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GTX 1070 vs Radeon RX480 thread

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GTX 1070 vs Radeon RX480 thread
Okay, so euh whadda ya wanna talk about?
Well which one will you prefer and why.
Well i quess the 480 since it will be about 300 bucks less and it performs as well as a R9 390. In theory that is.

Also i'm a bit done with Nvidia, i've bought into the 670 a few years back. Should've went AMD instead.
RX480 because i dont want to spend more than 300$ on a graphics card. That said, i currently have a 560Ti which was a great card as well.
im considering getting two 480s. i run 4 monitors. how do you think two would compare to the 1070 and 1080?
If the 480 can overclock well nobody will even care about the 1070.
it can not overlock , it is confirmed by Lisa Su.
I will buy it anyway
fuck nvidia
it will also get better with time[with drivers]
this again
well i've been on a 750Ti for several years, and just upgraded my system to a skylake build. I have yet to upgrade the GPU.

I'll probably upgrade to the 1070 in a few months alongside a new monitor, as my current one is only 1080p.

I don't understand why /g/ loves to fight so much over gpu's. It's literally preference
>Well which one will you prefer
>and why.
I'm jewish, I like my $hekels
wait for benchmarks and actual retail prices
no it is not literally preference
it is also not REALLY preference

you are such retard
I m triggered
480 is good for poorfags, 1070 is good for people with more disposable income and want to maximize their value.

Not really much to discuss.
I am on a GTX 960 but I think i will go for the 480 or 470 depending on my needs.

Mainly need 10 bit hevc encode which the gtx 960 doesnt support.
Lisa didn't even talk about the GPU, but Zen.
>15-20% faster for $250 more

Yeah, value.
Neither is out
Neither is benchmarked
Neither has a retail price

The only thing to compare them on is cosmetics of their stock coolers
Why have 1070 when you can have 2x480 for same price?
then buy 2 480s and now you have more performance than a 1080 and still probably spent less than you'd spend for a 1070. Leave it to nvidia goys to understand "value"
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Lets talk AMD and Polaris before this thread get derailed. AMD seems to have made a card that will use all of the features of newer API's(Vulkan and DX12) How long until devs start adapting. Also AMD is pushing multi GPU setups and the new APIs should support that well...I hope.
>more disposable income and want to maximize their value.
>maximise value
pay 40% more for 10% faster card, lol (if the 1070 will go for $350, which I doubt)
It will if Nvidia plans to sell the card to anyone but hardcore fanboys.
> 480 is for poorfags

Or you know, people who can handle their money in a better way.

Also after i've heard of the >3.5 .
I stopped supporting Nvidia all together.
why do nvidiots keep saying the 1070 will cos $350? it's clearly priced at $380+
Reference GTX 1070 is $450.
Reference RX 480 is $199.
right now you can preorder it for 500 euroes in my country (the 1070).

my fucking government multiplies the price difference between cheap cards and expensive ones.

I dont even consider $350 + gpus (since its 500euros + for me)
Go to the other thread to shit talk
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>~15% faster for almost twice the price
ITT: Battle of the poorfags
Successful people don't become wealthy by wasting money.
>the fuckin' nvidia goyums in this thread
>"nvidia is all about muh performance, pay more for better graphics and moar fps
>NVidia literally twice as expensive
>literally marginal gain
> crossfire 480 and you beat a 1080
>"b-b-but poorfags buy amd, poorfags, pay moar to get moar, nvidia performance...

You are a bunch of disgusting mongoloid faggots. I actually enjoyed my 970 event after the 3,5 meme but it is beyond me why anyone would pay 200$ more for a card that's not substantially better.
You know why rich people are rich??? they dont waste money you fucking idiot.

even if you are rich now, its just a matter of time before you become a poorfag with such a mental attitude.
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Makes me sorta regret going with a mini-ITX build.
Since Pasclel can't overclock for shit, if GCN4.0 can AMD has this in the bag.
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where is the crossfire connector on this card??
480, because of things like GPUOpen and their open-source Linux driver
Removed because crossfire is shit admitted by Lisu Su and Pajeet himself
Are they even competitors?
The 380 was matched with the 960, so why compare a better, more expensive card to a cheaper one?
and how did they beat the gtx 1080 with 2 crossfire rx480
cucked by nshitia
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Nvidia users are scared so they are rebelling with hate. I studied this in a online class.
They dont need a physical interface on the card itself anymore, its done through the pci-e port
Seconding this.
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>tfw I was hunting for something to upgrade a bit my 750ti paired up with fx6300
>got guy who was selling month old EVGA 960 4GB for 30 bucks less than new one
>thought he was a chump, bought it
>tfw the chump was me
>I should have waited

i-it doesn't have DVI ports anyway...
They lied and you fools gobbled it up
well, you have 1 month to prove they lied to prevent me from buying it.

oh, makes sense. thx bro
Should I sell my 390 and buy a 480?
Only if it overclocks really well, at stock it's around 10-15% faster.
Unless you care about power consumption like some fag.
you have no one to blame but yourself. everyone knew new cards were right behind the corner
If you can manage to sell the 390 for $200, then by all means
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>i-it doesn't have DVI ports anyway...
they'll probably ship this with the card (pic related)
A generation of AMD fanboys are going to buy in to the crossfire hype train.

>2 480s will out perform a 1080! LMAYYO SUCH VALUE! Can't wait for those crossfire driver updates!

I feel so sorry for them.

>In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin.
>Successful people don't become wealthy by wasting money
>You know why rich people are rich??? they dont waste money you fucking idiot.
It's not wasted if you want the best performance and you make enough. The GTX1080 gives me that. Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean it's shit, it means you're poor and need to make more
How stable is CF nowadays? Are there still shitloads of issues with uneven frametiming / microstutters / whatever?
Not for $200.
It has HDMI though which converts to DVI much more handily.
kys shitposter
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ennn...don't feel bad. Vega is on the way.
well, my main display has dp.. I'm concerned about my secondary display (which is shit, only vga suport)

i'll probably have to buy a new secondary monitor or a hdmi to vga connector
This. Unless DX12/Vulken has as good duel gpu support that they've been clamoring, never again.
the card has hdmi
you can use any ordinary hdmi to dvi cable

also this is just the reference design
But I have a 7870 that is getting REAL hot and REAL loud and I just want to move on already
>buying AMD or Nvidia reference

Why are we even talking about this? Wait another month for factory OCd models with more performance, way less temperatures and noise and then compare.
Get a new monitor. HDMI has no analogue outputs, you'd need to be getting an active convertor.
Didn't mean to quote anyone.
Ignore that.
I'm really having a hard time deciding if I should spend $1000 on my new rig with the AMD card and buying a Vive or just go insane and build a $2000 i7 rig with the meme 1080 and skipping the VR for now. Fucking choices.
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>spending 800$ makes you rich
I guess you just need $200, from a 7890 it's going to be a huge difference.
1k rig + VR will be at least much more fun. if you dont like the vive or get bored by VR in general, sell it in six months and buy Vega/big Pascal.
I was able to try a Rift for one day and even the shittiest demos were fun to play
Are AMD cards not shit on Linux? Probably the only thing stopping me from getting one over Nvidia because I'm uneducated.
>being jealous
Indeed, 800$ is nothing
to his defence, it makes him rich in his own mind for a short period of time, before the buyers remorse kicks in

AMD cards are your best bet for Linux. Though, you will take a hit in performance on Linux compared to Windows.
Pretty much this, but the driver is becoming better every single day
Reading this isn't really making me any more confident in investing on AMD, I'm trying to move away from Windows and the only reason I haven't completely transitioned is because there's this one game I really like to play multiplayer kinda runs like ass through Wine.
If AMD hadn't fucked up at computex so hard I might have actually considered switching to a 480 from a 1070.
Why didn't they just show single gpu performance and use a game besides AOTS? Yes, AMD cards get impressive performance in this game but it's an outlier and is definitely a cherry picked result.
I'll still wait for actual benchmarks but with the 1070 being only like $130 more and delivering pretty much Titan X level performance I'm not so sure about the 480.
Amd not letting people verify gamebsettings when they show off new gpus is putting me off though. Massive red flag
See image on
Split Screen rendering, 1st GPU works on one side of the screen and the 2nd works on the other. It eliminated frame by frame rendering which gives you all the previous problems DX12 and maybe Vulkan, no support in DX11
The 1070 performs like the titanX according to nvidia's cherry picked results.

Wait for third party benchmarks before forming an opinion, because both AMD and nvidia cherrypick and squeeze the everloving shit out of their 'example benchmarks'.
They're squeezed so hard that they're useless.
That's what I might do then. I've been so excited for VR but was hesitant until they announced the 480. I can build a good i5 PC with that GPU for under $1000 that should last me for 5 years or so and by then 4K capable GPUs will be much cheaper. What demos did you play? I feel like EVE could become an addiction.
in 2 years, aka newer cards will do it better
only the reference version or all versions ?
>Wait for the third party benchmarks
I did. The NDA lifted a few days ago and a shit ton of benchmarks came out for the 1070.
It actually does perform very close to the titan X and 980ti.
Are you fucking stupid or what? Reviews have been out since Sunday
If 480 already better then 1070 how good will be 480X

Are they even doing that?
Nvidia does the same shit.

Ignore everything that comes from the companies themselves, it's all lies.
Price / performance the RX480 win
Power consumption the RX480 win
heating is still unknown

But I'll just wait that AMD release their GPU that will be ~400 - 600€
the 480 is not anywhere as good as the 1070. If anything it's going to try and compete with the 1060.
2 minutes in. Runs alright.
The native resolution of the monitor is 1080p, but it uses VSR to reach 1440p.
Suppose this is the best we got
He doesn't know Nvidia worked with the developers of AotS after AMD
The inflated electricity bill would make up for that difference.

Sod Nvidia, though. Friend of mine is looking at getting a new GPU and can't even consider AMD, because he's effectively locked in by his Gsync monitor.
Thats not the point. Its $199 and it's out soon. and you can buy 2 of them for nearly less than a single 1070.
It really just depends what you want from the card.
I'm fortunate enough to be in a position that I am able to spend a bit more money, so I'm not entirely concerned with price/performance.
The 1070 may not win against the 480 in terms of price/performance, but in terms of raw single gpu performance it's definitely going to outperform the 480.
Also, the 1070 is out sooner. Not sure what you're point in saying that was.
Proprietary driver: Nvidia
Free driver: AMD

I don't want to deal with proprietary drivers, so I prefer AMD on Linux. My old HD6850 has kept up with my needs, but I'm hardly a heavy gamer. Don't think I've run anything more demanding than Dota 2.
Imagine when it stutters on DX12
The 2 halves o fthe screen doing completely different things
Well, then I think the simply boxy design of the 480 is better than the stealth fighter look of the 1070.
If money isn't a concern and you want the most powerful single GPU you might as well go balls deep with a 1080.
>Proprietary driver: Nvidia
Only performance-wise, at least if you would believe some Phoronix posters. Apparently under regular desktop usage, even Nouveau beats it.

I don't see why anyone would pick Nvidia unless they were a heavy gamer, and if that was the case, I don't see why they'd be using Linux in the first place, making their proprietary driver pretty redundant.

AMD cards really aren't shit on Linux, unless you really want to play the latest games on said platform
>I'm retarded: The post
There are tons of benchmarks for both the 1070 and 1080.
Path of Exile
For the throttling housefire refer- whoops, 'founders' cards.

Nobody sane buys that.
All that means is that the custom cards are going to perform even better than the reference benchmarks.
Either way we have a pretty good idea of how these cards will perform.
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31 August 2015
Oxide Games Claims Nvidia GPUs Do Not Support DirectX 12 Asynchronous Compute

5 September 2015
NVIDIA Will Fully Implement Async Compute Via Driver Support

Nvidia worked with Oxide to get the game running at best as they can with driver/software based aSync

The reason the game is doing so well on AMD is because AMD's chips fully support DX12 and Vulkan features. So to say Oxide is on AMDs side is incorrect. They are just using DX12 to its full potential that AMDs hardware is compatible with...you know what this sounds like? It sounds like when a developer used gameWorks and fucks up a AMD card it's just that Nvidia is now on the other side of the table.
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I bet you also own a MacBook.
do you guys think it would be worth upgrading from my 280x to a 480?
Yeah I imagine this would be much more annoying than the old stutter. Like the two halves not lining up perfectly because the timing is slightly off.
None. Got a R9 390 thats gonna do fine till summer 2018 or so...
These two companies have a history of fucking eachother up, but I'll take AMD's side in this case for actually progressing the market, if its not all memes.
R 480 = 980 performance
1070 = Titan X performance
Depends on how much performance you need.
Out of question, RX480.

I plan to buy new PC around late July. At first I wanted GTX 960, but new cards got announced so I waited.

Nvidia started with their 1070 for whooping 390$ starting price. This week, AMD proposed RX480 - card that, according to prototype tests, would have either performance between current GTX 970 and 980 (closer to 980) or better than 980 - for starting price 200-250$.

Weaker variant for 200$ is fine for me, since I always buy something similar to Nvidia 60s line. But since, according to firsts tests, 1070 will have 30% better performance than 980, buying 1070 would mean, opposed to Rx480, paying either 50% or even up to 80% higher price, for 30% better performance.

I know that Nvidia said something about presenting 1060 earlier than expected and I still have like two months left. But for now, I really set up my mind on RX480 combined with i7-6700K (no, I wont wait for Zen).

Feel free to convince me into different choice. But mind that I refuse to pay 350-400$ for GPU alone.
>480 = 980 performance
We don't even know this yet. I think it's in between a 970 and 980 but until we have single gpu benchmarks from third parties we can't be sure.
Well I'm no expert but I'm sure it's not 980 levels. Probably 390 levels.
I hope they can OC it. 2304 shaders @1.3-1.4 GHz would be a great card for 250 € @150W. This really makes me hope AMD would deliver something viable in the future.
Why do you fags keep spouting this shit. 2 of them can outperform a 1080. It's going to be grossly more powerful than you think.

Not him but thats the only info I got.

Somebody have anything else?
The 1070 doesn't cost over 500 dollars ya dingus. It's like a 150 dollar difference.
2 970's can also probably outperform a 1080 at certain tasks.
Multi gpu benchmarks in a cherrypicked game hardly give us any information at all.
We already knew that cards like the 290X were outperforming the titan X in AOTS but not in any other games, so these benchmarks are hardly indicative of real world performance.
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>see 1070 is only $380USD
>that's like $530 australian, cheaper than the 970 when it launched
>get excited
>first local price revealed
>below 50% xfire scaling

Either drivers aren't all there yet or that bench is nonsense.
I'm going with the nonsense.
isnt it cheaper to get a guy in the states buy 5 cards for you and ship it to you ?
and then sell the 3 remaining cards at slightly better prices then the local prices ?
>RX480 launches
>AMD lowers price by another $20

This will happen.
They're fairly indicative of performance in AOTS, and possibly other DX12 games (if there were any)
that's a lot of bother, I'd rather buy x1 card from an online store and just pay the high shipping.
death by australia tax
just buy it overseas and get it shipped in
Yes they're very indicative of performance in AOTS but as I've said even in other DX12 games there is a much smaller difference in performance between nvidia and amd cards.
Everyone knows that amd cards perform stupid well in AOTS and that's why they used it as the benchmark. It would be like Nvidia using fallout 4 to compare their cards to AMD cards knowing full well their cards perform much better than AMD cards.
reference 1070 is $586 here

praise the EU
>tax evasion
>get raped in prison
>The Way It's Meant To Be Played
Because it's not the same price?
>Raja comes to the club
>starts throwing around free 480's

someone give this little street pooper a lifevest before he drowns in pussy
The thing that makes AMD cards perform "stupid well" in AOTS is lacking in the 480, do you know what those thing are?
I had a job when I got my gtx 670, now I have less money so I'll have to settle on the 480.

I'm not too fussed over which brand to buy, but this time AMD is best within my budget. Last time Nvidia was
So... They user the same thing Voodoo 2 had, only this time it's vertical instead of horizontal.

In the end it all depends on what card you buy.
Buy AMD, raped in prison, your ass is now red.
Buy Nvidia, raped in prison, your ass is now green.

This is like 3$ on aliexpress
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RX480 vs 980ti
I'll be upgrading to a 480 from an HD6970 so I can at least keep up again. Seems like a good choice considering I'll want to upgrade when big Vega comes out.

P-please respond ;_;

Like I said, I plan to buy new PC around late July.

Right now, I have GTX 660. If this RX480 will indeed cost 200$ and will give me performance similar to what Nvidia would offer in 60s line (probably better than 970 or between 970 and 980), then they have my money.

If it will be better, then Im okay with this.

I just dont want it to be worse.
What the hell do you want us to respond to?
You just said you were picking between the 480 and 1070 but you refuse to pay more than $350 so that removes the 1070.
Just wait for Nvidia's answer to the 480 since that should also be out before you build your pc and decide then. It's too early to be deciding on builds.
Seems like a good choice. I doubt that the 1060 will have a significantly better performance/price ratio than the 480. And the 480 seems like it will last a pretty decent while, as a budget card of course.
Either the 1060 will cost more, or it will perform worse.
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>mfw waiting for vega

Yeah, you are right. Sorry for that, emotions gets over me whenever I plan to buy something new.

Not to mention that overall spending money on something is not plesant experience for me, any bigger sum really makes me feel bad for spending money instead of hoarding it...

What games you play should tell you what card to get. If you play GameWorks Games get Nvidia. I play BF4 and that runs good on AMD. Also think about how long will you have your card and will you be playing the new DX12 games. Google DX12 game list. AMD is having better price to performance in DX12. Now but which ever card you like.
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*Now but which ever card you like.

Fucking made the error twice wtff
aye, you should keep that mattress filled.
winter is coming and a 1070 won't keep you warm.....or will it?
Lol damn you just made me feel bad I didn't really mean to call you out that hard.
But yeah, the 480 is probably going to compete with the 1060 which will probably be in the same price range. Wait for third party benchmarks before deciding on a purchase.
The only purchases I would recommend this summer would be if you absolutely have your heart set on a 1070 or 1080 since the AMD competitors to these cards won't be out until October/November.
>Only 2xAA on Angry Birds
>Tesselation obviously not enabled, otherwise Nvidia would win
>Clearly running in DX12, even though it brings no benefits
Biased graph.

I kinda play anything, except for "AAA" titles like CoD, Assasins Creed and other with lack of optimization and slogans like "get GTX1080 for TRUE gaming experience".

It would be a shame, tho, to launch something like Dark Souls 3 or TES VI in the future and being unable to play.

How many games actually make real use of this GameWorks?

>The Way You're Meant To Be Played
Who gives a fuck? More interested in 490x and whatever replaces my Fury X in 2017 to help me decide whether I want cf Fury X or single Vega
Can't happen. Learn2Render.
Also remember Voodoo 2? Same shit.
>Dark Souls

Why even play the game you're just going to die.

I always aim for "mid-range" cards anyway, never buying 70s or 80s lines, due to thier high prices and too low performance gains compared to 60s.

>Lol damn you just made me feel bad I didn't really mean to call you out that hard.

Its okay, dont feel sad ;_;
git gud
Just roll around.
LOL, that's like the graph Nvidia did!
It actually renders more than half the screen because objects on the screen will and may cross over to the other side...like a building or something. I'm not going to get in the tech details but yea no stutter and half screen stutter cant happen because the screen renders more than half.
I wanted to get a 960 but got a R9 380 instead, sold now, but the 380 beat the 960 fair and was 40€ cheaper when I got it.
1070 aint worth it at price of $400, should be around $350 with the aftermarket coolers

RX480 is the perfect card for poorfags that was amazed / bought 750Ti yet at the performance of GTX 980 for fucking $200, if the upcoming benchmark can prove this card can live up to the hype. This card can be crowned king of 1080p in terms of value.

I'll be supporting AMD because fucking Nvidia's prices has been out of control, keeps getting higher and higher over the past few releases and Im having driver problems since December 2015 and still no fixes even if I clean them from safemode.
That's not why it can't shutter, it can't shutter because both the GPU's get fed the same data, working as one, one is just rendering half, the game engine does not even see two different GPU's only the API does.

You can't have just bites slowing down randomly because the bite had to take a piss.
If it shutters it shutters everywhere if it does not it does not.
I'd say if it works like that then the name "split frame rendering" is a bit off. Considering it doesn't actually split the frame and renders them separately. It seems like it just renders the whole frame with 2 GPUs, just choosing what to calculate on what GPU by splitting the frame, which is pretty arbitrary.
Not him though, and obviously not that knowledgeable about DX12 and shit.
One GPU per screen side, the GPU just stops rendering shit passing over the middle, it's pure maths. They work as one, but don't render the whole scene.
i've always had a tradition of switching brands with every new purchase, but nvidia's prices are just insane now with the 1070 even more expensive than a fucking console. i think i'll upgrade my 7850 to a RX 480
Even if they lower the 1070 to $300 aftermarket, it will only meet the the price/performance parity. At $450 FE and $380 MSRP, the 1070 is really a bad price/performance card.
If this thing can overclock for another 15-20% increase the damn things won't even be visible on the shelves.

Nice underage, the only GPUs AMD made that can't overclock much are Fury and Hawaii, everything below that could OC like mad, even Hawaii can push over 10% with good silicon.

Even further low to gets it's real worth when compared to its competition, just sad for nvidia how competent amd has been for its video cards unlike their cpu from what I've heard when placed against intel.

Guess since Im really in need of a card right now I'll go with the rx480 upon release day, It will probably live for a year or two or three enough time for hbm2 to be affordable and might go with nvidia again or if rx480 can keep me happy, maybe i'll try amd again.
I don't understand why people are comparing the 1070 and the 480. They don't seem to be going for the same market at all. If you were considering getting a 1070 then why not wait for AMD's ~$400 range card and compare that to the 1070? I've even seen some people say (although I think it's just bait) that they were considering a 1080 but now want a 480. It doesn't really make sense.

As for me, I currently have a gtx 560ti from 2012 and I want to see which cards will be competitive at 1440p. Waiting for a ton more benchmarks that are relevant to my needs and represent real world usage.
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Let me know when AMDGPU-PRO allows AMD's cards to use their full potential.

This is stupid. SLI scaling is game dependent. Some games will not scale at all. No nvidia shill here but stop with the SLI bullshit.
>low end GPU

Why do people do this retarded shit still?

Well obviously these people have never dealt with the horrors of a multi-gpu setup let alone a budget/midrange CF/SLI setup.

Hope they enjoy going single GPU while that 2nd card goes to waste when they run into issues that may or may not be fixed.
My 380 goes up to 1150 core 1650 mem, that's over 10% the stock!
I have no idea why anyone ever bought Tonga, it's practically a smaller Hawaii but more expensive and with less hardware.
>never buying 70s or 80s lines, due to their high prices and too low performance gains compared to 60s.

Idiotic statement considering you're getting a fucking i7, you moron.
RX 480 is far from low end GPU.
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you're going on like we're still on DX11 and without vulkan or mantle or any other better API, all new api's are built around multi gpu, lern2compute nig.
They're not going for the same market, but the 480 is well within the reach of 1070 if there's enough OC headroom. Not only that, both can do 1080p quite well. The difference will come with 1440p.

Also 1070 is the lowest offering nvidia card on the market (paper launch right now) and 480 is the AMD's only card announced and soon to be released this month.

It would be weird to compare 480 to 1080, but a 1070 and 480 could be lightly compared since they are within 1 tier of each other but the price difference is huge.
The performance gain from i5 -> i7 is far less than the performance gain from a 480 -> 490 / 1060 -> 1070. That money is far better spent on GPU.
Well, it is CGN 1.2, OpenGL/Vulkan/DirectX 12 games benefit from it greatly.
Also the card was 180€, brand new. That's that Hawaii based cards go used right now.

Also, are you mixing something up? Hawaii cards are 290/390, they are way more expensive then 180€.
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Theres hardly even a tier more like 0.5, dohoho
Stop with these delusions.
>That's that Hawaii based cards go used right now.
Wanted to say: That's not even what*
Sorry, I slipped.
Meant Tahiti in all those instead of Hawaii.
i agree that faggot could get an i5 6600k and there wouldnt be any problem, lets hope he's not just gaming on that i7
And as I said, GCN 1.2 and 4GB cards, not just 3GB, at 180€ that's not bad for a brand new card (that was like 6 months ago when I got it).
I don't see them being comparable at all from what we've seen so far.
They are both new gpus.

This should remove your "at all"

You can compare any and all GPU, unless you're retarded fanboy.
Learn English, my dude. Context matters and words have more than one meaning.
>all new api's are built around multi gpu
Vulkan and Dx12 are both shifting the majority of the responsibility of SLI/Crossfire to the devs. Devs already don't optimize for SLI/Crossfire, now it's likely they'll have to do even more work, which obviously they won't. SLI/Crossfire is dead. Like, for real dead, not just impractical as it was before.
Tgis might be a stupid question but does a radeon rx480 now out perform the gtx 970
it will, yes.
It arguably may even outperform the 980.

As always, don't believe anything until we get real benchmarks though.
nobody can tell you since there are no official tests yet.

there are some tests floating around where it outcompetes the 980, but who knows for sure, might as well be marketing and lies
Thats the lowest performance prediction right now. The highest is near Fury. The middle ground is 390X/980.
Citation needed. From the outside judging by the card element it should OC well.
Isn't vulkan pretty much the best reason to buy amd
Will the time finally come when I replace my 7850
>have 970
>motherboard supports crossfire
Should I amd shills?
Customs will have dvi 100%. The necessary things are on the card.
480 has around 9B transistors, at least it will be near Fury X in performance.
Forgot to mention I play in 1440p
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>RX480 comes out in nearly a month
I can't take it any longer, I'm tired of my 2gb gtx 770 bullying me
Holy shit I might actually go crossfire like all the rich kids this time
AMD might have thrown more transistors at power management compared to last gen, but yeah, transistor count for GPUs is a pretty good indication of performance for a single vendor.
When 480/X are coming out for public?
its pretty sad that amd needs 100 watts more to compete with nvidia.
1070 is available june 10th... what's the usual wait for aftermarket cards? People are throwing around date like July/August... they're being shown at computex so it can't be that far apart, right?
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GTX 1070-1080
>better power efficiency
>objectively faster than AMD in all cases except when memes like Async are involved
>more reliable product

RX 480
>cheap bargain bin card
>kawaii as fuck anime mascot
I'm tired of my igpu!
yeah but when won't SLI setups need more power?
it will be interesting to see if the 490/x can compete.
>kawaii as fuck anime mascot
I am sold.
>1070 is available june 10th...
Yeah, maybe 2 months after once there's actual stock.
Well what if I order fast?
>that stock drop
Paint yourself red and you'll order 3 times fast.
it's amazing how tantrum'ish people get when they don't like a thread. makes you wonder if they stomp around and scream in real life when someone talks about something they don't like...
It's really simple.

1440p = GTX 1070
1080p = RX 480

If you go 1070 on a 1080p monitor, enjoy throwing money down the drain on another NVidia card that isn't likely to age well. If you go 1440p on the RX 480, enjoy your non-demanding games, or lower the settings on the demanding ones because it's not going to max things out like a 1070 will.
I use a 43" 4k tv as a monitor... Do I have to go 1080? Surely the 480 can do a little 4k.
You can get 2 480 for almost the price of a 1070 though
1080 is the only single card that can do 4k. And that's just barely
>dealing with 2 cards at all
>possibly having to buy a new mobo for it
>having to buy 2 cards to keep up with a competitor's midrange
Does noone see how retarded this is
Not even a 2020MHz 1080 can't do Witcher at 4k at stable 60FPS
What's wrong with buying two cards if it offers better price/performance?
>not already having a mobo capable of SLI/CF
If there's two things you shouldn't cheap out on is the mobo and the power supply
You can always turn settings down like I said. Not everyone needs MSAA x8, godrays, and tessellation out the ass.

So? Frame time variance is a thing. Multi-GPU setups are not something I'd jump to. Sure they have higher average FPS, but the microstutters make for a worse experience.
the only thing lisa said is that they are about to unveil gpus from 100 to 300
480 is the middle one on 199....

this shit is just 2008 all over again
amd released 4870 at 300 literally 300 bucks less than gtx 280 had 3% less perf and had 10% less power draw..nvidia decided to stop producing the gtx 260 and cut quite a lot of money on 280 in the end for 2Q nvidia had quite a loss because of it..

if and im going to stretch the if (cause they are all too much silent on the matter of dx11) this card proves that it can match or beat a 980 on dx11 it has literally killed every single card from 1080 and below even second hand ones..
Nice meme, multi GPU setups have been having less and less issues for years
His point is that we don't have head to head benchmarks, and the 480's performance hasn't been shown outside of AMD's shady marketing video.

>AMD dropping 480 to $160 in a month or two
>shady marketing video
How so? Ashes of Singularity benchmark is real and verified. If anything is "shady", its the 1080's rendering of Ashes of Singularity. The 1080 doesn't render the all the snow shaders properly. If they did, then their fps average would drop few percentage.
Dual gpu set ups are shit, even under dx12. A ton of games don't even have proper sli/crossfire setup.
I'd have to make a script to check websites for stock constantly or I'd never get to buy it.
>poorfags who can't afford 4k panels justifying why they don't game on 4k yet

It will max out less demanding games, but expect medium settings in more demanding AAA games.
Better to buy a $200 card now and wait for the really powerful 4k cards in early 2017 than to buy an overpriced 1080.
I can simply use DSR/VSR and render it at 4k, it won't look 100% like native but it will be close enough.
Benefit is that I also get high refresh rates.
refresh rates > resolution btw
Bro you need to go 2x 1080 unless you want to serious turn down the graphics.
>I play Minecraft in 4k
It's real but doesn't show the settings it's running at. In this comparison screen grab it looks like the two are on completely different settings. For reference 480 is left and 1080 is right.
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>Downsampling to 25% of the pixels
>Anything like real 4k

Not everyone lives in Burger Land, anon.
They've been fine for years. Most games that don't support it don't require the power anyway
Nice try, but AMD already confirmed the exact settings and results.
Right looks different because there is less snow.
The reason for being less snow is Nvidia using driver hacks to get more fps by not rendering the scene properly. Nvidia is cheating. AMD is running the benchmark correctly.
you cant really compare the way cf works on dx11 with multi gpu rendering on dx12....

while the basics are the same the execution is quite different...thats why its hardware agnostic now
Oh yeah? Do you have a source/
>chooses to buy to card which fits their wants and needs better.
>I do so because I prefer to not waste money.

Literally preference.
when you're talking on a global website where the companies decide on a USD price and the rest of the world takes it from there and modifies it based on taxes and other shit the only price that matters is the USD price. it's irrelevant what happens to the cost of a card once it hits the shelves in brazil or south africa, and is not controlled by the companies who make them.
Anyone can spin this however they want, there's no doubt the 1080 is more powerful, it's a bigger chip for a reason, but the 480 should be very close or on par with a Fury X.

Trying to dissect what's on screen is pointless, especially when one relevant party throws in a few variables in there.

you can find the benchmarks on the Ashes of Singularity website, too.

I can't find the other benchmark link, but here's a 1440p version from 480. The 1080 was doing bit less.
not even close
while we know that since before beta 2 nvidia is actually "cheating" by not rendering dynamic lightning and some of the shadows this is not the case here

it has to do with the fact that the game is procedural generated so every time you run it you get different visuals but the results stay the same..
You're arguing with Eurocucks who are now no longer legally allowed to shittalk Muslim's or any other minority on social media. They're an idiotic bunch.
This isn't true at all, unless you like waiting months after release to play graphically demanding games. Rise of the Tomb Raider didn't add support until well after release. Playing Doom right now, had to disable SLI since the stutters were so bad. Also ALI/Crossfire support is basically nonexistant on Linux, so if you want to play the few AAA games Linux has you're probably fucked. Anyone buying budget SLI/Crossfire cards is retarded, including me.
this benchmark has mechanisms to prevent "driver hacking" and show the true potential of gpus. In other words the details are the same, but the scene is rehashed to avoid that "hacking" the benchmark.
AOTS is probably the most sophisticated game benchmark yet.

That's not a reliable source do you have a real one?

>Head of Global Technical Marketing at AMD
>Not a reliable source
>gayming on linux
tip top kek
Somehow AMD sources say nvidia drivers are actually not doing proper rendering of snow shaders. This is where you see less snows on nvidia renders, and thus a proper implementation would lower the nvidia score/fps by few percentage.
lol, thats like double the performance
>head of marketing

Yeah marketers never lie anon.
I currently have a 970, and running modern games at 3440x1440 nets like 35-45 fps for most games (Division, Doom, etc)

Am I going to need to get a 1080 to run all of this shit smoothly?
Thank you anon.
you could just turn down the settings a bit instead of spending $700 for a marginal improvement in image quality.
Litterally one fps.
$200 vs $525-$750
No, 1070 is double the performance of a 970 (= Titan X). OC it properly and don't buy Palit/Gainshit.
>1070 is double the performance of a 970
real game benchmarks when?
If this is even close to real then 480 is a no brainier but I am skeptical.
970 = 1664 Shader
Titan X = 3072 Shader
Both OC around 1400 MHz or higher with more voltage
1070 is Maxwell with 1920 Shader, but at almost 2 GHz
and real 256 bit + 8gb
It isn't double the performance you fucking tripshit ape, as if fucking shaders alone did anything, where are your ROPs?
Kill yourself.
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is that what Nvidiots actually believe?
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Now fuck off and die.
generally nvidia drivers are hacking/ignoring clusterfuck. They ignore the Vulkan specs for the sake of "muh performance". See here:

>This wouldn't have been as big a problem if Nvidia wrote a driver that didn't ignore some parts of the Vulkan spec. AMD cards turned out to be very strict about image memory barriers while the Nvidia driver apparently ignores them almost entirely.

I am curious if Khronos will let her get away with that.
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From 23 to 35 fps
maybe nvidia put an extra 0 somewhere in the marketing brochures.. as in

the new 1070 has a performance improvement of 20(0)% in comparison to the 970
Turn down the settings? What kind of fucking blasphemy is this?

Even on low settings, the 4GB (3.5) doesn't seem to keep up with 1440p.

Now fuck off, poorfag.
Also note that Maxwell overclocks better than Pascal, so the gap isn't even 50% anymore.
>double the performance
uh, what?
VR is my favourite game too
So I guess 1080 is the only option for UWQHD :(
>Nvidia chart shows 80%+ performance improvement
>reviews show barely 50% >>54873753

At least their scale didn't start from 1.5
at least the graph starts at 0 this time (would expected from them to start at 0,5)
>/g/ is actually shilling for budget Crossfire/SLI builds now
How this board has fallen.
That's why it says "relative" performance
Relative encompasses pretty much everything you can't easily account for, fucking Lawyers.
yeah its fucking disgusting.. the graph shows over 70% improvement under withcher 3.. when in reality its 54%

too bad nvidiots cant into math
>double the performance no it isn't you dumb fuck
Its only around 30-40% faster

>Fallout 35% difference
>GTAV 40%
>ShadowMorder: 75%
>FarcryPrimal 60%
>BF4 47%
>Witcher3 50%
>Hitman 60%
>Division 55%

~52% increase average

OC average comparison ~50% increase
Why would you think they'd make it so dumb as to present the sides at different time?
Yep, for a card that noone has actually used yet.
You must work for nVidia PR department.
Just so people aren't confused. 30-40% comes from comparing a currently tuned 970 card to a stock 1070.

I'd assume most 970 owners here overclock a little. So between OC 970 and 1070, thats where the number would range at.
Just let them be happy that AMD finally managed to deliver something that isn't utter shite.

They'll devolve into raging monkeys once Nvidia reveals their 1060 and snatches the performance / price crown right out from AMD.

Because I use my PC for more than just games and for the simple fact that changing GPU is just about buying new one and placing it in slot of the old. Changing CPU is often about changing whole motherboard.

I always buy stronger CPU than needed, so it will last for much longer. I bought i5-750 like 5-6 years ago (cant recall) and it served me well since then. In the meantime, I changed my GTX 460 to GTX 660 and had no problem with games.

Buying "just barely" fitting CPU is stupid, because when you reach the point it wont be enough, you will have to replace basically much of your PC instead of just buying better GPU.



Like I said, my current i5-750 lasted for very long time. I want good i7 that will last for another 4-5 years.

When I was buying that i5, a lot of people were kinda the same - "lol why buying this, get some budget CPU and better GPU!, vidya gayme works fine on budget CPU".
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Also, about that >>54872708
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>better power efficiency

At this point it is totally irrelevant. All of these cards are sub 150 watt.

>objectively faster than AMD in all cases except when memes like Async are involved

I would expect a card that cost 150$ more to perform better. It would be pathetic if it didnt.

>more reliable product


I got an r9 290, after my gtx 560ti was completely fucked by new nvidia drivers and started crashing. I will never buy another nvidia again, they just don't give a fuck about backwards compatibility with their new drivers. Maybe I will sell it or something and get an rx480 if it only costs 200.
You don't need the connector for pci-e 3.0
It does perform better in everything else.

Isn't this the complaint AMD users always used against Nvidia before? That Nvidia only wins benchmarks because it gimps AMD?
It's 200 bucks for a card stronger than a 390 or 970
You are comparing a $200 card with a $379 card. It would be pathetic if the 1070 wasn't faster than the RX480.
Not lies, but definitely twisted to make their chip better.

like AMD showcasing AotS, itsnot a lie, just misleading, because not all games will be able to perform in DX12 with MA.

Like seriously, the 480 is almost half the cost of a 1070, if it can do what AMD is touting it will be a monster achievement for AMD, it wont break Nvidia but give AMD some much needed cred in the market.
>with a $449 card
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The fact they are running this hot is kind of bad though isnt it? I mean that limits the OC potential by a lot, not that the 1080 really needs it atm.

Just seems Nvidia rushed these chips is all.
Waiting for HBM2 to upgrade my GPU tbqh lads.
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It's not good.
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Kind of same, percentage even worse at 4k.
I've bought nvidia for my last 3 computers, but I'm now an #AMDmissile and will be buying a 480. That kind of performance for that kind of price is perfect for pretty much anyone that still runs 1080p.

Plus even if the 1070 is slightly better I'll feel a lot better about supporting AMD for once, and helping to keep them in the game.
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Not sure what you're trying to show here.
>because not all games will be able to perform
I don't think it will over clock at all, only 1 6pin if I remember correctly
hm, would my MB be good for crossfire?? what does the x16 and x4 mean?
custom will be x2 6-pin at least
we don't know how fast it can go per clock, it may be as pointless as 1080 to OC
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There will be non reference 8 pin and 2x 6 pin cards.
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1070 will be expensive as fuark in Europe. About the same price as the 980. 1060 or 1060 Ti will be the true successor of the 970.
Holy fuck, not even the 1080 can handle the shit.
O I C, that makes sense
You do realize that DX12 related to the 480, which is not showcased in those benchmarks at all.

Stop being so insecure about Nvidia.

Is my approach really wrong?

I always thought that in case of hard to replace parts like CPU and mobo, it is better to buy ahead rather that what fits now.

Haven't read the thread, the usual bullshit is spread here I guess.

GTX 1070 is a highend card.

RX480 is a middle ranged card.

No competition, anyone claiming something else, has an IQ well below 100.

And Crossfire is unoptimized shit, frametimes will be even worse than a single card.
Well I mean they will be competition for value.

480, if as good as advertised, will offer incredible value.

1070 is more leaning towards enthusiast, but I dropped 290 on a 970 so spending 100 more isnt insane.
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You're literally retarded, the benchmark is at maximum settings with MLAA, just turn them down a bit and you can easily do 4k at 60fps+

I hate seeing that retard /v/ logic in every post regarding this, just because it can't handle muh ULTRA MAX DETAIL X800 AA at that resolution it doesn't mean it can't do 4k, the 1080 is perfectly capable of it. I don't even have an nvidia card, just defending logic.
Just got my 480, and i have to say i'm happy i used my 1080 founders edition to throw after those cats in the alley. Since i joined the red team i've saved over $200 in electricity alone, and that's not counting the game voucher i got with the card.

I'm never going back!
>just turn down the settings
Do you not understand how fucking dumb saying this is?
You can't even tell the difference between high and ultra in most games, also to mention that the 1080 will be even more capable as it will be overclocked by the 3rd party factories as well, while the users can overclock it even further
> RX 480 for $200 (4GB) to $230 (8GB)
> GTX 1070 for $380 (fake pricing) to $450 (reference and probably a lot of 3rd party)

These cards aren't even roughly comparable in terms of price, and nobody has a real head-to-head set of benchmarks yet.

I'm upgrading from a GTX 670 ($400 2 GB Kepler from '12) to the 8 GB RX480.
Anybody who buys a $300+ card from Nvidia more than once has exactly what's coming to them.
I hope your moment in the sun was worth it, 970 owners, you will know my pain soon enough.
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>no dvi output
There will be with the 3rd party releases, why do you want dvi anyway? get with the times gramps
Adapter is 2-3 Bucks.

I bet an adapter comes with it
Back in the days AMD always added a DVI->VGA adapter. They'll probably do the same now.
Is that why during both RX 480 wasn't utilized fully in the AotS benchmark during the convention, because each of them only had to render their part of the frame share?
My evga gtx960 came with a HDMI to DVI even though it has 1 DVI, 1 HDMI, and 3 DisplayPort
You don't really need AA at 4k. You barely need any at 1440p.
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The actual card isn't that long. Non-blower AiB custom coolers will be much shorter.
I dislike 16:9 so I never bothered to upgrade from my 1050p

I don't think I'll ever understand people's desire for lack or vertical screenspace
>playing anything below 1440p
It's actually funny how my monitor is the only part of my setup which I've never once felt a spec of dissatisfaction for

Even though it is without doubt substandard
custom cards gonna be cute like nano!
>Implying wqhd on a 27" screen wouldn't be a lower pixel density than 1050p on a 22" scree.
X4 x8 and x16 are just channels

What is your actual mobo
I miss my 15'' CRT, it seemed so huge even in 2010. Then I got 24'' and world changed.
K, just looked at your image

You can't crossfire with that one, you only have 1x16 pci3

You may be able to make it work, but not at the 80-90% performance gain that you would get with 2x16 pci e 3.0

I suggest getting a better mobo
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I believe the GTX 1070 will go through a price drop before it launches to the public. It will drop down to $299.99, and it will come with a game (maybe Doom).

At that price point, and with the possibility to overclock the 1070 to the point of being as fast as a stock-speed 1080 and I think the 1070 will be a lot more competitive than people are currently giving it credit.

Also remember the 1070 has shadowplay, that weird screenshot thing, will probably have better support from developers, and might run a little cooler and quieter with the stock cooler.

All of that said, I'll probably still get RX 480 because it's still $100 cheaper and I don't care about those bells and whistles I just mentioned. I just want Max 1080/60fps in everything until 2018.
>implying I meant 27" or WQHD
Get on my level, faggot. It won't even let me load my damn in-game screenshots, the images are too big.
>Also remember the 1070 has shadowplay, that weird screenshot thing, will probably have better support from developers, and might run a little cooler and quieter with the stock cooler.

Polaris adds full UHD@60Hz h.265 transcoding, so AMD should finally have caught up to ShadowPlay for whoever cares about that.

The screenshot thing might be interesting, but I'm not sure I care about that yet either.
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