is probably 16
All this drama because businesses want to hire the best person for the job.
She's just doing her fiduciary responsibility since you can pay women 23% less than their male counterparts. Right?
>ITT outrage about discrimination against men
>so let's discriminate against women and act like fucking MRAs
>Let's do the same thing they do, that sure will fix it!
You retards are literally no different than them. This is embarrassing.
How is merit based hiring discriminatory against women, unless you think women lack merit?
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Your arguing with a retarded feminazi. They literally have no clue how the world works.

>not diverse

>But they all have the same skin colour!

fuck off
/mu/ and /pol/, get fuck out to your boards.
Good bait.
>"Sire, the neighbouring country has pillaged one of our fiefs. Shall we retaliate?"
>"Nay! We would just be sinking to their level. Let them pillage all they want. In the end, we're right."
Fucking kek
If they had turned things around, they wouldn't have been listed.

Holy fuck, is this real? Ahahahahahahaha, redditors hit new lows each day.
Yeah companies don't usually change their CEOs for no reason. The fact remains that she's an incompetent shitter who spent 1 billion usd on tumblr
>greentext and quotes
hi plebbit!
>says the guy who had half his dick chopped off when he was born, while the television obsesses about female genital mutilation in africa
What's really shocking about this picture are all the cuckbooks.
Wait, why are you assuming I'm american? And why do you think that circumcision is acceptable here, either? It's done only if you have an actual medical need for it to be done, and not because "well, everybody does it; other children and the girls will think our child's dick is weird if we don't do it".
>merit based hiring
Literally nothing to do with my post. Read the fucking thread.
I underestimated your stupidity. I never implied you should do nothing, I'm saying the only thing you're doing is pissing in an ocean of piss. You're making a fool out of yourself and you're only giving them ammunition for them to say "See? We were right!". You're playing into their hands. Retards.
>all mac
Am I neurotic?
>why would you even use archive in the first place
in case they delete or edit the post you tard
but that hasn't happened. all you're doing is hammering a web archive service.

you point to the archive link after they've changed something. also, there's nothing in this article that suggests the outfit is going to change it. it's not embarrassing to themselves, and it's not factually inaccurate (and if it was, why would we want the archived, inaccurate version?)
This isn't about the principle of web archives - nobody's disputing the value of a web archive in general. This is about defaulting to web archives when posting links, and the harm that potentially and actually does to archives.

If you're using archive links to avoid ads (as someone earlier said), then you're putting web archives in the crosshairs of sites that expect to make money on ad revenue. It's one thing when 10,000 people show up, each with ad blockers. It's another when they can say that those 10,000 got the content from another site.

There's no DMCA safe harbor clause for web archives. Abusing them this way seriously risks them getting targeted by sites that use ads to survive.

If you're genuinely worried about longevity, posting a screencap of the article as the OP image would make the most sense of all the things I can think of. Why did the OP use a stock photo of Marissa Mayer instead of a screencap to preserve the article, if that was a worry?
>most iconic
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Yahoo hasn't Installed Gentoo.......it deserves to fail
my only question is should i switch now to gmail or wait till i see something about yahoo getting rid of it's email service?
didn't you read the article? he was performing adequately on all his reviews, then she came in, then suddenly he's not performing adequately. i guess he could be too busy RAPING her with his eyes, but it seems more likely she is a dumb SJW tumblrina. kys
prove you're still using yahoo mail and i'll take you seriously.
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>thread shows up on front page after being posted 36 hours ago

it triggers people on /g/

Maximum cringefest autism.
Are you daft? The point is that as soon as a woman was in power, in 1.5 years she drastically changed the gender makeup.

If a different company was 80% female and then in 1.5 years only 20% were male, SJWs would be doing the exact same thing, and they would have a good chance to win in court.

Is that fair? Is that equality? Is that just?
>blue collar work
>men don't primarily do construction! construction is a woman's world!
>xe/xir thinks it isn't a problem
get woke nigga, women have been destroying civilizations since the dawn of civilization itself
really makes you think
Well the memes that built Western Civilization were almost exclusively crafted and promulgated by men.
>His lawsuit also claims that Yahoo illegally fired large numbers of workers ousted under a performance-rating system imposed by Mayer. That allegation was not tied to gender.

What? Californian employment is at-will. I get the first allegation of discrimination, you can't do that. But if the second allegation is not tied to any discrimination why is it illegal? An employer in California can fire whomever it wants.

I blame the baby boomers
>i guess now we know why Yahoo went from being the most iconic tech company on Earth to literal who status overnight
Wait are you saying you think Yahoo was relevant before Mayer became CEO? LOLOLOLOLOL Yahoo was dead long before Mayer was in the picture.

She certainly didn't do it any favors though.
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