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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 321
Thread images: 45

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is qbittorrent a memory leaking piece of shit for anyone else? I just closed it after less than 4 hours of use and it freed up like 1.5 GB of ram even though the process in task manager said it was only using 100 MB

I almost understand their example but not really.
how did they come to
y = y1 + dy * (x - x1) / dx
Hard to say since nobody uses it.
Posted this on dead bread. Cross-posting here.
Attaching same image here so you don't have to move cross threads.
Is JTD a good brand of mouse to buy?
Your problem is that you're trying to drive 2 FHD monitors on a 1060, one of them at double framerate, and the other one trying to handle unrelated things while your game is going. I don't think CPU is your problem. Don't expect to be pulling 120 fps and have youtube running smoothly on the side on a midlevel card.
What should I do when my laptop gets uncomfortably hot when gaming?
I maintain safe temps (<80C) at all times but its still uncomfortable sometimes.
by all appearnaces the asus dual oc gtx 1070 nad the evga FTW gtx 1070 are the same, but the EVGA has 8+8 power in while the asus only has 8. how can you get the same results with only half the power?
You are trying to use a mid end GPU for a high end GPU performance.

If it were 60Hz you would be able to do both at same time.

Your CPU is still good.

Clean and repaste.

HP or AMD? cooling pad since that shit never will run cool.
Not really.
There are better brands.
Is there a library I can use to make a chatbot? only requirement is that it works on "multi-person" conversation and has a brain file to store associations or whatever
>Clean and repaste
The temperatures aren't necessarily the problem.
It's been like this ever since I bought it and only really does it when my house is particularly warm since I live in Arizona and its hot as fuck for like 6 months out of the year.
Any suggestions?
black friday or cyber monday
What do you need it for?
If you just want an office mouse than literally anything will do.
If you want a gaming mouse then what kind of games do you play?
I got it installed
>it took me 2 hours because I am very incompetent in everything I do
>motherboard would not post, gave error that no RAM was detected
>tried lots of different combos of RAM even though it had been working fine for years
>turned out you have to push the RAM in really hard and it snaps the closey deals shut for you
Still quality paste>dry stock paste.
You literally just plug it into the PCI-E slot.
Did you not google anything at all before you tried to put it in?
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If you see a good deal buy it, even if there is a better deal later on you still got a good deal before.
Or buy both deals.
no and I broke part of my computer in the process but w/e

Also the slot is VERY close to my RAM, like there's a millimeter of clearance or less between the card and the little release clips which I didn't notice the first time I put in the card and it knocked them loose.
which would you say is more likely to have the best gpu deals? I just want a 480 that's sold at its advertised price
Well fuck, I though the 1060 was powerful enough to manage that since they said 1060 was on par with 980 if not better. My previous card GTX 680 didn't have that issue but that's a high-end card but that was still on 60 fps.

This sucks. I really like 120hz not sure if I'll manage to go without using my second monitor for shit while playing. Good to at least know my CPU ain't shit yet.

I take it the 1070 wouldn't have had this issue.
>tfw buyers remorse now.
Knew going for 1060 was a mistake. But just to clarify. It's just the framerate at fault here? If I were to get the resolution and FPS even on both screen it wouldn't help shit because 1060 isn't powerful enough?
>1060 was on par with 980 if not better.
Not really, 970 yes, but 1060 is pretty much that card without the problems, same performance.
Yes GTX 970 was this bad.

Just reduce the load(graphics, resolution, etc) and keep the 120FPS on overwatch.

1060 can max games and somewhat do 120-144Hz but alone and thats it, you are stressing the card a lot to do something else.
It always was a card for 1080@60FPS + extra stuff, never for 1080@120-144Hz.
You could try to overclock it a bit if you want to see if you can do both.

What are you trying to do in the second screen?
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So I built a new computer. When I play Overwatch I put the FPS to monitor based, but the fps in the top left says it's doing 69-70 FPS.

When my monitor is 60 FPS. What is Amada doing?
>t always was a card for 1080@60FPS + extra stuff, never for 1080@120-144Hz.
Just goes to show I need to do better research before buying shit.

>Bought 120 monitor
>GTX 680 couldn't reach 120 fps
>Get 1060 so I can reach MUH 120
>Can't play on high/max 120 without sacrificing 2nd monitor
>Need to reduce graphics to have 120 and second monitor reaching gtx 680 levels just higher framerate.

Yup, shouldn't have tried to cheap out and gone for the 1070. But thanks for the info mate

Overclock GPU? Hmm, not such a fan of it plus I got the MSI Gaming edition shit so it's pre-overlocked, although that's just a minor clock. Increasing it higher without proper knowledge and I'll just fuck it up.

Youtube/Twitch/Movies/Tvshows. Obviously only one of these at a time.
is a 750w PSU enough for a double monitor setup? I have an R9 390 and a 4690k
My computer shuts down randomly under heavy load and i think its because of the PSU
Factory overclocked means it was pushed more than the stock version using the same energy/temperature, you can still overclock it, just dont fuck with voltage.
MSI has a program for it to do it easy.
personally, i use logitech for all my peripherals. always have.
>1st question
Irrelevant but yes.
How many screens you can use depends on your GPU, not on your PSU.
And which PSU do you need depends on the rest of your build.

>2nd question
If overclocked reduce the clock speed and voltage.
Otherwise your PSU is shit.
should i keep breathing ?
Vsync it
ok tnx
Sometimes I want to stop breathing tb.h, but I'm a coward.
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You guys sure it's the GPU and not CPU?
MSI afterburner shows very fluctuating GPU usage when having overwatch(active window) on with stream in background (2nd monitor). CPU is pretty much running on 100% load and game 120 fps.

I would expect GPU load to be somewhat 100% if it was at fault here. Pic related.

I'll test it out a bit then. Use afterburner a bit, just haven't messed with the clock yet.
well it does change the counter to 60 fps but it makes it feel wrong.

is there anything wrong with have the counter above your display settings? I can set a custom fps cap at 60 fps.
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Default Windows image viewers tend to be pretty shit.

What's a good (open source, or free) program?
You are running it stock or overclocked?
If stock, overclock it because it is an issue, there is a CPU bottleneck not allowing it to work at 100% because the CPU isn't strong enough.
One would expect someone with a 2500/2600K CPU to be overclocked already.
Can you use a SATA extension cable and connect a 3.5" hard drive to a laptop and have it work fine?
>but it makes it feel wrong.
vsync incrase the input lag in some games.

>is there anything wrong with have the counter above your display settings?
Are you experiencing tearing? If not, there is nothing to worry about.
Refresh rate of the monitor, and the game's frame rate are two different things.

Limit your frame rate to 60 fps. No reason to go over it since you'll never see the difference.
The laptop may not designed to deliver as much power as a 3.5" drive needs
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2600k is clocked at 4,5ghz.
However, Task manager shows cpu 'max' speed set to 1,60ghz.. Don't know why though, but CPU-Z says it's 4,5ghz.

Because from what I've gathered it's my CPU bottlenecking my GPU from actually achieving it's task. But I don't know.
How to convert opus to mp3
Hey, anon from before who was installing windows off a usb

Is it normal that a pc can't use it's network connection or anything at first? I have the disc that came with the motherboard but because no disc drive I'm trying to get that on a usb stick now as well

Just wondering if this is supposed to happen because this file copying is taking 2 hours and all
Use a different computer and look up your model computer and get the network drivers from that.

Also get the service pack that usually fixes some funky stuff when I refresh my OS.
I have a Sony bluray player and I'm trying to play my animus on it. The files of which work perfectly fine on my computers, but when I play them via USB port on the player itself, it does dumb things.

For example, the video will play fine, but only get to a minute, 29 seconds before jumping back to the beginning.

Another anime I try looks great on the computer, but it is a pink, pixely mess on the bluray player.

Unless I can find a clear-cut way to fix these issues, my MAIN question is which streaming device with USB port would work best/accept multiple formats without issue?
Would an Amazon FireTV work well enough, or would there be a better option like https://amzn.com/B01JP0VBT4 or something?
>only get to a minute, 29 seconds before jumping back to the beginning.
Sounds like ordered chapters/linked mkvs, since that's the length of an opening. If there's an OP file in the directory, try taking it out.

>pink, pixely mess
That's probably Hi10p. Your player doesn't support it. (I doubt any do)

>which streaming device
I don't stream to TV, so someone else will have to chime in on how well Chromecast or whatnot work.
It's not so much the streaming on its own. It's a device that can stream and has a usb port that can play whatever bongo formats my anime supports and runs without any weird hiccups.
how bout your pc
Irrelevant. I want to watch animus on tv.
Hook PC to TV.

There may be a media dongle that would support all the formats -- it's not something I'm personally into so I just don't know. But getting a $50 Core2Duo PC off Craigslist and using it as a HTPC would work.
is 24" too small for a 2560x1440 monitor?
How close can you sit to it?
ffmpeg -i filename.opus newone.mp3

at least that's how I do it :^)
What is the point of uploading something in a multi-file RAR archive? How is that advantageous compared to a single RAR file?
Taking an IT course and I have systems development/project management classes.

Does anyone actually use any of this shit? It seems all made up. It is the type of job a business owner would give his loser brother just so he can pretend to work and get money.
yeah it's good stuff
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What idiotic beginner mistake am I making here /sqt/? I've looked at the number of curly brackets again and again but it looks fine to me.
using System;
using System.Linq;

public class Kata
public static void Main(string[] args)
public static int PositiveSum(int[] arr)
// Your code here
int sum;
for (int i = 0; i <= arr.Length; i++)
if (arr[i] + Math.Abs(arr[i] == 0)
arr[i] = 0;
} else (sum += i);
return sum;
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The hard drive I use for junk storage is starting to fail.
Sometimes it just shuts down, and all logical drives on this hdd become inaccessible.

Can you recommend some software to diagnose hdd health?
So i stored a CPU in my hardware bin for a couple years between cables and shit, how big is the chance that its still working now

I put it there with the pins facing upward mind you but save for the odd cable (pretty crammed cabinet) nothing with a static charge really ever touched it

> if (arr[i] + Math.Abs(arr[i] == 0)

you forgot closing round bracket

seems pretentious as fuck
Are there any ways to customize the discord GUI so that it stops showing the senders' avatar attached to every single text message? It looks really fucking silly and makes it look more like a facebook wall rather than an actual convo, this is literally the only im client i know of that does this shit
Fuck that always happens, don't know why I didn't look there first
thanks my man
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why cant i re-expand threads anymore after hiding them??? i checked 4chan settings and chrome settings and cant find anything that fixes this..
I always forget to take my one a day vitamin pill, any good way to remind myself?
So for games like WoW do the servers they have still cost money to maintain whether they're "on" or "off" or not?

There seems to be some belief that companies leave servers off for more time than is needed to save costs, is this true?

Note: I don't play WoW please leave your criticisms behind.
As long as no pins are bent and it wasn't banged around too much I would expect it would be fine. Just be sure to clean off any dust that you see on it.
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Question, do we have any USB3 adapters yet that can drive a 3.5" HDD without needing external power adapters? I have a Z77X mobo, so no USB3.1/USB-C/Thunderbolt crap, just plain old USB3.

I had the same problem on some drives a few years back, and it turned out that it happened because the SATA cable I used looked like this on the inside. The ground and data pins connected randomly, so it was a small miracle that the drive even worked, let alone only dropped out once every few days.

So try using a different cable first.
What do you mean leave servers off? It's not like everyone in WoW goes to bed and they shut the servers off for the night. People play the game from all different regions and schedules, there's going to be people online pretty much 24/7. As far as individual area servers I don't think they would shut those off either even if nobody was in them because it would be problematic to have to turn it back on as soon as a player enters the region, and anyway I don't think the costs of running a server while it's inactive are too high.

Even for a less popular game I am pretty sure they keep the servers up and active 24/7, they're not shut on and off on demand like you seem to be suggesting.
How do I make programs I write in C on linux execute and work on Windows?
write them to be compiled by windows
Built a new computer with high end parts. Now there's a low pitched coil whine sort of noise coming out of it.

Which part could this be? Did I fuck something up?
Why people still act like Macshit is inferior to Winshit? This isn't 2004 anymore
I have that resolution in 25".
It's fine for that at an arms length away.
Just hope 1'' isn't as important to you as it was for my ex.
They "shut off" the servers for "maintenance" for each region at locally adjusted times each Tuesday.
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propriety shit
Oh, that. That's not really so much a cost-saving measure as it is something to give them a chance to make changes and fix things when they need to.
So I tried to install Debian Jessy on this old laptop. After that first graphic installation menu, shit just goes blank. Nothing happens. It's some random 2 core intel shit with a ayymd graphical card.

Any idea anons?
>implying I use any of those
>implying windows 10 even qualifies to be compared to any other OS
you're only allowed to post smug anime girls as reactions
Why can't I type in the message box on xda forums?
it literally just won't let me type
the blinking cursor doesn't appear

also by any chance, if anyone uses fulmics here, the question I wanted to ask on xda was how do you give apps root permission on fulmics rom?
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all my smugs are MAGA tho
Usually GPU
I just tested around abit and it seems to be relating to CPU usage actually.
I'd say your old laptop is too old for the standard settings. Either get an older Debian and try the netinst iso and use the non-graphical installer.
psu model?

> try using a different cable first

Good idea.

>Buying anything but a top card for 120hz
Seasonic platinum 860w
Whenever i turn on my PC after its been off for some time, it gets stuck on the blinking command line window and when i restart it, it heads to the BIOS where i exit and the computer starts like normal. Anyone experience this before?
man I remember when I figured that out by myself out of sheer boredom once.

you go through every step of the x1 to x2 path, and every step of the way you calculate the fraction of your iterator (x) and dx. Consider it the "percentage" of how far you are horizontally in the total plotting. Then multiply dy with that fraction, to get how far you are in the height, on that specific x step.

x-x1 is there because x is an absolute coordinate and you need to reduce it to 1 for the sake of the calculation.

and y1+(...) is the opposite, since what you got so far is a relative value (the "percentage" of dy), but you need an absolute coordinate to know where to draw the pixel, which is how far you are down from the starting position (y1).

I think that's how it works, but it's been a while.
The Xperia Keyboard has emoji 'word' predictions.

Like if you type 'house' or 'chicken' the house and chicken emoji will show up in the prediction bar.

What other keyboards do this?

Is there a way to enable this using the default keyboard on android?

The torrents you're uploading need RAM too dumbass. Do you think it reads everything from the disk all the time?
But it does. The caching is minimal.
How many torrents do you have?
385, with 6 currently seeding.
If I want to upgrade my system, will a new motherboard work if I keep using the SSD I have with my OS? Or does the OS I have (windows 7 btw) only work with one particular Mobo? Assuming that installing new drivers is a non-issue.
swiftkey has emoji prediction.
google's keyboard used to have it but they seem to have scrapped it off with some versions ago
Then it is the OS that does caching for you, otherwise it would be killing your disk with all the random reads.

This is why the exe itself only uses 100mb, but its I/O needs an additional 1.4GB.
Windows will throw a bitch fit with that big of a change, you may have to reinstall
you can use an existing ssd that already has your operating system and data, the motherboard does not matter that much
Thanks. Didn't know swiftkey had this.
Mobo should be fine aslong as your not switching between amd and intel.
Hard drives are made to seek. The torrent client reads ahead some, but it does not cache the whole file.
A torrent client shouldn't be using Windows caching since it's not optimized for torrenting.
so my android gives me these options:
restart systemui
hot reboot
full reboot

I know what recovery is, can someone tell me what any of the others do?
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>hot reboot

>restart systemui
that one restarts the ui of your phone, refreshing things like the dpi, status bar, etc

>full reboot
reboots the phone, shutting it of and on again by itself
fuckk, neither of those help me
i am in deep shit
My Xperia Z3 Compact won't turn on.

It just turned off when the battery was around 90%.

I've tried pressing the yellow 'reset' button near the sd card, I've tried holding the power and volume keys, but none of these work.

Does anyone know if replacing the battery will fix this?
How do I remove the lines FFMPEG makes when it's recording my desktop?
ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate ntsc -offset_x 32 -offset_y 20 -video_size 640x480 -show_region 1 -i desktop derp.webm
Your client isnt setup properly.
Take a moment to actually set your settings properly according to your bandwidth, and hardware, and mayhaps you might get better performance.
>Hard drives are made to seek.

Sequentially, not randomly.

>The torrent client reads ahead some, but it does not cache the whole file.
>A torrent client shouldn't be using Windows caching since it's not optimized for torrenting.

If you do not have it configured to bypass Windows caching, then it will use that.

Otherwise, it will cache all the torrent pieces (not files, but the hashed chunks that make up the torrent) that it needs to access for seeding purposes. If you seed a great amount of things at high speeds, this can result in very large caches.

If you are also downloading then it will also cache everything you download and write it to disc periodically (while also caching what you upload), as to avoid putting too much strain on your hard drive.

However the fact that it only shows 100mb used but using 1.4GB IO means that it is probably using Windows caching.
what happened?
>lines FFMPEG makes
explain with sources, cause this is a you case that isnt within ffmpeg
Looking for a replacement tablet for my mother, she used to use an old Acer a500 for a few years and now needs an upgrade. It's her birthday next month and I want to introduce her to the wonder that is xiaomi.

Anyone bought the mi pad 2 from everbuying? just about to pull the trigger and want any opinions.
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Is there a way to disable Windows Update completely, hell, even delete it, from Windows 7? The usual way I do it is disabling the service for Windows Update. Anything else I need?

My situation:

>have Core2Duo/4GB RAM tower laying around that I got for free from a law firm with hard drive stripped
>Friend asked if he could use it, I just want it out of here so I say sure
>Put a used hard drive in it that I had laying around, install Windows 7 + dazloader
>Run updates, make sure to uncheck any that are Windows 10 GWX/activation related
>Install a few basic programs, adblock
>Tell him it is not legitimate windows, but shouldn't have any issues, and I don't recommend he keep the machine as permanent, use it as a transition machine until he can buy himself a nice one, otherwise it is completely ready to go, he doesn't have to do a thing. Just install his games and enjoy
>He is completely fine with that, just wants a shitbox that he can play runescape on
>literally 3 days later he messages me "hey what do I need to do at this prompt"
>it's a driver updater
>close it, you just downloaded spyware, what made you think it was out of date
>"it says there's stuff out of date"
>how is it out of date? why does it matter
>"idk shouldn't be up to date? I also ran windows update and it said there was a bunch of stuff available"
>tell him yep and you probably downloaded the windows 10 updater, so it's going to force you to install it later
>"really, why"
>because you let it download
>"ok well ill just try to hold it off"
>couple days go by
>"hey it tried to update to windows 10 so i just shut it off, it's good now though"
>then 2 weeks later he sends me a pic of his screen on a bsod
>"hey what do i do, is my hard drive full or something?"

Now he wants me to fix it, and I told him I'm just gonna wipe the fucking thing. But I want to disable WU. Told him I won't do it again for free. I may sound like a dick but this friend is notorious for fucking up his computer.
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I don't mean in the video, on the screen while it's recording.
I wouldn't know how to explain it, because it has to do with a specific custom rom
basically i flashed this rom that comes pre rooted
only for whatever reason, I can't get root permission
and what's worse, this is the most popular rom for my phone, lgg3, and yet no one else on the internet seems to have ever had the problem i'm having
and even worse, the xda forum for this rom won't even let me post and I don't know why
but here's where I'm stuck
that menu that I told you has an option for "recovery"
If I can reboot to recovery then I'm safe.
but since I can't grant root permissions, I haven't even had a chance to grant them to TWRP on this rom
so I have no idea what will happen if I choose the recovery option in this menu
this menu is located in a system settings app that comes with the rom, btw
cont. (I ran out characters)

When I gave it to him, I made sure I disabled Windows Update via the "never check for updates" option and disabled Action Center notifications for it so it wouldn't tell him it's turned off. I also installed Avast.

This friend has no computer at the moment because the first rig he had he fucked up, by taking apart the PSU after his blew up for running too many heaters on the same power strip and it caused a power surge, and he took it apart, laid the board bare on the case of the PC, and turned on the PSU, frying his comp even more. I'm surprised it didn't kill him.

I just want to fix this thing one last time and completely retard-proof it so he can't fuck it up again. If he does, though, I'll just tell him I'm not gonna do it for free and he's going to have to pay me to fix it. I've already advised him to get a new HDD because the one in there is used and he said yeah that makes sense, but has yet to do so. I don't believe he ever will.
Can I hook up my monitor to my PC with an HDMI cable? I tried but it didn't work so not sure if it's the comp or the cable
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If both devices have an HDMI port then yes, you can attach it via HDMI.
twrp recovery does not need root, it is a recovery for the device, if you boot into the recovery, you could try flashing the rom again, or see any problems arising with the rom, I hope you checked the md5sum for the rom and that you're flashing the correct file.
once you boot back up, if you have problems getting root, just flash supersu and you'd be set
you have show_region 1 set
that is what makes the box to indicate where you are recording
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at what upgrade level does a surface book go from being useful to being overkill? i need it to be mobile, run several things at once and not slow up during the day
>>56831674 what i did was use vga able and hooked the vga part to the monitor and used an HDMI for the monitor. I did this bc my monitor only had vga and the comp was using dvi-d
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Which phone manufacturers are included in the "chinkphone" category?

Is it just ones like OnePlus, Oppo, Xiaomi etc?

Do manufacturers who have had a presence in the west for a long time like Huawei count in this category?
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This is going to sound stupid, but someone said people were seeding CP all over 4chan even in unopened thumbnails that you can still be charged for, so I want to wipe the free space on my HDDs and overwrite them.

What's the best option for doing that?
Shit lots of typos I'm on mobile
*Vga cable
*HDMI for the PC
I couldn't find a vga to dvi-d adapter locally
Hes the perfect candidate for the mac botnet.
tell him to fuck off
so I just have to have twrp installed?
because I didn't even get it set up on this rom is what i meant
also this rom worked perfectly fine for me earlier today
root permissions and everything
the weird thing is, that was the dirty flash
I then made a clean flash, and then all of a sudden I couldn't grant root permissions
also you're not supposed to flash supersu because the rom comes prerooted, it'll cause issues
also I tried installing the supersu app anyway and surprise surprise I couldn't grant root access to get it started
Thanks. That was pretty stupid.
That's what I'm going to tell him if he fucks it up again. It only takes me an hour to do an install, so it's not that big of an issue for me, it's moreso frustration of why he felt the need to update anything. Everything was working as it should, what made him think updates needed to be ran?
fuckkk dude I just tried the recovery option
it didn't fucking work, menu crashes
what the fuck do i do now am i screwed?
You may aswell bump him up to win 10.
I use the following on my parents computers and laptops, as well as my own forced win 10 for work laptop. Seems to take care of everything,i dont know of one for windows 7 unfortunately. But another option

reinstall twrp
boot into twrp
clear cache, dalvik, system and data if you have the rom on the sdcard
flash the rom, reboot...
if the rom is prerooted you wouldn't need supersu or installing supersu. then go to the play store get a root checker and see if you're set
Option A: Stop being paranoid

Option B: CCleaner
that's what I'm thinking of doing. I can easily get Windows 10 keys, but I'm not sure how well it runs on a Core2Duo/AMD 5670. I honestly don't even really care at this point.

My whole point was not to get rid of Windows 10 spying, just to prevent him from ever pulling down the updater in the first place or causing something to nullify Daz Loader. He has no reason to update, anyways. He's just playing fucking Runescape and League.
How do I graph numbers on the complex plane using a ti-84 CE?
You can disable updating with it, along with a myriad of other options unrelated to malware
dawg i've reinstalled twrp like 3 times
it doesn't work
nothing that requires me to grant root permissions works
to be clear the supersu app said i wasn't rooted
root checker is telling me the same thing
Yeah you're right. I already use CCleaner.
please provide link to the rom, sounds like the rom is not rooted
the rom is rooted, but hold on
maybe I did the flash wrong
What I actually did, was flash the rom dirty, and then go to twrp from the dirty rom and factory reset it.
as per the instructions I got from here
xda for the rom here
Looking for a free remote android app on my galaxy s7. Any suggestions? Preferably a visual one and not just folders.
the rom is supposed to be rooted*
it does sound a lot like mine isn't rooted, though, if that's what you meant
Ah okay. I'll look into it. Thanks anon
So let me get this right, only ISOs for the english version of Office 2013 exist right?
And you have to modify them with a .sfv file?
problem solved?
Your license will get mad if you have an OEM license.
Windows itself will also throw a bitch fit and make it something of a chore to migrate to a new motherboard, assuming you're going to another chipset. It is possible to move to a new chipset without reinstalling Windows, but you better have your new drivers ready to install in safe mode. And then it's not guaranteed to be free of issues if you have old drivers lying around to confuse Windows.

TL;DR: It can be done, but reinstalling is recommended.
I'd like to clarify what I said that made you think the problems solved, but I'm not sure what that is lol
back up your data,
wipe dalvik, cache, system, data
then install the rom.
It should be that simple anon
I can't access recovery dude
I'm looking to get some sort of capture card specifically just to take screenshots of consoles prior to the newest ones. Is there one that doesn't cost an arm and a leg and can do 1080p? Or do I really have to shell out $180 for an Elgato for features I don't really need?
can you get to the fastboot mode?
that way, you can connect to your computer and flash the recovery that way
hmm im not sure
just googled it and it seems like a lengthy-ish process
if it requires my phone to be rooted probably not though
otherwise there's a chance
So the AC guy left my back door open for a bit even though I specifically told him not to, my cat got out, went into my neighbor's yard, and was killed my my neighbor's dog. I'm understandably grief-stricken right now and just wondering who should I sue for this? The AC guy? My neighbor? My home warranty company that dispatched the AC guy? Somebody is getting sued for this.
How long do websites keep your email and personal information? Does anyone here have ever worked for websites? How long did you keep the information after someone deleted their account?
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What are the best laptops under $500-600? I haven't been keeping up with tech for years. Would prefer latest CPUs as well. Currently using my rig I built I in 2012 but I need something new now that isn't a chinkpad.

I need something with HDMI, displayport or DVI-D
it's not a long process, just find the key combo you need for your device,
the connect to your computer and see if you can access your device using fastboot, from there on you just flash the recovery and that's all

fastboot devices

if it shows up continue to 2
fastboot flash recovery <recovery name.im>

fasboot reboot 

and you're done
your cat deserved to die

you deserved to get cucked by the AC man
The neighbor. His dog, his yard, his liability. Anyway there are precedents. See: http://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/judge-awards-45480-in-cats-death/
For what?

And yes, a thinkpad is your best bet.

$500-600 can only get you an AMD APU or a Pentium CPU.
Probably the company that dispatched him, I would think. Theyre responsible for their employees actions. But I'm not sure as it was your neighbors yard
i dunno dawg
i googled how to fastboot and this guy had to put a whole guide out
maybe it's just the set up that he's talking about
anyway so once it's set up, I just need to type what you typed into some sort of box and I'm good to go?
Shtiposting message boards, torrenting and watching movies. Nothing remotely serious. Just something not shitty. I would build my own shit but I'm over that. I don't game anymore and I need portability more than anything. I take care of my stuff as well.
>For the most part you can not use much of fastboot unless you are rooted
from the guide
it's not looking good for me
you don't need to be rooted to run fastboot, all you need is unlocked bootloader.

take your time to read through it, and don't rush through it. so that you don't brick your device.
the steps I have posted prior to this one should be done once you can get to your fastboot screen on your phone. which is done through a key combination. I don't know which one you select on your device.
Are there any scripts, add-ons, or whatever workarounds that lets me keep up with youtube subscriptions WITHOUT having an account? This isn't for paranoia reasons and I'm sure that it wouldn't be an option since youtube itself provides that functionality, but I want to be sure first.
create a throw away google account
I have a "precracked" version of windows 7. How do I check if its legit or not?
alright, I don't really understand the steps that you posted though, have no idea what it means
And I have to sleep soon so I'll have to continue this whole thing tomorrow
And I'm assuming the steps that you typed in aren't verbatim, but I have no idea what I'm actually supposed to input so could you tell me what to google to figure it out?
or is this not the type of thing you can google
Thinkpad x220 with IPS screen and add a high end SSD (850 EVO/PRO).
Its not.
There is no precracked legit Windows 7.
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Why can't I add a test bench as a source? Are new editions of Xilinx Vivado not carrying this option? I have to do this for school and I feel screwed because I can't figure out how this shit works, why can't we do this on C++...
also, do you know what might have caused this issue in the first place?
the .zip was legit, the process was straightforward, and no one has any problems with using or flashing this rom
not even me when i first flashed it
so was it the factory reset that fucked it up?
im thinking that maybe you're not supposed to factory reset the rom because it takes away root permissions? although nowhere on the internet can I find any warnings to not do this, so Idk about that
it's just that that's the only thing I can think of that I did that might have been out of the book
What's the difference between a function and class in c++?
Is the geforce experience worth it? the optimization etc.
get into fastboot mode

install fastboot and adb on your computer...
the in the folder where you've installed fastboot or adb press shift and right click and select open command window here.
Then try and see if what output you get after typing fastboot devices
if you see a code right there then you can process with the above steps if you don't see anything around try doing it as a super user(see documentation for fastboot and adb, I don't know how to do it on windows because I'm on linux where I do sudo fastboot devices if I don't get an output).
After you've seen that adb and fastboot works, then just flash the recovery and copy over the rom to your device and flash it

after you flash the rom all you need to do is hit reboot.
factory reseting should be done before flashing the rom.
>flash the recovery
when you say "flash the recovery" what is the recovery?
it's like a command that will boot the phone into recovery?
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How do I network a DOS computer? No Ethernet port. Two (?) phone ports though, one says JACK and another says PHONE
you can connect the sata data cable and it'll work
but i'm not sure laptops provide 12v to their sata connectors, laptop/2.5" drives only use the 5v power pins
jack in
the recovery is the software that helps you clear the cache, storage, factory reset or install a new rom.
so far the most known recoveries are cwm and twrp. these can be installed using a computer or doing it through the phone

>using a computer
fast make sure that fastboot and adb are working
then search for the recovery you want that is compatible with your phone and download it
now that you have it copy it to the adb folder you have on your computer
make sure your phone is in fastboot mode
the do the "fastboot flash recovery (the name of the recovery.img"
then you can boot into the recovery and enjoy :)
>using the phone
make sure your phone is rooted
go to the playstore and get a twrp manager or cwm manager install the one you want
then it will have an install option in the application
That's going to be a dial up modem the jack is the input and phone is what you would plug a phone into

you'd probably need to find an ethernet card
OOSU10 lets you disable Windows updates as well. Just download the Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft themselves and use a toolkit to authenticate it.
A good 1080p monitor?
IPS or 144hz?
either get an ethernet card, or use a null modem cable (plus a usb serial adapter if your newer machine has no serial ports)
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null modem or serial. Serial will let you send FTP/SSH data at 9600 bit per second.

It's been a while since I've done anything, but I know's possible. TFTP, who knows.
oh yea, should be noted that serial is pretty slow, and it only really going to good for sending small files, playing multiplayer games, using IRC, etc

if you want to move large amounts of data, it'd be quicker just to take the hdd out and attach it via a usb ide adapter
this I understand completely

this fucks me up a little bit
it sounds familiar though
I believe I had to do something containing the acronyms adb and img when unlocking the bootloader or something

either way I have to head to bed now
I can't tell you how much I'm grateful for your help dude
There's other things going on that basically make my phone a brick right now, that can't be fixed unless i fix this rom, so I would have probably had a $700 piece of hardware that I could basically just use to make calls if it weren't for you
i don't know how to express my thanks enough
How do I filter on 4chan?
It isn't working.
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you welcome mate. Just try to understand what you are doing and you will have an easy time. and don't rush it
What distro should I put on a my new pc
are you using the default "extension"
because don't do that
Aunt bought her kid an Xbone even after I explained everything terrible with consoles and how much better even a cheap gaming PC would be

What do?
You better kill your aunt. She obviously doesn't know how to raise her kid properly.
ubuntu MATE
is the kid under 12/did he want the xbox/has she already given it to him(as opposed to a present)/are you unable to name one single good pc game
if yes to any of the above then get over it
I have a crappy laptop I got as a gift because it was useless

I want to have a Linux machine so I can learn more about OSs

The problem:
>506 MB RAM
>64 GB Hard Drive
>Lenovo laptop with supervisor password that I've never been able to crack

Is this a viable Linux Machine? Or should I just save a couple hundred for another x220 (poor collegefag so money is hard to come by, trying to avoid this) ?
What do you mean?
I clicked to hide specific comments.
We just wants it for minecraft/Ark Survival(an unfinished game)

And will probably stop using it after a week like every other handheld he's had

he already has it, guess it came with the division, but they don't want their kids playing online, but they're still going to pay $60 a year for Xbox Live

Aside from that dwarf fortress
I don't want any thing to do with Amazon and other bloated software
>they don't want their kids playing online, but they're still going to pay $60 a year for Xbox Live
I think what we have here is just a regular old bunch of uppermid class normie retards
be a good guy and try to get them to put the 60 obamas/year going completely to waste into a college fund instead, then stop interacting with their family
it's too late to help them in any other way, at most they'll probably just buy an alienware or razer prebuilt for christmas anyway, and then where would you be

I don't know enough about xbone compatibility with mineshit mods to say that it's better on pc or not
install it. Thank me later.
MATE doesn't have anything to do with amazon
Naw that kid's an idiot, his 2 year old brother is smarter than he is

he's one of the new age kids that does nothing but watch minecraft youtube videos all day
then keep him far away from a decent pc, god forbid he becomes someone who makes those videos
It doesn't seem to censor threads but censors posts.
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How dangerous is this? The cable was dragging along the road accidently.
Would i be electrocuted if I touched the outside and the inside at the same time?
p-put your dick in it.
should be fine as long as you don't put it in your dick. Dick into it is ok, as is puting it into a device.
Gaming mouse, mostly overwatch.
What's your budget
What are my choices for open source Fortran 77 compilers? Should I just stick with GCC?
Use tiaxti
Up to 100 burgers
Everyone loves final mouse for FPS games apparently, doesn't have any gimmicks to it like retarded RGB

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What's the easiest way to run System Shock 1 in linux?
Best seedbox with unlimited bandwidth? Only need storage
What are the prime elements that slow down a webpage in a browser?
Some webpages really stress my browser. Even though the memory is relatively low.
Is there a method to discover what elements are causing the stress, and to disable them?
I'm using Firefox btw.
JavaScript, use NoScript
Is JavaScript the prime culprit? Are there other elements that always slow things down? I've enabled NoScript there. Does NoScript disable all JavaScript unless stated otherwise?
My keyboard caps are UV-coated ABS, but I applied some 70% Isopropyl alcohol to the WASD keys once via a cotton swab to test clean. This won't damage the UV coating if it was just one time, will it? I plan on just using warm water from here on out.
Thanks, I'll look into it.
iirc NoScript whitelists scripts loaded from the domain you're visiting and blacklists all other scripts unless you whitelist them
Also have an annoying review by a guy who plays a ton of fps games from linus shill tips, he goes over some of the issues of the 2015 version for comparison to 2016 version reviews
The HDMI port in my monitor is incredibly touchy, adjusting it slightly causes lost signal for ~5 seconds with every move, along with semi-frequent horizontal line artifacts.
Any non-meme methods of tightening it up?
(note, I've used several different HDMI cables, it's the port for sure.)
OP here again.
Basically I would like to strip all my favourite websites down to just the core information so that they are just a HTML shell. For faster loading, for smoother browsing.
I used to use Windows live for all my emailing stuff. What's the next best thing? Thunderbird?
curl website | less
Probably shouldn't touch it and contact real authorities instead of this place
Is GOG galaxy workable on your linux installation?
Where do I get help for piracy shit?
I downloaded a 'cracked' copy of far cry 4 and it doesn't work.
Everything loads fine until the first cut scene ends.. Then it crashes.
When i start photoshop, i get 'this monitor is defective' error. What does that mean?
What's a good Android Tablet for reading documents with diagrams? I.E. Art catalogs from Openculture and programming ebooks.

I am looking for an android tablet that's not a slim Fire HD 7.

And if it has an SD card slot and it has a headphone jack, it's a big plus.
There isn't.
If you have a problem, google it. Typically it involves updating .net framework, but that's not always the case.
I'd say that your monitor is defective personally...
Forreal though, google mang.

/// from the adobe forums
Your monitor profile is defective. It's a known problem with the profile provided with that monitor.

You have several reasonable choices...

1. (Assuming the monitor has the capability) you could set the monitor to a preset patterned after a well-known standard profile and associate the standard profile with the monitor in your OS color-management settings.

2. You could get a calibration and profiling device and measure your system's performance. Once a custom profile is developed from the measurements, the software will associate it with your monitor, replacing the defective one.

Color-management is a complex subject, and you'll want to study it in order to understand why you would want to make one of the above choices over the other. People will emphatically try to make the decision for you, but only you can make the proper one.

I can tell you this: You will not be able to learn color-management a piece at a time on a forum.
>There isn't.
Oh well, maybe I'll download another one.
And I have googled 9001 things about it. Don't think I'm a lazy anon.
What's it called when you check for a preliminary condition, and if the test passes, then you check for a secondary condition over a period of time?

I know it's used a lot for signals that have a lot of noise and if you're looking for a signal that's below a threshold and you don't want to include noise, you'd check for the low condition first, then for the high condition (to make sure your low signal was indeed low and not just an interference

It's on the tip of my tongue and I can't figure it out for the life of me.
a lot of big corporations are actually only giving jobs like this to competent workers, then sending it to code monkeys to figure out.
I want to start using arduino and rasberry pis, but I know nothing about the physical components, let alone what a ground is. What subject would I google to study this? Electrical engineering? Engineering basics?
Sorry anon. If it's any help, I downloaded this one and haven't had any issues.

one thing I saw---
Go into the install directory - ...\program files (x86)\ubisoft\ubisoft game launcher\games\far cry 4\bin then delete the fc64.dll
then go back into uplay and verify the game files. It'll then come up saying there were errors/corruptions and ask you to repair it. Press 'repair' and once it's done, the game should be working."
While you obviously can't "repair", perhaps there's a clean version of that file lying around. If you need to, I can send a copy of mine.
I want to update to windows 10 for zed games but does it work? is it worth it?
what the fuck is zed games and also no
can the fucko track me if I'm using a 4chin pass that I bought with my credit card?

i want to post when i'm using VPN because my country is doing mass surveilance.

Does 4chan and Hiroshima Takanaki or whatever the admin is called hand out 4chan pass information to law enforcement?

t. potential 20USD 4chan pass user
Probably not in general, but all you have is their word that they don't share that information
If a subpoena or national security letter is involved they have no choice.
>let alone what a ground is
Basic electronics. Depending what you want to do with Raspi and Arduino, you'll need anything from basic electronics knowledge to advanced electrical engineering and digital circuits.

What're you trying to do with this?

I have a massive .json file to open and analyze. How is it possible to do so please? I'm a bit on the dumb side I guess.
the last time I had to do that, I used Perl and some JSON module off CPAN, can't remember which one
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I play simulation games, and I ordered headphones. Is it gonna affect headphones in some way if I put it in back panel which is "Speakers"? I can't change it, because cheap mobo I guess. I'm gonna use surround sound btw, so just asking if it will affect anything or not even if slot is Speakers
It depends if you are gay or not
What is a browser on winblows that supports tree tabs? I don't want to use an extention that puts it in a separate window. Thanks in advance
No firefox please
It's your only option. No Firefox, no TST.
Virtual Surround only works right if you tell it what is actually connected. If set to "speakers", it assumes sound is coming from something positioned in front of you, where some sound from the right speaker will be heard by your left ear, etc. With "headphones", it assumes sound comes from things positioned over or in each ear, where if it pans a sound all the way to the left, it will be heard only in your left ear. It changes how it processes virtual surround, and it won't sound quite right if you set it to something that isn't what you have plugged in.

If you're just using stereo sound without surround or anything wacky like that, it doesn't make a difference.
I'll try this. Not very clear though but I guess I'll manage with what I have...
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This might have been asked over and over again but how to get into tech business? programing/IT/Sysadmin?
Where to get a degree? do I even need a degree or just certificate?
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Need help. Just bought a Palit 750ti. I was still using VGA before this and finally decided to upgrade. So I put it in, installed the drivers(still using VGA), then I switched the input on my monitor to HDMI. It only showed no signal. The VGA cable was off and the HDMI cable was on so I restarted it. Weird thing I found out is that it only boots up until the windows 8.1 loading screen only then it's no signal. Booted it up in safe mode and it worked fine (but no audio). Changed resolution to native 1080p and it worked. Only when I boot it up normally it nothing shows up. Also, I've never messed with anything that deep in my PC so all of it is in it's default settings right now. (I hope). Anyway to Fix this?
Why is AMD so much better for gayman stuff
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if i buy an unlocked phone, can i stick any simcard in and it will work?

ive always bought phones on contract from the network so im not sure how it works
Would someone mind explaining the following things, or possibly point me to some resources?I can't seem to find a good source.

1. What is the complaint made against the BSD license? I've been told even stallman doesn't like it. I have only ever used fedora, and am thinking about switching. Does arch/gentoo offer a valid alternative?

2. What are the nuances in the tech community surrounding privacy, anonymity, etc. If I use cyanogenmod without Gapps, use fedora as my distro with firefox to browse, and stay off of google/amazon/skype/etc, I should be fairly free of dragnet surveillance correct?

3. What the hell makes everyone so mad about systemd?
thats what unlocked means
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What's a good US to Canada package forwarding service?

We're getting cucked on everything over here. $350 leafbucks + additional shipping vs $200 US for a pair of K550. Help me defeat these jews /g/
What's the deal with gaming mouses? I need a new one for work and gaming but I have no idea what specs are important. I saw the ad for the coming Razer DeathAdder and its "16,000 DPI and true tracking at 450 Inches Per Second". What exactly does that mean? That the mouse is moving faster? Or more accurate?
Neat thanks
stupid question:

I've got custom hotkeys in ubuntu, one is super + r, and it runs 'dmenu_run', however, for some reason now it just runs 'mpc next', which is another hotkey I have on ctrl + shift+ ] .

I've tried removing both hotkeys and redefining, to no luck.

Anyone have this problem? It's unity btw.
What is a good temperature for my 1080 to be at?
I've never even had a graphics card before and I'm not sure.
For really any gpu, 30c-80c is about normal. (amd leaning closer to 80)
Speccy does a pretty good job of dummying it down, with normal tems being in yellow, and critical in red.
You shouldn't go above... eh, I'd say around 70c at idle, and 80 under load. Anything below that, and you're golden boo boo.
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Are there any advantages Chorme/Chromium has over Firefox? I'm on the latest Waterfox
my relatively new Sony earplugs make clicking noises randomly when audio is playing.

it doesn't seem to be related to head/jack movement.

what could it be? i have a shameful windows 8 installed on my asus craptop.
Do the same headphones make the same sounds on different devices?

If so, return to Sony.
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As of the last 24 hours I have to reload a page just for it to start loading. Same with links I have to paste the link manually and hit refresh. It just infinitely loads if I don't refresh.

I just installed and used Hamachi and this started happening.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated seeing as how I spend 16 hours of my day online.
Hdmi only works on safe mode? Why?
where can I find a relatively cheap LGA1366 i7 processor that is powerful enough to play battlefield one? is there a chance of finding one in a dumpster or anything like that? a good, lifelong friend of mine needs to upgrade his pc for battlefield one. he's broke, trying to raise 4 kids practically by himself since his wife tried to commit suicide 3 times already, the guy's nerves are shot, and one of the only things keeping him going is the prospect of playing battlefield one. I'm trying to help him upgrade his computer, and I'm trying to do it as cheaply as possible. There are other stipulations, so I can't order anything from newegg or amazon. If anyone has an idea of where I could look to find a cheap LGA1366 i7 processor then I would be eternally grateful.
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I got HDD with partitioning scheme
sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 255M 0 part /boot
├─sda2 8:2 0 29.3G 0 part /
├─sda3 8:3 0 432.5G 0 part /home
├─sda4 8:4 0 1K 0 part
└─sda5 8:5 0 3.8G 0 part [SWAP]
sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom

Will using clonezilla preserve the partitioning table?
Odds of one just turning up are pretty low
Might be able to find a E5645 for around $50
More accurate. The deathadder is one of the best "normal" gaming mouses. It doesnt have a retarded shape like the Naga so you wont look like a basement dweller if someone sees you with one, but it has really good accuracy for gaming.

t. naga owner. i wish i had a deathadder
apparently no, my sister just tested it.
Source of video material?
> eyecandy
It's like all that anime is made for kids with Down syndrome, I can't really explain it otherwise. Story is shit, characters are hollow, colors are acid, big boobs and pantsu are obligatory.
BTW, sauce?
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How safe is it to use Skype? I have a weird fetish including lots of sexting with older men and obviously I'm using a fake-name, etc. However, I'm still a bit concerned that someone could find out who I am or where I live. Is that possible just by texting in skype?
What's the objectively best music player for android?
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For CBZ/CBR what's an appropriate image count?
in order not to make the comic reader shit itself?

I've only got today and tomorrow to reformat and install all the updates I need before I'm not able to download real updates without installing telemetry spyware. Is there a way I can immunize Windows 7 so I can just tell it to download all the important updates, but not the telemetry ones? Or do I need to go one-by-one and deny the known bad KBs? I don't trust it to completely remove them if I install everything and then use an automated tool to remove the bad updates.
Should it matter? It's an archive format, it's not meant to be opened to be read, it's meant to be read "as is" no?
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The really cute girl who lives next door left a note in the elevator asking if someone in the building would be willing to share the wifi with her. She left her phone number and I managed to find her on facebook and she's single. I bet she only uses the internet for shit like youtube/facebook, but I don't want to risk having a higher ping when playing my videogames. What should I do?
Stop 'sperging. There are tons of cute girls out there that don't require your Internet.
Make sure you're using an HDMI port on your GPU, not your motherboard. Uninstall your drivers with this


Make sure your integrated graphics are up to date, then download new drivers directly from the Nvidia website. Disable onboard graphics in you bios if it has an option for it.

It's not, it sometimes offers better performance at certain price point, and it's drivers tend to age better. Nvidia tends to lock down the top card position most generations.

You need to make sure it supports all the bands that you want, which is less of a problem these days. Also sticking a verizon sim in an att phone wouldn't work, because verizon is CDMA.

Firefox is still behind on the sandboxing game, although E10 is making baby steps towards fixing that. So for now, security and tab-isolation stability are still limited, which is part of why noscript/umatrix are still recommended. Also chrome tends to be more happy to embrace proprietary standards, and if a page isn't showing correctly in chrome, then you can usually assume it's the page's fault. Also their app library is a little less schizophrenic, where as firefox's is about to get worse. But firefox is still a great browser and I wouldn't use chrome even if it didn't tend towards ram issues.

If you copy everything exactly, you shouldn't have a problem.

If you're not doing anything illegal, and you don't give out personal information, you should be fine. Use a strong password, don't link that account to anyone who knows you.

There's no deadline here. For one thing, microsoft doesn't change things on the first of a month, the do it on patch tuesday (2nd tuesday) or around the 21st. But more importantly they're not removing any of the old updates, they're just not producing individual ones in the future.

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Are there any FTP Clients for Windows that stop the remote server from timing me out after a few seconds of being idle?
You're friendzoned the moment you give her access to the WiFi
Fuck her and change the password.
A simple reverse search will yield result.
>If you copy everything exactly, you shouldn't have a problem.
I see.
What format does it save the backup?
Does the external HDD file system has to be ext4? Can I exclude a partition?
So it's safe to install Windows updates now, other than having to disable telemetry afterwards?
I'm pretty sure WinSCP can do that.
I'm about to install Debian and try using a Linux desktop for the first time. What's a good desktop environment to choose? I'm coming from Windows 7, Windows 10 has killed Windows for me, I plan to dual boot the two for a while, get the hang of Linux, and eventually only keep the Windows 7 install for games.
Yeah, you can choose which telemetry updates to avoid, or uninstall them after the fact. As long as a given update doesn't get installed on top of itself, and you don't use the convenience rollup, they should come out just fine. The weirdness of october is that if you want to download future security updates only, you'll have to do it manually, or find a third party tool.

It will probably save the image as a .gz archive. Clonezilla really doesn't care what filesystem it's saving to (excluding the fat32 size limitation of course). You can skip partitions, but if one of them is windows, I'd use a windows tool like macrium instead, as windows is kind of bitchy about being relocated to a different place on drives. Also be aware that clonezilla doesn't allow you to remove free space from a partition when restoring it.

You might be a little in over your head if you've never used linux before. Maybe consider an Ubuntu derivative like mint. If you're determined to do debian, there are several good DEs, including Xfce and mint's own cinnamon, which is a fairly intuitive transition from windows.
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>Also be aware that clonezilla doesn't allow you to remove free space from a partition when restoring it.
What do you mean?
Also when retoring to new HDD does fstab get updated?
Your test bench is a simulation source. Click that.

have built-in language support / language packs for
Japanese (ja-jP)

Traditional Chinese (zh-TW)

Korean (ko-KR)
who the hell needs traditional chinese? Even my actually chinese friends say it's retarded bullcrap
I mean if you back up a partition that is 240GB, but only has 1 GB of data, and try to restore it to your disk that has 120GB of unallocated space, you're screwed.

Clonezilla pretty much drops your partitions unceremoniously onto the new drive. If grub/fstab needs updating, you'll probably have to do it manually.
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stfu commie

I just bought a Samsung 850 PRO, did I fuck up?
Nah. They're good drives. You're a moron for asking after you bought though.
I did some searching to see if an 860 was on the way but it looks like no.

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