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http://www.neowin.net/news/microsof t-to-buy-linkedin-in-262

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>Microsoft now has all your personal info

Wow, it's actually real.

Another pointless acquisition by Microsoft that will go nowhere.

Good thing I never signed up.
Now Microsoft are Google, they have everyone's CV
>implying they didn't have it already
Nearly everyone outside of "trendy" towns are on LinkedIn.
That explains why Microsoft sent me those recruitment letters when I haven't updated my LinkedIn for over two years.
How many times are people going to be surprised about this?

But really though, most people who use Windows don't give half a shit about privacy. Facebook, Skype, Windows. They don't care.
All this social media stuff is literally 1984 so you not be using it anyway.

They are tying to build personality profiles on people based on their religious and political views, It's all part of some deeper cultural engineering scheme best i can tell.

no fucks given
>he fell for the social network meme
how the hell u get a job?

o wait. linkedin is only useful for big4 lmao. o well. hope i land a grad position there
Facebook's been doing it for years. People just don't fucking care.
You forgot your tinfoil hat, edgelord. I assure you no one in the world cares about your hentai collection. Trust me.
I came to post this.
>a website is worth 260 billion
i cant wait for the social network meme to end so the stock market will tank again
>how the hell u get a job?
LinkedIn only is relevant in the US and maybe some other English speaking countries. Literally no other country gives a damn.
>nothing to hide, nothing to fear!
Jokes on you mother fucker. I don't have LinkedIn or M$ account.

I have trained my own legion of pigeons to delivery my messages in binary code to communicate with other people.

Get on my level.
26 billion you retard.
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>$262 billion dollars
The problem is no one cares.

he's clearly baiting, just dont reply
Nah, they do. If I ran a porn or pornsite company I would definitely want information on that kind of stuff so I know how to better market to these people, and what measures I need to take to ensure they stop pirating my damn porn, or stream near exclusively with my website.
I'd want metrics on the porn they're downloading, what their favorite tags are on the panda, how secretive they are about their porn, etc.
Then in addition to hosting normal porn which is made around analytics, I'd hire Japanese and Western artists to literally make doujinshi, rule34, and porn comics around the clock to cater to the findings we have based on the analytics.
Then I'd sell advertisement spots on the website at a premium price to any takers and be rich as fuck.
If you can use peoples social media meta data to form personality profiles and then use that data against them to prevent them from getting a job then you will have leverage over that person. You can then force them to conform or else suffer not being able to earn a living.

Employers are already starting to ask for social media info. Its already begun.
Whoops meant to respond to
>Employers are already starting to ask for social media info. Its already begun.
That's why even though I have social media accounts, but I never post anything. Which would probably still account as a red flag, I dunno.
This site only has REVENUE of $552million, when purchasing it's common rule to thumb to value the asset 10x price to earning so that would value the company at 5.5billion. Before MS bought the company it was valued at $13.1billion after the stock fell by 50%.

MS is such a stupid fucking company, they could have waited for another six months for the price to fall further as the valuating bubble of the company deflated or NOT BUY THE FUCKING COMPANY AT ALL. This deal will never make a profit for them. I thought once balmer left MS would have stopped wasting all this money.
>facebook is known to record your data
Im not sure if i should still be using it.
Even the fact that not having a profile is basically already grounds for disqualification only proves my theory to be true.

They couldnt figure out how to mold society by themselves they have been trying for years but the internet set them back too much free speech.

Now they have found a method that works.
>Employers are already starting to ask for social media info. Its already begun.

Where the hell is this actually happening? China? Iran? Cuba? Saudi Arabia?

Any employer that demands access to your private accounts should be reported and shamed ASAP.

Now if you're talking about things you make publicly that can be easily found on Google, that's your problem.
the only people i know that use linkedin are either (1) cocksuckers who would do anything to get a job, including making a linkedin sr year of high school to start gathering data on their grocery store jobs or (2) old people who don't understand how to make a PDF so it's nice to have a website do it for you
Its happening right here in America jack.

I have been asked for it a few times already.
>MS would have stopped wasting all this money.
>They have $90 billion in the bank

Who gives a shit?
its not happening.

guy is fearmongering or crying over some retarded startup
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Or they could have purchased AMD nearly 8 times
I'm pretty sure Ive been turned down from several jobs because i dont have facebook when they ask me.

You're thinking about it wrong.

Buying companies like skype and linkedin means microsoft has two important things 1)chat logs that can be used to figure about personality, religion, political viewxs, etc, and basically everybodies resume.

Add them together and thats a pretty good start to basically making the mind of a specific person. Then scrape facebook and youve basically got a persons entire life.

Also pretty much the same reason for buying nokia, they own the low end phone industry, good for tracking and stuff like that.
Shill detected.
>tfw using Twitter to load an article
>in between the screen switch there is a header that pops up that says something like "analytics.twitter.com" for like half a second every time before loading the article
>tfw know they're watching, but for some reason just don't care anymore
Bring on the botnet. I'm ready to submit.
>I'm pretty sure Ive been turned down from several jobs because i dont have facebook when they ask me.

which is against the law, but i doubt it actually happened
200 billion, lol what a ripped off.
>which is against the law
[citation needed]

Also, you can't prove it, and also, they decide whoever they want to hire.
>when they ask me.

I know emplyers snoop around for it, but actually asking in an interview? Probably best not to work there.
They don't ask for explicit control of your account or anything, they want to track your usage of it. All they ask is if you have social media. If you lie and say you don't when you do, you get in trouble for lying. If you do and say you do, they will log that and keep an eye on it at all times.
fug how to delete my account ;_;
how can you prove that it was? Also what law? Pretty sure its not a protected class.
At least i dont have NSA spying on my phone here in Europ (or at least i hope so)
You can't, haha!

Seriously, you can only deactivate, and you'll still get emails from them from time to time.
>Also pretty much the same reason for buying nokia, they own the low end phone industry, good for tracking and stuff like that.

Microsoft is laying off whatever remains of Nokia at the company.

They literally ate Nokia, then shat it out.
>At least i dont have NSA spying on my phone here in Europ (or at least i hope so)

>being this naive

Dont need to, they probably have your info backed up somewhere.
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>They literally ate Nokia, then shat it out.

I guess you could say that Nokia is Finnished
A-at least im not in B-Belgium
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>selling when the price is dropping

Are you dumb? Thats literally the worse thing you can do.
>I don't know how the stock market works
Day traders, everyone.
I can confirm that it is not a practice we have in either Germany or France. Maybe America is like that though.
You are if you live in a western country.

The whole of EU is pretty much a vassal state to the NSA these days.
You can't delete your account. They keep all of your information. In fact Facebook actually makes dummy accounts for people who have yet to sign up based on metrics they get from people who know and reference that person. Nowadays you can sign up for Facebook and they'll literally start recommending you to friend people you know in real life during set up. Before you willingly start handing over your information. All you're doing is filling in the information on the dummy account they already had for you and confirming predicted friend connections. It's ridiculous.
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>they want to track your usage of it

Anything you publish publicly is an open invitation for anyone to see it.

If you're posting drunk pics and political opinions out in the open, that's your problem.

You also have the option of declining to answer their questions about your social media presence. Unless you work in PR or security, it shouldn't be a problem (and if it is, I'd much rather not work there).
Yeah but your local police department is spying on you and sending it to the NSA.
Border of eastern i guess you could say. Country is working on getting into EU
not even worth buying, you would need what, to buy 500 shares minimum? and make what? nickles off of it?

Better to start with smaller stuff
You have the option. But it will cost you your potential job unless you are a star candidate.

Seriously, pretty much anything irrelevant that can be used against you will be used against you because HR people are worse than the plague and only really care about how people present themselves.
See >>55056415
linkedin has 128 million US users [https://press.linkedin.com/about-linkedin]
heres a tip: stop applying to shit startups in cali.

I work for a big name bank and went through FBI background checks to get my job and they dont even care about your social media.
They already did since LinkedIn leaked all their shit 4 years ago and only admitted so recently
Yeah, because you were a star candidate.
Do they really do FBI checks just for an IT job for banks? Guess small time testers have it easy.
>having a LinkedIn account
Top pest of keks.
implying these big companies have anything better to do with their money
I've been in three different companies since 2011 (and interviewed with many others), and not once did my social media information ever come up.
It wasnt an IT job. I write and maintain sofrware for them along with a dozen others at my location and others internationally. Not that it matters since in pretty sure everyone who works here has to undergo the checks most likely due to some law since its a bank. There are a ton of regulations and audits you have to even abide by on the software end as well even when it doesn't seem like it would affect anything vital.

highly doubt it, if yoire not working PR or Marketing its a non issue
>tfw you don't even know what LinkedIn is
Heh. I work directly on testing final car software and we never had to have an audit or something like that. We just have client meeting up the ass.
What the fuck is linkedin
I am from germany
Actually, that just makes it more likely that they're spying on you. Nobody in the US gave a shitposting about the Snowden revelations at first because
>We're not spying on Americans, promise! Just the rest of the world :^)
But then that turned out to be a lie and then suddenly Americans cared. Funny that, eh?
Resume website, All english speaking countries pretty much have it defacto. It also lets employers search for people and send you a job interview
i have google+ failbook and skype steam but never had linkedin
Facebook for the working world. You put in your job details, experience and so on and then you "network" with others in related fields. The concept is vaguely useful but I still find myself sending emails and calling people rather than using LinkedIn. Don't think it's helped me much.
I used to work for a company that worked with pharmaceutical companies for data collection and there was always the looming threat of audits to keep us from fucking shit up. In reality they would like wait 5 year after a project was done then audit it. One of my first tasks was to fix data for some project about to undergo an audit that finished like 6 years before i was hired.
They buy literally whom?
>suddenly Americans cared
they do?
HR is part of the enforcer class. They are above the proletariat in the class structure due to the authority they have over the workers. They are almost more powerful than law enforcement now as they have the power to decide who gets to earn a living and who doesnt.
>leak on NSA
Is he a hero or a traitor? Id say a hero.
Not really. It's just a minority of tech geeks. Everyone else is still happily using Facebook from their Samsung phones like good goys.
>Windows 10 telemetry

Why did MS turn evil? Did the N (S) A force thwm to do these things with NSLs?
>Having Linkdin
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Windows, is in fact, NSA/Windows, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, NSA plus Windows.
I never called him a traitor. I don't think him a hero either. No man should be called a hero for doing the right thing.
Well, more so than they used to. There was more outrage over them spying on US citizens than on the rest of the world.
MS was always evil. They used to buy out companies all the time. I also think the reason they're allowd to get away with cramming Windows 10 down everyone's throats was because the antitrust settlement that resulted from them cramming Internet Explorer down everyone's throats expired already.
The profit is the user information m$ can buy

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>I never called him a traitor
I was referring to NSA officials from a video i saw about Snowden few days ago.
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ITT we have a large group of NEETs telling Microsoft how they should run their business.
Ah, right. You might want to specify who you're quoting when you're replying to someone and greentexting.

Of course they'd call him a traitor, he informed the public of their wrongdoings. If my friend was a murderer, he'd call me a traitor for turning him in to the police. His victims would call me a hero.
Microsoft is very poorly run, but having a monopoly on cheap computers and an army of loyal IT and gamer monkeys means they can keep making huge fuck-ups for a very long time.
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Ummm isn't that more money than Microsoft was ever worth???

How does it work?
Since you seem to know what they're doing wrong and hot to fix it you should go ahead and apply for CEO.
I don't think very many people post porn on their Facebook.
It's one of those jewish tricks
Nah, Microsoft doesn't deserve saving. They should have never gone beyond selling BASIC interpreters.
his skin is probably too white to be the ceo of an american company.
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So what will happen to them?
You act like the NSA is the worst thing in the world when there are countries out there where government spying actually directly affects the lives of ordinary citizens, unlike in the USA. (Well, unlike in the USA until Trump's government starts spying on Muslims. But, if you're not Muslim, than, yeah, unlike in the USA. Although Muslims are probably spyed on in the US already anyways.)

Why is this forum so full of paranoia?
Yes, my mistake being out of context.
>hahaha Drumpf, amiright?
Fuck off, berntard.
You realize if I was a socialist I would probably think the government spying in the countries I referred to would be a good thing, right?
>There are places that are worse, that means this isn't a big deal
It's a breach of human rights as defined by the UN. If caring about basic human rights makes me paranoid then I'm paranoid.
>Only Bernie supporters think Trump is retarded
There's a reason why the rest of the world is nervously joking about the US.
>I have no idea what socialism is
>Trump is retarded
>we shouldn't have modern popularized computing
t. GNU fag
Retarded faggots, LinkedIn is public, so everybody had the data already. It doesn't hold anything private about its users. Kill yourselves.
I know that supporting government spying isn't one of the, "rules," of socialism, but it's what socialism inevitably leads to.
Yeah, of course, because you have to be a minion of Shillary to point out how retarded the walking carrot is.
Also, the reason it's by and large paranoia is because the NSA doesn't give a shit about what the ordinary citizen has on their phone or does on Facebook.
Also, they wouldn't bother wasting time and money to check on what joe schmo's dying, even if it's automatically sent to their database.
No it doesn't. Socialism != communism != totalitarian dictatorship. There has never been a communist government that wasn't a dictatorship but there's been lots of socialism and specifically social democracy without spying or dictatorship.
>They don't care about you so why not let them spy on you?
I'll bet you have nothing to hide too.
I understand that everyone has something to hide, (ex. their SSN,) but I just try to choose not to put personal info on the internet.

Putting personal info on the internet is stupid regardless of the NSA.
>I understand that everyone has something to hide, (ex. their SSN,) but I just try to choose not to put personal info on the internet.
>Massive amounts of datamining is fine because I don't tell facebook my SSN
Are you a troll?
Microsoft is the McDonald's of computing.
>Am I a troll?
No, I was being serious.
>Facebook datamining
SSN was an example, I try to limit the amount of info tied to my Facebook account as much as possible while still having it be an enjoyable experience. Personally, I don't give a shit anymore about Facebook spying.
Must be able to make a ton of money from data mining. Even people I know that use LinkedIn everyday complain about how horrible it is.

Microsoft are the kings of overpaying, but this is ridiculous. How many businesses do they own now?
>yfw you never fell for the linkedin corporate meme

I tell my boss I don't have a social media and an internet. And guess what? They pay for my internet now and I STILL dont have a social media.
I use it but it serves no purpose other than looking for jobs or being headhunted
Ok then, let me simplify this. The amount of data collected is absolutely massive. Facebook collects information about virtually every single site you visit, Google collects an equal if not greater amount of information. Every website you visit also sells information to advertising companies who then hope to sell you things. Individually all these things (and more, including location tracking from Google maps if you have it installed on an iPhone or an Android phone) are, individually, slightly unsettling. The NSA are aggregating al this information, resulting in an insane amount of data being collected on you. With some decent analysis algorithms, much more data can be inferred. There is very little you can do to protect yourself.

This is not paranoia, this is fact. This is not paranoia, this is a breach of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights article twelve. It does not matter if they'll use the information or not, that does not change the fact that we're talking about human rights here.
NSA literally spied on phones of top government heads in europe for years and no one even complained or took countermeassures when their own intelligence agencies found about bout because they all fear big daddy USA.
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So in theory: if the site fucking works, you've got a user base that is dormant (not using the site) 90% of the time, because they have their new jobs and won't need to use the site again for another 2 years or so right?

What a great purchase. It should be next to worthless by design.
Yeah, I guess you're probably right. Personally, though, I care more about what's easily searchable by anyone with an internet connection than what governments know about me.
You dont need active users to gather meta data.
As a matter of fact nobody gives a fuck about your chat log or something, because your workplace, your current position, your education, your contacts and so on are far more valueable informations and will provide higher quality information while also having to invest less work.
>I don't care about my human rights, so long as grandma doesn't see that I like gfur when she googles me
You are what is wrong with humanity.
That's why you harvest their cookies.
>my boss pays for my Internet
If they own your home account don't they technically have the rights to see everything you're browsing at home?
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>Satya Nadella and Jeff (((Weiner)))
I don't want to live the live of a /g/ wizard but this has gone on for too long
Ugh does the site really help you get jobs? That's a lot of info to give up.
you can have all this info without buying the company lol
You can't call anyone a tinfoil for stating the obvious.
>using the jewish bracket meme
back to /pol/ frienderino
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Why is your mommy so full of cum?
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>human rights
Facebook and Google are not barging into your home and installing cameras. They are voluntary sites that you have a choice of using.
This meme is becoming old, even on /g/.
What about their spying like buttons/analytics scripts on almost every single website on the internet?
Every time you see a facebook or google logo on a website, facebook/google are tracking you. That logo is infact ran by scripts which collect data about you even if you don't use their services.
You have to actively block their attempts to scan your behaviour.
Because daddy is gone and she said I have to be the man of the house now and make more little brothers to help us do the chores.
I have no social media presence and have never been asked about it.

In fact it's a good thing because it means you're very security conscious and don't go blabbing about all your private stuff with the world.

If I wanted to hire someone who would be very privy to sensitive information, and I could hardly find any record of their existence except for official government documents and proof of citizenship, I would say congratulations.
>They are voluntary sites that you have a choice of using.
Bwahahahaha no. See those social media buttons on every webpage? Those aren't just images, those report back to Facebook. Even if you don't have an account, they're collecting information on you. Google is just as sinister but they don't advertise it with a big blue logo unlike Facebook.
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Can the all-embracing botnet be even stopped anymore?
What if I just use my facebook to shitpost?
$200 per profile. What a disgrace.
>It's all part of some deeper cultural engineering scheme best i can tell

That's the thing, it may serve that end but it hardly has to be coordinated. The basic idea behind social media's been around as long as message boards and user profiles, that someone would extend it to real life is hardly a stretch (there were a few fairly major sites before Facebook; I clearly remember everyone having a MySpace in middle school). From there growth just fuels more growth; if you want to go online, it's best to use the site everyone else is on.

Once you have a wildly popular website where everyone posts their personal info, using it to target ads is the obvious conclusion, hell that's basically the business plan of half the internet. And if you hold the vault full of personal info, other parties that could use it will start making offers.

There never had to be a grand plan to profile the populace, the elites played speed chess to get there, as they did for every supposedly long-term goal.
Who puts anything on LinkedIn besides work-relevant material?

Who actually gives a shit about that besides recruiters?
Linkedin is an Online resume.

Everyone in the world can see your resume.
But MS already got my resume when I applied

26.2 bn
26 point fucking two

america. if you work for a private company the owner is allowed to hire/fire you based on social media. they can't say, however, "you're fired, nigger, because your FB profile lists you as a transgender brony" because that's discrimination

go into gov't service, where nobody knows/cares about social media, or go to europe (england and france excluded) where privacy is legally protected
>which is against the law
Burden of proof is on you, anon.
I still don't understand the point of LinkedIn.

I just make legit friends with people who then offer me positions here and there which I usually turn down because I like my comfy job.

Now imagine that but being spammed with Pajeet all day.

No thanks.
>>Who puts anything on LinkedIn besides work-relevant material?
the point is that the information on linkedin can be correlated to all sorts of other information about you. They just have to figure out "Aha, this LI account, and the real-life identity its tied to, goes with these other accounts!" This really isn't that hard when you have enough data. Their goal is that they can tie everything you do online to your real identity, not just stuff you do on linkedin.
I have friends who work HR, linkedin is useless, they never look for candidates there.
You either know someone or get lucky sending your cv.
It's mostly old middle management people who wanna look formal and their younger ass licking subordinates/students who think it's obligatory to show some kind of portfolio online or no one will notice you.
I was pretending to be retarded as a joke :^).
Third world hate mongering countries right?

That's a bullshit number

Easily half the profiles I see are dead and incomplete.

The US has ~300 million people. If you take out the boomers, under 18, ~20% actual unemployment rate, and non whites, there is no way they have over a third of the population with unique and active accounts.

There are also tons of spam bot accounts, and I know they're counting these in that figure. Don't forget the countless poojet shills in that figure.
so are facebook numbers, yet people keep paying for advertising and people keep buying stock,
>using the smiley with a carat nose

Who is this thiccness!?
The beast system
>>Microsoft now has all your personal info
They already do with Windows 10.
Look at the link you retard.
they're more like AOL
every mediocre cunt i' ve known is right there, on linkedlin, full useage

its bullshit - for mediocre droids
Holy shit MS is really going down the drain lately.

They killed off nokia, made skype barely functional, that deal with yahoo was a shitty investment now that yahoo is belly up. Win10 is abysmal. Windows phone is dead. Xbox lost the conpetition to playstation.

Now they're going to kill off the cancer that is linkedin which is shitskin central.

MS has been acting like a cancer ever since win8 came out.
They did just buy this for the data didn't they. Linked in is more like Facebook these days than anything else.

Facebook had to buy fucking apps just to stay relevant. It's for your mum and 3rd worlders now. Basically people with no money.
Red Herring argument.
mums and 3rd world countries are both profitable niches in their own right

The state of LinkedIn depends a lot on your country and industry.
Its full of shitskins in the american computer science industry, but not in, for example the medical or legal industry

Your ISP knows who you are, where you live and has your credit number, not to mention what you request through their tubes.

Jewgle and fagbook are the least of your worries online
You're a fucking moron.

Firstly, https protects you from your ISP knowing what is going through your tubes.
As for the payment information, there are extremely strict laws about their storage and use.
However, facebook's business model is literally selling your data to advertisers. The data they collect on you is not protected by data retention laws and is perfectly legal to sell.
While your ISP knows where you live, facebook knows who your friends are, where you spend your time, where you are at every hour of the day, how you get to work, what you look at online, where you spend your money, what type of dog food your feed to the dog type that they know, how many weeks pregnant your wife is, what type of curtains you have and so on.
Google and facebook know your most personal details.

'Nothing to hide'
Yeah, it's fine that Obama has access to all this information (google and facebook will comply with requests for their data).
But what about trump? What happens when he finds out that your grandmother was a mexican?
>Your ISP knows who you are, where you live and has your credit number, not to mention what you request through their tubes.
No, they know only where I live because I wrote it down in the contract.
Facebook and google also track clicks and where your mouse cursor is.
If you take a certain time to click a thing, or hover your mouse over something, facebook knows and puts that in their algorithms to determine how much you like whatever was on the page.
Every tiny fraction of information, timings, positionings, patterns, any bit of information you can imagine and lots you can't because you're retarded facebook collects and churns out and adds to their profile of you, which they then use to market to you, without actually needing to use their services.
Google is using data they collect from you without your permission from their site addons and JS adverts even if you don't use their services. They use this to make money from your personal data and you get nothing in return.
They are stealing from you, even if you don't care about privacy.

Your personal data has value and facebook are taking it without asking.
They care more about the significant parts of your identity

are you white? are you gay? are you christian or are you not?

They want to engineer a perfect little media bubble so you'll never experience the real world, just an echo chamber, and do the same for everyone else. They want you to feel like you are separate from your fellow man, like you are not just an american, but a white/black/female american, and that you have your own culture that dictates your own typical tastes in consumer goods and services. Dicided societies are easier to market to profit off of.

How this idea was made:
>wow people are so complex our marketing department is having a hard time getting absolutely everyone
>what if people were less complex
>what if we reduced them to labels
Guess I'll delete my account then. I refuse to have anything to do with curry$oft
GNU/Linux spastics shjould get free mental health support from the state, this entire thread is autistic/cringworthy as fuck.
underrated post
why would I need LinkedIn? Do you think I'm some career faggot?
around my area everyone has lost respect for linked in since the huge hack.
the recruiters in my company have a few policies regarding social media and other things.
for example we only trust gmail as mail provider in terms of security. if someone has a different email we dont hire him except if its like his own mailserver. we also flat out not hire people with a facebook, twitter or linkedin account.
we hire based on interviews. basically everyone we see suitable even if no degree is available gets an interview.
we then ask questions related to the position and subject them to "fizzbuzz tier" tests to see if they can figure out things. even if one might not be able to solve it on the spot but could explain how he would attempt to solve it he will be considered for the position.
>ms buys Skype from that third world country
>it goes to shit
>ms buys LinkedIn
>courtney + onedrive integration
>third world country
Dumb fat burgerguy
waht the fuck is linkedin even for

employers dont go looking on websites for employees unless its some specialised role ffs

majority of popl that sign up to this stupid AF
>employers dont go looking on websites for employees unless its some specialised role
HR and recruiters do

Job openings are also posted on linkedin

>majority of popl that sign up to this stupid AF
I get an email every other week from a company or from a recruiter that tells me about this or that wants to make me go to an interview
linked in is the industry standard. for many companies.
if you dont have an internet presence or a linked in account you dont exist in their eyes because this is what HR is looking at.
they google your name and linkedin.
if nothing shows up or fake info you get dropped.
linked in is alos a job market.
jobs postings are plentiful there.
>employers dont go looking on websites for employees
They do.
>from that third world country
you mean latonia
sounds like I don't want to work for a bunch of fucking faggots.
>sounds like I don't want to work and stay NEET forever
NEETs win again
Facebook does ask though. You don't have to uses Fabio.
>the point is that the information on linkedin can be correlated to all sorts of other information about you. They just have to figure out "Aha, this LI account, and the real-life identity its tied to, goes with these other accounts!" This really isn't that hard when you have enough data. Their goal is that they can tie everything you do online to your real identity, not just stuff you do on linkedin.
Are you trying to discredit him or just mocking him for posting information everyone here already knows

>Having a LinkedIn Account in the first place

I have my own startup and have never made a linkedin account. I think linkedin is for people who plan on working for others. I've never worked for anyone but myself.
When, in the process of going to a website with a facebook icon on it, does facebook ask?

For example, go to techreport.com
There's a facebook icon.

If you boot up a computer, fresh installed, fresh everything and the first thing you do is go to techreport or any website with a like button on it, facebook is tracking you without asking first.
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Anyone else get emails from linked in saying people are waiting for "your response" when you've never even made a profile there?
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yeah probably some scam
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>linkedin tanking like a fucker
>microsoft decides to buy it for 26 billion
Is MS trying to kill itself?
Who got assmad enough to make these?
Well I guess it's a step up over donation to africa
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That has been clear since some years now.

>windows phone fiasco
>windows store fiasco
>skype fiasco
>winblows 8-10 fiasco
>linkedin fiasco

Pajeets were in charge of ruining the company once and for all but consumers are just too brainwashed into throwing money at everything so for now it will go on.
>>skype fiasco
desu skype for business is a cash cow and Windows 10 is pretty good if you don't worry about the privacy issues.
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Top lel
Heh, luckily I'm a professional, and don't need services like LinkedIn.
wtf is linkedin? facebook for CVs?
>using social networks at all
pretty much.
it's also the playground for recruiters so if you have your profile in there you will be target of recruiting acts, that means "hi, your profile is nice, maybe you will be interested in joining company x. i'm their recruit, if you complete suchandsuch exercise i'll get you in an entry position" this pays out, they just get payed per submission so the more they have the bigger the paycheck
having a public cv in there is alright, but for god sake use a trash/almost-never-visit email address to create the account
the verge

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