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>they promised us 2x performance per watt >they gave us

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Thread replies: 342
Thread images: 48

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>they promised us 2x performance per watt
>they gave us even more

15 rupees have been deposited into your loo

>tfw nvidiafags are on sweatwatch
>nvidiots so wrecked they have to fall back on racism

Nice try lads, but it's not going to work.
I dont like pajeets either, but 240 shekels top performance gpu.. cant say no to that.
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Raja isn't a pajeet, he's a top class GPU engineer.
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She must have been a math teacher in a previous life.
She's hot
Any reason why every tech company has to palm their product all the way up like it's a boxer that just won a bout?
they want to feel like steve jobs

>caring about any tech press conference other than Apple's

I seriously hope you /g/entoocucks don't do this
Nvidia just got
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>I don't care about the cutting edge of technological innovation
>first useable smart phone, before the Iphone smartphones were just blackberryesque abomanations with trackballs and other gimmicky shit

>first tablet, before the iPad tablet computers were initially thought to use a full fledged OS, apple was ridiculed for using IOS for its tablet OS by neckbeards, huurrrr le big ipod touch meme xD

without iPhone your chinkdroid phone wouldn't exist
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You're certainly cutting yourself on that edge, Mr. Fedora
>still waiting for zen APUs
Holy fuck how can anyone be this dumb?
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>>nvidiots so wrecked they have to fall back on racism
wtf ever. poo is used so much now its almost a term of endearment.

>sweating at 98%
You sound bitter.
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when can I preorder?
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I laugh every time
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>No links
>No benchmarks
>No credibility

10RS has been deposited into your account
>I did not watch the live stream event yesterday
>Not knowing that android isn't older that shitOS.
>1080 launch event
>about as much data as during poolaris presentation
>nvidiots shit up entire board

it's ok when nvidia does it
This makes me proud as an Indian and a designated loo shitter
>an Nvidia
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Where were you when AMD won?
It's pronounced en vidia
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stop using my fucking jimkeller and rajeet pooduri OC you niggers
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I can fuck you up if I wanted to, poo boy.
I bet lisa su could step on this manlet then rajeet could poo on it then the CSW could wreck his shit up

I see his tiny nipple.
We've got another month or two of this shit
His face is tiny
Get your saggy mantits outta here!
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Raja Poodurinl looks like a fag as he holds that up

Meanwhile you can see the power and reliability of Nvidia in all of their reveals
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>polaris stronk
>ATI lost vegas even stronkter
What are the chances of Vega taking Fijis place and Fiji being rebranded to 490 and 490x?
I just saw a Mechanical Turk job for shitposting about AMD on social media.
This whole twitter is fucking adorable. Amada Kokoro is the best mascot ever.
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How have you not killed yourself yet?
the average human is really that dumb?
With all those weird plastic thingies it doesn't even look like a graphics card, lel
He's getting paid by nVidia...

>Why do you think he was looking on Mechanical Turk in the first place, that's where nvidia posts the shill jobs...
shes posting curry
fitting for AMD
Regardless of what anyone says, I'm jealous of raja for his abilities and his position within AMD.

No matter where he goes, he's guaranteed a good job with good pay.
>Implying you need a human to do that
taking a massive shit while watching the livestream.
holding onto my wallet as the Nvidiot devil tempted me with a 1080
then St Pajeet came to soothe the money and heat
as he dragged Nvidia off to death, he handed me the Rx 480.
"Ask and you shall receive" he said.
Why does AMD keep changing their naming schemes
Gotta keep things fresh
call me again when they have linux drivers that work

not even an nvidia fanboy, I just want working drivers that's all
2 new AMDs in SLI to equal 1 1080.

>AMD winning
it's kind of like saying 2 960s in SLI beats a 980, so that's plausible in certain cases.
>mfw he's just covering the wood screws
200 dollar AMD *2 trades blows with 700 dollar Nvidia?

I'd be happy with only one if it's that good.
390x performance, a third the tdp, a hundred dollars cheaper.
she has math and engineering degree though
>being proud on being poor
I've heard they might have been using 8GB version cards, which rumor from 229.99 to 249.99 each
still, 500USD to compete with 700USD (potentially 600 if the price ever drops) isn't bad at all
>being this autistic


poolooris fab too strong architecture too strong
>all these epic poo and Indian memes
I really wish that ass fractured Indian never started this. I really do. Even cuck wasn't this annoying.
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poocuck btfo
>being an ass fractured PooInLoo
It's funny purely because the butthurt indian did it to himself, feeling proud that they don't shit in any old street, they have designated shitting streets
It was funny for a while, but the /r/4chan audience REFUSES to stop posting it even while the humor is gone.
Even $250 for the 8gb version isn't a bad deal, I'm sure you can OC it to fury /nano performance.
The Nvidia probably offered no comment because the 1060 and 1050 are not announced yet.
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>Watching the Livestream at 3am in Bongland
>"And you can see that the 1080 is very sveety"
>Wake neighbours up
>Police knock on my door
>"Ello ello ello, is everything alright sir?"
>"Oi Mate, Nvidia is kill!"
>"Get fucking Hype"
>I do a 360 and walk back inside for cosy sleep
Everything would have been perfect. Why did they have to take a literal street pooper from the customer phone service to do the presentation. Now nobodys going to take it seriously
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Notice how the AMD wojak is wearing a snow hat? It's because he didn't get a 1080/1070 housefire.
he looks like he's at the funeral for the 1080
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You sure about that?
>from the customer phone service
well shit
that's why everyone was wearing flowers
it was the fucking funeral for nvidia
Exactly. It was funny because the Indian brought it on himself like the Irishman who said "too much ass" about those women lined up along a fence and everyone called anyone who said anything about an ass being too big Irish.

But these faggots just won't quit. Calling a top of his field GPU developer a "pajeet" or "pooinloo" just isn't funny. It's just fucking retarded and you might as well be posted facebook frog and POOPOOPEEPEE for what you post is worth.
That graph is 100% cherrypicked bullshit by the way.
While the AMD cards are very cost effective, they're not high performance in anything but dx12
>top of his field GPU developer
It's AMD wer're talking about
>buttblasted pooinloo detected
That's exactly how AMD is marketing them though.
That's the whole point of Polaris. It's not until Vega will we see the big guns.
No matter what brand you use for something on here, someone will call you a Pajeet because Indians work at every company in silicon valley. It's fucking annoying. The userbase here is so underage.
Only a bootyblasted indian would say something like that. Lean to use the loo, Pajeet
Dropping the racism bomb is a silencing tactic
It's just a passing meme, family.
Both sides do cherrypicking, of course, but that's pretty clearly marked "DX12" in particular.
I would rather read 50 consecutive posts of "AMD IS FINISHED AND BANKRUPT" than a single poo or pajeet meme.

I really wonder if that Indian cunt is proud of what he has done.
>Passing meme
No, this one is too embedded here to disappear within the next few years. This is just as popular as house fires and wood screws and we still see that today.

This pajeet shit is never going to go away
Well the graph is bullshit mainly because it's comparing dual cards to a single one.
DX12 works much better with dual cards than dx11. Dual cards in dx11 games would not have the cards scale like that, it wouldn't be 2x performance of one card, it'd be 1.2x performance of one card, so in dx11 games the 1080 wins even in cost effectiveness.
And ashes is used because it's the only dx12 game.

If ashes is all you play then go for it.

Oh and mantle games of which there are significantly more than one game.
Absolute pottery in motion, well spotted lads.

Ok lets say that the game is cherrypicked, it still stands to reason that this 480 will be as good as a 980 if the specs are to be believed.

>Less W (Why do Nvidiots cry "mah power consumption" yet call AMD poorfags?)
>$200 - Like did you miss this part? This is amazing value.
>Based AMD have thrown money at the fan pushing for a better API and it's finally paying off, for both parties.
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this, im all for the street shitting Pajeet meme. But if this guy can keep pulling this magic out his ass, ill wipe it for him.
The "argument" is just GPU fanboys fighting. It's not a serious political discussion. You took things way to literally for the level of seriousness of the conversation, so I accused you of having autism.

No don't ever (you) me or my husband's daughter again.
It's needs to pass faster.
>Like who are you quoting
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Thats mighty white of you
>>Ok lets say that the game is cherrypicked, it still stands to reason that this 480 will be as good as a 980 if the specs are to be believed.
I didn't say anything about the card you defensive AMD shitter.
Card is actually looking pretty good, just that cherrypicked benchmark is unrepresentative bullshit.
Well the graph is bullshit mainly because it's comparing dual cards to a single one.

"AHHHH why are you using a $200 card>twice?? not fair"

DX12 works much better with dual cards than dx11.

>Stop using newer APIs!! I need my Crippppled DX11 Benchmarks to stay viable!!

Dual cards in dx11 games would not have the cards scale like that, it wouldn't be 2x performance of one card, it'd be 1.2x performance of one card, so in dx11 games the 1080 wins even in cost effectiveness

>Guys please, stop using APIs that are not catered to my single clock speed efficient card!! How dare you scale up at 2x for less money, we should all agree that Nvidia are better because they cost more!!

And ashes is used because it's the only dx12 game.

>And it always will be!! And even if it isn't I'll buy the next Nvidia card that finally has Hardware Async

Stop defending the streetshitters

Nvidia is literally ran by a gook
welcome to marketing 101
AMD is doing what everyone else is
I know it doesn't make it any better, but get used to it
You are literally butthurt.

Check out the upcoming DX12 games dude.
>Nvidia is literally ran by a gook


There are no white people left in silicon valley.
Everyone does it but /g/ is still stupid enough to gobble it down and think it means anything.

Nvidia releases their bullshit graphs:

AMD releases their bullshit graphs:

Every fucking time
As if you need a GPU for loonix...
it's less about consumerism overtaking the board (which many claim), but more about every anon wanting to make the new hot meme.
AMDGPU had fixed most driver issues
Protip: By the time DX12 games come out and are common, there will be one or two new generations of cards from both AMD and nvidia. When you buy a graphics card you are buying to play the games that are out right now and the ones that will be out before the next generation of cards.
Buy the best for the current games.

That might actually still be the 480 since it's very well priced, but you're not doing anyone any favors by being a rabid butthurt piece of shit
Are you fucking kidding me? The whole fucking board was full of amdegenerates saying the 1080 is worse than the holocaust
You have selective memory. That's okay, both set of fanboys do.
The truth is that there are simply more nvidia fanboys shitting everywhere because of marketshare. If your perception of who shits more contradicts the marketshare of the two camps then you should consider that your perception is wrong.
You don't understand though- the 1080 is better than the holocaust means that it's a really good card.
Protip: If we only ever buy cards that are meant for NOW, and NOT for a couple years, then how come my 280x is still viable and is a refresh of a 5yo GPU??

Oh yeah forgot Nvidia users are used to yearly upgrades once the previous gen is cucked.

And I think it's a slip of communication personally, I don;t think Raja is saying, "here, 2 cards = better than 1 card" I think the fact he said "For $700, this is what you could have" and that's pointed out by the fact for $400-500 you can have two cards, that function as good, if not better than a 1080, for less.

Nvidia can have the High end in my opinion, it's a tiny market and they can charge a kidney, it's not "poorfag" it's common sense.
>then how come my 280x is still viable and is a refresh of a 5yo GPU??
Why wouldn't it be?

But I hit the nail on the head on you being an AMD fanboy.

I have a 7850 dude.
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So when do these damn things go on sale so i can buy one and stash it away for my upcoming zen build?
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I don't think king keller actually did anything with polaris, he was all about zen
Pan de peace
He had to atleast touch it because muh APU
i was up for amd but not any more

how can i purchase anything amd when i know this poo is the face of it
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You really didn't hit anything, the fact you failed to grasp that the majority of buyers won't spend $700 on a card that can be attained by a CF 480 is proof enough that you don't live in the real world.

Throwing fanboy around is the get out card of /g/, I could right a blog on both card manufacturers doing shit that fucked users over, but /g/ is not for blogs, read around a bit on actual tech sites and see that while Nvidia has been crippling the market with DRM hardware and software and "the way it's meant to be played", AMD have gone the other way and forced new fair APIs, sorted there shit drivers out, and while I see VR as a gimmick, they have taken another gamble for US the Gamers/Enthusiasts/Shitposters whatever.
I can't wait until you see the DX11 480 benchmarks and you start crying or whatever.
Better start preparing your excuses, like

>it's 2016
>why are you still playing dx11 games


>No-one cares about dx11 games


>still cheaper than the 1070


>who really needs more than 60fps anyway


>Turn down the settings, save $200

Okay my example excuses ended up becoming reasonable but that's the point, there are good reasons to get a 480 but ashes of the singularity is not one of them.
Might as well not buy anything from Apple either, and Intel since some of Raja's expertise ended up in their iGPU's through IP
I guess you missed the fact that many tech nuts speculate the 480 will be somewhere between the 970/980 in performance..... so even for DX11, it will still be viable.

And here's the thing most of /g/ misses, not everyone buys a new card every year.

If you are 7850 man, then for you to jump from that to a 1080 is a big cost, and brings big gains yes, but AMD offer another option of: Lower cost, and just below the BIGGEST gains, why not, for the same money, buy 2?

And even in the worst performing games on Crossfire, 1 card is akin to having a 390x according to specs and stuff, so for 1080/1440p this is far more than needed, hell even a 1080 is too much for 1080/1440.

There's more to GPU market than "buy the fastest, most powerful one there is"

I really like this post mate
>there are good reasons to get a 480
>so even for DX11, it will still be viable.

Guess which one of these sentences was literally in my post.
Like the part where AMD's blob drivers can no longer support the latest generation of GPUs because they wanted to merge ~70kloc of middleware abstractions and other enterprise code into the kernel and the kernel devs said “no”?

(and the part where the free drivers are *still* shit)
>buy our GPUs goy
>no drivers
>a-as if you needed our GPUs anyway
classic AMDrone
>there are good reasons to get a 480 but 'ashes of the singularity is not one of them.'

I like how you missed that part out, but nice shitpost. We will have to wait for benchmarks, and if the 480 is total ass, then I'll give it another month for Vega to compete, but it's not looking likely to be anything more than a great Mid for single card or high fo x2 cards at this rate. I personally, do not want to be DRM locked into Nvidia ever again.
intel is the Jew company, get it right
AMD open source drivers work really well for me on both my Linux PCs.

HD5450 and r7 250x here.
She looks like a lesbian...
That's racist towards autists
Do they support 4K60 Hz?
Vsync in multi-monitor environments?
Even with one of the monitors rotated?
Even with the monitors at different refresh rates?
Even with the monitors at different bit depths?
(Do they support 10-bit backbuffers with native 10-bit output via DP at all?)

did the GT610 you cuck?
I don't care, I use a GTX 970 which supports all of these.

I'm talking about graphics cards that would be of relevance in the next generation. I really want to switch to AMD for many reasons, but every single time I did so I've been disappointed by their ridiculously shitty drivers. Don't want it to happen again

I wouldn't call the HD5450 relevant to the next generation senpai
Nvidia is over 2X performance per watt

AMD 150W only gives you performance from 3 years ago, 290/390

Nvidia 150W gives your performance better than TITAN X
talking about the open source drivers
short answer is yes.

the only bad thing about amd drivers is raptr imo.
Nvidia open source drivers are trash and getting proprietary drivers to work on my gt520m was such a pain that I just opted to use the igpu instead
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I have a 560Ti, would the 480 be a reasonable upgrade?
>the only bad thing about amd drivers is raptr imo.
Wait what? AMD is pushing that garbage on Linux too now?!
$200 vs $600.
Yes, familia
try $700 or $800
>going from a 560ti to a 480 housefire

Enjoy your woodscrews and exploding VRMs :')
Is semiaccurate.com a legit site? do they really have nVidia insiders?
>Nvidiot is a tumblr 'muh hurt feelings' fairy
I shouldn't be surprised.
>AMD 150W

Stop spouting this bullshit. 150W are the absolute maximum power the Polaris cards can use. Their power consumption is more likely to be in the 100 - 110W ballpark.

Also, there is no Nvidia card that consumes only 150W and offers Titan X performance. Stop believing Nvidia's lies, you moron.
It consumes more, Nvidia is blatantly lying about power usage estimates
It isn't. 4chan seems to be getting more redneck everyday.
Oh no, how unfortunate
>consumes only 150W and offers Titan X performance
There's no AMD card that can do this either.
AMD might be less efficient than Nvidia, but the gap is seriously insignificant now.

150w for the 480, 230w for the 1070.
The gap was always insignificant.
At least until electricity stops being cheap. An extra 100 watts, assuming 4 hours of gaming a day, costs you $14-18 more a year in electricity. Doing the calculation with your own electricity rate (I did this with my rates) will verify this.

If you're spending more on a graphics card to save on watts, it'd best not be over $30 more.

>In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin.

Why would they sell a new gpu for 62 dollars?
>buying apple
like i was, ever
>or intel
pff no botnet bellow ring 0 for me thx
I like these. Make moar!
Nvidia confirmed for cheating

You might as well link to nvidia.com.
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Thats not a news really.
62 dollars? Which one? I need an upgrade from my gtx 260.
I can't take anything he says seriously after his nano meltdown.

At least he was more subtle before...
I think you quoted wrong post.
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Nvidia gets caught cheating every year anyway. It's not news if you cheat all the time. It'd be news if nvidia stopped cheating
people still using cuck non ironically?
Welcome to company released slides.
Nvidia does it too, AMD does it, if you don't do it you look like an idiot.
But if you actually believe any of it you're the idiot who didn't get that it was supposed to be bullshit
Nvidia's cheating has to be pointed out from time to time because deluded fanboys have an attention span of about 5 minutes and a long-term memory of maybe 1 or 2 days.
Whoops, I meant >>54870441
Correction https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/4m692q/concerning_the_aots_image_quality_controversy/
Wojak warrior in polish slangl
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>At present the GTX 1080 is incorrectly executing the terrain shaders responsible for populating the environment with the appropriate amount of snow.
>The GTX 1080 is doing less work to render AOTS than it otherwise would if the shader were being run properly.
fucking gold
>an hour
Its a feature. MORE FPS.

>nvidia cheaps out on color rendering
>nvidia cheaps out on snow rendering

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holy fuck no way
Every fucking time a new AMD card gets released, the AMD fanboys scream "RIP NVIDIA LEL" then go quiet until the next amd gpu gets released, looping in a cycle.

Most of the benchmarks for both companies are cherrypicked anyway, just wait for user benchmarks.
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Just try and take me on, AMD boi
amd so shit they have to give things away to not be bankrupt.

toppest of all keks

maybe amd will start putting gpus in cereal boxes instead of computer boxes
>first usable smart phone
If you had been alive in the 90s you'd know this is wrong.

>first tablet
Not even close, the first commercial tablet came out in the 80s.
Ok so can someone interpret this for me, I'm as newfag as it gets, I just built my first pc a month ago, waiting for the proper GPU.

>So the 8Gb 480 will be $250?
>and it will be as good as a 980Ti?
>and if i run two 480's, I will essentially have the best offering outside of two 1080s, as of 2016?
>will my 620w PSU run this on top of my i7-6700?

I feel lost researching gpu's, theres so much shitflinging on /g/.

can anon's give me a concise simple answer to these questions?
We can only hope, i wouldnt mind a rx 480 in my next box of corn flakes.
you will need a new psu, get a 750 watt to be sure.
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Hardwarewise AMD has always been better than Nvidia. AMD just has shitty marketing.
Two 480 = 300W
i7-6700 = 65W
Rest of PC = 55W

The 620W PSU is already 200W too much.
Last time keller did that he wrecked intel

But intel being the jew IDF company it is, forced vendors to use their shit.
okay thank you!
if I'm only spending $250 on the 480, then that should be no problem.

I am just trying to decipher between shitposts, marketers shilling, and people defending their own purchases. My only goal is to make an educated purchase.

>why come to 4chan?
because honestly, it's the best place outside of logicalincrements. I've gotten some gold nugget posts from here.
620w - 10% inefficiencies = 550w

combined usage = 420w (DUDE LMAO)

550w - 420w = 130w headroom for OC/10+ extra periphirals
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the plan was to get a 750w or higher when i upgraded.
I got a seasonic 620w on sale for $26 so I figured it was fine until i needed to upgrade my main rig.
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Fuck, wrong speccy
>>54862693 Why is everyone freaking out? >>54862693
>>54862693 we don't even know how the >>54862693
>>54862693 cards will really perform. >>54862693
>>54862693 It's best to reserve our >>54862693
>>54862693 opinions until we see how >>54862693
>>54862693 the cards actually are. >>54862693
A 620W PSU with 90% efficiency does provide 620W power. It just draws 690W out of the wall socket.
they also put out drivers that has completely fucked 380/390 gfx line.

5 seconds in google you mongoloid.
>heavily tweaked game in favor of AMD shows "upsetting" benchmarks
Wow, I'm waiting for some real life benchmarks where this card will show its true colours: low budget
normal distribution. by definition 50% of the population have an IQ <= 100
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You're casually walking and see this man take a huge dump on Nvidia street. How do you respond?
Hi would you mind cooking curry together and watching Bollywood movies on my PC? You bring the Graphics Cards and i go shopping for the ingredients for some hot as fuck thai curry that burns 2 times. That Nvidia Chinese leatherjacket cringe guy can fuck off tho
shitskins >>>/out/

the females can stay, though.
I'd kick him in the cunt.
Nobody fucking cares, get off of this amd thread
>no IMMEDIATE comment
how much time is "immediate"? 5 minutes? 5 hours? 5 days?

we don't know, it could have been 5 seconds.

"Well I just sent an email and I haven't received a reply yet, I guess they won't officially comment! I better post this article.."

"Journalism" at its finest.
>AMD just has shitty marketing

They made that painfully obvious during the RX 480 presentation.
so I can gather and infer my own information since I am white and my iq falls in that range of which is required?
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And sieg heil to you too you Nazi faggot
I have a GTX 770,

Decisions, decisions.
Serious question: 5 years ago I put a 560 Ti in my machine. This has been able to play everything on maximum on 1080p, including Crysis, Farcry 3, and Skyrim, etc

This card can now be bought new for under $100

Why the fuck would anyone buy one of these new cards, let alone spend hundreds on one or 2? Seriously I'm so confused
Some people want more than 1080p 30fps, some people like buying new things, some people have worse cards than you, some people are doing their first builds/builds for other people, list goes on.

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shhhhhhit i bought a gtx 970 for 300 euro only 4 months ago
>buying anything near the well known release date of a new series of graphics cards
>30fps at 1080p

Uh try a consistent 50+ fps with those games on max settings.

Games graphics have marginally improved over the past few years, so even if these new GPUs are that much better (they are probably only marginally too), then what's the point?

No reason why anyone should be paying more than 200 or 300 for a GPU in this day and age, unless they're doing professional rendering or some shit.

People who need the latest and greatest tech for the sake of it really are the worst
My 670 doesn't even get that with those settings so I know you're just shitting.
raja is one hell of a pimp smoking nvidia ashes

this was taken after the macau event
Good lad. I think I'll join you two.
>4 months
>still a month of waiting
>nearly half a year of waiting
Nope. Pretty sure he can sell his 970 for something like $200 and get a 480 for $100 from his pocket (euros have like 200% for their 'free' healthcare and unis and such).
not really
e3 is close and lisa said they will unleash the whole lineup ranging from 100 to 300
480 4g is just 200 a 8g will be 30-50 more..
i expect to either see a 480x full chip with 2800+shaders or a 490 variant
Vega will probably be $300+ (so some $500 in euroland at least), to be released in August-September (so he would have waited some 7-8 months).

>480 4g is just 200 a 8g will be 30-50 more..
I know it is but that's just for the US. Different countries have different tariffs/import taxes/etc.

>i expect to either see a 480x full chip with 2800+shaders or a 490 variant
I'm looking forward, though all I know is that the RX 480 4/8gb will be up for sale on June 29th for $199 and $230 respectively.

E3 has big Vega afaik, little Vega I have no idea. Probably around next month like you say.

Then there's nothing until next year with Navi and the 1080ti going up against one another.
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well time to sell the 970 befor chad finds out
vega will be the last BIG chip amd will ever create

so no it wont be at all at 300 more like 500+ and its going to have hbm2 from top to bottom so no it wont be released this year at all

vega will be from 15 to 18 billion transistors as per amd if they release it now it would surely stomp everything on both api's its not meant to go head to head with 1080 at all its about the ti and the next titan
So the vega chip that's going to be released in August-September, the one that was supposedly delayed but no back on schedule, that's little vega? So this month is just the 480 being released? I was under the impression that Navi is meant for next year as a 1080ti competitor. Vega a 1070/1080 competitor later this year. And the 480 to just anally rape the <$250 GPU market.

Idk dude, this is what I keep reading.
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>getting yourself jewed by Nvidia
Just came back to the thread. Well made anon, well played indeed.
vega has nothing to do with june or 2016 for that matter
hard ocp rumor is just trash as always

polaris is set to be released as a line up on e3

if 480 delivers quite a punch on dx11 expect the second hand market and every single card below 1080 to be irrelevant that is a fact..
1070 could claw its way back to relevance if Nvidia slashes prices down to a reasonable level.

I think the $380/$450 non-ref/ref split was them trying to be able to shift downwards if AMD was aggressive and to gouge their customers if they didn't, but they were unprepared for AMD to go down to the $200/$230 level.

A 1070 at $300 would be something I would at least consider. $400 no way though.
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>implying Raja is a poo
Poos only want to poo everywhere that isn't the loo. They live for the poo. Raja however, is for GPUs. The man wants AMD to triumph.

he only wants to shit on Nvidia
Doesn't matter if AMD's product is good their marketing cant hammer down a way to sell the stuff. Here's the most cringe-worthy release I've ever seen
they could yes but last time they did this was on 2008 because of the 4870

amd literally had a card performing like a gtx 280 for 300 less bucks
nvidia after a week stopped producing the gtx 260 cutted down quite a lot of the price on gtx 280 and people went mad because of this..
the result was for 3 qs nvidia lost quite a lot of share

also im just leaving this here
if anyone is interested to see what amd brought on the gcn 4.0
you forget that amd recently grabbed the former head of nvidia pr department

also how is this a release? this is cherry picking youtubers and giving hardocp a big middle finger because they are fags
The dunning kruger is strong with this one.
>if anyone is interested to see what amd brought on the gcn 4.0

please summarize this shit or at least give some context.
my 30 seconds of skimming and uninformed background makes this just sound like they are trying to do variable width wavefronts/warps to cut ALU processing waste.

how much does this improve over past GCN, and how much comparative advantage if any will it bring over what Nvidia is already doing?
till so far amd had a really big problem on dx11
the cores where just sitting doing nothing because of the card being highly paraller and dx11 being highly serial api

now this patent shows us that amd changed their core with power gating tech meaning that they will only activate the needed cores while powering down everything else that is not in use
that makes the base clock of any card with such a tech irrelevant because while you can see a 1GHZ let say those cores can be boosted for some ms to 2/2.5ghz while the rest of the card is sleeping thus creating the bigger than expected effiencency we saw(2.5x said glofo that their 14ff node gives amd said it has 2.8x)

nvidia currently doesnt have any flexibility on their cores pascal is just a maxwell on a die shrink and nothing more volta will be the one card that will actually be competitive on dx12
what you say might all be true, but the patent linked to describes a GPU with multiple width SIMD subunits where different sized parallel workloads can be routed to in order to cut waste.

nothing about overclocking or power gating at all.
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>AMD Using Ashes of Fucking Singularity as a benchmark
>480 SUPPOSEDLY has higher fps over the 1080 in 1 GAME
>Does not show DX11 or Vulkan performance

You guys are getting shilled by AMD so hard and you cucks are eating that shit up
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Right now a GCN CU looks like this

Do you see SIMD0, 1, 2 and 3? Each are separate SIMD units with a 16 lane vector ALU.

What the document you linked suggests is that RTG have changed the organization of these Vector ALUs so that they can match the incoming workload. Meaning that the Vector ALUs can automatically re-arrange themselves to suit incoming workloads and thus leave far less units idling (boost in efficiency)

overclocking=boost clock
"An" It's applied to either words that starts with a vowel or words that starts with letters that SOUNDS like a vowel.
Don't worry we will get a Hitman benchmark at E3.
>Benchmarks of more games that are shit
>AMD RX 480

WEW. This GPU is DOA and no one even knows it yet. I'm not an nvidia fan boy but this is blatantly obvious
Crossfire is always fucking gay and useless every time I try it, almost never has a profile for whatever fucking common game and only uses one GPU, and when it does work frame latency is so high the game runs worse.

Every time /g/ users that haven't ever used crossfire say "things have improved lol it wrong" it's still fucking gay. Stop forcing this meme, buy a single Rx 480 or wait for 490.

Crossfire HD5870? Fucking gay. Crossfire HD7950? Fucking gay. Crossfire r9 290? Still fucking gay.
nah we will get deus ex on e3
also tw too..
and the new hitman
and the watch dogs 2 too
and half life 3 (it will be on e3 tho not sure on the date :P )
and the first tv's with freesync/adaptive sync tech
the new consoles
amd is actually shipping quite a big cringy show on e3

but we kinda expect this a cringe worthy show to launch awesome products
Probably gonna buy a 480 now and wait for vega/1080ti

>crossfire 480s able to even come close to the 1080 in any game at all
>while costing $199 each
>1080 MSRP alone is $600 for the non founders edition meaning you still have to tack on $40-$50 for marketing judaism
>double 480s still cost $200 less
>AMD doesn't need to show DX11 performance because DX12 is out now and DX11 is old news
>the Wall Street Journal has already published that the 480 will perform as well as the 980 and Fury cards
>about 70% of the market buys cards that cost $250 or less
>Pascal is just Maxwell on a node shrink, aka Paxwell

there doesn't seem to be a debate here, if you want to get jewed go buy Nvidia, if you value perf/$ then go AMD
>San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050
It may run 5 year old games on max but not current games.
Source: I have a 560ti.
All those games you listed are like 4 years old now.
Nowadays, how much could an used 280x be sold for?
not much but it could still get you half of what you need for the 480

com'on son it's $200 just go mow like 1-2 lawns a week for a month and you'll be able to afford it by the time it's out.
Yeah it's not expensive, I was just thinking of selling this to save some.

I just don't know when it's coming out so I don't want to go on with intel 4600hd for months. Also I'm very paranoid about that thing lacking support for like a full year on linux.
Is Crossfire really a nightmare to work with?
Are there any other applications for it other than gaming?
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in my opinion they've gone for the wrong market at release. it's obviously great value for the performance its offering but i feel they have missed out on a great opportunity here. i mentioned it in another thread yesterday when i said that everyone i know have said they're going to be upgrading to the gtx 1070 even though they know of the 480x's low price and good performance and when asked why they all said that it looks like a weak offering for playing games at the highest settings. this is obviously understandable because most of them have 390/970 and by upgrading to a 480x they're getting marginally better performance so its not weird that they want that 980 ti (1070) performance as an upgrade, but whats funny is that even the people i've asked that are running pc's with 5 year old gpu's have all said they would rather get the 1070 over the radeon 400 series. what i'm trying to say is that amd have missed an opportunity to trump nvidia in a price/performance range that actually matter and sells the most. as we saw last gen the 390 and 970 were by far the best sellers and the most popular gpu's because of their fantastic price/performance. amd had the 380/x series which were superior to the gtx 960 but even that didn't give them a massive sales boost and had little to no impact on their market share.

to round off, i believe that nvidia have won in the price/performance bracket most people will be looking at and i get this feeling that we'll see another repeat of the 970 by which i mean the 1070 will become the most popular gpu with the most sales (and not the 3.5gb vram issue lol). amd really should have put out a competitor alongside their lower midrange 480/x cards.

remember this is just my personal opinion.
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But vat about a $700 solution? Vat about a $700 solution? No no I want the video put up the video PUT IT UP PUT IT UP NOW ALALALALALALA
>But vat about a $700 solution?
triple crossfire
Not at all, it just works better in some titles than other. Same is true with SLI.
sorry, thats just $600-$690, familio.
The 2900XT was pretty shit not gonna lie
1080 MSRP is $600 :^)
>He thinks 80 plus is applied to output wattage not input wattage.
I've come to expect very little from this board, and his post still disappointed me.
in my opinion, it's perfect. there is absolutely no con in recommending someone an amd card when the rx480 hits the market.

where as if you want better performance, the 1070 might have come down in price

AMD esta resurgiendo y ya no esta en bancarrota!!!
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do you honestly think the average /g/ user can even decipher this diagram?
>2x performance per watt
>The card has still a 150W TDP

When will we finally get a decent <50W TDP passive cooled card?
Didn't they do the same thing for fury x and titan x? How did that end?
So you can't even provide proof, but chose to waste my time instead?
Define decent.

150W TDP is the max the 6 pin + PCIE lane can output. The real card will only draw max of about 110-130w.
An rx 480 is basically a gtx 980 while your card is weaker than the gtx 950 (which is stronger than a 580)
>Define decent
1080p with 60FPS in current games
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benchmarks when ?

probably not long after E3, AMD is doing an actual release of polaris then, they told their investors this most recent even was a "polaris update"
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>99% and oversweating enabled
Isn't it 225w?


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>meme arrows

That is Polaris 11.
Its competing against the GTX 950 while drawing 50w. That puts it close to the Radeon R9 380 as well. Pretty solid for an entry level and mobile GPU.
> slot + nuffin = 75W
> slot + 6pin = 150W
> slot + 8pin/2x6pin = 225W
> slot + 6pin + 8pin = 300W
> slot + 2x8pin = 357W

In actuality, no card pulls the full 75W off the slot since power draw fluctuates between frames a lot and it's not good for host system stability to have huge periodic swings.

A 6 pin card like the RX 480 will probably draw no more than 40W off the slot for a total around 115W.

The 1070 has 225W available like the 1080, but it seems to only use 130-140W in games.

>In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin.

kyle pls you're embarrassing yourself.
>Buying Poolaris HOUSEFIRES
>any year



>newfags dont know greentext is an easier way to do bullet point style lists
Maxwell cards have been shown to pull up to 220w from the pcie when overclocked.
two curry chickens are coming at your way.
enjoy Pajet muhamed rajed

may i offer a rebutal my good sirs:


you guys are praising something that's being market by the makers, while there's still no real benchmark, how much savage monkeys are you guys ?

first bring it to the arena, then we can discuss.
Even if only 50% performance of 1080, it's 30% the cost so it's very worth it.

Current benchmarks put it on par with 390x, but drivers will need time to mature.
the PCIe 6/8 pin supplemental power cables maybe, not from the slot, which frankly might melt under that much load.

Because we have seen some 3DMark benches. And it was running Doom maxed at capped 60FPS 1440p. Everything we seen so far hints on performance level of GTX 980. For 200$ its a steal.
that's pretty spooky, but remember that where the card draws power from is entirely up to the AIB manufacturer and not the GPU, which doesn't care about anything other than its power pins being maintained at an adequate voltage.
I've never seen an AMD card pull over 50w in reviews, from the pcie.

Not even the 295x2.

That's the only reason I'm sticking to AMD for now.
You guys know the 480 isn't going to be their only card, right?
Yes. What do you mean?
>pull up to 220w from the pcie

even though it's still a shitty card design, that's still extremely transient.

shaking my head at you, Asus.

> other 960 vendors not great, but much more competent apparently:
> http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/nvidia-geforce-gtx-960,review-33113-8.html
AMD will release other cards that compete more directly with the higher priced Nvidia cards. People are getting a little carried away with the comparison of unlike things.
Other nvidia cards still do pull more than 75w, but nowhere near as much as asus.
And Nvidia will release even the titan and 1080ti to shit on them when they do.
Funny how the 290x and 390 are beating the 780 ti now.
Rebrandeon is still busy selling those cards and have driver optimizations for them. the 780ti has been grandfathered and doesn't have any performance enhancements due to architectural differences.
so you admit that the 1080 is basically a product with a 6 month lifespan designed just to lighten the wallet of NVcucks by $700?

I'd rather buy an AMD every 3-4 years instead an equally expensive nvidia every 2 years.

t. Regretful gtx680 owner
>6 month lifespan
Nvidia also have the excellent option of cutting prices once these newer products come out.
Which they inevitably do.
Then you can crow about how you can get 2 1080s that shit on whatever the flagship AMDerp garbage is out ok?
>Every 2 years
It uses far more power, and has terrible optimizations out of the box. Your 290x was at some point $800-$1000 in price so stop pretending that it's some sort of budget option. If you bought a GTX 680 your fucking card is so old the fans are probably dying. If you bought a r9 290x and used it heavily the fans and coolers are already probably dead.

Have fun hunting around for a cooler and installing it/pulling the card apart so you can 'have a longer lifespan' than intended.
as bad a deal as the 980 ended up being, it at least was only $550.

the 1080 being $650-$700 is almost insulting knowing that Vega and GP102 will be out Q1'17.
290X rapage was thanks to buttcoin miners, not AMD going full kike.

IIRC its release price was $550, same as the 980.
So it's Nvidia's fault that AMD sold cards to buttcoin miners?
No, the effect is the same, stop pretending that AMD is always the cheaper option, market forces work for a reason.
>knowing that it will come out
No, you don't know when things in the future are going to happen, You might get hit by a truck before this happens instead of enjoying superior graphics performance.
AMD didn't raise the price, retailers did.
>Retailers did,
AMD did NOTHING to alleviate the issue because they couldn't keep up with demand.
If your product suddenly started selling faster than you could resupply it, would you stop it completely?

Look at it from a business perspective.
Yeah so, $1000 cards.
I paid $200 for my reference 290, slapped on the cooler from my old 5870, and I'm happy so far.
>I'm happy so far
>nigger rigging 3 year old cards

Poorfags gonna poor
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