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/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

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Thread replies: 401
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Conspiracy edition

Old thread: >>52695489

Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Check out the wiki and update it yourself if you want more instead of complaining like a fucking faggot. https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

How to get into private trackers (and survive): http://pastebin.com/BFQBwQxm (embed)
Paths to get into trackers (particularly old and outdated): http://pastebin.com/D74UA1UK

What.CD Interview Notes: http://pastebin.com/Wgz6T7ta

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview
>around 60% of posters here chat shit - don't make any claims about sites based on "something you read here once"
First for Desi.CD
first for desi.cd
Fuck you
Utopia is so fucking overrated on this site.
how to join?
m8 the first episode is some of the best television ever produced

sure, it goes downhill from there as you learn more and more about the group, but still worth watching imo. fincher remake will be interesting.
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What the usual procedure for married couples on private trackers? My wife and I have a couple joint accounts on various private trackers and I am unsure if I should make her get an account for herself or not. We don't really use any community features.
>An American adaptation was planned for HBO, but budget disputes between HBO and director David Fincher led to the project being cancelled in July 2015.
okay i guess it won't
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twf 1 more week until eligible for PTP
Shit, there are no FL torrents on wcd, only some basic stuff. That's why my buffer stopped increasing
The only tracker that allows and encourages joint accounts is MaM. The rest want you to invite your partner and setup their own account.
me and my wife share an account, but her son does have one on his own. sent an invite to my wife's boyfriend too but he hasn't even used baka
Fincher is a complete retard who even wants control over marketing & distribution. He tanked that shit not HBO.
Don't get her into, just get everything she wants with your accounts
Unless you discuss with staff first they'll ban you for sharing. They may not even say yes. Using one account in the one house is probably safer.
>sharing anything with your wife except a house
Nope. Treat it like bank accounts completely separate.
right, didn't really follow that shit.

shame, this was like the one time i was actually interested in a remake. not that i hated the uk version, but it had a lot of unused potential .
This desu.
>Treat it like bank accounts
Shit, there couldn't have been a more spot-on description
Don't worry I put my accounts on a prenup.
>prenups working
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I share bank accounts with my wife.
She's an MD though, so I get the good side of the deal
lel you'll regret that later
Fuck off back to /mu/ you COW!!
Well that's rare if she earns much more money than you but you should still have separate accounts. They don't have to be secret.
>yfw you'll wait at least a month until the recruiter responds
Does BTN only have 1 official internal group?
>AuSy, BTW, ESPNtb, HiSD, HRiP, iPRiP, iT00NZ, JJ, LoTV, NTb, PreBS, TTVa, TVSmash
idk how up to date that is
What's a good tracker for Hentai?
I finally realized that 3D is PD
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>Goats aren't that tasty btw.

Opinion discarded


>invite to my wife's boyfriend


Anyway, is the ranking Emporium > Pornolab > Pornbay for fetish content?

I'm mainly interested in watersports.
Yes they are if young, just like human
Fuck you in yo ass OP!
Nah, 6 days here.
Holy fuck that's adorable.
>Anyway, is the ranking Emporium > Pornolab > Pornbay for fetish content?
>I'm mainly interested in watersports.
Ew, but there's LOTS on emp.
Good for you.
Does AHD internals get's uploaded to HDB senpai?
Ye's, Rajesh, they does get's.
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hdb doesn't allow all versions of a show/movie like ahd does, but yeah, if there's no other version they could get uploaded, and some of the ahd groups also upload as internals on hdb.
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got in BCG today
any tips /ptg/? my wife's boyfriend told me that the H&R system is tricky
Yeah you actually have to leave things seeding. Scary.
You need to suck every cock that pops in your mouth.
No seedcuck opinions please
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>people still use private trackers instead of private direct download depositories
I don't get this method of shitposting desu.
im just trying new shitposting methods
the old ones are getting stale
wife's boyfriend. i don't think i'll ever find this not funny.
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>my wife's boyfriend
im interested in this, any pointers?
So I've gotten myself a bit in a bind. I always try to permaseed and when Qbittorrent fucked my shit up - I still manually added back all my torrents.

Seeding from home is no longer an option for me. I'm on Feral and I'm wondering if there would be a way for me to grab a magnet link and paste it onto my rtorrent/deluge/transmission clients on my seedbox from my iphone.

I'm even looking for mobile hotspot options to pay for but they are all part of the fucking six strikes monopoly of ISP's in my area.

I've been thinking rms and my freedom's much more now.

I've jailbroken my iphone if there is a compatible app that I could use.
>ask a question
>posts image
>doesn't provide sauce
>expecting us to answer your clickbait

fuck off, nigga.
>WANTING sauce on that
You want clickbait?
Here is clickb8:http://www.torrentbits.ro/signup.php
I don't even know what the image looks like. I'm in a public place and can only see the thumbnail.
Not clicking.
>Seeding from home is no longer an option for me
Why? Why not just use Transmission? Assuming you're on GNU+Linux, if you're on Windows you should use uTorrent 2.2.1.

BTN offers magnet links for their torrents, but I don't know of another private tracker that allows it.

Private trackers are generally safe from DMCA letters. You aren't using public trackers and trying to discuss them in Private Tracker General, are you?
BTN?Le me just piss in yo mouth!
No, I don't use any public trackers anymore since finding /ptg/ learning more.

The issue is my wanting deniability. I'm in my parents atm and I suspect my brother has been downloading from public trackers and has me taking the fall for us having received two dmca notices(that I know of)

So, next time he gets caught - I can say that it wasn't me because I have used the home internet at all.

I have to sort out if I will have any HnR's on my PT's because the only way I can see it being due to me is my having downloaded a few of the leaked screeners off IPT. Everything else is AB/WCD/OT/JPOP/TehC.

I'm not on GNU/Linux but I think once I sort out if I have any HnR's I'm installing openSUSE-I've wanted to for a while but made that decision after already on AB and banking on some bonus points.

I'm thinking my option would be to download the ".torrent"s from public wifi and then adding it to my seedbox-Can you guys think of any issue that would arise from this?

I'll be seedbox only for at least the next few months till I move out.
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>people from pornbay on my emp


pornbay is shit
haven't used the home internet*
>I suspect my brother has been downloading from public trackers and has me taking the fall for us having received two dmca notices
If I were you I'd push to see the e-mail/letter that your parents got. They'll usually give the exact infringing filename. Then you can know for sure.

>I'm thinking my option would be to download the ".torrent"s from public wifi and then adding it to my seedbox-Can you guys think of any issue that would arise from this?
No, this is a safe method. If you want to be even more secure, use FTP with TLS or SFTP (SCP) to download the completed files from your seedbox to your PC.
im using me fables
>ahd torrents are generally more active than ptp

It finally finished, holy shit.

I thought for sure my single seeder would cuck me on the last day at 98% or something, but luckily it finished up just fine.
Yeah, I've read them myself in the past. The first time I pressed him, he wouldn't show me(I suspect it was his fault the first time as well) which is why he is unwilling to show me. (account in mother's name but he set it up for him to receive any emails from our ISP)

I think I'll download the .torrent's and upload to my seedbox and yes, I've been using SFTP from my home before this happened and was wondering if that was insecure or my ISP was noticing my grabbing the .torrents but what is most likely is my brother letting me take the fall.

Thanks for the advice, anon. Downloading with sftp from public would be faster than my home anyhow.
Not since AHD switched trackers. So many torrents are so poorly seeded on AHD now.
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>tfw you fulfill a 1tb request
Lol, on what tracker. I get hyped on fulfilling 9gb requests on what. and I've not even a required ratio. Just finding out new music via requests that I enjoy and listening on bandcamp app.
1 week is nothing. I had some 3+ months downloads and one 6+ (and it was a BD kek).
I need to upload around 50gb of torrents, and I want to build ratio.
I looked at kimsufi but it is always sold out and I think 100mbps of upload won't be enough.
I have around 10 usd to spend on a seedbox/dedicated server, any recs?
I was a good lurker and PU on AB and PU on what, I've decided I can slowly work towards Elite, take my time, discover new music, upload requests.

When the time for PTP comes should I choose a recruiter from what or AB? wcd will give me the opportunity first but I don't mind waiting months unless it's stupid to wait any longer.
When will BTN open up again?

We mtv now.
I'm looking at it and it looks good but I don't really understand how a shared seedbox works.
Does it mean I share the storage and the upload speed with other people?if so how many people?
>tfw filling requests for 90mb.
Such is the life of a whatcuck.
The what recruiter is best and is pretty much the only non cunt on PTP's staff.
Who's cunt except 312c? And how have you figured that? Be honest.
nice try 312cuck.
Chunkynigger is a pretty big faggot.
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Thanks, anon. Will go through what, then.
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>dmca notices

Feels good having a pro-piracy ISP that never cooperates with the authorities regarding minor crimes.

I guess you didn't notice they mention that only 99.99% of users will be affected by this.

I wouldn't pay it much mind unless you were uploading nudes of your gf or are a pedo.
You don't share upload speed.
> only 99.99% of users will be affected

Oh well that sounds fine.
>will also be made to leave their personal information with the company.

Good for you, anon. I wish my country was a little bit more like your's in those aspects.
Anon, no. The first thing you should do when join a tracker is to treat it just like you would any board on 4chan.

There is a thread where users ask others to add bounty to their request. All the requests I've done recently have been aided by that and were originally 90mb but instead I'm basically getting gigs of upload for 50 cents due to bandcamp AND I get to listen via bandcamp app.

"Shit is cash"
is mcadams here?

what os are you running on your leaseweb box?
Good luck!
>I guess you didn't notice they mention that only 99.99% of users will be affected by this.
I didn't notice that. thx

I hate this faggot so much. I really hope it isn't one of you
Go bully on /b/
>required ratio: 0.00
So basically, he only uses the site during FL. Probably has <10GB download recorded on his account.
>I hate this faggot so much.
any other recs besides feral?
I thought it was 10 usd but is actually 10 gbp.
I have less than <10GB but I still show an amount downloaded.

In any case he is an outlier. He probably posted his profile link of his own volition to see what we say about him but desu who gives a shit.

I'm the same one that recommended Feral to you but if you are on the cheaper side check them out.

An anon said it's run by a curry but it's good enough.
thx again.
>I have less than <10GB but I still show an amount downloaded.
Notice he has very high paranoia. That's what's hiding his download amount.

I pulled 10GB out of the air because his ratio is so high, and his required ratio is 0.00 (one's required ratio is only 0.00 when one has less than 20GB downloaded and is fully seeding). It's possible he has less than 100MB DL recorded.
Ah, I haven't edited any of my settings. Thanks for info. Odd, to not have downloaded more than that but again, outlier.
good luck! - again
So now that I'm on HDBits, I read that I have to download 1GB a week.

I'm only interested in their superior internals which are FL, however.

How do I avoid getting my account disabled by just leeching and permaseeding their internals? It's the only reason I joined and I feel like I'm being punished.
Internals are 50% FL, idiot.

>How do I avoid getting my account disabled by just leeching and permaseeding their internals?

How about you try following the rules and do what said there?
Who the fuck invites retards like you to good trackers?
You have to download 50 GB a year idiot.
The FAQ states that accounts are auto-disabled if you download less than 1GB a week. Where are you getting the 50GB/year number from?

>How about you try following the rules and do what said there?

I am, which is why I'm wondering how you guys do it. I don't download movies every fucking week to meet a quota. Sometimes I go 2-3 weeks without downloading or watching a movie.

Not everyone's a NEET.
>not knowing that USB is a bot made it by lanz
Looking for a general tracker which is as popular as IPT, but has better site features. For example, that people donate bonus points for global freeleach. But for a general private tracker. I have a ratio of 2.7 on IPT and a ratio of 13 on TD
>being forced to download 1gb a week

please tell me you people aren't being THIS cucked
Are all of you triggered this easily about HDB?

LOL. Good to know for baitposters on /ptg/
yes they are. HDB and HD-T both enforce quotas that you have to either meet weekly or per semester (3 months).if you miss week or two without downloading anything, your HDB account is disabled
wow and I thought wcd were autistic

>if you miss week or two without downloading anything, your HDB account is disabled

Complete bullshit.
Whats the TorrentLeech interview IRC? can't seem to find it.
I am not sure they have one. And TL sucks, look for a better tracker
>being this retarded
jesus christ
There aren't many trackers who are better than IPT IMO. Any recommandations for general trackers which are atleast half as popular as IPT? Looking for some nice site features.
Fuck torrentleech, do not join them. Unless you want to pay around $23 usd to download.

It's basically like IPT, just less obvious about it.
Filelist or ncore I guess.
This is either bait or you are just deluded or you are that same anon promoting IPT before.

Fuck IPT and if you want to cheat on a tracker, cheat on IPT.
Their staff is shit, but contine wise the site is the best i have ever seen. Needs to be less sellout tho
>It's basically like IPT
It's nothing like IPT. Ratio on IPT is a lot easier.
Yes, content wise except when you download a series and that shit is in RAR's.

I meant as like IPT, as in it is designed to eventually make you donate.
And yes, I agree ratio on IPT is easier than torrentleech.
black sails ep 2 on BTN yet?
What's the difference between pleasure dome and r*********n?
I prefer joining IPT than joining reddit: the tracker.
PD - packs, RW - everything.
Good luck using IPT as ratio proofs ever, then.

Most people are discouraged by you using IPT.
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Yes, HDTV and a WEBRip.
>implying I need ratio proofs
>look mom I can inspect element.
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>that damage control
I've made my torrent file in QBittorrent. Is it fine to upload that file onto transmission on my seedbox?

Is there any difference? I can't imagine any.
How about getting into better trackers, retardo? Or you could at least amke a request with a good bounty.
Can you seed from multiple locations at once on ptp, eg home and seedbox?
>Hoping that someone will upload the rest of the X-Files seasons encoded by DON on AHD
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Who else is hyped for the UHD BDs?
That's fine.
How do I survive on that site?
so crispy
Thanks, anon.
Was this made in Illustrator?
Man i want a tracker with content like IPT but features like a yen pool for global freeleech
Can someone upload comfy's crimson peak to ptp please?
FrameStorage is haram
>point of encode if it includes DTS-X
Why is MTeam's encode have such a shit vid bitrate and also included MA? the audio track is almost the size of their video track. wtf
>hes not master of deception on AoM
If you're a /ptg/ regular and not on AHD you dun goofed somewhere, we shill it for a good reason.
Shouldn't mteam be a remux or full BD?
Post mediainfo for it.
Is AoM a meme tracker or what?
seriously how do they know you are an actual magician, and wtf is there to download from AoM?
>all those digital cucks awards
I've heard they require a video of you performing.
Nice artifacts
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>tfw made it to HDB

Is this the endgame bros?
>Master of Deception Requirements
>Member for 52 weeks
>Uploaded at least 50 video tutorials
>Uploaded at least 50 books / pdf tutorials
>Must have photo proof on profile of you attending any event at the Magic Castle or any of the qualifying venues
Yes family. It's ogre. You can rest now.
> not on AoM
> not on h4h
> not running his own tracker
>finally get into the tracker you want from wcd
>delete all uploads from wcd and never log back in letting account expire

so long suckers
I hate What. Is waffles a viable alternative for someone who doesn't care too much about music and just wants to download the occasional popular album?
rutracker is enough for that.
Ha good call
How are we supposed to know whether it's a viable alternative if you don't even mention the reason you hate WCD?
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Is this a pixelHD internal? I'm not excited at all, it could take fucking forever to crack.
If anyone likes docos and hasn't seen pic related do it now. I don't usually bother wiith 1080p for "tv" but this is so incredible looking. 4K is a meme.
rutracker and soulseek
Yes. You can rest easy now. Enjoy the content. No more having to RPG.
Don't speak Russian. Don't use chrome (translate). That shit's haramallama ding dong
>I hate What.
Why? Too retarded to keep a good ratio?
Waffles has something like 10% of what's content.
Why would you join What.cd if you only want to download popular albums? Even public trackers will do that for you.
the hunt looked amazing even in 720p webdl
this >>52709485 was for>>52709427

>go to google.translate.com
>paste rutracker link
Waffles is a 1s and 0s tracker. People upload torrents and won't even seed it. It's maddening.
I think you misquoted but yeah! It looks like the entire thing was shot digitally on brand new cameras so it compresses really nicely as well, I think the full BD was like 100GB+
/mu/'s archive is enough for that.
Didn't bother to state the obvious. Yes building a ratio sucks on what more effort than it's worth. I forgot about the tokens and tried to download 20 things in final minutes but got cucked. Don't care though but I'm left with only a 15gb buffer. Haven't tried. Download things in two sessions. Hate the community. Are these enough? It's not comfy at all. Actually most my buffer came when anons linked to cold play in november (they posted my ip too)
/ptg/ mentioned
I didn't interview obviously. Got invited by someone (who was banned the next day) from comfy's irc
I whored freeleech picks in my first two months on the tracker, made 600GB buffer and never cared about buffer since. I listen to a new album a day too. What is comfy as hell is you use your noodle, like HDB there's no HnR rules.
>telling lies on the internet
As always, logs or it didn't happen.
Damn. Whatever then. I'll stick to whatcuck and maybe IPT if scene has it

I ironically was on music-vids until I got disabled for inactivity. that account was tradable damn
You could try libble, I think it might have a ratio system that's less harsh than what's but don't quote me on that
make a necklace from electrical wire..... but don't plug it in
libble is ratioless. Also, their staff aren't the brightest.
>Yes building a ratio sucks on what more effort than it's worth.
It's hard if you have a shit connection. And, obviously, What isn't worth the effort if you only listen to popular shit.
I agree with you though, the community is fucking awful.
I can't even find where it says who I was invited by. I didn't interview. I wouldn't be writing this shit if I cared enough to do it
It's not alzy is it? I can't imagine he'd bother with retarded meta-arguments on a meta-forum
>I can't even find where it says who I was invited by. I didn't interview. I wouldn't be writing this shit if I cared enough to do it
>doesn't post logs
>didn't happen
I don't have logs from that far back on ahd. How do you differentiate an account of someone who was invited by a user vs an interview. Tell me and I'll post proof.
That is so retarded. Most people join what only to get into other trackers
>I don't have logs from that far back on ahd
In this post
You said that you were invited to what.cd by somebody from #ptg.
Stop talking shit Karl.
That's just not true from the user classes alone.
Comfy=ahd not oppaitime
comfy irc = #ptg
comfy tracker = AHD.

therein lies the misunderstanding here. I'm sorry for calling you a liar, you should relax on your memespeak though.
>Most people join what only to get into other trackers

Yes, we call them Whatcucks.
By whatcuck do you mean any anon with a brain? Fuck waiting 6 months for PTP on a weeb tracker. What.CD is and always has been the fastest route.
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No whatcucks are the ones who stay and upload 500 transcodes like mcfabulous and the freaks who jack off to avatars.
>he doesn't want infinite invites epeen
>he can't run a script to do them automatically

6/10 I laughed.
No whatcucks are the ones who seed thousands of torrents hoping for 1GB upload a week.
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Fresh curry
>infinite invites

Completely useless. I have 6 invites (4 from being Elite plus 2 extras I got for donating) and have never used any of them.
pls send invite sir, i on knee begging
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I'm really hyped for these new UHD BDs senpai
>comfy tracker = AHD.
you mean AB, right?
fuck off weebs and AHD shills, BTN is the comfiest tracker.
Shut the fuck up both of you. We all know HDB is most comfy.
Time to get about 10 new 4TB drives I guess
Both the images I linked were from 4GB encodes m8. No need for lots of hard drives.
one of the pastebins says there are "recruitment threads" on w.cd

i don't see shit
>both UHD and h265 around the corner
>will most likely cancel each other out and transparent 4k encodes will be the same size as 1080p
meh, i'll take it
Are you PU?
Are you literally retarded or just pretending?
nope, just a member.
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>buy seedbox using paypal
>account flagged and transaction under review

Why the fuck is Paypal so shit lately? Is there any good alternative?
Well there you go. Recruitment threads are only in Power User forums and up.
i've been cucked. i have too much self-respect to find 5 garbage albums nobody will ever want just to get into some secret treehouse powerbottom fuckfest
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Don't have to be albums can also be 5 PDFs of books or something. That will be a couple of megabytes at most and you can store them away in a folder somewhere and not think about them again.
enjoy your YIFY rips on KAT.
Enjoy cuckdom then.
I was going to link you to better.php but I'm not confident you'd have the intelligence to use it
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i find your lack of faith disturbing
>I have to much self respect to put effort in
Classic NEET mentality. Reminder that your life is slipping you by while the people you went to school with are travelling the world, studying, finding cool jobs and fucking hot women.
Important poll.

Which OS do you guys use?
is this a joke?
Exactly. Become PU on what.cd, cool jobs and hot women will flock to you.
Where the fuck is the best OS FreeBSD?
i might just do this, i guess. i'm getting back into video games and it looks like my bcg account got purged
i've been in animebyt.es forever, but thanks for the thought
>no Windows Vista
Fuck you.
>he doesn't have his own private Torrent Master mansion
Why is there no option for dos?
i just think it's distasteful to jump through a hoop set so low.
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lmao kill yourself
>implying any of these things matter
>implying the highest goal in life isnt grasping at the momentary straws of happiness wherever you can find them
>implying the higher spiritual persuits aren't the only thing one should strive to achieve
Where the fuck is TempleOS?
>set so low.
Well the good trackers recruit from Elite+ so start jumping, NEETfriend.
i spent two years getting shot at by pajeet's gay cousin. what have you done with your life?
>you're forced to download at least 1GB torrent on HDB
>if you miss just 1 week, you get banned

Holy fuck, I wanted to join HDB but not anymore. Who the fuck wants to be cucked this bad by retarded autists?

What is that class and why can I never find it on any tracker?
>implying good pussy isn't a spiritual pursuit
senpai I'm thinking of making the BP whores wet dream for AB. 1TB of manga with a text file that has the DL link for each torrent in the DL. So you can download the TB of manga and then seed it all with a wget.
Are you on w**t.cd?
It's not true lad. It's an average. You have to download at least 52GB a year, which is of course fucking nothing.
>>implying the highest goal in life isnt grasping at the momentary straws of happiness wherever you can find them
the intermediate goal i think is understanding which straws make you happy, and what it actually feels like to lay your hands on them. this seems like a place where a lot of people stumble
Is this a meme? I've been on HDB for 6 months and have downloaded a grand total of 11GB
I'm elite on many trackers but not elite+ on any. I can never find the requirements.

Life isn't about being happy. There must be more to it than that.
>he isn't on w**t.cd
>There must be more to it than that.
The other half is reproduction.
in practice, it's more about being unhappy and trying to be happy. but maybe "happy" is too narrow a concept
Reproduction is a real life meme no one should fall for.
I hope private trackers make you guys happy.
not really, they're just a means to an end. sometimes i can get cool things through private trackers that make me happy though. first time in this thread and not really into/understanding the social climber aspect that seems to be everywhere.
>By whatcuck do you mean any anon with a brain?

I got into PTP in 2 months from Bigboyz.

What.cd is a waste of time and effort.
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>No whatcucks are the ones who stay and upload 500 transcodes

No, Whatcucks are the people who join What.cd and complain about not being able to seed anything to anybody so they are forced to buy a seedbox or they can't get to PTP and BTN.

PSPG pls go.
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>Reminder that your life is slipping you by while the people you went to school with are travelling the world, studying, finding cool jobs and fucking hot women.

I love that NEETs will never get to enjoy this life of independence and freedom while I buy as many hard drives as I want with my salary which I use to seed 24/7 while doing other things with my life.
It's 1GB/week average you retarded NEET.
>Reproduction is a real life meme no one should fall for.

Hello ugly person nobody will ever love. Must suck to be so ugly that no human woman wants to carry your child.
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Can you post the exact rule? You have to get 1gb/week average for how many weeks before getting disabled?
I don't get the "NEET" callout, a "NEET" would have no problem with this shit.
>being tied down to a ball of vomit and mucus
>you can no longer have time for yourself
>watching them grow up into ungrateful pricks after spending a mountain of money on them
Enjoy you kid faggot, i'd rather be ugly than a useless loser who spends his hard earned cash on a useless piece of flesh
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The exact rule is pic related and you will only be disabled when they do their routine cleanups which happen 4 times a year minimum so if you get to 0.99 GB per week you will not be automatically disabled but you will be on the chopping block with the autocleanup comes every quarter or whenever they do a manual cleanup.
How's your January gone fella? Kept up with your new years resolutions?
>I don't get the "NEET" callout, a "NEET" would have no problem with this shit.

NEETs tend to complain the most because they are lazy and want everybody to cater to their needs like their mom cooking their dinner.
The script only is concern accounts older than one year. Anyway why the fuck does it matter? If you're on HDBits you should be downloading a fuck load more than 50GB a year. I've been there 4 months and downloaded 2.5TB.
If you raise a kid poorly, that's what you will get, and my kids wont be raised by Jews like you, they will be better than you or I.
Hey some of us like to ratio whore you know.
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It's great. I didn't make any NY resolutions, though. How's yours?
Well in that case you're complaining that the rules are effective in promoting healthy use of the tracker. gg
Yeah dream on, i'll be doing fun stuff with my friends while you have to take away your kids' ipads cause they're addicted to them and to social media at age 5.
>If you're on HDBits you should be downloading a fuck load more than 50GB a year. I've been there 4 months and downloaded 2.5TB.

Exactly. This is literally (4) 1080p encodes per year.

My kids will not be allowed to use technology and they will either be homeschooled or private schooled without any kind of technology until age 12.

I didn't have a computer until I turned 16 and neither will they.
>can still be disabled even though you could be seeding with a 100tb seedsize
>VIP accounts (aka pay2leech) to avoid getting banned for innactivity
>FL torrents aren't counted, you have to risk your ratio getting equal or higher upload amount

Wow they really hold your dick to a leash. This isn't freedom. Seriously not trolling, but why is HDB highly hyped here? I think it's curry.
>I didn't have a computer until I turned 16 and neither will they.
hahahahaha i'm literally pissing myself here, good luck with that, i'm sure you won't find anyone to reproduce with who'll condone that kind of attitude anyways kek.
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The rules are strict in order to keep out curries. The stricter the rules, the less curries you get. Curries hate rules. They want to leech all day and never seed.

Do you not understand that rules are what keep most of the non-whites out of our trackers?

It's not our fault that you have to seed with your mom's laptop, NEET.
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>My kids will not be allowed to use technology and they will either be homeschooled or private schooled without any kind of technology until age 12.
>i'm sure you won't find anyone to reproduce with who'll condone that kind of attitude anyways kek.

My gf is already looking at Waldorf schooling or homeschooling. She also did not grow up with technology which is why we are both professionals.

Stay mad while my children dance on your grave, NEET.
>with your mom's laptop, NEET.

Stop projecting.
I have a 5tb seedsize on PTP+AHD. Whatever the fuck you assume with me, you're wrong. HDB is curry and doesn't support freedom. Enjoy your pay2leech curry tracker. What are they offering these days? 10gb per euro? I have enough money to buy 100tb worth of buffer each month bitch.
If you don't have a request which is in the top 50 for bounty on PTP you don't deserve to be on the tracker.
Giving your kids a computer at a young age is one of the worst things you can do to their brain other than letting them watch pornography.

Don't let the Jews tell you different. Tech employees at major companies do not allow their children to touch a computer until they have developed the computer inside their skull.
My January was reasonable! I'm looking forward to continuing in a similar fashion throughout February too.

Any goals for the next 11 months at all? I'm sure you could find something to enrich your life even just a bit.
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Freeleech on PTP, go watch it if you've not already seen.
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>HDB is curry and doesn't support freedom.

Freedom is curry. Strict Rules are White.

I don't have a seedbox and I have 2TB+ buffer on HDB because it's the easiest tracker to get buffer on next to PTP.

Stay curry.
Please explain to me how one would achieve a seeding size of 100TB with less than 1/GB DL a week average? Bonus points, do it without saying cross seeding.
I don't think you even get VIP for donating on HDB. Just a star and some ul credit. No userclass change. Pretty ridiculous that there's literally no way to get inactivity immunity on there.
Ignore the Mexican, anon. He is retarded.
>inactivity immunity on there.
Fuck of Ranjit, use the tracker or don't use the tracker. It's that simple.
>he needs a seedbox to survive on a curry tracker

Did you also buy some of that buffer, cuck?

Cross seeding from PTP/AHD.
Downloading freeleech.
Both of which doesn't count for you to keep your account active at HDB.

Not salty, you guys are just mad I'm calling you out on how insanely retarded and non-free HDB is.
>Pretty ridiculous that there's literally no way to get inactivity immunity on there.

There shouldn't be immunity there because that helps get rid of curries.

If you don't use the tracker every 180 days you don't deserve to be on it.
It's how they fucken phrase it. Pretty ambiguous.

They should outright state that the avg. download stat needs to be maintained at over 52GB to be immune from disabling. The current wording is unclear.
Nice comprehension skills Sanjeet, he said he DOESN'T have a seedbox.
>Did you also buy some of that buffer, cuck?

I don't donate at all because I'm on top trackers that get enough money from people.

>I'm calling you out on how insanely retarded and non-free HDB is.

Rules are there to keep non-whites like you OUT.
Yes I know, disregard what I said, I suck cocks.

But I'm still right about HDB being curry. Stay mad.
And btw I'm 100% pure aryan white, blonde hair and blue eyes, 6'0 tall with russian genes. Nice projection, Sanchez.
>le currie boogey-man

What if I have to temporarily work somewhere remote without internet access for a year or more? Not all of us are neet.
>They should outright state that the avg. download stat needs to be maintained at over 52GB to be immune from disabling. The current wording is unclear.

Your average is always on your profile. Just stay above 1 GB/week. I have over 30GB/week and I don't even download as much as I do on PTP.
Well jeez if you have to go and work down in the coal mines for 4 years to support your indian relatives I guess you lose your HDB account.
>And btw I'm 100% pure aryan white, blonde hair and blue eyes, 6'0 tall with russian genes. Nice projection, Sanchez.

If that were true, you wouldn't be so buttmad about the rules that keep mud people like you out, Miguel.
>And btw I'm 100% pure aryan white, blonde hair and blue eyes, 6'0 tall with russian genes
All those genes and you still can't get a HDBits invite? If I was your mother I'd be disappointed.
>What if I have to temporarily work somewhere remote without internet access for a year or more?

This tracker is not for liberal retards who go to Africa to get raped by niggers, anon.

Rich people can afford to have multiple homes with private internet access 24/7. They don't sit around in a shed studying for their Sociology toilet paper degree.
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>coal mines for 4 years to support your indian relatives I guess you lose your HDB account.

KEK, this curry copped a banhammer of justice for sharing his account with his whole family
>he's laughing now but wait till Putin has entire swaths of westerners shipped off to Siberian forced labour camps

Your salty tears as you plead to the HDB staff will only be eclipsed by the irony that you supported the draconian policy whilst you were unaffected.
When HDbits was open reg, a bunch of curries were able to get accounts and keep them for a while and slowly but surely HDbits will kick them out, hence the 1GB/week rule and other anti-curry rules.
Reminder that f you have access to private trackers at all, you have a moral duty to reupload to public trackers.
By putting up with byzantine rules and regulations to share content with others, you martyr yourself for the good of mankind.

Fight copyright
Rich people pay for their media and don't play some pathetic little online rpg just to watch some movies.

Actually laughable that you'd suggest this was some soft of patrician past-time.
>yeah problem solved alright
Who is best staff and why is it LB?

Go back to sucking off your Jewish libertarian thinkers at Mises.org.
>buying inferior physical media
>paying for bitstarved lolnocontent streaming services

top zozzle my dear friend
>Rich people pay for their media and don't play some pathetic little online rpg just to watch some movies.

I get to profit from my STEM career and I get to download movies for free.

Stay mad.

Only a cuck would pay for stuff that is freely available online.
Nick is ok but LB is cool.
With all the shit you're posting here your street must be clean for once.
my fucking sides weren't ready for that anon
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>The rules are strict in order to keep out curries. The stricter the rules, the less curries you get. Curries hate rules. They want to leech all day and never seed.
You see the irony in all this right?
>What if I have to temporarily work somewhere remote without internet access for a year or more
then you message the mods and they'll help you out
Feel free to point out the irony.
>posting frogs from iOS
>you see the irony in this right?
/int/ took over. /ptg/ is finished.
> inferior physical media
>screenshot of a remux

not even an encode baka desu senpai
Pirates / rebels conforming and loving laws. Socialist 312keks have it easy with all you italiankitten faggots
How new are you? Be honest.
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Where r frogs supposed to come from mate?

>tfw never going to find Maury
Got here yesterday
/ptg/ is a /pol/ general
Ohhhhh so you're that retarded redditor that alzy called out the other day?
Now it all makes sense. 24/7 butthurt is all we ever see from you.
>it's an azacuck is triggered by pspg on IRC episode
no one gives a fuck what the faggot does or does not fo
>called out
what, he memed together 4 separate anonymous posts?

kill yourself senpai
I can see that

idiots trigger me, too
aza was obviously a whatcuck
>doesn't deny he's the assmad reddit shitposter
wew, fuckin, lad.
>it's a reddit is butthurt and edgy episode
That wasn't me (idk where I was going with that crap now) but I looking at that thread. I remember joining in late. My first post in that thread was here https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/thread/S52608270#p52609890 saw people flexing their compression skillz. I don't care for reddit
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>he thinks I was any of the 4 memed posts or whoever it was azacuck replied to
speaking of, put your fucking trip back on

pic related its your dumb ass self
>riding on another person dick this much with no shame whatsoever
Kill yourself, fag.
>it's an azza moans about /ptg/ whilst forgetting he's free not to browse it episode

why is he so... special?
azakek hasn't posted in this thread, retard.
speak english motherfucker.
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>azacuck is triggered by pspg on IRC

I've never been to IRC.
Because he gets no respect. He doesn't even have a BTN account.
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>[02:54:37] <azathoth> who's this ridiculously edgy redditor who's been posting in /ptg/
>>527122990 02:55:16

yes I'm absolutely sure aza sperged out on IRC and then someone completely unrelated somehow managed to write up the exact same post including an archive link in under a minute

oh wait, no, you're just a retard

i wonder what "i dunn need one" excuse he has for that blunder
dead link should be >>52712299 I accidentally a zero
>can't quote a post
>oh wait, no, you're just a retard
Get it together, m8.
the first line is literally me quoting a post
congratulations, feel free to try again
trips are the worst thing to happen to 4chan t(to)b(be)h(honest).
I think that anon was talking about me and I'm definitely not Azathoth. I'd tell you to lurk moar but you've been shitposting here for three months and gets getting a little embarrassing desu.
>i can use sharex but i dont know how to inspect element
i will direct you back to >>52712413 wherein you blog on IRC then immediately post on /ptg/ seconds afterwords with a full archive link and all
what did he mean by this?
What the hell are you on about now?
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Damn, I was sure it was that ponyfag. Anyway, message stays the same, kill yourself and make /ptg/ great again.
Seriously what the fuck are you talking about? A whole general full of posters can't decipher this shit.
I can. He thought it was Laser, that's the ponyfag.
Try rereading it, I am sure you'll figure it out. If not, then ask your boyfriend about it maybe he will have more success.
alzheimerspenguin, I know you're here, what's the best way to tell if something is a web-dl or an hdtv release??
>Laser, that's the ponyfag.
Yes I get that, but he SAID Azathoth, while quoting a post about alzheimerspenguin while meaning Lasereyess. It's just one big drunk mess.
>his network gets called badly managed
>he decides to refute the point by klining all opposition
foolish but okay

all hdtv releases have network watermarks
Not him but I'm guessing the name of the release is a big clue.
Shouldn't it say on the page you snatch the torrent from, AND in the filename of the torrent?

You're not downloading from curry trackers, are you, anon?
The mediainfo senpai. HDTV caps have x264 settings while WEB-DL do not.
reminder that mcadams bro died
so he was right when he said the sperg in /ptg/ was you?

nah, he just doesn't have time to shitpost constantly on /ptg/
he was reading the thread getting triggered
Thanks lads. The torrent info didn't say, so I just wanted to know how to check.
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>/ptg/ is one person
Of course a dirty avatarfag can't figure out who he is talking to.
no mate, that was the first time I quoted aza. I filter his shitposts so I didn't take part in the "redditor calling" or whateverthefuck this comment thread turned out to be.
>comment thread
>this comment thread

Jesus fuck. I'm out of here
>comment thread
except that's exactly what it is
nice digits though
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Are there any downsides to using a Raspberry Pi as a seedbox? I have it set up with the Deluge daemon and an external hard drive. I've also heard people complain about externals before, whats so bad about them?
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>if I say nice digits I'll blend in
What's a comment thread and who is this poster? >>52712710
here's your new

>filename: scrot
hoe does it feel that you'll never fuck your 3d waifu mcadams?
the ruse is that sharex is a better software but only available on windows
No but make sure to get the latest RPi and use Debian or Ubuntu.
I'm using a raspberry pi as a seedbox. I have 150 torrents running on it so far (~20 gb) and haven't had any major problems. It can take a while to respond though. External harddrives are meant to be bad because many of them have automatic head parking which wears down the drive if they're in constant use.
You didn't have a pc till 16 and look how you turned out, nigga.

>implying someone will have a child with you.
This looks absolutely disgusting.
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