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Why do archfags still complain about sour grapes like it's

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Why do archfags still complain about sour grapes like it's 2011? Pretty much everyone on this board respects or uses arch by now, it's a slippery slope.

If anything, the sour grapes epidemic is working against gentoo, now. People either don't have the time to install it, or the time to learn how to use portage. Thus they conclude that gentoo is a "meme OS" because they can't use it efficiently. Am I wrong here? Most of you hate Gentoo because you haven't used it for more than a day.
>board respects or uses arch by now
AUR is garbage, Arch is too unstable, there is no package signing.
The only good thing to come out of the Arch community arguably is the wiki.
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Some anons already used Gentoo and/or want something easier because the have less time
Also >>56940519
I haven't used it long enough to tell, but it's not terribly unstable. Definitely beats my experiences with Debian and Ubuntu sid
I agree. Take this bastard for example>>56940519.
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>Pretty much everyone on this board respects or uses arch by now
Who hates Gentoo?
Both meme distros that are unnecessarily difficult to install.
I find it too time consuming with the number of machines I maintain. I don't hate it per-se, but I always end up resenting installing it eventually.
>respecting arch
nice meme.
Pretty much.

I like arch because it gets the job done for what I need. I just love aur and the arch repos. Other people like mint because it works for them. I just stop caring about what os is better and i care more about what works best for me.
>following a step-by-step guide
>unnecessary difficult
>manages to get through installation of his system by pushing enter a few times
>have a choice and 100% control over the computer
>you can't have control with a GUI installer
Gentoo: A spend 5 hours to compile-everything-from-source to satisfy open source fanatics

Arch: Up to minute repos for people who want to get things done and are not butthurt about proprietary licenses
i have never in my life seen someone run puppy linux
what the fuck is sour grapes
what the fuck is a search engine
>Arch Anywhere
You were saying?
sabayon uses equo instead of portage, doesn't it?
I search 'sour grapes epidemic linux' and 'sour grapes linux' and there's fucking nothing that explains what it is.
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anon are you okay
>the sour grapes epidemic
OP made it sound like some fucking big deal
Memes aside, source distros are niche and there isn't a whole lot of reason to use them unless you want to get the last drop of performance out of old hardware.

Arch and Debian memes are just shit-fights between two mindsets. One that's obsessed with current packages and the other that's obsessed with stability.
>no hardcore freetard stage
>le gentoo for performance meme
Easy to spot people that don't understand Gentoo.
I'm a Linux gamer, I get 20 fps more on gentoo than Ubuntu.
>slackware is not under bob dobbs
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>not posting the original
buuutt .... I use debian...
Profoundly disagree with putting Arch and Gentoo where they are, but yeah that bit is accurate.
I see more fat neckbeard types using debian or ubuntu than arch or gentoo honestly
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I'd like to point out that I find Arch just as shit as Gentoo
>Install sabayon.
>gentoo based.
>binary package manager.
>can also use portage.
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>Pretty much everyone on this board respects or uses arch by now
HAHAHHAHA.. this is what autists actually believe... ahhahhah
I use Debian so I reflexively hate on any other distro. I really can't help myself.
How old is this picture.
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>aimed at competent users
>this is what triggers the failed install butthurt.
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as in "ppl with too much time" who have nothing else to do but constantly fix problems.
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Autist got triggered! Go back on your meds, boy.
>tfw moved from Bunsen to Manjaro today
bretty gud
>constantly fix nothing.
>memes: the jaypeg
He couldn't install Arch, everybody.
Point at him.
Point at him, and laugh.
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> On Gentoo since 2004
How is your sustainability going...?
How will they ever recover?
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But muh Debian... gentoo btfo... arch btfo...
>This thread AGAIN.

Look, I don't have the time and autism for Gentoo. If I want custom desktops I'd just use Arch and move on with my life.
How do you use Gentoo efficiently? Can I install a desktop environment and basic applications from a usb in a few minutes? Will all hardware that I plug in "just werk" like in Ubuntu?
LEWL you said arch, Debian is better, btfo.
Debian is SJW, it's not better. Ubuntu is better than Debian
There is nothing wrong with Debian, Gentoo, Arch, Ubuntu, Mint, or any other distro. Stop cancer-posting your sperg faggots.
These threads are pretty much why I don't browse /g/ too often

Very basic non arguments about which distro is best distro.

That being said I'm curious as to what everyone here thinks of Manjaro. I personally think Arch is best, but Manjaro is my favorite.

Right now I'm on Ubuntu though because free time is stretched pretty thin.
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>There is nothing wrong with Debian, Gentoo, Arch, Ubuntu, Mint, or any other distro. Stop cancer-posting your sperg faggots.

It's all these arch autists that are constantly trying to divide Linux community with their weaponized autism. they're the fucking cancer of Linux community.
Manjaro is kill until Arch Anywhere stops being maintained.
Archfags call it the Retard distro along with Antergos

Anyone else doesn't give a shit about Manjaro, especially when no one talks about that distro too
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>Archfags call it the Retard distro along with Antergos
retarded NEETs calling other people retarded. kek'd!
>BMI of 39

I have never had any kind of issue with arch that eas not my own fault
You know, if you are trying to make a point you should stop pretending to be a 14 year old
Shit. This guy's been posting this for a year now.
Dude. You should have figured out how to install Arch by now.
Arch is fantastic, and has an active community

I really like the build from bottom-top philosophy, Manjaro is supposed to be the easy way to get Arch but I hate that they include Steam and all sorts of other apps, that's the sort of shit I'm trying to get away from
Sabayon is fucking trash. Get Calculate if you want to do that shit
debian and debian-based distros are shit
>no one knows about the god tier arch anywhere
Welcome to 2016
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>You know, if you are trying to make a point you should stop pretending to be a 14 year old
baby;s butthurt now that he was beaten with memes. kek

stupid basement dweller.
If it works for you, that's fine...?

It actually turned out to require too much attention to even keep on a "pet" VM in the past, but that's probably more relevant in the scope between 2004 and now than just now. Or so I hope.
Steve, i know it's you
Also that BJ you gave me was really good, i made your black shirt stain with my cum
Sabayon is honestly quite good. VM of choice to get a bunch of Linux tools on a Windows box.

Has been working fine a for like 3-4 years with very low maintenance now.
>he was beaten with memes
Exactly. You don't have actual arguments against Arch so you have to resort to memes.

Your filenames clearly suggests that you have been samefagging really hard in this thread. Which is really pathetic
If you knew, why couldn't you install it? :^)
I can literally install gentoo from memory and don't need to look at the handbook anymore

I can get a basic KDE environment in under 4 gb. Provided, of course I can put the portage tree and temporary build directories onto a ramdisk
what if your product is pools instead of quilts.
practicing pool building would be useful
in fact if you are making quilts you can go to the public pool
>simple as paste commands from a wiki.
No wonder you're so butthurt about not being able to install arch.
>Pretty much everyone on this board respects or uses arch by now

you do realize half of this board's user base is cancerous /v/ gaymers right?
Same. I've been with gentoo since '07. I won't use anything else. Don't fix what isn't broken.
Manjaro keeps locking up on reboot for me and I have to do a new install. Last time it happened, presumably because I added IME support (ibus, ibusqt, and various ibus jp lang packs), jp never worked, though others did, so I imagine it had something to do with that, and so the second I restarted it hung at boot. Third time it happened. On three installs, kernel upgrade, software installs, and ibus. I dunno why it keeps doing that. None of the other distros have ever done that, even when I upgrade linux, for instance I went from 3 something to 4 something in mint and it never even blinked.


Debian is what i learned to use linux on

use Antergos, it's basically arch with a dedicated team for the DE. pic related, it's mine.
if you had ever successfully installed Arch, you would realize all those memes you keep posting are bs.

sorry for the huge screenshot btw
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>if you had ever successfully installed Arch, you would realize all those memes you keep posting are bs.
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you're obviously using Linux to fill your time because you're a neet. people use Linux to do actual work and not just babysit their OS and shitpost on /g/, you know.
gibs me dat wallpapuh
I have a question for you

Why are you so bent out of shape about people using arch? Its not like they are going to force you to use it
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So much butthurt.
You do realise no one is taking you seriously, right?
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>Why are you so bent out of shape about people using arch? Its not like they are going to force you to use it
because you arch faggots are the fucking cancer.


look at this autist... he's still in denial.
Why did you quote me? Where did i imply i use arch im just laughing that you think debian is for gurus
Of what actually?
You are too coward to post a single point against arch accept for memes.

sure mate

>be 40 BMI manchild
>Live with parents
>No friends
>No jobs
>Virgin manlet
>Live to shitpost on an anonymous image forum
>Calling others cancer
hehehehe how is life being an obese abomination?
So in your mind what is the diffrence between running arch and running say ubuntu minimal? Are these not basically the same level of involvment?
Entire point of linux post 2010 is to set it up and forget about it and use it to dev or run apps on both desktop and server. You would know this if you had any kind of business sense and were using your programming/autism skills to be making a six figure salary at which point even for just the first 10 seconds you would toss out instantly timesinks like arch/gentoo/slack or whatever the new trend is. nobody is hiring for "linux autism associate" so the muh learning excuse doesn't go very far when your friends you used to be in contact with just 5 years ago are getting this kind of cash. If you don't use linux to do anything and your stupid circlejerk setup process IS your "work", it's more like a suicide note
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how much do you weigh? 250? 300lbs?
>Entire point of linux post 2010 is to set it up and forget about it and use it
In regards to what? People PAY for system maintainers and sysadmins?
>post 2010
what do you mean post 2010?

They have their own niche as desktop usage. People have preference in package managers, release cycle, source/binaries

Grow up, NEET
Actually I am not, see >>56942641.

And I know it's you, manchild
>arch anywhere
>run installer
>select options
>choose DE if you like
>let installer run
>forget it

So set up and forget it
bullshit. post a picture of your hand... I mean, your weiner flipper.
Ah that denial lmao
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This is incredibly accurate
What your not going to make fun of my fat fucking hand?
I was using gentoo then switched to arch before September, I go to a full time job + college. I barely have the time to maintain even fucking arch these days. However, I still think that Gentoo is the superior distro between the two but you have to give it a minimum of a couple of hours of attention for updates and eselect news if you're already used to the system or an hour per day if you're gnu to it.
13 years of linux use and 9 years of professional systems administration. I use Ubuntu now. Been through the ringer with every kind of distro. At bottom they're all the same. Wars and memes are stupid.
This i use arch because arch best suits my needs no other reason
> minimum of a couple of hours of attention for updates and eselect news if you're already used to the system
> couple of hours
Wat. You just run "emerge --sync && emerge -uND world --keep-going y" or whatever floats your boat and do your daily shitposting, go train or whatever until your computer is done in a bunch of minutes (or hours if it's terrible).

The only thing that you might have to interact with until the configuration updates or any errors you feel like addressing is the initial blockers in case your dependencies or use-flags don't pass dependency resolution. I tend to do that manually, but you can also just "--autounmask y" or whatever you prefer.
>no package signing
You're memes are waaay outdated.
I was using Arch years ago when they brought in package signing. 90% of AuR packages were signed within months.
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>arch for woman
Oh dear.
I can see you've never used arch, but I'm glad you appreciate the wiki.
Similar story, though I settled on Fedora because I work with RHEL all day and I can't keep duplicate terminal commands in my head.

All the major distributions are good, all the minor ones with good developers are alright too. No hate here.
Doesn't it bother you that they're not rolling distros? Do you have your home on its own partition and you just reinstall every so often? I mean both distro are good, but I've been trying to find a nice rolling distro to have something more up to date.
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thanks for confirming everything we know about Archfags.

It's a periodic bother, but something I've accepted and yeah, I have a home partition that just goes through the motions when I reinstall. The benefit to not being rolling is that the headaches come about periodically and you can prepare for them accordingly. Rolling requires me to keep a regular eye on a mailing list. I just don't want to do that anymore.
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Holy shit you must be the smallest little manlet in the history of mankind ahahahahahah
Hi did you guise fix the bug of not having anti harassment code of conduct in the mailing list? XD
I've never seen a post against gentoo, at least not a relevant one.
Not him but I checked that picture and converted my height from centimeters to see where I am on that. It's 6'1 and not quite 6'2.

I know there are tons of people who are taller than me but where ever I go I see the majority of people being shorter than me. Having just barely been qualified as non-manlet sounds wrong. I would at least consider it average height.
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because picture related
This thread has turned into "Learning hard, be stupid like me HURRRRR you dumb and ugly and fat because no dumb like me."
Wonder howmany of them are on phones.
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We all know you misspelled Mein Kampf.
These threads are becoming a meme.

>Thus they conclude that [insert operating system here] is a "meme OS" because they can't use it efficiently.

This is a meme now.

And ugh, gentoo is a meme OS because it is a meme on this board.
>install gentoo
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>60 billion cum downloads
But Stallman insults Gentoo.
This makes no fucking sense. Ubuntufag.
I used Gentoo for a day (Took me one to install it too) and after that experience I respect people able to use it.
>I can't install Arch
Not that guy but there actually was a year or so where those memes were at least somewhat true, and sadly that was exactly when I started using Arch. I had X break every other update (thanks AYYYMD), random packages wouldn't work, display managers almost never worked properly, etc.

The only kink left these days are some fucked display managers that either don't start or crash back to the login screen when trying to log in, but even then once you have a working one you just stick with it, and updates don't usually break them. I haven't had anything else break in a loooong time.
The Arch Way installation weeds out the retards and causes them butthurt when they're incapable of installing Arch. If you can't install Arch, you will not be able to use Arch even if you install it with something like Arch Anywhere. If you want memes, here's one: Arch is user-friendly, it just chooses its friends WISELY.
The first time I tried Arch it still had a graphical installer.
I've installed it 2 or 3 more times since.
And never thought it had any more issues than any other distro of the time
There was a fairly long stretch of changes requiring manual intervention, and the one guy who managed the updater by himself got pissed off and quit.
No one wanted to pick up the mantle, but he got a nice appreciative thank you on the arch news.
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