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GNU/Linux has no advantages over windows.

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GNU/Linux has no advantages over windows.
>wasting board space to state the obvious
So how can I open selected file with space key on Windows 7?
>choice between filesystems
>no spyware
In Gnu/Linux you can open selected file using space key
By pressing enter
tiling wm that's actually good
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Oh gee!

I have been waiting for this the whole evening!
I want use space, why I can't? Using space is quicker.
>GNU/Linux has no advantages over windows.
Oh, okay.

When did Windows get SystemTap/dtrace similar functionalities?

When did Windows get dnotify-like functionality?

When did Windows support hierarchical queuing disciplines on network adapters?
>Leave OS on for months at a time
>Same performance as when it first started because there haven't been an increasing number of background tasks sucking away at system resources the entire time
>Still allowed the ability to sage bait
Windows 10 has it

>choice between filesystem
Doesn't Windows have this since fucking Win95?

>no spyware
Bullshit, both Linux and Windows have Spyware if you're stupid enough to let it in.
With Windows 10
I can't find any info about it. Link(s)?
Linux doesn't have spyware preinstalled
>lalalala Ubuntu Unity doesn't exist lalalala
Even Linux Mint has Yahoo spyware these days.
using the registry
So don't use those distros? Use Arch if you're paranoid, develop your own if you're really paranoid.
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Windows only installs on NTFS partitions...
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It's the same kind of configuration you can do on linux, it's just more accessible on linux
>just program your own OS if you're afraid of spyware

Terry, pls. I don't want to go schizo and spend 20 years developing a 32-bit OS with no support for networking or memory paging.
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look it up yourself, it's not like linux would hold your hand either
On linux opening files with space just works. Meanwhile google says nothing, and you can't help. I don't know why people paying for this system.
It's a middle finger to capitalism and corporate control
works in windows pressing enter, yes.
This still doesn't solve the problem. Which registry key I must modify?
It performs objectively better and it's objectively more stable.

It's also objectively more secure.

It also doesn't have built in ads and spyware.

Windows gets progressively slower and slower after about a months use whereas linux just stays snappy.

Stay mad wintards
my mic picks up a lot of noise from the static electricity in my case i assume
would getting a better PSU stop static electricity from appearing?

why is my windows NTFS partition shown in /media if its internal storage
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>It also doesn't have built in ads and spyware.
Good goy
dont forget
this piece of shit doesnt even ask you about partitions in the installation, it will just wipe your drive without even asking
>implying background tasks appear out of nowhere
>implying its not your stupid ass installing spyware
Difference between canonical and MS:

Canonical removed the Amazon search function after backlash, Microsoft just keeps the ads and spyware and even participated in the NSA PRISM program.

Comparing the two just shows how delusional wintards are. Enjoy your shitty OS retard.

You're literally letting MS fuck you in the ass with ads, which makes you a literal cukc.
>Ubuntu is the only linux based OS
And that amazon shit isn't even enabled by default. At least you can actually remove it unlike windows telemetry and data collecting.
Didn't they remove this after the shit storm it created?
That's still a thing?
Yep, and remember the shitstorm that happened after MS released Windows 10 with adware and spyware.

Did Microsoft remove it? Nope, they don't care about users, just profits.

To MS you are the product and anyone who lets themselves be bought, sold and fucked in the ass is a cukcold.
Not seeing any ads, just a stable working system.

Enjoy those broken packages, kid. I'm too busy with real work to deal with that shit.
>grasping straws by pointing at distros nobody uses
>the distro isn't even meant to be an actual desktop PC
I'm just waiting for you to post how puppy linux is useless because it doesn't look like a modern OS.

>I'm busy with real work
>Posts on 4chan and argues with people he doesn't know
Is your job shilling windows?
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5 poos have been added to your loo Pajeet.
What you're referring to as Windows, is in fact Linux/Windows.
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>there are people on /g/ right now who use windows to log into their microsoft account to then browse facebook and check their gmail with chrome

It's like you enjoy being a part of the botnet
>not seeing any ads

Well then you're delusional. You get offers all the time in the start menu.


Windows is not stable or it would be the OS of choice on servers. It's an unstable mess and that's why no one uses it for anything except program compatibility. Nothing about the Windows operating system is objectively better than Linux except program selection. Linux is better in every other aspect.

Enjoy using a gimped system just because you need to run a few closed source programs (that are probably chinese viruses) that you downloaded from random websites on the internet because Microsoft is too stupid to implement proper package management.

BTW, can you tell me what packages I can install to "break" my system? protip: you can't.

Linux will always be more stable than Windows, now go install a 10-hour .NET update right when you need your computer the most.

Weirdly enough I don't have them in the start menu.
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>There are people right now who use Windows to log into their bank accounts


pic related typical windows user
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>needing to build an OS to feel secure

Enjoy that paranoia, terry.
>moving the goal posts to make an imaginary point

Enjoy losing debates, pajeet.
>your point doesn't count because it's a different point!! i dont need to argue with this xDDDDD

Okay, kid.
Shut up.
How do you snapshot a filesystem in Windows.
You didn't make a point.

"Hurr durr you have to build linux from scratch"

This is pathetic. You can't come up with a counter argument so you make up shit.
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You can't. The filesystem is so shitty it's impossible.
Windows installer doesn't either.
Does anyone non-bait actually call it 'GNU/Linux?'
>windows finally gets bash, linux has had it for years
>hurr durr windows is better than linux
If just like MS better that's fine, but anyone who argues that it's superior to Linux in any way is just retarded.
I do.
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>when someone isn't using Linux
You're right. They're retarded because Windows is superior to Linux in every way.
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Not anymore.
Now it's optional and turned off by default.
Unix system resources
probably anon meant for quality filesystems not shitty ones as NTFS and FAT32
Fuck dude, that's it?
He called you Terry, noticed?
Terry Davis built templeos.
Templeos doesn't support networking and therefore you cannot log into any online accounts using it.
It looks like you didn't ever realize how far he moved the goalposts. Fuck.
1- good filesystem
2- you can make it your bitch without breaking unless you yourself break it (aka customizing)
3- actually does its fuckig job
4- free 90-95% of the time (proprietary drivers not included)
5- is actually good at being used for servers
6- variety so you get what YOU want
7- bash (only until windows has it working on par)
8- actual good security
9- software alternatives if you don't wish to support cancerous companies
10- open source in majority of software if you wish to fork shit for your own reasons
It's true.
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