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Windows 10 Free Upgrade Offer Ending Soon

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Thread replies: 236
Thread images: 46

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My dear friends, I am here to remind you that the beloved free Windows 10 upgrade offer will in less than TWO months be free no more. You should all be realistic here and just get the upgrade over with before you end up having to pay for Windows 10 upgrade in the future. The Clock is ticking every day, summer will be over before you know it. Windows 10 has improved a lot since the beta, do not listen to all the people hating it. I know I'll be called out as a shill by the usual paranoid idiots, but seriously, nobody should let this bullshit misinformation and paranoia keep them from getting a free upgrade to Microsoft's best work yet.

Let's be realistic here: Microsoft is basically giving you a chance to increase the value of your rapidly depreciating computers for free, as well as to prolong their life for many more years, all for free. You visit /g/ - technology board, yet you're ok with being left behind in a luddite fashion while the rest of the modern computing world advances? What are you going to do, keep using 7 or 8 in 2020 when no programs or drivers support it? Let's not even mention how insecure those operating systems are. The fact of the matter is older versions of Windows are no longer going to be supported by Microsoft soon. Already there are less and less drivers and games that don't work on any operating systems less than 10. Just get it over with guys. You don't even have to use Windows 10 after you upgrade. If you really seemingly hate it so much, as soon as you upgrade to 10 you can go back to what you were using before and still keep the free Windows 10 license key in case you want to sell your computer or something.
Spot on, op. People should just get it over with. Windows 10 is basically just a more modernized version of Windows 7 with some very slight annoyances that can easily be removed in less than 2-3 minutes.
Thank you Pajeet, I'll upgrade immediately.
lol I can't believe there's still people who don't want to upgrade from being misled. Windows 10 is a lot better than older versions of Windows and the so-called spyware stuff is way overblown. I've been using Windows 10 since the beta and it works like a charm and always has.
I've never had any real problems with 10 either, I don't understand where all the backlash is coming from. Once you set it up to your liking and use classic shell it's basically a more modern, better looking, and optimized Windows 7.
well, i would gladly update pajeet but you didnt pajeeted enough work and my perfectly fine working office 2007 would not work on win 10 so i am not going to update windows just to buy new office
I'm gonna be laughing at all the butthurt when you racist fools have to waste $150 to upgrade your computers in a couple months. In 2017 and beyond nobody is going to slightly care to support your windows 7 installs. You can just upgrade and immediately downgrade and you still get to keep your Windows 10 license as a backup. It's a no-brainer at this point, but don't please take my word for it, it'll be fun to watch you make 10 threads complaining about how x game or driver doesn't work.
>In 2017 and beyond
Not quite, windows 7 sp1 eol is January 14, 2020
Not upgrading until they fix their shit.

My demands are:
- all telemetry removed completely with no option to enable it
- no forced updates

I'll stay on 7 until then. And don't feed me your FUD - it will be supported by future hardware.
As for security considerations, as long as you don't use glitchy Microsoft programs (like IE) and sit behind NAT, you're protected pretty much as well as with 10 with all updates.
support for 7 ended in early 2015. It's basically on life-support at this point for certain businesses whose outdated software requires them to use it. Most newer hardware doesn't even support Windows 7.
I'd rather ditch Windows entirely.
Have fun with your swiss cheese OS.
Telemetry literally takes 4 clicks to disable. And you can still install updates offline individually. You shouldn't fall for all the misinformation people like to parrot.
I do not believe you when you say that telemetry can be disabled.
More, I don't want to use a product by company that put this telemetry there in the first place.
I do not want to install their updates at all - offline or online.

>You shouldn't fall for all the misinformation people like to parrot.
Thanks. I'm not falling for OP's or your bullshit.
>You can just upgrade and immediately downgrade and you still get to keep your Windows 10 license as a backup.

>as a backup

How does this work exactly?

Alright, let's collab, /g/entoomen:

var stupidShills = [
"name": "Rajiv Dharmarapu",
"postingStyle": "Spot on, op. People should just get it over with",
"name": "Pradeep Singh",
"postingStyle": "I've never had any real problems with 10 either"
"name": "Rajesh Kumar",
"postingStyle": "Windows 10 is a lot better than older versions of Windows"
"name": "Prathaprabhu Singh",
"postingStyle": " Already there are less and less drivers and games that don't work on any

operating systems less than 10"
"name": "Pajeet Gupta",
"postingStyle": "What are you going to do, keep using 7 or 8 in 2020 when no programs or

drivers support it?"
"name": "Rahul Pratikshiva",
"postingStyle": "Windows 10 has improved a lot since the beta, do not listen to all the

people hating it"

>I do not believe you when you say that telemetry can be disabled.
select diagtrack service
is it really so hard?
My friend, you are the only one who is falling for the bullshit. Most people who post about Windows know very little about what they are talking about. I manage a company with over 500 workstations and Windows 10 has been very good to us. You can be deluded and use your unpatched os, but don't be surprised when you get infected by a cryptolocker or some banking trojan.
Sweet, I can turn on updates without worrying about getting w10 raped
>offer extended
well shit
No reason to upgrade, op. I'm happy with my windows 7 pc.
>is it really so hard?
It's easy.

But when you say that doing this actually disables all telemetry, I do not believe you.

Again, I am not falling for your bullshit.

And it does not matter to me how high up corporate ladder you claim to be

And it does not matter to me whether you actually believe the bullshit you're writing or just pretending.
Microsoft saves your hardware config so if you ever install 10 on the same computer it's activated already.
>select diagtrack service
I don't have this under services.msc

What gives?
also rip out the appstore

man i can't tell you how much of a boner i got when i managed to actually kill cortana

not even the background service exists
Windows 10 is so fucking shitty that people won't even install it for free, and Microsoft has to trick and force them into doing so at the risk of getting hit by a class action lawsuit. It has to be the worst OS Microsoft has ever conceived.
>>Anybody paying for anything when pirate bay is available
Should i upgrade just to get a windows 10 and then downgrade so i have one if need be? Is that how it works?
>Breaking the law and stealing a backdoored version of something you can get for free.
Backlash is coming from a bunch of fsf shills screaming botnet basically
Yes you can immediately roll back after the upgrade and the Windows 10 license is saved to your motherboard.
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How this update thing works?

All your soft works after upgrade?

Install gentoo
In theory, yes
In reality its a tossup

I'm trying to think of the simplest way of 'upgrading' too, if only for just-in-case future need. I've got plenty of legit 7 Pro keys lying around but my current OS is a DazLoaded 7 Ultimate.

Think I'll have to make a Win7 backup image, fresh install Win10 with a legit 7 Pro key then reimage my old Win7.

Can a corporation go insane, in the same sense that a person can?

Because Microsoft seems like ii has lost its mind.

Turning their OS into literal malware is a simply bat shit insane idea.
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>implying I use windaz instead of being glorious Linux masterrace.

>improved a lot since beta

It's literally shit cancer
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lol you can't make this shit up.
Shills are going so hard.
And what if upgrade my hw in future?
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>Pajeet is getting desperate

It isn't working Pajeet. I will be so glad when this is finally over and you literal shitheads will shut the fuck up.
It was a huge pain in the ass to install linux on my laptop which came with 8 pre-installed. I don't want my arch installation to be fucked by windows.
Serious question, which do you guys think is more likely?
1. Windows backtracks on its statement that 10 will no longer be available for free and keeps trying to push it.
2. Windows continues to try to push it and charge $150 to your credit card when it automatically updates without your consent.
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>just a prank bro :^)
Excellent work, Pajeet, another bonus of 5 rupees have been deposited into your account for your hard work and dedication to the Microsoft family!
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>update to botnet10
>touhou games start to crash
Fuck off.
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Pajeet is right everyone. There is literally no reason to not upgrade, especially that it's free. Compatibility with older programs is perfect, performance is great, native support for many things that Windows 7 doesn't have and other new things. Also, related to privacy, you can disable every personal information you don't want to send to Microsoft, like your location, what you have in your PC, what are you looking on the internet and so on.
>implying I can't pirate it

Okay buddy
2007 works for me when I installed it from the disc.
Only deactivates if you change the mobo
>support for 7 ended in early 2015. It's basically on life-support at this point for certain businesses whose outdated software requires them to use it.
Completeley wrong, Pajeet.
>Most newer hardware doesn't even support Windows 7.
Most new hardware still supports XP. You can stop now.
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>bought chink tablet
>MS kills it
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There are no ads in windows 10
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You can disable them from settings, and all the tiles can be deleted and the start menu resized.
install gentoo
I'm upgrading to Windows 7 and XP. feels good, man.
Windows 10 is not an OS, it's an advertising/spyware platform.
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>Most newer hardware doesn't even support Windows 7.
I'm gonna be laughing at you when (if i ever need a key) its only 15 dollars because it actually is.
I don't know. I have japanese games and most of them are recent ones and all of those games still supports Windows XP. It even demands to install Direct X 9.0c
Or you can just stay on 7
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the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""modern"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" icons get me everytime
I worked in a factory that used windows xp until the day it ended its life support (like 2 years ago or something). Thats because they didn't use office or other shit, they simply had some special program running on it that controlled the machines.
Most factories or similar businesses like that don't give a fuck about updating just for the sake of updating, because it means paying extra money on new hardware, new OS licenses, new software (because the old one probably won't work), etc.
They actually upgraded to Windows 7 for some reason, which makes sense in the way that Windows 7 is a great OS, but now they'll have the same problem again in 2020 when the support for that stops.
I think they should just upgrade to an enterprise version of Linux and it's going to make life much easier for them. We constantly had problems with those windows computers anyway.
>paying for windows
oh wow
you missed the one that starts "My dear friends..."
Personal favourite.
8 threads since march?! GOOD GOD, NO!
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>There are no ads
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8 rupees have been deposited into your account.
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>this is preinstaled
I like windows 10 but why does it keep installing fucking drivers automatically when I uninstall it for a reason holy shit. And yes I ticked the dont install drivers checkbox but it still does it
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because it knows better, you're just another stupid user
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No ads
it this operating system
>keep using 7 or 8 in 2020 when no programs {...} support it
yes, this and without any updates at all. It will work the same, perfectly like my second pc which is still XP and runs everything I need pretty damn well. Hopefully my little xp will be around 2020 too.
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>upgrade PC in one year
>have to spend $200 because the OS was only free for your old board
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No thanks. I will stick to windows 7. It's not broken so I am not going to attempt to fix it.
Can I "upgrade" on a dual boot basis, so I never have to use 10 and remain on 7?
I guess you could install a second win7 on another drive/partition, and only upgrade that.
What if I need to reinstall windows after the free upgrade thingy?
Reinstall is probably possible as long as you are using the same mainboard and windows version
Also some boards don't have a serial or UUID in the BIOS at all, MS will probably block reinstalls on those boards
Then you'll have to be a good goy and pay up.
>he doesn't want to play Candy Crush
Learn to shit in a fucking toilet, Parjeet
>it's preinstalled on the professional and enterprise versions
Server 2016 probably has this thrash as well, lel
I'm upgrading my PC soon and I lost my windows 7 product key. If I upgrade to windows 10 now, will I be able to transfer that windows 10 over to my new PC build without paying anything
Oh my god you are fuckin stupid
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>Let's not even mention how insecure those operating systems are
Yeah lets not mention it because they're more secure than 10?
>Not quite, windows 7 sp1 eol is January 14, 2020
That's the end of microsofts support you dumbass. Many third party vendors will end their suppport much earlier.
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>posts screenshot of evaluation copy.
>complains about ads
you are beyond stupid
I know that none of the start menu items disappear after you activate windows,I have a legit win10 tablet
Nice strawman argument, pasheer
I don't upgrade because Windows 8 and 10 dropped support for old directx games and every old game I play on W8 and W10 runs like shit
Meanwhile on windows 7 (or even on wine) my games run perfectly, thank you
Windows 7 still has ~30% market share, vendors like having more market share.
Many third party vendors still support XP
Explains a great deal about why ATMs are still incredibly insecure.
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useless OS.webm
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If windows 10 is so much better than Windows 7, then explain why I can't see the recycle bin on the desktop folder while viewing desktop through a window?

Using Shell:desktop isn't a solution, nor is Options->View->Navigation pane (should be panel, but Pajeet can't type it seems)
->Show all folders.
Because you can't drag folders to that since it's not a favorite...I mean quick access menu.
Thank you Rajesh.
Unless you are on Ubuntu and don't use Google and have a dumb phone and only use cash for buying things, then and only then do you have a leg to stand on in the whole privacy debate on Windows 10
No problem, my friend.
>managed to actually kill cortana

> Windows 10 Free Upgrade Offer Ending Soon
Hope so. I've got enough of this GWX bullshit.
This PC/Desktop is not the same as C:\Users\name\Desktop
Has been like that since Vista or 7 for some reason
Most of it is physical vulnerabilities like card skimmers.
but that is not true
i can see all the C:\Users\name\Desktop content in Desktop on windows 7
I'm using win7 right now, and the recycle bin, network and this pc icons are not there. Everything else obviously is.
Ill pirate windows 10 once windows 7 dies i just fucking hate botnets
>My friend
I will BUY windows 10 when I need it, which is in 2020
Glad its ending, ill finally be able to use updates again.
>Implying it won't be free and ad supported by then
I am.

now come and fite me, mofo
kill the process and rename the folder
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I always thought shilling was just a meme. What the fuck is going on in this thread
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>oh no my precious gayme!
lucky he was not actually doing anything with his computer
It will come back after every upgrade.
just disable updates
>i'm so much better than / v / you pleb manchild xDedededeedewwqdas
are you sure?

I read it does not work. Please anon answer
Office 2007 works like a charm, friend. You may upgrade without worries.
I was surprised at how good the operating system is. A lot of options to turn stuff on and off .by far the worst thing about it was that all of my thumbnails had two blue arrows in the corner to represent compressed files on NTFS that was annoying as f*** but took me three seconds to turn off
not as stupid as you, dumb fuck
>You should all be realistic here and just get the upgrade over with before you end up having to pay for Windows 10 upgrade in the future.
Nigga, I already BOUGHT it.
>I already BOUGHT it

Yes with your data and you soul.
Someone needs to take the OP image and shoop it to say "Regret everything."
>Windows 7 released in 2010


no thanks windows
well 7 was complete garbage Pre-HD
and 8 was a test
>what do you want now
>You can disable them from settings

..Until you can't. Have fun with that.
aw fuck you, im asking a legitimate question, i bought the software, i have the disk. will it blend?
>insider preview
Opinion discarded
>"the OS was only free for your old board"
>not calling Windows Support and playing dumb for a new key
Wow it's literally nothing
The Windows 10 EULA is actually super-clear about this. It says that upgrades to Retail copies ("stand-alone software") of Windows remain transferable; upgrades to OEM copies of Windows ("software preinstalled on a device") remain non-transferable. In fact, nothing changes there: if you had an OEM copy, you were always locked to your motherboard since Windows XP.

However, digital entitlements are in practice locked to your motherboard. If you've changed your motherboard, but you upgraded from a retail copy of Windows 7/8/8.1 to Windows 10 during the qualifying period, you may need to ring support (a free number) and talk to Pajeet to get an activation code, which will give your new motherboard a digital entitlement as well.

Or, if you're doing it during the qualifying period (i.e. for the next couple of months, if MS don't extend the offer - due to the lower uptake than hoped, they might) just install with your Windows 7/8.1/etc key on the 1511 build, and it will get a digital entitlement itself.

Source: the Windows 10 EULA, section 4(a) and 4(b). I already actually tried this.
I don't think a "mainstream" site has ever been so infuriating to navigate. Microsoft's website makes me want to slit my own throat
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>stealthy overnight upgrades
>"free free free" hard sell promotion
>paid pajeets shitting up threads with "My dear friend, I am telling you"
>FUD about hardware support and security
>telemetry that's worse than Russian malware
>Microsoft is a perfectly sane company that values your property and privacy
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I am telling you that it is better for you to just upgrade now. Do not believe anything said about Windows 10 spying on you. I have had no problems with Windows 10. But soon Windows 7 and 8 will not be supported and your PC will catch on fire.
OP acknowledged that he would be called a shill then doesn't deny that he is. Weak b8
I wouldn't be as bothered by these shill posts if Windows 10 wasn't objectively worse than Windows 7, even if you ignore the datamining.

I refuse to use windows 10 until I have used windows 9
>have AM3+ mobo
>AMD about to switch to AM4, furthest I can upgrade is a better piledriver
>if I want to upgrade further I will have to change mobo's, might fuck up my "hardware identifier" or whatever Windows 10 uses
>bought a 970 earlier this year, sure as hell not upgrading within 2 months

Will a proper Windows 10 crack (as opposed to cracking Windows 7 and upgrading) be out in a few years when I might get a new mobo?
I didn't pay for Windows 7 and I didn't pay for Ubuntu, which I switched to instead of Windows 10. If I ever did decide to use Windows 10, I sure as shit wouldn't pay for that either.
AFAIK there's one already, the same one used for 8.1
>tfw they will just deactivate everyone who upgraded with a windows loader license
As long as I can properly identify it, I don't want to be stupid and cuck myself with adware again.

Needless to say, upgrading from spoofed W7 wasn't my first attempt.
>You can disable them from settings
>Until you can't. Have fun with that.
The first one is always free.
>TFW they don't value your autonomy
>unless you are perfect, you can't complain about evil, much less specific evil
ha ha linux amirite top good
>Being this mad the other anon was right
Isn't Ubuntu terrible privacy-wise, though?
Not everyone wants to spend 90% of their time maintaining their OS.

>other anon
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I didn't say anything about arch you dunce.
>Windows 10 Free Upgrade Offer Ending Soon

About damn time.
Does that mean they'll stop republishing KB3035583 over and over?
> what is piracy
Does ANYONE feel bad pirating Windows or using unlicenced versions?

I have W10 on my laptop and tablet. I'm selling my laptop and putting Win7 on for the buyer (at their request), and I'm putting Win7 on my new laptop. I've tried 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, and 7 is still my favourite.
No, they will just change it to 6 months free or some shit.
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>Does ANYONE feel bad pirating Windows or using unlicenced versions?
Pretty sure using Windows makes everyone feel badly.
I genuinely don't mind Windows 7. I'm not a hardcore power user and it doesn't exactly what I need it to do, without doing TOO much shonky shit behind the scenes.

I know some purists will be like YOUR COMPUTER SHOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING WITHOUT YOUR INSTRUCTION, and I see their point, but I dunno. To me Windows 7 was the last actually good version of Windows. 8.1 with ClassicShell or Start8 was ALRIGHT, but eh, to each their own.

> Do not believe anything said about Windows 10 spying on you.
> Empirical proof that it DOES spy on you
> Empirical proof that is continues to spy on you when you attempt to disable several tracking measures
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Should have known I couldnt just wait it out.
How long until Windows 100% forces the upgrade and adds it into the ToS, saying that previous versions must be upgraded to remain legal?
they already announced they would be creating a rolling release version of windows. thats just called 'windows' with free updates. why do we care so much about windows 10 at this point?
I'm going to use 7 until I literally cannot use it for videogames at all.

Fuck off part rajeesh
ive been at an airport in Zanzibar where all conputers had Windows XP. The only reason i know this is because they had a power outage and rebooted all their PCs

My dear friends, I am here to remind you that the beloved free loo upgrade offer will in less than TWO months be free no more. You should all be realistic here and just get the upgrade over with before you end up having to pay for a loo upgrade in the future. The clock is ticking every day, summer will be over before you know it. Indoor plumbing has improved a lot since the beta, do not listen to all the people hating it. I know I'll be called out as a shill by the usual paranoid idiots, but seriously, nobody should let this bullshit misinformation and paranoia keep them from getting a free upgrade to India's best work yet.

Let's be realistic here: India is basically giving you a chance to increase the value of your rapidly depreciating shitting systems for free, as well as to prolong your life for many more years, all for free. You visit /g/ - technology board, yet you're ok with being left behind in a luddite fashion while the rest of the modern shitting world advances? What are you going to do, keep using designated shitting streets in 2020 when no governments or people support them? Let's not even mention how insecure those shitting systems are. The fact of the matter is older methods of defecation are no longer going to be supported by India soon. Already there are fewer and fewer streets where you can shit. Just get it over with guys. You don't even have to use the loo after you upgrade. If you really seemingly hate it so much, as soon as you upgrade to indoor plumbing you can go back to what you were using before and still keep the free loo in case you want to sell your anus or something.
I reserved mine ages ago but didn't install it. Will I still be able to install it after the offer ends if I feel like it?
Fuck off PAJEET. I'm staying on OS X
You clearly didn't read the post
Are you fucking retarded
Yes that is absolutely right you fucking fuck fuck fuck
Speaking of Windows, did you guys try out the Unix shell in windows thing they did? How does it work out?

terrifying. Walking into a completely dark unknown space, and a voice says "We're happy you're here". Horror movie
It isn't horrible until you get used to something else and really start to see its flaws.
its a shell in ubuntu in windows.
I guess so. I've messed around with Linux Mint several times, but I've never dropped Windows completely and dived in, forcing myself to fully learn how Linux works.

Might do it in the future, but not now. The fact that more and more games are being made to be Linux-compatible helps, though.
> hurr games
learning linux isnt really about learning linux its about learning what your computer is actually doing each time you issue an instruction. its so enjoyable
desu the main reason I dropped Mint most recently is because, for some fucking reason, Steam Chat doesn't show up on the taskbar - so you can open it, but if you minimise it, you can't reopen it without opening your friends list and manually re-opening the chat. Couldn't find a quick fix for it either.

It's a small, stupid thing, but eh.
What is a torrent?
I would suggest fedora. I used to use it like a year ago. steam chat usually shows upo in the notification area if i rememver correctly. just get vmware and run an a desktop distro in it to try it out. i suggest the xfce4 spin of fedora
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>thinking it was a literal reply
>not seeing pic to the immediate left

The strangest thing...even though I was mocking the shills, there's a $0.03 deposit to my bank account!
How many times have you asked people to press windows key and R today?
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Will you nerds get your shit together and have a desktop ready distro before the end of the decade?
>Build win8 basically so it only works well on tablets, make own tablets to sell
>nobody wants them or your new OS
>make windows 10
>become even more greedy, now want to become like google
>make windows 10 basically spyware, sell usage statistics
>realize that you can't drop the flat design or everyone will laugh at you
>keep it even though everyone hates it
>leave all the other annoying win8elements, too
>but make a new start menu which primarily promotes your empty appstore
>make windows 10 a "free" upgrade
>Wonder why not many people switch
>goes to 4chan /g/
>calls others "nerds"
You're not in reddit, retarded child.
Quick to the trigger, bub. You new?
I never got the upgrade offer, since I only install the updates that are labeled "security update"

I only discovered this meme today. Had my jollies, and now I'm already sick of it.

It's time for Pajeet to choose death.
Summer invades /g/
must /b/ lost
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>My dear friends
I wonder if Heaven knows where 4chan is?
>appeal to common practice fallacy
>wincucks trying this hard
works for me on 7
fyi this also kills the normal start menu search. I recommend a 3rd party start menu/search anyway if you're forced to use windows 10 for some reason, as Cortana doesn't even search the full file index like search does in 7/8.1
Any decent way of getting rid of all the bloat that comes along with a fresh win10 install? The telemetry stuff as well if possible
Get-AppXPackage * | Remove-AppXPackage
getting lots of access denied going on when I try to get rid of the useless junk that's installed
Thanks for your postings today Pajeet,

$1.23 USD has been credited to your PayPal account at "[email protected]".

Keep up the good work!
Omg, her IP is on the screen, someone hack her. :^)
I've been using it since release and it's truly great operating system.
The fact it's free is truly amazing!
>using the smiley with a carat nose

Nope, I'm pirated but I've thrown out 1000's of valid retail and OEM licenses from old decommissioned equipment. And then 1000's more OEM licenses from new PC's that are pre-installed and just get wiped with a SOE Image/Volume License.

Think it all balances out either way.
Should I keep using pirated Windows?
I saw this link, thanks to whoever posted it http://pastebin.com/raw/m4izdWKS

What's the benefit of having Windows 10 Pro genuinely?
Name a lot then please.

Cause they stop support a long time ago for XP and Vista third party vendors, and Vista has one more year for support by Microsoft. And if their is any it's mostly bootleg shit.
No worse: He's a mac user who switch to Windows.
How big is Windows 10 Pro inside a hard drive in file size?
freetards btfo
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>hating 4chan memes
sure is reddit in here trying to fit in
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>mfw government and large corps force microsoft to extend 7 support to 2080
>paying windows

Come on pajeet

So, he will have a genuine copy of Windows 10 ?
>newfag doesn't even know what 4chan memes are
Lurk more faggo
lol botnet xD
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end of free windows 10.gif
937KB, 300x160px
Not an argument, pajeet.
Installing Windows 10 is fiscally conservative.
Why do you hate America?
If I wanted that cancer I'd pirate it you stupid pajeet.
Explain then why I'm the retard and not you for not knowing what's shown in the webm.
Thread posts: 236
Thread images: 46

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