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Torrentz.eu is dead. Any other way to crawl for torrents?

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Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 45

Torrentz.eu is dead.

Any other way to crawl for torrents?
been in denial for a bit. shut down in the middle of searching
What happened?
Did the owner get arrested or something?
happened not even 20 minutes ago so no news yet

when you go to the site it says Torrentz WAS a free, fast and powerful meta-search engine
Well, shit.
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Lol I was going to get a movie for my mom then I get this shit
>Torrentz will always love you. Farewell.
I'll just buy my shit.

>Any other way to crawl for torrents?

im sure this will definitely stop internet piracy just like the last 924902384 times

>what is popcorn time
What is the best site to get Torrents now and don't say private trackers or piratebay
This please
Used it 2 days ago to download all Danni Ashe hotbox videos.

Thank god I did it when I did because couldn't find a collection anywhere else.
why not piratebay?
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>Torrentz will always love you. Farewell.
private trackers, literally everywhere public is being shut down hard as if they are actively targeting it as terrorism.
fuck off nigger
extra torrent dot cc
Nyaa is only for anime right

It's interface and all those ads are shit

What is a good private tracker
kys burgers
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and to think that only a few hours ago i found some content on there that made my day... now i am slightly upset.
>It's interface and all those ads are shit

>not using an ad blocker
what do you mean by "ads" ? can't you block them ? i don't see any ads
Why is this shit happening now all of a sudden, what are the jews planning next ?
torrentz has been shit since they got flooded by dmca takedowns
if you go to like duckduckgo.com and append "torrent download" to your search
Cant g create a torrents search engine?
"Can't /g/ create ____?"

The answer is always no.
Sad, isohunt and torrentz were so big back in the day, I remember downloading a gta san andreas crack and being an inexperienced kid getting my PC infected with the skynet worm lol, RIP
i'll make the logo
Popcorn time is a honeycoomb pajeey
>>Nyaa is only for anime right
and JAV
first btdigg and now this
number of answers for questions "why haven't you kill'd yourself yet?" is slowly but steadily going down
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There goes my book torrents.
what.cd is my book tracker.

It's alright.
Is it because a lack of technical skills or just pure misanthropy?
Lack of organization and structure, as well as a very short attention span.

It's always a clusterfuck.
Bit Che
>proprietary crapware
>not using bibliotik

>not using the NSA's free, high quality movie service in 2016

why do people do this? NSA knows their shit yo
>I have no idea how torrents work
>the post
Hello summer
Will be replaced in a couple of weeks by three more alternatives, no worries
hey, thanks!
their onion site doesn't even work, they're going next in line for going down
good to know
>It's interface and all those ads are shit

>not using adblock
It was a good run. Time for a completely decentralized system. Any ideas?
Where was it hosted? The admin was Finnish iirc.
This all could have been avoided if people didn't ditch emule for torrents
>using public torrents

If anything we need a decentralized & anonymous system.

I mean come on, it's 2016, and for some reason the most popular form of P2P requires easy to shut down websites and is simple for copyright trolls to find out who's sharing what. Torrents should be deprecated technology by now
https://torrentproject.se (includes meta search engine)

Should keep us afloat for a bit.
Not using Mam
can't wait for this one to go down
whats the point of having a priver tracker account if this happens every time
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It's called Tribler.
>whats the point of having a priver tracker account if this happens every time

Private trackers don't get shut down because they don't run ads by 9999 different companies and give payment details to IRS agents.

Demonoid isn't private
I am too poor to buy media and too poor to buy a good internet
I think I will just give up on western media and live only with anime
Do you guys remember seeing a torrent thread like 5 hours ago and someone suggesting Torrentz.eu
Well now it's shut down cause clearly the feds are on this thread asking for more sites :^)
I'm thinking that we should go back again to p2p search clients like limewire.
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Here is the list of sites they indexed.

Keep it handy.
good thing I already pirated everything I wanted onto my media server
I really, honestly think I outgrew pirating. How in the world can you justify stealing someone else's intellectual property? Just get a job.

is it still safe
Anon, welcome to my life.
Please don't do this.
>be a grad student
>paying 50k in tuition
>oh btw guys you need about 2k worth of software we dont provide it :^)
Because I'm a poorfag who doesn't have time for a job. I'm trying to watch a total of over 9000 anime series before I die. Besides anime and the internet are the only two things I need in life to make me happy.
>Just get a job.

I do this and also pirate. Feels good not having my apartment filled with useless plastic.
I used Ares until it crashed
What is the best p2p this days?
Should I just stop being lazy and learn how to XDCC?
Our final hope to breathe a new life into the wastelands that is becoming of the internet. Our grandchildren will hear stories of how MEGA made it's return to save us all. Our Blu-Ray quality porn will be more magnificent than before as well as our fapping sessions on par with Gods having their ways with six dozen of women at the same time.
dont worry /g/uys, I got your back im an idea guy!
surely, you can write a simple app to defeat netflix for me?
And then get sued for trillions of dollars?
>I mean come on, it's 2016, and for some reason the most popular form of P2P requires easy to shut down websites and is simple for copyright trolls to find out who's sharing what. Torrents should be deprecated technology by now
This is what I don't get about the torrent implementation.

It would be relatively easy to build searches into the torrent client, have each client download a bit of a master list of available torrents (this is the only tricky part, making sure that shit's spread around enough to ensure you never lose part of your database) that has a basic description plus magnets. There's no reason for there to be a website other than ease of access.
Unless it's a logo
So basically exactly like napster, ares and limewire?
>steven universe

Dear god, anon. What's wrong with you?
The last time I used Ares it was full of shit torrents with viruzes to the point that was incredbly annoying to find anything , did they fix that?
>Top torrent public trackers getting shut down left and right.
>Piratebay is literally fucking dead. For example the last torrent for Ark Evolved was in fucking march. 20 updates behind.
>Denuvo is on the rise. Its going to come to a point where implementing Denuvo will be cheaper than ever and pirating and cracking difficult anti-tampering programs isn't even going to be worth the effort if more public tracker sites keeps going down and ignorant faggots who don't know of other sites like TPB or KAT exists aren't able to seed your torrent.
>Private trackers are getting more and more harder to get into. Some are only handing out a shit supply of invitations like THREE TIMES IN A FUCKING YEAR.

Piracy isn't dead yet faggots? Sure looks like it.

You should be fucking thankful that companies like GoG are around to make "handing out" or "sharing" possible.
I find it amusing when you kiddies talk about napster/ares/limewire without realize that those are just normie friendly frontends for what essentially was nothing more than DCC transfers in IRC, but no, not like that.

The key here is distributing a master database of torrents among clients. The others worked mainly through an individual announcing what files they had to a centralized system which other users queried which gives a point of attack.
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Shit's going to hit the fan when they shut down nyaa or wherever it is you weebs get your chinese cartoons from
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d-don't joke around like that!
Only the MAFFIA and Land of the free shut down pirate sites.

Also it's not like americans are supporting the anime industry anyway. Crunchyjew pays pennies to the publishers.
Why would anybody care about weebshit?
Oh god, I hope it does happen just so I can see the shitstorm in /a/ and the "fuck America this, fuck the West that".
Is that Milo?
We still have DCC faggot
Unless you publish it under a free software license and publish it as a software for sharing university papers or some shit like that.
shitpost is shit

u now nuthin, m'am
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reminder to stay hydrated
nice botnet
MAM is the best for books
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thanks my mouth was dry and i was kind of ignoring it
The bad guys are winning :(
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>le pirate guys are le bad guys :(((
t. undercover mr. robot hollywood shill

Fail society
And yet nobody cares

You'd think the F would be enough of an indication.
4chan is terrible at creating things in general because of anonymous nature. Any serious effort would need to start with group of users creating project off site and only using site to discuss (and even then it would be preferable to discuss off site because you don't want people impersonating members of the project).

So, even if we did anything and created something it wouldn't really be a /g/ project, would it.
That shitty VN could loosely be described as a /v/ project though couldn't it?
>we should be using Gnutella, FastTrack, DCC or eDonkey2000 again

I agree with the decentralization, but all of those programs really sucked at downloading and quality control.
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Lightning can occasionally strike. Katawa Shojo was made by /v/irgins though I don't know if they actually made it on /v/. They also did only slightly annoying /v/ the musical that actually sounded good at time.
Download qBit and use the search engine.
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Intellectual property isn't actual property.
Well best get to it, son. Since hollywood is jumping on anime as the new comic books, they're going to jew it up when it comes to fansubbing and all that, too.
They're going to kill it.
guys, he doesnt know...
is demonoid still alive?
It might as well be dead
This guy gets it.
Retarded question time: would switching from actual hosting of .torrent files to magnet links be effective? Since that means people would be going to websites just to copy strings and shit? Obviously my knowledge of the law is shit hence the question.
>tfw you want to install sony vegas but you can't do it from public trackers because its all fucking filled with malware
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This one.
>torrenting anything but videos, music, and books in 2016

Hope you enjoy your botnet. If you run any software you get from a torrent, you're already compromised. Sorry anon. If you need to use a pirated copy of photoshop or something then at the very least do it in a VM, for your safety.
Since when does the .ooo TLD exist? And well, why does it exist?
Use the Bitcoin block chain?
Owner probably doesn't have anymore money to maintain it, or doesn't have time.

I use http://metasearch.torrentproject.com/
Then we'd just move to Baka.bt
Use kat.run (mirror of Kat that is still up atm) for now, private tracker later.
How on earth aren't you retards in private trackers by now
no Bitsnoop?
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>Top torrent public trackers getting shut down left and right.
And replaced soon afterwards.
>Piratebay is literally fucking dead. For example the last torrent for Ark Evolved
Nobody uses Piratebay for gaymes.
>Denuvo is on the rise.
Already cracked for 2 games, with a wholesome crack around the corner. As happens with all software made by human hands.
>Private trackers are
for faggots.

>Piracy isn't dead yet faggots? Sure looks like it.
Looks like it to a baby who just found about piracy and wasn't around for 2 decades to regard the present happenings as 'business as usual'.

I usually use the following statement as a meme, but this time i will be serious in my suggestion: Kill yourself.
>>Private trackers are
>for faggots.

sure is for faggots getting everything at 600mb/s and getting requests filled like that.

fucking public tracker retards
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What the hell? I loved that site, it was so nice to have searches from all sites combined.
First kickass and now this? what the fuck is going on?
What am i supposed to do now? search all of the existing sites manually? because when i download my tv shows only few sites offer them in web-dl quality ;_;
Join a private tracker.
private trackers are shit, i been there, and they never offer the stuff i download in quality i want
>sure is for faggots getting everything at 600mb/s

Sure, 600mb/s once a month when you have cucked yourself into having to upload constantly to keep that ratio, and spent 30 hours setting up stupid torrent client settings according to some fancy-pants tracker rules, all so you can download a torrent that's gonna get leaked to Warez or other public trackers anyhow.
>making a chore out of torrenting
The biggest faggots in the whole world. And not only faggots, but by the looks of yourself, retarded.
Private trackers are a waste of time. Everything is scattered and it's difficult without having to maintain several seperate accounts. DHT is better.
>PTP/BTN not offering what you want with any quality you want.
liar liar
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Go with Rutracker and rarbg/limetorrents.
Torrentz and KAT were already bad with massive DMCA takedowns!
What I regret is BTdigg!
Why do pigs bother taking down the torrent sites? New ones will pop out anyway and it is just a minor inconvenience to users who will simply go to one of the other ones
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>mfw a private tracker requested me to set up a static IP
Get the fuck out.
Torrent. Cd
But you don't need a static IP
That's the joke. It was a honeypot.
for what reasons lmao
Demonoid is not private
so they can tie what you download to your ip you retardcake
most private trackers are honeypots
Apparently, some private trackers disagree with you.

Some stupid reasons like ratio tracking, and in one other case tracking the IP connection details to ensure people are not using that ratio/upload time cheating software.
spotted the Cyborg
Another dmca compliance whore
I tried to warn all of you 2+ years ago to start collecting shit that you could possibly ever want to have in the future, in preparation for what we're seeing now. The window gets smaller everyday with the growing power of the (((law))).
That's exactly what I did senpai
>not shooting your own movies/tv shows or programming any app you might need
I wouldn't have found the only 2 sites carrying the torrent without torrentz.

>YOU: "whenever I search for torrents I go to all torrent sites (1000+) just to find that one torrent I want that isnt on a lot of trackers"
Any good hidden service torrent sites?
IMO rarbg is the best active public tracker in terms of content & web interface
>malcolm in the middle
I bet he forgot to feed the hamsters that ran the site.
Sad thing is I have barely looked at any of it. Most stuff produced these days is just shit designed to make you a brain dead debt slave. I pretty much gave up hope on future content when MGSV turned out like it did.
I have iptorrents, but for torrents that are very popular I use 1337x.to, so I can keep my ratio
It doesn't work that way you retard, how are you supposed to collect movies and games coming out right now, two fucking years ago?
It's about availability for me. I don't mind paying for something, but having shit like HBO/NETFLIX forcing me to go to their sites and remember what is where, old shows that no longer is on-demand is what makes me torrent.

I like to keep my stuff centralized and available when I want it.

Steam and spotify are excellent examples of services that do it correctly, there are however no services like this for shows/movies (netflix does not count as it region-locks shit and their library is abysmal and often a season behind).

I haven't torrented a song or a game in years because of these services.
>Shit produced these days actually has any value

Honestly tell me a movie or tv show that has come out in the last 5 years that has any lasting value. Anything that you'll be wanting to watch 10 years from now.
>Torrentz itself never hosted any torrent files but did have a takedown procedure in place
>For a META search engine
>Private trackers are next.
The holocaust demands more jews.
Anything with Jason Statham in it.
did he do some new stuff?

recommend me one good movie from him that I don't know yet
Meh. I'll give you that one. I don't really remember to think of movies/tv shows on a per actor basis, but rather as a collective performance.
Everything available on the internet belongs to me. Spending money on things that make people stupid is not cost effective. People should spend their money on important things anyway.
Mechanic 2 should have just come out.
Wild Card has a glorious bar scene that i'll re-watch anytime i'm having a downer period.
Redemption was a great emotional movie for a change. If a sequel happens, it's gonna follow the Ip Man sequence of a different angle being hit with every sequel. 1 emotional, 1 pure fighting, 1 balance.

Also watch Chinese movies and Russian faggot. They have fun shit.
Now that i've mentioned Russian movies, i have to see whether a sequel to The Mongol has been finally released.
>How in the world can you justify stealing someone else's intellectual property?
It's simple, people don't have money
>Just get a job.
>Implying it's easy
Even when you have two jobs it might be not enough to buy music, movies, books, software, games and shit
>Not cheating through mRatio

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qbittorent build in search
Netflix is absolute garbage outside of US because of the retarded copyright laws, we only get like 10% of the content and pay the same.
>Search Engine: https://kat.cr
The fuck?
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Which tracker? Cause I've never heard of that.
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>Torrentz will always love you. Farewell.
>no comments
Enjoy your ransomware
>Video file
>Linux with sudo
>downloading shit on Windows
Only dumbfucks use Windows without a complete sandbox except for gayming and gayming only.
If you are that paranoid about ransomeware, torrent via VM you scrub teenager.
Still infect linux.
>video file
video file that uses the thumbnail exploit to run commands
>linux with sudo
escalated privileges.
>ransomeware, torrent via VM
still infect you main partition if you've set up a shared folder.
>escalated privileges.
>with no privilege escalation

No one uses VLC as a root and if you do, go back to windumb
Thank god I haven't had the need to pirate anything in last year or so.

If I still were the same little pirating shit, I would be probably angry as hell about everything getting shut down left and right.
>still infect you main partition if you've set up a shared folder.

Shared Folder doesn't work as conveniently as you want to make it look like for the sake of arguing scrub.
The beauty of sandbox is that it works best when it has a folder to focus on.
If we were talking whole system sandbox, you'd have a point.
But this is VM. There is only 1 route to defend, and it can be defended easily when there is only one.

Go back to class.
>Still infect linux.

>he thinks people will waste their time making ransomware for Linux, against Linux users of all people
>he refers to Linux.Encoder.1, a shitty ransomware that didn't even work correctly which was fucked in one day
>ransomware software
>ever working correctly on Linux
Pro-tip: Ransomware only works well on closed-down OS's.
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>100GB a day limit
>max dl speed

Even as poorfag affordable, the worst thing that can happen you visit a movie/series blog that's not using your filehoster of choice.
No thank. I'm not a cuckold. And i'm especially not a subscription cuckold.
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You fuck off
>No one uses VLC as a root and if you do, go back to windumb
You don't even need to.
Whatever man.
I'm taking from experience.
I've tested different methods of infecting machines with ransomware.
Even in VM it will encrypt all files in the share folder.
Sandbox wouldn't help much either.
No need to, WINE is more than enough to encrypt you partistion.

The best method I found was have your OS on one partition, and important files on different partition, and mount it only when need it.
>smartphone faggot
>telling someone to fuck off
Get the fuck out.
No seriously, get the fuck out >>>/soc/
>paying to download free stuff
top cuckold you got there
>being a cuck
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>tpb is now the most popular bittorrent site on the internet again
I thought we were past it, but here we are again.
Spotted the ratiocuck
Nyaa is next. Better stock up on your mongol cave drawings
>Better stock up on your mongol cave drawings
Why? Nyaa is only good for ongoing shows.
>not using Torcache
Gb2 to Rebbiit you anti-piracy cuckold
What is a millibit?
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Spotted the poorfag with dial up and a 20GB hard drive.
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>mfw Animebytes
Baka.bt is only completed series, and it doesn't have everything due to copyright takedowns
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>have 10 ab invites available right now
>won't give them out if nyaa is shutdown
The thing about Nyaa is that all the anime and mangoo fags have pretty much the whole of Nyaa on their HDD collection piles.
Even if it goes down, a new Nyaa will spring up the next day without a single missing folder.
Even the porn section of Nyaa, which is the only relevant part about Nyaa.
>private trackers
>being a ratio cuck
Right, because Photoshop torrents totally have botnet data collection in them

Fuck off
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If this happens ISIL will have a sudden rise in recruits number.
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>have 8 invites left
>same here

Oh hello there. Stay comfy and enjoy the salt of public tracker fags.
Does it have an XXX section which has all the VNs in existence uploaded?
If it doesn't, it's not Animebytes, it's Animeshites.
>not using shareis.fun
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>Does it have an XXX section which has all the VNs in existence uploaded?
And if it doesn't have something, Oppaitime has it instead.
Smartphones are /g/ fucking retard
It has a lot, and they will most likely have more seeds than most public trackers combined

No need to be triggered buddy.
How long will it take until private trackers turn comes?
>smartphones are /g/

Funniest thing i've read on /g/ today. Well done sir, well done.
Fuck off back to >>>/soc/ with your shitphone, and fuck off back to >>>/trash/ with your smartphone screen threads.
too late fag
Soon, comrade.
Copyright trolls are to lazy to get into private trackers, since there will always be enough public sites where they can rape huge userbases with DCMA claims and takedowns.

Not saying that they cannot be affected, it's just very unlikely at the moment.
>ffmpeg vuln
Fixed a loooong fucking time ago
How does these still work?
Soon even the BitTorrent protocol will be illegal.
Speaking of it what do you need to have your site DMCA proof despite hosting DMCA stuff?
I am Europoor and can just continue using kat and pirate bay as long as I don't upload too much data. Get fucked hamburgers.
Block US IPs.
Anonymous whois
Pay domain with Bitcoin
Administer through tor or similar
Be in a country that isn't the US
Take DMCA requests and throw them in the trash
That's literally it
>Soon even the BitTorrent protocol will be illegal.
[citation needed]
Just because a certain tool is used for illegal purposes doesn't mean it has been created for that reason only. They can't take down a whole protocol, even if they wish they could.

>Speaking of it what do you need to have your site DMCA proof despite hosting DMCA stuff?
100% proof can only be obtained by not relying on anything US-related. I.e. banning US IP's, not allowing US content etc.

With TTP this will however change for the worse.
In theory it's possible, simply DMCA the trackers.
What did you find?
What is this?
Making bittorrent illegal will just get it replaced by something even harder to police.
Again, I mean.
Some DDL site with very strict entry requirement.
What the fuck is Megaupload 2?
Bitcache just sounds like a bitcoin within bitcoin, people deposit bitcoin and are given credits that are exchanged within the Bitcache network.
MegaNet is just a FreeNet clone designed with mobile phones in mind, so maybe Megaupload2 is just the filesharing portion of MegaNet?
what is wrong with the pirate bay?
why are people just saying NO to using the pirate bay for no reason at all?

I always download from green skull
I have no virus
I have used it for the last 8 years, nothing has changed
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fucking shit, IT WAS THE BEST
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For movies, I go to hd-club.

I think they're based in Ukraine, but all of their releases have English audio. You just need to swtich it in the VLC.

They have 1080p BD-Remuxes averaging 35 Mbps video bitrate, and 30 GB file size. None of that pixelated yifi shit.
30 gb is too much, 10GB is ideal for blu ray movies since the details is high enough to provide no visisible drop in quality when watched on hd monitors
If I were to host an .onion site with nothing but magnet link, how long until I get v&?
It's maybe a little bit hard to tell the difference between a 8 MBps and 35 Mbps video streams, but it's there.
>>55922736 It seems this guy is our last hope. Make piracy great again.
why is anyone associated with the pirate scene an ugly fat neckbeard?
Private trackers are next.
Just sayin.
That's their role in the Matrix, Neo.
As they are programs which have the purpose gather, hold & redistribute software. They need to have enough stash.
they have more content than any public tracker
unless you went into a one week old tracker with nobodies
almost all private trackers use a passkey method, not static ip method. haven't seen that in years

having a static ip doesn't change anything. isps log every ip you had assigned at every time
>he needs trackers for his torrents
just make a tracker but like on TOR because it can't be taken down there and download speed won't be a problem because trackers don't actually host the files
TPB did this for a while. The only hosted magnet links. They switched back to offering both. Not sure why though.
...it's dead. that clearly sucks more than torrentz gone btw
There always on the brink of being taken down and their hosting server are not as advanced as the original so you get a lot of indexing and database errors.
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>I've tested different methods of infecting machines with ransomware.
>Even in VM it will encrypt all files in the share folder.
>Sandbox wouldn't help much either.
so then what do?
how is it a botnet
>Private trackers are next.

You guys keep wishing but it never happens.
>Storing CP on your machine for others

I don't fucking think so
happened a few times
oink got taken down, though arguably for the better

it seems most private trackers are not pretty good at handling the mafiaa
>Not using Kodi with Salts
you're not the boss of me
fbi honeypot
What happened to btdigg? I was using it fine a few weeks ago, but now the website isn't online, keep getting a cloudflare error.
>oink got taken down

Oink made huge mistakes by not taking steps to protect itself or their payment information.

All good private trackers have learned from this and do not make the same mistakes.
but you need python
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whoops i wrote "not" but meant "now"

literally worse than clearnet every single way

Its shit at the very least

Your jews overlord want you to believe that it's dangerous to browse a site to prevent you from using it. Now be a good goy and don't use TPB.
guys, he doesnt know...

People will just wait a month to pirate the game they werent going to buy then
>because when i download my tv shows only few sites offer them in web-dl quality


Torrents should be available on above site. There are DDL alternatives too if you search for the filename properly
>what is BitSnoop
literally the same thing as Torrentz but better
reminder that we're living in cyberpunk
Like, everybody on the streets is a /g/enius like us, rite anon?

If only it would improve its indexing/sorting
oh noes not Web-DL!
Kek web-dl is actually pretty good
web-rip is garbage.
Shame the UI is so bad that the site is almost useless.
Been using it for around a decade now, works fine and doesn't require javascript
tfw didn't get in even though I answered the questions truthfully and intelligently
I think it's because I mentioned I found their site on /a/
Fucking hell just use private trackers. What.cd has space for every single person in this thread
>seed hundreds of GBs to people who are only downloading them from you to seed them in turn.
>so much time and bandwidth wasted on content that'll never be used by anyone, just so people can build buffer

Seems far too time-consuming and pointless senpai.
>Cuck.cd has space for every single person in this thread
Than why i cant just register there?
Seems that way. But it isn't
Just shoot yourself.
I tried this and got no results for anything I searched.
It's for weeb stuff, not only anime. Music, games and whatever other stuff weebs need are there
No shit qbit is ass
damn, h33t is still up? Used to be my go-to a loooong time ago
Is there a private tracker for all that expensive electrical simulation and CAD software?

I believe I get orCAD and Multisim 14 off kat and god forbid I ever need to download them again or I want to update to a newer version I'll be fucked. If the pirate bay goes down too than doubly so.
Another one gone, if they shutdown rarbg i'm gonna have to seriously consider getting into a private tracker

First KAT and now this.

They're winning.
What did you search? I found everything I looked for so far (movies and anime).
>I'll just buy my shit.


Please don't let them win!
Stop with the fucking panic you fucks, Torrent sites are like Hydra, you chop off one big head 10 others pops up from its neck.
Obvious shit, even typed in exactly what the webm showed in this thread and I get nothing.

It's going to happen sooner or later.
The copyright laws are only going to get stricter in the future and Nips are cracking down on the pirated content anyways.
Better start saving animu on massive externals, now that it's still available.
Did you activate and update the search plugins? Because I can't believe that you actually find nothing on all the sites it searches.
>even though I answered the questions truthfully and intelligently
It really only matters what you can contribute. No one expects you to use a seedbox or upload tons of stuff, but you have to be relevant in at least some regard. Saying that I am a long-term seeder was enough for me.

>I think it's because I mentioned I found their site on /a/
that's fine, no one cares if you use 4chan. As long as you don't talk with some meme-tier language or have a really sloppy writing style.

There's really no reason to think about the AB interview anymore, since it will never come back.

Anyway, AB has a very invite-friendly system, where even the lower ranks get tons of invites by comparison to other sites. Your best bet therefore is to make friends with other AB users.

While many here and on /ptg/ will recommend the WCD route I dislike it, since it's to hard for beginners imo. But then again, atm there really isn't any better way to get into high-tier private trackers.
How can you contribute besides seeding?
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who the fuck are these two niggers?
Uploading and some indirect stuff like correcting torrent entries, archiving or being active in the forums & IRC.

Most high-level trackers look for long-term seeders more than anything else though, since seedboxes are already everywhere.
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When pirating dies I will just abandon the media jew and fix my life
Compared to huge sites like KAT and Torrentz I hope an anime tracker is pretty much under the radar. Also wouldn't it have to be Japan to take it down since they hold the copyrights?
I'm sure whatever American companies have the localization rights would be able to do something.
Torrentz.eu is dead, long live the Torrentz.eu!
It's not like even most of the anime out there are getting localized by some company.
Yea except I have >50 ratios on both what and bakabt.. no seedbox just home server.
I didn't write in memes but I did say nge was my favorite anime oh well guess I'll have to beg someone for an invite one day, xdcc is fine for new shit

You don't want to play by Japan's rules here.
They're getting stricter and stricter with their rules, they've even hired some pirate hunters forking for the government.
According to the Japan copyrights, there's really no fair use and they don't like people posting torrents or streaming unlicensed.
All sites and content are practically illegal according to them, unless it's licensed and they often chase after even people who post stuff on youtube and such.
But the international/American copyright says that you can use this stuff to a certain extent.
So it's a bit of a battlefield and the West seems to be insisting that it has rights of their own, despite Nips holding all of the rights to the content.
Yet at the same time West insists that Chinks stop producing Apple copies because it's a copyright violation, which shows that there's a bit of a double standard going on.

So if a site like that gets taken down, it's probably not going to be done by Japan directly, since they don't have any direct power abroad, but they sure as hell can request the west to take it down and if the claim comes from some big company, West will without a doubt comply.

Reality of the situation is, that copyright is only going to get stricter from here on end and these unlicensed sites might disappear at the drop of a hat.
So better rev up those alternative site lists just in case.

Well then why are you still here? If you manage to have a ratio of 50 on WCD then you should have no issues getting to PU and requesting a AB invite.
Really? With the prevalence of fansubs and doujins I'd have thought it was the opposite.
japan's anti piracy laws are draconian
the piracy scene over there is extremely different, they mostly use some p2p shit I forget the name of right now

Katawa Shoujo originated from /a/ newfriends
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How can I download safely from private trackers so that I don't get fined?

I live in Germany and don't want to get busted.
>>55934519 looked it up,
perfect dark is the name of the anonymized p2p software they use
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Download through a VPN. Something like PIA, Freedome, NordVPN for example. Pay and you're less likely to get sold yourself.

Downloading from private trackers is bad for privacy however. Your every move will be tracked and recorded by the people running it. That kinda happens with public torrents as well, but with private trackers it'll all be tied to your account. If you log onto a private tracker and display an IP you own, you'll be boned for the rest of your existence on that account. With public torrents, you'll only be able to get in trouble for that single download where you displayed your own IP. Also, in that case they won't be able to prove that you've uploaded stuff, unlike with private trackers.
fucking kek
>linking torrent activity to accounts on private trackers
Literally impossible unless they have your passkey, in which case you're fucked anyways.


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Create your own sharing room for stuff.
>tfw no friends so I can't get into actual private trackers
Why does the .to exstension even exist if it's only used for torrent sites?
Every piece of media I purchased I ended up hating at some point.
I know that feel.
AB is trash, instead of having the best selection avaible they have every shitty sub and encode imaginable. Also if you want to test out encodes you better not download over 10% or you're fucked. Also it encourages you to seed everything instead of only seeding the good shit. Really unintuitive design that doesn't favor the good stuff getting seeded. Also everything that's free leech still requires you to seed it for whoever knows why
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