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Thread replies: 326
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git gud at collecting evidence from other sources
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>criminals start encrypting other sources
They should also ban safes, and whispering secrets in people's ears
I'd laugh if in the future, a police department in a big city gets hacked due to a "secure backdoor" and all their files get leaked.
oh well
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>encrypt your drugs before selling them
>encrypt your bullets before shooting them
>get gun
>shoot policeman
>15 minutes of fame

Sorry, officer, but I don't give a fuck.
Soon we'll be able to encrypt our drugs, in addition to downloading a car!
Stop muddying the waters, no one's suggesting we ban anything. What we want is to provide law enforcement with backdoors for cases like these. You can still use encryption and you'll still have your privacy. Nothing will change for you unless you're a criminal and you give the police enough cause for a warrant.

And if your post was supposed to be an argument for encryption, then it failed miserably, because what it does precisely is underline the crucial difference between cryptography and other physical forms of protection. Safes and doors can be pried open (and may be if the police gets a warrant), but strong encryption cannot. That's exactly why we need secure backdoors, and having them is perfectly justified.

So your argument is not only moot - we already admit the possibility of forcing your safe open with a warrant -, it also proves asymmetric backdoors are a necessity in order to level encryption to other forms of privacy protection and not give it special status.

So much this.

Also, stop letting the third world invade and blaming the obvious symptoms. We didn't need any of this shit in the 50's
>not shouting your every conversation into a megaphone directed at the nearest police officer
I didn't know you hated America so much
>he thinks nobody is a criminal

Sometimes, elderly people drive too slow on the autobahn. That's illegal and illegal stuff makes criminal.

Kill yourself, you are a criminal as well.

Something you do is criminal. I've seen it on TV.
Just because our physical methods of protecting personal property have inherent and exploitable flaws doesn't mean our digital ones should.
You're advertising a bug as a feature, and then going the extra step of saying that its such a good feature that it should be present in ALL security measures we use to protect personal property.
But also the police can come open your safe and take things whenever they want, without a warrant, and you'd never know.
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>secure backdoors







>Nothing will change for you unless you're a criminal and you give the police enough cause for a warrant.
If they have enough info to know that for sure, they don't need to decrypt your files to put you in prison.
If they don't need proff but "enough suspicion" congratulations! You essentially surrendered your civil rights.
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Dude is uninformed or malicious.
>If they have enough info to know that for sure, they don't need to decrypt your files to put you in prison.
Not true at all. Learn the difference between circumstantial evidence (enough to get a warrant, but not to convict) and direct evidence (sufficient for conviction).

Why are law ignorants opinionated about law?
tough shit, crack it like the rest of us, or shut the fuck up.
and if you make someone give a fingerprint, or password, go fuck your selves as people are entitled to keep that to their selves.

>tough shit, crack it like the rest of us, or shut the fuck up.
Sure, wait a sec ordering a quantum computer...

>people are entitled to keep that to their selves
You give that right up the minute you commit a crime.

Off yourself!
Not that guy, but he's half right. You can't get sent to prison for, for example, CP if the Feds claim you've got some but your files are encrypted. But you CAN get sent to prison for obstruction of justice of you refuse to decrypt the files and prove that they're not CP.
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Meanwhile in Paris during the attacks, no encryption whatsoever, plain SMS and MMS communication.

Even if all those cases were not encrypted, they still wouldn't be able to solve them due to their human intelligence being bottom-of-the-toilet-tier.
yeah the thing is that criminality is not inherent to anyone while privacy is

Privacy is a meme, there's no "right to privacy" in the Bill of Rights.
>what is the fourth amendment
HSA has already released papers talking about how backdoors aren't a good idea because it makes things easier for actually dangerous organized criminals who can afford to craft bespoke encrypted and/or encoded communication systems rather than some piddly mass murderers.
You just shot yourself in the foot. I'll give you a minute to realize your contradiction and delete your post so you don't embarrass yourself further.
Criminality is inherent to society. Even among the police forces themselves, and even within the Internal Control itself.
All it takes for criminality to exist is for a person to not have a submissive personality,
for a person to have a bit more courage (whether by personality or by forced circumstances),
and for a person to have some intelligence in half the cases (planning, finding loopholes, seeking benefits and constructing a scheme around them).

For criminality to stop being inherent in society, you must first completely force all of society to be submissive by purging any babies who show a non-submissive potential when they grow up,
and you must ensure that everyone becomes stupid to the last person on this planet.
If you've noticed, it's more often than not the intelligent people who are the biggest assholes. The higher the intelligence, the less expectation from existence itself, the more potential for assholery.
The problem is that you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but compelling fingerprints before conviction is a guilt assumption. There's too much power there, you can just assume everybody's guilty and build up that dank fingerprint database. It's a data mining grab.
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We never would have found that information if encrypted.
>nothing will go wrong if you have nothing to hide >:^)
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When you found it, it was too late.
You could have stopped it.

But the police is already entitled to demand your fingerprints, DNA and whatnot if they get a warrant, anon. Are you suggesting we go even further back and strip the police of all its investigative powers?
If they have a warrant, then that's fine as they should already done some police work and found compelling evidence to present to a judge, I have no problem with that. I just don't want to see a dystopia that turns into stop, frisk, oh and a fingerprint scan. Not that I can do anything about it.
Well you're in luck, because that's exactly what's not happening.
You already have the possibility to demand to decrypt the data and if the person does not comply hold him in contempt of court. What else do you want?
Hello Big Brother!
>invite millions of feral niggers and racial aliens with a massive chip on their shoulder and a delusional sense of entitlement to a wealthy, developed country for no reason
>civic space becomes so criminal, tense and warped that foreign tourists don't even recognise france any more
>somehow this is an issue with "encryption" or "human intelligence"
This is New York we're talking about, and a stop and frisk advocate is one of the two potential presidential candidates, so it wouldn't surprise me.

Nice racism, you idiot.
Stop and Frisk isn't coming back. It wasn't officially ruled on but it's just about an inch away from being legally unconstitutional. And I'm sure if Trump tries to add it back enough people will be butthurt into oblivion and make it ACTUALLY unconstitutional. So don't worry about it.
>on 4chan
nooooo how could this happen
fuck off newfag and go back to tumblr, no safe spaces here
>Stop and Frisk isn't coming back
Another great reason to avoid New York, thanks.
GR#3 you dumb namefag.
Yes, and while this is technically true in my country it goes against its constitution.
In priciple proof either is or isn't. Circumstancial proof lato sensu is only suspicion.
Well, can't please everyone.
ha ha cry more pigs
did he at any moment say black>white? or spic<white? no racism, just terms you fucking tumblrina nigger
You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

show me where banter is prohibited in on-topic threads pajeet
Get used to it. The majority of the Human population is racist.
Only white guilters aren't, and only the ones in a 1/3rd of Europe and in North America.
>encryptards are filthy subversive anarchists
Why am I not surprised?
>[t]he right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized

Please show me how the fourth amendment is against privacy, I'm really interested.
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I completely support this, "muh privacy" twats need to be shot and hanged


This. Companies like Google should be obliged to provide information like messages if it is part of a criminal investigation, and ESPECIALLY if the authorities have a court order to collect evidence

How the companies do it, I don't care. Obviously at the moment Google/Apple say "well it's encrypted so even WE can't see it!". Well then you need to build in a way so that authorities can access the unencrypted messages if needed.

If you disagree with this, you're a child. An actual child.
>secure backdoor

How would that even work?

Don't worry, you'll agree with him once you graduate high school.
Nice heheheehe
>Only white guilters aren't, and only the ones in a 1/3rd of Europe and in North America.
what? I'm not racist but white guilt is dumb and niggers can't follow police commands
>b-but you use a system that benefits the white and was built on black
and? Native americans also contributed and you don't see us kissing their asses. Point out a single system that benefits only white people other than a shower
>you'll agree with him once you graduate high school.
>ad hominem
Awesome Work Rajesh! We enjoy having diversity here at Intel so here are a few shekels to keep you around, keep it up! :D
>500 USD have been deposited in you account
we hope that this is enough, we want to see more of you!
Today's backdoor is tomorrow's security hole.
If someone can get in, someone can get in.

As a country we should be making our computer systems MORE secure against foreign threats, not less.
Not him but don't put all anarchists in the same bag.
I'm against giving more power to my state because my states makes decisions I disagree with. It is quite litterally an antagonist to my interests.
One that I can't decide to leave easily, since it laid claim to my life by "granting" me citizenship at birth.

I'm not rooting to make the government go down. But I'm against giving it more power. The government isn't a god figure, a benevolent association or an ideal. It's an ensemble of people with ideas about how to direct the country.

It's perfectly reasonable to disagree with theses peoples. As long as your scope of action is to root against giving them more power over you. Of course setting fire to trashcans is stupid.
Lol do you even know what SJW stands for, kid?

Okay, if you'd rather be embarrassed, fine!

Those are the keywords there.

Your so beloved fourth amendment refutes what you said here >>56935027.

Better luck next time.
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Tech companies need to be legally required to have some way of providing law enforcement with unencrypted data (e.g. chat messages) if it's part of a criminal investigation.

Require law enforcement to get a court order if you want. Make it so that a company like Google legally can't divulge such information unless the police have a court order. And make it so that Google have like one person, or just a couple of people, who are able to access unencrypted data, and these people have to be subject to background checks, all that sort of shit. Like I'm sure many of those who work at data centres already ARE, since so many of them already CAN access sensitive data if they really want to.

If you object to law enforcement being able to access such information as part of a criminal investigation then you are a fucking moron. It means you are in the "intellectual wasteland" / "stoners" part of pic related.

Ironically enough, the left is looking after our privacy rights, whereas conservatives are the ones attacking encryption.
>niggers can't follow police commands
Most of the police on nigger deaths are because niggers panic when they see police.
You see, if you've done nothing wrong and a policeman asks you to stop, what would you do?
Now, if you're a nigger, chances are you've committed some crime in the past and you consider being stopped by police as a sign that they're onto you.
So the niggers panic. Their fight or flight reflexes go haywire, and the policeman shoots them because a crazed nigger is a scary thing.
Sure, niggers don't survive police encounters very much, but a nig only has to survive one encounter with a police.
Police have to survive dozens of encounters with nigs every goddamn day. Since half of them are armed because they live around other niggers, police are trained to take no chances.
If you want to survive police interaction, as a nigger, chill the fuck out.
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>Point out a single system that benefits only white people other than a shower
- The judicial system benefits only white women.
- The police system always lets white women get away with anything.
- The social justice system only prioritizes white women, and for some reason always puts white women as representatives and speakers even where they have no place doing it (LGBT, ethnic minority movements).
- More than half the resources plundered from all the continents in the world (gems, furs, leather, silk, precious wood for furniture, paint, precious metals for bling, chemical compounds for skin care and makeup) always ended up in the hands and rooms of white women.
- Dating and sex is always skewed towards white women.

No collective on this planet is as privileged, protected, and supplied at no cost (whether monetary or in terms of work), as white women.
>let me just pull the maturity card by projecting into and ad hominem
>He doesn't hide backup drives inside his walls and air vents
The fact that we have real people on /g/ that think anyone should have to justify a backdoor less crypto system is absolutely disgusting. You can't give the powers that be any wiggle room. They would throw your ass in jail just for using a website with the background that 4chan has. It's not to hard to imagine a world where more developed nations develop policies like the Phillipines currently have:
"He was using strong asymmetric encryption, because we can't tell what the contents of the communications were, and he had a history of disturbing search history, we dispatched a local special unit to investigate. The terrorist and his family died on the way to the hospital after police say a violent battle erupted"
Inb4 could never happen.
Look at Phillipines right now
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If anything they are the opposite to SJWs.

SJWs are all about airy fairy freedom and "muh feelings", they would totally be for encrypted messages, safe from muh evil nasty racist cops!

People who support law enforcement being able to access encrypted messages are well-to-do, conservative, rational, clear-minded, patriotic Aryans.
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Which is exactly why conservatives, as always, are right.
Here's some facts:
1. Encryption can be mathematically perfect. It can be unbreakable.
2. If knowledge of a backdoor gets out, criminals will stop using backdoored encryption.

Ergo; it is pointless to backdoor shit.
I object to the waste of time.

>People who support law enforcement being able to access encrypted messages are well-to-do, conservative, rational, clear-minded, patriotic Aryans.

Like Trump.

I can't wait until he becomes president and encryptards get butt devastated!
any citation for all of those things against white women? Holy shit liberals are going insane with their shitty pro-blm shit
>hur durr white women buy thing das racis man
>muh nigga dick can't git dem wite wominzz
LGBT, BLM and other minority activities are organized by whites who also scream "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE", minorities play along and get some pretty good benefits (looting)
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>1. Encryption can be mathematically perfect. It can be unbreakable.
Oh look, its that anon that posts in every single fucking thread regarding this issue. You're doing a terrible job hiding your shilling.
>implying I'm that person
/g/ is not one person

>Those are the keywords there.

They can seize the data with a warrant. It doesn't say anywhere that the means of protection must have some form of backdoor for legit confiscations and searches. The fourth amendment only says that the government is allowed to seize your stuff with a warrant. It doesn't say anywhere that you have to tell the government how to utilize the things that they have seized nor that every mean of protecting your stuff has to be easily bypassable by the government.
>if there are many posts disagreeing with me, they must come from a single person
>I'd be rectally shattered if I didn't belong to the majority
What is OTP
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It's true

Tech companies need to build in ways that they can access unencrypted data. I don't give a fuck how they do it. Maybe store the unencrypted data at a very secure data centre before it's encrypted? I dunno. Find a way that isn't just "a backdoor" that criminals can exploit.

The privacy of your texts to your virgin friends about who's hosting the next LAN party is not as important as saving lives from terrorism, sorry bub.

Exactement. Can't wait 2bh.
Yeah come back when you learn some algorithms.
The mathematical parts can be perfect. Perfect implementations, while theoretically possible, are practically impossible. So you settle for 'good enough' on the implementation side.
this so much, niggers are hostile and (most) have a crime record, they're also rowdy so "GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR" "DESHANIQUA RECORD THIS FOR BLM" "SIR PLEASE GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR" "DESHANIQUA WORLDSTAR" *nigger runs to officer* "SIR STEP BACK" "BLM" *cop shoots lethally wounding the speedy nigger* "YO HE JUST SHOT MY LIL BRO FOR NO REASON
Why shouldn't it have special status? Why is REAL PRIVACY such a threat to you? You know what's funny? Look at half the published cases of terrorism around the world. You know what you'll find? They didn't use asymmetric encryption.
The argument that an asymmetric backdoor is secure is a joke. Any algorithm that has implementation specific functions(backdoor) will always be insecure. Show me one specific source of information that shows mathematically that you can, with the same amount of security, produce a third key, transmit said key, and store said key with the information needed to link it to the communications it would be need to decrypt, securely. Oh wait, your answer will be something really fucking retarded like "No we can have a universal backdoor!" K. Amd the second the humans in charge of keeping that key secret receive the offers they will receive for it, everyone's communications will be decryptable by the bad guys.
You btfo.
>the anon that always posts huge walls of texts
>the anon that always types with the same manerisms
>the annon that always uses the same arguments
Nah I must be crazy I really only want to fit within the demographics of the technology section of a japanese cartoons forum.
>any citation for all of those things against white women?
How about all the history books that every existed, and all the court cases involving white women that exist for public viewing,
as well as feminism which has been hijacked mainly by 1st world white women and which has hijacked social justice from all other groups pulling all the attention towards it?

>cucked little white boy defending white bitches
What Nu Male power level do you have son? How thick are your glasses?
Any kind of backdoor is a major security flaw.
It 100% will be exploited by people who don't care about warrants.
>every long post is written by the same anon
They can't even stop unencrypted crime

lrn2asymmetric backdoors, you fucking retard
>ignoring the other arguments
Good job goy
>It's true
anon, you're embarassing yourself, now that is elementary school tier rethoric
>Tech companies need to build in ways that they can access unencrypted data. I don't give a fuck how they do it. Maybe store the unencrypted data at a very secure data centre before it's encrypted? I dunno. Find a way that isn't just "a backdoor" that criminals can exploit.
Yah, sure what about the encryption you use yourself? The only move left is to ask for total control over any form of electronics. It's just a waste of time.
Stop me from designing my own Crypto.
Oh, you know how to securely produce an asymmetric backdoor? Please enlighten us oh magic mathmetician. Wait, nvm.im retarded. A secure asymmetric backdoor CANT exist. Sorry. I must have misunderstood you.
>key evidence
>encryption key
Not punny.
I am getting tired of this stupid BLM bullshit. At least it works out towards Darwinism. One less dumb shit to support with our taxes. Hopefully the smarter ones with a STEM education will set an example of what to do instead of being a shitter with a past to hide.
As much as I hate third world invaders just like you anon, terrorism isn't a symptom of that. It's a symptom of us giving training, weapons and support to people who hate us and want to terrorize us in exchange for cheap oil. Our foreign policy needs to change first.
>liberal is trying to the roles and making me the cuck here
>How about all the history books that every existed, and all the court cases involving white women that exist for public viewing,
still no source, not researching for you nigger. I already agreed that white women are the ones fucking up everyone (I'm dominican) with their rallies that turn into pillage and rape but no system benefits any race or gender, learn out of your agenda m8.
I live in a primarily black country and there are two types of niggers here:
>Arrogant niggers, insult everyone and everything, be rude to everyone and are useless, they fuck a lot and bail after the women get pregnant.

>Humble/Nice niggers, these know what's up they'll help you park your car and treat you like family. They are generally calm and will help anyone in need unlike the arrogant nigger plague you guys have over there on the US

>A secure asymmetric backdoor CANT exist.

Show mathematical proof or fuck off.
Yeah, but most 'terrorism' has domestic origins, at least in Europe

I don't agree with the foreign adventurism at all but it's more of an aggravator than the cause
Love how there's no replies to this, thanks dude, I'll be keeping this for future threads. If yiu want a blow, just let me know bro, cause you one based motherfucker.
>(I'm dominican)
So you ARE a cuck.
Backdoored asymmetric encryption would simply defective purpose of encryption because it would make it insecure. But everyone is missing the point. No one can stop me from. Implementing a asymmetric encryption algorithm that DOESNT have a backdoor. So, go ahead. Try to backdoor the crypto. Your on the wrong side of history if you think being able to invade everyone's privacy is a good thing.
Btfo backdoor cuck.
> tech companies need to put in practice a thing that cannot even be done in theory

You're dumb enough to run for public office

>Oh, you know how to securely produce an asymmetric backdoor?
what? I'm shitpostang from Dominican Republic lmao all we have here is americans, chinks and niggers by the boatload. You can come if you want idgaf. Later!
>i-it can't be done, guize
>t-trust us, we don't have mathematical proof but we have a strong conviction
Fuck off, ISIS FUD-spreader!
I understand you are from the Cuckminican Recucklick.
You don't have to explain anything.
cool it boot licker
Lol get fucked kiddo. Securely is the word here.
What is the 5th ammendment for 100 points
if they had it their way we would just ignor the rights of citizens.
The fact that we have real people on /earth/ that think anyone in power is not a retarded scumbag is disgusting.
>there are people in this thread that think a backdoor is a good plan
>not understanding that secure communication is a check of the balance the powers at be have
>"b-but the terrorists!!"
yep better give up all your rights. You know what we can do? We can station military personnel in everybody of your house that can monitor and transmit everything everyone does to a database the respective governments control. This way if you do something they dislike, you will get vanned and all the other sheep can keep taking it up the ass from the powers that want to control you.
>White victim, the post
We're just players trying yo be competitive. GTFO nigger
Terrorists are basically people that an organised government.
Ergo, any act that could empower people against organised government is terrorism.

1)Against the constitution. The ability for the government to seize and "occupy" your property is unconstitutional.

2)Its invasive of a inherit right. Privacy allows us to act without fear of judgment or without forcing ourselves to condition ourselves in becoming cold and jaded.

3)Who has access to what is far to delicate to trust one group with. If the "circumstances allow it", any passer by to a crime might be included in the warrant for seizure. What's worse is that there is no telling who will be allowed to see what. Each case and each district has a different way of handling things. Cases trade hands, cities, and hell even countries.

4)The backdoor/exploit will be found and boasted too small subsets working to exploit it.

You're playing with fire in a barn filled with hay and thermite. Idc what you're cause is, find a different way.
But i'm not white sonny. And thank the heavens i'm not one of you faggy bleachskins.

>tech companies can't store unencrypted data before it's encrypted

Clearly you've never touched a computer before
>There are hundreds of cases in which we can't access key evidence due to us not being able to gun down suspected criminals on sight

>There are hundreds of cases in which we can't access key evidence due to it being located inside the private abodes of citizens

>There are hundreds of cases in which we can't access key evidence due to it being located inside the minds of suspected witnesses who refuse to testify

>There are hundreds of cases in which we can't access key evidence due to it not existing within the plane of reality
Let's have a list of races that banned slavery (no matter the race of the slave):

1. Caucasians

End of list
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>The ability for the government to seize and "occupy" your property is unconstitutional.

Sorry guys, police can't collect evidence anymore because this guy says it's "unconstitutional"
>unless you're a criminal and you give the police enough cause for a warrant.

Hence the problem. Should police also be able to execute you if they somehow got a warrant for it? Laws exist for this very fucking reason. The police can be wrong. People can be wrong. People can be framed. Something defined as a crime can be perfectly moral and benefit society.
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You're right guys let's just scrap the whole criminal justice system because it's not 1 million percent perfect
"Better backdoor people's brains. They could simply kill themselves and then we wouldn't be able to solve the crime. Gotta be able to listen to everyone's thoughts 24/7."
Where does it stop? You really don't see the issue with a backdoor?
"better install this government surveillance system. They can monitor everything I do to make sure I don't do anything they don't like. I don't want to be a terrorist!"
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>1. Caucasians

Who runs those factories? Asians.
>Implying the government isn't the terrorist
The chinks have yet to ban slavery, that's kinda my point.
Who runs those Asians? The Cacuasian company.
"There are hundreds of cases in which we can't access key evidence because the suspects won't tell us what happened."
Or we could focus on making it 1 million percent perfect instead. Allowing law enforcement free headshots on anyone they suspect of doing crime would leave the world with a lot less criminals, but it wouldn't make it better. Being able to spy worldwide on practically fucking anything also wouldn't improve the world, it would lead to ten times as many problems instead with people being wrongfully convicted or framed.
Storing unencrypted data destroys the whole point of encryption in the first place. There is no "secure backdoor" to a secure communication. It is either secure our it is not.
Occupying citizen owned property "unless in a time of war" is against the 4th. Warrants would obviously deflect that. That point was against spying without warrant more so than anything else.
My other points establish why, even with a warrant, making a skeleton key for everyone's personal property is a bad idea.
I don't see any caucasians standing around with whips in that picture. Nobody is being held at gunpoint and told to work in a factory instead of a farm either.
Pays. The operative word is pays, not runs. Being complicit in slavery is not the same as being a slaver.
Just because you had sugar in your tea in the 1700s does not mean you were a slaver.
>w-we're just buying their products, s-so it's o-okay, guys
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Cry more you shit dicks.

Remember prism? Why should I trust national security after it's obvious they don't give a shit about me . So I hope they are fucked more and more by encryption.
Wrong, Foxconn does, do i run Apple cause i buy their products? no.
Why waste your time standing and holding a gun when you can pay a bunch of asians to do it for you?
Are you stupid anon?
This. Warrants also work because it doesn't give the police a KEY to your house, it gives them the RIGHT to access it, by visible brute force if necessary. Suggesting that everything should be backdoored "just in case" is exactly like manufacturing a copy of of everyone's front door key and storing it somewhere.
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>Being complicit in slavery is not the same as being a slaver.
Well in that case there never were slavers in USA.
They were buyers and consumers. The real slavers are still in Africa selling the tools away.
Albeit the quality has seen a drastic decrease since AIDS and Ebola struck.
Remember Sony DRM? Dont trust anyone you Gentoo loving sperg.

Make sure you introduce noise into your outlet while charging otherwise """"""they"""""" can find you. Best way to do that is to jam a fork in there first while you're ankle deep in water.
it's actually impossible to prevent me from multiplying two large primes

the result isn't even distinguishable from random data

the idea of a backdoor isn't even insecure, it's just nonsensical and derived from an 80s understanding of hacker films
So according to your theory, caucasians are passively enslaving the entire world by being rich. Right.
I tend to consider the people throwing niggas in hotboxes and whipping them to be slavers.
But good point, maybe the africans shouldn't have been so willing to sell their countrymen away to white folks for some bronze bangles.

At least the arabs had the common sense to geld their african slaves, but no, whitey had to try and breed them.
Stay mad you failed abortion .

Youre right and some 12 year old girls want sex with old men
>do i run Apple cause i buy their products? no.

>Allowing law enforcement free headshots on anyone they suspect of doing crime

Straw men is not a valid argument method

Companies need to be able to have SOME way of accessing unencrypted data so that if law enforcement has a court order, warrant, or whatever, then they can access data from a suspected criminal

Literally no different to how cops obtain evidence already, the only difference is morons like you who sperg out because you think the privacy of your SJW tweets is more important than the safety of citizens from terrorist attacks which are being planned literally all the time
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No. Caucasians are passively enslaving the entire world by being smart. Being rich is just a side-effect.
Why are you talking as if slavery is bad?
Chinese are now enslaving Africans and Africa is seeing a gradual turn for the better again.
Only through slavery can blacks unleash their true potential.
At what point in this discussion were we talking about companies accessing their own unencrypted data? ...What?
Oh, go back to /pol/.
this really made me think
Police also would like some way of accessing the 'hidden' information inside people's skulls.

It's called waterboarding.
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How can i "go back" to a place i never visit? You need to learn some logic m8.
The stories behind these cases always are as follows:
>We arrested x for y, because using actual police work we were able to gather evidence they were committing crime z. X was successfully prosecuted but we can't snoop through this phone despite x already being in jail, please help.

"secure backdoor" is a shit meme pushed by idiots. If you want security, it can't be situational dependent. Think logically fit 2 seconds:

> secure system
> designer forced to add inherent vulnerability, used for "extenuating circumstances" by law enforcement
> the system can now be immediately accessed by someone other than by the intended user
> system is now "secure"
Why bother with interrogation, actually? You could just shoot everyone in the world. Zero criminals left.
>someone breaks into the room where the keys are stored, or the government becomes corrupt in the future
>they now have access to every lock in the world
Who dat
Law enforcement takes away all of people's freedoms and what they want in life. America is not freedom. It's a terrorist act on both sides. Good and evil. You can say "I graduate from college and made great investment" but you can never say "The things I do to people and why they do them must be put to a stop. Cause the people that want it the most will start a war. People want freedom not money. We want to become something like the others are. Who fucking cares? Why are you taking away the things we love to do? We're not your parents and you don't have authority over people you have authority of yourself and the person controlling you.
Kenya Moore apparently.
Another ad-hominem.
Lets face it it is only the paedos and drug lords that want this privacy. Some of which are probably shit posting in here bitching about "muh privacy".

>inb4 back to plebdit
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>Drug Lord
>Knowing how to use encryption apart from their shitty backdoored iphone
you overestimate them
Don't worry, you'll disagree with him once you've read Orwell's 1984.
This is some 1984-tier bullshit.
A one-time password (OTP) is a password that is valid for only one login session or transaction, on a computer system or other digital device.

Love how encryptards ignore this.
How do I encrypt my ammunition? Is this some kind of new hacker linux thing?

Anyone can make their own encryption algorithm dumbass. The only solution is banning encryption.
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>Encryption becomes illegal
>Still do it anyway
>terrorists ignore the law and plan to kill thousands of people
>good thing they followed the law in not encrypting their communication so we can intercept them and foil their plans!
How can I set up a script to reformat my hard drive and install a new OS and some programs?
Well, if they don't, they get nicked. So if the goal was stopping them, banning unbackdoored encryption worked flawlessly!
Same thing as with guns, basically.
Please tell me how you are going to track the use of encryption by individuals.
>Your civil rights are not as important as stopping terrorism
Looks like terrorism already won then.
How would a backdoor work really?

I generate a million digit prime.

I encrypt a 512 bit key using RSA

I use the key to encrypt some data using AES

Where does the backdoor come in and how does it prevent me from doing that?
You'd be thinking if I was a druglord I wouldn't waste any time on imageboards. I'd make my voice heard by bribing.
>/pol/ is against freedom

Those cheerleaders will do anything to suck up to Trump.

No principle.

OR it could be NSA shills.
>Tech companies

So what if your plan does work and an open source encryption standard comes as a result? Anyone who has info worth protecting would switch immediately.

How are you going to force all of us to put a backdoor in it?

>some way

What way and how can you make it secure

Protip; you cant
Law enforcement is just lazy, they do little to know actual work these days, they just send phones and computers into their IT specialists and case solved or not solved.

They're also very stupid, I mean if you embedded a camera into everyone's skull that was connected to a central server you could solve all crime. These stupid people would argue for that.

>if everyone had a camera in their forehead we could solve all crime

They are stupid, stupid people and just another example of why you need to be extremely wary of people in authority, the government in general, because in the end they are extremely stupid just like most people

Okay so your way of doibg things would be basically this.

>google provides encryption services
>before they encrypt it for you they save it on their on servers
>you get back your encrypted data
>they can give it to the police if need be

You do realize how stupid that sounds?

What stops people from creating their own encryptions? Or do you want to make them illegal and give all the power in the world to companies like google and apple who cant even produce a worthwhile phone?
Lol, no responses. Backdoor fags btfo. Asymmetric backdoor failed and bankrupt.
Gonna encrypt my Cocaine, brb
>criminality is not inherent to anyone
What is Original Sin?
banning/ backdooring encryption is like banning guns in America

Once it exists, you can't get rid of it.
If you ban it, criminals will still use it.
What is religious bull shit based on nothing but a story book. Stay ontopic. Don't board slide.

Backdooring encryption is bad. It takes power from the group that needs it (the people) and puts it in the hands of the people that don't(bad guys/power structure)
>it's like gun control
So it's something sensible that everybody wants but that never passes because of strong lobby from the industry and corrupt politics?

Sounds about right.

>missing the point
Leave it to a libtard
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>Call them "feral niggers" and think that is not racist
>Use pajeet as an insult
Can't wait until they nuke /pol/ and ban all stormfags. You guys post using racial terms in order to derail threads.
Literally impossible. Everyone in that picture is either a moron or doing it for political pandering.

>because he wants to control guns and encryption he's a liberal

Nice Manichaeism, I'm sure the ideologues who want to polarize society politically are superpleased.
>there are hundreds of cases where we can't access personal property without a warrant
That post REALLY made me think
If you use a mainstream device you have no right to complain about encryption and backdoors. You inherently set yourself up for it and the government is acting out on your indirect consent.
You can't even spell bullshit man. Maybe you should be doing some more reading yourself and form some of your own opinions instead of just repeating edgy bullshit.
Nothing edgy about a religious text being bull shit.

This thread is about backdooring encryption. Stop sitting it up with religious shit.
These retards don't realize you can't put the cat back in the bag at this point

Not sure why I find this so funny. Here's a (You)
Stay on topic. Backdooring encryption. The board slide is real.
Step one: off topic
Step two: troll to make posters angry and drive into rabbit holes, encouraging more off topic conversation and burying on topic posts
Step three: watch thread die

Backdooring encryption won't work
Wrong, I have a ton of trap pics of me that I don't want any of my family to see if my laptop or someone tried to access my HDD
First, ty 4 more off topic bullshit, second since different cultures believe sin to be a different set of actions or believe, the information in your post in inaccurate.

Believing something is bad does not mean anything, objectively.

Second backdooring asymmetric encryption won't work. If anyone of you can detail how it would I'm all ears. Until then, all evidence says that a backdoor in encryption wouldn't work for very long.
Good, god forbid you have to do actual police work instead of just clicking a few buttons on the PC.
It makes sense that people like you would believe a backdoor in a crypto system would work. Your a religious idiot. You enjoy the idea of being controlled. I get it now. You want the corrupt politicians and governments to be able to spy on you, because you long to be controlled. And the reason I can't argue mathematically with you is that you don't believe in math! It all makes sense now!!!>>56938201
make the serial number unreadable
>secure backdoor
>secure insecurities
so restrict immigration from muslim countries like France and Sweden, it's not hard.
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oops, entry not immigration
>secure encryption backdoor
Math does not work like this.
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>tfw can't tell whether I've been shot with a bullet or a paintball before decrypting the projectile and inspecting the contents
> serial number on ammo
Y-your kidding right?
It hasn't come to this yet right?
I thought it already had, glad it hasn't desu
Being a criminal typically devoids you of any and all human rights. Prison treatment is only enforced for moral reason outside of prison. The only "law" in prison is the 8th Amendment.

I am completely in favor in decryption if the case can allow it for a criminal, the same way a warrant works. A warrant is issued if there is a suspect, and that allows the police to perform searches in his goods. By default I believe that there should be a digital warrant that allows the police to check through a suspect's files if filed.
Back with the Apple case I think that was le liberals being complete fuckwits.

I am aware of the "IMPACT" this would have on special little snowflakes like people on /g/. But normal people are typically fond of giving away their freedom for security. If this meant catching more criminals this has large chances of getting through in the eyes of general public (that is not /g/ - /g/ is a minority) that does not care about digital privacy all that much. I did not see normies ever be concerned of anything whenever anything close to the NSA is mentioned. Because they don't give a shit. You are the only ones that are head over heels.
Society was formed under similar circumstances. You think some people didn't oppose giving away their freedom of killing and raping whoever they want due to the existence of a "leader"?

The society we have today is corrupt to the very fucking principle, and we have just corroded it more until we realize we fucked ourselves up long ago. With every law, every restriction, every censor - which will be enforced and encouraged by the "deciding" parties in "power".
We are fucked. Not the world. Just us. The world will be fucked later when they realize what communism is on their own skin.
>muh different cultures
Fuck off with your multiculturalist shit, encryptard!
Damn that post is a great bait.
I believe in right to privacy, but no right is absolute. Why would you need military-grade encryption just to shop online and upload nudes to Google Drive?
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Fuck you NSA shill. Government loves stuffing cocks down your twink throat.
the particular backdoor they're referring to if you do that is your asshole, and they're using a big fucking rod up your backdoor until you hand over the keys
Your.. Serious? You can't grasp the truth? Sin has been declared as a different set of actions and beliefs by different people all across the world. It has meant different things during different times as well. You really can't see that? Conme on.
Sin is not objective and therefore can't be empirical evidence. This is not my opinion. Sin is your religions idea of what is wrong. It differs between religions.
>"muh cultures"
Are you implying different cultures don't have different beliefs?
Are you that basic?
Because it doesn't take military grade hardware to crack it.
>accuse them of what you do
Obvious NAMBLA shill is obvious!
Basic bitch.
You have a right to privacy, you should not give up your right for the false sense of security you get from a corrupt government promising protection. If a mafia member said they wanted to intercept everyone's communication on your block to make sure a rival gang wasn't operating there, would you willingly comply, and worse, endorse that action? Sure they will take care of the other gang(at least take care of them communicating in that manner) but you are still giving up your privacy to another gang! What's the difference? Please elaborate.
there's no thing as a safe backdoor

if the us government can get into it, a criminal organization could also get into it with the opposite effect
>using outdated memes
Wow, maybe they should let you off the defense force grandpa.
>military-grade encryption

what did he mean by this

the whole purpose of encryption is to be strong
the average person breaks 3 laws a day

source: steven rambam
>An asymmetric backdoor can only be used by the attacker who plants it, even if the full implementation of the backdoor becomes public (e.g., via publishing, being discovered and disclosed by reverse engineering, etc.). Also, it is computationally intractable to detect the presence of an asymmetric backdoor under black-box queries.
Wew, if only you had stayed in school you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself so hard just now! Bet you feel so silly right now.

Inform yourself before you Shrek yourself, kid!
>by the attacker that plants it
What stops me from planting it you silly silly basic boii?
I bet you wished you had stayed in school right?

No one, but who said anyone will ever adopt shitty encryption by you?
Your lack of knowledge.
In a perfect world that would mean jail.
Just like piracy, and a lot of crap.
We do not live in a perfect world however - and thank fucking God because we made it imperfect as fuck. That's what I meant with it being corrupt to the core. The society "we" (the people in the beginning of it's reign) crafted has started to work it's way against us.
The most the people in power can do to not destabilize the society (and subsequently have anarchism) is to not expect every citizen to be the perfect 80s comic staples. If the government actually enforced everything the people would fight against it. Or the exterior would just assume it's strange. Why do you think North Korea is still around? Oh right the people is not fighting against it. Why? They have succumbed to it. They support the way it's reigned and we laugh at them, while we have our own society that is a mere imitation of NK's - NK's society has came to full fruition. The man has given all of his freedom for the sakes of security. Or insecurity at that point. Nobody that is currently alive would "win" in a utopic world where lies would be treated as a mass murder. Although we attempted to form our society this way.
>Oh no, we have to go back to gathering evidence the way we used to 20 years ago

Do your job instead of trying to take away my rights
>mocking liberty
You are such a worthless piece of shit. Kill yourself.
That's fair. The only techniques I know have been documented thoroughly. Nothing of my own design.
You got me.
The infamous hacker 4chan strikes again!
People have literally mocked even God ITT, but you take issue with mocking liberty of all things. Intredasting...
Whwt the fuck did they do before computers or Internet? This bullshit arguement can only fly with fuckstick millennials.
Why? To mock God is to mock something that has no basis in reality. To mock liberty means to mock the one thing that prevents you from being a slave to another human.


So criminals should be allowed to use computers and the Internet, but the police shouldn't?

Encryptards, everyone!
>encryptards everyone!
Governmentshillcucks everyone!
When did i say they shouldn't be allowed to use computers?
I just seem to remember society functioning just fine when the police didn't have acess to bill's iPhone.
Interesting perspective. Thx.
Reminder that police departments are massively violating the 4th amendment by buying mass surveillance equipment with civil forfeiture money and therefore bypassing legislature oversight, and then turn around and claim they can be trusted with even more access!
It is true that God has no basis in reality. It is reality that has its basis in God, because it wouldn't exist were it not for God. lrn2metaphysics
>what did he mean by this
"Military-grade" is a meme phrase to make things sound scary so they can be banned. "Military grade weapons." "Military grade encryption." "Military grade ice cream."

You mean back when Bill couldn't use his phone to produce child pornography, right?
Yes goy, this is why we need to put EVEN MORE backdoors on your hardware and directly into the CPU.
It's incredible that someone who bases their view of the world on something with no evidence, no way to test, and no way to observe, would tell me to learn about anything related to physics. Oh wait. That's right. Nvm.

I have one word for you
And yes, "won't someone PLEASE think of the children?!" Because the problem is the iPhone, and not global child sex rings that extend to the highest levels of the government that's supposed to be entrusted with unlimited access.
Yes, encriptioan is evil!
Only criminals eccriript!!!
t. NSA
>The director of the National Security Agency says encryption is here to stay, and to argue about how to get rid of it is a waste of time.
"Sir, you can trust the government. We have been proven to be corrupt and evil time and time again. Trust me when I say, you can trust us. Now bend over and take the rights I'll allow you to have... For now"
>If you disagree with this, you're a child. An actual child.
>posts an infantile maymay
Kill yourself fuckface.
I see they already got quantum computers
More like
t. intel
Enjoy your jailtime
>no evidence
So the existence of a creation is not evidence of a creator? Yeah, right...

>no way to test
If you ignore the fact that he incarnated and spoke to us in person, it's easy to test that something can't come to be ex nihilo.

>no way to observe
Again, his personal coming, not to mention miracles.

lrn2quinque viae
>Criminals meet in person.
>Anti-encryption defeated.
What's next? Sawing off legs and removing vocal cords? Idiots like you are more dangerous than the people you're supposedly against.
"Sir, you can trust corporations. We have been proven to be corrupt and evil time and time again. Trust me when I say, you can trust us. Now bend over and take the rights I'll allow you to have... For now"
Wow you're completely retarded.

>Encryption is legal
>You can choose to not use encryption, or use encryption designed by a corporation, or use an open source program, or design your fucking own if you want, etc.

>Encryption is illegal
>You can choose fucking nothing
Implying we were created. Every shred of evidence says we evolved.no piece of evidence (at all) says we were created.
The only evidence of any one being incarnated is from a book, either no evidence to back up the truth except for being based in real places.
Can't explain it? Must be a miracle.
How do those magnets work?

Lol your evidence is weak. Your ignorance is deafening.

I don't disagree at all. But the fact that corporations are corrupt doesn't make government any better.

Especially when the government and corporations work together to cuck the people!!
>NYPD Chief of Intel

Intel confirmed working with the police.
Is this supposed to be shocking? There are tradeoffs for everything, allowing guns in america lets people protect themselves but makes it easier to get a gun and use it illicitly, the same applies to this and honestly its better being this way.
See >>56937542
U wot m8??
See >>56940169
>Give up your guns!
>Give up your encryption!
>Trust police departments, which aren't nation wide completely corrupt!
>unironically mentions 4th amendment
What is patriot act?
I'm sure anti-encryption activists will enjoy when the chinese and russians start stealing their secrets because of their backdoor.
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>Implying we were created.
I'm not implying, I'm saying explicitly. There's overwhelming evidence of intelligent creation. For starters, DNA is evidence of that.

See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYSmV2FlHDw

>The only evidence of any one being incarnated is from a book
Oh, so you're one of those Christ deniers. Very edgy. Ever heard of Josephus?

>Can't explain it? Must be a miracle.
Nice strawman. Miracles aren't phenomena that lack explanation, they are supernatural phenomena. You are dumb.

>Lol your evidence is weak.
So weak 99% of the world agrees and has always agreed with me.

>Your ignorance is deafening.
Said the guy who doesn't know the five ways. Read pic related, it might educate you.

You sound increasingly nervous.
See >>56939098
>Nothing will change for you unless you're a criminal and you give the police enough cause for a warrant.

You mean nothing will change for the first 6 months, until China and Russia get their hands on the info for the backdoors and all our privacy is gone to shit.

You retards are the reason US tech is starting to fail and we're becoming irrelevant. No country on Earth wants to by our computers or networking technology anymore because they know it has NSA backdoors all over it and they don't want to fuck their own national security with it.
You're pretty stupid
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it's for you safety :DDD
There is no empirical evidence that points to creation. Not one! The evidence says that DNA is complex and that it defines what we are.
Your joking right?
>Christ denier
I would ask that you support your claim with empirical evidence. I am simply stating there is no evidence that says this person was supernatural.
And if I may make a point.
If you take that book to be true, why not the hundreds of other religious texts? I disregard your book as a story the same way you disregard the stories of (insert diety you don't believe in)
What evidence do you have that supports ANYTHING being supernatural? Oh that's right, you can't.
>>99 percent of the world are Christian
(based on your, very weak, 5 truths) your simply wrong. But even if you were right, it wouldn't matter. 100 percent of the world could believe tgat Golden shit filled ducks controlled your mind and they still wouldn't be correct.
>>the five ways
Again, citing a belief that has no proof. You believe this because your parents believed it.
It's bait anon, he's baiting you.
Well shit, got me good.
My Fedora is tipped to thee.
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Yeah, that is indeed a true concern that really hinders the fine work of this high quality spying network (PRISM) that is TOTALLY focused on stopping crimes, as seen by the vast list of public shootings and terrorist attacks that they prevented, such as:

To be fair, we probably wouldn't find out about them if they were stopped.
Uh huh sure. Because all those times when the people saying even on fucking facebook that they were indeed going to shoot a place up they were also stopped, except not.
>You give your rights up as soon as you are suspected of committing a crime

Because due process is for pussies in law enforcement that don't have the balls to get every DEGENERATE criminal that has ever broken a law off the streets, even if it means breaking the law. Fuck you
Seems to me this anon did lots of research to really cement his confirmation bias, instead of reading evidence in both sides. Anon, let's say god exists, what proof do you have that the Christian god exists? And how is its existence any more or less evident than any other religious dieties? How can you be so sure when others in this world as just as sure their god exists? Further more, I see no reason to deny evolution and the earth being billions of years in age, any all powerful god in my mind can easily create a universe by means of science and the laws of physics. What's more likely, your Christian god made the earth and stars in a week earth time, and said "cool done" or that he created the universe in such a way that evolution is the means by which life propagates and adapts? I think the later is more likely. I don't claim to know if God exists or not, or if some form of what we believe a god is exists, but you are claiming that. And I'd like real empirical data, not ancient texts and "dna"
corporate america sure hates encryption i cant believe its still legal. oh well not for long.
this has to be the most stupid bait today on /g/, and that's saying something.

> secure backdoor
idiom, there has never been one that we know of (intel me)
> unless you're a criminal
who decides this? are these only used on convicted criminals?
> strong encryption cannot.
everything is crackable, given enough weak points, time and power.

You're a fucking degenerate and I'm sad to consider you a human being, mindless assmonkey would be a more apt description

This world and society as we know it will not function if you open up the encryptions we have.

I'm pissed off that someone can be this stupid and spew shit around like fucking monkeys throwing feces, difference being that monkeys know a thing or a two about feces they're slinging
Because I want to.

Society's needs > Your wants
> >1. Encryption can be mathematically perfect. It can be unbreakable.
> mathematically
> one time password

it's like none of you even listen to the crypto-gram newsletter
I'm part of society.
And I'm certain the vast majority of society prefer having criminal organization like the NSA, CIA and FBI out of their shit.

If you want to spy get gud.
So ...doesnt that apply to attorney client priviledge?

Should we get rid of that too?
I say we get rid of lawyers altogether.
Reminder that public opinion is against military-grade encryption and so are most politicians - including BOTH presidential candidates. Also the recently signed TPP has provisions against anonymity with which the US has to comply. It's only a matter of time now until encryption is regulated and secure backdoors enforced.
xD such cucks lol
praise le kek!
You sound like the murderer president of the Phillipines. Death squads for everything I disagree with.
The police in the death squads are motivated by none other than
Citing the fact that they are "angels" bringing judgement to "parasites".
Don't say it can't happen here, it can happen here. You may not hear of it. You may not see it. But
It might be happening now...
Just remember, fear the terrorists. They come here because they are jealous of your freedom.
Give up your rights for protection from the parasitic terrorists. Due process? They are parasites on society.
Remember what's happening in the Phillipines.

... so why aren't we bombing democracy into them yet?
>Reminder that public opinion is against military-grade encryption and so are most politicians - including BOTH presidential candidates. Also the recently signed TPP has provisions against anonymity with which the US has to comply.
BOTH presidential candidates are against the TTP, too. It hasn't been ratified yet and probably won't be.
Their time will come.
Busy just now.
>>tfw he was democratically elected
>>tfw a majority of the public agrees with what he's doing
>>tfw he has likened himself to Hitler
That's humanity for ya.
ITT: encryptards on the verge of tears

Doesn't matter, Congress wants it.
That's not how proofs work. You have to prove something CAN be done.
Prove it can be done
Or are you chicken??
You are an idiot.

I can't yet.
To be fair a proof is no joke. That might actually be a useful proof. Could probably get a doctorate for a proof like that.
Define please, specifically as it could be defined In A mathematical proof.
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