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Debating about whether to major in CS or CE. At my school, computer

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Debating about whether to major in CS or CE. At my school, computer engineering and CS share a lot of software classes just the CE of course has all the hardware classes which I'm just as interested in.

If I decided to major in CE over CS would it be difficult to get a job in software if I wanted to? I'm just worried that some HR person who can only open their email will look at my resume and go, "Hey this guys not a programmer! Well I'm not going to give him a callback."
>At my school, computer engineering and CS share a lot of software classes just the CE of course has all the hardware classes which I'm just as interested in.
I was in the same situation as you and did CS (because less math). Regretted it as fuck afterwards.

>If I decided to major in CE over CS would it be difficult to get a job in software if I wanted to
No. Plenty of CEs in the jobs I've had.

>I'm just worried that some HR person who can only open their email will look at my resume and go, "Hey this guys not a programmer! Well I'm not going to give him a callback."
In virtually all job postings they are looking for people with "a degree in CS, CE, EE or equivalent".

They don't care.
pick one or the other. there's no difference if you're gud.
why did you regret picking cs?
I regret opting out of maths and not doing hardware classes.

It doesn't matter right now, because I have the job I wanted to have, but it took me a longer time getting it.

It depends on what units/modules the course provides. You should have a look at that and compare them both to see what's interesting or appealing to you.

Though expect the unexpected.
Literally the differnce is the cs has a fuck load more non major requirments, slightly different options for cs related electives and one 300 level class called software deisgn.

The ce has more hardware, math, physics classes and again, slightly differnt options for cs related electives.
I regret taking CE. I didn't enjoy hardware at all and barely passed microprocessors.
I'm surprised there're still CS departments. In my country all those have been converted to C.Eng and became part of the Faculty of Engineering 20 years ago, because the title is meaningless. In the end we all started working in software related jobs, because 1 semester of Electronics and Electrics don't make a hardware engineer.
>less math
Only if you go to a bad school
>faculty of engineering
I'm surprised there is such a thing. In my country, any kind of engineering is a 3 year degree you get at some remote college (except for civil engineers which is a five year overrated degree), whereas the University teaches maths and science and CS (being a subfield of mathematics) is taught at the faculty of mathematics and science
It's less math unless you do theoretical computer science (which is a degree in applied mathematics at the university I went to)
CS student here, we have three courses each semester and one of these is a mathematics course.
The reason we have so few courses is because the rest of the time we work on our semester project which accounts for half of our grade.
We just have a few basic rules each semester for our project and then we can knock ourselves out, doing whatever the fuck we want.
No regrets here.
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