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When will AMDrones finally admit that DX12 is a meme?
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>DICE literally say that the beta's DX12 implementation is incomplete and shouldn't be used
>tech sites start benchmarking it and complaining

Porting stuff to DX12 or even developing with DX12 as base is more complex than DX11.

Where is Vulkan API actually?
>Thinking that any improvement to DX12 will be made with less than 2 months until release
literally kill yourself
You seem to forget that dx12 is broken in the game and they say not to use it. Silly shill fuck.
>dx 12 is broken.

Fixed that for you.
There is no performance gain to been seen, not even on AMD cards.

We will stick with DX11 still a long time.
Not OP but is this the new explanation devs will give for stuff? This implementation is incomplete but will be fixed soon? Will they offer the fix as a DLC?
Directx always was a meme from day one. I hope Vulkan takes off and becomes popular just so that Microsoft stops developing directx and focuses on Vulkan instead.
Now you know why it's a bad idea to give control to devs over graphics hardware. They dunno what they are doing.
Where's that assmad amdrone who was blaming nvidia for "paying off" the day sex devs to release dx12 mode a month late? The retard probably thinks nvidia rigged bf1 too.
As usual AMDrones wait patiently, forever.

DICE has been AMD sponsored for years and AMD basically wrote their mantle and dx12 renderers. I seriously doubt it's incomplete, much more likely that it's just damage control to hide the fact that NVIDIA has better real world performance.
ITT nobody realises Nvidia released a driver for the BF1 beta, AMD has not.

DICE uses AMD for all their dev systems and has AMD engineers working in their offices. I seriously doubt AMD hasn't optimized their drivers for BF1 already.
>muh drivers

Funny. I thought people were so excited over DX12 because it got rid of AMD's shitty driver disadvantage.

What AMD has and what they have released are two different things. I have no doubt there will be day one driver support from AMD for the release of the game - they just haven't provided support for the beta.


You still need driver tweaks to squeeze performance. All we know right nowq is that DX12 provides negative scaling over DX11 in the beta - thats all. Things may change upon release or they may not.
>visual fidelity remains the same
>but with lower performance

nvidia should be praised with how good their dx11 drivers are.
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>mfw nvidia performs better even on amd written software
That sounds really unlikely and stupid, they would at least have dev systems with hardware from both vendors and collaborate with both companies on how best to schedule shit.
Yep DX12 is basically pure ass

There's a reason why nobody fucking uses it, it's unoptimized shit
The actual reason is that most studios rush shit out the door, or hire a horde of monkeys to do the programming, or both. With DX11, Nvidia and AMD usually end up reengineering the entire renderer, trying to manually configure and work around all the developer's retardation. With DX12, the developers are given more raw access and shit gets fucked if they fuck it.

Dx12 is broken in almost every game.
Devs are just porting it over very poorly
It's a free beta, you dumb autist.

Except Nvidia cards perform worse in DX12 too. And we already know that Frostbite 3 performs well on AMD cards, both in DX11 and in Mantle. Battlefield 1 is far from the first game to use it, or to implement a bare metal API into it. It's a beta. If you're taking anything from it in terms of performance, after being explicitly told not to by the developers, you have brain problems.
Who gives a shit about DX12 anyway, it's all about Vulkan
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Its not broken in nearly every game, just in tomb raider (funnily enough an Nvidia sponsored game).
DX12 is more than a magic performance boost you know. What it gains in performance is immediately lost in fancy new graphic features.
Broken doesn't mean Nvidia doing better than AMD you shill, broken means neither side not gaining or losing performance.
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>tfw feel guilty for building an intel+nvidia system because you associate it with autistic neckbeards who shitpost about GPUs on /g/

sure, there's no better alternative because AMD products are shit but to think im being associated with these gaymer kiddos with their l33t razer shit that sit in basements and get into these dumbass arguments feels awful.

They're paid by AMD not to do that. DICE has been in AMD's court for years now.
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If there is no performance gain in DX12 then there DX12 implementation is broken. The whole point of DX12 is the performance gain.
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Apart from the fact that AMD is seeing a performance gain every DX12 title released - even tomb raider these days.
b-b-but we do senpai

Vulkan uber alles.
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>benchmarks of betas

Has /g/ really stooped to /v/ levels of meming?
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DX11 just werks™
yes dx12 is a vendor-locked piece of shit
Not for a lot of games.
Some get tiny graphical glitches, some are fucking unplayable.

Haha having to search on a german website a benchmark on your side...

you fucking retard
Tomb Raider is pretty solid nowadays, it's one of the very few games with DX12 multi-GPU support and it actually runs better than DX11 and SLI/CF. I played it with 2 1080s and a 4.7GHz 4790K at 4K, in DX11 I had drops to 40FPS, DX12 never dropped below 60 at the same settings.
Good luck, AMD's DX/OGL drivers are so shitty they're betting everything on the DX12/Vulkan marketing to actually get their GPUs to run properly.
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If you've followed the gpu market for the last 15 years, you'd know you go nvidia for working OGL. Funny how AMDrones accuse nvidia of being gaymur cards while they don't have working OGL drivers used in every professional environment.
DX12 is a meme, only useful for certain types of games like aots which no one plays anyway
Because there are no recent open GL games that even need a dedicated GPU to run.
>Nvidia shill makes waiting an AMD meme so Nvidiniggers buy their overpriced shit cards even sooner

what about DOOM and Nu Male's Sky

if DOOM didnt get that Vulkan update AMDers on /g/ would have one less thing to argue with
Why would anyone use OpenGL when Vulkan exist?
Because its what people already use and have been using for awhile now
>AMDrones will claim NVIDIA paid off DICE
>it's alright if a game is AMD-biased
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>no man's sky

its OpenGL so it counts
Isn't Vulkan just a shitty OpenGL?
People use and have used DirectX for 99.99% of games for the last 10 years you autist.
Well, /g/ is riddled with Linux cunts.
No you fucking retard.
>AMDfags buy AMD to free themselves from da Joos

>But diss Linux and support da Joos at M$ because only Nvidia makes decent OGL drivers

make up your fucking mind Pajeet
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who shill for AMD which don't have proper OpenGL drivers
really makes you think
What's the big difference?

Vulkan and DX12 are Mantle: turbo edition.
DX11 PCSX2 plugin is a complete joke compared to nightly OGL builds
In literally every other game, there are performance gains across the board. DICE isn't done writing the DX12 implementation for the game. It's in beta. Like 3 or 4 other posts have pointed this out. This is not a DX12 problem, it's a problem with the game's DX12 code not being finished yet. Do you understand now?
>amd makes xbone apoo
>amd promotes DX12
It's only natural pajeets to use amd and windows

From a pure numbers perspective gaming IS AMD. GCN powers a lot of Apple products (as limited as its gaming scene is), it powers both trhe xbone and ps4 and lastly is powering every radeon card built since 2012.

GCN's presence outstrips Nvidia's by a considerable margin.
>Thinking that any improvement to DX12 will be made with less than 2 months until release

Uhhhh... yes? It's a rendering subsystem being maintained by a team of industry experts and only needs profiling+optimization, not a full rewrite.
>release game with dx12
>tell people not to use it
Why? Why would you do such a thing? Just so you can slap "DX12 compatible" on it?

That's fucking retarded.
nvidia has a fuckhuge market share for pc gaming and they have better performing gpus than amd and better driver support
So what youre saying is AMD is only good for Windows 10 Pajeets, consoletards, and Applefags
in the software industry you just release whatever you have regardless of the quality
Considering that a lot of "betas" release two WEEKS before the game nowadays, two months is a lot of time to get that work done.

>nvidia has a fuckhuge market share for pc gaming

Not as much as you may think these days and that still pales in comparison to the number of consoles out there. Another year of the same growth and AMD will be looking very, very healthy against Nvidia.



So the largest userbase? Yes.
because no developer has ever released a game and thrown out a performance fix after its been shipped. 2 months before its even shipped is the perfect time to do it. Dickhead
So what should i get, 1060 or 480 ? They both already run everything i play at 60fps at 1080p but in terms of longevity, i can't decide between the two
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im only going with AMD this gen because of FreeSync, Nvidia really fucked themselves over with that one

>buy freesync monitor
>didnt pay out the ass
>everything looks beautiful and silky smooth framerates
>Soon to be supported even on fucking TVs

>Only on ugly as fuck Gaymer tier monitors with Ayy Lmao designs (see:Asus ROG monitors and Acer Predator)
>all $1000+ in price due to Nvidia Tax
>Does exactly the same shit no matter how many Nvidia marketing terms that tripfag spams

Worst of all is FreeSync is fucking open source, Nvidia could have picked it up for themselves, but they're thinking "nah, lets just fuck our consumers over and create a mess instead of allowing this new technology to become commonplace and adapted everywhere"

The Gsync shit is a good example of what Nvidia's going to do to the market if they get a monopoly. Hope you shills all have your buttholes prepared.

>6 gigglebytes or 8 gigglebytes

More gigglebytes.

>Worst of all is FreeSync is fucking open source,

The technology behind freesync is years old but to be able to slap the freesync label on a product it still needs to meet certain requirements from AMD (and I doubt the testing is done for free).

Still there are over 100 freesync screens on the market (101 iirc) and considerably less gync screens. Even more annoyingly most gysnc screens are relatively small and only tend to be 1080p, 1440p and a few of those crazy ultra-wide resolutions with very few (if any) gysnc screens being 4k and large size (as in, 30" upwards).
One of the best review websites around but ok.
So why is RotR's implementation of DX12 broken?
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>Open Beta
>Dice/EA game
Gee, what did you expect to happen?
either is fine but don't get the 8GB version of rx480 it's a meme and you're overpaying for vram which it can't use properly, it was designed with 4GB for a reason

It was "broken" recently because in many situations it gave negative scaling gpu wise. What few sites tested though is it gave some fairly heft improvements to cpu usage and due to that minimum frame rates on anything but the latest and greatest cpu.

For alleviating some of the cpu bottleneck it did a good job (as thats what the dev's blog post was about) but too many people were expecting enormous performance gains no matter the hardware configuration which just didn't happen.

tl;dr game is surprisingly cpu bound (unlike the previous game) and people were doing gpu testing and wondering why nothing changed.
There are 4K 27" GSync screens AFAIK, expensive as all fuck though, as you'd expect.
The situation is still fucked though, I bet adaptive sync would've been a standard like 4k and IPS now if it weren't for this brand split. AMD is trying to make it more commonplace but no marketshare, and Nvidia are too Jewish to adapt it.

Thankfully all the consoles use AMD so FreeSync TVs might be a thing. Shit's gonna be great.
Isn't the whole -sync shit a meme anyway? If you're playing at 144fps I can't see how it would matter.
Not all games run at 144fps, anon.
Sometimes your GPU cant handle it, sometimes the game itself is locked.

I remember playing DSIII when I got my first FreeSync monitor(which is locked at 60fps), it was smooth like butter.

Word was Intel was going to support freesync for their igpu but iirc none of their products actually do. Hell if Intel does end up supporting freesync its basically game over.


Unless you have a constant 144fps frame drops are going to look ugly, which *sync gets around.
This is true, I was unfortunate to have an ATI card when I first emulated PS1 games back in 2008.

But to think they haven't fixed it yet, damn.
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>which *sync gets around
Not necessarily. Frame time variance is still there and it's the major source of stutter. It gets rid of tearing or in the case of VSync it does make things smoother. If your frame time is fucked up though, it's still going to be fucked up with FreeSync (or GSync).
it's already known

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>GTX 1060 too low to be included on that chart
surely they just didn't test it
Senjou no valkyria was a really good show to, would recommend.

(Girl in pic is mc)
If something just works better on AND cards due to that they're better at raw compute it's fine.
If Nvidia arbitrarily gimps AMD with a proprietary API it's retarded.
>20fps lost in dx12

Should this even be acceptable?
On the console industry it is like this for decades now and no one seems to complaign
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neither is the 1070 and it performs almost exactly the same as a 980ti
Because this is a fucking open multiplayer beta, not a full release
are you sure they just didn't test it
no that's exactly what i'm saying
When will modern "gaming" MAHSTORYGAYMS idiots finally admit that nobody needs a fucking expensiveass graphics card because games don't need to be fucking movie presentations and in fact are better when they don't have all that overblown modern graphics shit in the way so their devs can concentrate on GAMEPLAY.
yeah sorry in retrospect i wasn't making that very clear
dude, just look at those indie games with basic ass graphics, it looks like ass, you can have both graphics and gameplay, like SSAO it's just on top of the game itself, the rendering itself doesn't even take anywhere near as much effort as creating the content

RX480 = GTX 1080
F A C T !!!

No it's because DX12 is ass.

It's been around for over a year and still nobody fucking uses it because it sucks.
>He does not realize how long DX11 took to be adopted.
>He does not realize how fast DX12 is being adopted in comparison.
Go to bed kid.
Nigger what
thats 2hu
Dx12 has literally, with a doubt, undeniably, 100% zero benefits over dx11
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t.Jen Hsun Huang
because OpenGL drivers are big and complicated.

D3D12 and Vulkan drivers are simpler.
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BF1 is still in beta so take these results with a pinch of salt.
because AMD is a mickey mouse operation they can't even make drivers
anddddddddddddddddd no one cares.

DX12 literally decreases performance.

What a shitty fucking API
It's not complete. The devs have already stated it's not finished and also as has been stated before. It requires driver updates as well. It will take a little while after it comes out of beta to get to where it performs as it should.

it's an irrelevant shit game, only used by AMD fags as a biased benchmark, no one plays it and no real game uses DX12 in the same way as that game
>It will take a little while after it comes out of beta to get to where it performs as it should.
It should be criminal for that to happen.

Also, my R9 380 literally has the same performance from Low-High settings and a slight drop to Ultra.
This game is unoptimized as fuck and has constant frame drops.

The beta is a joke, don't take it at face value.
When DX13 comes out, faggot.
That's why it's beta. Don't complain until it's released. Or wait a few months after release for the various patches etc like most games these days.
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>biased benchmark
>That's why it's beta.
You know it's probably going to be released in something close to this state.
Ashes is literally an AMD sponsored game designed to show off AMD hardware

This. Amd are the cancer that needs to be shot down.
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real games get little to no benefit from async compute
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Here's another one, Tomb Raider in DX11 vs DX12

DX12 literally REDUCES performance
Since this is a gpu thread, what's the verdict on gainward brand gpus? There's a really cheap gainward 1070 going for £350 (normally £380/400+) and I'm tempted to get it but know fuck all about gainward and how gold their quality control is.
How good*
What resolution are they using, what settings are they using, what CPU are they using, what is the clock speed on the GPU, what version of RotTR is this, what website is this even?
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Check reviews on newegg and amazon
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>taking advantage of superior hardware is biased
It's all right here: http://www.hardocp.com/article/2016/03/28/rise_tomb_raider_dx11_vs_dx12_review/7
i had gainward gtx 260 core 216 golden sample, nothing wrong with them, probably mid-tier quality like msi, read reviews and stuff
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>superior hardware

Toppest of keks
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They're using an NVidia card because only they're shit enough to lose performance on a newer API.
Umm are you retarded? Look at the image, they used an R9 Fury X

Even AMD cards suck at DX12. DX12 is ass.
>Even AMD cards suck at DX12.
>gains performance at every resolution

wew lad
That guy who posted that is a fucking retard and you should have never replied. Literally everyone knows about the huge patch for rottr which fixed the dx12 implementation. It's one of the best implementations now.
You might want to look at >>56366600 and >>56366148

AMD loses performance in DX12
dx12 in battlefield 1 is still experimental, it even says so when you choose it in the option.
>rx480 gains performance in BF1 and it's still in beta
>fury x gains performance in updated rise of the tomb raider patch as shown in >>56366719

>gains 3 and 2 fps in an extremely shitty DX12 implementation
Wew lad.

Also, RotTR got patched to fix all the performance issues with DX12 and even in general.
Someone should shoop AMDrone blowing himself there.
no. even at 144Hz you still have screen tearing. its not as bad as say 60Hz but its still present unless you have some sort of adaptive sync

if anything that might force all freesync displays to stop cheaping out and making lower freesync ranges on their panels. a lot of the current freesync panels in the market have 35Hz minimum to 90Hz maximum freesync range despite being 144Hz monitors and what not
a lot of console games run 30 or sub 30fps and (at least with my monitor) if i go below the freesync range (30-144) the display has this slight flickering

youll regret this decision and will make your card obsolete faster than it needs to be. its never a bad idea to have more ram and as someone who used hd 5770 1gb gddr5 and 4gb ram for like 6 years i can tell you that vram is the first and biggest issue when it comes to "future proofing" or at least being able to run shit at the lowest possible settings.
>vram biggest issue
>vram biggest issue for lowest possible settings
Even more wrong.

The reference card with the 'normal' amount of VRAM is almost always the most optimal price/performance value for a given GPU. If you want to waste your money and you literally don't trust the engineers who built the GPU, then feel free to buy the version with the higher amount of VRAM.
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more VRAM is literally a meme you massive newfag, it's better to get a better gpu like 1070 instead of sinking more money into a shitty rx 470/480 which you'll be upgrading in 2-3 years anyway
AMD is dead meme comes to life - AMD just paid over $300 million plus quarterly payments to GloFo to not have to not have to live up to their previous wafer production agreements. On top of that, AMD is issuing a warrant for 75 million shares (9% dilution) at $5.98/share (roughly 20% discounted as of close today) to GloFo's majoriy owner and Abu Dhabi holding company.

Literally fucked.

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AMD is so fucking incompetent. I can't wait until this shitty company gets put in the ground.
does the game at least look nicer on DX12
>Own fabs
>Shit talk other companies for not owning fabs
>Be forced to spin off your fabs because you're broke but before you do that you strong arm them into giving you a deal where have them lose money to give you wafers
>Investors come into GloFo, buy up the stock, kick AMD out completely, rip up the scam AMD had going on GloFo so AMD actually had to pay market value for wafers
AMD got cucked.
b-but I thought AMD are the good guys
I seriously just got RobinHood last week to buy AMD. I own 75 fucking shares and its all just

Tumbling down
g d o w n
/g/ likes to root for the underdog no matter how shitty the underdog is
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>mfw Vega is the new Voodoo 6000
good guys finish last
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nice try kraut
AMD is like the bumbling idiot that you feel sorry for
>this entire thread
Fuck off back to >>>/v/.
Thank God I sold those shares a few days ago.
Now kill yourself ;^)
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AMDfags were predicting $10 shares in Q4.
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>pajeet nvidia shills
>trying to understand corporate politics
top jej
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Nice projecting.
Literal pajeet is running ayymd gpu division.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>implying that AMD didn't gimp nvidia in dx12
You can't even meme correctly. Pajeet or Rajesh are just trash, wastes of space in a country. If Raja was a Pajeet, then we would be the shit on India.
The nvidia shilling in this thread is immense, did you guys forget about D44M already? That is how a competent implementation of async looks, which is what basically is dx12 in a nutshell. So please laugh it up, let's look again on release.
>muh async
AMD should first fix their inexistent OpenGL support for business applications. Oh I forgot AMD is targeted at /v/ and muh gayms, so basic DX support is sufficient.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>If Raja was a Pajeet, then we would be the shit on India.
I can't understand your hinglish.
hmm thought i filtered you
>can't spell carrot correctly
>can spell carat correctly
Yep, CAD faggots are utterly irrelevant
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Its crysis dx9 vs dx10 vista all over again. Im not supprised here, well most still remembers the dx8 to dx8.1 knows microshit been doing this for ages.
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There's an anime adaption too
>using the smiley with a carat nose
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I only buy the best
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holy shit i dodged a bullet
If you would actuallz bother reading the thread then you wouldn't actually make retarded posts like the one you just did.

This probably was told over 50 times in this thread already, but the devs already said that they ported the DX11 code to DX12 to "just werk" and that they're going to optimize it for the coming 2 months before release to actually take advantage of the API.

>devs port source code from API A to API B
>source didn't change, just minor shit to make it work in API B
>explicitly say that it's far from finished

Sometimes this board makes me question humanity.
Not really, if two weeks before launch Betas help devs to fix some bugs and a couple performance issues, then two months before launch Betas makes up for more than enough time to optimize the fuck out of it.

Good news because the core gameplay is already there, now all that's left is fixing bugs and making it run smooth, DICE actually has a pretty good schedule going on now.
DX12 has been out for over a year and BF1 has been in development for like 3 years. They've had plenty of time to optimize. Why are they focusing on DX11? Because DX11 is just far superior.
>that Fury X performance
>DX12 barely implemented
Feels so fucking good having bought that card guys.
It ages like wine, it was a great card back when I bought it, being able to play so much shit at 144fps, and now it's getting better and better.

Because DX12 is Win10 only you fucking retard.
Because it has a bigger marketshare you idiot, you need a GPU that can do DX12 and you need Win10 to do DX12.

Of fucking course they're going to optimize the bigger profit margin first.

Did you notice where when you start the game it tells you 'This is a pre-release version of game development. Some parts of the game might not function correctly (if at all).' Or something along those lines.
dx11 has a wider audience. you can hit everything from 400/5000 series and up, whereas with Dx12 you only get 7000/600 series and up.
wsj are intel shills. Don't listen to them. BUY BUY BUY
That's odd. Why would anyone make an API that is locked to one operating system version?

Seems dumb to make anything DX12 if only Windows 10 can use it.
>dropped 30 cents after hours
Yeah I think i might buy back some if it drops to 6$ but it's just been consistently dropping day over day lately.
Everyone is jumping ship anyways, more and more people are leaving Win7 & Win8/8.1 to use Win10.

Most of the systems using WinXP have been upgraded to Win7 and Win10 aswell.

As a fulltime Pajeet I can say that Microsoft never released an OS with such a quick and massive growing userbase as with Win10, no surprise since it was pretty much forced.
can confirm.. the dx12 integration is garbage though at the moment, it causes random stutters throughout the game and worse fps at times than with dx11

they will likely push out real code, 1-2 months after release like they did with mantle on bf4

Ashes is literally an AMD sponsored game that's a pilot game for ASync compute. Just as BF4 was a pilot game for Mantle, which explains why AMD's results were so shit on DX11 - Because both games were meant to show off AMD's new feature by half-assing everything else in comparison. Nvidia's results strugged at first as well, until they threw the driver team at the problem post-release.

If they did the same for shitting on AMD with the last Tomb Raider and Deux EX, why wouldn't they continue doing it?
>That's odd. Why would anyone make an API that is locked to one operating system version?
>Seems dumb to make anything DX12 if only Windows 10 can use it.
DirectX only exists to force you to use certain MS products. They wanted everyone to use win10 so they locked DX12 to it, they don't care if it holds back pc games due to slow adoption. Same thing happened with DX10 they made it vista only and it caused almost a decade of games to be made mainly for DX9.

Hopefully it backfires and Vulkan kills DX12 long term.
It's broken in Tomb Raider, BF1 and Hitman (DX12 version of Hitman actually lowers quality of displayed textures). Really if you think of it only game that shows massive gains with DX12 is Ashes of Benchmarks and that game is simply made to shill for AMD cards while no one besides reviewers play it. AMD should stick to Vulkan.
>Freesync is open source.

Well if Nvidia was smart enough they would just add Freesync support. Gsync was always a meme, I cannot for the hell of it figure out who to fuck even uses it. Also AMD is no better than Nvidia, don't ever fall for this "muh massive faceless corporation is friendly unlike yours!" meme. AMD is simply behind so they have to play the underdog protagonist card, they would be the same if not worst if they were in Nvidia's/Intel's position.
>RX 480, 200 dollars
>GTX 1080, 600 dollars
not remembering dx10 and pricy as fuck gtx8800 768mb.
not remembering literally 3 dx10 games,all shit except stalker(dx10 was patched).
not getting grand scheme of things where steam(pc,dx11,not enough linux for anyone important to care), microsoft(xbone, paradoxically developer of d3d 11,12 itd),sony(leopenlegel) are not friends,au contraire.
MS wants to make pc gaming user expirience as shitty as possible so normies buy xbone.(they even give windblows for free so your logic is invalid and when was the last time anyone of you even bougt windows.iso), sony wont mind.
All we as consumers can do is install linux and buy games for steam and gog(they are platforms at this point) and play linux version.
Chances that that will happen are close to 0.000001%.
So, enjoy your buttcancer, you literally cant win unless you stop playing.
>What are dimishing returns

Go ahead and compare BF1 in 1440p or 4k.
Won't happen, Win10 is actually pretty good and the adoption rate is bigger than with any Windows version that was ever released.
>I cannot for the hell of it figure out who to fuck even uses it.
Anyone else find it suspicious as fuck that any pro AMD thread is full of pajeets trying and failing to use informal english?

DX12 has a faster adoption rate than DX11 did. Hell in the first year of release Mantle had faster adoption than what DX11 did in its first year. /g/ doesn't realise how fast the wheels are turning.
/g/ actually does know that, the vocal minority just makes up for it with shitposting.
>posted in this thread at least once already
>probably a shitpost just like the one he did now
Why do you do this?
This isn't even a fast board to keep it afloat you /v/ermin
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