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What kind of reactions can I expect when I use my thinkpad in public?

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What kind of reactions can I expect when I use my thinkpad in public?
>expecting reactions from people
jesus christ you autistic people are so fucking needy.
nobody gives a shit about your hipster surplus business laptop
>anything past T420/X220
boos and hisses
Install gentoo
What kind of reactions do you expect?
You have the compromised, consumer trash edition of a thinkpad. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your shit laptop.
Oh wow anon, nice laptop, wanna go to my place
look at this autism
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It depends on how many stickers you have on it.
Why would anyone care what laptop you use?
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You're going to get so much pussy flying at you, you'll have no choice but to turn straight.
girl here:

if I see one of you come into a starbucks using one of those, I'm gonna laugh at you and dump my coffee on your stupid head. and you can't hit me or anything cuz I'm a girl :P
He must be important. He must be a CE of a high powered private banking firm.
No one cares about your laptop unless autistic people like you. Good thing most of them are still in their basement.

You can bring your laptop out there without fear op
it's autism.
he is autistic.
he has autism.
he suffers from autism.

is there any ambiguity here?
> Edit: miss understood gender bending male here
Satan check
>wow nice laptop anon, can i sit next to you and watch you shitpost on 4chan?
i couldnt find the general so ill post in here.

i just got a x220 and the trackpad makes it unusable. holy shit
i see that extended battery, girl. you like it rough.
>wow, anon! your laptop is old!!

>nice dinosaur PC, Kevin. this is why I fuck my black coworkers when you take the kids to Cheryl's.

>its so ugly lol!

Every. Fucking. Time.
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>internet explorer on the taskbar
You should expect discounted movie tickets and boy scouts offering to help you cross the street.
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I hope anon notices my Thinkpad.

Why is he staring at my feet?
>not open carrying so nobody dares to look at you bad

Thank god for the 2a
companies can ask you to leave the premises. people seem to misunderstand the bill of rights as this far-reaching set of laws that prevents anyone else from telling you what to do. in reality, all of them simply limit the legislature from legislating certain laws.

the coffee shop can tell you to pack up your shit and leave for having a certain sticker on your laptop, or for carrying a gun, or for not consenting to a totally arbitrary search of your bag.

they have a right to do whatever they want on their property. just because they run a business doesn't make them a public good, subject to the public's niggardly behavior (in this case, strutting around with a gun to intimidate people since your presence alone doesn't command enough respect)
who's this whore?
Redheads confirmed thinkpad users
Obviously fake. No one loves LibreOffice.
fedora tips
>What kind of reactions can I expect when I use my thinkpad in public?
Well, that depends on two things:
What kind of thinkpad, and yourself.

As long as it's something new-ish and normal sized (like the X1 pictured), or a T420, or heck, even a T61), no one will care. As long as it is not covered in 100 autism stickers. If you have something "really exotic", like a tablet version with a swivel hinge, everyone forgot about nowadays, or something small (aka, just a normal fucking ultraportable laptop with a sane aspect ratio, e.g. X61), or something really old or fat (e.g. Butterfly, or oldschool X-series + slice/ultrabase, W700DS) you might get some curious questions of people that want to know what you have.
so nothing bad will happen.
Now on the other hand, if you are a fat, sweaty fedora and/or neckbeard, you will get looks, but certainly not because of your thinkpad, but rather because of your waifu you are carrying, the leather coat you are wearing, or your fucking katana, or you general appearance that is an insult to any set of eyes, but not your choice of latop.
Thanks for having post it here, anon!
I had some guy ask me if it was an alienware
tits or gtfo, miss
From time to time, also depending on your stickers, people will start a conversation and it's up to you to maintain it.

I mean, it happened once in two years, but this guy was cool as fuck. Unsurprisingly, he was running GNU/Linux and concerned about civic rights, mass surveillance, etc. I wonder what he's become.
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>tfw have an Alienware 13
>Use it in a constant sea of MacBooks
>get compliments all the time
Something like
>"He paid for a dinosaur laptop!?"
um none?
I bring my Thinkpad X200 with me wherever and the only reaction from the past two years was from some autistic girl in class because it wasnt the school issued laptops I was using lmao. Otherwise nobody cares, everybody else usually has a macbook and is usually typing shit out in MS Word while eating
Too bad I can't use my t440s anywhere outside my room because of the disgusting touchpad that is super loud when clicking
I could replace that shit already but I'm afraid because I still have one year of warranty
>Have Lenovo Y50
>Never get compliments

What am I doing wrong? Do I need an autistic logo on it for it to be cool?
>Caring what literal nobodies think about your technology.
Good point. I should bring my mechanical keyboard everywhere I go.
I think the Y50 still looks like a pretty normal laptop. Great laptop though, good choice. My Alienware sticks out because it looks like a space ship door and has the glowing alien head on it.
Yeah it's awesome.
I got it for only 500 too, which is a sweet deal for the 50hz ips 4k display, the 4710hq and the 860m.
god damn, where'd you find that deal? Used?
yeah, but in perfect condition. The only problem was that the air filter was a little dirty.
It's just an undercover agreement between nerds: you see someone at the uni with a TP and you know he probably knows something about computers. Other than that, the vast majority of people will just not care

le python meme
Hot girls collectively saying eww
Thinkpads are reliable, comfortable pussy repellent.
Normalfags only see Macs and non-Macs.

You'll be treated like any other non-Mac.

I'm a redheaded thinkpad user :^)

But not a grill...
Back in 2012 random people were genuinely interested in my X61t asking if it has "real windows" etc. One faggy hipster in a cafe was very impressed with wacom painting.
Inb4: No, we did not fuck.
>But not a grill...
Irrelevant here.
Fucking ricers abusing civics
Depends on where in public.
In my CS programme, a lot of people use thinkpads for programming. Among with macbooks, I'd say they're the most common laptops you'll see here.
But that's at university. It's different elsewhere.
When I sit in the bus, nobody uses a laptop ever, so if I started pulling out my T420, people would look for sure, just because it's odd to see someone use a laptop in the bus
>tfw no reaction at all for my thinkpad x201
>tfw no one noticed my riced desktop

I almost feel like I fit in.
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>all these pigfat bezels
baka 2bqh
I'd unironically cop that 4k glossy screen if it didn't literally mean 4 hours of battery life.
Why is the macbook the only laptop with the perfect screen res and battery?
Cause it's the only one with a proper os.
Install windows on a rmbp on you don't even get 4h of battery instead of 7h+ with the same usage on osx.
It's not about the OS f4m, it's about that 94Whr battery that they crammed in there driving half the pixels of the xps15.
2560 is the perfect resolution, 94Whr is the perfect battery, but Jesus Christ that's not worth 2800€ instead of 1800€
He's poor
Dinosaur lap
even with my stickers, i don't get reactions.

and i'm fine with that, had all of high school to get used to that.
>Hack UCF

That school is cancer
The people behind hack UCF are cancer
Anything UCF related with hack in the name is cancer
Most CS people I met from that school are fucking brain dead
None, really.
Source: No one looks at me weirdly when I pull out my T520 on the train, the bus, train station, some cafe, or wherever else I might decide to use it.
>not caring what others think

Jesus Christ you autistic people are so fucking socially clueless
Caring what normalfags think is a normalfag thing to do. Maybe you should go back to a normalfag board like /v/ or /pol/
It is absolutely about the OS. OSX can be targeted for a very very small range of specs so they have time to optimise for things like battery life.
I'm actually reading this on a refurbished XPS 13 that I received yesterday. Fuckin' integrated graphics running Skyrim on high in 1080P at 40 fps. And an awesome touchpad, and a wicked good processor, and a 512GB PCIe SSD, and 16GB of RAM, and a damn good touch screen. Never thought I'd be so stoked on a Dell, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy a current gen MBP. Now I just have to get Linux configured and it'll be perfect.
>being so ugly that people stop to stare
>blaming it on the hardware you use
looks just like any other laptop desu
Goddamn, wish I could find deals like that
Which memepad has decent battery life? Just want a shitposting/SSH machine.
Because, you know, people are too busy staring at a fucking mirror brick to see if someone is reacting on their shallow shit.
Ironic, isn't it?
U can disable it.
>sit in school café working on my next book on my X220
>friends on their tablets and e-readers
>gf on her Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
And all is right in the world.
Depends on weither or not you left the fedora and trenchcoat at home.
Why would people care what kind of computer you use?
Using it in public? no reaction at all, nobody cares. That being said, I was with a coworker at lunch, she uses a Dell Inspiron 13 foldy yoga touchscreen thing, and left it at the office. We were talking about work stuff and she wanted to look something up and asked to use my T450S.
After she handed it back, she said. "I don't usually get excited about laptops, but that is a REALLY nice keyboard.
>In public with muh thinkpad
>they mad but I know
>I know im superior

And just to not make this post completely shit, no reactions at all
>After she handed it back, she said. "I don't usually get excited about laptops, but that is a REALLY nice keyboard

>things that have never EVER happened
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>wicked good
>damn good
>stoked on a Dell

Looks great now, check back in 6 months when the whole thing is falling apart and you've had to replace the proprietary charger 3 times at $50/ea

who is he?
Nobody fucking caring

Thinkpads are the most generic laptops possible. The branding is nearly impossible to see from a distance. Most people only have experience with super old ones in school. The average person seen using a thinkpad in public is a guy in a suit because companies buy them in bulk for their employees (and then they get rid of them in bulk, hence the cheapness).

Nobody will worship you for it. Nobody will hate you for it. The thinkpad is the laptop of laptops.

Now, if you buy a mac, some people will think you're rich/hip, other people will think you have no excuse to be using any apple product but an iphone if you are not female.
because macbook pleb throttles and has shit hardware in the first place

>yfw at one time apple thought bogging down the OS with low-load tasks whenever the processor got too hot was a good idea
X2x0 and T4x0 have big extended battery options. You can push T4x0s to almost 100 Watt-hours if you get the biggest one.
>got to a fucking friends house to repair a computer
>unzip my thinkpad
>anon thats a fucking brick
And now i do my work using teamviewer
>using proprietary software on a thinkpad

fucking disgusting

>what is reverse VNC
>using a proprietary or blobbed BIOS instead of Libreboot
>tfw using windows on my t420
fite me

I'd go ganoo route but i need a certain software.
is your friend perchance a homosexual

>owns a thinkpad
oh course he is
>what is seamless vm
a vm isn't an option
>a vm isn't an option

go on
Nothing. You faggots are self conscious as fuck. You need to realize that nobody gives a shit.
>Opening a port and exposing to internet just to manage that
Nah m8 i perfer use normie shit
EqualizerAPO, a system-wide paramEQ.

If i run it into a VM it'll modify the audio of the VM, then it would be useless to run linux if i'm going to be always using the VM.
>implying teamviewer doesn't open ports
It's not optimized tho, it simply has good enough hardware and half the pixels to power.
>What kind of reactions can I expect when I use my thinkpad in public?

I have only gotten one comment on my Thinkpad, and it was by some autist who wanted to know what mods and what OS I was running on my R60. I just told him I was running Linux and stopped talking, and listened ramble on and on about Thinkpads are the greatest ever.
More autism please, senpai.
blue switches, I assume?
Truth is everyone will think its your work laptop.
>how do you want your laptop senpai
>i want everyone to know on sight that i am autistic
>say no more
a guy in my school actually does carry his mech kb around, its funny.
for what fucking class does it even make sense to do that?
No one cares
women's and AA studies for the nu-male
Bring my t420s everywhere, nobody really gives it a second look
Other than "that's an old clunky laptop mate"
I dunno but who likes coding on a fucking laptop kb after all
>he's never used a thinkpad
None 99% of people will not think anything more than "that guy is on a laptop"
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look what I just found
>tfw autism bux for the month already went to spam musubis and Kalua pork sandwiches
see if you can offer the guy a higher price if he keeps it around.
>this faggot
I would never buy that piece of shit used, it probably has a 1366*768 screen.
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None. Nobody except you cares about what kind of laptop you use. Also, who the fuck eats or drinks over their expensive electronics? What a pig...
>Also, who the fuck eats or drinks over their expensive electronics?
People who are complete klutzes that spill shit everywhere
"What kind of an idiot would buy an X1 carbon? Oh."
If anyone, it is you who are socially clueless. If you weren't, you'd know that people give absolutely no fucks about your laptop and will have no reactions whatsoever; unless they particularly like thinkpads, in which case they might say 'hey nice thinkpad man'
I think they would be reacting to the anime girl wallpaper and browser skin that thinkpads seem to come bundled with.

Having shitty anime on your laptop alone is a red flag.
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>This actually exists
>have an aorus x3
>only logo on back
>no one knows what it is

it's perfect
I'd say the "Pedobear approves" sticker is more of a red flag, famalam
depends on how attractive you are, if you're ugly you NEED a macbook, everything else will make you look at least like a rapist, a thinkpad of all things will make you look like a pedophile
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No one really cares if you use on in public, it's an incredibly popular laptop for businesses to give their employees so if anyone ever takes notice to it (pretty unlikely, most people don't care what laptop you use) they'll just assume you're working
Now stop posting this pasta, it got stale really fast and never brings new points in

the irony
I fail to see how a typo is even remotely similar to spilling a drink on an expensive computer.

>mfw I noticed the 600e first
I once had an asian man (around 5'5) walk up to me as say "nice pad bro, what model?" and we talked about my girl
Well Lenovo rep, I think the thinkpads are professional looking and that is how they are percieved. You guys have made them look and feel slim enough to appeal to the market you are looking for.

Now pass go and collect $200 for shilling on /g/ today.
>source: my arse
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what's going on with her ass?
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That is Kendra from Humiliatrix and Hubbies.

She does humiliation and diaper humiliation porn.
"Holyfuckingshit! He's using that!? I want him to impregnate my wife's and our daughters!"
Absolutely no reaction at all. It's just a fucking laptop.
>tfw girl at the comic book store has a shitty netbook
>tfw was actually going to take my X201 over to show her tomorrow and let her type on it
dude. don't.
Absolutely fuck all because nobody gives a shit

Unless you're a CS major, then some neckbeard might say “nice thinkpad” or something
what have I got to lose?
Super geek or cheap as fuck and can only afford old used business laptops
>get stuck waiting for friend or GF to get off work
>get a muffin and coffee while I wait
>start painting on ma samsung series 7 slate
>always get 2-3 peoplle asking about the tablet and my art

I really really just wanna be left alone goys. Im socially retarded but people always want to talk to me.
>github logo
I bet that person is feeling pretty cucked right about now
katonks get out
I use a mech keyboard at uni (a small, portable 60%), but I mostly just leave it in my office.
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Got last paycheck, wated to use it for nice shiny Chinkpad T420

used the money on women

Fuck you, dumb haole.
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get the t420s instead so you have options once you realize how shitty the screen is
Probably nothing. If you're cute and have stickers on it, that gives people and opening to talk about the stickers. But still probably not. What shitty shop gives you a paper cup when you're drinking it there?
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It's a fucking laptop. The average person doesn't know any more than that and couldn't care less.
kek I think I might seen this laptop in one of my classes

Good thing the foundation exam weeds them out else a CS degree from UCF would be utterly worthless.
people don't react on the type of computer you use.
Nobody cares.
Your friends might comment on it but other people don't give a fuck about you.
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>That threatbutt sticker
Did I meet you at Derbycon?
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