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What is the best version on Windows 10? Enterprise, Home, or Pro?

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What is the best version on Windows 10?

Enterprise, Home, or Pro?
>no games
Education > Enterprise > others
Serious answers? Oh wait, it's 4chan.
Enteprise if you're autistic tinfoil
Pro if you have nothing to hide anyway
8 with classic shell
Any version of Windows will work as long as the disk is wiped and a Linux distro or MacOS is installed promptly.
the Gentoo edition is pretty spiffy
gentoo lol u guys xD
that's the best meme!
brb making collage for r/4chan :D
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>Start menu replacement on 8.1
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I can tell that you never used Windows 8.1 before
Windows 7
I have used every single version of windows since 98se.
Tell me why you think you need a start menu replacement on 8.1 and I will tell you how retarded you are.
>Enterprise 2015 LTSB
>Enterprise 2016 LTSB
Because Windows 8.1 doesn't have a start menu, you dumb fuck
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You actually like the Start Screen?
One word: Forced installation of apps.
First, the start screen is faster than any start menu replacement.
Second, In the ~2 years of windows 8.1 usage I never had the need to use the start menu on my everyday workflow because Im not a retard.
Power user menu, new shortcuts and pinned icons on taskbar the same way you pinned them on 7 is all you ever need.
Pro tip: use a local account
Start screen =/= start menu

Metro is a piece of useless shit on a desktop unless you're using a tablet or any touch screen. Otherwise enjoy your endless pop ups and hot corners when you're trying to do productive work.
>one command

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
That's on """Pro""" systems. OP should use Enterprise LTSB.
That won't prevent the installation of "recommended" third-party apps from Microsoft.
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Did you had a brain fart where did you purposely ignored the "I never had the need to use the start menu" or something?
Also, two of the four hot corners can be disabled at any time, and even then hot corner gesture need 2 movements to activate, you would need to be a very clumsy user to achieve that accidentally.
It also removes the Store. It would have no way to install it, unless of course, it has a fallback.
Until the next update shoves ads in the enterprise version too.
If you enable the "metered connection" option, it won't download updates.

Why would you want to update Windows 10 anyway?
OP here, since both dubs recommended Enterprise LTSB to me twice, I've decided to give it a shot. Found a torrent for it.
>Did you had a brain fart where did you purposely ignored the "I never had the need to use the start menu" or something?
Again Windows 8.1 never had a start menu. You mean you never had to use Classic Shell in order to get the start menu back?

>Also, two of the four hot corners can be disabled at any time, and even then hot corner gesture need 2 movements to activate, you would need to be a very clumsy user to achieve that accidentally.
You can block them all and still retain your beloved metro with Classic Shell. And no there's hotkeys that will activate a start menu screen.
The only one worth considering is the one that requires a subscription to use: enterprise.
I like it, too.

Setting it up properly is just a bit more work, since normal shortcuts are pretty ugly. But with OblyTile (Win 8/8.1) or TileCreator (Win 10) you can make new shortcuts with any image you like. But other than that, I prefer it a whole lot over a classic (or the new) start menu.
Windows 7
This. Currently running Win 7 Home Basic. Extremely light weight OS (compared to newer versions) with no BS aero transparency shit bogging it down. It has everything I could ever ask for.
>Muh retarded logic
Different name, same usage, call them "app launcher" if you want.
>You can block them all and still retain your beloved metro with Classic Shell. And no there's hotkeys that will activate a start menu screen.
That sound really helpul if you're the clumsiest of the users out there, good for you
wow i did not expect so much butthurt over Classic Shell.
>read people saying 8.1 is lighter than 7
>everything takes longer to start
>even thumbnails in explorer take at least twice the time to load
The only reason it would be lighter is because it doesn't have aero
What about Cortana constantly running in the background, even after you fucking disable it?
8.1 doesn't have cortana
Regardless. Win 8.X is more resource heavy compared to Win 7. I used both on my low end laptop with core - i3 processor and I had to downgrade back to 7 because of fan noise. It runs a lot cooler now.
Disabled Cortana only uses around 0.4 mb on my machine

No it's not.

Aero uses a fuckton of resources. I had a shitty AMD cpu and could play 1080p on 8.1 with no problems. on 7 it lagged.
What about all the memory leak issues where you are constantly forced to turn off services like superfetch and windows search to bring down the disk usage from always running at 100%? I fucking hated every living moment of using Windows 8 through 10.
I'm running Win 7 home basic. It doesn't have aero bs.

Thank you for saying it.

What benefit has Microsoft given to users past Windows 7. What is one thing that 8.x or 10 do better? I have yet to see anyone demonstrate this. What the hell happened to this board?
I had to turn off superfetch in 7 too, netsvc was using 100% because Windows Update also.
>Aero uses a fuckton of resource
Mac spies on you just as much.
You can disable Aero easily in Professional too. You just switch to basic theme or classic.
OP here on Windows 10 Enterprise (on Edge for now) and I must say, it's pretty comfy without all the metro shit. Installing Classic Shell and some other needs.
>aero bs.
Aero actually helps prevent a number of graphical glitches and improves the experience, though.
You can stop. Right now.
Enterpise N LTSB
>>>/v/ fuck off
The reason for this is Aero uses a different method to render the desktop, which is why the desktop my flicker when changing themes
None of them. Windows 10 is ass.
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