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ITT the greatest input devices ever made

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tongue the keyboard clit
Is that a deluxe master shitposter controller? I can imagine an aussie using this one at /pol/ to shitpost at blinding speeds.

Now with meme posting macros for optimal efficiency.
>non of these are ergo
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I have one, I fell for the meme.

The fucking second most commonly used buttons are so fucking awkwardly placed and so fucking small its fucking stupid
I am talking about the 'back' and 'forward' buttons.
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every time
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>MX Master
>Not ergo
Wew lad
> entire university has those nice dell keyboards with good travel distance
> taking a summer course
> one day I show up and every PC is HP
> all the keyboards are these chiclet ass shits
> fucking FN keys taking a huge priority at a school, just for a few media keys on R4

fug everything
Lemme tell y'all niggas about the muthafuggin Panasonic KP-33, the greatest pencil sharpener known to man

Input: Pencil
Output: Atom splitting needle sharp pencil

My own is an inheritance, it's older than I am, and still sharpens pencils to this day as well as it did when I was young. Along with gumballs and cockroaches, that thing will survive WWIII.

They're quite sought after as well. Good luck getting one for less than $100.
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mechanical keyboards
it is not pure ergo fag

pure ergo are those that create the ergo triangle!

when you hold out you hand the make / \
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I used this crustacean in FPSs and RPGs for way too long before finally getting a Nostromo.
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>40% greater surface area
>thinnest keyboard on the market
>butterfly hinge designed by Apple engineers
>keys less prone to slipping for more accurate typing
>award winning design
This changes everything
They even figured out how to make really shitty fake scissor switches look neat to the average tard.
sorry i had to scream
What's a fingerbox?
I'll show you later.
that would be an input receiver, nerd
Damn that's some 10/10 right there.
You never had a finger box?
You must have had a bad childhood I had hours of fun with my finger box
You must be 18 to browse this board.

You either have to be underage or just the most pathetic social retard to find this remotely funny.
assblasted virgin detected.
Uh anon? That's a mistake, right?

>butterfly hinge
That's a shitty version of scissor switches, they ain't that durable.
Your dick would be the input device, feel dumb yet?
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I really wish I could try this one.
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No device that requires both hands to operate should be in one piece. >>54831097 should be standard and what we consider to be "normal" keyboards should be laughed at.

wow...so do I all of a sudden

what is that?
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It's a DataHand. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DataHand
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my pride and joy
what does it do?
steel battalion controller
penis & all u ppl who use 4chan should go get jobs im talkin about all the weeabos & bronys how ever tf u spell go get a job u lazy fat fuck
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If you could master something like that with a purely key based interface, think what you could do.
Could you possible install a fleshlight instead of the gun? 6 axis of virtual sex simulation
i still dont exactly know what this device is
simulates recoil

installed a dildo, did not work well

simulates recoil and fucks you sorta.
>no Mad Catz
>How do you want your prediction sir?

Fuck off Marshall
I had two of those. When one died I bought the G400 and used the MX518 cable, best mouse ever.
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this mouse would be godtier if it had this little detail from g600 - that additional space for ring finger

fusion of g600 and mx - would be best ever
>that additional space for ring finger
You mean the pinky.
The ring finger already occupies the right button.
Benis lol
no, not pinky. it's for ring finger. middle finger is on rmb
My ring finger sits on the side...
>middle finger is on rmb
No, scroll wheel
Had to return 3 of them for broken scroll wheels (after a few days use it gets stuck in freespin mode). I ended up getting an MX Performance instead.
Ugh. They started giving these to people at work. I broke my left shift in four months from continued use. Am an IT so grabbed super old thick membrane keyboard from surplus closet. Clickity clack drives coworkers crazy but at least it's comfy to type on.
so its just a preference thing, nonetheless such fusion would be great
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but thats fucking impractical
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This looks like the last thing you touch before you're banging anime sex bots.
I used to have this keyboard. My dog took half of it and hid it somewhere. Now I use the remaining half and an on screen keyboard with mouse.
Wtf do you control with this, the fucking moon?
Are you retarded? I just use index for scroll wheel.
MindDrive: Control shit with your brain.

also youtuber is pretty /g/
But my index finger is the the left button, I'm not moving all my fingers to switch to scrolling
this makes me cringe every time i see it

>paying this much for a controller
gaymers will buy anything
Paying this much for CRAP, if it was the best super controller with lifetime warranty, then maybe but shit like that? Retarded.
That actually seems like it could be really nice if it worked correctly and you got enough practice in
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Every other answer is invalid.
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>won't click if anything is near it
not even close
Are you trying to say something?
Never lost so hard in my life
Laughed like a madman, in public
>Input: Pencil

thanks for making my day.
i fuckin' lol'd
>manly tears buys a normal person mouse
It's not a resting space, it's a button.
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My man!
do you have two fucking steering wheels in your car
I teach people to drive. So yes. I do.
an anon once told about this mice to be utter shit.


what about the ones with the ball on the top? isn't it a problem to be managing all the stuff with the thumb all day?
You what
>Enter the matrix
I don't care what the haters think, I fucking love this thing.
space orb
i had one of these and used it back in the quake days
it worked well for me
what happened to it
>no d-pad
>only one analog stick

I kinda want one but I feel like it would be limited as hell for certain games.
Pad's can be set to emulate analog sticks (or turn the emulated analog into a mouse-like joystick). Despite what shills say though, using the left pad as a d-pad is terrible for movement, though it's fine for anything else.

It can translate all inputs into anything a game will expect.

Seriously, I used a premade control layout for Cities: Skylines with this thing. It changes everything.

>comfy city building with extremely responsive controls
>curled up on my bed while my box hums in the corner of the room

I fucking love it.
It's a stupid /b/-tier meme. Literally just a little wooden box with holes to put your fingers in.
Have had the G600 for 3 years now, and the ring finger button is dying on me first because how often I use it.
Seriously hoping for an updated G600 that blends tech from some of their newer mice.
And to add to this the one analog stick you get is excellent--feels great, every aspect of the response is customizable (though by default its already great) and it's accurate. Just use that in sidescrollers.
pics or it didn't happen
nice one
D-pads are essential for 2D games. Using an analog stick in Cave Story just wouldn't feel right.

As for why I'd want a second analog stick, can you say twin stick shooters?
are there companies who still make pencil sharpners?
i had one of these, worked pretty well, somehow i lost it
Own it, want to love it, but can't bring myself to.
Wish they made it all matte plastic and none of the glossy.
Wish the buttons were larger, and maybe arranged differently to better suit the huge trackpad.
Wish the haptic feedback didn't sound like a Geiger counter.

Hoping its next iteration is actually great, because it's a neat concept, but I'll stick to my M+KB and Xbox One controller (depending on the game).
Thanks, now I'm thinking about where I place my fingers [spoiler]on my glourious G400[/spoiler]
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I've used one for years too, the only thing that kills me is I came from a GOAT G700 because I wanted the extra buttons, and giving up that glorious ergonomic form factor and scroll wheel is really tough.

All I want from Logitech is to blend the G600 & G700 bodies (with the thumb grid), give us the glorious free-spin scroll wheel, and the Pixart 3366 sensor from the G502/G900.

Pic related to why I just can't give it up.
I remember encountering one if these in the wild before. Shit was fucking cash, wanted to steal the thing if it wasnt the teachers pride and joy. You are one lucky motherfucker!
What is this thing named, I kind of want one.
have that one, it's p nice
You faggots need to go back to /v/ and quit shitting up the board
All I can see on that webm is that it's gonna wear out and break in the middle in no time.
literally crying laughing
Well then see if you know anybody who could contribute to the Dodohand project (see the geekhack thread)
oh this abomination JESUS WTF WOULD YOU WANT THAT
That's fucking horrible, I feel sore thinking about that.
ergodox infinity

Be prepared to pay a large amount of money
Steam controller owner here. I love the concept but it's SO hard to get used to, and I haven't tried hard enough.
In my experience it's actually much MORE flexible for a lot of things. You just can't expect it to directly replace an Xbox controller. But that's not what it was designed to do...
This is.
I never laughed at this, it's not funny I don't think its a joke. THE HOT TUBS TOO HOT
The left pad can be a dpad if you configure it to be so
You can use a touchscreen as a dpad too, that doesn't mean it works well.
My penis.
For movement its a mediocre one, but it works well for everything else. At least the analog stick is boss.

I definitely prefer my steam controller over a traditional one, but the small, awkwardly placed face buttons, mushy start and select buttons, and stiff, elevated bumpers prevent it from being completely superior.
A finger box all though it may seem to be a relatively simple device, it is not on the contrary of being simple a finger box is more than a box with a hole in it, it is a massively complex device containing more than a thousand separate components per box, usually with nine boxes per set that makes over nine thousand separate components, but the device will work limitedly with just one box.

Finger boxing is also known as fingering and boxing and is a massive fad among teens aged 13-18, the device in a simpler form were first invented by William John Trolington over 100 years ago in Australia.

A Finger box basically simulates a feeling, originally this was accomplished with mechanical devices in the box with some extremely cruel pranksters putting item such as glass and nails in witch would often decapitate the finger, this led to a act of parliament in 1919 by the UK banning the devices, which was quickly followed by the rest of the world.

Although still banned the “underground market” off finger boxes saw a boom in sales during the 1980’s and was redeveloped into its current electrical module in the mid 1990’s buy an unnamed Chinese worker.
The device works on the same principals as electrical prosthetic limbs, an electrical impulse is shot up the nervous system that will make the hand think that it is feeling something; anything can be simulated such as stroking a cat or shaking a hand.

The finger box costs around 50 per box and are usually sold out within minutes they have reportedly have gone for over 200 per box on ebay.
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Clearly the best ever mouse, very responsive and its shape meant you never grabbed it at the wrong angle in the dark
I never understood the hate for this thing
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My settings for general web browsing.
so mac users tend to grab the wrong thing in the dark?
At the wrong angles
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ortholinear keyboards
No... it is covered under applecare and you get a new one when you buy your new mac every 4 years.... wait, are you poor? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA
Dan beat me to it
Serial based, so it didn't have modern support. However, if you Google around, you'll find vputz has made an Arduino USB interface.

Fukkin love this controller.
What's that called. Might be perfect fit for us LEFTIES.
Was a Microsoft Sidewinder ________, can't remember the exact name. Have one in my closet. Was pretty bad ass in the day.
microsoft sidewinder strategic commander
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Reminds me of that iron from fooly cooly
my old boss had one of these and it was amazing, you could kill a man with a pencil sharpened by that thing
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for 30$ this thing is a fucking godsend for someone who wants to try out an MMO mouse or just have extra buttons, the fire button is awesome too
Yes, it's not to be trifled with. If it has one downside though it's that it's almost too good at sharpening pencils and does the job too quickly, so it can really eat pencils up and is definitely a no go for art pencils like Prismacolors or whatever.

I do love that thing though. I grew up with it, and when I went to school I was always annoyed by the use of either inferior hand crank sharpeners or the shitty electric sharpeners supplied.

It does my heart good to see so many others respond with a shared appreciation for this marvelous device.
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G600 is god tier, ive had mine for almost 3 years, only issue is the worn out cover shell.

The design is another thing I absolutely love about it, clean and minimalist, I even got another one for when the current one dies. I think the concept of a mouse with a shitload of buttons and macro capabilities boost productivity a lot after you learn them from muscle memory. I wish they keep producing this exact mouse for more time along an improved version.
no back/forth?
Japs have created fleshlight holders and made mods for hentai games that use it
breh, razor sabertooth Xbox one controller

I tried right clicking on this once. Never again.
Are you retarded?
Been using these since they were white. Does yours regularly get clogged with shit and require cleaning?
Anyone like this kind of mouse? I used one for a bit and thought it was pretty good.
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for a second I thought that was one of the 3D mices that some designers use. My high school teacher wanted to get all of us them for our third level CAD class.

anyways this is my all time favorite mouse. sorta like this famous boy >>54833735

but I have three buttons on the side which I LOVE. two wasn't enough for me.
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10/10, best mouse ever
Tiltwheel has it programmed that way by default - look again.
I've never had experiences with this, what is it?
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you don't have the balls for it
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> finger box
> a /b/ tier meme
I am sure that is why Harvard University keeps one in a museum.


I came
Is this real?
Apple will go to any lengths to ensure the aesthetics of their products aren't compromised.

So they stop you from using the mouse when charging. Pretty good idea IMO if that's what you're into, and apple cucks will lap it up.
if anything is touching the trackpad it will have issues clicking.
I bought the first one of these, the MX Revolution
Somehow, it get me the worst wrist pain I've ever experienced.

Strategic commander
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your moms bagina :DDDDDDD
Is this mouse a meme? It looks comfy.
it's the frowny face that makes this gold
This nigga knows. Funny it is, that nobody copy best d-pad ever
can confirm that this is /thread
Not even remotely true
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only thing wrong is the scroll wheel press is a bit touchy but besides that its a great mouse
I have a similar model. Truly I missed a great age when tabletop products were the best.
Always wanted a usb version of this for games like freeallegiance.
>driving with two hands
What are you, a woman?
I had one of these i'm pretty sure
Xbox to USB adapters work just fine. People even have custom setups for some games. I played TF2 with it once.
yes, its a button but its comfy as hell
ahahahahahaha xD nice one m8.
desu, mine switches between the two
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Does he type with those mallets?
the triggers and shoulder buttons on those things break so fucking easily
What was the gamecube one used for?
I've got the top one, would probably actually have used it if it didn't have the shitty concave analog sticks
it was meant for developers
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you aren't even trying
I had this. It made punch out so much cooler
entirely true
I highly doubt you have ever owned one of these things if you think anything else.
Even a folded piece of tape can cause issues with clicking because of it's terrible design.
I'm using one right now, have been for a few years.
I highlight doubt that
fold over a piece of paper and stick it under there and see if it affects the click
I was expecting him to put it on his cock. I lost it at the tomato.
I have one and I find it useful once in a while but it really should have had a regular controller build into it with the two touch pads.
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Stand aside, everything else is childs play
>I highlight doubt that
>>54834822 is my photo, I'm using that very trackpad right now.
>fold over a piece of paper and stick it under there and see if it affects the click
Works just fine, it's not nearly as sensitive as you're making it out to be. I even crammed some paper towel under it and it's still working.
I never use this.
Good for you
This is what you use to hack the gibson.
What is the name/youtube of that wizard bloke who had some kind of hand-built juggernaut with hundreds of keys?
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didn't mean to quote
Got a Cobalt Flux. But I think I fried the control box when I lost the USB adapter and tried making my own.
I remember reading some h-manga where the main heroine had one of those game cube ones, thought it was funny little touch, can't remember the name of the comic now though
a thinkpad exlusive
It's no longer exclusive. Latitudes and EliteBooks have them.
It hasn't been for years, my Latitude from 2009 has it, my parents have even older Latitudes that do as well
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Is this the robot that tortured Captain Murphy while he was stuck under the soda machine?
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