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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 35

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Previous thread: >>56819162

What are you working on, /g/?
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what does a consultant for a software company do?
Humans can get fleas

They consult

What a shit OP image
the work of a software developer + business analyst + salesman, for the pay of a software developer.
OOP a shit! REEEE
>>stop making fun of my paradigm! waaa
>uses C#, which has been going further away from OOP
>complains when C# 7 drops some non-OOP functionality
If you wanted anime then you should've been quicker.
Who the fuck are you, interloper?

OSGTP = mummy
Ruby = daddy
nv = doggo

(you) are not part of the happy /dpt/ family.
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happy family.png
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I'm not an OOP purist, by any means. You can stop pretending that I am at any time.
Composition over inheritance has already been widely-accepted even in the OOverse. It's very easy to show that any example of a good class hierarchy using inheritance will break as soon as you go against the grain. This is a claim that I'm willing to back up, given some examples to work with. It's not contrived, at all.

It's well-known that you shouldn't use inheritance unless you can guarantee that your plans won't change, which of course is a bit of a pipe dream if you're writing real-world software which is ironically where you people say OOP is best.
when am i going to load this shit
>he doesn't recognize the tripcode
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what we do to tripfags.gif
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pic and its name related
can you be a great programmer without ever having seen an assembler?

They are so desperate that they'll insist it's still OOP

This is what I meant by calling modern OOP "C with classes".
That's literally what it is.
They're hanging on by a fucking thread, by methods alone.
If you got rid of methods, making all functions free, it would literally be a non OOP language.

C++ even nearly killed of methods with proposals for changing . 's behaviour.
>Composition over inheritance
Literally only ever a problem in OOP land.

Users of non-OOP languages are still wondering what the fuck OOP users are even talking about

>C++ even nearly killed of methods with proposals for changing . 's behaviour.

Changing it to what, precisely?
genuinely funny line, but your argument is garbage

>"I never had to use something. Actually, I do not even know exactly what that is! Therefore, it must be garbage."

You're not cool for having written something in assembly code
Changing it so that it also works with surrounding functions in the same scope, i.e.

myfun(X a,T b, S c);

struct {...} x;


Which is also how methods actually work, by passing *this as the first parameter
data stream analysis for business foresight.
>b-but my prof. s-said i-id totally need 1970s assembly techniques!
I'm saying that, much like design patterns, composition vs inheritance is only an issue in OOP. Other paradigms are not so crippled.
myfun should take an X* as the first param
struct X {...} x;

That's essentially what Rust's method syntax achieves.

***still oop
Is the guy I argued with over java standard library bloat here?
I would like to hear your rebuttal.
>still oop
Not remotely. Haskell has a function (&) in Data.Function that does this
x & f = f x

[1..5] & take 10 & drop 3 & map (+4) & sum

We OOP now?
The C++ stl is much more bloated.
So OOP can be as meaningless as simply having method syntax?
I'm working on a program to generate a portfolio of daily fantasy football lineups. I'm writing it in python, but I'm realizing that I should learn R because pandas is such a pain in the ass.
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More like '99 assembly techniques.
>mfw SIMD
Yes, I agree, i was the one saying that Java standard library isn't bloated

If you're associating methods with a data type, then it's OOP. easy peasy.


I'm done arguing with anti-oop bullies now. I'm not taking the bait.
>If you're associating methods with a data type, then it's OOP. easy peasy.
Are you seriously saying functions with types are OOP?
>anti-oop bullies

>get BTFO
>"stop bullying me!"
You're as bad as SJWs.
Encapsulation is more than that.

If you dilute the meaning of OOP to include almost everything, then of course it's impossible to argue that it's nigh useless. But what have you accomplished other than a smug sense of superiority?
I wish you were on the other side, the OOP side

Yes. Essentially every C program in existence is designed around OOP principles.
I use goto when I write C, come at me
>all code has to operate on data therefore OOP is EVERYTHING!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA
>What a shit OP image
>i have never had to perform major surgery on a codebase before
Didn't you know?
Goto is OOP
>I'm not taking the bait.
>post contains multiple arguments pro oop as well

Labels are objects.
If JavaScript uses prototypes for inheritance, does that mean it is a POOP language?
it's about the concepts, not so much the implementation. like with functional programming, you have pure functions and limited state change, so what, it's just the way you reason about it on a conceptual level
javascript is not a programming language
{ 2x + 1 | x ε ℕ }
is Object Oriented Mathematics?
int rv = 1;

char *res = NULL;
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>idiots like these can get interviews every day of the week
>they'll eventually get a job through sheer bruteforce

i can't even get rejection emails
>call them up asking if they received my resume
>"sorry we're not allowed to divulge that information"
>"is the position still open at least?"
>"sorry we're not allowed to divulge that information at this time"
Javascript is Turing complete
You know what you need to do. Pretend you're an SJW.

x is an object in the set of natural numbers.
>numbers are objects
Fuck off Plato
it is
it's not a language used by programmers

it's not a programming language
>calls company HR while masturbating to anime comics
>"so, uh, nngh, I wanted to know if you got my resume"
>"mmh, yeah, is your position open, do you still have a gap to fill, know what I mean? hnnng"
>fucking normies! REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>I bet the matriarchy did this!!
Isn't that a troll?
I'm not sure where you're going with this.
I don't understand the point you were trying to make.

Is Hindi a programming language then?
Remember: when everything is object-oriented, nothing will be. Changing the goalposts this hard accomplishes nothing.
Maybe that's why you don't get interviews

Is your resume covered in ponies?
The goalposts are objects
language has more than one meaning

javascript is not programming, it's just for people who can't into real programming

when javascript "prgrammers" say shit like javascript is functional or OOP, it's like hearing an HTML coder say shit like that


This guy gets it.
Is the set of all objects an object?
Your mom's an object

Yes, it is.
its objects all the way down, until you hit the turtles
Where are the elephants?
Really makes you think.
Why are you projecting so hard?
>monads are monoidal objects in the category of endofunctors

greatest OOP language of all time
Why aren't you answering the question?
will you just leave
you can write OOP in C. you can write FP in C. it's about the concepts, not so much the syntax or language features.
>OOP objects are category theory objects
Yes, I am aware of Russell's paradox.
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What is OOP?

Can /dpt/ agree on fundamental attributes of OOP?
I agree, but I don't know why you're posting this right now. What are you responding to?

What did he mean by this?
>you can write FP in C.
can i define a function within a function in C
No, I willn't.
>can i define a function within a function in C

There are extensions for that.
state + methods
They're called C++
>If you dilute the meaning of OOP to include almost everything, then of course it's impossible to argue that it's nigh useless. But what have you accomplished other than a smug sense of superiority?
anti-OOP memers usually have this strawman argument that you have to write pajeet-tier enterprise code for something to be considered OOP. you can make FP look ridiculous in the same way with haskell tards but FP on its own without taking it to its extremes makes sense too.
except in rust you still call it as

and in the call you get
foo(self) { } 

which is not the same as
rev <<< OOP

i might as well write a scheme interpreter as an extension and really be functional
Message passing
Dynamic dispatch
I'm not sure how this follows from the other things you said.
whatever, retard
Or better yet, allow users to extend your code with GNU Guile.

Let me know when Ccheme is ready. I'll use it.
>Dynamic dispatch
Higher order functions

OOP is just a heavily restricted extremely specific form of this
I wish C++ didn't have exceptions
So we have
>passing messages
>dispatching dynamically (?)

Are any of these things fundamentally bad?

Can something be OOP without any of these 4 things?
>thinking in terms of paradigms instead of just writing good code with everything that is available to you
I'd argue that the encapsulation of state and methods together is inherently bad.
paradigms describe how good code is to be written
No, they describe a particular way to write code regardless of whether it is good or not.
not an argument.

You would argue that.
Why would a paradigm be popular if it inherently produces bad code?

What does "bad code" mean?
I don't know, anon, but that is clearly the case. Maybe not inherently, but in practice.
If I wanted to compute the seasonal variance of a player, would I have to compute each weekly performance, or is there a way to compute it from his overall seasonal performance?

I've scraped my data from yahoo sports here:
most programmers are shit, but that's not the fault of the paradigm
Right, I said I would argue for that view. I didn't actually give an argument.
Encapsulation is useless with a good type system, because you can simply encode the invariants in types.

Simply hiding implementation details to allow them to change without the code that uses them caring is not really encapsulation and is still really easy to do without OOP (you just need modules, translation units, etc.)
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
>tfw you try to follow a tutorial and the code doesn't compile
Why even divide features into paradigms if you then have to figure out when they do and don't work?
Just try to stop me.
It is pointless to have a type system because any type system that can cover all use cases is Turing-complete and therefore undecidable.
why even do anything?
lol what

haskell records are oop ok
Is it worth it to learn programming if I live in NJ?
"not an argument" wasn't contributing. It was pointing out something that was already self-evident to anyone who can read.

The post you were responding to was in reference to the question "Are any of these things fundamentally bad?", which does not ask why anything is bad, only if.
Is it worth to live if in NJ?
Why does it have to be all or nothing? If my type system covers 99% of my code, it doesn't matter because it doesn't cover 100%?
>it's haskell so it's not oop
nice meme


getUserName (Configuration un _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = un
getLocalHost (Configuration _ lh _ _ _ _ _ _) = lh
getRemoteHost (Configuration _ _ rh _ _ _ _ _) = rh
getIsGuest (Configuration _ _ _ ig _ _ _ _) = ig
-- And so on...

this doesn't look reminiscent of anything to you?
Nirvana fallacy, a type system can be useful without needing to cover all possible use cases.
anything that isn't writing your programs in binary is OOP

No, scratch that, anything that isn't you making a hardware circuit of your program is OOP
I don't have a choice in the matter.
transistors are objects
But even slightly non-trivial functions are out of the reach of most typecheckers.
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>Records and structs are now OOP
if you're doing object-oriented programming on an abstract level then it's OOP

I was just about to say this.
Hence why I said "with a good type system". Give some examples.

stop objectifying transistor people
My calculator is now able to parse Parentheses.
Is it a lisp yet
Can anybody help me write regex? I want to match strings like "<<||" or "<<<<||||".
>he didn't use RPN based calcultaor
nope, just a regular language
>he could only code an RPN calculator
I'm it to learn how to write a Tokenizer & Parser.
ive done both
converting to a representation that you can do rpn with is much more elegant
Take a look at Julia. The type system is simultaneously terrible and extremely useful. Type checking of trival-to-check functions is enough to eliminate a lot of problems (and generate significantly faster code, which is rarely a bad thing).
are you doing a 6.01 assignment
I don't know what you mean.
I'm doing this for fun.
newtype + exported methods
record extension
type class methods are polymorphic

Yep, Haskell supports OOP paradigm.
>Yep, Haskell supports OOP paradigm.
b-but muh pure, precious hasklel
how do i become leet hax0r
start by pooing in the loo
OOP doesn't mean impure. Not that Haskell is all that pure, given everything you do implicitly has the capability to be partial or non-terminating.
Hmmm, are OOP babbies really just the current year version of
>muh forms
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>Why would a paradigm be popular if it inherently produces bad code?
Instead of giving programmers the tools to solve problems it (supposedly) solves the problem of managers replacing said programmers with cargo cult pattern-pajeets. (in practice it just means they'll have to get good programmers willing to work around their shitty paradigms after the pattern-pajeets are done ruining the codebase)
Transistors are magic smoke. Supernatural, not objects.
or it could just be that OOP is the only sane way to deal with large applications where you have hundreds of developers working on them at the same time
Why is it still widely used in most large projects?

Have you tried explaining this to project managers at Fortune 500 companies?
nicely memed
Keep slurping that corporate cock.
Pre-Enterprise OOP OOP, yes.
The Linux Kernel is for instance OOP, it just has almost nothing whatsoever to do with C++ or Java "OOP".
>Why is it still widely used in most large projects?
Mainly because we have about 25+ years of it being sold to the managers and because the codebases, tooling and university-churned programmers are all basked in C++ and Java.
Cultural inertia in other words, same reason why Cobol was huge way past it's prime.
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Pretty smart move:

Mono, .NET Core, and regular .NET will have a unified set of libraries they all must implement.

That means you'll be able to develop a library that will work for any .NET project, regardless of OS or flavor of .NET used.
>>Rust or Nim-lang?

why don't you start your own company using whichever paradigm you prefer and
BTFO these antiquated OOP-using companies?
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Actually, this means that Mono will essentially be gone and exist as a subset, rather than a separate framework.

Good to know that it's staying open-source.
reminder that all oop languages are in the process of adopting FP features
reminder that all oop languages are in the process of recommending not using oop features
There are 2 types of programming languages - multiparadigm and shit.
except Java for the latter
haskell is shit
very interesting but... are you going to put this to use or are you just going to write about it on 4blog?
it actually isn't
>teaching self programming
>after a very confusing and stressful start I'm finally starting to get the flow of things

List the 3 most popular multiparadigm languages.
>C with classes
you're basically admitting that companies that use OOP are doing it right
>why don't you sign up to run a company looking at the smallest possible hiring pool
Yeah nah.
Although thankfully we're seeing more intermixing of paradigms with C# and the new buzzword push on functional programming and data-oriented design.
>ad populum
I'm not going there.
PROTIP: They are also the 3 most popular programming languages.
They're doing right for their business obviously.
That's not down to language or tool quality but the number of people who are trained to use it.
Same thing you see with Javascript aka the modern PHP, horrible fucking language but the number of people who learn it and the surrounding toolset ecosystem is what keeps it going.
>he didn't read GamePro in the early 90's
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>SWIPL comes with an built in emacs
Has the emacs meme gone too far? It is ugly as fuck also
other languages don't offer much of a benefit, if any. even if people were to be trained in haskell or whatever, a company using haskell wouldn't be more successful just for using haskell.
>a company using haskell wouldn't be more successful just for using haskell.
faster development times
more reliable software
more modular code
very funny
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You forgot getting actually intelligent developers
>alright guys, we need a mobile application that serves real-time data from various microcontrollers and APIs
>also, a website with our branding and the ability for customer to order products
>also, we need to tack on some additional functionality to MySQL database engine because of some specific constraints

>and we're going to do it in Haskell
Is it your first day on 4chan?
Is that why you respond with "tips" to every fucking post?
>Don't call me! I'm not interested in the job!
Haskell has it's own issues and I personally wouldn't fanboy over it like new FP zealots tend to do.
That said a whole lot of C++'s 'benefits' are solved more efficiently coding in a C style without adding hours of compile time on top, something which does tend to assrupture pattern pajeets.

Haskell's "own problems" are at a far higher level then other languages
>Haskell's "own problems" are at a far higher level then other languages
Like being able to install libraries through Cabal on Windows.
And not having non-compiler software worth the name after 26 years in development.
It's not impostor syndrome if you're an actual impostor.
Cabal is fine, the other is just obscurity

C++ doesn't even have a package manager
Making a simplified RPN calculator

I love when you have to reimplement simple data structures in C. I really need to find or make my own library for these things...
mathematically correct.

Python is more respected than Haskell. What does that tell you?
Why would anyone use rust?
Your desperation is cute GTP

n-no bully

Here in SAP ERP world, the software developers are those who know what the system does an how it works, while the consultants are those who know what the system is supposed to be doing and why.

When a user tells me (as a developer) that the wrong cost center is set when they book a charge-off of the collateral charge of a creditorial invoice, I ask one of our consultants WTF they are talking about.
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How does this make you feel?

Shouldn't it be OS.JS
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242B, 47x39px
can't spell jsos without SOS
jsos christ


What about it?
i don't find it very "impressive" if it's not written in nearly 100% javascript

Is this the best way to either update or add in Java? Seems pretty wasteful but trying to use a set didn't seem to work at all.

public void addItemToOrder(OrderItemModel orderItem) {
for (int i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) {
OrderItemModel addedItem = order.get(i);
if (addedItem.equals(orderItem)) {
addedItem.setQuantity(addedItem.getQuantity() + orderItem.getQuantity());
order.set(i, addedItem);
Porn stash organizer.

It'll allow me to tag videos and later fetch them by writing logical expressions. I've tried to write my own (LA)LR parser but ended up using Hime which is a pretty neat tool.
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1MB, 1280x720px
>ended up using Hime
Got my reverse shell on this kids computer, what should I do?
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Lol he's playing toribash.

Oh hey, look at this:

Why is this idiot building a libc that runs on top of Mac OS X or Linux?
doesn't work.
Any good Java books?
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> The kernel contains some code from とあるOS, which is under the NCSA license.

Put a bitcoin miner on it. What else?
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can you download stuff onto his computer?
sudo rm /* -rf[/cdoe]
I only have control over his cmd, it's not a full blown RAT.

That's rude.
Stahp it.
he has a windows computer you dumbass
lol fuck your toribash.
oops, forgot to upload image.
Do you have powershell?
Yea, I can use powershell
Idk what that means.

I think you could probably hack a script together with echo (I think CMD echo can do append?), and run it to download an arbitrary file.
Install a keylogger, write a script to allow you to upload more complex programs and fuck with him
Its a command that zooms the screen in.
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81KB, 1232x975px
in case you were wondering, mixing lock with no lock does produce a data race.
Skiddie get out of here please.

Then you can download stuff to his computer using powershell's web requests
How am I a skid?
Yea, I was just about to try that.
I need some help please.

So I've made an array of class objects. How do I later visit each class individually?
// Making the objects
for(int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) {
particle.add(new CreateParticles(mParticleSystem));

I need something like the below that works.
for (int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) {
// Goes to the CreateParticles class number i.

Thank you

I'm using Java.
>How am I a skid?
By definition.
What's the font?
How to access objects in array in Java

into goolge you shit

Where should I upload the file if I wan't to download it with powershell?
I forgot that 4chan saves that shit, gomen fampai.
>open VS
>put threed32 control on form and it works
>reopen VS
>axSSpanel1 isn't working! Are you missing a reference?

This shit is unbelievably touchy.
Array<CreateParticles> particle;
particle = new Array<CreateParticles>();

This was used to create the array.
Google is less than helpful for these array types.
Ever heard of a documentation?
Bookmark that shit and stop polluting this thread with such questions.
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I'm learning C at the moment but the third exercise of the chapter kills me. Since yesterday I have no idea how I can accomplish it. The output files are always garbage but I don't know how to solve it.


Exercise 14-3: Write a program that reads a file containing a list of numbers, and then writes two files, one with all numbers divisible by three and another containing all the other numbers.
    int filein, filein_size, numbers[100];
char content[100], buffer[100], numbers_divisible[100], numbers_others[100];

filein = open(argv[1], O_RDONLY); // Open the user given file
filein_size = read(filein, content, sizeof(content));

int i = 0, buff_cntr = 0, current_number = 0, number_index_di = 0, number_index_ot = 0;

while(content[i] != '\0') {
if(content[i] != '\n') {
buffer[buff_cntr] = content[i];
else {
sscanf(buffer, "%d", &current_number);

if((current_number % 3) == 0) {
numbers_divisible[number_index_di] = buffer;
numbers_others[number_index_ot] = buffer;

buff_cntr = 0;

int fileout;
fileout = open(argv[2], O_WRONLY);
write(fileout, numbers_divisible, filein_size);

return 0;
>visit a class
What does this even mean?

I'm sure Java has some form of RTTI (real time type information), but i don't remember how to do that.
Programming Radios haha but still Motorola APX radios are complicated
You sure you're not confisuing classes and objects?
FizzBuzz with files.

Do you know how to read a file?
Do you know how to write a file?

Start with a program that just reads the numbers from the input file.
Then write a program that writes numbers, any numbers, to an output file.
Then combine those to read numbers from one file and write the numbers to another file.
Then it should be trivial to add another output file and branching output.
>Ever heard of a documentation?
yes, but this doesn't have what I need
I'll bookmark it anyway

I'm creating an array of classes, or objects, or class objects. I don't know.

>Created an array
>Array lets me create 100 individual classes

I want to access the update() method inside each class.
>I'm creating an array of classes
No, you're not.
You need to get to get your terminology straight. Time to go back and hit the books.
Should classes be first class objects?
Yeah I know how to read and write a file.
Everything is fine just the output files are garbage.
Should I convert my integers to a char array and then save them?
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>7.887226292 seconds for 4,000,218,402 instructions
>9.339586720 seconds for 3,999,658,957 instructions

A lock of a size of 64 bytes gives you a 15% performance boost over a one byte sized lock.

>you can optimize either for memory consumption or execution speed but not both

thanks x64
>know how to write a file
>output file is garbage
Well which is it?
We seriously genuinely don't understand you.
>Time to go back and hit the books.
implying I've read a book

Also, despite being hostile, you haven't provided any insight into my problem. If it's so easy, write the answer.

Array<CreateParticles> particle;
particle = new Array<CreateParticles>();
for(int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) {
particle.add(new CreateParticles(mParticleSystem));

How do I access the update() method inside each particle?
>optimize for memory consumption
come on anon, what is this font?
make every pointer a restrict is a good thing
Well I only wrote chars to a file. I don't know how to write numbers to the file
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Please stop posting
I can't stop until I get an answer.
I'm stuck and can't progress with my program.
>implying I've read a book
Well you fucking should because you obviusly have no idea what you're talking about.
>you haven't provided any insight into my problem
I honestly don't know what your problem is. You said some nonsense and excpect us to understand you let alone solve your problem.
>should _ be first class _?
>hasn't even bothered to read the basics
>demands that others do her homework

>How do I access the update() method
same way you access any method, princess
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Read the documentation you fucking retarded pajeet
Then you're still not done with step 2.
enum thing {vaginer, penor};
const int vaginer = 0;
const int penor = 1;
I already gave you the answer here >>56825787
>demands that others do her homework
i wish

>same way you access any method, princess
I need something like
for(int i = 0; i < particleCount; i++) {

But that doesn't work.

The documentation does not contain what I need. Or if it does, I cannot find it.
Sorry, that does not work. I've tried it.

I need something like link related, but that works. >>56826394
I will try it again. :)
Jesus just loop through the particles in array and call the update method.
are you retarded?
What the fuck do you mean doesn't work? It should work, so you messed something up somewhere. Try particle.get(i).update() I guess?
>Jesus just loop through the particles in array and call the update method.
This is what I plan to do. But I don't know how.

>are you retarded?
I got extra time during my highschool and college exams, so yes.
#include <stdio.h>

void doubleAdd (int * restrict a, int * restrict b, int * restrict c)
*a += *c;
*b += *c;

int main(void) {
int a = 3;
int b = 0;

doubleAdd(&a, &b, &a);
printf("%d %d\n", a, b);
return 0;

Not programming related. Please don't derail this thread, off topics are not allowed.
As far as I can tell, particle.get(i).update() is working.
Thank you anon.

I will mention you in my autobiography about how my program made me a billionaire.
is there a haskell like lang that doesn't constrict you to be all about no side effects
f# ? ocaml ? dg ?
Just use IO everywhere if you really want that
I've heard and several discussions about font, in the context of programming. Fonts are a component of our tools, which makes it programing related.
new thread when ? :3
When this one reaches page 10.
Bump limit is at 310.
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740KB, 480x199px
>Not programming related. Please don't derail this thread, off topics are not allowed.
You're evil anon
File: rustle2.webm (2MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1280x720px
>asked to not derail the thread
>derail the thread.

Time to make a new thread.
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7KB, 349x298px
Do you think Firefox would have been better for non-webdev users if the primary language for addons would have been LISP instead of crummy JavaScript?
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87KB, 455x451px
At what point does optimizing an algorithm with divide and conquer reach obscurity?
Also, related:
At which point does multi threading go too far?
>Time to make a new thread.
Won't help. I will be lurking that one as well.
Unless you hide it from me.
File: haxxoring.gif (1MB, 320x240px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 320x240px
What if he's a haxx0r and he will hide it?
please can you guys post faster ? i want to make a new thread.
Then the thread will be safe.
What's your favorite language?
Does that support OOP?
File: GMLchzd.jpg (46KB, 629x800px) Image search: [Google]
46KB, 629x800px
c++ beginner here, already know some c# (and to a less extent, Java)

can you recommend me some guides/websites for c++?
oh, and image sauce is Marie-Claude Bourbonnais
Thread posts: 316
Thread images: 35

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