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Porn organisation

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Thread replies: 212
Thread images: 39

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How do you organise your porn folder, /g/?
I use bookmarks.
how do you mean?
i dont. used to have videos and pictures in different folders but i always forget to change download location so they are not organized anymore.
>downloading porn
I use the pokedex to automatically name my porn
i do. from my home server
He means it's 2016. Why the fuck are you still hoarding porn locally!?
So what do you guys do, load up 56 tabs on Plebhub every day??
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by studio mostly, then in the main folder its listed chronologically (downloaded) starting back in 2006
literally this
I have tons of 2D too anons
Step up your porn game
anime is not any better than that tho.
Disgustingly unorganised. Also how the fuck have you been using that same folder for that many years? I started my collection in 2008 but it's been moved across so many disks since then.
most of those are from the 90s or early 2000s

im not a fan of 1080p porn because detail isnt imporatant to me m8. i have a 300gb external and thats my upper limit
fuck off tripcunt
my name is jordan sweetheart
only windows users?
pls don't bully jordan
OP here, I use OSX and Debian also but they are awful for organising and watching porn.
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mostly does it for me
how can you bully yourself
>not watching amateur exclusively
i'm not jordan
in fact he wanted to get this tripcode from me https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/thread/S56150395#p56151872
jordan here
can confirm i wanted it now here I am
please kill yourselves
please dont bully jordan!
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I copy folders and keep the date created. Its not as disorganized at it looks, The files that arent in folders and just generic amateur videos from the web, no sesne in making folders for all that
Don't be a digital hoarder
>three Alexis
>No Love
>No Breeze

How plebe are you.

Also, do nofap anon.
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You should see my downloads folders. Here's one.
>downloading and storing pornography

no reason
Google'd them, both absolutely disgusting. I'll never quit jerking off.
when i think of hoarding i think of someone who has an addiction to collecting pictures. but that is hoarding too yeah
People watch porn in 2016 when there are literal apps for getting actual sex?
I have a girlfriend that I live with and have sex with. But I still bust one out at least once a day.
>But I still bust one out at least once a day.
You need porn for this?

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>I have a girlfriend that I live with and have sex with
Need? No, I just enjoy it.
>all those mudsharks
kill yourself
the fuck is a mudshark?
>storing animals at home
White women who date/fuck black guys.
I stopped hording porn after the origianl cheggit and puretna went down. Now I have all my porn presorted by websites. And all the butthurt about videos being lost or taken down, who gives a fuck? Porn is one of those great things where there will always be new videos. Plus there has been one video on xhamster of a german girl that has consistently gotten me off for a couple years now and it has never been taken down.
>women who date/fuck black guys.

even black women can be mudsharks.

I have 3.1 TB of porn I've collected over the past decade, it used to be relatively organized by Pornstar, website, or type.

Now it's a cluster fuck.

One thing I am surprised about is at least 250GB is now tranny porn, not sure I got so obsessed about that.
Damn. I've never watched any tranny shit - too fucked up for me.
Too much time on /pol/ LOL
>too fucked up for me.
They're just """""girls""""" with fake tits and dicks, you pussy.
Ask your therapist how to organize it all
>having a sex drive past the age of 17
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WIP but my plan is

Do you actually watch 56 porns at once? That would give me a seizure.
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Some of those folders look like they contain Certain Pictures. Especially the "alicep" folder.
how many mami doujins do you have
Usually in the form of these elements, in order:

1. media type - animated or pics
2. sex act or interest - anal, cute faces, girls, sex, tits, toys, etc...
3. directory of or files named after a person or use a "miscellaneous" directory - in tits, I have directories, Amanda Love and (misc) playing with tits, and one webm named danielle sharp.webm

Generally if there are 20+ pictures or videos in directories after there, I will further divide up the items by anything that seems intuitive. This can add 3 more levels of directories.

/hentai (series)
/hentai (general)
/4chan classics (emeri, etc.)
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I made my own program for organizing pictures using tags. It's working out decently so far, though there's still a lot of work to be done.
wtf are you talking about m8
and everything is in my videos/pictures folder for my pc; i wish i organized things better
What's horrifying about this is I know this shut in is telling the truth.
Porn/Not Blacked
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I've been trying to organize this for years. I got most if it with broad terms like big titties or blowjobs or something. The random shit at the bottom bothers me so much. The worst offender is probably my early webm folder from when no one had the names of anyone, and you couldn't reverse image search it either. I feel like I should just delete it since I don't remember what's in there. Its too much of a hassle to go through a ton of webms like 563453453.webm 43534533.webm 435345332.webm.
I don't. I use a bash script to look up "site:pastebin imgur", copy all links and put them in a master list, ping each different website and if one is down it'll remove all those from the master list (stores them in a deletedList.txt), download every single image and store them in folders named pastebin1, pastebin2, etc. so if some furry porn, hentai, etc. comes up, I can get rid of it right there.

Please no bully.
I would if setting them to all fit in the screen wasn't such a pain in the ass
A-Z for movies
Sitename for stuff from sites
Actress name for misc

Kodi with NFO files
Porn isn't healthy for you bros.

Get to fapping to clothed women. Your imagination will feel better and you will feel better.
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>No Hydrus
And I thought this was the technology board.
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I don't know how to organize non-DVD releases though. Random videos are my one downfall for organization.
>dedicating entire folders to 3D whores
How fucking pathetic can you be?
>every day
If you masturbate every day you have a problem.
u probably have ED if u dont
Tags, lots and lots of tags.

Also, I wish that Kodi had a better photo album/comic viewer. You can't tag or do any fancy stuff with them.
>browsing/watching porn on windows 10
Kek I thought people exagerated when they say how delusional and sexually addicted half channers were, stay virgin cuck.
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>half channers
right now it's just a big ugly stash of archives and folders in one folder

although i'm slowly working on writing my own sadpanda clone with a metadata fetcher and tag support
I wonder if shills know that saying "channer" or "delusional" is an immediate red flag.
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I fap and delete you faggots, why would I waste space for porn?

There is a particular brand of channer to whom everything is a red flag because he believes other channers give a shit about him and that he's upholding some sort of channer value. They rarely, if ever post anything except accusations of tumblr and plebbit and insisting they've been here since 1995.

This is gold coming from a site that got jailbait, candygirls, cute young boys and loli boards.
I recently went through and consolidated every old hard drive, every flash drive, every external, every SD card every fucking thing into one location and the total file size is 6TB.

The thing is, some of it really means a lot to me. Pictures of places I used to work at that were bulldozed, my graduation... Even less important stuff like the meme shit on /b/ that I spent way to many hours I should have spent on my life in my teen years creating I want to hold on to.

I was worse at organizing shit then than I am now, so I have my friends pictures in "porn" and my resume in "caturday" its a god damn mess.

I've been at it for a month.

Is there a way to do simple tagging in windows? Because I hate having to decide how to organize porn. If it has a black woman and a white woman, does that go in Black, Lesbian, White, or what? I wish I could just have a massive porn folder and just find things by tags.
y-you too...
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Poorly. I haven't added to this in years. It really only gets used on the rare occasion I don't have internet for a bit, usually when I move into a new place.

I just revamp it, I've been idly collecting some stuff on my phone recently, but I haven't done any merging.
I use hydrus too.
It's great.

However most people aren't really porn collectors. you cannot blame them

Literally end your life.
Make a mysql table of tags :^)
In this case you'd put it in an interracial folder, or as I recommend, the recycle bin. As for other tags, you could just add the tags to the end of the file name, since doing a search through files doesn't care about word order.
>I just revamp it
I should just revamp it*

Yea i know, cuck shit make me mad honestly. But it makes my dick hard, so ya know.
>Yea i know, cuck shit make me mad honestly. But it makes my dick hard, so ya know.
That should be a banner for /pol/
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>mfw 3million files added into hydrus
the subscriptions are the most comfy feature. the only problem is that people who use tumblr tend to post their high quality webm/mp4's on gfycat/mixtape, and hydrus can't scrap those links yet, so I have to execute a script grabs them.

other then that, it's golden.

Enjoy your botnet

For me, it's the difference between fantasy and reality.

If you think it's sexy, and you masturbate to it occasionally, no foul, whatever.

But on the other hand, if you actually are okay with your girlfriend fucking other people, and being sexually subjugated, then you are severely pathetic and should kill yourself.
>it has online features to download images, which can be opt out of
>must be botnet

African Porn
Black Porn
Colored Porn
Darkie Porn
Ebony Porn
you get the idea
>Yea i know, cuck shit make me mad honestly. But it makes my dick hard, so ya know.
post some links
i have scrolled through this whole thread and not one person has uploaded a rar
am disappoint
It's free and open-source software you moron.
You are delusional, the only barrier between fantasy and reality is the fact that you don't have a girlfriend to begin with. Stop watching porn you fucking imbecile.
>the only barrier between fantasy and reality is the fact that you don't have a girlfriend to begin with.

That doesn't even make sense.
>That doesn't even make sense.
Are you some kind of retard? How did what he say not make sense kek
you're actually retarded dog
there is a fuckin huge difference between reality and porn
being into cuck shit doesnt mean youre a lil bitch boi or would enjoy it irl, and there are plenty of stories of people digging it in their heads, then trying it and hating themselves
you're the same person that would say anyone who remotely enjoys loli is a disgusting pedo that would rape and elementary girl in a heartbeat
>being into cuck shit doesnt mean youre a lil bitch boi or would enjoy it irl

It does, you're just trying desperately to lie to yourself. Stop watching porn or kill yourself.

Bet these are the same guys that call me gay for liking porn that features girls with feminine penises.
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Good luck anon. Its tough, but its worth it in the end to look in "Tribal women" and not find asian tentacle porn.
Just a few folders.

Ass, blonde, brunette, boobs, lesbian, milf, gifs and movies, series, temp

Series is basically all of the photo sets (more then 10 pictures)

Temp is uncategorized stuff like Asians, hentai, and group pictures.
you have actually no idea what you're talking about
>you're just trying desperately to lie to yourself
stop pretending you can analyzing strangers on the internet you fucking high schooler
people will enjoy what they enjoy, and whatever that me be isnt indicative of them or the personality whatsoever
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>retards get triggered by another retard who said "stop watching porn"

Sometime I almost forgot where the hell am I.
That system would result in one girl's oeuvre getting spread into multiple folders, that's terrible.
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I need more organization
Who's your favorite porn star /g/? Mine is Remy LaCroix.
>trying this hard to cling to the last bit of self respect you have for your degenerate self

Please just end your life.
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Fuck I have like 100GB of Porn. How bad am I? Just want to backup in case I have no internet for an extended period of time.
I don't think I am going to download more.
Sooner or later I am gonna delete any shit videos and only keep the best ones.
have funk wanking to vanilla blonde girls doing it missionary because you're too afraid of damaging your oh so sacred masculine pride by trying anything new
absolutely pathetic
>absolutely pathetic
I have no pity for people like you, if anybody in your life knew your pathetic, failure as a man secrets you would kill yourself out of shame, why not just kill yourself now to save your family the trouble? You are worthless, you are nothing, you do nothing but bring shame to your people.
Nah its a simple system. If the woman's tits are huge or displayed prominently it goes in the boobs folder. Anything else is based on the girls hair color unless they are a milf. If the ass is the focal point, it goes in the ass folder.

Redheads are the only wild card, Im not attracted to most of them so they don't get their own folder. Usually I'll just drop them in the brunette folder. Sometimes they go into the temp folder.
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I find it hilarious that the photo of my porn folder caused this.
>like 100GB of Porn
wooow 100gb?
thats crazzzyy

we got a porn master here!
>watching porn

shiggy diggy doo
i am worthless because of fetishes you dont even know
i am worthless and nothing because of what gets me hard
holy kek, you're too cute my man
>i am worthless
Yes, good, you understand you disgusting piece of genetic failure trash. You don't deserve the food you put into your body. You are a failure as a man, as a human, as everything you've ever tried to be. You probably get beat down by men and ignored by girls, but that doesn't matter, because you're a failure and you like that, end your wasteful life.
I used to jerk it every day until i started drinking
now i'm happy
What do you jerk off to?
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>He's this upset about what autists on /g/ are fapping to
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alright, you've run of out things to say and it has been established that your argument is retarded
oh well, it was fun while it lasted
thanks 4 the laughs tardo
If things line up and I'm alone and also very horny, I'll probably masturbate to raping a woman I know and facially abusing her. I don't watch porn, I haven't since high school.

Are you the cuck that hasn't killed himself yet? Please just end your life for the sake of humanity. You are the end of your genetic line, there is no use for you to take up any more resources.
Rape is more maladapative and harmful than getting cucked desu
>Caring about other humans is a bad thing
You're demonstrating a horrible symptom of modern western society. Any genuine, good person would want cucks to kill themselves and strong willed men and women to live on and prosper in a society together.
I know it isn't much lol.
Unless you're truly arrogant enough to think you're the best lover in the world, to deny your partner superior sexual fulfillment is merely a faux show of strength lesser men use to prop up their fragile egos. Truly alpha, well developed, mature men are the kind that value their partner above such pettiness, that enjoy seeing their partner happier. True patricians are rare. The few. The proud. The cucks.
>You're demonstrating a horrible symptom of modern western society
read: i am a freshman at a liberal arts school
>Watching porn

Never gonna make it.
>you want cucks to kill themselves
>that means you go to a liberal arts school

Hows it feel being retarded in 2016? Do you get free government retard bucks?
I N 2 0 1 6
I didn't know John Oliver posted here.
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I usually just search on e621 for whatever piques my interest at the time.
Delete everything and start fresh
is this an active giveaway
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but I'm sure you can find one to your liking
even if you don't have one custom made there are appx 3700 in stock atm
source: http://bad-dragon.com/inventorytoys/showlist/all
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I don't, but will soon.

I think the best way to do it would be by pornstar name. It's the most efficient and minimal way.

If it's random videos or clips, put it in an "other" folder. It's simple for me, but if you've got a lot or weird fetishes, I don't know.

You could also do it by category if you're into a lot of things, but that seems to get annoying. If it's pictures or hentai, you'd probably need software that organizes it.

By pornstar name for simple, by category for advanced, and by tags for hardcore collections.
if only the big ones werent so expensive
>its a you jerked away your potential again tonight episode

This series gets worse every week.
I can dream of seeing zac effrons gorgeous dick.
I don't. I should, but it's really just a mess that spans nearly 4TB. I lost my mobile drive sadly, otherwise it'd be 5TB+, but that was mostly old, low resolution shit from ten years ago. Then again, a lot of that stuff is impossible to find again.
post github or whatever
Who the fuck downloads professional porn which can be easily viewed online by anyone?
This has to be some kind of mental disorder. There's literally no reason why anyone should do that.
I hope you know you're throwing away your vitality.
When I need port I go to /gif/ or /b/ and that's it nowadays. I don't need more than one webm at once. I don't even need pictures or videos. I can imagine whatever I want.
and no alexis amore
Hoarding files beats hoarding physical items, and gives you an excuse to build a NAS. I personally do comics, but porn is acceptable. That shit can disappear from the internet if you let it.
I recently downloaded all the letters of the alphabet. Am I a hoarder?
Internet outage, collecting, the internet isn't as permanent as you think.
shitty collection, missing like 30 big names
i only download obscure shit or something really old which is hard to find on web
This is what I'm planning on doing when I start organizing my shit this weekend but my issue is when I organize by pornstar what do I do with my subscription of kink.com? That's when my ocd feelings come out & I feel I have to organize everything by studio or just keep them by pornstar. Organizing Porn is hard nigga.

Maybe I can create a folder of a Pornstar & in it sub folders for studios & fetishes, sound good?
Yeah, that'd be good. Maybe organize it by renaming the file themselves instead of adding more folders?

So, the hierarchy will look like...

Totally not porn > Keisha Grey > Feet_01.avi

With this, you could get a lot done. I'd say start the name off with the category and then studio and this will keep the files together even with different studios.

Use a ! as a prefix for favorites since it will show up first.
If you save 3d porn you're retarded

use a cloud service and access from anywhere
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I organize it based on anime series,and have folders the characters.
You best be starting an >>>/h/ thread
Why do you do this to yourself?
>why download porn?
>there's no reason to download porn.
There's 3 primary reasons to download porn that I can think of:

- Convenience: It's easier to access local content, and nicer to use your preferred video player.

- Reliability: Porn that you download doesn't disappear like porn on the internet can.

- Performance: Playing files locally is less resource intensive, which is good for saving battery life and/or those with slower hardware.
what a waste of space
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preparing for WW3. internet wont be anymore boy.
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>The Game
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what is this, your old kazaa folder?
Local booru server.
All my shit is tagged and displayed like a cancerless version of danbooru.
i have others back it up all over the globe.
>implying I didn't buy 6 premium lifetime accounts for $5 on the deepweb
I don't. All files go into one folder and are renamed to their sha1 hash.
Jesus fucking Christ you need to grow the fuck up
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There are more reasons not to download it.
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>I have a girlfriend that I live with and have sex with

non-shemale (straight, lesbian)

And within each of those folders.

And within each of those 4 permutations:
- full vids
- stuff download from tube sites
- "named" ... If I see I have a bunch of stuff of one person, I gather all her vids to a subfolder folder here

There's a bit more than that, but it's the general structure.
Is the almighty, liberal führer Merkel considering banning porn in the future?
>stuff download from tube sites
thats all low quality rip shit.
its coming from either a hentai ova, from a 3D paysite or is a collection of tumblr short clips.
>--| Images
>----| VK
>----| Shops
>--| GIF
>--| Videos
Just deleted my whole porn stash last week in a fit of anger. Was about a terabyte.
Organized it by race
You sure showed your porn who's boss
I throw all my downloaded porn into one folder per type: motion pictures,pictures,games,manga.
Sorting into additional subfolders is only required for games, everything else gets sorted per date and always has the artist name in the filename.

Modern file manager have nice functions like displaying thumbnails for everything and providing a fast filter bar to instantly display "cuck".
I don't see the reason to use additional software, especially since I can just scrape *boorus/pandas for tags and add them to the files themself.
by Genre -> Name
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If the action is good, I don't care if it's in 720, 360, or 240.
Performance is what counts, I'm not going to go limp if I don't see individual hairs.
still watching the jewsih tricks?

pic related, where i (don't) keep my porn
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I don't.
I delete everything after I view it or after I cum.
No file history or browser history is kept either.
I'm better than you!
>implying you can't download and stream at the same time
Anon pls, pls
>JOI (Mostly humiliation)
>Normal Videos (filled with BLACKED porn)
>using winamp
>avi and flv
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It's just a filesystem MOM, leave me alone!
Do you live in the middle of a jungle? How do you have internet outages lmao
>not streaming with mpv
>not tar.gz
Thread posts: 212
Thread images: 39

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