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What went wrong?

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What went wrong?
Are you referring to transistors in general or that specific one?
>not NPN
enjoy your botnet faggot
found the freshman memelord
Not uding FET!
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> Not using triodes
It's like you want the botnet to fuck with you!
>not uding
>ever since the invention of it, it's been the same shit for decades
>same shit just different materials and smaller
I always feel like we missed the best "route", and we sacrificed something cooler for transistor tech.

$(date +%Y)
>not understanding
the botnet already has him
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Sigh, I miss those. Nowadays opamps are bloated af
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>pic related
wew lad
Ever since I've taken computer engineering 1 and 2, I can't unsee references to it in every day life.
Like on YouTube, one of the buttons on a video (the "next video" one) looks like the circuit symbol for a semiconductor diode.
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Pic related
nice autism
>he still uses through hole

Wow grandpa. Just die already.
This brought me back to the old times, at the electronics lab on college, accidently switching the PNP and NPN in some circuit and frying both of them. Sweet times.
I really have no idea how tube tech could have possibly gone any further than it did. Anons just sad we don't live in a 1950 sci-fi future.
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>60 v breakdown
>half amp drive current
>200c/w thermal resistance
>150c tjmax
>30 pico fucking farad input cap
>literal piece of junk above 100 mhz
step it way up already
Is this a joke?
I used one of these in an LED and the fucking NSA watched me!!!
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I don't appreciate your negative feedback
Just playing. Much love and respect to the analog guys. That shit still scares me a bit even though I'm starting to get to the point where I have to consider it more in my digitally-focused career.
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Ancient LEDs? Why do some of them have so many terminals?
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Nice botnet processor.
Because they are 7 segment displays
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>tfw want an oscilloscope but too poor to afford one
those darlings are so tiny!
>that pic
>that course itself




Thank you for reawakening long repressed memories of a very turbulent time in my life.

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Nice, there's even a schematic for the input protection and scaling circuit.
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How the fuck do transistors even work? How does a program - that eventually gets translated into binary/machine code - even cause these transistors to "do" something?

Apologies for my retardation.
Transistors literally do the job of switching between 0 and 1 (low and high voltage).
its magic
Transistors are just digital switches.


are you a fucking jew?
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transistor thats lost its magic dust.
they're switches that switch between 1 and 0
>be mech eng student
>take elec eng class as a requisite class
>learn about transistors
>student asks prof how they actuall work
>'you don't need to know this, only how to use them'
sorry idk bro
Transistors are unruly beasts. They work in complicated ways, so to harness their power, we use different models that simplify their behavior depending on what we want to use them for.
The simplest model is the "switch model" >>54866051 and >>54866069 are talking about, often used in digital electronics. However they are much, much more than that.
.............as dismissive as it might have sounded, he has a point. It's literally why Semiconductor physics is a whole course (infact a whole discipline) unto itself, so there is only so much that he could tell you in that course (assuming it was said semiconductor physics class)
basically both have explained what i was about to type in response to >>54866154
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A program is just a sequence of ON/OFF during a period of time that open or close transistors' valve.
thats a regulator.
Transistors are not simply switches, that is incredibly misinformed. They in fact have many uses, they have a built in "current" gain that comes from the doping of either electrons, or holes, depending on the transistor type. They however are not always a linear device, you have to drive them into a linear region in order to use them for amplification, this is called the saturation region. However there are also two other regions that are useful, cutoff, and triode. Really they are fascinating devices but as far as a digital switch goes, FET's are much better as using CMOS tech you can get something that is incredibly power efficient. Simply because of how they work, its either on, or its off. Current flows, or it does not. FET's and transistors can be used to make all the logic gates that are used in creating a digital logic circuit.
People have already noted that ITT.
I should also mention that FET's also have a current gain, and that Vaccum tubes are a type of FET, however they are incredibly power hungry compared to integrated FET's. Therefore FET's can also be used for amplification as the general principal behind amplifying a signal involves amplifying the current.
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no its not. its a power mosfet.
Yes but they didnt explain what else they could do, and they also didnt give out some keywords that others could use to further research and understand they way they work and expand upon their knowledge base.
see what this anon >>54866193 posted.
Its a power MOSFET used in switching regulators as noted here: >>54866394
>using ayy lmao tech harvested from Roswell
w e w l a d
talk about botnet
>Saturation Region
>Linear amplifier
Wew lad.
I hope you don't teach for a living
So essentially, a set network of circuits are already present on a CPU and programs are just certain lines being activated at certain times, like gas travelling through specific pipes.

My question is, why doesn't the manufacturer just manually power up all possible lines of circuit and let it sit there and evolve into god?
Fuck im retarded, I have been drinking.

God no, its much worse, I build weapons systems.
............................what you're describing there is much closer to FPGAs than General purpose CPUs
there is a positive and negative side and a third side perpendicular to the two. Electrons flow freely from negative to positive, then electricity is sent through third side cause the electrons to stop moving.
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What would be the most meme electrical component?
so bombard the 3rd dimension with electricity
Im pretty sure he is trolling, but yeah there are some people out there using genetic algorithms to kinda simulate AI.Its not really anything like AI, but its more like you build a radio, but it isnt programmed, you then define what it should do, and it attempts to program itself.
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Meme electronics component....hmmm. RED LED's?
super conducting resistor.
Those are actually really useful tho.

Wat. I haven't read about those before, but maybe super capacitors.
kekworthy hivemind. I laughed hard when i first learned that 0 ohm resistors are literally a thing.
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>mfw memories of the day when i finally understood intuitively how inductors and capacitors work
I feel you. That was the day I became a man.
yeah they made those so a jumper can be inserted using a part inserting machine.
looks like a retard made it
people who tell you that transistor are On/Off switches are partly wrong
yes, thats one use, but transistor are also used for amplification, analog or digital.
they can be used as logic gates
the most used types of transistors are MOSFET and BJT
BJT works with current, and MOSFET works with Voltage.

there are also two kinds of BJTs, which are PNP and NPN, the configuration of each BJT transistor varies, not all BJTs are equal, you must calculate the current that passes trough the transistor to activate/deactivate it. to calculate it you use a Beta that the manufacturer gives you.

meanwhile MOSFETS only require a voltage entry in the gate to activate/deactivate the transistor

if I'm wrong please tell me

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My Circuits I prof made it really simple by telling us to visualize a large & flexible rubber membrane completely blocking the flow inside a water pipe. Any pressure (voltage) applied to the water will move the membrane only so far before it either ruptures (popped capacitors are always fun) or the rubber band resists enough to block water flow. Applying pressure in the other direction will return the rubber to normal only momentarily before it too reaches the extreme in the other direction; This is essentially how capacitors work and how they are essentially shorts to AC.

For the inductor, he challenged us to imagine a heavy, stationary turbine fan inside another water pipe which can be made to rotate by simply applying pressure on the water and having the flowing water rotate the fan. Given a constant pressure, the fan will eventually reach and maintain a constant rotational speed, effectively applying no resistance to the water flow. Remove the pressure source and it's easy to visualize that given the momentum of the fan, it'll continue to pump the water around before it finally dies down to friction (resistance).

Put them both in the same pipe and once you turn off the pressure source, you'll see them pushing back and forth on each other for some time(Harmonic Oscillator) before friction brings it all to a halt.


> he fell for the "bipolar jew" meme

I'll keep my quadrac, enjoy your DC shit
A capacitor is a spring and an inductor is a flywheel.
Yeah I went to school with a guy who was doing work on that for NASA, its was pretty cool stuff.
I know that now, but Im recounting a point in time at which my understanding of Inductors and Capacitors was a very inhumanly abstract "V = L*(dI/dT) and I = C*(dV/dT)" respectively. It was one thing to know the equations, it was something else entirely to finally have a reliable and accurate mental image of it's behavior.
Personally, I think It's better to know those equations in the q = C*v and Lambda = L*i form when trying to understand capacitors/inductors.
One stores energy as charge, the other as flux. Simple as that.
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Imagine the level of autism required to design such a thing.
Took me 3 days to get a simple HPF with +10dB gain running. Op amps are fucking voodoo.
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Buy pic related.
Bang for buck is incredible, I'm very happy with this thing. A new version came out recently, though.
>Op amps

An absolutely wonderful thing when presented very simply and invitingly in an introductory Circuits 1 course. The stuff of nightmares when fully detailed in a higher level Electronics course.
ferrite beads
If you or anyone is this thread is interested in the very basics of semiconductors check out this site:
(excellent, and ancient site with illustrations for beginners)
germanium transistors. the hype over them in the guitar pedal community has made every shit soviet leaky ass transistors that is Germanium about 10$ a pop. same happened to tubes
Surface mount techlology. Sure, it might save the company some money but how the hell am I gonna solder that shit!? RIP salvaging most parts or repairing shit
glass caps
>meme is literally in the name

They have been memeing on the whole tech world since 1971, and we're yet to see anything tangible.
Guitarfags are "modding" their guitars with 100$+ passive pickups, of course they use germanium in their pedals :^)

i transistor is just 3 diodes wired up like a jew

really love all the meme responses to the thread telling you its just a switch or some stupid shit.
i remember when i had these fucking retarded thoughts too

just like the meme-capacitor bro
Soldering SMD by hand is easier than THT, and you can do it basically with the same equipment as with through-hole. The problem is with de-soldering, as you need hot air gun.
>RIP salvaging most parts
Now, this is something worth the title of a meme
>using the smiley with a carat nose
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Since noone has really told you this basic thing Im gonna give you this hint.
1 > power
0 > no power
And thats how they work.
Imagine this "or" gate. Power flows through wire A and no power through the second wire (B). (making it "1" on the "A" and "0" on the "B" wire).
1 or 0 = 1 meaning:
On the Q wire, power flows meaning that it "translated" a logical "1 0" into "1".
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