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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

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Thread replies: 340
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old thread: >>54857016

What are you working on, /g/?
>1 post early

Complete sudoku
Reminder that mindless anti-JS shitters are as bad as pajeets.
Learning me a F*
>Created before the bump limit
>Posting literal faggotry
Delete this shit and kill yourself.
Lemma: OP -> Tot Faggot
>making these posts
No, you kill yourself you autistic shitstain.
Does anyone actually understand what urbit is trying to accomplish?

functional OS

functional does not imply functioning

A post-singularity computing substrate
oh damn
that's the guy who SJWs wanted to shut down
I'm getting a "free(): invalid next size (fast)" error, randomally on a multithreaded program, which I can't replicate in valgrind (most likely because valgrind zeroes all the memory it uses for what you run on it). This is in normal C by the way.
Anyone knows a way to find the culprit fast? It's a very large file with many libraries. Something like 2k lines of code.
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Why does everyone here seem to value learning another language instead of learning anything useful for a language they already know?
holy shit look at the first slide he puts up

if that isn't bullshit I don't know what is

urbit is literally an open source joke, trying to get people hyped over what's actually LITERALLY fucking nothing.
Useful people are put to use
>language they already know
Because they're autists that ""know"" 10 languages but can't program anything in any of them.
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>implying writing Hello World in Haskell isn't knowing the language
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this is the Rust lead...
Wait, haven't we seen him somewhere before?
>I believe hate speech is violence.

Oh Klabnik, you complete fucking moron.
What a filthy SJW. I don't mind his look and views, but bashing qt Yarvin is unforgivable.
Is that aids skrillex?
d-does he take h-hormones?
any lambdaconf 2016 videos online?
what a loser
I wrote a proxy checker in python but it is complete shit, even after implementing threading.

Currently, I request a static page and if the text matches, the proxy works.

Is there a better way?
I've seen proxy checkers go though 10K proxies in 60~ seconds...
>got a high-end laptop for a graduation present
>told my dad to hold onto it until I get a job so I stay motivated
>month in without a single job prospect
>hard drive fails
>"we had a deal anon!"

>kelvin versioning
>decreases by integers to absolute zero
get it fixed, might be under warranty or get another hard drive
I check alexa most popular pages

It means that software is developed towards eternal stability. Urbit's ideal is a computing system that should remain unchanged for millenia because is works.
it's retarded, it could be made more efficient and have features added to it, it's delusional to think you've reached perfection
What are some sites other than Monster and Indeed for the job hunt? Preferably ones that have decent search algorithms (fuck Dice) and easy application features.

I'm going tomorrow but I'm also broke and he cut me off the day I graduated. I have one month's rent in the bank, plus maybe another in savings bonds
You don't need to request a page to see if a proxy is alive.
You can add features to apps that are built on urbit, but urbit's inrfastructure should be stable. Isn't it cool to have a bedrock abstraction over which everything works?
Isn't that literally what a unix is?
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/g/, I cheated on an exam and I feel awful about it

I desperately needed an A in this class and shit wasn't going my way and I'd have ended up with a B if I had not. I could give a thousand of excuses but that's just running away from the sin.

How do I free myself from the guilt?
Fess up and tell your professor.
You'll fail the course, and probably get kicked from the school, but at least you'll feel good about it.
something can work just fine without have to use a pretentious label like "absolute zero" in a "kelvin versioning system"
Just promise you'll never do it again, and learn to settle for Bs
how do you even cheat on an exam

anyway desperate times call for desperate measures and it's no big deal in the end if you got an A instead of B
Nah, unix is gigabytes of bloat at that point. Urbit is just 30k lines for the WHOLE SYSTEM from the turing machine to the OS.
a small peek isn't cheating
unless you literally took his paper from his desk and copied it exactly
Why did you need an A over a B? What class was it? The only way to free yourself is to apply yourself.
ping it
Just open the connection in a work group. If the first packet is correct drop the connection and do another proxy.
What if the proxy isn't working anymore but the host is alive?
You gotta do what you gotta do to get ahead, this is the lesson you should take away. You're going to need to do a fuckton of worse things to get ahead or choose the pussy option and get nowhere, what do you want?
If I open my job search to React, Angular and Backbone, am I just going to get a bunch of web design jobs?
of course, what do you expect to get?
to work on web applications or engines like they are made for
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I would expect it would be used for javascript that does something as opposed to using it for just animations and forms
>I would expect it would be used for javascript that does something as opposed to using it for just animations and forms

Search for node.js then. Also unity has UnityScript which is derived from JS.
I know it but most jobs want angular and I'm running low on options. after this month I'm out of rent money and I'm to unsightly to be a stripper
node js is super popular, I don't see how you can't find job with it.
Everyone in new york is still using rails, django and java
go frontend then, its not bad
Is it good practice to declare unsigned types with their size like say
compared to say int?

Isn't explicit a good practice for portable code that way you don't have to deal with different compilers making their own assumptions and stuff like say the default size of int on one machine is 32 bits and 64 on another??
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hell, unix was bloated before it was even released
alcohol and other drugs
I thought people who wrote system level programming langauges were cool
>How do I free myself from the guilt?
earn your next A
>Is it good practice to declare unsigned types with their size like say u_int32 compared to say int?
There's a header that contains macros for exactly this. stdint.h
it's good practice because it improves portability. I'm not aware of any cons.

All he is is the "developer advocate" for Mozilla w.r.t to Rust. He writes friendly documentation and shills Rust around the internet and the convention space. (would you expect anything more from a ruby/rails fag?)
Class project, need to implement AIMD over a udp connection.

Have any of you guys had experience with python sockets? I'm trying to send a file over udp (i know that it's lossy) and if a packet gets dropped i want to know so i can reduce the rate at which they are sent.

However the first packet passes but the others just fail and the conenction is terminated. Any tips? Also newfag here, not sure how to post code. Sorry if I'm being a bother I just really need help
>it's good practice because it improves portability. I'm not aware of any cons.
Actually, it reduces portability, as the (u)intN_t are optional types. Your code will no longer work in situations where those types don't exist, but it is pretty damn rare to find an implementation where they don't.
Also, the types themselves add some possibly misleading information.
If you're using "for (int32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)" instead of something like "for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)", you're implying that 'i' HAS to be 32 bits for some specific reason.
trying to teach myself Java before taking classes this fall. i'm trying to make a bill counter (no coins yet) but when i run the program, it asks the first question, i type my answer, and it prints the answer (in the first case times 100) but then sits there, and does not advance to the next question until i type in the number a second time.

any idea what gives? sorry i'm bad at explaining.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class BillCounter {
public static void main(String[] args){

int hundreds, fifties, twenties, tens, fives, ones;

System.out.println("How many hundreds?");
Scanner hundredCount = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println(hundredCount.nextInt() * 100);
hundreds = (hundredCount.nextInt() * 100);

System.out.println("How many fifties?");
Scanner fiftyCount = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println(fiftyCount.nextInt() * 50);
fifties = (fiftyCount.nextInt() * 50);

System.out.println("How many twenties?");
Scanner twentyCount = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println(twentyCount.nextInt() * 20);
twenties = (twentyCount.nextInt() * 20);

System.out.println("How many tens?");
Scanner tenCount = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println(tenCount.nextInt() * 10);
tens = (tenCount.nextInt() * 10);

System.out.println("How many fives?");
Scanner fiveCount = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println(fiveCount.nextInt() * 5);
fives = (fiveCount.nextInt() * 5);

System.out.println("How many ones?");
Scanner oneCount = new Scanner(System.in);
ones = (oneCount.nextInt());

System.out.println(hundreds + fifties + twenties + tens + fives + ones);

> The connection is terminated

You do know that UDP is connectionless, right?
still probably makes more than any of us tee bee hech
post ur code
[ code ] and [ / code ] without the spaces of course
or preferring to use size_t / std::size_t
reuse the scanner;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in)
count+= in.nextInt()*100
count+= in.nextInt()*50
hint: why are you remaking the scanner each time?
Basically the Scanner will eat up as much input as it can, so the 2nd scanner doesn't get it because the first on ate it already, even though it did not need it for the nextInt() call.
The client meat

with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
data = f.read(BUFFER_SIZE)
while data:
if s.sendto(data, (HOST, PORT)):
chunks += 1

# wait for reply from the server, max 1024 bytes
ack, addr = s.recvfrom(BUFFER_SIZE)
if ack == 'ok':
print "accept"
wait -= 0.00001
except socket.timeout:
print "fail"

data = f.read(BUFFER_SIZE)

The server

while True:

data, addr = s.recvfrom(BUFFER_SIZE)

if data == "-1":
s.sendto("ok", addr)
with open("test.txt", 'wb') as f:

if data == "-1":
print "Receiving File ..."

# Send ack to client
s.sendto("ok", addr)

data, addr = s.recvfrom(BUFFER_SIZE)
>If you're using "for (int32_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)" instead of something like "for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)", you're implying that 'i' HAS to be 32 bits for some specific reason.
And with int you're implying i HAS to be log2(INT_MAX) bits for some specific reason.
ok cool thank you so much.
ok that makes sense. that's why when i googled, people were saying to close the scanner, but that didn't seem to be working for me.
Your implying it has to be:
a) signed
b) no decimals
c) for any positive integer n, log2(n)=2^n

You are implying nothing about the size, which is implementation defined.
Well, my compiler can now produce valid programs that assign values to variables* in memory. It can also generate procedures and if statements and such. It cannot call procedures yet, so I can't print anything to test if it's valid or not. That shall be done tomorrow.

* can't do arrays yet. Might not do arrays if I don't have the time.

>non-expression based language

You make me sick you son of a bitch.

still part of the core team
how do i delete only one character from my entry?
self.entry.delete(first=0, last=END)
this deletes all
self.entry.delete(first=END, last=0)
this does nothing.

Err... it has expressions and statements. I can handle all expressions except function calls, and all statements except procedure calls. I don't have a choice over the language. It's actually a rather ugly sorta Pacal-like language... with a few oddities the professor added (he took most of it from another professor at another university), namely nested comments and the use of <-- as an assignment operator.
writing documentation is important. but language design and direction is barely dictated by it or its package manager (in the case of katz). especially when cargo is literally a copy of bundler.

but Mozilla has been a SJW shitfest since the tumblerinas forced Eich out of the CEO position.
whoops. im retarded. cant into [code/]

self.entry.delete(first=0, last=END) ##this deletes all.

self.entry.delete(first=END, last=0) ##this deletes nothing
>it has statements
Exactly you twisted fucking pervert
What fucking abomination have you brought into this world?
The issue I'm having is that the first chunk of data goes though but all the other chunks are not received by the server.

I did not invent the language.

Anyways, this is the program I'm able to actually compile:

program ATest;
variable a, b : integer;
variable c : boolean;
a <-- 5;
b <-- a + 3;
c <-- true;
end ATest.

And the end result code looks like this:

        call 0, ATest$0
L$$errornoreturn: load 0, L$$globalstring
movs "ERROR: function did not return."
pint 0
csp wrs
csp wln
ATest$0: pint 3
pint 5
stor 0, 3
load 0, 3
pint 3
stor 0, 2
stor 0, 1
exit 0, 0
L$$globalstring: .bss 32

Note: in theory, I don't need to generate the errornoreturn procedure if I don't have any functions. In practice, I'm just going to generate it anyways since I can't be fucked to introduce yet another global variable to this already disgusting mess of a compiler.
Why the fuck didn't you invent the language?

And I just realized I had a slight bug. Was pushing false onto the stack where I should have been pushing true. Similarly, program pushes true when it should push false. All because I forgot the ! in front of a strcmp check. Derp.

This is a class assignment. Professor hands us a spec, we build to the spec. One does not deviate from the spec.
Tell your professor that statement based languages are retarded

only Pascal-like (ones designed or influenced by Wirth) languages do this. PL/I, Ada. Fortran, Algol, Simula, etc don't use a period after the final end.

so.. what language is it? I don't recognize <-- for assignment. Modula2, Oberon, Pascal, Delphi, Ada, PL/I, etc use := for assignment. OCaml, S, R, etc use a single arrow for assignment (sometimes you can even do a right-arrow in S+ and R (42 -> a)). But not one with a double hypen / emdash / whatever.
I'm going to learn Haskell... Is that a good idea?
Yes. Using it for something serious, however, isn't.
Is the C book in OP actually good for learning or is it like learning english from the dictionary?
>used C++ and some other higher level languages all my life
>started using C for necessity
>hated it at first
>now I like it

What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm not even bothered by the clumsy string manipulation at all.
I've been programming small scripts to just automate small annoyances for years but never really got good at programming.

Is there a set of books that will give me a good foundation in mathematics and algorithms as well as just general programming in order to use as a jumping off point?
It's definitely a tutorial book, not a reference trash text like most 1000+ page programming textbooks today.

It fully assumes that you know how to program, tho.
its a reference but a good one, like a set of wikipedia articles that are authorative and on-point. It doesn't give you tutorials or such, so its more of a reference companion when you need to know what the real definition of what is going is.
>it's a tutorial, not a reference
>it's a reference, not a tutorial
It's great dude, has walked exercises and p sets plus he doesn't introduce new stuff without a previous explanation
Its a reference of meme tutorials.
The guy saying it's a reference book is probably used to baby tier hand holding tutorials.
It's not a reference it's just a few pointers
Man I've been code reviewing other people's C++11 bullshit the entire day and if I see one more template of a template specialized on some esoterica that takes a parameter pack that returns a decltype of an argument I'm going to literally shove paperclips into my eyes so I can call in sick tomorrow. Yes I get it it works and for fuck sake its necessary if you want to write generic algos but at what point do you differentiate template metaprogramming from run-of-the-mill masochism.
Switch to a newer compiler
Less decltype more auto
You're clobbering part of your heap allocator's memory space. Check for use after free / unit cases. If it's not replicated in valgrind then it's either a thread synchronization issue, or equally likely that it's a small access to unint memory as valgind pads the shit out of allocated memory chunks.

I'm the guy who said its a reference. Honestly its been about 5 years since I looked at it so I guess I'm just misremembering it. I had already learned C by that point and used it mostly as a reference, and it worked well in that regard. Maybe it had tutorials n shit I just never used.
It's a tutorial.
The appendix is basically a summary of the C89 standard and the standard library, and I guess you could call it a reference text of sorts.
>unit cases

He's a fan of Pascal. What problem do you have with statement based languages?

The language is called ATL/1 (ATL = A Teaching Language). It's a made up language that exists only for the sake of getting us to make a compiler in 8 weeks.

C's not that bad when you get into the hang of it.
the most cancerous language
I'm reversing a 50k ARM proprietary binary blob (for learning purposes©).

I had to settle for running IDA in wine since I couldn't find a recent version that had a feature I was interested in.

Anyway, I did a big mistake, I loaded the binary in a ROM segment instead of a RAM segment.

This makes IDA automatically constant-fold things, and yell warnings when the instructions are writing something in ROM.

Any idea how I can change the properties of a segment?
I've looked everywhere...
Design and Analysis of Algorithm

Total marks:90

Q1. Attempt any four questions:
a.what do you mean by analysis of Algorithm. Write algorithm for binary and linear search.

b. Analyse the merge sort algorithm. Argue on best case, average case and best case time complexity.

c.show how to sort n integers in the range 0 to (n^2-1). In O(n) time.

d.solve the recurrence relation T(n)=4T(n/2)+n^2 by recursion tree.

e. Write short note on Asymptotic notations. Find Big Oh(O) and Big Theta notation for f(n)=27n^2+16n+3.

f. A=(15,23,13,2,1,25). illustrate the operation of Heap-sort on A.

Q2. Attempt any four questions:
a.Explain the properties of B-tree. Insert keys F,S,Q,K,C,L,H,T,V,W,M,R,N,P,AB Into an empty B-tree of order 5.

b.construct a RB-tree of insertion and deletion with example and its properties and algorithm

c. Explain the process of Augmenting Data Structure with example.

d. Prove that that the maximum degree of any node in n-node binomial tree is logn.

e. Prove that red black tree with n internal nodes has height atmost 2log(n+1).

f. Explain the properties of Binomial Heap and Fibonacci Heap with example.

Q3. Attempt any two questions:
a. Determine the LCS of (1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1) and (0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0).

b.what is optimal Huffman Code for the following set of frequency as:
a-1,b-1,c-2,d-3,e-5,f-8, g13,h-21.

c. Compare greedy versus dynamic programming. Prove that the fractional knapsack problem has the greedy choice property.

Q4. Attempt any three questions:
a. Compare BFS and DFS. Explain why solution does not find using Bellman Ford algorithm if there is a negative weight cycle that is reachable from the source.

b. What is meant by strongly connected components. How can the number of strongly connected components of a graph change if a new edge is added.

d. What is string matching problem. Describe the procedure of Rabin Karp Algorithm when T=314692653589793 when p=26 and q=11.so how many supurious hit.
learn your lesson, dont cheat again and move on
confessing will do you absolutely zero good at this point
>It fully assumes that you know how to program, tho.
What if I don't know. Is there a newb book for C?
Is an algorithm recursive when it uses an output as an input to itself?
Just got back some marks and apparently I used iteration instead of recursion so I'm baffled as to how a recursive function is anything but what I just wrote.
You probably wont listen to me, but, learn to program in a higher level language, otherwise you will probably get bored and do something else. Even if its not a 'good' language you can get something done and learn basic program structure. I recommend something like JavaScript, Python, AutoIt, etc. They all will let you deal with real problems, rather than battle with the C stdlib for basic string manipulation.
i don't quite get your output/input thing, but a recursive function is one which calls itself. Its passing intermediate data (not what it returns, if that's what you are calling output) to itself.
I recommend Programming in C by Kochan, it reasonably goes through introductory topics and also explains C while it's at it.
Get moved off the Web API project because waiting for the mobile app developer to catch up. Got put onto a browser-based web application instead. Cool, haven't used JavaScript in a while.

What a fucking mess. It's like someone suffering from schizophrenia designed a "programming" language.
int recursive_factorial(int n){
if(n<=1) return 1;
return recursive_factorial(n-1)*n
int iterative_factorial(int n){
int acc=1;
for(int i=2; i<n;i++){
return acc;
This. But if you do need to do something that requires lower level like gamesev, go back to C or C++, but after a higher level language
I like js, it does what it does best, makes it easy to make frameworks, and has some fun ones floating around. Plus the recent speed is a bonus
>What a fucking mess. It's like someone suffering from schizophrenia designed a "programming" language.
Well, it was made by Brendan Eich, a fucking white male homophobe, that wanted a Scheme with C syntax, so I guess you are correct.....
>What are you working on, /g/?

Made some improvements to my Brainfuck compiler. Will look at more optimisations later on.

I'm also considering making write and read as functions and just do call in order to avoid replicating the syscall boostrapping over and over again.
Also, if any one knows what's faster of the two following on x86, please let me know

movb (%rbp, %rdx), %al
addb $<some constant>, %al
movb %al, (%rbp, %rdx)


addb $<some constant>, (%rbp, %rdx)
How do I construct a recursive function?
int func(...)
return func(...);
but how do you get it to stop?
By having multiple return statements.
int factorial(int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1;

return n * factorial(n - 1);
Not the guy that you replied to but I'm pretty gud with c++ I'm working with c#.
By my knowledge of cpp I obviously know some C but I wouldnt call it an industry level by any means.
Would that book be good for me? I don't need explanation what for is, or what a pointer is, or what malloc is. But reasonable examples and libraries usage + some C tricks that are not so natural in other language (void* manipulations etc?)
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>my country only offers bachelor degrees in computer engineering, not CS or software engineering
i dont really like electronics and shit
What is your country?
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My very first self-written program.

//calculates sales tax

#include <stdio.h>

#define FINAL_AMOUNT (dollar_amount * tax) + dollar_amount

int main (void)
float tax, dollar_amount, final_amount;

printf ("Enter dollar amount: ");
scanf ("%f", &dollar_amount);
printf ("Enter tax percentage in decimals: ");
scanf ("%f", &tax);
final_amount = (dollar_amount * tax) + dollar_amount;
printf ("With tax, that is %.2f.\n", FINAL_AMOUNT);
return (0);
ah, i see
>inb4 cuck, jamal and mudslimes
you people should stop getting your news from /pol/
Forgot to edit out old code

//calculates sales tax

#include <stdio.h>

#define FINAL_AMOUNT (dollar_amount * tax) + dollar_amount

int main (void)
float tax, dollar_amount;

printf ("Enter dollar amount: ");
scanf ("%f", &dollar_amount);
printf ("Enter tax percentage in decimals: ");
scanf ("%f", &tax);
printf ("With tax, that is %.2f.\n", FINAL_AMOUNT);
return (0);
Easy there abdul.
It's /dpt
Dere har computer science da, din ultrajode.

It's just slapped together with computer engineering too, but that's how it is in Norway.
there's no need for that macro

I couldn't get it to work as a float. What did I do wrong?
What do you mean you couldn't get it to work?

printf ("With tax, that is %.2f.\n", dollar_amount * tax + dollar_amount);

Just werks, there's no need for parentheses either, because of operator *'s precendence.

Oh, I didn't realize I could declare a float within the string. Thanks, you just saved me a lot of headache. I've only been at this for a couple days.
Oh, happy to help.
story pls
Keep at it, bud
#include <cstdlibh>

// comparisonless max function
int max(int a, int b) {
try {
1/(a - b - std::abs(a - b));
} catch (...) {
return a;
return b;
And yet slower.
Say I have a branch in my code, example if my program were to detect the presence of SSE and choose an SSE optimized code path, and that branch is taken 100% of the run time, will branch prediction completely or almost nullify any overhead of a branch? if not, what kind of overhead and is it worth replacing with a pre-compiler branch?
Googled around, can't readily find an answer.

In C++, how do I read a file in integers rather than bytes? I tried making an array buffer and then static_cast-ing it to another type, but it wouldn't compile. I'm thinking about this on a bit level, ie, why can't I just read in multiple bytes and concatenate them?

I can't figure out how to alter things once they're considered to be in an array in a given form.
FILE* file = fopen("filename", "r");
int integer;
fread(&integer, sizeof(int), 1, file);
I'll have to read about fread then. I was doing:
char buffer[4];
file >> setw(4) >> buffer;
//The data is now available in an unnecessarily inconvenient form
What happens when you try to open that file on a Motorola with a different endianness to x86? Directly storing integers is bad mmkay.
I never liked C++'s IO streams. A lot of stuff in the stdlib makes sense, but the IO stream stuff is just impractical AF.

>>54870300 is a C solution, you can do this in C++:

std::ifstream is {"Input.txt"};
int i;

while (is >> i)
std::cout << i;
There are plenty of standard library functions to handle endianess.
hey i have a file that looks like this

with newlines on the end of each line.
I would like to print the first characters before the ":" delimiter from all sets like:
123 abc 456
123 abc 456
' etc

what do?
Portability is secondary to performance / actually functioning at all, right now. As long as it compiles for all major OS's, assuming little endian is probably fine enough...

Not like I can do much of anything anyway. Barely know enough to generate code that works, much less code that'd be considered production quality.
It will take an entry in the branch table.
You might want to make it so this branch is evaluated as few as possible.
Possibly only once.
for line in open("filename.txt").readlines():
chars = {}
for key in line.split(":"):
chars[key] = True
print " ".join(chars.keys())
I'd assumed this would just overflow? What signals it to stop reading from the stream?
0 stored in the file
in C, if you assign in an eval (), it will eval to true if NOT 0
which is why people check null with (!ptr)
So if you're trying to read the number 0, it will stop?
It stops at the end of file, you can rephrase it to:

while (!is.eof()) {
is >> i;

if you want.
I'm trying to seek around and read arbitrary parts of a file (eg parsing a header), not read to eof.

Would this work if parts of a file were delimited by null bytes, or is it somehow keyed only to the end? Is it not reading the contents of the file, but the stream position pointer?
is this python?
Job interview in 2 1/2 hours, hope I don't fuck it up.
God spede anon
he trolls them online anon and they doxxed him
>for any positive integer n, log2(n)=2^n
Fo shizzle, ma nizzle?
Yeah I agree, if I expect to be using file I/O I try to avoid using C++ if I can
What's wrong with streams?
Yo dumb,
is >> n
evaluates to is, not n

>>54870537 they are dead wrong, such code doesn't stop when it reads a zero. In addition, this input method PARSES an int out of decimal digits, it doesn't let you access the raw bits AT ALL
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Looking for a good scripting language which is easy to embed, has a JIT which covers at least x86 and arm, and works properly in a 64bit memory space. So far i'm struggling.
No matter how much documentation I look through, when it comes to implementing anything it seems like I'm just fucking around with a black box. The outputs are predictable to an extent, but I'm just repeatedly making errors and iterating.

I've got the general structure of an entire program planned out in my head. There'll probably be some changes, but fuck if I can implement any of it. System seems mechanical in the wrong way for me.

Oh well. I'll get it eventually.
what are we doing here
Over-engineered approach to IO, increasing the amount of code required to do I/O rather than reducing it.
What's the point then? Anon specifically wanted to deal with raw data.
So, theoretically it's better if I just put together my own wrapper over FILE*?
Neat. My argument parser now works properly, and checks that specified inputs actually exist, in the main loop. Stores the file handle in a vector of structs along with the file type, and passes it by reference accordingly.

I made something that works.
Not my problem
The point in what?
Disgusting & useless hack of the day:

db 0x50, 0xEB, 0x03, 0xE9
dw isCode16-$-2
db 0x35, 0x00, 0x00, 0xEB, 0xF8, 0x58
; ...

; ...

Detect whether your code is running on a 32bit or 16bit x86 CPU, and run different things in response! Portable machine code!
>Not my problem
Never implied it was. I appreciate any feedback, but ultimately I'll ramble on as I see fit and there isn't much a given recipient can do about it.

ie, no need to be a dickhead.
Bikeshedding: the thread

Just like every dpt since a few years. Why do you fucks even bother any more
>What I Do Is Pointless And I'm Proud Of It: The Post
Who's the dickhead again?
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It has an inherent purpose, but not necessarily for you.

But boost already does this. Use boost.
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>Use boost
Using C++ alone is bad enough, but holy shit.
Can anyone please post the challenges?
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But boost looks just as bad if not worse, Anon. :c
Stop memeing. Boost is sepples done right.
You should seriously consider suicide.
Long live Hime in the OP!
Good summary.

However, I don't think anyone would be surprised by anything in this post.
ROLL for my free time at work

Anyone else here actually employed in the field? Java dev here
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/dpt/-chan, daisuki~


second for obvious reasons.

>How do I free myself from the guilt?
By doing your walk of atonement

This is what happen to you when you program at low level and mess your pointers.

>functional assembly language
You first need a functional ISA for that.
literally who gives a shit

Fucking this
Ive been doing a few small standalone sites in my free time, does anyone know if a good UI resource to begin learning? I suck ass at making an alright design
>le kill yourself meme
If you hate the C++ way of doing things, why use C++ at all? I don't get it, it's like using Haskell and complain that it isn't anything like Visual Basic.
>If you hate the C++ way of doing things, why use C++ at all?
I think C++ is awful.
But using boost is like puking on a pile of shit.
Personally I'm surprised by the length. I was waiting for

>They have just completed the 29,000th episode.
And I'm back to nonsensical problems. I use the read function to read in 4 bytes from the start of the file. I'm looking at this file in a hex editor, the first byte is decimal 137. Casting the inputs to an int gives -119, and all the other checks fail.

Why is it reading in bytes if it won't let me read into unsigned types. Why must it overflow.
Boost is C++ done right. There's a reason why 11, 14 and 17 all draw heavily from boost.

But I guess you hate the fact that C++ is drawing more and more functional concepts.
Source on cute yuri.

Are there any almost universal GUI frameworks?

Something that would run on tablet, desktop, phone, and console.
Little endian anon. Little endian.
>functional concepts
the only thing that sets boost apart from other libraries is extensive (and proper) use of templates
Boost optional, for example, is an implementation of maybe. It's just one of many examples.
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3MB, 800x450px
Yes, imgui.


>Source on cute yuri.
I don't get it. Regardless of endianness, it shouldn't be returning negative values.

PNG defines byte order as being little endian either way, nothing should be stored on disk big endian. And when I think of eg 254 stored in memory it's 11111110. What the hell is its problem? Give me my fucking bytes.
Only when you need them to be that size.

int is usually the processor's word size, so it's what you should be using for numbers that you know that won't go beyond 16 bits signed
Also, why the hell would bytes be read in as signed? That's ridiculous.

The thought of doing GUI in C++ gives me cervical cancer.

Also, it looks like shit, but I suppose that's up to the designer.

Thanks anyway.
254 is stored in memory as
FE 00 00 00 (depending on the data type)
Int is signed ffs
Right, 11111110. With some padding, because 4 byte clusters.
>The thought of doing GUI in C++ gives me cervical cancer.

>Also, it looks like shit, but I suppose that's up to the designer.
It's really powerful and easy to use. you are free to customize the look.
I played Counter Strike for nearly a decade.

I can't anymore because of this.
I'm getting irrationally angry here. Your post doesn't even make sense.

Fucking hell, I'm going manage to process these 4 goddamn bytes the fucking way I want to, or kill myself. I have had enough.
I don't understand how you are unable to read four bytes into an int. Post code please.
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lel, wait for when cheaters find out that there no protection at all on steamos/linux.
>no protection at all on steamos/linux
As in, VAC doesn't monitor those systems?

You know, I never thought about that.

Not only would gamedevs have to design to be compatible with all of the special snowflake Linux distros, they'd also have to be able to design their anti-cheat measures to work globally, which would be...impossible.
I have temporarily given up on the notion of reading into anything other than an array of chars, which are obviously signed and therefore fucking up everything. Anything else fails to compile.

char id[4];
png.read(id, 4);
std::cout << static_cast<int>(id[0]) << "\n";
if (!(id[0] == 137 && id[1] == 80 && id[2] == 78 && id[3] == 71))
std:: cout << "Not a png.";
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>As in, VAC doesn't monitor those systems?
No and you know why ? VAC needs to be executed in the kernel to be able to monitor for ring0 cheats, but on linux, anything running in the kernel must be open source because of the gplv2. Thank you richard m. stallman (PhD).
Great, the shitty GPL license manages to yet again be unnecessarily restrictive.
In C++:
Tabs or spaces?

If tabs, how long (4, 8)?
tabs (2-4) for indentation, spaces for alignment
Is there any visual studio addon that will highlight doxygen tags?
>he fell for the tabs meme
Sane people use spaces and break lines at 79 characters.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

struct anon {
union {
uint32_t i;
uint8_t c[4];

int main(){
struct anon a;
a.i = 3458934;
printf("%X %X %X %X\n", a.c[0], a.c[1], a.c[2], a.c[3]);
return 0;

>No and you know why ? VAC needs to be executed in the kernel to be able to monitor for ring0 cheat
VAC's ring0 module is no longer in use, and hasn't been in a long time
>struct anon {
>union {
Or, you know:
union anon {
more importantly, cock.li's cheat isn't working for 64bit (yet)

valve forced csgo on linux to be 64bit

but yea steamOS is cheat heaven
yes, you could also customize an open source graphic driver like mesa3d to implement graphic cheats.
The read function will only read to char.

I've made it work by casting to a temporary unsigned char, then casting that to an int (would probably work the same just using it directly). For some reason casting the array variable just yields the same result.

That doesn't even make sense. My brain seeming isn't working properly. I just gotta go.

Fuck it all.
>I have temporarily given up on the notion of reading into anything other than an array of chars, which are obviously signed and therefore fucking up everything. Anything else fails to compile.
You're doing it wrong ffs.
What kind of hardware would you use to sense water on a windshield?

What language is automotive software usually written in?
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Very helpful.
Interesting, though after a few seconds googling it seems there's no 64bit build of pypy for windows.
Quick, what language should I program in to get qt's at work wet the fastest?
on windows it's preferable to restrict yourself to microsoft products (c#, visual studio, ...)
C# or Python

Something easy to hobbydev so you can shit out GUIs so they don't have to look at a scary command line.
Python. Women aren't typically impressed by finesse or low level knowledge that involves anything specific or otherwise incomprehensible. It's about status and perception relative to a group.

Python looks slick and smooth enough while also appearing relateable, ie, not arcane.

Anyone here experienced with matlab?
I would like to run two scripts in parallel on my computer, and have them talk to each other.

The first would monitor the screen on my laptop and produce certain variable values from it. The other would then run simulations based on the variables values that are being presented by the first function. As soon as the second script detects that the values from the first have changed, it wil start simulating again for different parameters.

Is such a thing possible? could I declare some variables from script 1 as 'super' global, and have the 2 script directly read it from workspace memory?
Guy wrote a blog under a pseudonym about various topics where much of it reads as nonsense. Some of the nonsense mentions how a certain group of people made better slaves than another group to the american settlers. This makes him racist sexist biggot nazi.
>I had to settle for running IDA in wine since I couldn't find a recent version that had a feature I was interested in.

I run such software in windows XP virtualbox vm.
C++ is the real Qt language, literally!

Sounds pretty based, actually.
what do you call a class/code snippet like this?
im gonna implement a simple IDL language that translates into C structs like this at runtime for scripting purposes

FLOAT = 0,
UINT32 = 1

class Wrapped
bool compare(const Wrapped& rhv)
assert(rhv.m_type == m_type);

return //type specific function implementation.


float m_floatVal;
uint32_t m_ui32Val
LuaJIT is your friend, anon
local ffi = require("ffi")
int printf(const char *fmt, ...);
ffi.C.printf("Hello %s!", "world")


Also look at toLua++ binding generator
oh damn
This is a sad story, anon. I don't like it when qt boys are forced into doing something.
Lame ass work shit using some archaic database from the mid 90s. Hurray untransferable skills!
How the fuck do I use OCaml on Windows?
Hey guys, relatively new programmer here and have been messing around with Python.
What are some good projects to work on to learn the language or just any general suggestions?

Made a basic web scraper and some gui automation stuff but I'm kind of stuck for ideas

Thanks in advance
>Boost is C++ done right.
>C++ done right

No such thing

Download an OCaml interpreter/compiler?
cygwin or mingw
best option is just running a VM though
>running a VM
you know your meme lang is shit when...
Were it that simple...

I've attempted the "official" installer before and never got it to work. I'll try again, I guess.
was it OPAM or OCPWIN? the latter works a lot better than the former
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Seems like it's all there, lad. What's wrong with the installer?
you can feel extra smug when programming in your terminal
How does package management work with OcpWin? Do I have to compile stuff myself? I mean, I'm used to that, because Windows, but it's still a pain especially in a language that is new to me.
Wait until they see with my deck of punchcards
I'd just rather use GNU/Linux for programming. same goes for C

So install GNU/Linux and forget using Windows.
but muh games
also after effects
>also after effects
b-b-but muh FOSS

is not casting the first four bytes.

You should do this instead
static_cast<int>( &id[0] )
why learn c++ instead of c?
>instead of
Why not both?
Why bother with either?
because C is shit

Look guys, I found Pajeet
there's no good FOSS equivalent
I use it, only to run my nix server and not windows
ok kid
I meant static_cast<int*>
>there's no good FOSS equivalent
you're telling me that the FOSS ideology has flaws? oh no!
What you want is not a
, it's a
. Kudos still for using C++-style casts, albeit without understanding them fully.
>not knowing that C++ and C are both Pajeet-tier languages
>refusing to learn a new language because you have some /g/-induced prejudice against it
This is very Pajeet of you indeed.
>t. Nagarajan Shanmuganathan
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india pls.png
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Jesus christ.
Use F#
>but muh games

That's why I still use Winders, too.
Hadn't read your posts. Hello! I'm >>54873814, nice to meet you. Anyway, you need reinterpret for this one, static doesn't cut it when none of the pointer types are void*
Yeah, you're absolutely right. It's been a while since I've used C++
i know C, but i don't recommend it to beginners
>would rather recommend C++ to beginners than C
wew lad

My very first programming book was K&R and I taught myself how to program by doing the tasks in that. I was 11 years old.

If a non-native english speaking 11 year old can do it, so can a bored NEET with too much free time on /g/ also.
>I was 11 years old.

At 12 years old, you founded Microsoft, right?
What? Do you think that's impressive?

I stayed inside and played with my computer when my other friends where out playing football/soccer. It had no internet connection (because my parents wouldn't let me) and my father worked in IT and showed me hello world in C and gave me his K&R.

I feel bad for the millennial generation if you sincerely believe that programming C is too hard

I don't think it's too hard, and when I was young my father taught me some BASIC on an IBM PC Convertible. The whole "I was a master programmer by age 7" thing is a total maymay, though.
answer me quickly, i'm looking to try out a new MEME language, is OCaml meme enough? is it better than haskell?
K&R is not a good way to learn, and you're probably stuck in the C mindset, completely lack concepts like encapsulation
> Is it better than Haskell?
Define 'better'? Haskell probably has a better ecosystem these days.

Try Elixir for a meme language.

Rolling for C
too ez
better libraries, but no good equivalent for Merlin or a good package manager
I've been basically pajeeting all my time using Java but want to try learning c++ now. I can get CLion Extreme for free so should I use that?
True. The whole Cabal/Stack nonsense really puts me off Haskell.
According to OneSlowCuck it's really good (I got it for free too, but I've never used it and I kind of regret it, good C IDE's are pretty rare).
Alternatively, git gud with a text editor and compiler
use visual studio for C++
>"I was a master programmer by age 7" thing is a total maymay
Of course. The point I was trying to convey is that C is pretty easy to pick up on, and it being less abstract than say C++ and C# is a huge benefit when learning how to program.

It's 20 years since I read K&R, do you seriously believe I haven't learned a thing or two since then?


It is pretty damned good. As you said, C IDEs are rare enough, but good ones are near impossible to find.
>Of course.

Good, at least we're clear on those terms. C is syntactically simple, but conceptually difficult on many fronts. Even still, it's not too hard to learn.
>but want to try learning c++ now
Prepare to be constantly frustrated by little gotchas.
>Try to find some extra Resources for compsci topics
>Click Jewtube vid
>Hear pajeet with his thick accent




They CAN'T Keep getting away with this shit.
New thread: >>54874365
C is not hard. python is not hard. both are shit.
I know this might not be the thread but somebody shed me some light

I want to print files to pdf in the command line on wangblows and i can't find anything

somebody send help
Yeah right, nothing builtin into windoze is going to support pdf, it seems (I looked into net print). I would say install ghostscript and profit. What pdf viewer do you already use? I'm a racially pure GNU/Linuxian, but if you can invoke GS from the command line, you should be able to identify your printer and work it out, see http://ghostscript.com/doc/7.07/Use.htm#Output_device
>but want to try learning c++ now
Prepare to be constantly frustrated by little gotchas.>>54874675
>nothing builtin into windoze is going to support pdf

Windows 10 has a built-in Print-To-PDF.
I'll try ghostscript

W7 doesn't have it
>Windows 10 has a built-in Print-To-PDF.
Is it usable from the CLI?
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