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http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-36429385 >Police in Australi

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>Police in Australia and Europe were aware of a paedophile site called the Love Zone hidden in the so-called dark web. It was protected by passwords, encryption and specialist software. Users were totally anonymous. . . Officers with Task Force Argos in Australia knew the creator of the site used an unusual greeting - the word "hiyas". After exhaustively trawling chatrooms and forums in the open internet, they found a Facebook page of a man who used the same greeting. Although the Facebook page was fake, they identified a picture of a vehicle and that led them to a man called Shannon McCoole - a child care worker in Adelaide

Did the cops seriously isolate this guy with the word "hiyas?"

And how'd a fake profile lead them to the right man anyways?
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>that face
>Did the cops seriously isolate this guy with the word "hiyas?"
Probably. I'm surprised they even had to go that far.

>And how'd a fake profile lead them to the right man anyways?
Read the fucking text you posted retard
If the profile had pictures of him and his car how was it fake? Did someone else inexplicably make a profile of this guy using his own pictures?
the profile details was face but the retard posted a rl picture with identifiable elements that was traceable to him

jesus christ use your brain
You'd be surprised by what you can accomplish when you use double quotes on most search engines.

Op is a faggot as per usual

I'm also pretty sure the strayan police shitposted in that pedos shitpit
Its called real police work. Not botnet cheats employed by amerifats because they're too lazy eating donuts at the office.
>Australian police

I can see someone hasnt had a taste of murican freedom
There's some really cool talks you should watch on breaking anonymity by analyzing text patterns. I think there was one focused on using it in looking at source code at CCC recently.
Scary. If you modify common greetings just a little bit, you might trigger an international investigation if some pedo happens to commonly use the slighly modified greeting you used.

Hi durr!


Hi but how hi?


Helloo there!

I use "good hellos". But only in chats, not when posting on cp boards.
I hope you don't post on 4chan without VPN, dummy. The FBI is watching.
Fake profile, real photos.

But yeah, this kind of internet behaviour correlation is how they find people hiding behind hidden services.
Because you see, the hidden services are actually secure.
The FBI has no jurisdiction here. And watching cp is legal as long as you don't save or distribute it, or pay for access.
what's the appeal of CP honestly? kids have no tits or THICC hips
You just didn't read OP's post, don't you? They could find you and give a tip to your local police.
And keep telling yourself cp is legal, even if you watch it the content is stored on your browser's cache (and you can't really erase it).
They mean the name he used for that Facebook account was fake.
>And keep telling yourself cp is legal
He doesn't need to tell himself anything.
1. There is no Global government, ergo there is no absolute legality or illegality.
2. Globalization is an empty word that can't function on the basis that Humanity is individualistic by nature, and cultural/political fracture and division must always exist, and will always exist, because Human nature demands it.
3. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are the trifecta that constitutes the biggest Pedo Party on this planet. But even without them, anarchistic atheists are also pro-pedo. Left and Right both have their pedo circles.

If you want to cure Pedo from Humanity, there are only 2 solutions.
1. Exterminate Humanity.
2. Exterminate individualism in Humanity (turn everyone into a robot or some form of mindhive where individualism doesn't exist).

Those are your two choices. Otherwise, future pedos are going to be born every day, millions will keep it hidden, thousands will act upon it, predisposition will always exist.
>the content is stored on your browser's cache (and you can't really erase it)
wtf, is this a bait?
>You just didn't read OP's post, don't you? They could find you and give a tip to your local police.

Yes, but they don't have anything they could charge me with. Looking isn't illegal.
>I use "good hellos". But only in chats, not when posting on cp boards.
He said he does not use that phrase on CP boards, he never said he went on CP boards.
Obviously it doesn't appeal to people of sound mind. That's why child molesters are considered to be perverted and sick in the head. Reading the Beeb article linked in the first post made me sick.
Kill yourself degenerate
>pedo detected
I just said it made me feel sick. I didn't say I became theatrically ill. But as a pedo you were so, so triggered by that statement. Most people feel sick when they find out about some evil manipulator molesting three-year olds and then bragging about it. A strange concept to you, I'm sure. But the problem is in your head, not in mine.
Why would I?
>some evil manipulator molesting three-year olds
Nice narrative.

A 20-year-old having sex with a 17-year-old is treated the same as a 50-year-old having sex with a 3-year-old in some places.

It's ridiculous.
But this case is not about 20-year olds having sex with 17-year olds, you edgelord. How about you find the right context for your soapbox the next time.
How do you know?
Pedos are sick fuckers AND the laws are stupid
Define this.
Did you even look into the case? Sure, they just made it all up and he was actually having consensual sex with 17-year olds in Asia while by coincidence teaching little kids, hanging out with little kids, taking a shit ton of photos of little kids, and doing his best to spend all his time around little kids. Just an honest meaningless coincidence that is in no way connected. They just wanted to railroad some random guy for child molestation.
>a child care worker
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>and you can't really erase it
Obviously, the guy in question is a sick fuck, but the issue is that the word 'pedophile' has almost lost its meaning because it applies in cases like >>54870844
Anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that pedos are way WAY more numerous than most people think?

Like if we had stats about it people would be so god shocked they wouldn't want to raise children.

Granted I think most of them aren't really "practitioners", but like, people getting excited from seeing Emma Watson in the first Harry Potter and stuff like that.
I have to agree with you, I've always felt that there are a lot more "pedos" out there than we think of. granted most of them aren't going around the world to fuck 3 year olds so that they have OC for their website.
Depends on your definition of 'pedo'.

Don't look at a sexual offender map for your area; you can't unsee it.
Nearly every man is aroused by certain physical features on women; you're not saying something that isn't entirely obvious. The brain isn't making the distinction between an 18 year old girl and a 15 year old girl who looks mature. Being a pedophile entails being aroused by children who lack those features (i.e not teenagers), which is not normal. So no, they are probably not that numerous. And regardless, what they are aroused by is completely irrelevant as long as they don't act on it.
Surprise surprise,
the most evil ones in the world are not the ones who are neutral or apathetic.
The most evil ones are not even those who act in an evil manner visibly.

The most evil ones are actually those who are the most vocal about acting justly, always talk of morals and ethics, and exude an outer appearance of a "good", "civilized", and "moral" person;
yet hide a gigantic ocean of shit underneath their outer appearances.

It's always the person who strives to appear good and moral the most, who is the most suspicious piece of shit.
That's why even charities are a bunch of corrupt piece of shit who use their apparent "good nature" as a shield for making things worse and plundering that money for self-benefit.
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holy shit shut the fuck up
Any specific talks you can recommend?
I find this shit fascinating, but (ironically?) I couldn't find much info via Google.
>Being a pedophile entails being aroused by children who lack those features (i.e not teenagers)
Not in the eyes of the law and the general public.
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I think this is too cynical. It's not the case that the majority are two-faced evil motherfuckers, it's more of the case that being a 'good guy' is fantastic cover for the minority who are evil motherfuckers.
It's not a general case that the most evangelical are the most evil, it's just that type of person is the perfect cover for whoever is the victim of the evangelical behaviour.
Best place for a witch to hide is as a witch-hunter, not that all witch hunters are witches.
I'm working on this for 4chan, actually.

Essentially, I'm going to attempt to replicate the IDs from boards like /pol/ by analyzing and predicting which posts are consistent with each other.
Sounds cool. You'll never catch me because I never post on boards that use IDs.
Well. Someone who looks at pre-teens and think they are physically attractive and feel aroused by them.

Pretty much everyone is attracted to teens, that's just fact, even though we never admit it.

That's what I mean. But I think there is a surprising amount of people who are attracted to those features. Again, not people you would find camping out on TOR or behind schools, those or whatever, but more average people who are attracted to 11 year old Emma Watson but would never act on it.
It is too cynical, because being too cynical against such people is the only way to save your ass.
I fear such people the most, and for good fucking reasons.
It's easy to get fucked by them before you even know what happened.
No, you don't understand.

It's going to purely use similar text patterns on a board without IDs, and try to match them up with other posts.

I was just using the ID boards as an example.
>child care worker
who woulda thought
Well there's a reason I used the witch hunter analogy.
>Well. Someone who looks at pre-teens and think they are physically attractive and feel aroused by them.
Almost all middle school boys?
Most middle school boys haven't entered puberty yet though.
In what language, may I ask?
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By the end of middle school almost everyone has entered puberty.
Then they are no longer pre-teen.
Could we talk about female pedophiles?
>Could we talk about female pedophiles?
Of course, female pedophiles are technology.
Females can't be pedos anon, since they can't rape.
Right, but when you where in eight grade did you always think every seventh grade girl was ugly?
>inb4 gay
> implying they can't rape
Yeah, and can't be sentenced even when they rape a boy in his fucking house.
>10-year-old girls are fine
They get off scot free. They get a pad on the back and maybe a small fine.
It's considered "cool" and the victim is considered "lucky" that an old shriveled hag or a fat Tumbl landwhale gave him their putrid lower trashcan.
It is even considered that the male raped the female pedo because his invisible patriarchal powers intimidated her.
One of the benefits of Feminism.
Well no. But really now we are just arguing about something largely irrelevant and we both know what I really meant were adults or older teenagers being attracted to pre-teens.

Oh, right. Forgot girls usually enter puberty a few years before boys.
Fucking hell, I say hiya all the time.
"hiyas" just sounds weird.
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I wonder how many females pedos go unreported.

both of those posts gave me acute fedora poisoning
>we both know what I really meant
No, you haven't clearly stated what constitutes pedophilia.
Your habits only can give to observers lots of info about you.
Marketing teams know that from years.
Read "The Power of Habit"
>You'd be surprised by what you can accomplish when you use double quotes on most search engines.
How would you construct your search query?

>"hiyas" site:facebook.com
is clearly not enough.
It's depressing arguing over some useless semantics. So let's just stop.
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Let's also stop throwing around words that you can't clearly define, especially when it implies illegal and morally abhorrent behavior.
>author from Japan
What a surprise.
She must've been ugly as a 13-year old. Back then she had no power, but suddenly now she has power over a 13-year old boy. She's stuck in her early teens for some reason or another. I dread to think what she's like in ten years, never mind twenty.

>became pregnant
for a 13-year old boy at age 24. This woman is loopy to say the least.
Well. Fine, if you are gonna be so fucking anal and autistic about it.

Change it to: "Anyone else have a sneaking suspicion that adult pedos attractive to prepubescent girls are way WAY more numerous than most people think?".

I thought that was implied by maybe that's just me.
>Did the cops seriously isolate this guy with the word "hiyas?"

It seems to me very unlikely. Perhaps the BBC article is missing out something major in the narrative here. There are billions of profiles on Facebook and plenty of people would use the term. Perhaps the police have only offered a very scantly detailed narrative of how they tracked the guy down, or more likely - perhaps they want to conceal their methods, some of which may have been dodgy or illegal.
>tfw you'll never be raped by a hot pedophle
>I thought that was implied

>the laws on pedophilia are the same everywhere
>the moral outlook on pedophilia is the same everywhere
Well. As it said, they might have been looking through more "related" forums and chatrooms which then lead them to a facebook page.

You know, like maybe his hiyas propped up on some "this forum is related to pedo discussion but not really *hint hint*" stuff that isn't actually illegal, but sort of cradling on the the edge of it, and that username lead to some other forum, and that lead to facebook. Something like that.

Id gladly do it for you.
I knew a kid who was seduced when he was 13 by a chick in her early 20s. When she left him, he tried to kill himself. He changed a lot as a person. Went from a happy jokester type to a gloomy and silent kid. I don't mean in style but in personality, the light just went out of him. I guess a lot of teenagers change a lot in those years around 12-16 anyway, but this kid was wrecked by the "relationship". The last time I saw him was a long time ago when he was 19 and he still seemed stuck and messed up. If he ever got over it, it probably would've taken a decade or more.
I'm going to have to warn you that I'm going to restist if you attempt to kill me.

Well yeah, that's what I'm saying - there might be more that the BBC article is skipping over, so they may have been able to hone in on a particular subject to investigate him further, but they couldn't have just gone from 'random open internet forums and sites'. Still, I doubt that the use of the expression "hiyas" would ever be considered strong enough evidence to justify any sort of actual search warrant or anything like that, though I know the government has attempted to make it very easy to get warrants for electronic investigations, so perhaps they used something like that.
Is this your first day experiencing human languages or something?

Here's a hint, people aren't always 100% correct and in depth on anonymous imageboards on the internet. Shortcuts and vague wording are sometimes used.

Not that it even matters, if it makes you happy I was wrong in assuming it.
People who are sexually attracted to prepubescent individuals.
Sounds like a cover story for an arrest based on illegal evidence, I forget the proper term for it
>cops are super smart and the "so-called" deep web is officially coming to an end


>this retard is bad at hiding his tracks
Why the fuck did this never happen to me when I was 13?
>cops are super smart
Ever met one?
Chicks, even female pedo teachers, still go for the popular kids.
Broomop is a prison guard and he hacks games.
And I was anything but. Sad days.
if this is true, then that was some pretty decent detective work
Individually yes.
As an institution, no.

Not to mention the red tape.
I wonder just how "safe" stuff like Tor is if you never actually post anything on there so you leave no written private information behind and you disable flash and java and all that crap.

Like, if the connections and downloads is the only factor.

Do we know of anyone getting caught, pedo or not, from just using it but never posting? Seems we only hear about some private information slipping by. Or would they just use it as a cover(can they even do that in terms of the courts needing full disclosure?) so they can keep using the loophole?
There is a difference between fulfilling a fetish and entering an emotionally crippling relationship.
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That face is like level 11 british, stereotype variant

If only he'd stuck with the standard pip pip smashing jolly good old chap they never would have caught him
Yeah. People talk about IP and browser information, but the way I access sites could also be used to track me.

That's why wget is the best browser.
but, that is my fetish
>13-year olds fulfilling a fetish
You don't operate in the real world, do you.
But that pic is not of the child molester.
There is. They found pictures of the car, and matched it to another completely separate local forum where he was asking about getting lifts to go offroading with it, if I remember correctly. I think it was like a Subaru or something.
>13 year olds can't have a fetish
Were you sheltered all your life?
In the real world, i was already sexually aware when i was 12,
and in the real world, transgender shit and operations are already being done on 10 year through 13 year olds on their own consent.
Now whether i agree with this shit or not is a separate topic,
but arguing that sexual awareness isn't relative and varying from individual to individual, and isn't possible in pre-teen children, is straight up simple-mindedness and idiocy.
There are people out there who want to fuck dogs and cats and you are here questioning the potential and capacity of Humans for crazy things. Maybe you are also crazy in your own way.
Most 13-year olds with a real fetish are in juvi for rape or other sexual offenses.

Being attracted to teachers, for example, is not a fetish. It's hormones.

13-year olds don't have fetishes in the sense you implied, that a 13-year old would just fulfill a fetish by having sex with an adult and that's all. No. Emotional wreckage ensues more often than not because kids are emotionally immature and volatile as fuck.
Writing pattern recognition has always been used for a decade or more. ANY little hint can be used against you. This is why tor and VPN often don't work under scrutiny not because of them, but rather in conjunction with your regular browser/OS/IP/location.

It's part of the digital finger print.
>Being attracted to teachers, for example, is not a fetish. It's hormones.
It is a fetish, it's a fetish towards a mature motherly figure.
A good reason some of them turn towards teachers rather than the females in their class, and vice versa for others.
How did they link the facebook account and the pedo website besides the greeting? They couldn't search is house based on just that. There would be tons of other candidates and they probably wouldn't just search them all.
Yeah, I was crazy like teenage boys who get erections and sexual thoughts. When I was 15, I looked through the peephole to the hallway where the janitor's big-assed wife was scrubbing the stairwell, and I fapped. I didn't make any noise though, or that's what I believe anyway. At least she didn't appear to notice there might be someone behind the door with an erect pencil. Living on the edge, mane. Dangerous. Under ideal circumstances, it would probably be just an exciting quickie for a horny teen to fuck a woman like that, but those ideal circumstances never seem to come up in reality. In reality it's the adult that seduces and the power dynamic is not the daydream fantasy kind of dynamic.

Most teenage boys are attracted to both.
>preferences are now fetishes
Yeah, I have a fetish for straight up vaginal sex.

No getting pissed on while somebody tugs on your nipple clamps and you ram down on the dragon dildo shoved up your ass while in public is a fetish.
>Judging on sexual preference

You should be the one to kys tbqh senpai bro
I hate hearing shit like this:
>I have an impregnation fetish.
What, you and every other male who ever successfully reproduced, asshat
They didn't search it based on that, it just helped them find him by leading him to this other forum.

As for searching his house, there was probably something within the child porn that also linked to him.
>preferences are now fetishes
They are you idiot. The only preferences that don't count as fetish are preferences directly oriented at sexual parts like the vagina or tits or dick (or arguably anal).
But a preference towards something not directly related to sex such as age, or foot fetish, or armpitfetish, or object fetish, or racial fetish, or species fetish even for zoofags,
is all a fetish. That includes age fetishization and the fetishization of a personality or a social standing (mother figure) or down to this like uniforms (teacher, office girl, maid, nurse, etc.).
Scary shit, senpai. I've also read that they also can look at how you type i.e. typing speed/delay between characters. I guess my patterns are really fucking terrible.
Parallel construction

If you never save shit, don't post, don't enable javascript, don't have a fagbook account, don't use you real identity on surface web, then you're probably alright.
I was using fetish as a synonym for sexual fantasy. I know what the dictionary definition of fetish is.

But now I'm curious, what fucked up definition of fetish were you thinking of to say
>Most 13-year olds with a real fetish are in juvi for rape or other sexual offenses.
you've spent too much time on this my newfriend
Normies control the definitions of words. They decided that fetish now means preference.
I've spent just enough time to be a qualified 4chan cave dweller.

Bear in mind Dread Pirate Roberts location was guessed pretty much straight away by the times he was active between every day
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>Shannon McCoole
The Hibernian menace strikes again

When will you take the green pill /g/?
>Parallel construction is a law enforcement process of building a parallel—or separate—evidentiary basis for a criminal investigation in order to conceal how the investigation actually began.
Sounds about right, I wonder how they actually found him
Chances are its some exploit with tor/vpn/webserver that runs the site.
found the pedo
Doubt it, you fucking moron.
I am fucking your son's tender ass in the next room, and you can't do anything about it because acting against me is homophobic. It is reparation against the white male menace for being white and being homophobic for so many decades.
Cry about it.
Why would OpenVPN have fuck all to do with anything?
>Tor exploit
No other arrests were made.
>Web server exploitation
Most likely.
>Improper configuration of the hidden service
Also most likely.
>web browser exploit
Nigga probably didn't disable Javascript or he had some weird browser plugin installed and activated.
Boi could've been tricked into executing malicious software. HOTLOLIpreteenHARDCORE.avi.exe
>file compression utility vuln
7zip had some arbitrary code execution vulns that could've been taken advantage of.
>media player vuln
VLC has in the past had similar vulns that could've been taken advantage of
No, please. Stop all this tinfoil nonsense.

It was simply down to regular investigative work. It was nothing like spoopy special secret squirrel subterfuge, and NSA was not involved.
>Using facebook

That faggot deserves to go to jail, at least until child molestation becomes legal in our tolerant society.
Preteen loli? Sick fuck...
How did they investigate the right person with such little evidence?
>little evidence
The fuck are you talking about.
The only thing that matters is how incriminating that evidence is.
Blind luck. They weren't searching for him in particular, they were simply following up evidence that they had obtained from the arrest of another paedophile.
He just said a non unique 5 letter word on facebook.
Pro-tip: a short BBC summary in a news article about an entirely different case doesn't reveal the entire investigation.
or they have an informer/agent that they want to keep using

you can get pretty far with regular police work. if you watch every day, people slip up. we're social creatures, not meant to hide from those we talk to. mention the weather too many times and if the stars align you can be pinpointed to a city. being genuine in any way is dangerous.

I had suspicions about parcon, but looking back I can see how they could have found him the way they said. I remember the job ad, and I almost applied not knowing exactly what the server was for. I did read the stackoverflow post and I wondered what the fuck the guy was doing asking about using curl in a hidden service. If it is parallel construction then they went the extra mile and knew about him for years and waited for him to make a gorillion bitcoin. DPR didn't pay attention to personality leaks at all. I'm certain that he wrote tons of long articles about smuggling, agora and other ancap shit, it was so obviously his work. They have the same style and there were no more posts after he went to prison.

IMO the murder charges are pure entrapment. They totally fabricated the cause, situation and opportunity for hiring a "killer". That much is clear from the documents released post-arrest. I'm not certain that the murder evidence wasn't made-up text logs, but if the FBI is telling the truth then it's pretty logical for him to take that course of action. An FBI agent would have hired a killer if he was in that situation, except a good FBI agent would know that anyone openly advertising themselves as an assassin is an FBI agent.

Overall it was fun to watch. Another crazy bastard is bound to pop up soon enough.

The McCool case is weird. Meme magic come alive. The guy is a living trollface. Hiyas!
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>tfw all my dreams of peeing on my crushes and vice versa while growing up never came true.
hiyas is a filipino word

flips jabber constantly on facebook since most of them live outside the phillipines working as nannies or gardeners

I tried to find him just based on hiyas and australia, not really any luck. I expanded my search wordwide and found english results mostly from the US. the greeting is much more popular there. It's possible they didn't use illegal evidence, but they left out important parts. did they have access to facebook's LI infrastructure?

I bet it was an informer. It's almost always an informer.
OP seems fairly worried about this, I wonder why... If I were you OP I would microwave all your equipment and an hero yourself because they are coming for you next.
So this is the faggot that's been getting all the Telstra 3G network dynamic IPs banned from 4chan.
I wonder how would an informer work in this case. I doubt he told someone he's a pedo.
So pubescent 15yos are fine? Some are hawt m8.
I don't remember it that way. I thought someone found out who he was and tried blackmailing him and he decided to go full retard and hire an assassin instead of shutting down everything and disappearing.
Yeah the guy apparently found the mastermind page on SR and connected the dots.
DPR was too blinded by a false sense of power and thought he could get away with it instead of making a run for it, it happens to most drug lords but in their case it's actual power, DPR just got lucky with his shitty web dev skills and raked in millions of buttcoins, i mean the fucking idiot even bought fake passports and IDs straight from some FBI vendor on his own site and got visited by a few agents cause of it.
Attraction to 15 year olds is called 'ephebophilia'.
>hiyas is a filipino word
i imagine that's not the intention
i've heard it before many times, as;
hi + ya (you) 's (plural)
that is, "hi, everyone"
or to substitute in slang more known to americans,
"hi, y'all"
>"hi, y'all"
Why are americans fat, ignorant and smelly?
i'm not american
Then I guess you can't answer the question.
You are pedo right?

Well not really, since I also fap to full-grown women, and I prefer 2D over 3D.
Pretty amazing actually. Kudos to the police for doing some seriously good investigation.
Hiyas guys. What's going on in this thread?
Hiyas friend, nothing much, just discussing lovely little girls and things.
Congratulations, you're 1.000.000 visitor today and you've won free pizza! Just stay where you are, it will be delievered to you in 7 minutes!
What a coincidence. I happen to work little children.
Work /with/, you mean? We wouldn't want people to misunderstand, right?
>Did the cops seriously isolate this guy with the word "hiyas?"
>And how'd a fake profile lead them to the right man anyways?

Actual detective work. They start with the hiyas then see the picture of a vehicle. Maybe it was uncommon enough to be useful maybe there was a plate. That gave them the area and they found the guy.

After that they observed him and got enough info to dig deeper. Eventually they probably knew everything he did.
bump this question, I am also interested
Makes me wonder if every childcare worker is already on some pedo watch list in the britbongs and Australia. Childcare && usestor ==huge red flag
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So if you used that as a greeting you were monitored for months to determine whether or not you were some fucking pedo. Over a greeting... A greeting
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