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2 fucking clicks >bwaaaah now i have to keep 10

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2 fucking clicks
>bwaaaah now i have to keep 10

Are you sure you want to decline? :^(
pajeet, pls
In no way am i defending microshit or wangblows, but the people using it every day shouldn't be so fucking gullible to Accept everything that's shoved down their cum-filled throats
so what you're saying is that all i have to do is download several gigabytes of installation files without my permission on a possibly metered connection, have my previous version uninstalled, start up the new installer, decline its license terms, have to wait while my old OS reinstalls, possibly breaking some or all of my custom settings, and then i can continue using the OS that i already had?
wow! what a bargain! why aren't people doing this?
>"the legal stuff"

Jesus fucking christ, MS used to at least not treat its userbase like literal children.
You should know whether or not your internet connection is metered, and how roughly how many GB you have remaining this month.
>Here's what you'll miss out on.
>The speed and better security of Windows 10
>Thousands of free apps
>...and much more
im sold!!
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>>The speed and better security of Windows 10
>>Thousands of free apps
Meaningless buzzwords and proprietary garbage to me.
>Windows 10 marketing BS
>better speed
Not based on my own testing against Windows 7 on the same hardware.

>better security
Only because Microsoft has turned to cripping Windows 7/8/8.1 in a variety of ways, hell last week they even created malware from their own code by altering how the X close gadget actually didn't close/terminate that stupid popup window but instead installed Windows 10 for a fucking shitload of people that weren't prepared for that to happen. Fuck you, Microsoft, stop breaking shit and stop shoving Windows 10 down our fucking throats.

>thousands of free apps
Everything is free on the Internet, doesn't Microsoft understand this yet?

>... and much more
Utter hogwash, you fucking cocksmokers, just leave us Windows 7 users the fuck alone before we turn on you and do something that you're going to regret.
it was a hypothetical.
if my connection actually was metered and had my windows updated, it probably would have killed my quota that period for no other reason than microsoft needing to push its dick through my door.
What was your testing?

Traditional benchmarks that most people use, basic operations like copying/moving large amounts of files across physical drives and networked hardware, CPU/GPU specific testing, that sort of thing.

In only one instance of 17 tests did Windows 10 actually post a larger result/score. It offers nothing new for me over Windows 7, it's nothing but trouble, the rolling release bullshit is simply not workable for Windows (Linux, sure, even OSX, but not Windows) and tends to break shit with new releases more so than fixing things that were broken with the previous release.

Microsoft, what the fuck are you doing?
>Not based on my own testing against Windows 7 on the same hardware.
And Server 2008/post-SP1 Vista has better CPU performance than Server 2008 R2/7 (tested on all Nehalem-based chips, SB, Ivy-E, Haswell-E and all AMD K10 and newer chips). Not massive, but clearly visible in any encoding or compression job. And they both load libraries faster than S2008R2/7 from HDD.
Not to speak of that the Server 2008/Vista still has somewhat usable GUI, with the classic start menu available and non-gimped explorer.
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The best performing version of Windows I've ever used is still Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (not 64-bit Edition which is for Itanium processors only). That OS, based on the Windows Server 2003 core, is so god damned insanely snappy and fast it's just amazing it really is.

Sadly it's just not workable in today's world with current hardware but I can still run it - with complete hardware support - on my Dell Latitude E6420 and geezus is it unbelievably quick and responsive.

I miss that OS, I really do, not even Windows 2000 Professional was as fast as Windows XP Pro x64 on the same hardware. Gaming in those days, mainly Quake engine based stuff, ran close to 30% faster on that OS over plain old vanilla XP Pro (not based on the Server 2003 core) running on the exact same hardware.

It remains the best performing OS I've ever used, way ahead of even the best and most highly tuned/compiled Linux builds I've ever had anyone test out.

Fuck I miss that OS, seriously.
Lol, windowsfags, what the fuck
you claim to like windows so much yet you don't actually want the new version?
It doesn't make sense with your "I'll take what they offer" attitude towards operating systems
care to explain?
>way ahead of even the best and most highly tuned/compiled Linux builds I've ever had anyone test out.
Fair enough but still this statement contradicts completely my experience though
It will brick your system if you try to downgrade actually.

>Here's what you'll miss out on:
>-m-m-much more I promise!

>care to explain?

Why bother, you've obviously taken a stance on things that nobody will be able to budge you from at all.

Windows has always been an OS of choice - choose it, or don't choose it, or choose something else entirely. Now Microsoft is moving towards removing that choice from the end user and forcing - literally - a new version of their desktop OS on people that a) don't want it, b) don't care about it at all, and c) prefer to remain able to choose what they wish to run on their own hardware.

Linux sucks, OSX isn't useful enough, but Windows gets the job done for an obvious and quite overwhelming majority on the order of 97 out of every 100 personal computers in operation on the planet today right this moment (don't believe the hype about Macs and OSX, they don't have nearly as much market penetration as their marketing would have you believe).

But whatever, your opinion is pretty much locked in so have fun with it.
OS X actually can do more, better, more efficient. Source: IBM.

It's become a meme in technology, it's been used by Apple and Google for quite a while now, if Microsoft wants to compete they have to drop their stuff image and do the same thing unfortunately
>Windows has always been an OS of choice - choose it, or don't choose it, or choose something else entirely.
Well yeah, I picked the option of choosing something else.
But really, I genuinely don't understand. You choose to use an operating system that makes most other choices on your behalf.
And don't get me wrong, at Unix we have many choices made in our behalf. Most major linuks distributions are taking a choice which most of it's users don't either like or care about just the same as you do with windoze. The few distributions that do not do this either suck or are too much for someone who doesn't care to deal with the intrincacies of linuks.
But as I see it Windows provides a full black box on top of which you are free to install some stuff, and which most people I've known use it only for either gaming, the intarnetz, or microsoft office, without any regards for how it works on the inside.
So how is windows 10 any different? You already know proprietary software is not in the spirit of privacy, so they can always run arbitrary software on you without you being able to do much about it. Yet you guys accept that windows is like it is while it works.
So I truly don't understand
Because the new version is worse than the old, how is that hard to understand?
It would be nice if you could share these, I was actually contemplating upgrading from Win7Ultimate to 10 because I have friend whose laptop is full of garbage, viruses, adware of all sorts, yet it's pretty damn snappy running Windows 10. I need some hard data.
then keep the old version, how hard is that?

>how hard is that?

It's actually getting more difficult with each update Microsoft puts out which are being used to surreptitiously insert code to push Windows 10 on unsuspecting users of the older versions of Windows.

Imagine yourself running whatever Linux distro you choose, set it up perfectly and it works fantastic and you're very pleased with it - the developer of the distro decides one day to do things entirely different but still in a similar manner and they put out an update that sneaks in an auto-upgrade to this newer version on you (hey, it can fucking happen, so don't even try to say it can't) in an otherwise rather bland but typical update.

I'm pretty sure you'd be fucking pissed for that kind of action, right?

If not then you've got other issues besides comprehension and understanding.

What, you can't install Windows 7, image it, do testing, then install Windows 10, image that, do more testing, and compare the differences yourself?

But that's what I'm doing
I could, but why bother when someone else already did it?
I still remember when Microsoft started paying app developers to make shit for the Windows Store and it was filled with garbage by a bunch of pajeets.
>hey, it can fucking happen, so don't even try to say it can't
Actually it has happened already. It's a big deal in linuks today and it has similar consequences.
I think you're fucked. We're all fucked really, to this day there's no single piece of technology that respects it's users.
You guys can get really defensive tho, I was fucking asking a question
The difference with Windows is that its proprietary and you have no option but to use versions in which support was dropped or will be dropped.
I won't lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathy
>using the smiley with a carat nose
Just take the upgrade for now. Its free, you get a legit product key hashed onto MS servers. Then do what you want. Fuck around, reinstall Win7 etc... and if you ever want to come back to 10, you just install it and the hash function will auto-activate if you haven't changed much hardware. if you did, just call the same activation helpline and tell pajeet that you upgraded your motherboard or whatever you did and they'll likely give you more activations.

Oh, don't forget, that Win 7 or Win 8 / 8.1 Home / Premium etc.. gives a basic Win10 key hashed, but Pro and Ultimate keys give you a Win10 Pro key, the best you can get etc.

Hell, have a legit Win 7 or 8/8.1 Pro or Ult key? Download a new install ISO/USB of Win10 and it will take the older windows key and give you a new one.

No legit key? Have an hour to fuck around and some technical ability? Get DazLoader or any other SLIC loading tech, install another version of Win7 (with legacy BIOS mode, NOT UEFI! This is important...) and DazLoader will activate it as Win 7 Ultimate x64, then take the in place upgrade to Win10 Pro x64 and you're set.

Anyone know if there's a SLIC tool that works if you install Win7 via a PC in full UEFI mode?

No, KMS stuff and other Volume License keysdon't work the same way. You can direct install a KMS emulator locally of course, but these are temporary activation buy nature.

So yeah. Get your free upgrade now.
>The best performing version of Windows I've ever used is still Windows XP Professional x64 Edition (not 64-bit Edition which is for Itanium processors only). That OS, based on the Windows Server 2003 core, is so god damned insanely snappy and fast it's just amazing it really is.
You are completely right on the 'snappiness' of explorer and the fact how fast it load Microsoft libraries (the amd64 XP is no different from the Server version, they both perform the same), but it has lower CPU performance with any newer than Nehalem or newer than last K8 chips.

> way ahead of even the best and most highly tuned/compiled Linux builds I've ever had anyone test out.
Well, cant agree with that completely, but maybe, if you take the whole package (kernel+GUI and the basic libraries used by Windows) into consideration. But indeed, it performs very nicely even on my K6 systems.
Surely there is a way for MS to be hip and cool without me being embarrassed to use the OS.
Maybe they'll stop the botnetting since by now they have enough beta testing retards who bought into "free" upgrade meme. If they do, I'll pirate dat shit.
Good luck finding drivers for 64bitsXP. Nobody has ever used this shit OS.
alternatively, dont install kb3035583 and you wont have to worry

alternatively to that, take 15 seconds to set 2 registry keys and dont worry even if 3035583 installs
why not upgrade to 10 and then roll back to 7 so you have the option to switch to 10 for free later?

>look kids, a stupid fucking person that can't read with comprehension

Did you miss the part where I said I had full hardware support on my Dell Latitude? Because it's not made of cheap shit no-name technology like the "computer" you built from thrift store finds?

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all
That there is hardly a solution. Microshaft already fucked that system and wasted a day of your life with Malware 10.
>download several gigabytes of installation files without my permission on a possibly metered connection
That already happened. Microsoft made all users download Win 10.
I want to ask.

What makes Windows 7 any better nowadays?
Do many people in america have metered connections?
In the UK nearly everyone I know has an unlimited connection
>victim blaming
This is what microjeets believe.
>implying the Windows Apps store isn't still filled to the brim with garbage made by pajeets
Nowhere near as much bloatware
No blatant spyware
No ads
No material design
Doesn't uninstall your programs
Doesn't fuck with your boot settings
Among many other things
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