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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 349
Thread images: 45

/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
wat time dos signfeld come on??
already got one see
which has 322 post now and counting
6:00pm EST
on TBS
I want to download "this war of mine" and "monument valley" on android. What's the best site to download game apks?
what are some good websites to but a phone from?

I want to get something new but amazon sellers have their marked up a bit I think
Recommend me a torrent client for windows other than qbittorrent
Does anyone have issues when using the navigation keys on 4chan? Sometimes when pressing PgDown or just the down arrow key, it'll skip right to the end of the page. Or sometimes they just stop working altogether. I'm on Firefox 48 by the way, been having this issue since many earlier versions.
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>How much disk space should I separate for Windows 10?
I don't know, but this is the size of my Windows folder after couple of months.

qtTransmission is my favorite.
i'm looking for a good open source registry cleaner/fixer


maybe one of those
I'd put aside 30gb.
Which was mine, just starting up a new one.
anyone else have a grey background and no doodle on google in the uk?
is it a test or something?
I'm trying to add an image as the first frame of my video, since 4chan's thumbnails are based on the first frame of its webms. I tried using the method sdescribed in the section "[FFC2] Overlays" from
but it tells me that repeatlast does not exist. Any help would be appreciated. By the way, I'm using windows.
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Gaben hates Intel.png
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I know you guys hate vidyafags but this is semi-tech related.

So here we have HL2 and I'm trying to set Shadow quality to High.
r_flashlightdepthtexture 1 will do this.

Redownloading all lightmaps #1: The engine attempts to set shadows to high.
Redownloading all lightmaps #2: Something fucks up and it reverts to medium.

"mat_dxlevel" = "98": The engine confirms it's running DX9Ex, which is required for high quality shadows.

I've heard the Source engine prevents you from setting that cvar if it detects the display driver as Intel, which I have. Thing is, this Intel GPU (GMA 4500m) should support up to DX 10.1 just fine. But I'm also using a non-official custom driver.

Is Gaben telling me to go fuck myself or is this a driver bug?
What's bash? I've seen it mentioned a bunch of times. Am I right in thinking that it's the terminal used by most GNU/linux distros?
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I'm planning to buy an RX 470. Would this cpu bottleneck it?
I watched a let's play on this war of mine (steam version). Such a depressing, boring game.
My SSD and two of my HDDs plugged in to SATA seem to be losing power once or so every two days.

When I notice this happen my computer runs fine but my OS and all programs start to crash because of no I/O. The OS doesn't detect any drives disconnecting.

Upon restarting it I see it say something along the lines of "Reboot and Select proper Boot device". My BIOS shows me that my SSD and some of my hard drives on the SATA seem to not be connected.

What 'fixes' this is when I disconnect a USB powered mic and restart.

My build consists of:
650W SeaSonic power supply
GTX 780
i5 4570k
3x 2TB Seagate HDDs
1x 120GB Samsung 840
Some Asrock motherboard that supports Haswell

Any ideas?
Does skylake has a killswitch, I forgot the answer to that also the archive isnt working.
Are there any programs which will play two video streams side by side (possibly even the left side of the stream is from one video, the right side is from the other) for quality comparison that run on Linux?
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T460s or X1 Carbon? Both same price.

14" 1080p IPS LED
RAM 8 Gb DDR3L 1866 MHz (Non-upgradeable)
192 Gb SSD
microSD slot
Win 10 Pro

14" 1080p IPS LED
RAM 20 Gb (4+16) DDR4 2133 MHz
192 Gb SSD
4-in-1 (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC)
Win 7 Pro
I looked at vlc and didnt' see an obvious way of doing it.

Like I realize I could literally just play two videos at once, but they need to be syncronized correctly and I need to do it for a large number of files so it would get incredibly tedious trying to do it as such.
Has anyone noticed adblock isn't working very well on sites like xvideos, bitsnoop etc? Or is it just me?
uBlock Origin
Sometimes when I'm on thepiratebay or my fav porn site I see what appears to be pop ups that quickly open and then disappear. I never actually see what it is that briefly pops up though. And it usually appears where my mouse is.

What is that exactly? I know others have seen them. Are they like click farming scripts for ads or something?
I have an intel 6850K processor overclocked to 4.3 ghz. Is there any way to make it run at a lower clock speed when under less load, then have it ramp up to 4.3 ghz at full load?
That happens to me, too. I guess they are advertisements that get closed by your browser or your adblocker.
My gtx 1060 is boost clocking to 2009mhz out of the box during the Heaven benchmark. Is it even worth doing a manual OC at this point? It's at like 61c max.
is there any way to make my PSU fan less loud? I've seen videos of people opening it up and greasing the fan shaft, but I don't wanna die

it's not loud enough for me to buy a new psu (I have a 750w right now and I'm not willing to spend $90 getting a new one), but it's still annoying
t460s, if you really need lte you can buy an adapter from your carrier or tether it to your phone
Maybe if you're going to play 1440p and higher resolutions, otherwise don't bother
Won't be using LTE very likely.
The weight is the main factor for me in this.
I like how the X1 is like a feather.
But t460s has better specs(more & faster ram, card slots).

Guess I'll go with the t460s, just needed a second opinion. I'll live with the extra 300 grams. Thanks.
Thank you
yep. Buy an i7 6700K or some shit
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I just got a new router specifically for seeding shit, but it's not seeding. I've got a green check mark and 1000 torrents, but none are seeding. Only 1-2 for a few kb/s once in a while, 1/10th of my limit.

I got it because it was advertised as a good choice for torrenting. Any ideas at all what I can try before I hang a noose from my ceiling? I would love some suggestions.

Model: RT-N56UB1
I graduate from University with Computer science degree in 2 years.

I've been working tech support for a web hosting company doing HTML/CSS and customer support calls.

If I continue to do this job, is it good experience for a resume when applying to game companies?
I have $700 saved. Should I save a hundred more and get myself an HTC vive or is it not worth it?
if i ground myself to my case when im building, then wont the charge be transferred to the case?

Im about to start my first build and im making myself paranoid about ESD. what budget measures could i make to ensure no static?
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I have an old hp Proliant M370 server that was removed for a newer faster version...

>boot in Linux mint 18 live DVD
>everything runs fine
>I select install on the first menu that pops up
>seconds later my monitor goes black displaying this message in the picture

>I try other versions...
>17... nope
>16... nope
>15... nope
After many trials...
>11, boots, runs great and everything...
>I install and test this, everything is fine, except I need version 13 or later to run my program

Please help

Summary:Monitor won't connect right, the error in the pic pops up
>20 GB RAM
I've never seen RAM come in that number, for some reason.

That being said, definitely get T460s because of more RAM and Win7
Had a series of interviews for an internship. It went

Phone call from CEO
Phone call from CTO; invitation to in-person interview
In-person interview two days ago

Got an email today from the CEO and he said the feedback was very positive and has some questions for me. He intends to call me later. I know this is sort of a wild-card and I apologize for that, but what kind of questions might I be asked?
Just do it on a desk and you have nothing to worry about. I've built enough computers that I have completely forgotten about the possibility for static discharge.
why are manhole covers round
If you're that fucking worriedj ust get a wristband they're like $2.00
I have the vive. Wait for gen 2 or 3 for any headset, though one with steamvr and motioncontrollers preferred.

It's just not ready yet.
plastic desk ok? all my wooden desks are on carpet
Don't you have a kitchen Counter?
Plastic would increase chances of static, but even then it probably is unlikely that anything goes wrong unless you're scooting around your house in your socks as your building.
what is Mac OSX ? is it unix? what is its relation to linux/GNU/unix? I always wonder how come some commands work on both platforms ? please refer me to a place containing explanation of these terms... thanks by advance

>thanks by advance
you are welcome
yeah but i dont want to be standing during the entire build.

I dont have a radiator in my house, what else would work? since the power supply will be installed in the case first, if i plug it in but dont turn on, and then clip a bracelet to the case, I'll be grounded?
are there any japanese trap streamers?
I have an i7 2600k which has served me well over the years, however I noticed that when I play games it never goes above 26% cpu usage. Most games run completely fine at 60fps like that but one game (Squad) is basically a slideshow. Someone recommended unlocking my CPU cores as that might be the problem. How would I go about doing this and does it put my CPU at risk of damage?
>during the entire build
30 min is too much for you?
I usually build on an unfolded cardboard box.
If it's big enough for you to place every component on it and sit on it then you're golden.

Also, if you just tap the case every 20-30 seconds it will discharge the electricity from your body.
does the case have to be plugged into the wall or not? this goes back to my first question, if I tap the case then the charge doesnt really go to the ground, it just goes to the case right?
>Someone recommended unlocking my CPU cores as that might be the problem
that is a nonsense sentence when talking about 2600k

AMD had cores that could be unlocked, you got what you got... 4 cores / 8 threads

you can overclock, rise the turbo frequency of your cpu

>overclocking i7 2600k
>ASUS modem.

Why don't you just fucking buy server router like MikroTik?

Asus is gaymen shit, pure garbage in comparison to ACTUAL routers.
But then why isn't it maxing out my CPU when I'm playing? I doubt overclocking would save me from 15 fps. Its a very CPU intensive game and people report 80-90% usage. If its using 26% wouldn't it be only using one core? (I don't really know how this shit works I just put it together)
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Well it sounded good on paper. It was just the right price and had everything I wanted. Now I just have to figure out how to fix things. As long as I can seed, I'll be happy.
>Also, if you just tap the case every 20-30 seconds it will discharge the electricity from your body.

thats not really how it works, buy yeah, I doubt you would be charged after doing that

>does the case have to be plugged into the wall or not?
1. its unlikely you would have any significant charge after touching the large piece of metal even if not grounded
2. its still ideal to be plugged because its grounded then...

here in eu I just touch grounding pin in the socket..

I build 300+ PCs
never static death
never bracelet
maybe your GPU is bottlenecking you or something?
GTX970 I set the ingame textures to 1gb of VRAM so its not using the slower 500mb of VRAM and its still is lagging. No matter what settings I use, ultra or minimum I get 15 fps. This has to be the CPU.
What doesn't work about it?
touching a metal case thats not grounded will equalize the charge between you and the case. it will not completely discharge you.
>Install new nvidia card.
>Clean reinstall drivers.
>Geforce Expierance is stuck on checking for updates screen.

wat do?
it can be shitty game
it can be shitty drivers
it can be some shit in your OS
it can be dozens of things that are not the CPU

if case is unplugged, not grounded then you can still have charge

would touching a needle ground you?
would touching a small metal flashlight ground you?
would picking up PC case sidepanel ground you?

ah, I learn something new every day.
I was just repeating what I heard on from NewEgg.
true or false: decoding blu-ray video uses less resources than decoding x264 or x265/HEVC, at comparable IQ (high bitrate encodes).

my 7 year old Centrino laptop came with a BD drive. but it stutters on any HEVC video in mpc-hc and mpv. Actual BDs play fine.

Is the blu-ray format easier to decode and render since it's in an "uncompressed" format, even if it is higher bitrate?
Can you use an IPAD Air that has 4G just on wifi without a sim card?
I just got a macbook and I installed footer on it through wine but I can't figure out how to add components. I downloaded iPod manager but it does not show up in my downloads after I click install in components
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Is there a service where you can rent processing power? For things like rendering or machine learning?
Random one, is there an alt code for an interrobang? 8253 doesn't work in windows 8 or 10
(this is an interrobang: ‽)
rebus farm, haven't looked in a while but check it out
alright, so hows this:

>set up station on wooden desk, wooden floor
>buy ESD bracelet
>install PSU, plug in but dont switch on
>clip ESD to case
Now i am connected to the case which is grounded
>disconnect PSU, leave ESD bracelet on case
>continue working on computer
Do outdated display adapters affect how your screen looks? I have some really outdated drivers and my screen looks fuzzy and colors are weird as well as fonts n such.
Alternatively, if I install a different OS like Windows 8 or 10, will I have to update my drivers too or do they come with updated stufff?
It should be possible, but it's fucking ASUS man and you have 1000 torrents, I'm skeptical. It probably crashes from the amount of incoming connections or total connections , my old routers did that (Telewell, A-Link)

You probably could try limiting them? The amount of seeders (total) allowed? And then raise it a bit by bit > when it crashes again back down.

Also just confirm that it is running updated software etc.
Does classicshell affect performance?
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Is it rational to a little paranoid about Wi-Fi? I've heard even the latest security protocols are trivial to crack. Even that aside, people can always be listening in, and if someone wanted to be an asshole, they could jam your connection. It would be convenient to use it, but is it worth it?
so i want to make a betting website with real football matches but fake monies
I was thinking just to copy it from some site but have no idea how to do such a think
So how to automatically copy content from some site to mine or to mine database?
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doubt it
reinstall driver and don't install geforce expierance
Is there any way to be see what tasks you've added (and possibly edit) on Google Calendar on your phone?

This is my build. Im about to build it. Do I really need an outtake fan?
It says on the box "up to 300000 connections for bitorrenting!" I don't have that many connections, I tried lowering it and it made no difference.

This thing has a shit-ton of settings, so there's probably something I need to change. I'm running the only official firmware update it has. There is a custom one that apparently improves a lot of stuff, but I don't wanna void my warranty immediately (if I can avoid it).
Are you sure it's not the torrent program shitting the bed? I guess that's a long shot.
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>buying windows
>evga graphic card
>120GB pny SSD
>evga psu 650W for gtx1070

you are doing it all wrong :(
Is there any reason not to use QupZilla?
How long does it take for Windows Update take to look for updates?
Currently using Windows 7.
It's a fresh install so I'm currently installing a lot of drivers like for my graphics card n such.
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can i use cat6 cable with a cat5 port?
I literally google'd

>cat6 cable with a cat5 port?

and found this in second

>Category 6 cable, commonly referred to as Cat 6, is a standardized cable for Gigabit Ethernet and other network physical layers that is backward compatible with the Category 5/5e and Category 3 cable standards.

Took me like 1.5 seconds

Dude please try Google first!
Im thinking of building a new pc and I'm not sure on what I should do with my old one, all the parts are pretty much obsolete(it was a fairly budget pc in 2012, 4gb ram, shit grafics card, 2010 or 11 i3) and ive been reading up on servers, can I just buy a few hdds and run a light linux and make a server or do I need a non shit processor.
Also, what exactly can I do with one besides storage and backups?
Got a new laptop. Comparing it back and forth with my other laptop, the colors don't seem as good and the fonts are blurry. Bolded text are also gray instead of black which adds on to the blurry. Is this a driver related issue? I don't have any drivers installed as of yet
isntall the drivers, report back.
I'm building my first rig and I'm getting most of my parts used off Craigslist. Should I get one 5770 or is two gtx 260s better? Got one guy selling two 260s for 50 bucks
How would i recursively check folder full of folders, for an archive and if there is one, move it back to the folder the script was executed from?
What's a good tool to draw ER diagram like pic related? I use linux, but if needed I can switch to windows just to draw a stupid diagram.
[spoiler]Paper and pencil[/spoiler]
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I have a hi-fi system, two speakers and an amplifier (pic related, the exact model). The left speaker started to make crackling noises. I've switched the speakers around and the right one started to do the same. I suppose something's wrong with the left channel output, not sure what I can do however.
The speakers are connected using two wires - red and black for each, could I get an amp/dac to replace the unit? I only care for the speakers to work properly with my PC.
it's not easy to edit and i'm illiterate when it comes to draw something.
Transmission qt
Exception in firewall?
That sounds like a recipe for a nightmare.
I turned off the firewall. It made no difference. I can download at 10mb/s no problem. For like 3-10sec sometimes I start seeding 100kb/s to 5mb/s, but it quickly stops before it can build up or get consistent. Now I'm just seeding at 4-20kb/s most of the time, that ain't right.
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I've got a Fractal Design Define R4 case for my build, but unfortunately, some components went missing a while back and it's a bit of a pain to put back together, so I'm looking to look for a decent replacement and actually put it together properly, either full-size or mid-size. Here's my build-

My limit is around 130 bucks, and USB 3.0 ports somewhere on the front would be nice. Other than that, I'm not sure what I want in a case. Don't really give a crap about water-cooling or anything of that level.
Bluray has multiple supported formats, MPEG-2, VC-1, H264, HEVC
Maybe your ISP is throttling/closing down visible P2P connections? Try using 'require encryption' option in the Torrent clients.

Are you sure your ports are open? I used to have similar issue when I had ports 'closed '
Is Kaspersky a good antivirus?
Install some version of Linux
OR apply Common Sense 2016.

I'd guarantee you that ublock Origin+https could do more in blocking virus infections in PCs than antivirus programs
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Is a VPS all I need to create an off-site storage (that only I can access) with a simple web-page to set something up so I don't have to ssh into the server and retrieve files?

Is a VPN all I really need for a decently private internet browsing?
Is there any point to getting a VPN if I plan on using a public tracker? I'm a little iffy about the idea, especially one that demands $10 a month.
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How could i view/transfer files from a phone that is connected to my network via wifi?
I have no problems when I'm not using a router. So that's not the problem either.

If you care about DMCA notices, sure
Are those USB antenna for better wifi in laptops useful, or only snake oil?
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How can I access a network drive in ubuntu?
you mean a second harddrive on your desktop? You need to mount it first
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I was thinking about one of those here.

Assuming it isnt a fake like yours, do it actually works? I am a little suspicious of having a wifi connection through a USB port.
Is it risky to buy off amazon market place? Seller has 100% rating, but only 2 ratings.
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have pic related for some time and had no issues with it, doubt you even need antenna unless router is very far away
Sure a better antenna will give a better signal, but whether that is better than your internal antenna or if it even makes a significant difference in your environment is very situational.

Do not buy unless you literally have FREE MONEY
The main risk would be wasting time dealing with amazon support, amazon has good buyer protection on the marketplace.
Games that can be played on Intel HD 3000 graphics??

quality varies by manufacturer however


amazon have pretty good customer service but it's essentially akin to buying off of ebay


internal pci cards for laptops are better because they'll have access to antennas that typically go around the screen

there's nothing wrong with usb wifi however assuming you don't care about big bulky antennas or shit range through walls




just get a vps from a shady company and setup a seedbox like a normal person

>(that only I can access)

a vps is literally just a virtual machine on somebody else's computer, they'll be able to access it and you won't be any wiser

>Is a VPN all I really need for a decently private internet browsing?

private for who? vpns only shift your end point from your isp to the vpn provider
Hey guys.

I want to upload a bluray for a friend, but I have never done such a thing before. Where to upload a big file like that as easy as possible?
Thanks /g/
Hopefully I won't end up getting fucked over somehow
On my previous laptop, I could just close it, and when I opened it, I could start where I left off in a matter of seconds.
On my new laptop, it takes a while to boot up. How do I make it like my previous laptop? Is this an OS issue? I'm using Windows 7 on my new laptop, and my previous laptop is using 8.1
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Probably mega
pic didn't post, weird
>assuming you know the risk involved in opening ports

what's the linux version of putty?
Amazon Web services
Fan or closed loop liquid cooling?

Just want something with consistency that wont fuck my wallet up
I've never had a problem that was not solved in my favor
One time a dude didnt ship it at all, after 6 weeks.Amazon gave me a full refund via a-z claim
NIgga that shit was all we had in the late 90's early 00's, there is nothing wrong with it
Storage, back ups, irc, Torrenting, Web hosting, etc...
Just use a shell script with recursion. Know bash or need some help?
Find a torrent link for him.
Ripping bluerary is a pain in the ass
Not ripping it, I'm just uploading the whole thing.
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Here's a question possibly too stupid even for this thread.
Can I run an android app without installing it on my phone? As in, run it from my pc with the phone connected via usb cable.

The reason is, I need to use an app that requires root, together with an app that doesn't launch if I my phone is rooted.
Very very little, just enough to do some ffmpeg scripts on a directory
Have you tried open office draw?
>wont launch
Get xposed and use cloak and no device check

Also you cannot
Are you on linux?
I didn't know about that.
Thanks I will try.
bourne again shell. A shell isn't exactly a terminal, it's the backend that interprets text commands.
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I love this video of a someone playing the game SSX 3 on PS2.
Would anyone know what technology was used to record the gameplay?
What is the best device right now to record the highest quality from a monitor (i.e. record console gameplay)?
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So I upgraded my computer yesterday with a new mobo, cpu, and gpu and kept the same hard drive with Windows 7 on it. As soon as I got it booted, it automatically installed a bunch of drivers, and I also used the driver discs that came with the gpu and mobo. After all of that, my G400s is still being detected as Microsoft PS/2 mouse. The scroll wheel does not work, I cannot change its sensitivity, and there is a very noticeable latency on mouse movements. I couldn't find drivers for the g400s last I checked.

Please help me, I know I'm retarded.
capture device

Long story short:

>Modem and router placed in landowners house next to mine
>It used to work great
>He got a new ISP that offered optical fiber, 10x more speed, for the same price
>However they installed the cheapest router i have ever seen
>Can barelly reach 4 meters range with only a glass window in the way
>Their signal is encrypted in a way it is unencrypted in the router
>It also refuses to work with a slave router
>The only solution i found in the internet is to simulate the shitty router using a VLAN in a good new router
>Modens with VLAN are too expensive. Even routers to flash openWRT are rather expensive here
>Would like to avoid those wall repeaters cause i heard they increase delay dramatically in game / streaming

What else should i do to try to improve internet range? I also try to avoid going inside my landowners house to mess up with his router if possible
Unless you plan to OC just go with air cooling
get a 212 evo or something similar
for i in $(find . -name *.tar); do mv $i ./ ; done

Just run that from whatever directory you're in and it will move all tar files to your current directory
there is no such thing as a cat5 port.

All those cables can be used with an 8P8C connector. You can even see they have the same colors and number of wires. The higher category cable just has more twists so it can maintain higher speeds even with heavier interference.
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I installed both and added the app to root cloak.
Yes, I enabled them in xposed installer and restarted.
It still doesn't launch. I know the problem is root related because when I permanently uninstall root the app launches.
This is the app:
Replace tar with any filetype you want and replace "mv" with "cp" if you want to copy them instead
You can do the same thing with only the find command.

find /path/to/basedir -name *.tar -exec mv {} ./ \;
Should I get an Asus GTX950 if I own an Asus mobo or the brand is irrelevant and I should get a EVGA?
So I'm looking for something on arch that can do the following
>markdown to html
>password protection
what are my options?
Doesn't matter
the brand is irrelevant. Unless it's some untrusted no name shitty brand.
Ok thanks
>markdown to html
You know I can export something formatted in markdown as a html file
Ah that's right I couldn't remember how to execute from find, thanks for the tip anon
What's the backlash for?
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hey /g/ I'm trying to get an win7 .iso off microshafts website and it keeps giving me an error when I try to verify my product key. Is that saying my key isn't valid or is the site fucking up? Pic related is the message.
How bad is it to actually use Facebook messenger if I have nothing to hide?
search getintopc windows 7 iso
Everyone has something to hide
How does a domain like ".recipes" exist? They're commonly like 2 to 3 letters. Is the length just arbitrary, and only short for convenience?
Zip with password
What equaliser settings are best for Razer kraken headphones?
I like the trashcan interior setting
I have 777 pending sectors what do I do?
Poor in a USB stick and send it to him through mail
That seems too easy to be legit. What's the catch?
* Your username is invalid.
* Connect with your real username, in lowercase.
* If your mail address were [email protected], your username would be foo.
* Closing Link: memeteamer by Ashburn.Va.Us.UnderNet.org (USER: Bad username)
* Disconnected (Remote host closed socket)
Cycling to next server in UnderNet...

Using Hexchat. What does it mean? How do I fix it?
I don't care if people learn about my fetish morning desu. Thing is, I stopped using their messenger for a Few month, but I my country/social circle, everyone uses it and it ended up being unpractical and even causing disputes. I know how ridiculous that sounds but here it is, so I downloaded it again, and I'm wondering if it's actually that bad for someone "normal" like me to use it.
Last time I tried to download an ISO from ms I had to run some script to add the win7 options to their form because they removed them. The ISOs are still there, just not in the form. The script was from some blog I found I'm Google.
there is none. microsoft doesnt host the isos anymore.

its either that or teamos precracked from tpb (somewhat sketchy) or some other shady russian forums. i think the guys on mydigitallife link to getintopc.
I'm having trouble finding info about this on Google so imma ask here

I had an old computer die on me and it had an HD 6570 on it that still works so I'm thinking about giving it away to my brother who only has an A8 7600 processor, even though the card is old it should still be an improvement over the integrated graphics of an APU, right?
Anyone know how to make Media Player Classic the default video player on Windows 10? I couldnt get it to pop up in the "default apps" settings.

Asked in the last thread but no answer.
In the options theres a default formats list I think
Ok guys, I just got a new laptop and want to install Linux on it. However, the thing comes pre installed with Win10. What is the best and safest way to wipe an ssd so that it can be installed with a new OS?
>I want to install Linux on it

Why would you ever want to do that?
In all my years working with PLCs, computers, DCS and varible speed drives I've never had a component damaged by esd and I work in industrial environments filled with dust and all sorts of crap.

I wouldn't worry about it, electronic components are a lot more robust than people make out. I've had a mainboard for a qcs scanner hit by wet paper pulp. Pulled it out and cleaned it off and away she went again.

Oh and on my current PC build I slipped with a screwdriver and dinted a cap, still works no problem.
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/g/ told me to
>listening to /g/

You're better off sticking with Windows 10 anon.

Linux is like communism. It looks good on paper, but it falls flat in execution.
Is SQL easy to learn?
Just reformat when you're installing? Or do you want to zero it?
hdparm, secure erase
Every language is easy to learn the basics of and use, and sql is no exception. Intricacies take experience.

There are some good interactive sql tutorials online you can google for if you just want basics. then checkout postgres meta commands
As close to a new ssd as possible. This http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/securely-erase-ssd-without-destroying/ gave some useful insite, but there's one problem: I'd need to be running on a diff drive, and I only have the one ssd.
I'll look into that, thank
But meh freedom ;n;
I need it
apt-get upgrade is taking hours, is this common?
You're just as free using Windows as you are using Linux.
you can run commands from a live environment, either a USB stick or a CD.

excellent joke.
>implying it's a joke
Is meow mix a good and healthy thing to feed my dog?
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I just bought a new router and realized after the fact that I currently have a combo modem/router (with a DSL connection).

The current modem/router combo cannot be set to a modem only mode. Would it be worth buying a dedicated modem?
Not really. It won't kill it, but cat food is very fattening for dogs and can eventually damage their kidneys if they eat it for too long. If it's just for a day or two because you don't have anything better to feed it then it's probably fine.
I successfully installed and activated a win 7 ult. iso.

1. How fucking long does the updater need to finish?

2. What updates should I avoid?
Windows 10 is still free, anon. No reason to keep using ugly, outdated garbage Win 7.
I upgraded from 10, fag :^)

I can reinstall it if I want.
You'll come back. They always come back.
so in my previous PC I was getting full speeds, now on my new PC the intel NIC doesn't want to go faster than 100mbit ?

what gives, is the intel NIC just more picky about cables ??

I'm able to pull that up, but Media Player Classic isn't even recognized as an "app"
Right click on the file >open with > choose another app
in the new menu scroll down to the bottom and select "more apps" and then scroll down again and select "look for another app on this PC" and then navigate your way to where you installed MPC HC.

wow, so fucking hard.
I meant in mpc's settings, you get the choice to associate different file types to it, but im not really sure tb h, im on vacation shitposting from my tablet so cant really check
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How do I lower the memory? It seems a bit high desu, unless this is normal
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wrong pic
Remove all but one DIMM
Is mpv + smplayer the way to go?
It's normal in today's day and age for modern browsers (ex: Chrome, Firefox) to hog a ton of RAM. Either find a browser that doesn't use a ton of RAM or get more RAM.
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are you a retard ?
its not like its hidden anywhere..
Do y'all have any study tips that aren't memes?

I can't study for more than 30-40 minutes without needing a break.
reposting this from another thread in hopes of help

so my ISP provided modem/router can't be set to bridge mode so i cant connect my own router to it.

i called my ISP and ask them but they just told me to fuck off, i think the tech support guy doesnt even know what bridge mode is

so am i fucked or what? i can only use my own router as a switch
>WARNING: Do not attempt to do this through a USB interface!
:/ well darn
Is this a good way to get non-default DNS for your connection?
I appreciate the info guys.
why are you trying to set the ISP modem into bridge mode ?
it should be your other router set to bridge mode

whats the point of having my own router if i set it to bridge mode? ill just get a basic switch then
i think your confused
>decoding blu-ray video uses less resources than decoding x264
1. x264 is a codec, not a format
2. blu-ray's are typically H.264 format, though not always (H.264 is the most resource intensive of the supported formats, mind, so for this question it's enough)
3. false. typical blu-ray (H.264) and the product of x264 (H.264) are the same thing, so have the same playback requirements with equivalent quality/settings

this is an entirely different beast, it's a much newer and far more complicated format, so naturally it has notably higher playback requirements
on top of that, your laptop likely came with hardware that can decode (do the hard work) H.264 video on special hardware, without needing the CPU to do it. unless your laptop is very new, you likely do not have equivalent hardware for H.265, meaning it must be decoded on your CPU, which is typically much slower

>Is the blu-ray format easier to decode and render since it's in an "uncompressed" format
bluray isn't "uncompressed" in any sense of the word
just what are you trying to achieve here ?
Show all process.
im trying to use my OWN router (Netgear R7000) as the main router on my network and NOT the ISP router

to do that i need to put the ISP router into bridge mode, but i cant because the router is locked down
Anyone here have experience with BunsenLabs?

I have no audio even after following some suggests from their forums. Not only that, but youtube videos are also very weird in that they speed up and slow down randomly.
Literally just went through the same thing. (Me: >>56149810 )

The modem/router combo is working fine by just connecting my router to it - seemingly getting the same performance (but much better range). I just disabled all the things I could on my modem/router combo (WiFi, WPS, etc)
What kind of printer should i get if i want to save money on ink?
thats not good because your under double NAT now

you cant have 2 routers on a network
so buy your own cable/dsl modem and quit whining.

or god forbid you use their equipment
please dont reply to me anymore, you're dumb as a brick
nah, its fun.
whats the model# of the modem
Was just reading around about double NAT and this is all I saw:

>While double NAT doesn't generally have any ill effects on run-of-the-mill network connectivity -- Web browsing, e-mail, IM, and so forth -- it can be a major impediment when you need remote access to devices on your network (such as a PC, network storage device (NAS), Slingbox, etc.).

I don't do any remote access sort of stuff, the only internet I do is some gaming.

Any other bad things about double NAT?

I assume you'd say yes it's worth getting a dedicated modem then?
Does the Asrock non-z RAM oc thing actually do anything?
Dont buy ASRock motherboards.
You mean XMP or some placeboo feature?
cant open port for torrenting
cant play online games well
and many more shit

if you use the internet only for web browsing and email then its ok i guess
I can't get my TV to connect to my computer via HDMI...I've tried updating drivers, rolling back drivers, plugging in/unplugging, powering on and off my computer/TV What the fuck do I do?

Thank you. Through this method, I was able to make it the default program. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111shift+1

I've used nothing but Win7 up until two days ago and that wasn't completely retarded like Win10 is in some ways.
>Any other bad things about double NAT?
its a pain in the ass when you try to connect to other devices on your network that are outside of the NAT.
Like lets say you have a network printer, its connected into your modem (since it has multiple ports) and you are connected to the router (that is connected to the modem).
You might not be able to see/use the printer (in the default network settings) because of the double NAT.

>I assume you'd say yes it's worth getting a dedicated modem then?
if you are fine with what you have then why spend money ?
I was replying to another anon that has a POS modem in which he cannot change any settings, but he *insists* on using his own router for the network.
For anyone that isn't some aspie the typical modems are good enough for most.
Is it even detecting it as a second screen?

what site do i download it from?
qBittorrent has been stalling since forever and I want to recompile it with an edit.

The error is "Couldn't load GeoIP database. Reason: Unsupported database file size." and I need to edit the source file to make the max value 64mb instead of 10. But the only guides are for visual studio and I use codeblocks. Any tips?
Just got a laptop since I'm moving for a job and can't bring my desktop. What's the best means of taking data from my desktop and transferring/accessing it from my laptop?
Ye, apparently it supports XMP and enhances RAM latencies on certain RAM sticks, idk if it actually works. Why shouldn't I get an Asrock mobo?
it's a 3rd screen but nope it doesn't detect it at all...and it's worked before and has reliably but it sometimes likes to just not want to detect at all and I have 0 clue how it fixes itself
> lets say you have a network printer, its connected into your modem (since it has multiple ports) and you are connected to the router
Why wouldn't I connect the printer to the router as well...? In case I used all the ports already?

>if you are fine with what you have then why spend money ?
Because I literally just got the new router and didn't remember that I'm currently using a combo modem/router. The wireless range on the combo was pretty bad (had 0 antennas) so I figured a new router wouldn't be a bad idea.

I was told I can't change my modem/router to bridge mode, but I'm looking more into it. The support guy said that using it as a modem without using bridge mode should be fine and getting a new modem wouldn't really make a difference, but I don't trust my ISP enough.
Which GPU or IGPU you got?
ASRock motherboards are usually low end motherboards.
Well if its a H97/170 or a Z97/170 its normal for it to have XMP, but enhancing latencies sounds like placeboo.
I got two monitors plugged into DP on a GTX 980 and I have the TV plugged in via HDMI on the 980 as well, i've also tried to plug the TV in to onboard video
Have you tried use a different HDMI cable?
Set your TV for HDMI input?

I assume yes, but this is /sqt/ after all.
How many URLs can the URL setup of http://archive.is contain? 502 billion like web.archive.org?
is there any reason not to use sublime text 3 and use 2?
i've tried setting it to both HDMI inputs and I don't have another cable to test out...
Test the cable with one of your current monitors?
check and see if its detecting the second screen. i had same issue i had 2 hdmi running to my tower and only one screen worked. i unplugged the bigger screen from hdmi and used normal rgb cable and reconnected it into my computer. it detected it first try. then from there you just have to messa round with what screen you want for which tv.
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So I'm trying to make a cbr using these steps:

>Collect all the jpg files and put them in a directory.

>Archive the directory to a zip file using any compression software of your choice. ...

>Lastly, change the extension of the compressed archive you just created to .cbr so that it can be viewed in a comic book reader of your choice.

Problem is in the cbr files the order of the images is all mixed. How can I retain the order they were in pre zip? The are named sequentially in the folder ie. F1,f2,f3...
>Why wouldn't I connect the printer to the router as well...? In case I used all the ports already?
this is gotta be bait..
it was just an example.

With double NAT anything connected to the modem might not be able to see/use anything connected to the router.
remove hdmi from one tv and use original rgb cables to test if its a tv. setting issue or a wiring issue. i know u said it worked before but since you dont have extra hdmi cable to connect it with you have to check with other cable hence the rgb cable. if you dont get any picture thennnnnnnn idk
It's really not bait - why would I connect anything besides the router to the modem?

I know about computers and stuff, but virtually nothing about networking. Regardless, despite what my ISP said I was able to set my modem/router combo to bridge mode.
Yeah looks like the cable might be shot...
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This thing appeared out of no where and I have no idea how. First impression is that it's an autorun virus.

what do
This is why you always keep a Linux USB around.

Check Startup list with msconfig or CCleaner.
Post your current process list.
Download Malwarebytes and Adwcleaner.
Trying to learn Reddit API. I just wanna get all the posts on a subreddit wihin the week and this seems so much harder than it should be. Anyone have experience with this?
>It's really not bait - why would I connect anything besides the router to the modem?
I can ask the reverse.
Like I said most people are fine with the modem/router combo they get and see spending money on another router/wifi AP as a waste of money.

that typically appears when you're trying to access user folders on another drive/computer.
I'm assuming F is some backup drive of a previous windows install
tysm. this is what i was looking for. do you know of a similar list with windows bloatware that is safe to delete?

That's my best guess.
Not sure if I'm comfortable sharing processes, but a quick once-over and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Should I just run the anti-virus I got?
No recent windows install, just appeared within the last week. No connection to other computers either, must be a flash drive that got fugged, perhaps?
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It seems that I can't really turn on my motherboard with the pos. and neg. pins (even touching them with a screwdriver)
I set up a jumper in my PSU and it seems to be working just fine (connected the psu cables to 2 of my case fans) would I be able to connect the CPU power cable and HDD power as well to see if I can turn the motherboard on? or would this fry my motherboard?
pls g
it means that you don't have permission to view the folder (or in this case the entire drive)
right click go to properties
then go to security
click edit
click add
then type in your username and click ok a bunch until you are out of that menu
then try to access the drive
Not sure if I even want to get in, my problem is that I don't know what it is or how it got there.
double check all your connections.
maybe sure the CPU connector is connected as well.
do you have a second hard drive installed in your computer?
If you are using W7 there is not much to remove.
If you are using 8.1 expect to spend a couple hours on it.
I'm a pleb, so I download music from youtube from time to time. Is audio quality necessarily lost even when uploading a pure audio track?
Want to see what is inside it? Make a Linux USB if you are that paranoid.

Did you check the startup list?
Nope. This is just a laptop, and it's only ever had one drive. Until now, and I'm worried.
Nothing out of the ordinary for startups. My biggest concern is that Google is hinting it might be an auto-run virus, which is said to destroy files, which I don't want to happen. Opening it seems like a bad idea to me.
Well the modem just "connects" the internet to the router which then broadcasts it to my devices. Wouldn't I want network devices connected to my router and not modem?
>and it's only ever had one drive.

nigga.. show us a screenshot of your "this PC"

How can you claim to only have 1 drive yet you posted a drive with the letter F
I'm getting about 20% of the performance I used to with the newest Nvidia drivers. Their website is only showing the most recent ones, where would I find the previous version?
Partitions are a thing anon.
If you check it trough Linux you have nothing to worry about.
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honestly, it looks like a windows security message about accessing files you lack permission for.

The UAC looks very different from that.
>I'm a pleb, so I download music from youtube from time to time. Is audio quality necessarily lost even when uploading a pure audio track?
Yes, specially on videos under 1080p, for something those videos and up have the video and audio separated.
I'm not 100% sure, but I'd be surprised if YouTube didn't re-encode everything, even if it was already small enough as uploaded. Consistency and avoiding subtle encoding issues is probably much more important than the CPU savings of not reencoding.

If you download from YouTube frequently (or from other streaming sites like SoundCloud, etc) try youtube-dl. I think there's a GUI version too.
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Here's all of them.
But it's a drive that's suddenly appeared and I'm not sure why. Seems suspicious and dangerous.
Thanks I'll have to double check bit they are named like comic-1, comic-2, ..., comic-10, comic-11... so maybe? I thought the comic part would fix that numbering issue.
Is Gear VR worth buying?
Is there much to do with it?

Will buy an S7 and wondering if I should get the VR too or not
please recommend me an audio listening software that allows me to make and view playlists.
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What makes each Linux distro different besides development team and repositories?
something very minimal, simple, and clean
The issue is that "13" sorts lexographically between "1" and "2", just like "ac" sorts lexographically between "a" and "b".

Most string sorting doesn't special case contiguous sequences of digits, probably because it is both simpler, and doesn't make a difference in many cases.
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Its called CACHING. Look it up
Any ram you ARENT USING is WASTED RAM.Why not just use a 1gb dimm then?
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grashing dis blane.jpg
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Housemate's ethernet cord gets slightly squashed under the bedroom door in the new place. Cord loses about 10%-15% of its usual thickness because of this. Can we leave it this way or is wlan adapter a must?
Na man, HTML is web based stuff. What are you looking to get into? They're interested in programming/coding or 3D modeling
Test packet loss across it, if it is fine it is fine.
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Be aware though that repeatedly flexing / squishing it could cause it to fail later. Have that in the back of your mind if you need to debug a network issue later on.
VPN or SSH? and why
Unless its crushed or cut there is nothing wrong with it.
Noted. Thanks again.
Want to learn my first programming language, toss-up between Python and C# from suggestions. Thoughts?
>playing my favorite mmo ffxiv
>a week ago I do the window snap thing on accident with the game open
>now it freezes when I alt tab/am alt tabbed


what the fuck did I do
Am I gay?
do you like meaty sausage in your ass?
Does anyone know where I can get a windows XP professional iso file?

I have a computer that I want to get rid of, and I want to install the official os on it.
Dear /sqt/,
I bought a 128gb Samsung evo+ micro sd card, however I'm getting really slow read/write speeds (15mb/s on both instead of 80mbs read - 20mbs write)
I'm testing with CrystalDiskMark using a microSD to usb adapter,
- Is my adapter throttling my speed?
- Is my microSD card a counterfeit, or perhaps a dud?
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How to fix? Cant even get onto the 4chan homepage without it popping up. I dont download apps often and i already tried clearing cache and its still there
>Is my adapter throttling my speed?
Probably. Is it USB 2.0? Do you have a card reader on your laptop that you could try to use?
>Is my microSD card a counterfeit, or prehaps a dud?
I doubt that it is counterfeit, but that depends where you bought it. I doubt that it could be a dud also. CrystalDiskMark would have probably picked up some other problems if it was one of those.
try going into settings and uninstalling it.
googling "android-app-safe" got me a few results talking about this malware
Its comes up under a lot of urls but the page is always the same
Yes, it is USB 2.0, I just tried it on my laptop using the SD adapter and I get 60mbs/20mbs, which is way more acceptable.

Also I did run h2testw earlier to make sure the full capacity was there, and it didn't find any error.

Should've known that usb2.0 would slow me down, seems obvious now.

Thanks Anon.
If I want to preserve a rechargeable battery's lifespan, and I won't be using it for a few months, should I discharge it before disconnecting it, or charge it to full?
How do I adjust my screens hue and contrast and such?
I was doing it earlier with my intel hd graphics settings but I forgot how to open that
My GTX 970 now goes to "No Signal" anytime I try to change the resolution above 800x600. I've tried installing different versions of the drivers but the same thing happens in the middle of the installation each time and I have to boot into safe mode to see anything.

Is my card borked?
Check the list of installed apps and uninstall everything that you don't recognize.
Also, install one of those shitty Android antivirus options like Avast and see if that detects anything.
I'm running a Mikrotik RB951G-2HND and for the life of me I can't get the fucking thing to give me anything about 40mbps down over wifi.

I have no idea why.

Router is right next to me
TKIP is off using aes
set as 2ghz-wireless-N ONLY
Setting 20mhz/40mhz- Ce
tx-power set at default

dont know what else to do other than maye fuck with the freq but that doesnt do very much for me
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9 hours later I'm still trying to solve my problem and I don't think I'm close to fixing it. If you have any ideas, please let me know. I feel so defeated. I'm sure it's something stupid I have overlooked.
Download Malwarebytes.
pls respond

Also, does the 360 videos from youtube work in it?
Checked, nothing weird. Ive tried a handful of trusted antivirus progs and scanned with all and it detects nothing. Is it actually a virus the promotes it or just shitty ads? It only occurs on certain pages with ads but it seems to happen far more often now. Formerly it would happen once every 6 visits on 4chan, then once per day, not i literally cannot go onto the homepage on mobile because its keeps redirecting me
>Is it actually a virus the promotes it or just shitty ads?
Considering I don't have any problems, it's probably a virus on your end.
Also, why the fuck aren't you using Clover?
Tried it, wasnt a fan. I used to use overchan but personally i prefered the site the best
Use the recent version of Clover then.
You save data and loads the site way faster.
Also filters, bookmarks and watcher.
How were you not a fan? Clover (or any dedicated app really, I just prefer Clover) is leaps and bounds better than the website on mobile.
Plus, better battery efficiency.
I dont remember why, it was awhile ago and had problems with some part of it. Ill try it put but im still concerned with the virus because it affects other sites i visit besides 4chan. I heard rumors it affecred your router and I dont know anything about how they work but I went onto my pc and did a clear dns cache or something and it didnt help
So i found an iPhone and I want to reset it but I can't because the icloud lock won't let me. Any way to bypass this?
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