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Is there any REAL and significant difference between 1080p and

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Is there any REAL and significant difference between 1080p and 1440p? Will i notice it if i don't play games? This is serious question because two 24' 1080p monitors are cheaper than one 27' 1440p
>Is there any REAL and significant difference between 1080p and 1440p?
No, unless you want 35" or bigger screens, but they would be overkill for both gaming and general desktop use.
If you care for gaming, high refresh rate and low latency are MUCH MUCH MUCH more important than screen definition.
Get a TN 144 HZ 1080 monitor and you'll achieve Nirvana. IPS or better resolution monitor aren't worthy for gaming.
yes there is. clearest difference isn't even in game textures or pictures but in text.

text looks sharp as fuck with high dpi but if you have a smart phone you should know that already.

I'd still prefer 2 monitors over one if that's the choice you have to make but else I'd go for 1440p or 4k ips.
>Is there any REAL and significant difference between 1080p and 1440p?
Yes, about 77% more pixels

>Will i notice it if i don't play games?
Yes if you do more than browse facebook

>This is serious question because two 24' 1080p monitors are cheaper than one 27' 1440p
Two 24" 1080p monitors will give you more working area than a single 27" 1440p.
The difference is noticeable for 27''.
For 24'' and under 1080p is fine
what would be a good recommendation that isn't expensive but also isn't tacky looking?

ex-1440p owner reporting in.

It's a fucking meme and I returned my 1440p monitor and went back to 1080p after only a few days.

There is not enough space to have two web browsing windows side by side. there is not enough space to have to file explorer windows side by side.

The only positive thing is that you need less anti-aliasing in games and that text in-game was very much sharper than compared to 1080p (may vary depending on game).

basically, it's for gaymers and not productivity

1440p is very nice for portrait/vertical monitors though
Asus VG248QE. I don't know what you mean by tacky, but I love this screen. You may need to change some resolution settings through OSD options and graphics card's driver options, because the colours may look a bit dark and washed-out to you at the beginning, depending on your tastes.
Look just because thats all you could afford dont talk bollocks.
You need 2560x1440p 144hz, If not do not bother with 1080 144hz its shocking.
1440p is the soon to be 720
One of the things I really like about WQHD is that width-wise you basically have 2 720p screens next to each other in one screen. This means you comfortably view two 720p windows on it, like a browser on the left and a video on the right. And you'll see more vertically of the browser window than on a 1080p screen.
But comparing it to two 1080p screens, I think the 1080p screens will win.
pffft. Im 1080 sli and on 144hz, 4K can wait
There is a difference. I have a 1440p monitor I got a few months ago and a 1080p monitor. The amount of usable space you get is really nice for productivity related things. If you don't play games though why not get 4k?
No, my dear consumerist friend. When I built my current desktop PC a month ago, I basically had an endless budget, then I could have bought everything I wished. I chose a 1080 screen over a 2K screen simply because I don't game nor work in my living room on a huge screen, then 1080 was (and still is) more than enough for me. Overpaying for something useless or for something having an unperceptible advantage is stupid, isn't it? Also, good luck at running 2K games at decent framerate!
Good luck? im running off 1080 in sli. It fucking creams games you moron.
> it fucking creams games you moron!
> I only spent 2000$ for a non-existent improvement!
>Is there any REAL and significant difference between 1080p and 1440p?

>Will i notice it if i don't play games?
Yes. Text is sharper, you have more area to work in.

The question is whether it is worth the price. If you can afford it easily, yes. If not, 1080p is still decent.
>endless budget
>Not buying a 4k screen
1440p@144Hz is possible. 4K@144Hz is not. I am not even sure if the 4K@100Hz stuff is out yet.
It's useful because it lets me have more xterm open.
I thought he said he doesn't game, in which case framerate wouldn't matter. But fair enough.
Fuck off you gaymer pleb
$2000? Cost me £900 for both, not sure where you get raped for prices.

As for the endless budget.....you are full of shit pal
did you really just say 1080p is overkill?
I was referring to the total price of your build, I couldn't care less about how much you paid for two overrated cards.

Learn to read.
honestly its very hard to notice the difference between 1080p and 4k, you need a very trained eye to be able to notice the difference.
Guess it gets hot in mums house, hence why you went for minimal then

This is bait, serious bait. If you cant see the difference I suggest you goto an optician
it's all placebo effect, but keep buying that snake oil idiot.
24" and 27" are basically the same thing

literally the difference between moving your head a few inches forwards or backwards.
>There is not enough space to have two web browsing windows side by side. there is not enough space to have to file explorer windows side by side.
I believe you to be bullshitting out the ass. I have a 4K display and I can very comfortably fit 3 browser windows side by side, which means each browser window only needs like ~1300 pixels horizontally. That's easily enough room to fit two on a 2560x1440p display.
>2K screen
2K is 2048x1080, not 2560x1440.

The latter is called 1440p.
Yeah. Almost all websites are build to be viewed comfortable on a 1280x720 screen, which means a browser only needs 1280 width. 2560 divided by two is 1280, so it fits perfectly.
honestly, 1440p is nice, but it's marginally better than 1080p. factor in the better gpu required to push nearly twice the pickles, and now you've got a resolution that is both hard to run but not much better

but it looks better, so yeah, get the 1440p and add a 2nd later on. 1080p is deprecated tech

>24" and 27" are basically the same thing
>finally replace my 24" 1080p with a 27" 1440p
>seems so big, almost painfully bright
>a week later, seems normal sized, whereas my 24" seems small
Placebo. Holy shit take that tin foil hat off you autistic prick.
>basically, it's for gaymers and not productivity
Except it's the complete opposite. I use 2 x 27" 1440p monitors and they're fantastic for productivity. Also what the fuck are you talking about not having enough space for web browsing? I use half and half on the left for Firefox and Chrome and my IDE full screen on the right...
>finally replace my 24" 1080p with a 27" 1440p
You're comparing across resolutions. Compare a 24" 1440p display against a 27" 1440p display. They will be effectively the same.

Actually, you don't even have to buy a new screen to do this comparison. Just move your head 4 (10cm) backwards. You now know what a 24" 1440p screen would look like.
>You're comparing across resolutions. Compare a 24" 1440p display against a 27" 1440p display. They will be effectively the same.
I wasn't comparing the resolutions, just the absolute size of the panel itself and how 27" can seem "too big"
So..what 27'' 1440p monitor is good?
1440p is quite a bit better OP
dont listen to these morons
pick the one with the best specs. if you're using AMD, I'd strongly suggest you pay the extra $50 and get freesync. if you're Nvidia, then it's up to you if you think gsync is worth the extra $200

Asus, Benq, Acer, Dell are all good

also Monoprice, Onix, and other Korean chink panels are good if you're on a budget
QNIX 2710. 1440p, can OC as high as 120hz, IPS and lowest input lag out there.
Cheap chink ebay shyte.
Buy this if you are an idiot.
asus 27 rog swift pg278q - this has a button on it to switch between 60hz,120hz and 144hz
any for non gay men?
>27" 1440p $300 vs 28" 2160p $400

is there any point in 1440p if you don't want 144hz? 4k looks better in day to day work and it downsamples better to 1080p perfectly
I've had mine 2 years and I think it's amazing. What expert review do you have over my 2 years of ownership?
These are both TN. You are being a bit silly if you are buying a pricey 1440p@144Hz screen, only to cheap out and get TN.
You won't be able to play games in native resolution. If you don't play games it really doesn't matter.
Theres been a lot of discussions regarding these screens not just on here but a lot of places.
Before I bought my latest monitor I did a lot of research, and yes that came back as those are a pile of shit
I really like the U2515, but it is 25", not 27". It is much cheaper than the 27" stuff.
TN is fine. Especially when they have gsync too
Don't listen to buyersremorse fags on /g/, all they want to do is rationalize their 500-1000 dollar purchase, 1440p is a terrible standard, a well well calibrated 1080p native is better for 95% of things and 4k is going to end up replacing it very very soon if not already. There are also 2 new technologies in OLED and HDR coming very soon so I would say right now is a bad time to buy monitors 1440pfags will be on suicide watch by the year's end
You hve to overclock it to maximum to achive 120hz. -thats self explanitory, it will damage its life.

Backlight bleed is extremely common on these.
The way the chassis secures the panel sometimes leads to one side being slightly lower than the other
These monitors do use cheaper casings, stands, and packaging to help decrease the cost
but 4k can downscale to 1080p pretty well, so theoretically you could play at 1080p and still have it look nice
To be fair, OP asked about the current situation and my guess is that most people here bought their WQHD monitors some time ago. But yes, buying a "high end" monitor right now seems pretty stupid. Personally I would also wait for a 4k OLED and HDR monitor.
Serious question. I want browsing, watching animes and work in DAWs from my intel hd 530 trough display port on motherboard in my possible mini-itx build. And i want a good monitor, 1440p or even 4k. I know it's possible but will i have enough power for those resolutions?
Dont bother wasting time on anon. Hes a prick who cant buy the better product so slags it of
Yeah, and the human eye can only see up to 30 fps so all these idiots are falling for the 60 Hz and above meme pretty hard.
This is like arguing that OCing a CPU lowers it's life expectancy. Are we talking about it working 1 year instead of 5, or 4 years instead of 5? It's a useless argument. Backlight bleed is just a luck of the draw thing. If you get one with bleed just punch the monitor and send it back saying it was damaged in transit. Try again. I don't have the problem with the chassis but I could understand it happening because of it's shit build quality. That being said you're paying hundreds of dollars less for this product. Expect to have a lower quality product. Tell me something wrong about the actual panel that would discredit anyone from buying it for the price point.
Try punching it then sending it back via that guy on ebay. He will tell you to read the shyte posted on the ebay page .
You will be left with a brick
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? I should buy a 4k monitor so I can play games at a lower, non-native resolution than I could if I just bought a 1440p monitor? I already said that 4k is fine if you aren't playing games on it.
I've already done it... why do you think I said to do it?
Dependq on your use of it. If it's stricly gaming. A single 24" 144hz screen is already very nice if you can get games up to that framerate and/or use GSync which makes lower fps games seem smoother. If you're going for a more work oriented use. Two 24" screen can do the tricks. 1440p and 3 inches seems like small change in comparison to having a while other monitor. Besides this makes it easier to scale windows properly. Just drag a window to the top of the other monitor and it'll fit just right next to your main display. I used to just extend my music studio to both screens and have my arrangments in full on my second monitor while the first one was basically everything else. Or you can have a fullscreen media player for movies streams or music while something entirely different runs on your main monitor like your game or your work. The 27" 1440p screen is basically a good choice if you're only going to be doing one single thing at a time, and don't care too much about refresh rates or practicality. 27" is getting big especially if you have speakers and a big mousepad
The thing is, these days 1080p is really budget stuff unless you get gaymer branded crap.

1440p stuff at 25inches is incredibly cheap these days. It offers 70% extra space over 1080 which is vastly better obviously and it's even usable without scaling unlike UHD under 32inches.

Even in normal use it's good enough for a decent webpage size with explorer, messenger or whatever on the side without overlap and something like a game editor or modeling software is immensely improved. They go a long way for the value they offer.
If you're looking at raw pixel count, and if you don't want to scale your content, it's still cheaper to buy 1080p panels.

2x 1080p cost less than one 1440p panel.
4x 1080p might cost less than one 4k panel, but a single 32" 4k panel might be worth the extra cost, however, for the convenience...
HD530 supports 4K HVEC hardware decoding so yeah you can watch 4K videos.
Is 27'' is too much for 1080p?
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