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/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 322
Thread images: 45

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Previously on: >>54851008

Welcome to /fglt/. We are always open to users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are four ways to try GNU/Linux, you can:

0) Install a GNU/Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
1) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full GNU/Linux experience".
2) Dual-boot GNU/Linux with Windows/Mac (recommended if you want to learn more about GNU/Linux)
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with GNU/Linux

Before asking, please search for answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe WINE can make up for it.

IRC connection details:
Server: chat.freenode.net:6667 (no SSL, 6697 for SSL) - Channel: #flt
If you don't have an IRC client (which you should), go to https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt to use IRC on a web client.

Visit the Friendly GNU/Linux Thread/Website:

man <insert command here>
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx.me, ixquick, whatever)
https://wiki.archlinux.org/ (Most of the configurations and troubleshoots will work on various distros, including Debian)
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Arch/KDE masterrace reporting in.

It appears red hat cucks are quite busy these days. Now that prajeets have infested red hat we get just as much shilling as windows 10
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Me odiaba mi primo
Por celos a mi carrera.
Lo arrestaron y dijo
Que terrorista yo era.

Guantanamero, soy preso guantanamero.
Guantanamero, soy preso guantanamero.

Ha decidido el imperio
Tenerme por siempre preso
Y la cuestiĆ³n es hacerlo
Con o sin falso proceso.

Cuando me hieren el cuerpo,
Dicen que no me torturan.
Causan heridas profundas
De esas que nunca se curan.

No me permiten que duerma:
Mi fin no es un misterio.
Voy a salir cuando muera
O caiga el gran imperio.
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Threadly reminder that there's nothing "masterrace" about your setup.
Spotted the mentally fragile gnome cuck
>true white Swedish master race
>white Swedish

That's an oxymoron, like thin American or well-bathed Frenchman
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Desktop threads are banned now so poor little archnigger doesn't know where to circlejerk?
After all it's everything his distro is useful for
Butthurt much? You can stop crying
Why should I use a server OS when it doesn't have any games?
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sudoedit: i3blocks.conf: editing files in a writable directory is not permitted

How do I fix that?
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wew lad trip filter doing its work
Please keep anime in /a/ where it belongs
>he doesn't know /g/ stands for /g/uro
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Go back.
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Not anymore

>So advanced it can't even play video games
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I will if you help me with my problem.
http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg04072.html
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My Wifi drivers are working, it's able to detect access points like it should, but I cannot connect to anything. Any suggestions?
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>muh manchild gaymes
Fuck off back to your daycare board >>>/v/ where you hang out with your fellow leeches of the society you worthless lump of shit.
Let me get this straight you feel empowered because your OS features a fucking thumbnail viewer? Are you a graphic designer? Is that relevant really? I'm a nooblord here, but i'm fairly certain I would be more concerned with other things than ascetics, you know like how my operating system is operating?
dumb tripfag
just stop answering this faggot, he will just go away.
now read about double licensing of qt licenses.
>Being a vapid trip shit
Get the fuck out fucking manbabby
You're dumb
quick google serach returns:
When you don't like the majority of the posters it usually means you are in the wrong thread
oh noes, muh feelings, they be mortally wounded, how ever shall I go on
GNOME's disagree with RMS
>pointless shitflinging brings anything of value to this thread
/v/ called they want you back
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Use xfce then rice.
Xubuntu is the best distro
>Desktop threads are banned now
Since when and why? What did I miss?
yo did you not read
>Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
like i get i'm an ignorant piece of shit, but you don't have to rub it in my face so aggressively.

So for real, is a gui that shows thumbnails that important? Does anyone do everything via command line?
They started to tryhard and created 30 desktop threads / board. Then they got banhammerd.
What distro/DE are you using?

What is the output of ifconfig | tail?
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Do I need to revise my male privilege checklist?
If you are using Xubuntu try this:
1. Log off and sleep
2. Log back in
3. Enjoy no mouse cursor
>I'm 2 retarded 2 computer
>Computer bad
>Desktop threads are banned now
I haven't been on since September, when did this happen?
gnome devs had a vote to decide whether they should represent the GNU operating system.

FSF as a "minimal efforts" from GNU-derived projects requires "avoiding representing proprietary software as legitimate".

Guessing from the fact that GNOME STILL is part of the GNU project (https://www.gnu.org/software/software.html) I'd say this vote didn't go to well.
So? How's your "best distro" going? Did it forget to show your mouse cursor? lmao
I'm using Debain, no DE. However I'll go into Xfce if I can't fix this issue.
A couple of weeks ago. Mods never commented on anything, they just started silently deleting desktop threads. As far as I know, none of their tripfags got banned, though. That would've killed the threads better than any amount of deleting them.
Good. Desktop threads were anime cancer.
>So for real, is a gui that shows thumbnails that important?
When you're trying to upload photos, yeah, it helps a lot. As an XFCE user, I have to admit it's one of my biggest gripes.

This is also stupid. Hitting ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+f7 isn't a big deal for me, but the fact it made it into a fucking release in this state is completely fucking ridiculous. Like, I literally don't understand how you could fuck that up.
That's actually great news. No more anime wallpapers perpetually on the front page.
I agree that they don't belong here, but not because of anime. See >>54862249
Is writing code that would let you see thumbnails that difficult? Is there no happy medium distro that let's you do everything that seems good about XFCE AND this simple feature?
>Hitting ctrl+alt+f1, ctrl+alt+f7 isn't a big deal for me, but the fact it made it into a fucking release in this state is completely fucking ridiculous
And people call it "the best distro"
Oh, yeah I've had nothing but a complete shit show of a time connecting to wifi without a DE.
Should I be using JACK or PULSE? I've always used pulse but someone JACK got pulled in as a dependency and took over automatically when I killed my PULSE daemon. Don't notice any sound improvements but it does fuck with my tray volume control in Cinnamon. What do?
It's not an anime site anymore you fucking idiots, 4chan is for variety of interests. Keep your shitty cartoons on your shitty board.
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Does anime offend you. Like anime lolis?
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Japanese website, primarily created to discuss anime, owned by a japanese. You cannot be this much retarded.
>Trip cuck
Oh wait
/fglt/, stop being faggots.
>It's not an anime site
It's not a television site either and never has been, yet you're not crusading against people who use /tv/ screencaps like >>54862080
Just go fuck off. You're clearly just shitposting and you're not even good at it.
I don't even like anime but dis nig is right.
Girls can't be cucks anon

I don't hate tv, just anime.
Post tits, cheap slut
>I don't hate tv, just anime.
Well, at least you admit that there is no logic behind your argument. Now fuck off, neckbeard. No one cares about your roleplaying.
>Girls can't be cucks anon
They can
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Yeah, my sudoers bricked when I did that.
Then gtfo. You know the rules.
There is no good anime anon

You are not a girl until you post your saggy tits
Everyone in here right now discussing weaboo shit needs to off themselves or go to the appropriate containment board.
>Is writing code that would let you see thumbnails that difficult?

>Is there no happy medium distro that let's you do everything that seems good about XFCE AND this simple feature?
Distro? No, they'd have to change the code of XFCE itself. If you mean another DE, then no, not that I know of.
Guess who started it >>54862177 >>54862209
No tits, no girl advantage. You are useless
>containment board
Tell that to everyone who mentions anything related to a career here, that shit belongs on /biz/.
Or tell it to everyone who asks a question here, that shit belongs on /adv/.
Anime discussion doesn't belong here, but that doesn't mean anime images don't belong here.
I will not flash my tits you disgusting perverted manchild.
When you bring up gender on 4chan.. What else can you possibly expect? And what does that even have to do, this is /g/, not /b/.

Excellent. Would you recommend XFCE for basically anything else? I'm too embarrassed about my OS and am looking for a good distro, hence joining the thread. I have Kali Linux r5 via vmware, but I think that's not ideal for day to day use.
That's cause you don't have any tits
I didn't even see those posts since I filter tripfags like any well-adjusted person should do by default
did what?
bricked how?
You know you want to
why not? it's still the exact same website. what's changed so drastically that the discussion boards have become containment boards?
drop trip you worthless child
>I have Kali Linux r5 via vmware, but I think that's not ideal for day to day use.
Oh yeah. Never, ever, ever use Kali as a daily driver, it's not intended for that and has awful security (made for offense, not defense).

>Would you recommend XFCE for basically anything else?
I like XFCE for what I do, but it really is a personal decision. Try out a bunch of live distros in a vm for a few days each, see which interface "feels" best for you. Unless you have specific requirements (e.g. low resource usage), they can all be customized to how you want anyway.
Male here.

anyone can huname readable intruduce me into fifos? I'm using lemonbar as panel, packed with a bunch of scripts and therefore it updates pretty slowly. Now I've seen some people use fifos for this. What the tits is this shit.
Sue me
Jesus christ would you fucks please stop arguing with each other over fucking anime? Nobody gives a shit.

If you don't like anime, scroll past the fucking anime and move on. If you don't like tripfags, filter the fucking tripfags and move on.

Same thing goes for attention whoring and misogyny. Nobody is convincing anyone, so please just shut the fuck up already.
Well if it's possible, I'm willing to do it. A link to a guide will be very appreciated.
I'm following this alpha male.
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ded thred
Hey guys, question for laptop owners

I was running tlp recalibrate on my Thinkpad while connected to AC power. It was draining the battery and then proceeded to start charging it past my 80% threshold to 100% for recalibration.

However, the power on my house went out for like 10 seconds while the second step was happening

This may sound like an autistic concern, but will this mess with the recalibration? Should I start the command again?
start it again yo
Ok. Fortunately it was only up to 10% so it shouldn't take long to do it again
typical tripfags
I cant root login into a lightdm or a terminal, it loops giving me NIS domain error.
I was advised to network on local and correct, or use thumbsdrive. dont see how either will work if root cant even login. so now I am following this Grub. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd#Boot_Kernel_Command_Line

Can Grub disable NIS services something like:
grub>systemd.unit=systemctl disable ypserv.service

,or allow me to edit the NIS files back to default.

I dont know how to open any other type of terminal except grub
Has anyone here used Mageia before?

If so, what did you like/not like about it?
Say I have a handful of computers in the same house. How would I go about servicing updates to all of them at the same time, if they were all on the same distro (Debian)?

I've never messed around with servers or SSH.

what happens if they are not turned on at the moment when I pass the update? is there a way to get them to do it in the background automatically when the rest of my family turns them on? I'd like to make the maintenance process and all that as invisible and unobtrusive to them as possible
"literally what" the distro
cron/systemd timer to check for updates on boot

bear in mind you will get away with such thing only on certain distros/releases. Debian only in the stable branch.
If my main desktop runs Sid, and the other computers in the house run Stable, can I still do this?
For the sake of complicity.
Can you put a program in a chroot, in a container, in a chroot in a container?
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>icecat is very stable they said
>literally crashes everyday
>mfw I got meme'd
Just use Firefox with ublock origin and httpseverywhere. You're done.
>use firefox-nightly
>use firefox-esr
>Just use Firefox
I'm going to give both of you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you meant firefox-aurora.
Any cool shit in nightly? I usually stick with ESR but I wonder if I'm missing important functionality
It's faster for meā„¢
It has multi process tabs, thats been the biggest change i've seen, and worth it
Is each tab a separate process? I was under the impression that it was just two processes: one for browser chrome and one for content
The browser gets its own process,and each tab gets its own process.Im pretty sure plugins get it, but i dont have flash or any other plugins.
Where should I put programs that just come in a zip file like Telegram?
Linux is a poor mans Mac. I wish I had a mac.
Personally I have created a ~/.bin directory where I put those programs.
On my .bashrc I have added the line
export PATH=$PATH:~/.bin
You can put them where ever you want, but normally it would be in /usr/local/bin(its probally already in your $PATH)
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/usr/local/bin, but Telegram is shit.
Don't kill me, but need a remote desktop solution for my server with xfce4 installed.

Need to remotely access it to finish and troubleshoot a phpMyAdmin setup.
Just use SSH with X forwarding
Nobody uses nightly as their daily browser, so of course they meant aurora at a minimal.
REEEE what the fuck reee

Groovy as fuck m80.
It its possible.

This should work with debian too.
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Hey guys, what is a lightweight distribution that I can skin with a similar aesthetic to windows 98? I'm using a refurbished laptop and the sleek look of the modern DEs don't feel right
Uninstall JACK
Thanks I'll try this out.
Netctl would be way less complex
Reboot and press Ctrl + Alt + F1 at the login screen and try logging as root there.
Yes, all the other computers will update independently and separately.
The sid one might break if updated because it's unstable but not the others.
kek are you me
I have this laptop, I installed winblows 10 on it.
Use Aurora (rebranded as Developer Edition). All of the upsides of Nightly (features faster, etc.) with none of the instability. For me, Aurora is more stable than the stable branch. I've literally never had it crash.
By default it's only two processes, but you can easily set it to whatever you want. If you set it to some absurdly high number it just sets each extension and tab as a separate process like Chrom* browsers.
Just installed Ubuntu, my first Linux OS.

I understand that gnome is the UI that runs on top of the OS itself? Where can I find different themes? Moreover; how do I make my own? I'm an avid Photoshop user, as long as themes aren't too code-based; I can probably crack something up myself.
hey /g i need help with cmus, i like the android app to control it but i have to run cmus --listen and when i do i dont get the song im playing information on i3blocks, what do i need to do to fix it?
Are you using
Instead of your ip?
the app description said to use but i just tried using my ip and it also didnt work
GNOME is the DE (Desktop Environment). It is the WM (Window Manager) among other things.
What you'll be looking into making is a GTK theme, the basis that GNOME and a lot of other programs use to handle the GUI. I haven't read it thoroughly, but this looks like a good tutorial. http://worldofgnome.org/making-gtk3-themes-part-1-basics/
theres no photoshop in linux
there are kde/gnome themes to make it look exactly like xp
I'll be using my desktop for any photoshopping.

By the way, can I run photoshop through Wine?
>>54866046 is not a valid ip, try
If you used the default Ubuntu install, it's Unity, not Gnome. Unity is known for not being very customizable. You would be better off with literally any other DE if you want to customize. In terms of customization, others would know better, but my current understanding of it is that:
KDE > LXDE ~= XFCE > MATE ~= Cinnamon > Gnome > Unity
GIMP is what you're looking for, for image editing.

If you got Ubuntu GNOME, then yes, GNOME 3 is the UI, your desktop environment. If you got default Ubuntu, then it is Unity by default.
Oh, and thank-you!
Depends on the version:

As a rule of thumb, once you start getting WINE involved, things get ugly quickly.
>KDE > LXDE ~= XFCE > MATE ~= Cinnamon > Gnome > Unity
Not him, but I just want to point out that this is just regarding customization. This is far from an objective ranking of the different DEs.
If you're using GNOME, then go ahead and get yourself some gnome shell extensions, anon.


Lots of great stuff there.

I recommend:
>Applications menu
>Dash to dock
>Drop down terminal (!!!!!!!!)
>Media player indicator
>Native window placement
>No topleft hot corner (only if it annoys you, if not, don't use it)
>Places status indicator
>Pomodoro (good for productivity)
>Refresh wifi connection
>User themes (allows you to use user themes)
>Workspace indicator
Oh, right yeah I should have made that clearer. If other people are reading this for advice on which DE to use, this is not it (unless, again, you want to do a lot of customizing). For reference, I use XFCE, but these days any pretty much any of them are a good choice.

Gotcha, thanks!

Got another question.

I created a shortcut to open system monitor (ctrl+shift+esc). Unfortunately I can't get it to work. It'll work with any other combination.

I've google'd but no luck. AFAIK this combination was not reserved for any other function. Any help on this?
still doesnt work, but the problem isnt the ip thing, the problem is with i3blocks
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Do you guys know of any comfy themes for GNOME?

For GTK+, Icons, Cursor and Shell. Just running Adwaita on everything atm
When did this happen? I haven't visited this board in a while... Didn't mind dekstop threads though, they didn't cause any harm really besides arch-autists jerking off to i3 configs..
I've been running mint for the last few months or so and been enjoying using a linux based environment instead of micro$oft shit.

Was thinking of going to debian soon instead, are there any major differences I should expect?
I've heard mint's a pretty babby distro, just wanted to know why debian isn't.
PlayOnLinux has made things far easier, though. They have automated most of the annoyances and taken care of problems that you didn't know you'd run into.
to be fair atleast that screencap has relation to /g/
I like Breeze, but I've also been told that I have terrible taste for liking it.
Don't use Kali for anything unless you're an actual pen-tester (as in employed to do so), you'll just look like an edgy autist. Use XFCE or Gnome and Debian
Debian is still pretty easy to use and maintain to be honest, it's just less hand holdy than Mint or Ubuntu. It's a very nice change.

You won't have to adapt too much and you'll get guaranteed stability (on Stable) and good new updates on Testing and Unstable (just fyi, Mint and Ubuntu are based on Unstable, so take that for what you will).

The main differences are kind of subtle. For the most part you won't be adding third party repositories all nilly willy, as the Debian repos are carefully curated and will have you covered most of the time, and the packages are tested for working between them nicely. When there's something they don't have that you need, you can easily get it via the odd external source. You have to be careful with these though, as they aren't tested for Debian intercompatibility. They're usually fine though, if it's something like Spotify.

Also, you get to choose if you want to use free-software only or if you want to enable contrib and non-free sources. By default it's the former, you can choose the latter by adding two simple words to a text file.

apt-listbugs is a godsend if you're using Debian Testing or Unstable, because it warns you about bugs before you update

I mean, you can use it to play around with at home. Just don't fucking tell anyone, and don't think it makes you cool.

It reminds me of this talk on witchcraft I went to. The speaker was talking about how to cast spells in a way that are unique to you, and how you can use them to achieve your goals (e.g. increase creativity, sexual prowess, whatever). Because, if you take a bunch of acid, and manage to convince yourself it's working, who the fuck is anyone to tell you otherwise? Then, in the middle of this talk, his demeanor briefly changes, and says in a more serious tone, "Just don't, like, go around telling everyone that you can turn people into frogs, or that magic is literally real, and shit like that... don't fucking be that guy."

Point being: what you do in the privacy of your own home for entertainment, or enrichment, or whatever the fuck, is cool. But don't think everyone else needs to know.
That's one hell of a tangent you just went on, bro
Breeze is absolutely the best icon schemes in Linux. People that disagree are usually salty gtk cucks and prefer toy themes like numix circle
What do you use your home server for?

I want to hoard. My current motherboard only has four sata connectors.
Hoarding won't fill the void inside, anon.

Believe me, I tried.
Ok, I think I might install after the semester ends.
I'll just have to keep in mind to add repositories.
I don't use it for much other than assignments and net surfing so I'm not too phased about too many different applications.
>to add repositories
But he said exactly the opposite
You don't add third party repos to Debian unless you absolutely must

Or did you mean enabling non-free repos?
Are there any downsides to using this on Debian?


Or should I avoid Flash like the plague even though it's not Adobe's anymore?

I tried using mpv, livestreamer and other things but sometimes they don't work and I miss the convenience.
Sorry, meant adding non free.
It will work just fine, but it's still incredibly insecure so you shouldn't trust it at all. Block it by default in your browser and only allow it for trusted sites.
get open with for firefox and make it convenient, flash is the plague.
>Get open with for firefox

Alright. I guess I'll just use it for twitch. It sucks that porn sites are obviously a huge no no though.

And yeah, I'm using Firefox with pepperflash and the plugin that wraps it for Firefox
add mpv to this and make it display mpv in your right click menu
Twitch works fine with livestreamer/youtube-dl if you purge flash.
Give XFCE or Cinnamon a shot and just find a a skin for it online.
Thanks man, this is great

Oh yeah I know, I just found it annoying to have to copy paste an URL to the terminal everytime I wanted to watch a stream.

I later started using a gui called livestreamer-twitch-gui which worked on my desktop but not my laptop for some reason.
What's the difference between using mpv and livestreamer for twitch? Any at all?
Livestreamer just picks up the stream and sends it to your configured media player; mpv might be that media player.
I think you meant to ask what the difference was between using youtube-dl and livestreamer.
I meant more along the lines of "why should I use livestreamer to open a stream with mpv if I can just tell mpv to open it directly"

Are there any custom options or advantages I'm missing here?
And yeah I know the latter command uses youtube-dl's hook
Oh, then there's no reason at all.
Which one has been around longer? It would make sense that some people haven't switched if youtube-dl is far newer.
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If you ask me, some troll created 40 threads to kill desktop threads and mods fell for it.
Servus, friendlies, can you reccomend me a DE/WM to try?

I'm a KDE user, but since the last update, plasma always crashes when I unplug my external monitor and only comes back when I plug it in again. And since I am on a laptop, and often moving back and forth between my office and other locations, this essentially means that I cannot work for 50% of my time.

And it seems like there is no easy fix for that shit.

so I need a nother DE.

Is lxqt any good?

What about other options? I would prefer if I can simply install it alongside KDE, and switch back, should it work again at some point in the future. I tried gnome once, and that broke everything.
Bless that man's heart then, he's a true hero and a real human bean.
Try GNOME on a clean install. KDE doesn't play nicely alongside GNOME from personal experience
>KDE doesn't play nicely alongside GNOME from personal experience
Yeah, kinda sucks.
But seems like my system is totally borked? Lxqt starts up with a bunch of crash reports, and then I cannot connect to my wifi. WTF?
Reminder: >>>/wg/6576665
Drop 'em.
Jump ship. Backup your personal files and reinstall

KDE: not even once
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I dreamed about Richard Stallman visiting my house last night.

He practically didn't say anything. He ate at my dinner table and then slept on the couch.

What does it mean?
Is there another desktop that plays nicely with QT and the KDE application suite? I really need Kate, Kile, Dolphin and Gwenview to get shit doneā€¦
Fuck off.
You can use all of those outside of KDE senpai.
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I want to. Trust, me, I really want to get off Mr. KDEs wild ride, but every other DE I try, just feels shitty, and is a lot of work to get anything configured properly. KDE just werksā€¦ Except when it does not.
Why not just downgrade to the previous version?
Yes, but not always out of the box.
E.g. running dolphin in openbox, tends to be horribly broken, without configuring shit. And gnome also does not like it, when you install KDE stuff.
You just gotta get used to it mang. GNOME is just more solid

If you want more customization though, Xfce, LXDE, and just Openbox with tint2 are good alternatives
Oh and also Cinammon, all those might be great

But this is coming from a guy that never liked KDE, so
Is GPU passthrough as much of a headache as I hear, or is it relatively simple?

It'd be such a treat to be able to play games without having to reboot to my Windows partition

Not the guy you're replying to but XFCE, Mate, and Cinnamon are all based on GTK and all look similar out of the box, what would you guys say is the best of the 3 overall (for the DE itself, not apps that come with them)?

Also is the font rendering in Linux handled by the DEs or something independant of the DE? And some question but for mouse movement.

Basically I'm curious of one DE might have better font rendering and mouse movement options than another, or does the DE have nothing to do with that.
From my experience, this always ends with making it worse, wasting days of time that could be spend more productive, and a "I give up" fresh install.

I dont really want to admit it, but yes, maybe I really have to jump ship.

The "Problem" with XFCE et al, is that I do want customization, but I dont want to dig around in config files and such. I am way to old for intense ricing, I just want my shit to work, after clicking some buttons for 5 minutes.

BTW, is it just me, or is 4chan also broken? I am not seing any pictures, and threads just load forever.
DE has nothing to do with font rendering as far as I know. That's on the distro.

The best of them is entirely up to your preference and needs. I just like GNOME but other people hate it for the exact reasons I like it.

>I do want customization, but I dont want to dig around in config files and such. I am way to old for intense ricing

GNOME shell extensions should have you covered then

>BTW, is it just me, or is 4chan also broken? I am not seing any pictures, and threads just load forever.
Just you, famicon.

*same question

And to clarify what I mean by mouse movement, I am used to Win7, 6/11 sensitivity, accelleration disabled, which basically means perfect mouse movement directly from the mouse (assuming the mouse had a flawless sensor). I just want to achieve the same thing in Linux.
This is something I've been wondering about too, to be honest. I dualboot with Windows, and I have my mouse settings to 6/11 there as well, and a specific DPI for my mouse, which gets saved to the hardware. I haven't dug around/researched where to set everything for exact parity with my Windows settings. GNOME is a bit lacking in that department, because in the mouse menu it just has a slider. So it's probably a job for config files.

Since the DPI I like is saved to the hardware though, it's easy to ballpark it just using the slider.
KDE has the most mouse movement customization, but luckily they're not involved in font rendering.
ballpark the software sensitivity, I mean. Since the DPI is hardware set
So vlc in this day and age is pretty much deprecated in favor of mpv and company, right?

Or does it still have some niche it's great at?
It's still ok desu but there are already better alternatives around.

Yea I noticed KDE actually did have an option to disable mouse accelleration and when I disabled it, my mouse movement did feel the exact same as on Win7 (although I was using Kubuntu in a VM, not sure if being in a VM in Win7 contributed to that).

I just wasn't sure if all DE's had that option these days, since I've heard people complain in the past about mouse accell on Linux.

As for the font rendering, is there any way to get font rendering on Linux to be the exact same (or as close as possible) to Win7's font rendering? I realize in a lot of ways Cleartype is objectively worse but I'm so used to it that the font rendering on Linux/OSX drives me nuts.
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Anyone know how to set up macro keys on one's keyboard on GNU/Linux?

On Windows there was a propietary program by Corsair that let me config my G1 through G18 keys for macros, but that's not available outside of that OS.
Don't know about Windows parity, but I've found on Debian following the instructions here helped them look much sharper


Namely, the bit that is titled "Subpixel-hinting and Font-smoothing"

the guys got a point tho
Use xev to see what the key codes are and then xmodmap to map them to something.
That KDE anon from a few minutes ago hereā€¦

So I just installed GNOME, and well, it works and doesnt have the issues with my 3nd display, but holy shit, is that shit different from anything else on the market!!!

And I am not sure if I want to deal with their user hostility. Why the fuck cant you give me any settings? The settings app, is essentially empty. There is nothing in there, besides trivial shit. Why cant I simply set my title bars to a sane size? I dont have a touchscreen, so I dont need finger sized title bars. Where can I switch alt and ctrl?

And, of course, KDE applications are kinda broken. Kile seems OK, but dolphin is missing half of the icons, and the rest is replaced with the brown gnome2 turd-icons, but gnome itself does not ship with a file manager.

We warned you not to install them side by side

GNOME does ship with a file manager, it's Nautilus
I thought that was only for really "outlandish" configs, and not for the absolute basics. Thats like shipping a car without a steering wheel, and expecting you to get this from some tuner, if you want to do something as advanced as changing directionsā€¦

I know, but I need that programs, and I just figured I'd try it.
And nautilus is not a file manager. Its a fun, little desktop widget, to open funnycatpicture.jpg, without getting intimidated by all the options you have in a file manager. But for serious work? Lol, fuck no.

Oh well, playing around for a bit more, but I guess it will end with a reinstall in a few hours.
>Richard Stallman - "Freedom and Privacy in Our Lives, Our Governments and Our Schools"

>Richard Stallman will be speaking at the Eleventh HOPE conference. His speech will be nontechnical, and the public is encouraged to attend.

>When: Jul 24, 2016, from 01:00 PM to 02:30 PM

>Location: room TBD, 18th floor, Hotel Pennsylvania, 401 7th Ave., New York, NY 10001

In you guys' experience, what runs better: QT software in a GTK-based DE, or GTK software in a QT-based DE?
Why should there be a difference?
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Judging from my experience just trying it:
GTK on QT: works 90%, you only get the useless GTK file picker
QT on GTK: pic related
>QT on GTK: pic related
Really? I'm running Manjaro KDE and haven't noticed any problems.
Maybe I should phrase it more explicit:
Running GTK applications on a QT based DE: works.
Running QT applications on a GTK based DE: Oh god, my eyes!!!1
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Are you just memeing or is your opinion based on outdated information?
My opinion is based on just booting into gnome 15 minutes ago, and trying to use KDE applications, and generally using KDE (if that fucking piece of shit works) with a lot of GTK applications (firefox, gimp, inkscape, gparted)
dat theme.
Get a better gimp theme nigga.
Why are you running a distro made by devs who think it's a good idea to tell it's users to fuck around with the system clock to solve problems?
Ah. I just realized that I read your initial post backwards. Carry on.
I don't use gimp often enough to care, but what should I get instead?
Because that one was one dev rather than entire team, and he later apologized for that and said that it wasn't a good idea to do so.
Why do you just mindlessly repeat memes that you heard on /g/?

I'm switching from Win7 to Linux, trying to choose a distro/DE so I figured I might aswell pick the one with the least compatibility issues (out of the box) with the stuff I want to use.


The way your taskbar panel looks reminds me to ask: Is there any way to make the taskbar in KDE (or any DE) behave like the Win7 taskbar? By that I mean, open programs have the box on top of the permanent quicklaunch icon, and multiple open windows of the same programs stack like they do in Win7's taskbar? And if I mouse over the stack, I get a preview of each window in the stack?
If you search long enough, you find a flaw with every distro. Manjaro does a pretty good job overwise.
Yes to all of those questions.
All stale memes aside, Manjaro is a pretty solid OOTB distro and theirs is the only stable implementation of KDE that I've ever seen.
It really is. I was trying the bspwm edition in a VM and was impressed (even copied some configs :^)). I recommend to give it a spin for every newfag who wants to try a well configured tiling wm in a pre-riced env.

Nice, are the options for that in KDE's own settings? Or do I need to install third party stuff?


Is Kubuntu not what you would consider stable? I was playing around with it in a VM and it was a bit slow/glitchy but I assumed that was because of the fact that it was running in the VM, since when I watch 16.04 demo videos on youtube it seems way more responsive and fast than it was in my VM.
>Nice, are the options for that in KDE's own settings? Or do I need to install third party stuff?
The only change I've made is making it slightly smaller. Everything works with KDE.
And you'll almost always get abysmal performance in a VM. If you want to try out a distro, download the iso and put it on a USB using Rufus that way you can experience what your experience with it will actually be.
I'm thinking about to fuck around with Windoes 10 in virtualbox. Will Windows 10 stay in the VM? How secure is a VM anyway?
Win10 didn't even run here. 98, xp, 7, all worked, but 10 shat itself.
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If your linux is so good then why there less than 1% of all steam users that are actually using it ?
what browser is this? looks nice.
If anyone replies to this fag (except me) I'll post naked bananas, I swear.
Maybe I just tried Kubuntu at the wrong time, but when I used it, it was almost like the stereotypical KDE talked about on /g/; crashing all over the place, themes not working properly, and settings not saving.
Manjaro KDE, on the other hand, just werks.
Opera Developer Edition. The Linux build looks worse than the Windows build, but you can force the Linux one into a dark theme with your GTK theme.
>just werks
Please stop usin brainwashing jobshisms.

I've only ever used 16.04 Kubuntu, based on user reviews it seems like everything before that had a lot more problems though.
while true; do
wget -e robots=off --no-use-server-timestamps -rHDi.4cdn.org -nc -nd -c -ERs.jpg,html -P /home/anon/Pictures/$2 $1
sleep 10

I use it to download images from 4chan posts
Is this good?
Anything I could do better?
That's almost the same as mine except I use -A instead of restricting file types. Why do you need the -E flag?
Sharing mine:
while :; do
printf 'Updating ... \r'
wget -qe robots=off -rHDi.4cdn.org -nc -nd -ERs.jpg,html "$1"
printf 'Idle ... \r'
sleep "${2:-10}"

Good idea.
To be honest, I never was in a situation when I really needed to download a whole thread.
The -E flag exludes crap, thumbnails, html files, etc. IMHO the better idea than listing every extention with -A
4chan-get() {
while :; do
bumped="$(curl -s $url | grep -Eo '#q[0-9]*' | sort -r | sed 's/#q//;1q')"
nonbumped="$(curl -s ${url}[2-11] | grep -Eo '#q[0-9]*' | sort -r | sed 's/#q//;1q')"
if [ "$nonbumped" -gt "$bumped" ]; then
printf '%s\r' "$nonbumped"
printf '%s\r' "$bumped"
sleep "$delay"

Crappy try to make dubs/GETS getting easier.
It scrapes all pages and sorts post numbers, prints the newest. If the newest is 54870376, post and get 54870377.
usage: 4chan-get [url] [delay]
No idea what you're talking about
That is -R right? -E on the man page is --adjust-extension?
To complete the 4chan-suit:
4chan-check() {
curl -s "$1" | grep -Po "'\d+(\d)\1+'" | sort -u | sed "s/'\(.*\)'/>>\1/g"

That's all folks.
added, thx
He has a danish gf u idiot
this has been discussed back and forth so many times.
Just don't reply, retard.
You're asking for 50 trash posts.
I know. I'm just saying that this has been discussed before and he can just google it. No need to be rude in a friendly linux thread.
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>friendly linux thread
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>Linux is currently at 0.84%, which doesn't sound like a lot and there is a drop over last months 0.90%


I know it's bait, but whoever made this graphic has no idea how it actually works.
Furthermore, fuck off finally.
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Hi, I'm the guy that updated Debian from Jessie to Stretch without removing the Nvidia drivers beforehand so the GUI no longer loaded (startx and xinit did nothing).

After removing (purge) all Nvidia related packages, and removing the Xorg config files, the problem persists, but the logfile is naturally different. Sadly, I don't know what the fuck to do. I already updated everything, so if you could help me out I would appreciate it greatly.

Thanks in advance.

Here's the logfile.
kernel -> alsa -> (additionally pulse, jack, sdl, whatever people prefer/want to do) -> program

Reminds me a bit of the other disinfographic showing "how much gnu is in gnu/linux", listing browsers, DEs, WMs, music players, etc.

I wish'd tech illiterates would stop blogging bullshit.
Am I the only one who has two goddamn clock on the Xubuntu panel?
Even the fresh install (Ubuntu 14.04 + Xubuntu-desktop) has this annoying bug.

Any ideas how to fix this?
You remove it from the panel
Right click panel > Panel > Panel Preferences > Items
Remove a clock
Close window
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Yeah that solves it, I know.
What I don't know is WHY this bug is there.
It's a pretty laughable bug, especially with a fresh install.

Anyway: thanks, Anon!
did you try to sudo aptitude reinstall xorg ?
Is anyone familiar with rofi?
I can't seem to get colors working with it, I've copied the command from the website but it refuses to open. Running it in the terminal gives this:
The script command 'window' has 1 options, but needs 2: <name>:<script>.
Invalid script switcher: window
Rofi daemon mode is now removed.
Please use your window manager binding functionality or xbindkeys to replace it.

Any idea what's causing this, or something like rofi that isn't shit?
urxvt -geometry 80x1+10+10 -e bash -it
Nice pape
>And people call it "the best distro"
no they don't

xubuntu is just ubuntu with XFCE and ubuntu is just a shitty derivative of Debian

he was memeing you, and more importantly, he was memeing himself
I use it as mine
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when using mkdir, is it possible to cd to the created directory directly via an option ?
according man mkdir there is not.
Nightly a bestly.

Insecure Aurorafags btfo.
function () {
mkdir $1
cd $1

mkcd () { 
[ ! -d "$1" ] && mkdir -vp "$1" && cd "$1"

Drop this into your ~/.bashrc
[ ! -d "$1" ]

Will never have a clue what brackets and those things do
[ ! -d "$1" ] is a shortcut, the long version would look like this:
if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
mkdir -vp "$1"
cd "$1"

-d is for directory

So [ ! -d "$1" ] checks if argument $1 is not (!) a directory, if so (&&) go and create it, if creating didn't fail (&&) cd into it.
so && only works when it didn't fail
I always use ;
; will always continue, no matter if the prev command fails
&& will only continue when prev command didn't fail
|| will only continue when prev command failed
function mkcdir()
/bin/mkdir -p $@ && cd "$_"

I guess he wants to create multiple directories and cd into the last one.
$_ is referring to the final argument.
Wouldnt you need $@ in this case?
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Here's a Qt application "on a GTK" environment. It adapts to your GTK theme. Take a guess which one's which (the names will obviously give it away).

There is no "GTK or Qt environment". You have software which uses Qt and software which uses GTK. Just because you're using mostly Qt software, doesn't mean your GTK software will look like shit. It will use GTK themes, the same themes with the same looks as if you ran it in a "GTK environment".
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Hey guys I ran into a little snag programming a simple bash menu for my class.

I have to get option 4 to log the user out, but the way I have it written currently simply exits the menu and returns the user to the $ prompt. I've tried all sorts of combinations of logout/exit without luck, could anyone shed some light on this for me? It would be greatly appreciated.
Run it with exec.
No. I'll try that and report back.
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Could I get away with game development on GNU/Linux, or are all the best tools for it only on Windows?

Would it only be practical to work on amateur hobby tier stuff? Or can it actually be good for larger projects which could later be ported to be playable on Windows as well?

I've no idea whether porting to Windows from Linux is easier to porting to Linux from Windows
>disk full
>what the fuck
>/var/log 150GB large
>syslog and user.log full with the same GTK error all over again
How the fuck does this even happen?
Thanks for the response, exec[exit] doesnt seem to be doing the trick -- do I have my syntax completely wrong?
Cross-compiling is pretty easy with gcc and mingw, but why even write programs for Windows? Just let it die.

Try exec ./script, this should replace the shell with the script, if script exits, shell exits.
depends on the editors you use, I'd use both. blender and UE4 should be plenty decent already for your amateur stuff.
Systemd doesn't have this problem :^)
No, you have to run the whole script with exec
Pretty sure Debian uses systemd.
Thanks -- I'll keep toying with it and try to figure it out.
Should I use ubuntu or manjaro?
openbox and i3 are both very comfy

i3 has more usable defaults but openbox is my favorite
Manjaro. Or a fork of Ubuntu like Xubuntu, but please not Ubuntu.
what DE for wayland do yo know?
ubuntu is fine
>use ubuntu
>mom, look, I'm tollan
Okay, if I run the script to begin with using "exec ./script" it logs out completely like I want it to -- is there anyway I can contain exec in the script itself so I dont have to always type it when I run it?
Is some fork of ubuntu better for noob?
elementary is good
The forks are basically completly the same thing like Ubuntu, just not run by Canonicalfags and without Amazon crap.
No, there is no problem with ubuntu. Literally one switch is what everyone is moaning about.
>running a distro made by a company that makes best friends with Microsoft
GNOME 3.20+
it's comfy
I don't like unity
I'm just leaving this here: >>54872912
Thank you guys, this motivated me. And thanks for the link to that talk, it's super interesting. Half way through it
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