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/sqt/ - stupid questions thread

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/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread

Old Thread: >>55595262

Post your simple/small/stupid questions here
take at least 10 seconds to google first
Are there Skylake consumer boards that support ECC memory?

I'd like to build a home server that runs FreeNAS with the ZFS file system.
If i fuzz the gps data before it reaches pokemon go, will it think im walking and hatch my egg?
heh, why would you think you need ECC for that?
Everyone in the storage business seems to scream murder when you don't.

How do I get a job at bestbuy with

> i built my own gaymen pc

knowledge and no work experience.

Thinking of just showing up and asking for interview. Am high school senior.
Not from USA so I don't know how good BestBuy is. But if you want to become better at fixing computers stick on the SQT threads. Helping anons fix, or watching anons help fix computers helps a lot on terms of mindset.
So, /g/.

Explain to me why some email provides block emails coming from dynamic IPs, even though the IP has SPF + DKIM + DMARC set up. Indeed, why does RATS Dyna blacklist exist?
have you read through that?
its mostly missinformed neckbeards screaming bloody murder about nothing

because 99.9% of the time people using dynamic IP addresses don't set up a mail server.
it's far more common that they got infected and spread their malware by sending mass mails.
so losing that tiny percentage of people doesn't matter.

if you really need one, set up a vps to relay mails for a few $ per month.
>i built my own gaymen pc

add that you intalled countless times windows
trouble shoot all your family and friends
should be enough and they will give you training anyway
go and try
SPF + DKIM + DMARC, anon.

They could at least allow IPs that have their shit fully secured. Or at least send those emails to the spam folder.
so what, you are one of thousands of people wanting this.
you could go to every company and swear you aren't going to send any spam too.
what you want is insignificant.
I've read about 20 articles including that one. One tells me that I could just run without, the other one tells me I'm insane for even thinking about it.

The issue is that I don't know who has the correct answer. Yes the co-founder said something about it not being dangerous.

I'm not nearly fully knowledgeable about ZFS, but if I use ZFS raid with 2 HDDs will I be safe from HDD error rates?
You don't really need ECC if you are using ZFS, so if that is the only thing stopping you, don't worry about it.
I want to program the First Fit algorithm for the Bin-Packing problem.
It's fairly easy, here's some pseudo code

But I also want to output the content of every bin in a list, that has separators between each bin. And as a note, each of my item is 2-dimensional, consisting of a weight and an id.

How do
>will I be safe from HDD error rates
what in the flying jesus is that - a hdd error rate?

anyway, yes, you will be fine, ive been running ~15 nas4free machines for like 2 years, data integrity was never an issue

that article only points out that the doomsday scenario that single bit flip in memory could shit your whole pool is nonsense
Why are original Arduinos so much expensive than clones? Are the clones bad quality? I found a few opinions stating so.
this is good advice thank you.

I installed windows more times than I can count when I was 13 because I didn't switch the mobo boot to Hdd instead of disc.

I suppose I'll consider a VPS, but it's basically paying for an iptables firewall to just redirect traffic. And I suppose I'll have to make postfix rewrite the source IP in heaaders as well, but that's trivial.
Read Error Rate I meant. They say that a single one of those could ruin your pool.

Yeah I just have to know that I can't just shrek my entire pool like that. If I lose a file idc, I always get offsite backups of my important files.

So that'll be it: No ECC memory.

Is it fine if I just use the onboard S-ATA ports?

For completeness if anyone has any remarks on my build so far (It's not only going to run FreeNAS):

Celeron G3900
CORSAIR CMV8GX4M1A2133C15 8GB (maybe 2 of these?)
Corsair VS 350W
Western Digital Red 2TB x2
Some small SSD for the OS so the HDDs can spin down.

Research I'd say. Clones can just ctrl+c ctrl+v the schematics.
Is it fine if I just use the onboard S-ATA ports?


Some builds listed here for comparison
Will you stop posting this reddit tier show.
What's Raid and what's the point of it?
Making multiple disks work together.

It improves speed or helps to recover when a disk breaks. Depends on the configuration.
So basically combines different ssd/hdd into one? What's the downside?
you dont need SSD
freeNAS and nas4free are both build so that you boot from usb key, 4GB is enough
its to save sata ports for data drives

would up the HDDs to 2 x 3TBs
and you dont need that much ram, they often say that 1TB of data = 1GB of ram
thats for caching and performance, not for home media server, 4GB ram would be more than enough for anything and everything
Sup, what do you recommend for a future proof build?


i7 4790 and GA-B85M-DS3H-A



i5 6500 with GA-B150M-D3H GSM

the first is about 40 usd more
Been testing out different distros on virtualbox, keeping all the iso files on one flash drive. If I want to actually install one in a newly-built PC, do I need to take out all but the one I want?
It's not only going to run FreeNAS. It's going to run at least OpenVPN, DNSMasq and a LAMP stack as well. And I have 4 S-ATA ports with the H110 chipset anyway.

My plan for the whole thing is to run an ESXi and virtualize everything.

But going for Skylake is a good idea right?
Is a 650w psu enough for a 980ti gpu?

For RAID0:

You write and read the split data to 2 disks at the same time. This improves speed but causes you to lose everything when 1 disk breaks.

You write and read the same data to 2 disks at the same time. This gives you redundancy but you only have half the storage.

You can combine these into a RAID10 and then you have both. The only downside with this is that you need 4 disks.

Thanks anon
If two people compiled exactly the same source code using exactly the same method, would the checksums be identical?
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I'm using this command
youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --embed-thumbnail

to download ASMR and convert it as MP3.
How do I increase the quality of the MP3 files?the resulting file have this ffprobe
Stream #0:0: Audio: mp3, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16p, 70 kb/s

However I believe this bitrate is variable.
How do I get rid of DNS unlocker in my Chrome browser? I can't find it in control panel or extensions to uninstall it, really appreciate if anyone can help me out
Is it possible to root a 910V note 4? I keep seeing different sources with different answers.
where can i buy a cryptolocker kit to make my own?
Also a raid 1 backup is just a mirror, so if something gets corrupted or deleted on one drive, it has the same problem on the other. And sometimes certain utilities or hardware or OS's wont be compatible with raid, so it's something to be aware of. You wouldn't combine different sized disks or an ssd with an hdd either.
How do game patches work?
Let's say I missed patch 1.2, will it be included with patch 1.3 when I download it or I have to download it alongside it? If it was included with 1.3 wouldn't it make 1.3 larger?
Yes. That's how people are able to confirm nothing has been added to it.
Thank you so much
I'm using my PC for BOINC, and one project I'm part of makes my GPUs run constantly near 80 Celsius for hours. Is this acceptable or am I just wearing out my GPUs faster than normal?
Depends on the game or program in question.
It'll let the fans turn harder and make them wear out faster. But it'll probably be a worthless piece of hardware before that happens. The thing you should worry about is your power bill.
did you bother reading the help?
-x, --extract-audio              Convert video files to audio-only files
(requires ffmpeg or avconv and ffprobe or
--audio-format FORMAT Specify audio format: "best", "aac",
"vorbis", "mp3", "m4a", "opus", or "wav";
"best" by default
--audio-quality QUALITY Specify ffmpeg/avconv audio quality, insert
a value between 0 (better) and 9 (worse)
for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K
(default 5)
how do I make Windows alarm stop after one minute (or any other alarm sw recommendation, multiple alarms)?
I read it, but I didn't understand it.
--audio-quality 0

or any other VBR quality level
Old lady that works with me asked me to buy her a $200-300 laptop to get for her high school level son. What can I get that's decent for such a low cost and it's not used?
Nothing that isn't pure anus. If you'd pay 500 it would last a lot longer.
Let's say an OS or Torrent client etc.
That's an awfully slim budget for a laptop. You can try searching slickdeals for a while until something pops up in your price range.

Can I get a decent desktop for that? She only wants a laptop because her kids said so, but they don't plan to take it anywhere.
still depends.
some you need to update each version separately, some put everything into one huge patch, some others do delta patches that only download the bytes that changed, some download the entire program again and just install over the old one.

there's not one way to do this. it depends on whichever way the developers programmed it.
I can build a pc for 300. Without screen, keyboard, mouse and OS that is.
I want 2 1080p monitors, <=24 inches, thinnest possible bezels, at least 60hz, <=5 ms response time.
What's the cheapest one out there?
Well most torrent clients would have you download a whole new copy of the client. Windows installs updates single file, sometimes certain updates have a prerequisite, and sometimes they'll roll up several updates into a service pack which then becomes a prerequisite for a lot of things. The second "service pack" for windows 7 is called a "convenience roll up" and you can choose between it and the individual updates.
You can get a good chromebook or an entry level laptop for that much. Scratch and dent/refurbished/older generation helps.
buying and plugging in to my pc used sd card
is it risky?
Used from where?
used by previous owner
If it's not sticky just format it and you're good
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How can I display Japanese character in Bblean workplace names.

When I copy/paste I get exclamation points (see pic)
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Should my CPU be hitting these temperatures? They seem unreasonably high.

It has a game running in the background, and it's not unusual for it to hit 75-76ºC while playing. I cleaned up my PC recently, so even if it has some dust in it, it's not that much, should be decently clean. Also reapplied thermal paste about a month ago in preparation for the summer, but it seems like it didn't change a thing. My case airflow isn't great, but still, it seems like it's going much higher than it should. Even the 390 in my case is never going up that high, it's always the CPU that's hotter.

Is it time to invest in a custom cooler? I really didn't want to have to, since it's just a shitty non-K i5, but still, these temps are seriously messing with me.
Where am I supposed to mount an additional hard drive with personal data? /home/.../xyz? /mnt/xyz?
I'm getting 40-45fps at 1080p in epic settings Ark using an i5 6600 and a msi 1070 with 16gb 2400mhz corsair vengeance ram.

This does not feel like it's supposed to happen, what could be the cause here? I'm also getting sub 60 in witcher 3 if I max both hairworks and shadows.
Card is also capping out at 100% from time to time.

Temps are fine, CPU trudging along at 30-35c with GPU hanging around 60-65, which is normal as the fans don't turn on below 60.
how about used usb flash drives? there used to be opinions that they can damage pc
Anywhere you want. I often mount it under ~/mount
why does lain look so weird?
There used to be the option that CDs and DVDs would run automatically. You could also turn that on for flash drives. And ofc automatically starting code == bad things.

To my knowledge that option is gone now.
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Sli. Pardon my stupidity...

Can you run dual gpus off any lanes and still achieve the same bandwidth? For example the first and last pci slots on this motherboard, instead of the first and third.


Explains it better than I can in a post.
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I'm learning Java and reading the code of an image viewer application. This is a snippet from a method that sets up the GUI by hand. showAbout() is a method of this class. Now, I was just wondering if someone could clarify the syntax used in the regular AWT/Swing addActionListener() call here, because it's a lot neater than creating anonymous classes in my newbie opinion. The only thing I know is that "e" is an identifier commonly used in the actionPerformed() signature of the listener class ...

Thanks in advance!
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how big is programming in cyber security? i find the networking and operational systems very nice but i hate programming, i can read programs in C and python but anyway, just wanna know if i go down on security i will have to face too much programming
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Did a reinstall of Windows on my SSD, and upon a few minutes after I get this message for my secondary HDD. I ran a chkdsk and it found no errors. I am running a program to repair bad sectors, but I dont understand why Windows gives me this message, but when I check for errors it says its totally fine. I should mention that I have not yet updated my drivers and whatnot (new install) but ive never seen this before and the HDD is only a few months old and never gave me this message before i reinstalled win8.1
Would it be possible to run Onenote on Raspbian/Debian? Failing that, is there an equivalent software (the wiki doesn't point out any).
Thank you anons
>notice it's sitting at 645mhz


Does this mean that my card is faulty or what's going on?
I have been running my seedbox from my old laptop using windows and qbittorent since before 9/11

Now convince me to switch over to ubuntu or debian.
Run a SMART test with CrystalDiskInfo and post results. Use the portable version of the software.
So that'll be winxp then?
is it possible or just some wrong info i've heard;
one can craft a protocol packet and fill it with malware, then send it to someone's pc after doing a portscan?
it sounds too simple but i've read conflicting info
there needs to be service listening on a port that will take that packet info
How do you add several functioning case fans to a computer build? I'll see guys with the crazy 2k builds and they'll have every fan space, so like 8-9 fans generally, all working.

And yes I've youtube'd computer builds. They always gloss over how they actually power/control the fans, they just show the instructor installing it to the case.

I'm confused because there aren't that many fan headers even on high end motherboards, are there?
Is uTorrent 2.2.1 safe to use? What are possible concerns?
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Why is cat getting called here?
there are some issues. enough to switch to something better like qbittorrent or deluge. i dont know much about it, do research.

you can find a page that lists all the potential issues with U 2.2.1 its basically safe if you arent an idiot and have common sense. dont click random .torrents
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What happened to this? Is it not happening anymore? Have I been meemed?
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So I'm looking at this mATX motherboard and it says it has 1 Chassis Fan Connector. Is this normal? Does this mean I can only connect one chassis fan? Surely that's not right. I looked at a few others and they also only had one connector (with a few boasting two).
because that's what you're doing, right? you've left the command out but you're basically just running
cat /dev/random > /dev/null

zsh is using cat to do what you want
buy more expensive mobo, more fan connects will be
or buy decent case with fan controller
or buy fan controller yourself
or just connect fan to the psu directly
get a splitter or molex to 2/3pin adapters if you want more
Well yes, but i though it'd do some redirection magic
and what would it do if there won't be cat?
is there a way to play games on linux? i've got all these nice windows steam games and don't want them to go to waste.
i just installed arch, with i3wm, but when i do startx i dont see the clock bar, also it starts with 3 consoles, but looks like floating windows in a tilling position. Any idea?
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Are trackpoint caps compatible across manufacturers i.e. same side and hight square peg.
I bought an HP laptop and the stock cap is horrible, so I want to replace it with a dome one.
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say I were to upgrade to windows 10 before the deadline. I also want to backup my system. Will the upgrade affect anything on my STORAGE (D:) drive, or will it only affect programs on my SYSTEM (C:) drive?

Basically I'm asking/wondering if I need to cram stuff from both drives onto a portable HDD or if I can just put stuff from the system drive to save me fucking about with steam folders etc on the storage one.

This is basically because
>A, I need to backup anyway and get into the habit
>B, if I do this now I don't have to worry about coughing up for Win10 in future when it writes to my MoBo
that's the whole point of having a bunch of small utilities. no need to have two things do the same job. and there will be cat.
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Is this possible?

>gigabyte sniper m3 matx
>using 1st and last pci lane
Wouldnt the last lane only be supporting 4x while sli needs atleast 8x?

Am i wrong?
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dual boot is the simplest way

sounds to me more like you are starting raw xorg with xterms and not i3
did you edit xinitrc to have "exec i3"?
what can i do with python if i learn it?
Pretty much everything. But python is usually not high performance.
Just to clarify, Win10 Enterprise gets rid of all of the spyware stuff, right?
No. Nvidia will not allow their cards to run on 4x. They literally will not work if you try.
Not all of it and it's $7 a month starting Soonâ„¢.
i just switched and it keeps everything on every drive. there's not even a windows.old folder. it puts thing exactly as it was before you upgraded.
what is a good tutorial (detailed walkthrough using an example case) for linux ricing?
what's a good place to learn C++
what other languages do you know?
>monthly subscription for an OS
i would have thought apple would try this before microsoft. it's like they're trying to make this the worst os possible.
They're trying to enforce the idea that Enterprise is for Enterprises.
The subleddit that shilled Enterprise for home use is now officially on suicide watch.
Is there a way to circumvent a Windows purchase without installing linux on a new PC?
is their a info guide on good apps for my samsung s6?
install windows official ISO volume license
run KMSpico on it
full working windows with everything
the ened

Why dont AMD have a mITX board for AM3+?

Is Zen going to be a new socket and if so have they talked about it?

When are mobile versions of the RX480, GTX1080 and 1070 coming?
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then its not smart to go C++
go python like every other faggot
if you are better than 95% of morons and actually learn shit.. and make use of what you learn and build on it... you can start learning other shit
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>install fresh win7
>have written down updates I don't want to install
>select only download updates I choose
>search for updates
>"you must install a new version of windows update before you can install any updates"

Am I cucked now? Is it gonna install a version of windows update that forces windows 10 and spyware updates on me?
yup, i have added it to my .xinitrc file and shows the same like you. Any idea?
gwx control panel is what you want
and win10 bothering ends in 15 days
>Is it gonna install a version of windows update that forces windows 10 and spyware updates on me?
There is literally no such thing you delusional retard.
you are not starting i3wm
study up

Then whats up with the photo?
until there is an update that breaks it
I'd rather manually install updates
If I make a HTPC with an i3 6100 and a 1060 or 480? will it be ok plugged into a 4k tv for some very very light gaming? mainly any indy or sports games which are designed around a controller.

any games that are too difficult to run I can always try stream from my pc. Is in steam home streaming viable at 4k? is nvidia gamestream any better or worse at this resolution?
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What is the best RTMP live video encoder software
wut? how are you manually installing updates?
that gwx control panel is changing some registry values and settings

anyway, wtf are you doing installing win7 in 2016? 8.1 or 10 are far better, not even kidding.. it pains me to use old windows every time I right click on the start button
okay but where's a good place to learn
Not a question, just testing if my filter to not hide GNU/Linux works
>Find a project you want to do
>Forced to come into contact with solutions

The only way to go.
why isn't there an Open CL based operating system running mostly on a GPU utilizing CPU as a secondary subsystem?
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if its destined that you are not a moron you will find the talk about learning all over the internet
if you cant google that out, you are one of the 95% of people who think they are going to learn programing
damn too bad i don't have an authorization/license number
doesnt matter, if you got good ISO you jsut check that you register later
Is there any motherboards that can run sli on the first and last lanes?
dont get sli
dont think of sli
dont plan on sli
>how are you manually installing updates?
Change the settings to only install updates that you manually approve. Have you ever been into the update settings?

>anyway, wtf are you doing installing win7 in 2016? 8.1 or 10 are far better, not even kidding.
From the shit I've seen of windows 10 in a vm so far it's not very welcoming.
>fucking "apps" required to get a functioning picture viewer
>spy autism out the ass sending all my passwords to ms through unsafe methods

Until there is significant performance gain in games for windows 10, or they stop making security updates for win7, I'm sticking with it.
>Until there is significant performance gain in games for windows 10, or they stop making security updates for win7, I'm sticking with it.

My nigga

The only thing that makes me want to get win10 atm is native bash scripting.
Read Bruce Schneier's blog and try to program a crypto thing yourself.
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Would a Powerbook be able to run Tor and be able to host a .onion site? I have a PB that needs a few parts and wondering if this laptop would be a good project to host a simple (text) .onion site.
Get a RPi for that.
I bought what looked like a pretty decent second-hand laptop for relatively cheap and am running Windows 7 on it, but it's been freezing all over the place.

I'm a novice at computers, honestly, but with Task Manager open I've noticed programs randomly keep spiking their processor usage, which results in everything freezing. Happens with Chrome, with Firefox, with DeSmuME...

Based on gut feeling and nothing else I think this might mean the processor's fucked somehow, but I am far from sure and hope it's just some setting somewhere that fucks me over instead of something expensive.
For beginners post the specifications of the laptop.

type in dxdiag and post a screenshot of that screen.
I'm very new, and don't know what a RPi is and Google came up with many suggestions, but not relevant.
What registrar do you recommend so i can get myself a meme domain.
Raspberry pi, its a mini computer that you can have linux on and do your stuff on it.
costs like 30 dollars
Raspberry Pi, a computer the size of a credit card. It can run a version of Linux, turning it into a full fetched computer. I have 2 of them and I use it to run some servers.
Is there any point in creating commercial desktop application and trying to sell them nowadays?
is there any difference between how updates are done between windows 10 home and the other version?
Is there any current cases on the market that look like this. Vents with a window?
depends on 100 of things

do you have market for it, someone close that wants it and would appreciate support you can give
are there already popular alternatives to your shit?
do you have some special target market, like lets say accountains or doctors or some shit..

if you are just trying to make media player and sell it.. well good luck
If it does something better or new, then yeah sure.
I'm trying to reinstall windows 7 but I don't know which activator should I use. Is dazloader safer and better than KMSPico?
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Here you go. It's in Dutch, but hopefully that's not much of a problem.
Which processes do this? Are they suspicous?
Oh! Yes, I've heard of that. I did not know that RPi meant that.

I am not understanding of Linux though. I have only Macs as that was what was given to me. (free). Can I get RPi and attach a monitor and keyboard for this project? Can I connect via wire with Internet or only wireless? Thank you very much.
>Which processes do this?
It depends. Usually the one I have active is the one fucking up. I've noticed it with the programs I mentioned before.

>Are they suspicious?
Depends on your definition of suspicious. I trust them enough to think they're not the problem.
Take a picture of the task manager. My suggestion is to just format the whole hdd and install windows, you have no idea what kind of keylogger the seller put on it.
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been bumping this stupid question for 3 sqt threads now, anyone?
I set up a RAID1 volume on my 2 HDDs but windows 10 won't boot unless I'm on AHCI mode, it just gives a INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error after startup even though the boot order in the bios is correct (the OS is on another SSD), what gives?
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So I got one of those Amazon fire tablets, the standard version and I'm trying to install some pirated apps, but all of them seem to have some problem with connecting to my wifi when I start that shit up.

I've got the apps from unknown developers checked, and they're installed properly. Any advice?
Is it possible to root a 910V note 4? I keep seeing different sources with different answers.
SO I bought an Asus 1070 strix http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814126109

It says it has an OC mode that is turned off by default. How do I turn it on?
did you google your question first?
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That seems a little drastic. Here's that screenshot.
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yea it sends me to getting this utility from the asus website http://www.asus.com/US/ROG-Republic-Of-Gamers/ROG-STRIX-GTX1070-8G-GAMING/HelpDesk_Download/

however the download link doesn't work
It's a program that searches the computer. I got it with Ninite, which I was recommended by a friend who seems to know his shit. Is it a shit program or something?
No, just the name was weird. Like I said, you should reinstall the whole windows, did it come with windows pre-installed?
>did it come with windows pre-installed?
Yeah. Dude even had badly-hidden porn still on it.
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VLC supposedly has metadata-editing features, right?

If I open a file and change some of them, a "save metadata" button will appear and the metadata will be saved when I close the window (as shown by the new title displayed as the file title), but when I close VLC and reopen it, the file still has the old metadata.

Does VLC only change the metadata for that specific session, or it should change it on the file itself (and somehow it's not working for me)?
Backup all your important files and that porn and reinstall the os, clearly there's something wrong with the system if it freezes like that.
Alright. Guess I know what I'll be doing tonight, then. How do I best do a clean install?
Just follow this guide. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/operatingsystems/ss/windows-7-clean-install-part-1.htm
Make sure everything is backup'd
they all should if you have the right cpu.
the memory controller is on the cpu, so there shouldn't be any reason that it wont work.
don't tell them you've build your own computer
they want a "fresh mind" to brainwash into their bullshit
some of the shit my friend (works for best jew) says is hilarious.
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is the DisplayPort to Mini-DisplayPort cable that came with my Dell Ultrasharp Monitor (manufactured in 2014) 1.2 standard?

This is the text on the cable: e326508 20276 amphenol

is it degenerate to use a mini-displayport connection? will the picture quality be better with a full size displayport to displayport cable?
Watching the pc video from the gentoo wiki. Is Rose actually a guy? I can't want to sex a guy.
I am dutch, so that's just fine. Sorry for the late post, just had dinner.

That laptop should work decently. I don't like win8 or 10 but for a device like that it would be adviced. A fresh install of 8/10 would make it a lot faster.

RPi3 has wifi build in. All pi's have a HDMI output starting from the B+ they all have 4 usb ports.

On msi.com:

• Supports Non-ECC, un-buffered memory

Size of the connector has ab-so-lutely nothing to do with display quality.
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Sorry mate, you're gay now.
>pic related
Anyone got that link for a site which helps you calibrate your monitor colors and shit. It had white background and some red bars iirc.
>RPi3 has wifi build in. All pi's have a HDMI output starting from the B+ they all have 4 usb ports.

Thank you Anon.

Going back to Powerbook, would it be able to run Tor? I would like to use it for something as I have it sitting around.
I have absolutely no idea if there is software fit for that OS, nor do I have any idea how the hardware performs.
Is there a way to backup all my texts before flashing my phone with a new ROM?
I use this one https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.riteshsahu.SMSBackupRestore
backs it up into a file which you then restore later.

have used it a few times already.
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I'm looking for a memepad/elitebook/probook with a decent GPU, as cheap as possible.

The probook 6470p is brety gud according to this: http://www.notebooks-center.com/hp_probook_6470b_b6p71ea.html

The Elitebook 8460p is quite similar: http://www.notebooks-center.com/hp_elitebook_8460p_lj543ut.html

My must-haves are:
-Decent GPU
-clit mouse

Is there a memepad with comparable specs/price? or maybe another manufacturer all together that also uses le clit mouse?

pic unrelated
I need something that has
>2 sata ports
>1 LAN port (must be Gigabit)
>can run a torrent client
>doesnt use much power

The Pi would be fucking great if it had a fucking decent network card
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bought a burner Zenfone 2

updated it and all, now it keeps rebooting on its own. just shuts off randomly and then restarts

anyone have this phone/know how to fix this??
Can I use the bootable usb from the Media Creation Tool to install Windows 10 and then use this program on?
Okay, thank you. I will get it running first (screen does not work) and start from there. At basic, I can use it as typewriter and music player. Maybe I can take it apart and put in RPi and have it a hybrid.

I have other question. When I use Tor on regular sites, I am asked to solve Captcha. When I solve Captcha, the page just reloads another Captcha. I am unable to get to site, like 4chan on Tor. I have Tor on standard settings and have been unable to find answer on how to solve.
Currently I have 2 60Hz monitors. I mainly game on one and have a movie/show/Youtube on the other while I play. If I upgrade the gaming one to 144Hz and keep the other 60Hz, will it cause problems?
I bought a used Samsung note n7000 last year, after using for sometime I put a custom rom and used for at least 8months. After sometime the battery started to get really shit and died. So I bought another one, it is chinese, however.

The thing is that I did the 12h charge circle, used for a day now I'm trying to recharge again and it isn't even working, I turn off the cellphone, plugged with the original cable and isn't charging anything, it still at 0%.

I guess I need to unnistall the custom rom asap? What it might be? What can i do?
What are some good /g/ books? I enjoyed we are anonymous and ghost in the wires don't mind if it's manga as long as it's technology related
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Have there ever been Khz processors?
That shouldn't cause any problems as far as I know.
You might get annoyed by the slower speed of your cursor when you move it into the 60hz screen, but that's about it
Two questions.

1) I use an old T61 and run Xubuntu in XFCE because it's lighter, but every time I start it up I have to manually switch to XFCE. Is there a way to make Xubuntu automatically start XFCE upon booting?

2) Anyone have an issue adding podcasts in the Clementine music player? The application, in general, doesn't seem to save any changes I make in the configurations section.
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ive done this for a long time
if your game doesnt let you select wich screen to use, just set the one you want as your main Windows monitor in resolution options
K as in kilo?
sure, right now, hundreds of devices.

I don't understand the question though, what are you trying to figure out?
◕ͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥͥ A new meme is borne
Nothing, just curious. You often see old ads for computers with 100Mhz processors, but I don't recall ever seeing ads for stuff with Khz chips.
Will my sapphire r9 280x be able to handle most games at 1440p? I'm on the fence and want to use my current moniter (1080p) for shitposting and such
hullo /sqt/. I type with the wrong fingers, ie just the first three on each hand. How can I learn to type like a non-pleb?
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does pale moon store its saved passwords in a secure way?
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have battlefield 4 on ps4
when starting the game it can't load the menue.
Stuck in the loading screen
Trouble shooting suggestions?
Tried restart and other games work
>chinese shit
>doesnt work

Hmmm, where might the issue be?
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the office is not reddit tier show?
><look in to camera while being cute and playful>
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>bought a N3159N-D3V mobo
>tests 3 PCI cards into. don't work
>claimed a new N3159N-D3V mobo because #1 PCI port wasn't working
>tests 3 PCI cards into. don't work
any tips ?
I want to store an encrypted container on my Synology NAS that I can open and read from my laptop. Any recommendations on what to use?

Could I just drop a TrueCrypt file on my NAS and open it normally?
sure, that's what I do.
I got a 2TB container on a samba share.
yes, but use veracrypt instead...
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Does anyone know if there are any briuck and mortar stores that sell the loaded version of the non-touch XPS 13? I'm going on a week long trip soon and don;t have time to wait for shipping. I couple of places have the 4GB RAM + 128GB SDD, but not 4+256. It's really annoying. :(

Sweet, thanks.


VeraCrypt is pretty new and untested though right? It also broke compatibility with normal TrueCrypt files.
just get 2 day shipping from amazon?
use veracrypt, it's a truecrypt fork.
using it since truecrypt killed itself and never had a problem
I cant speak with any certainty about compatibility with truecrypt, I just made new containers after I switched to veracrypt. but in terms of stability and what not I have had zero issue using it for around 2 months.
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Should I get any of these?
dont get the windows ones or you may get cucked into w10
Amazon doesnt even have it, as far as I can tell.
Does any gpu work with current motherboards?
here you go anon
www amazon com /Dell-9350-1340SLV-Laptop-Microsoft-Signature/dp/B016FKG020/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1468699148&sr=1-1&keywords=xps+13
That chart is pure cancer.
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Why? Be specific.
>the best way
>the easy way
be specific in your objection and what should rather be there
or are you pretending to be retarded?
or you realized that you dont really know much when called out?
for some reason my router spams ARP for every possible address from at random intervals between 10 - 50 seconds.

any idea why this would be happening? at first i thought i had malware on my pc but after i tried everything i know i installed wireshark and the ping spikes in games match the ARP spam
Memes, rating languages based on their percieved difficulty, misinformation (in the LoTR alaogy to programming languages but I didn't read the whole chart), potential of recommending a poorly fit language to a newbie, and shilling for some website called carlcheo.com
The chart has a strong preference for python and java for no reason.
Python definitely isn't the best way to learn programming.

Not that guy but that part should be

>the best and/or easiest way

I'm not gonna take programming language advice from a pajeet that can't even into logic.
you're part fo a botnet
I'm trying to build a botnet through various means. I have 2 machines right now under my control via SSH that have access to the internet but I am trying to get more. What are some cool things I can do with a botnet?
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>The chart has a strong preference for python and java for no reason.
Where specifically do you feel that way, which part, what should be there instead?
>Python definitely isn't the best way to learn programming.
Why not? What should be recommended in its place?

what memes?
what rating by difficulty you consider utterly wrong?
what misinformation specifically?
>potential of recommending a poorly fit language to a newbie
Potential? Where do you see that? What do you see wrong and what would put there instead?

Are you finding the charg shallow and pedantic Peter?
that's not a botnet retard
do they at least have gigabit internet connections?
>Where do you want to install Windows?
>Drive 0 Unallocated Space 465.8GB
>Drive 1 Unallocated Space 14.9GB

Wait, what? These are two different storage mediums? I thought the Lenovo backup bullshit was on the same HDD as everything else.
It might be recognizing partitions as drives...
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Is this something that can be fixed with a tool or does this mean I have no choice but to get a new HDD

I began running a repair on the disk using the WD Diagnostic thing, but it was literally going to take 93 days to finish according to the time remaining
How did you get control in the first place?
You don't sound like you know much. Must be as script kitty.
Yes it is.
Nope, real shitty internet (SSHeven struggles), but more interestingly, they are new IP addresses I have control over. They are both Raspberry Pi's.
worthless and useless

are they your machines anon
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>They are both Raspberry Pi's
please go
SSH mass spamming, looking for networks that don't have fail2ban and such
Not my machines, completely random
No, because they were both already divided into multiple partitions until I deleted it all to undo everything. I can't join them together like I normally would when installing a clean OS, so they must be two separate drives.
What is the best way to scrape google results?
I keep getting capitchas, but, websites like Scroogle and Ixquick do it without problems?
How do they not get fucked by captcha?
what model lenovo
what are you scraping from? home internet?
I came here to ask what I should do with a botnet I am building and nobody has an answer
You guys are pretty worthless desu
Either a Thinkpad 440 or 540. I'm not lifting it up to look on the labels to see which right now because it's busy installing an OS.
hmm interesting. I know some models have mini sata ports in them. maybe it's that.
2 raspberry pi's with shitty internet that you have ssh access to isn't a botnet. Either you're baiting or an underaged autist...
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Okay, I guess I want the DVD1.iso, but do I also need the DVD1.iso.xy, or is that just a compressed version of the same file?

So the dev for VeraCrypt is trustable? I wasn't sure if any of their changes had been verified/audited by the community.

I've also heard it's slower than TrueCrypt. Is it noticeable in normal usage?
>Hi guys! I just hAxzzor3d my mom's husband's rasperry pies! It was pretty simple, I social engineered their info by asking for it with email. He's SO STUPID! ZOZZLEW!
>Anyway, what should i do with my botnet?
I personally haven't noticed any slow down, but I have my container local and on an SSD so it might not be as noticable as across network storage. I'm not certain about how trustable the dev is but I haven't heard anything bad so idk. I'm not really using it for anything of utmost importance.
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I've noticed more white space on the right side of sites with white backgrounds. Is this normal?
how do i stop this shit
Try looking at the same page with ABP turned off.
i need a powered 3.0 usb hub with lots of ports. any (cheap) recommendations?
Wont let me do 256gb + non touch :(
Please to lern tcp/ip stack
>or is it compressed
>look at file size.
Wipe and reinstall clean firmware on the router, wipe and reinstall the OS on all of the machines in your network. Only way to be sure.
I've looked for a way to ROOT my Galaxy Tab 2 2.3.4 GINGERBREAD SPH-P100 but it seems to be one of the only ones with literally no links or files to root with. The only one I found here has a link to megaupload which is dead.

Any help? This is kinda bullshit.
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How can I improve Logitron?
I may have accidentally sent my CPU fan's backplate with an RMA return to newegg. Is there a workable DIY solution or will I need to get a new one/wait until newegg returns the parts?
I plan on getting more. Still, everyone dodged the question.
plz dont
That's what I figured. I've been dealing with a lot of bullshit and delays, so I figured it'd be worth at least asking in the hope of some sort of quick fix.
Why on earth would installing a package require uninstalling xserver?
Enable multiarch. Same thing happened to me when I tried installing Steam on amd64.
Is there any actual proof that google uses browser fingerprinting to identify you?
Well you can't really do much with that. You could try running whatever it was you used to get access to them in the first place on them to try to exponentially get more. Maybe modify it to prevent from re-checking address'?
My Note 4 drains battery super fast, and takes slightly more time than normal charge. I asked about this earlier, and some anon mentioned checking my phone for viruses, or simply factory resetting the device. No malware was found, but I factory reset the device anyway. This didn't seem to make any impact on the problem, so I went ahead and bought a new battery, which was a lot better (40 mins battery life compared to 4 hours). 4 hours still isn't great battery life though, so does anyone have idea whats going on with it? I should also mention that all of this battery drain just happens when I'm on the homescreen, with no apps open, and no apps that I can see running in the background. Also, the phone overheats when the screen is on, which leads me to think it's a hardware problem over software. Any help?
I recall a link to a google page that lists all the data they have on you. No clue what it was tho
That dialogue box should be a banner.
well, that's a start I guess.

this >>55603601

Basically, think to yourself if anyone would actually spend money on your program rather than pirating it. The easiest ways to ensure this are

1) some kind of online integration (social/professional network, MMO, etc.)
2) hardware integration
3) subscriptions

Otherwise it's very hard to make money on software nowadays. Your other options are to whore yourself out on mobile or with online ads, both of which require a ton of luck. If it's just a desktop program without any of these features you are probably fucked unless some you market it to some governmental agency / businesses.
Still haven't been able to do it, but already working on it. Thanks!
What about Toshiba SSDs? Are they any good?
Building small budget pc, not looking to do any gaming. What is the best skylake processor for the money? (Can I get away with an i3 or go for i5?)
Don't tell it to remove xorg then?
There is an entire thread that has all of that information in it
samsung or dont even bother
What's a good way of taking care of your headphones? What do you do with them when you go to sleep, just leave them on your desk?
Why are monochrome cameras still used so often?
Even the external cameras on NASAs rockets are still monochrome. What's the reason for that?
I know that in some applications you need to use monochrome for their way faster shutter speed.
Is a 950m good enough to play 2016 games on like medium-high settings? I travel lots for work and want a laptop that game play vidya on in my hotel room since there's usually nothing else to do in the buttfuck nowhere towns I get sent to
plz halp
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I keep getting the "bandwidth quota exceeded, try again message" when downloading from mega.
The thing is that even after deleting the cookies, or if i haven´t used the computer in days, it keeps giving out this message.
also, i waited until the timer expired once, and it just reset.
if you are not in a hurry you might want to wait for mobile pascal - gtx1070m / gtx1060m
I need a 17" or bigger laptop. All I need is a good keyboard and good build quality. I'm on a $500 budget, but could probably stretch it to $600. Don't really care about portability or weight. What would you recommend?
Is there a guide somewhere that explains what each pc part does when it comes to gaming performance?
Is there any Android tablet that isn't shit? I'm thinking about getting a tablet to replace my laptop since a tablet can do anything I use my laptop for and I prefer Android over iOS, but I'm about to just go out and buy a 10 inch iPad Pro.
why android tablet and not windows one?
I had acer switch 10 in my hands with windows 8.1

it was fucking amazing and relatively cheap
What exactly entails making a port of something?
Program is in pascal and i was wondering if it can be ported to freepascal, but i have no clue
Is it possible that my wireless network adapter on my computer is limiting my speeds? I'm getting 170Mbps on my computer hardwired to the router but my computer connected wirelessly a couple feet away only gets 70. I know you lose some speed with wireless but it can't be that much can it?
PC (Windows 7 x64, i5-4460, GTX 970) was sitting at the desktop, everything minimized. Went to take a piss. Came back and there were artifacts all over the place, weird outlines around the bottom-left of the Windows 7 default wallpaper (flickering, looked like it was running in 256 bit colour mode). Entire system was locked up.

Hit the reset button and everything's fine. Should I be worried? Built it about 2 months ago (got the 970 super cheap but brand new and sealed). Had no problems during gaming etc.
I might as well just get a laptop in that case. It feels like the iPad has the best workflow for things like photo editing though since it comes with the pen.
I'll add that my upload speed is relatively the same on both computers.
I would be worried if it was yesterday
since its 2 months... it was probably driver+windows+randomuniverse bullshit
I guess. I upgraded to 10 then downgraded back to 7 (only did it to get the license). I've had significant performance loss in games since then, I think 10 fucked with the drivers somehow.

Installed latest one (they were out of date by a minor version) and have Uniengine Heaven running on my 2nd monitor non-stop. Will leave it running overnight. No problems so far.

I think I just need a reinstall, that's all. ;_;
Am i safe to use the windows 10 upgrade thing if i'm on an activated version of windows 7?
>playing around with laptop, trying to install different oses
>install Windows 8.1 on hdd, ignore extra ~15GB storage device that was built into the laptop for backups
>gets stuck on "Preparing Windows" for over an hour, force shutdown
>wants to reinstall Windows entirely from the beginning again
>forget that, install FreeBSD to see if it runs
>yep, time to go back and try 8.1
>it asks me what partition I want to install it on
>the HDD I used install it and FreeBSD before doesn't show up
>the 15GB backup device is the only thing that shows up on the list

Uh, what?

Now what the fuck do I do?
Pic related is my issue. Long story short, using the built in windows search thing on my computer automatically closes itself once you've typed in a few characters within seconds. Normally not enough time to click the program you're trying to start without the program either having a short name or you having lightning fast mouse speed. I don't know what's causing it for the life of me.

Any thoughts /g/?
delete all partitions
format the entire drive
Why can't the sleep mode in linux just "werk" like windows. That is my only gripe right now fug
It does
I'm on arch and it's god awful, forcing me to use caffeine which just completely disables it essentially
Here ya go kiddo
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Are these ok temps for an hour of stress testing?
i7 6700k
80+ is an issue
I should also mention the processor is 4.5 at 1.3V
I see that one the features for windows 10 pro compared to home, there is listed "Hyper-V (virtualisation)".

Is that something I would need to run, say vmware?
no, it's microsofts own virtual machine.
if you run vmware or virtualbox you don't need it.
That's an overstatement even.
For any decent CPU that is. Which the i7 6700k certainly is.
I'm not sure how much you know. But CPU's throttle when running at too high temperatures. So they cool down. You get more out of the CPU if you let it run cooler to a point.
But if you want actual numbers you go to
Download the sheet (for easier searching)
On page 81 you find the Thermal management chapter. On page 93 the tables begin. Remember to read the notes.
Rule of thumb for non 0.0000000001v ricers, is 80C
I'd say 90 is a better rule of thumb. But I suppose 80C gives more leeway for ambient temperature changes.
I'm wondering why when I press alt+ (actual plus) 2603 on my desktop I don't get the Unicode snowman. Same for plenty of symbols in the miscellaneous symbols part of utf-8.
I've checked that the fonts I've tried supports it. It doesn't even work in fields where I've copied a unicode snowman to.

Doesn't work when I type the decimal version either. Doesn't work in any textfield I can find.
It's very frustrating.
Anyone know a simple curl/REST based file upload? I saw anon post a link with it, but i forget the web name.

The only thing i remember is the frontpage is using fixed width/monospace font.
do you have the registry key EnableHexNumpad under HKEY_Current_User/Control Panel/Input Method?
I did that. Still doesn't work.
Why is my windoze so special?
Run `tasklist` on cmd and post the result here.
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I need a cheap LGA1155 mobo that preferably has decent enough ratings, anyone know what to get?
Is there anyway to check if my graphics card, PSU cable, or pcie slot on my motherboard died if I have no access to another rig to test with?
Damn I figured. Thanks for the response though
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I took a communicatons class in college a few years ago. We learned about the history of media (radio, tv, etc.) Are there any good documentaries on the evolution of computers online? I'm bored and feel like learning something. Will any of this help me understand how programming works?
How has this thread not 404'd if it's showing page 11?
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I'm looking for a deleted Skype image, and for some reason, its not it the media_cache folder like it should be. Its not very old (just yesterday) and theres only been 17 images posted after that, so I cant imagine where it went off to. Any ideas?
Thread posts: 341
Thread images: 55

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