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/sqt/ -- Silly Queries Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 346
Thread images: 35

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How much more can you screw up the title?
I'm just about to build a pc, and I'm not sure what sort of monitor I should get, should I go for Ips 4K or 1440p 144hz. The thing is this isn't going to be a much of a gaming build, as I have uni starting up soon and I'm going to really focus on studying(with gaming on the side) . Would I find more productive value in a 4K or a 1440p monitor?
>GPU: Gtx 1070
For studying/schoolwork the monitor really isn't going to make a big difference, so let's assume your main reason for buying it is gaming.

If you mostly play multiplayer competitive games that require very fast response times then go for the monitor with a higher refresh rate.
If you mostly play single player games or multiplayer games that don't require very fast responses go for the 4k.
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I'm building my first PC and just got done reading the sticky (which was incredibly helpful), but I want to get some human confirmation that I'm going about this correctly.

Parts I'm about to order:
Case: Apevia X-QPACK3-BL MicroATX Mini Tower Case
PSU: Raidmax 630W Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (pcpartpicker says my wattage is 233W)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-B85M-D3H Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard
CPU: Intel Core i5-4440 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor
GPU: MSI GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card
RAM: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory
HDD: Hitachi Deskstar 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive

Is there anything blatantly incompatible in this build? Are there any major bottlenecks or overkills? Anything at all that I should rethink before ordering?

Also, if I don't overclock anything but play demanding games often, do I need to buy any extra coolant or will the CPU's stock coolant suffice?
Why does Mullvad seem to be so inconsistent? Sometimes I will be able to connect to web pages perfectly fine with it and seconds later it suddenly can't load anything no matter what country I'm connecting to.

I never had this problem a few months ago. Everything worked completely fine back then. Of course mullvad has no forums or anything at all to discuss any of this.
Plug everything into pcpartpicker.com and it'll tell you if there are any incompatibility issues.
Your cpu cannot be overclocked anyway (only the ones ending in a K can be) so you don't need to worry about aftermarket cpu coolers. The stock one will be fine.
I want to help you, but im not googling all of those by them self
Simple Questions Thread
Short Questions Thread
Smart Questions Thread
Sloppy Qualms Thread
Snoopy Quartz Thread
Sally Q Thread
Slippy Quarterly Thread
can we make the next one Snoopy Quartz Tomato?
Can somebody post here your uMatrix configuration for 4chan? Can't find the right combination to make the capcha work.
>no Salty Queers Thread
>The stock one will be fine.

pcpartpicker is already saying everything is perfectly fine, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't missing anything somehow.

So are there no clear bottlenecks? I'm not sure how to gauge CPU/GPU ability comparatively.
For productivity, go two monitors. Have one monitor for school work, another for gaming.

Personally, since I'm not a FPS or RTS gaymer, more of a casual couch and retro vidya guy, I just have a shitty 900p monitor I got for $10 from a thrift store, and then I have my 32" 1080p TV hooked up and running Steam in Big Picture mode.

You do you, but if I were you, I'd separate work and play however I can.
Is this a good build for a first PC?

Also i'm looking for a decent 1440p 144hz monitor but am unsure which to get
pcpartpicker is very good at telling you if there are any incompatibilities, so if it's giving you the go ahead your parts are all compatible.

Most games are not cpu bound at all, so the cpu is not very important anyway. Your cpu and gpu are both fine.
Build looks good.
Actually, I'm also planning a build, and I forgot about the wireless adapter. Do I need to buy one or is that included in any of the other parts?
Unfortunately for me, I'm stuck with an iphone for a while. I use evernote a lot, but I would like to be able to lock notes for free, any app like evernote with that feature for free on ios?
Grab a samsung 850 evo
solid build quality over everyone else
you definitely need to buy the wireless adapter separately if you plan on connecting to wifi
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Opinions on this? Win 10 pro is for work. 1440p monitor.
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malwarebytes won't stop blocking the ip port 56118 which is being accessed by svchost. what's up with that?!
looks good m8

what do you plan on using it for?
There's always a bottleneck, but your components are mostly adequate.

>CPU cooler
I recommend the Cryorig H7 or the Evo 212 for something good under $30, Intel's stock coolers are absolutely embarrassing. Probably the H7 is best. You'll be okay for a little while with the stock cooler, but likely at some point you'll want to overclock and for the health of your CPU you should go ahead and get a solid cooler.

Your PSU seems like shit. Not even 80+ rated. Don't be afraid to go refurbished on some components. I have a refurbished 80+ 600w EVGA PSU, works well and was much cheaper. The EVGA 600w 80+ Bronze is $40 on amazon, much better than the PSU you picked.
I want to switch my main OS from Windows to Linux. Already read the wiki, can't decide between Arch and Debian. Suggestions?
If you have to ask go with Ubuntu. Debian if Ubuntu will hurt your 1337 pride.
For the same price sans the $10 rebate, the Cryorig H7 is better than the 212 in most ways and would also look really nice in your build.

I'm sure you've already got a bigger HDD you plan to install, right? If not, just forget the SSD and get a 7200rpm 1TB or 2TB HDD.
Gaming mostly. Doom, Overwatch, Witcher, WoW, but I want some future-proofing. I'll probably only OC to 4.0ghz.
What's the 1070 for if it's for work?
I've briefly touched Ubuntu, I'd prefer not to go through that again. Thanks!
If you can't decide between Debian and Arch, Debian is a safer choice
Grab two 1080 monitors anon. Absolute best choice I ever made in terms of productivity.
/etc/hosts edited to block tracking'/ad/bad urls
whitelist in/out iptables filter
ublock origin
agent spoofing

What else can i play with?
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Hello. Is there some kind of GRATIS online Twitter automatization tool, to make easier to reply to many tweets of the same topic sequentially? I don't know if IFTTT could do this.
It would not be a full-bot. This would be strange and dumb. But something easier than reading everyday and replying by copypasting and editing messages...
That case is god awfull. 550w is enough
save a few shekels
see >>55531008
Need some of the 10 pro software for work but the only performance reliant thing the system will do is gaming.
Processor seems a way better than GPU. If you plan on playing new games, downgrade CPU and upgrade GPU. If it's for something that you need that CPU for you're good I guess.
If you say so chief. Go with Debian then probably. What exactly was wrong with Ubuntu?
>Windows 10 costs $85
>Windows 7 costs $140
Is Windows 10 actually shit or is it just a meme? I don't wanna spend that much to avoid having it.
it's not that bad.
>short AA battery
>wire gets hot
>do same with a color and black on PSU
>only slightly warm
My friend's telling me not to build my pc in my living room because it's too dusty (which would be the normal amount of dust for a relatively clean living room) Is he being a retard? And is there any reason not to build a pc in a normal place like that? I mean I don't have a workshop or laboratory room. I'm well aware of the electrical hazards btw
>>short AA battery
>>wire gets hot
>>do same with a color and black on PSU
>>only slightly warm
wire is thicker
current is limited
Just make sure there's no dust where it matters.
>My friend's telling me not to build my pc in my living room because it's too dusty
not an issue, your computer will suck in FAR more dust when it's up and running thanks to fans, than it will collect in the time you spend building it.

Be careful of static though, dusty rooms will have more propensity for static.
build it on a table, just don't start working on it on carpet
now thats what i call a salty queer
I accidentally got some blood on my motherboard.
Is it harmful, if so how can I clean it off?
>Is it harmful
no, it is evidence of harm
fixed it for you, you can get the CPU cooler for $30 on Newegg. This one is quieter and better all around.

Just create the media for free and unlock with Microsoft Toolkit
/g/ approved email service? botnet free.
I noticed you changed the wireless adapter as well, is there a reason? I was told to go with a TP-Link wireless adapter but I don't think the one you chose is.
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I'm new to Linux. I just got a 4TB Seagate External HD and I formatted it using Ubuntu's Disks tool however the auto mount doesn't work even if I type the write passwords the LUKS encrypted ext4 volume. I can mount it easily using crypsetup from the terminal but it randomly goes into read-only mode and I have to umount and remount using the terminal. It doesn't happen for any of my old hds it's only this new one. What do you guys think might have been the issue?
>Want Office and Home Student 2016

Name of program that I should use to activate it?
you are wrong
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How do i install all these missing fonts on Fedora?
I haven't been here for a while, are there any neat alternatives to /g/? I feel like this board is overrun by gamers
No. Internet forums are shit because they're inhabited by losers without better stuff to do.
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Deluge just deleted my files. WTF???
Are MSI AMD GPU's good?
I'm going with user error
feels like they were a lot more fun to post on ~10 years ago compared to now
maybe I'm just high on nostalgia
Sigaint probably. Cock.li for clearnet.
Things were different until the early 00s. The average user could detect sarcasm in text from contextual clues.
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Any good /g/ recommended anime?
I come here for the camaraderie, but I always leave with decent anime.
What's a good Atx Mid tower around $100 that:
>Has good air flow - noise doesn't matter
>Preferably without optical drive area
>Will look good with a black/white theme build
>Easy to build in - cable management is a big plus.
>Window is a plus but not necessary
Fan mounts are cool and all, but I won't be water cooling, so that's not a concern.
I've been looking at cases like the Nzxt H440, but I don't like the restrictive air flow. I like the Noctis 450, but it's just a liiittle too pricey.
Corsiar 500r seems good, but it's kind of old, and it's optical drive will just get in the way. I won't Corsair 600c looks pretty good, but it's in that $139 bracket - would prefer to shave off a few dollars.
You are just old and bitter.

The world has become so crazy that parody and sarcasm have become indistinguishable from the crazy ideas that people actually hold now unironically.

This shit is really off topic by the way.
There was nothing good this season.
About to build my first pc, do I really need a band to keep me grounded or are there any other easy alternatives

>inb4 its just like lego
I know that, but my friend is making it seem like if I don't wear a band all of my parts are going to get fried.

can i avoid the cock part in the email name?
Just discharge any static buildup beforehand and periodically and don't assemble it in a static prone environment like long carpet or a ball pit or a room filled with balloons.
Is it more expensive to make a black PCB than a brown PCB? I figure it would cost about the same but it seems to me that black PCBs are only on more expensive motherboards
>LL Sunshine
>Macross Delta
>91 Days(?)
Try again.
Fractal Design Define S.
Put the PSU into the case first and plug the cable into the power socket.

Now you can just touch the case to ground yourself before touching the components.
So to reiterate:
Nothing good this season.
The cost of a certain PCB color is directly proportional to the number of PCBs of that color produced.
Make sure the PSU is off.
Thanks anons. I was planning on using the PSU method, but my friend had me worried.
Checking out Define S right now. Looks classy.
Ding ding ding! We haav a winner!
It's enough if you do that once before assembling your PC. You won't build up any charge if don't run around in wool socks on a carpet or something like that.

I like to assemble my stuff while barefoot.
What do you guys thinks is more beneficial to learn as an undergrad who wants to get a good paying job wherever.

.NET framework
coding some game in Unity
why are you faggots trying to convince yourself that you're nerds? What benefits are there to being a nerd in the 21st century? Why not just be regular working men instead of feigning a passion which is not really there?
Is it true that you can't transform an ansi keyboard to a iso one, even though you could buy key caps for it?
How to lose virginity?
.NET framework

Game development is a harsh ungrateful field. You should get a normal dev job first and build up some savings before attempting to create your own game. You might have to go without income for quite and be prepared for failures.
Idk who you're talking to really. I have lots of traditionally "nerd" hobbies, from computer building to video games, MtG, D&D, comic books, anime, ect. I never call myself that word though. Maybe you're thinking of Big Bang Theory fans or some shit.
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I have a myriad of converter boxes, I'm wondering if this will work

it requires the investment of a £2 vga to component cable, but I thought it smarter to ask here before I take the plunge

Or if anyone else knows of a way to capture composite video with passthrough to hdmi then I'm all ears
You faggot. You better realize.
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What's generally the best tool to migrate an HDD contents to an SSD? Preferably one that can handle multi-partition drives.
I see, lets see where .NET takes me then.
didn't cockli get hacked or something?
Only feminists and hipsters call themselves geeks and nerds.
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about to upgrade cpu, mobo and ram.
any glaring problems?
[spoiler]i'm not planning on OCing[/spoiler]
You dont want to image a hdd to an ssd.
They partition alignments are different between the two, and you will have hardware issues.

copy your data else where. then install on the ssd then bring them back over
god dammit.
Get ANYTHING that insnt ASSrock.
Also use fucking pcpartpicker
What are you upgrading from?
i did use pcpartpicker + logical increments
what's so damning about the mobo?
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i've checked to make sure my power supply can handle everything.
Assrock doesn't have the same quality control as the big three. Also, are there any features you need that would warrant a Z170 board over an H170 board?
You guys use different words such as autists and robots or w/e same shit different word. You're a faggot nonetheless.
Then why did you not post your part list so we can look in to specifics?
I sure as fuck know im not going to google ALL of that shit.Where i could just click a link, click another link and read specs.
This is a good point. If you aren't OC'ing, and don't plan on it in the future, get h170 to save money. Un-used features are wasted money.
Can anyone recommend any UPS brands?
The power seems to go out at my place a fair bit, but just for a few seconds at a time which gets really annoying. I already have a good surge protector and I would only need one that can keep my computer and 2 monitors going while the power is out for a few seconds so I don't need a big one that could power my computer for an hour or more.. something small that would work for 10 minutes would be fine.
You dont need 650w
400 would be more then adequte
I wouldnt even consider any other brand
You dont want to put monitors on a ups.Monitors are picky about the power levels,your ups will manager high/low, and monitors like to get fuckey with their display

Add 100w to what your PSU is and you will be fine,unless you're ading more devices.

This guide has a section that addresses partition alignments. Would it be safe to follow it?
I'm not reading all that.
Why be messy and convert, when you can go in and be clean and not have issues
i already own it, got it real cheap when i first built my rig.
Thankyou for the advice.
thank you for the input, when i initially priced parts only saw a 10$ or so difference between Z and H

what brand would you guys go with?
I'm building a new computer and I can transfer the hard drive from my old computer to the new one. Does this remove the need for a new operating system?
I've had good luck with gigabyte, but Honestly you should look up reviews for any specific motherboard model.

Also, if you like a product, don't not buy it just because /g/ shouts at you to not buy it. The general consensus is that asrock boards are kind of at risk of failure though.
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Is the Benq RL2455HM monitor still the go to monitor for gaming/low latency?
I went with an MSI motherboard and I haven't had any problems with it.

Can't I put GRUB + my Debian install on the same disk and boot linux only when I manually start with that drive? Default is to install it on primary disk but I want the pc to boot on Win7 automatically.

I tried to install it that way (installing Debian on the whole disk then choosing that same disk for GRUB) twice but on both occasions, I get a blank screen with a flashing cursor like when GRUB starts but it just never does.
m8, grown men get payed millions of dollars to put a ball in a hoop, lets not get ahead of ourselves here.
You think you will be rich if you buy this monitor?
Is exactly due to this that I say: FUCK YOU.
Go to >>>/v/
Competitive games (including sports) are all about finding little 0.5% advantages.
Hey /g/, I want some speakers that are on par or better than my old Altec Lansing ADA995's. New or used, I don't care. I just want them in good condition and for under 300 bucks, hopefully around the 200-250 dollar range.

Can you help me, /g/?
You're bullshitting about games outside /v/. Don't you know how bad is this problem? Please, go back to /v/tardland.
How would I install Windows 10 on a new PC without a disk drive?
It's still on board topic. People complaining about /v/ related things - when it's hardware - are far worse than graphics cards threads, ect.
99% of /guts/ posters use their computers for gaming, except MAYBE a few video editors.
If I ask you about the characters in GTAV, it's off-topic. If I ask you what cpu/gpu combo for $500 would run GTAV well, it's completely on-topic for the board.
It will never go away. If you despise video games to that extreme, you honestly shouldn't browse 4chan at all.
You think that buying a monitor is an investment. This is completely retarded.

I had one friend like this. He bought many games on Steam, each worth a few sents, and was very happy earning US$1.25 one week, selling his cards.

What makes you pro is having someone, like MANUFACTURERS OF "PRO" AND "GAYMER" HARDWARE, paying you to show their brand. What they sell is bait to make them richer.

Like Yu-Gi-Oh!, you know? Spending hundreds of dollars on cards will not make you better. You'll lose money, and lose money again if you manage to go to some kind of local championship. You're being baited.
So all the magic tournments are just money grabbing?

Can i have someone's timewarner or cox cable login? Trade for paypal cash
Starters have no chance.

The "pros" can have every card "shiny" because they are paid to play, and the corporations want to grab attention to their brand. Who needs to work to play can't have so much money or time. Not to tell the "pros" are like 10 years in these games. There is no way a newbie could beat them. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE
Pro gamers are not competing at the local game shop.
Pro gamers not not competing at the local mall.

compete>new cards>compete>new cards>compete>new cards

Notice a cycle here?
How did the pros get where they are now?
They didnt just tell sony "kek im gud see gimme rare dex"

I dont play magic,but 20 boxes of the last production, i've made my investment back 35 fold, i got lucky as fuck i know, but still.
You could have shortened that entire post to
"Peripherals and hardware marketed specifically for gaming are needlessly overpriced" - now fuck off sperglord.
The dude was just looking for a low latency monitor, nobody was asking if was a good investment to becoming a professional gamer, you're just chimping out over branding.
Yes, this too.
But this does not make /v/tards aware they are being baited to loose money, as they think it's an "investment". Investments require returns! There will be no profit later.
Look what is written in the monitor, if you can read.
I couldn't care less about brand...
You can invest in something to increase your quality of life, it doesn't have to have a monetary incentive.

Do you literally not understand what branding is?
I bought my monitors 6 years ago.
I use them to do work i get paid for, by my company.

They paid for them self, and probly 50 times now
We should all collectively stop replying to the anons arguing ITT. Nothing good is coming from the discussion.
They turned pro because they recorded videos telling jokes on YouTube, gained followers and made a public to sell to brands. Not because they bought some kind of shiny card, or 0.5% quicker "pro" "gamer" monitor.
>Do you literally not understand what branding is?
It's something with "(R)" or "TM" following.
pls halp
You bought a "pro" "gamer" monitor?
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Low latency monitor anon here; I'm sorry the random photo of the monitor i was asking about how the words "professional gamer" on it, i chose that photo because it was the top result that looked ok, i didn't know it was going to sent off that fucking illiterate autist. Sorry.

NOW, can anybody recommend me a/the best low latency monitor?
Why are you so mad?
Damn son.
Check blur busters

Here talks the anon that was arguing with you.
I don't know about low latency, can't help you, sorry.
Asking why you are so mad at something so trivial and has nothing to do with your life at all?
It has to do.
I don't like to see people loosing money with bad products that only sell due to propaganda. I hate buying something and discovering it's a piece of shit.
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File Explorer For Windows 10 Thanks famalams
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>go on with life.
stop fucking posting
1-8 ms you can't tell a difference.
Is the sticky gone, or is it just me?
Just you
low latency monitors don't really make a difference when there are so many other things that can cause latency. Your mouse and keyboard have latency, when you're playing a game online you get latency (ping).
How do I install zathura?
Only if people stop quoting my posts and making questions.
There's no point to overclocking the i5 right now, you will not bottleneck much of anything running at 3.5ghz and you will just reduce the potential lifespan of the processor while heating up your case.

Overclocking is for cheaper Pentium, i3, AMD, or just older processors to squeeze out better per-core performance.
This would be unfair to the humanity.
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Found an emachines T5088 on the walk home
What should I do with this dinosaur?
MSI 390 here
Pretty solid.
Boot it up and play some DOOM
It'll never be obsolete
I am trying to root my Samsung SM-J100VPP running android version 5.1.1

KingRoot works, but after rebooting it's unrooted again despite showing the custom boot screen. I've also tried to replace KingRoot with SuperSU using supersume while it's rooted, but when I start superSUme it doesn't progress at all past the first initializing phase.

Is there any way to fix this? If not, how can I remove KingRoot without supersu? It's uninstall button is greyed out in the applications menu of settings.

Thanks in advance for any help. This is so frustrating I'm about ready to rip my hair out
You don't install magic board games, dumbass.
you might have root it may just seem unrooted. get root checker on the app store and see.
I used root checker, it confirms it's not rooted
How is the OnePlus 3?
Ugh kingroot is some shit. I had to use it to root my lg volt 2 then run some script to replace it with supersu.
Keep in mind the script will spit errors all over the place but still works, assuming you're going the same route/method
I have an question that I think might be interesting:

Question: Will Gameworks actually benefit pc gamers with high end processors running AMD GPUs in the future with DX12/Vulkan?

Reasoning: If gameworks forces the CPU to handle certain graphics loads, will Vulkan/DX12 make that easier and give less load to the GPU?

I'm looking more at higher end processors like any current i7.
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no cluse, sorry i cant help, pic unrelated, again sorry i cant be of service, kill yourself, hope someone else can help you, heck i dont even know of any place you could look, i really wish there were search engines, maybe one called google, or perhaps reputable smart phone reviewers, if i had one i would definetly either call it http://gsmarena.com or >>>/g/spg/

again sorry i couldnt help and again pic unrelated.
This is probably the worst SQT I've ever seen
Came here thinking I'd make a snarky sql injection joke, this mother fucker. Second reply. Unbelievable.
>Will Gameworks actually benefit pc gamers
Gameworks is proprietary Nvidia, like physx. It doesn't benefit anyone, not even Nvidia. Look at how Kepler cards on release first suffered because they couldn't adjust tessellation levels while AMD users could and did so with The Witcher 3.
Is there any way to remove KingRoot while super-sume isn't working without a factory reset?
Is getting an a+ cert a good idea in 2016
Does it get loud and/or hot like I keep hearing or does the MSI version have good cooling quality?
Can someone help me out there. I want to do a really simple thing with wget.
I want to download all the image content from the front page of imgur.
 wget http://i.imgur.com/ -r -A jpg 

What am I doing wrong?
So I just ordered a new laptop that comes with Windows 10 preinstalled. Are the current methods for stopping all the tracking and telemetry bloat good or should I install Windows 8?


Muh games.
windows 8

get 7 dude its honestly the best balance between proprietary, features, and non spyware.
If you're lucky, the hardware will not prevent you from installing Windows 7. Or GNU/Linux!

If you are unlucky, you will be unable to install anything that isn't Windows 10. Congratulations, this is what you got with Windows 10.
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why does it say my drives are ide

I am using sata 3 board

ASUSTeK Computer INC. P6X58D-E (LGA1366)

Isn't 7 kinda risky to use since MS stopped supporting it?
not him but seriously? can that really happen? is there no way around it?

anyone have the copy pasta?
isnt super mario 64 kinda risky since nintendo stopped supporting it?

>thinking microsoft maked hardware drivers

i dont see any issue with microsoft wanting nothing to do with your computer
Yeah, but MS is the risk on Windows 10, on the other side.
If you want to get rid of MS, stop using Windows.
Microsoft is part of the new UEFI boot system, illiterate fucker. It's one of the companies that decided to kill BIOS and make only some systems allowed to work on new computers.
>isnt super mario 64 kinda risky since nintendo stopped supporting it?

Except the N64 isn't connected to the internet and a bunch of Russians and chinks writing bots and scripts to exploit it, you smartass faggot.
What happened is UEFI.
didnt know this, my bad
fair enough.

i retract my original point.

go ahead with win10 anon it seems thats the best choice
Windows 10 is a surveillance machine!
The best option is freedom!
wait. whats this?


>>55534628 (this is me)
It's a post on "how to geek". It's of the "how to" kind, and directed to geeks.
Currently have an LG G3, which has superior technology to that of an iphone yet seems perform pretty poorly. Apps crash, general leg, overheating and a few other issues. Any ways to improve my g3's performance?
sweet thanks.

bus seriously though isnt that a guide to install other OSes on a UEFI device?
back up contacts and photos and factory reset it. then root it.
It says you need to be inside Windows to access the boot options. Hm... How about Windows refusing, bugging, or dying? How would you install a new OS?
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look for ahci mode in your bios
but then you'll probably get a boot error because there's no ahci driver
google it
Should I buy the Zowie EC2-A from Amazon or from the Benq website?
I have a Dell Radeon 6450 -
It has 1x Displayport and 1 x DVI

Can I buy a DP- 2x DVI Active splitter box and run 3 screens off it?
How the heck do I stop shell_session_update: command not found errors in OSX 10.11.5? It keeps on tripping the -e flag in my bash scripts rendering them useless.
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Are SSHDs a meme, or actually good if you get a good deal>

They have the same lifespan as a HDD right?
They're shit. Get an SSD large enough for what you need an SSD for and put everything else on your HDD.
Worst of both worlds
Nzxt s340? You can buy a white or black one. It is around 70 buckus
Well I only ask because there's one on prime day for less than the NAS seagate drive
Avoid Seagate in general, avoid SSHDs regardless of brand.
Is there a good reason to limit maximum peers (globally or per torrent) in my bittorrent client's options?
Welp thanks for the advice.
That's unfortunate, thought I was going to get me a few new cheap HHDs from prime day.

Still looking thought it all but overall I'm fairly disappointed.

So what, stick with WD for cheap storage?

Do blues still have acceptable QC? (for 4tb)
Any blue drive over 1TB is a green drive
Why do companys only make video cards for one manufacturer? For example EVGA only seem to do Nvidia cards.

>Is it r&d costs for different cooler designs?
>Does it cost a lot of time or money to get a license to sell aftermarket cards?
>Profit sharing with AMD or Nvidia?
Meaning what exactly buddy?
Sorry, I'm not very familiar with HDDs in general.

Meaning it's slower? (that I know)
Shitty QC?

If it's just speed that doesn't bother me, if it's going to break significantly easier then fuck that.
Where can I find the schematics for a certain ps3 model?
I'm interested in paying for a vpn service, could you recommend some to me?
>buy 3k of parts using logicalincrements guide
>realize later that he gets money for referrals and shit
How much do you think they made from me?
How much do they make in general?
Find some money for a different gpu, everything else is "ok"
Stock cooling hits 60 something in heavy workouts on 3xx, can be a tiny bit loud at times, but never for long
Referrals are usually like 5-10%
which color? and did you use the same type of wire?
thicker wire has less resistance, so won't warm up as much with equal power running through it
I'm using Android 6's default SMS app (Messenger), and whenever someone texts me a link to a webpage it doesn't show up. Is there a way to fix this?
jam it in
>vga to component cable
that requires active conversion
No it doesn't.
Become a sony employee.
component uses YPbPr colorspace, with composite sync on luma
VGA uses RGB colorspace, with descrete sync
it's completely different signals
if I have a vent in my case right where my gpu is and i want to put a case fan there, should i make it intake or exhaust?
such a cable will only work if the receiving device can do component over a vga connector, it won't work on anything that expects a vga signal
Depends on your existing fan configuration. Post a diagram and test if your configuration has positive or negative paper.
>Split a piece of tissue paper down the middle so it's one-ply and see if it gets sucked into the fan vent
on the side? make it an intake
Component can use Y/Pb/Pr or RGB
Pressure. On the side, intakes are most likely your best bet but realize that side fans make it a bitch to open up the side panel.
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the term "component video" can refer to any video signal comprising of multiple signal
component video refers to YPbPr in common usage though. if your component capture device supports a VGA signal, then go ahead, but i'd check beforehand, as it's not that common
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ps. the only RGB signal that can even run over only 3 RCA connectors is the composite sync-on-green variant, which is rarely supported
VGA uses seperate horizontal and vertical sync (RGBHV), so requires 5 connectors
Buying second-hand consumer laptops

Yes or no?
Consumer, no. Business, yes.
I'm able to connect to peers as I'm seeding a torrent, but they don't appear to be downloading the files from me. What can I change in the settings of deluge to fix this? Is the problem on their side, possibly?
I know this isn't a tech support board, but I'm asking in case anyone had experience with this.
I most likely have a mechanical hard drive failure, since it's making clicking noises, shows a single 0 mb partition if I boot from a windows install disk, and won't make it past startup and disk check when I try booting with it plugged in on a different computer with a working OS drive.

This has some work related data on it that would be nice to not lose. It's not mine, so obviously there's no backup. What's the success rate if I send it off to some recovery center, and is it worth the up to 400 euro prices some of them list for mechanical failure recovery?
How do I fix this?
ping (IP ADDR.)
PING (IP ADDR.) ((IP ADDR.)) 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=42 ttl=123 time=53054 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=43 ttl=123 time=52114 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=62 ttl=123 time=33954 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=63 ttl=123 time=32974 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=82 ttl=123 time=14694 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=103 ttl=123 time=23753 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=113 ttl=123 time=14433 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=114 ttl=123 time=13523 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=129 ttl=123 time=1003 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=133 ttl=123 time=122 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=146 ttl=123 time=120 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=150 ttl=123 time=99.2 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=156 ttl=123 time=598 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=163 ttl=123 time=109 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=256 ttl=123 time=194 ms
64 bytes from (IP ADDR.): icmp_seq=285 ttl=123 time=2778 ms
--- (IP ADDR.) ping statistics ---
457 packets transmitted, 16 received, 96% packet loss, time 456005ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 99.201/15220.550/53054.539/18105.342 ms, pipe 54
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Im trying to install cyanogenmod to my lg g4 (h815) and ive run into an issue with unlocking my bootloader i have followed all the steps on the lg unlock page upto what i have croped into my picture when i try to run the adb reboot bootloader command in cmd under my tools folder my phone will restart to what seams to be a normal boot. if i manually boot into what i believe is fastboot it goes into what ive posted in my picture. When i run the command fastboot oem device-id to get my device id it goes to waiting for any device and i cant continue from there. What do?
Any reason doing that would improve things? What exactly would be changed? I'm new to rooting.
Even if it's 'only' 10 months old?
>Burger grease
>"Whoops I dropped it"
Fair enough.
Ill build a new pc some in some months. How's my build so far? http://pcpartpicker.com/list/zQ6NQV
I may change somethings. Am I missing anything like cables for the speakers or shit like that(never bought fancy speakers before)?
Should I go with the micca speakers and amplifier (just saw it recommended by audiophiles) or just buy some logitech cheap speakers?
Also what are vulkun and dx 12 that shit I've been hearing or should I not be concerned at this point?
Is the mobo good or should I go for the z170-a?
What's a bottleneck?
>16 gigs of RAM
>Seagate hard drive
>spending that much on a case
>Windows 10

Literally what are you doing
>Z170 motherboard for a non-K part
>Buying Windows
>Aftermarket cooler for a non-overclockable part
>$90 keycaps
Jesus fuck dude.

A part of a system that hinders the full potential of the rest of the system.

Bottleneck, because the neck of a bottle is the part of it that makes liquid flow out of it so slow.
A hardware or software component that slows down an entire system because the data has to go trough it first to get to the other components.

Imagine a really slow outdated harddrive in a top notch PC with otherwise modern CPU, GPU, etc. Everything the user wants to do will be slow and tedious because the harddrive bottlenecks the rest of the PC.
Should i ditch skype for discord? Does discord respect my freedoms better?
>16 gigs of RAM
I would have to buy more sometime soon if I got 8 why not from the start?
>seagate hard drive
what's the problem?
>spending that much on a case
I need a full tower case so the guys that send it to me from the us put the tenkeyless keyboard and speakers there so I dont pay for shipping for those. I might change it in the future.
>windows 10
I dont like kiddy porn got nothing to hide sorry also I want to play games as dictated by the gpu cant do that on linux
>z170 motherboard for a non K part
why not? pls help
>$90 keycaps
they are pbt go to mkg to learn if u like
>aftermarket cooler for a non-overclockable part
it's like 40 degree celcius where I live in summer right now the laptop is heating the whole room up
never again. It's a cheap cooler anyway.
PBT keycaps don't cost $90 you dumbass.
just bought all my parts

other than a basic screwdriver, i shouldn't need any other tools to assemble a computer, right?
Are you sure you're at least 18 years old?
Have a small screwdriver and a big screwdriver to avoid stripping screws. Maybe scissors to cut packaging and zip-ties.
Please respond!
I am trying to use utox as an alternative to skype,but it appear that the audio filter does not work so i get annoying echo when not using a headset. Anyone know why?
yeah im 19 why?
ok then suggest me a pair
Hey, /g/, I am in need of (somewhat) good and free SQL courses. Codacademy's one is extremely short without Pro.
How do I make my chinese cartoons look the best with the least amount of work?

Also will it affect my 3dpd movies?
mpc-hc + madvr
Quick question, I want to use the Terminus (bitmap font) font "globally" with XFCE but GIMP doesn't want to work with it and instantly closes upon loading and getting past the splash screen. Any workarounds or do I just not use a bitmap font?
How come Firefox won't play local JavaScript? External it will, but any JavaScript either in the local HTML file or .js file won't play
Download YAATA SMS
I'll take pity on you
>16 gigs
Fucking ignore them, if your just Microsoft Wording/vidyaing then it is overkill, but if you ever do editing in any form you want at least that, plus it's not that exxy go for it
They're a bit infamous for poor quality, though they've gotten better recently (i think). The best thing is to buy a SSD that's at least 256GB (i have one, wish i went for 500GB) and a Western Digital HDD 2TB-4TB or whatever you like.
Up to you
>Windows 10
I'd avoid it for as long as humanly possible, but that's me
Up to you
If it's hot and the part is cheap go for it.
>Z170 for non-k
The Z series can overclock CPU's and you have a non-overclockable CPU (because it doesn't have a 'k' suffix)
Okay so I tried it buy audio is a bit choppy in fullscreen (playback)

Is it because of my meme specs?
AMD 6770
i want to upgrade my laptop's ram because android studio is a bloated piece of shit

i have a Samsung 4GB PC3-12800 DDR3-1600MHz non-ECC Unbuffered CL11 stick already and i want to fill up the second slot

can i use a 8gb + 4gb stick? do the CL timings have to be the same? what about frequency?
Okay it was just some problem with an audio plugin
You can use whatever DDR3 SODIMM and it will work
It will run at the lowest common frequency and CAS latency
Err, lowest frequency/highest latency

what about mismatched sizes? is that an issue?
and voltages? the stick i already have operates at 1.35V
should i find a stick that operates at the same voltage?
Moving into a new townhome, 3 stories, bedroom, living area/kitchen, 2 bedrooms. What is the best configuration for wireless setup here?
Is G-Sync even worth it for a 4K Gtx 1070 build? If I can afford it should I go for it? Would it even help?
i've overriden my openSUSE partition with xubuntu, grub still shows openSUSE tho and will just show the oS loading screen when i select it. How can i get it to work?
When will i feel the ssd slows down regarding the remaining capacity?
50% is safe right?
enjoy 30-40 fps gaming
ok thanks. What mobo would you suggest for not overclocking? Also how hard is overclocking? Maybe I'll get a k one.
no anon gtx 1070 is for 1070p monitors
gtx 1080 is for 1080p monitors
for 4k you need gtx 2160
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Whats the best micro computer that is the same as a raspberry PI? I know there are at least a few more options but I forgot what they were. Looking to connect something to my tv to turn it into a multimedia device.
What books would you recommend I read to get knowledge on/get ahead on these upcoming modules for my next year of uni.
mid kek
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>Not Suzie Q. Thread
orange pi
banana pi
Is there a good filter to hide all of the stupid fucking graphics card threads every single day?
Nice reference
the entire gentoomen library
It's one of these boxes if that helps
Can't find the technical specs of the output anywhere
Please someone who doesn't just spout meme bullshit answer this.
I heard most of these are outdated and irrelevant.
you heard wrong
I didn't ask for 35gb of books, just books relevant to the image i posted
look through the topics retard
I'm new to IRC's and I installed hexchat, when I click my name I can see my country but when click other people I can't see the country option or they have shit like internic commercial, how can I hide my country?
>countless books
>unable to know which is reputable and worth reading or not

Good one retard. Giving someone a library when they asked for book recommendations isn't the smartest thing btw.
they are all worth reading, that's the point you lazy faggot.
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How do I know whether I need an i5 or an i7? The $150 difference is pretty scary.
I'll be using it for :
>Running 2 OBS sessions, one streams and the other records
>Maybe Clip Paint studio
all at the same time, does this really warrant getting an i7?
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ss (2016-07-12 at 05.15.18).png
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Is there any decent replacement for Window's volume mixer\controller?

pic related what I'm talking about
web browsing: i3
video games: i5
video editing: i7
depends on which i5 and i7 we're talking about
>also stream name pls
>Implying I have enough time to read all of these before summer ends.

Whatever, fuck you and thank you for the library you shit.
Anyone able to explain this to me please?
Is there any kind of addon or script for firefox that lets me keep a youtube favorites playlist without signing up for youtube?
So that everytime i want to save a video I can just click a button and add it to some text file?

And I don't mean bookmarking, because firefox bookmarks are a hassle and a half
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Is there an image/gif/webm viewer that doesn't suck for windows?
irfanView + it's plugins
can't get webms to work on it
if you don't have it already
How do SSDS fail? Is it like hdds where you can see it coming or does it just drop dead one day?
it werks, thanks
I have a Raspberry Pi laying around and thought it would be a fun project to make an intranet with it. By intranet, I mean a webpage or a collection of webpages that's only available on my home network. How would I go about doing it? I mean I know how to make a webpage, I know how to host it, but what I don't know is how to make it so whenever someone types "intranet" into their browser's, it redirects them to the Raspberry Pi. I hope that makes sense.
assuming nothing unexpected happens (firmware bug, power surge, physical damage, etc), ssd's fail in a graceful, managable way
as you're probably aware, flash can only be overwritten a certain number of times, what manufacturers of ssd's do to extend their life is they set aside a certain amount of the space internally, and when a block can no longer be overwritten, it's relocated to one of the spare blocks automatically
once the drive is out of spare blocks, the drive becomes read-only, at which point it's time to back it up and replace it
Why don't you just make you own?

/graphics card/i;boards:g
Do not get the NEX PSU's. Get the SuperNOVA G2, superior quality.
is Dwight a weeaboo
Various ways to do this.

1. If you only have a few machines in your LAN, then you can just edit the hosts file and set "intranet" to be resolved as the ip of your server.

2. In a pure windows LAN, you can just change the computer name of your server to "intranet". I guess this doesn't work with your Pi

3. Set up a DNS server for your LAN and let your router use it for DNS requests
Is there anything similar to Taiga but on GNU/Linux (Arch Linux)
By Taiga, I mean this: http://taiga.moe/
Get i5 if youre not doing video editing for the living.
PSU dust filter on the 410 is pretty awful. Consider a different case. Also consider an EVGA GQ series PSU if you don't care about full modularity. OEM is FSP and they're semi-modular.
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Where do you go for pirating fonts?

I tried downloading a number of packs, but none include Hildegard

What would be the regular expression to test if a string has exactly the format:


i.e. a number between 0-255, a slash and a Char
What are the chances of airport security going through my phone? I have a flight tomorrow morning to south america
Why isn't my code updating any of the quotes? Assume my HTML and CSS are correct.

<code>$(document).ready(function() {

$("#getMessage").click(function() {

$.getJSON('http://quotes.stormconsultancy.co.uk/quotes/random.json', function(json) {
muh markup
$(document).ready(function() {

$("#getMessage").click(function() {

$.getJSON('http://quotes.stormconsultancy.co.uk/quotes/random.json', function(json) {
because the object stores the quote in the quote property, not in content.

Here is the json element if you follow the link

[{"ID":265,"title":"Leisa Reichelt","content":"<p>Don&#8217;t design for everyone. It&#8217;s impossible. All you end up doing is designing something that makes everyone unhappy. <\/p>\n","link":"https:\/\/quotesondesign.com\/leisa-reichelt\/","custom_meta":{"Source":"<a href=\"http:\/\/www.disambiguity.com\/the-general-public-myth\/\">article<\/a>"}}]

There is no quote key to access.
this is what random.json returns
{"author":"Charles Babbage","id":8,"quote":"On two occasions I have been asked, \u2018Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?\u2019 I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.\u201d","permalink":"http://quotes.stormconsultancy.co.uk/quotes/8"}
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