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Sticker thread

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Thread replies: 137
Thread images: 28

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Sticker thread
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sticker request.jpg
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Recommend me asticker to cower dell logo so im not going around shilling whenever im using my laptop
countries flag
Electric tape
Holy shit
Please tell me you use this in public places
>Not being a nationalist
Get out commie cuck
>not being proud of your country
Just move, faggot.
Why would I be a nationalist? What has my nation done for me? How is supporting a bunch of politicians who have their own interests over mine is being a cuck? If anything you are a cuck because you just do whatevre your politicians tell you to because of muh nation muh pride.

Hmm I might do this but its not really aesthetic.
Where can I get these!?!?!

>Being proud of a country for no other reason than being arbitrarily born there

If you were born in Saudi Arabia would you be proud of spreading terror and Islam to the world?

tope fuckinge lole
Apple Logo
We've gone from stickers to islam.
>/g/ - Technology
How is that any better?
Sun Microsystems logo
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not gonna shill oracle either
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>current year
haha hang yrself my man
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Where's a good place to get custom stickers?
Take the wrapper thing off that water bottle and put it on
Sweet, thanks man.
that's actually cool
where's you moot stick?
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Robust Vinyl. He's the one who made this Quake logo for me.
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>Liking your country means you're a brain-dead nationalist
This is cringeworthy.
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>Kali Linux
>Outdated memes
>implying this isn't true
Haven't gotten bullied in a while <3
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Help me, /g/, I'm loosing it!
Tonight I actually dreamt that I had covered my pocket calculator in stickers, a lot of the quite cringeworthy, just like the shit in the OP.

But all I wanted, is to put some small NASA sticker on my thinkpad, but I just cant bring myself to do it. What's wrong with me, doctor?
Is your camera drunk?
Haha, retard
Where can I get some cute 2hu stickers?

I know some of you have them
> being this cringey
Do people tend to look at you in a weird fashion?
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what car?
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This is it.
How mad are you now?
they're all upside down
I think I recognize that room. You don't happen to be from around Bremen, are you?
It's a 2016 Versa with a manual transmission. Literally the cheapest new car I could buy.
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Also, here's my laptop to stay on topic. :^)
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>sticker thread
>reminded again that /g/ is nothing but underage and I'm way to old to be here
Does anyone know where i can get some tech stickers?
>to old

You need a little more time to incubate before you're ready.
Liar, there is no way you use that in public.
>inb4 /lsg/ - Laptop Sticker General
Thanks for the idea
It's just to cover the lelnovo logo
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Why would you ruin your laptop with a bunch of degenerate stickers?
Because it's my property and I can do what I want with it
>implying I couldn't just peel off the stickers and clean the residue
>implying if all else failed I couldn't just replace the lid
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I get this same reply every time I post this. I don't have a use for a laptop in public. I use it for travelling. If I didn't use my phone for the same purpose of my laptop, I would though, because who cares? Worst case scenario, I get funny looks from people that wont remember my face.
wew lad
wew lad
>wew lad

wew lad
if all of these are satirical, great job, they're spot on. If any of these are unironic, kill yourselves.
Please tell me more about your moral panic over fucking stickers on laptops.
is there a way to make decent stickers at home?
>Look at me being a sperg

They're stickers, lad, not permanent tattoos that go on you.
I fucking had a Valknut on my laptop and some giant obese weirdo came up and talking to me about fucking SYMBOLS. I won't be doing that again. Even if I am fat I don't wanna associate with those fucking freaks.
you're still paying money and making an effort to have your product look much worse than by default
But that's like just your opinion man
Where do you get stickers like this?
probably the site on the sticker
It's literally only acceptable to be proud of your country if you're an American.
Wow, these are pathetic. Literally everyone is laughing at you.

>"b-but who cares about the opinion of others, I'm only doing it because I LIKE IT"

now this manchild meme is at least somewhat applicable most times like the desktop threads, but it makes absolute zero sense here. You know who sees the back of your laptop? Literally everyone BUT YOU. Fucking idiots.
>being this much of a little self-conscious bitch
probably because no one visits you in your basement
Do you reckon the bottom sticker is from the same site?
probably. otherwise I'd check redbubble (site where you upload your designs then sell it on shit, has a bunch of decent/iffy stickers)
that quentin comic about playing your DS in public.jpg
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>mfw that is my laptop
>waah random people who have no clue who I am and will probably never see me again are judging me
Maybe that way of thinking is one of the reasons why people never want to see you again.
>unironically putting "privacy" stickers on a macbook
Nice projecting, faggot.
The memes are real :^)
Seriously it needs more memes
if only there were small vinyl Trump stickers.. there is no more space for Redbubble stickers, since they are too big
You could probably find some on aliexpress
I like it the way it is though, keeps away the normies
Do you have stories?
Have you gotten laid thanks to the stickers?

Its a nice laptop though
Normie who sits next to me saw your laptop and asked me where to get the pokemon-pepe.
So, there's that.
How does it feel being a literal meme?
>see comment
>feel absolutely nothing
Dunno if don't care anymore or just decided to ignore the faggotry.
Unlike stickless laptop backs?
You sound like a cuck
Still nothing man, but thanks for caring to see if you get a reaction out of me.
where did you get that sticker from
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mah stickers .jpg
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sticks and stones will break my but words will never hurt me
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Where did you get the following

>there's no cloud sticker
>i'd tap that
redbubble great stickers. often they have sales for buy x amount of small stickers and get X-25% off whole purchase
didn't know about this, thanks anon.
Love your Kirby sticker.
tfw nobody noticed
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>implying I didn't
>implying >>55302751 didn't distract me from replying
Looks good in the picture but does it look the same IRL?
>sparing out the applel logo
>fucking macfags


All of our migrants are so ashamed of their heritage that they leave their motherlands instead of fixing it up.

Who fought their oppressors and gained freedom? We did

Who didnt tolerate their oppressors legislature without representation? We did

Mexicans, Muslims and the EU have a lot to learn from us.
>implying there's anything wrong with that
and i like to think so.
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Cool Macbook, anon.
I misplaced it after cleaning and need to find it again but I bought a Kyouko sticker to place on my laptop
>non thinkpad lenovo
That's worse than the dude with the clean macbook
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>pic related

does that sticker turns it into a cuckpad?
my bad, that's what I get for being a cunt and not not checking the thumbnail.
Still you made me laugh, thanks anon.
mgtow faggot spotted.
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Roast me /g/.

what grade are you in?
You're supposed to be proud of its founding ideology, not the shithead politicians that exist in EVERY country. Did you not take a single civics class? It's propaganda but it's better than being depressed about everything all year long.
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german detected

goddamn I love being an american
>SDF refers to homeless people in France

I don't see why you keep posting this, I don't live in France and couldn't give less of a shit what it means there.
manual 4 lyfe
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as stickers, are in fact, ink/stickers, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, ink plus sticker. Stickers are not an illustrations unto themselves, but rather another adhesive component of a fully functioning ink illustration made useful by the adhesive, ink and adhesive comprising a full sticker as defined by /g/.
Many people use a modified version of stickers every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the adhesive which is widely used today are often called “stickers”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the ink, and adhesive. There really is a sticker, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the ornament they use.
stickers are the adhesive: the substance that makes the sticker stick. The sticker is an essential part of an ornament, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete sticker. adhesive is normally used in combination with the ink: the whole ornament is basically ink with adhesive added, or ink/sticker. All the so-called “sticker” distributions are really distributions of ink/stickers.
I only need one sticker
well, I'm sure you'll get noticed
why have you done this
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grow up manchild
nice Kurzgesagt sticker nerd
Thread posts: 137
Thread images: 28

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