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EVERY DAY CARRY THREAD. >EDC. Also post your most tech

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 87

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Also post your most tech want.
Mine would be the Dell XPS 13
I too wear 2 wristwatches
pic related
>two wristwatches
Damn that's autistic
I just carry my phone and and keep the money in my pocket. I feel cluttered even when I have to carry my wallet. What are you niggas doing carrying all that shit?
>I just carry my phone and and keep the money in my pocket. I feel cluttered even when I have to carry my wallet. What are you niggas doing carrying all that shit?
Fucking this
how much for a zip?
Fidel Castro used to wear three rolex wristwatches (this is back when they were cheap) so he could quickly see the time in Moscow, Havana and some american city I forgot. So maybe anon is just staging an uprising.
I used to be like that but now that I spend the entire day out (gym, work, college) I like to take as much with me as possible. It's also about productivity, when you don't spend much time at home you often have to do your reading/studying during small breaks, so you have to carry all that garbage.
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I do the same, but I use pic related to keep the notes and cards together. Kinda wish I could lose a couple more keys an ditch my phone.
Probably Miami.
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Had those earphones for a while. Lost a bud from one, bought some cheap-ass sony earphones on amazon for £5 and they're infinitely better.
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Very poor lighting. Not picture is note 4 with obviously terrible flash pictures.

>Wilson leather wallet with ID sleeve.
>Maxpedition Keyper for belt keys
>keys with whistle and car starter
>Parker jotter, G2 pencil
>Bulova wrist watch.
>Badge for hospital security.
>Really old glasses for when I drive.
Lost my glasses getting hammered at a party.
>Fidel Castro used to wear three rolex wristwatches (this is back when they were cheap)
He didn't buy them: they were given to him by Rolex.
They gave one to Che as well but the CIA that shot him took it. He apparently still wears it to this day.

Rolex used to be the tool watch, the watch of soldiers, explorers and revolutionaries. Now it is the watch of the nouveau riche, the arab, the beijinocrat and the used car salesman.
What's the new rolex then?
Biznis man, toyko and Sweden , 2 timezones
Usually have a bag, op here.
A zip of what?
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>two watches
Now that's some serious overclocking.
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I used to hate /edc/, but it is growing on me.
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>4 clocks
What's notes do you take?
>taking score of the girls walking past
Haven't you finished that fucking book yet?
I disagree, even without wearing them these jvcs are amazing and this is coming from a guy that has a fiio e10k and beyerdynamic DT,770s
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You a cop?
Several times, I am actually reading Zero History now, but I don't have a camera that is not my phone anymore, so I can't take a fresh photo.

I am getting an Xperia Z5 premium soon to replace the Turbo, so I will use that as my /edc/ camera.
Expensive and boring on a strap
Sensible chuckle.jpg
I mean the new "old rolex". What's the brand that took it's place as "the tool watch, the watch of soldiers, explorers and revolutionaries"
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Flack jacket + tactical vest.
Not in picture:
>power bank
>can of snus
From the original picture! I just got it a couple of days ago. Bloody £60 custom charge to import it in from Japan, daily robbery
Do you murder people for money?
Nah. We have mandatory military training in my country
See >>52636009
There are a lot of tryhard wannabes.
But in practical terms? Most likely Casio's G-Shock.
No other make fits the same usage pattern as the old rolex, though there is a german brand that are worth keeping an eye on.
Get some cheap Casio with dual clock then.

Shit, that LG watch must have support for that.
Whyd you do this, I can read messages myself
He literally says security in his post you autist
Yeah, I love the lg urbane, its not required but nicentomhave, the good thing about it, if you can come and it doesn't exist you can make it.
>Hospital Security
Because i'm posting on my phone and I forgot to reply to you
Fucking wind your neck in, Jesus
Learn to read, fagtron.
chronic nigga

why else you got two phones and two watches
That lelnovo thing is a tablet you dummy.
>no cigarettes
please tell me you dont smoke weed with a fucking zippo

you fucking degenerate

it fucks up all the flavor
Menehän jonne pois täältä
Some fedora's carry around a zippo for fun. Or in hopes to one day light the cigarette of some female when asked if they have a light.
Got dt770's myself. They're absolutely great. Those earphones suck though. Too tinny, boomy bass and everything else is so muddy and bland. Better than shitty skullcandys I once had, obviously, but still pretty ass.

>even without wearing them
>this is coming from a guy that has a fiio e10k and beyerdynamic DT,770s
>using $90 amp and $200 headphones outside
I mean it's a portable amp and I'm sure it sounds great but still... why?
are you serious? that's a thing?

>Or in hopes to one day light the cigarette of some female when asked if they have a light.
people cannot possibly be this autistic can they?

Most people who don't smoke can't stand the smell of people who do, kissing a smoker is only a good idea if you both smoke.
>penspinning pen clearly visible
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I dont have the edit version on my phone. But here it is.
It's a rather good tablet too for the price. £100 for some really decent specs
Saata toki ulos :DDD
>anything more than phone, wallet and keys
the fuck do you even carry all that shit around for, get a goddamn purse you fags
are you fucking serious? that's what that is?

thought it was some bizzare pen

fucking hipsters at its finest in /g/edc/ threads
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Other hallmarks include:
>pokemon app on the home screen
>anime on the sansa
>rewrapped vape battery
If you can't spin a normal pen then what's the point of penspinning
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Seems pretty light for Finnish army gear.

When I was doing my military service they rarely let us leave the base without being in "full pack" which consisted of:
>Assault rifle with 3 clips (supposed to get 6 during wartime, but only 3 during peace time to minimize wear on them)
>Carbon fiber composite helmet
>Folding field shovel
>Gun cleaning kit
>Water bottle
>Gas mask
>Recoil amplifier (for shooting blanks as blanks don't have enough gunpowder to trigger the reload mechanism)
>Rain coat and trousers (used together with gas mask as a basic MOPP suit)
>Alumium food tray with spork
>At least two pairs of socks, a t-shirt and a polo shirt

Or are you of the 1/16 contingent? If yes, it's customary for me to tell you "Hajoa aamuihisi!!" or judging by the snuff "Gå sönder med dina dägä!!"
No en nyt viitsinyt koko kaapin sisältöä tohon listata kun koko viestin pointti oli "ebin kattokaa oon armeijas :DDD". Suunnilleen sama varustus meillä on.

noice EDC m8
/g/ is filled with autists from /r9k/. I wouldn't put it past them to stoop that low
>Two watches lol

Great book.

Used to love Porta Pro's

I edc:

Audio Technica ATH-M50's
Saddleback leather wallet
Generic pen with parker ink
Small buck knife
64gb micro/type A usb stick
Seiko solar watch

Not pictured is a Galaxy note 4 in an otterbox defender.

The knife is not for self defense, I do a lot of box cutting at work.
>but only 3 during peace time to minimize wear on them
>Gun cleaning kit

AR fags will defend this
Whats your standard rifle? do you guys get M4s or like FAMASs?

>Alumium food tray with spork
why the fuck are you carrying around a food-tray, the spork i totally understand.
The 6clips thing during war time is false. They only give 3 clips per soldier and 90 bullets per day. The finnish service rifle, RK-62 is based on Kalashinkov rifles and it uses the same caliber

And pic related about the food tray
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>edc'ing meme headphones with 10m cord
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>chinkpad with stickers on it
>stupid looking headphones
>Pokemon app
>zippo with no cigarettes
Jesus Christ, how cringeworthy. To think this is acceptable by /g/'s standards
i thought you were M4 totting faggots

and that's neat, thought you meant like a literal tray.

so.... can anyone join your military?
Me too

But I have a shit casio for everyday and a nice looking one for failed tinder dates

No one in their right mind wears 2 watches
With these headphones I would be afraid to leave home
>are you serious? that's a thing?
Yes. I'm sorry to say it is.
They don't smoke, but have one because le fedora age 1930's/50's look.

>people cannot possibly be this autistic can they?
You're really asking that question?
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I don't usually post in /g/ so I'm actually curious about what's wrong with them/ what you guys would suggest I upgrade to in the near future.

They're obnoxiously large in all aspects but for half off they out preformed everything I looked into.

neat little battery bank
That gif is as mesmerizing as it is disturbing.
> Vaping
I literally cringe everytime. All that smoke makes you like like a fool and is too pussy to smoke a cigarette. People who vape are worse than people too scared to inhale when they smoke a cigarette.
Meillä kyllä oli koko ajan liivissä kiinni koko varustus eikä otettu niitä pois muutoin kun putsausta tai tarkistusta varten.

En tosin nyt viitsi ryhtyä liian tyypilliseen "kaikki minun jälkeen intin käyneet on vässyköitä"-touhuun.
>*inhales fedora*
>That gif is as mesmerizing as it is disturbing.

You'll love the full video.
I was just about to take a nap too.
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I think you can get the basic 6 month training if you live in Finland long enough. Have a pic of some rk's. Mine is the fourth from right
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No, every Finnish male over 18 MUST join the military.
>what's wrong with them
The long cord? It's fine for your stereo at home, but excessive if you want to use them on the go.
The m50x has an exchangeable shorter cord I think.
Every male that's not unfit for service due to physical or mental problems gets a choice between military service, civil service and going to jail for refusing to do ether one. Women get to chose to do the military service, but even there they have some requirements to meet.

Funny thing about women in the Finnish army is that they're pretty much all super "womy stronk"-types, but probably 80% of them are ether forced to drop out because of not being able to cope with it physically or it not being the dominatrix fantasy they thought it would be.

Also, if the guy doing his service in this thread ever wonders why there's only fat free milk in the canteen, it's because of women conscripts complaining that the fat free milk would sometimes run out and they'd have to drink low fat milk instead. I was actually in the army when this happened and you can guess how we all laughed at it.
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Assault rifles are technology, post your loved ones
Voi viddu nyt toi maitojuttu. Meidän patterissa on muijatupa ja siellä on yllättäen yks kivan näkönen ja fiksun oloinen tödö.

Yeah I'm glad the x version addresses the cord.

I usually have to stuff the slack into my pocket.

With that said the long cord wasn't a deal breaker for me when I bought them and still isn't.
Wish I had taken a picture of the rifle I was issued...

Serial number 100675 manufactured in 1964. Was probably the oldest rifle in the unit and judging by it's age and still pretty good shape not used very much for most of it's life.
Mine is serial number 210484 and it's manufactured in 1967. It's in great condition except the barrel is slightly bent and it has the older grip in the back. They switched the front grip for the new design
I should probably admit that it wasn't in completely perfect shape. Would rust more easily than my buddies' weapons made in the 70's and 80's and the front sight was dented at the top.
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>tfw i'll never get to shoot an automatic unless i join some countries military

here's a pic of my semi-auto baby

that leaf sight on the RK must me so much nicer to use being that far back.
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Oh and here's a pic of her. Haven't named her yet tho.
I said "great" not "perfect"
stop playing with that, you'll probably shoot your own dick off
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330186, unfortunately Sako-made.

The diopter sight on the RK62 is complete shit and the night sight pictured earlier is only good at close quarters (and, surprisingly, nighttime). Shooting full auto is pretty fun.

I had no cartridges when I took the photo.
>tfw the camera is part of EDC
What's with antiguns and dicks?
Oh boy, it's that thread where everyone shows off that they carry a gun around all the time.

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That's the android default lock screen. It shows a clock.

You know what else is funny? It actually removes the clock from the top right corner. There is only 1 clock on those screens.
oh that's lame i'd expect it to work much better than the standard.

Is your dust cover hinged or removable like on a regular AK?

i was told to never put a sight on the dustcover unless it's hinged, they love to loose zero.

I put fancy tritium glow irons on my AK, works really nice, I can ring steel at 100-200 yards all day long, /some/ of our troops are allowed to modify gear, are you guys allowed?

Out of curiosity, are you guys taught to use "battle mode" on the leaf sight? (pull it back one more past 100m to level out the leaf)

magic happens when you do that, you just magically zero'd for 50m and 120m, thanks to the hard arc of the 7.62.

it was designed where you engage the guys up close, and without changing anything, can hit guys in buildings no problem.

Change your sight to 100m and you just fucked that all up, and now its only zero'd for 100m, and your 50m hits way too fucking high.

just a really fucking random question since you actively use AK style rifles.

Aks are magical unicorns i love them
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oh pic related this thing (circled what i'm talking about)
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>dust cover
It's removable, but it's tight enough and holds the zero pretty well.

Modifying the rifles would most certainly not be allowed for a conscript. There were some officers with tacticool attachments on their guns though.

Using the leaf sight was not really taught. I just personally liked using it more in battle-simulations, much faster to aim down it.

The rifles are zeroed for 150m which is pretty good for most targets in iron sight range. Can't remember which of the notches it was, it's been a while since I served.
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>That's the android default lock screen. It shows a clock.
No it isn't, that's HTC's clock widget.
>No it isn't, that's HTC's clock widget.
Not talking about your meme image. I'm talking about OPs image.
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could also just be a thing with actual aks and barrel length

after a little google, it looks like the 150m is your battle sight, could be barrel lengths.

Can you shoot the guns on your own free time like the swiss?

Try hitting targets at 50m with the 150m zero, you might discover some science, or maybe not, dunno give it a shot if you're bored.

just a random question i had, thanks for being cool and answering them
where is the autistic miku guy?
You Russian?
What makes you think that ?+
>that key
Do you live in a dorm?
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>Can you shoot the guns on your own free time like the swiss?
Nope, unless you're an officer or join a volunteer company after the official service, then you might get a permit for a semiauto RK62.

>Try hitting targets at 50m with the 150m zero, you might discover some science, or maybe not, dunno give it a shot if you're bored.
Would if I could. I wish they'd call me for a military refresher course.

Last pic that features my rifle in any way. Wish I had more.
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Here's one with night scope
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wtf is up with that rotation

Oh well. Pic related demonstrates the arc of the bullet with 150m battle sights, from my soldier's handbook.
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An even better one
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My RK with single use rocket launcher :3
God I miss army, it was fun.
Nope, I live in an apartment.
Green one is to get into the apartment building, the one poking out from under my stick of RAM is for my apartment door.
>tfw even your old phone had a front-facing camera
Is this just a stealth /k/ thread?
hyi vittu, aamuja!

kai oot vielä jossain santis-riksu-vekara-upinniemi-mitänäitänytoli akselilla ja pääset nauttimaan ihanasta loskapaskakelistä?
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it turned into one after a finn conscript made a post about being a finn conscript and all the other finns crawled out of the woodwork to reminisce about their conscript days
>not the classic
>not the q10

you fucked up
>not the passport c
Shit taste is a staple of /g/, but come on.
>Possibly my next phone
>My past keychain
>Nice Notebook
>Nice mobile mouse
>Good-looking headphones

I like you.
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>Dell XPS 15 i7
>480 GB SSD
>Razer Orochi 2015
>S6 Edge 32GB
>Moto 360
that scared of cagers m8?
nah not really
just live in a dangerous area, where you really should have a piece
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nice pony
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ITT: cuc/k/s
pretty good edc if i do say so myself
You carry FMJ? what the fuck is wrong with you
what game?
This is reality
You >>>/v/
>full size
>no holster
Put daddies gun away you autist
I've seen that picture but without the facebook posts, thanks for making me fucking angry
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I hate to think of my sorry date life, thank you very much. I just need to make notes of things and my job won't let me use my phone.
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I just put the cord down my sleeve. works when I wear a jacket with an inside pocket.
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I like you too.

>>Possibly my next phone
Just got mine recently, and I love it. You gotta know what you're getting into though, WP10 is still rather buggy at this point.
He thinks he's a bad ass because he carries a gun and knife everywhere, supposedly.

I cringed hard familam.
>jvc xx
Best buds for the price I've ever bought.
The case however cracked on me the first time I dropped it empty.
Nyt jonnet nukkumaan

T. 2/13 spolk :DDDDDD
I kinda wish i had a more exciting EDC, but all i typically need is my car keys, my phone, my wallet and a watch.

I only tend to need a heavier load out when travelling.
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>Parker Pen
>Two watches
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>carrying more than your phone in left pocket and keys in right


Is it a meme?
Obviously the biggest challenge you face daily is when Starbucks gets your latte wrong
>I carry 3 watches and 6 knives because I am just so much more productive than you anon
>I'm so productive I can waste the extra time on 4chan!
>drinking anything other than water

Good meme.
Coffee is 99% water

Checkm8 atheists
nice smith and nice terrorist watch
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>Oneplus One (w/TPU case) Smartphone
>Big Skinny Tri-Fold Wallet
>Car Key Fob
>Kingston 128GB USB Drive
>Lenovo T440 Laptop
>S&W "Chief Special" .38 Special Revolver
>Casio CA53W Calculator Watch
>Fenix E05 AAA Flashlight
>KeySmart Key Organizer
>Leatherman Squirt Multi-Tool
>FreeKey Key Rings
>True Utility Key Shackle
>Ray Ban Clubmaster Sunglasses (w/ Case)
>Mini Composition Notebook
>Mont Blanc Meisterstuck Roller Pen
>Microtech Strider DOC Folding Knife
>Monoprice Enhanced Bass Headphones
>Heaphone Cable Organizer
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Also my Nokia Lumia Icon used to take the picture with.
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>all these guns and knives

why do you people like to live in violent areas?

I work in East St. Louis
>implying I live in a violent area
>I carry firearms and combat knives around just to feel cool

phone, keys, wallet
Some of us are enjoying the freedom and liberty to the most effective means of self-defense. Not that you europoors would understand, because it is a hate-crime to even imagine picking up your fists to save your life.
Nah, I just recognize that crime doesn't only happen in violent areas.

>combat knives
It's literally a pocket knife you Tumblr fag
EDC threads are a chance to show off how much of a rebel you are for carrying around a weapon. These guys are so cool and so badass, I wish I were as cool as them.
Considering how many millions of Americans carry legally I guess there are a lot of "rebels"
I carry a simple, $10 pocket knife because I use it for work.
Are you a gangster's assistant?
>doesn't know how handy pocket knives are
I feel so bad for you people that probably grew up without fathers
American here. I don't know of, and have never met, a single person that carries a weapon other than a utility knife for work purposes.

That being said, it's not really as common as you make it out to be. But yeah, there are lots of people that try to act cool in this country.
>Why use tools or do work when we can just hire someone to do the work for us?

You've probably met tons of them. They are concealed carrying, so you never see the weapon. You are a naive faggot.

Maybe I should wear a sign that says I carry?
Gun sales and permit applications have consistently broken records year over year for like the past 5 years

And most people conceal carry so you'd never know they were armed.
maybe you should just wear a sign that says "i'm a massive faggot". it would drive home the same point
And you should wear one that says "triggered all of the time". It would drive home the same point
>getting this triggered
>not carrying concealed

Faggot Confirmed
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Galaxy S6
Generic Earbuds

Literally what else could you need.
No keys?
i live in nyc
Do flats not have keys to lock them there?
>tfw live in country where weapons aren't allowed, not even basic knives

JUST let me off this ride.
Why wouldn't that stupid fat bitch call 911 instead of posting it on Facebook?
>stupid fat bitch
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At what point do you think it would be a good idea to use those nun chucks?
Reminding everyone (even though I dislike /k/) that this picture is fake. I can't speak to the facebook posts on the left, but the babby juggalo funeral on the right is from a different situation in which the fat woman's baby died either during childbirth or shortly thereafter because of her weight. I do believe she tried to sue the hospital.
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>feels the need to remind us on anything
iPhone 6S Plus + the earbuds it came with
That's clearly a table of weapons from a police auction. Nobody carries around that much weaponry.
TP-Link makes phones?
>2 watchers
>4 clocks
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Sup nerds
This is how you edc in merica
2bh the last time I saw a guy carrying a gun I lied down on the floor screaming "GUN GUN" repeatedly until security disarmed that murderer.
>be american
>didn't get shot
Feels good man
laugh all you want, I'll get the last one when i'm the only one alive
>extended mag
that just makes you look like a terrorist
Please be gentle
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Obama has scared everyone in the USA into buying as many guns as they can afford. Guns sales at are an all time record high.
>Best gun salesman of all time

>Pic rel
>i panic bought this the other day
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I bet youre the most enjoyable person to be around and that your likable personality draws in loads of people who fill your life with meaning
Not sure if girl or gay
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>being this russled by a firearm
You have so much shit. Do you use it all atleast?
It's in my backpack and yes I sketch every day.
I play on my hour train trip to and from work.
Use my Pro 4 at work when I teach my classes.

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toasting in an epic bread
>Tagging your stuff to prove you only buy X brands.
Who are you trying to impress? This is EDC, nobody cares unless they ask.
>G2 masterrace
People actually bought the Nexus 5X?
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EDC's actually a /k/ thing so when /g/ adopted it crossboarders prolly just reused images.
note 5
car keys
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no more ps vita, sold it.
Good, playing hand held game consoles makes you look like a child. Are you growing up anon? :D
i got a thinkpad t420 and i can play games on it now. so dont need the vita
I see your obama phone
people who rag about vapes like this are the same people that rag about cigs. you're a cuck fag.
Fuck off Yuroniggers, this is an American board. Dont like it? Get the fuck out.
I carry an IBM PureData rack in my backpack.
American here. I personally know of at least 10 people who carry ever day. And who knows how many more I've met and have never known.

That's the point of CONCEALED carry, you don't know who's carrying. Applications for carry permits are breaking records dude, we're everywhere.
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>battery bank instead of just charging your phone off your laptop
>mp3 player instead of just playing mp3s on your phone
>zippo which slowly leaks fuel vapor all day instead of a proper gasketed field lighter
knife, keys, carmex. Ohhh.. carmex
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watch model?
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omega aqua terra
Fidel Castro should have bought a GMT
Damn nigga dropping the g's
is it real
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not even an expensive watch mate
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Baka desu senpai
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I was under the impression that it was like 3 grand. Is that wrong?
Citizen Eco-Drive watch
Excel gum
Change purse
Cheap Jet lighter
Beats Solo 2 and case
Thumb action knife with belt cutter
House/bike key, flash light/bottle opener, bottle opener

Single strap bag with:

Books (they rotate)
Note book and pen
Charger and USB cable
Galaxy Tab E
Tooth brush

Not pictured:

Dumo blues (ran out)
Mini Toothpaste (ran out)
Galaxy S2 (hence the shit Qual photo...)
Zip loc bag
Plastic bags (1 black, 1 clear)
Face rag (in the drier)
Deodorant (in the bag)

Sometimes I don't fuck with the luggage and ditch the personal hygiene and backpack if I won't be out all day

Newest Sony Zc
well 6 new
if thats expensive to you, you might need to get a job
Fuck, for a second I thought that was the
>He snickers as he reloads a shell labeled CUM
take a pic you autist
Vekaralla :3
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some places in america are fucking hell once some brit guy did a documentary in Baltimore and he had to wear plate armor.
I'd say 6 thousand dollars for an obsolete piece of technology is expensive. You're a prick.
Faggot-ass clover wouldn't let me upload it at the same time for some reason..
I bet you still drive ice though

literally lolling at your life out loud right now
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>unironically being this pathetic
What the hell do you plan on doing with those floppy disks? Also that pistol with the silencer and scope.
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>le zippo leaking meme
not if you fill it properly you fucking retard who doesn't even know how a zippo works

also people who carry a zippo not for marlboro or camel are retards as fuck
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Phone, wallet, keys, watch, pen, knife.

Watch is a Casio PAW500, decently small for a barometer watch.

Managed to lose my fucking fisher space pen yesterday, so a pentel energel stands in for it.

And since this seems to be the thread for it, muh AR
It's obviously where he keeps the info on hit targets then Burns the disks after.
The ThinkPad doubles as body armour
it's kind of a shame that people stopped carrying flashlights when smartphones became a thing. The flashaholic scene around 2000 was cool

you carry around a roll of gauze?

I bought that red-dot. Switch was flaky, and then after I fired a full magazine it fell apart. It's shit.

take a look at this faggot
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>giving out your callsign on 4chan
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Is this the daily autism thread?
Vape faggot detected lol HaHHHhaHHhaH
>>Carrying a non-load bearing carabiner.
I only ask cause if you're gonna have one it might as well be more useful than holding your keys.
>these jvcs are amazing
they're shit, I got them on amazon and was shocked that the reviews were so good. literally iphone earbuds-tier. The Sony earbuds that came with my Xperia Z3C are better.
Are these hollow points?
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>carrying anything but hollow points

are you an uneducated euro by any chance?
No, just 3rd worlder. Doesn't make sense civilians are allowed to use these nor something like full metal jackets.
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>Doesn't make sense civilians are allowed to use these nor something like full metal jackets.
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>Doesn't make sense civilians are allowed to use these nor something like full metal jackets.
>Doesn't make sense civilians are allowed to use these nor something like full metal jackets
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>Doesn't make sense civilians are allowed to use these nor something like full metal jackets.
Hollow point is so it expands when it hits the target, causing more damage and more force to the target, effectively nuteralizing it.
Full Metal jacket is also just cheap as shit.
Really the only two types of pistol ammo.
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>Doesn't make sense civilians are allowed to use these nor something like full metal jackets
He didn't ducking buy them you stupid ducking shit. And yes Rolex was very prestigious at the time, more so tHan now. plenty of companies gave him luxurious gifts during his reign
Hollow points are less likely to pass through the intended target and injure someone who doesn't pose an immediate risk to public safety. If you have any weapon for self defense, you should undergo the same training/education and use the same equipment as a police officer, because you are essentially agreeing to partake in public defense. All public defenders should be equally certified and trained. If you do not agree to be a public defender, then you should not have an active weapon in public.
Whata the model anon, it's very pretty.
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how can one man be this dumb
I'm aware what hollow points are. It's just using it on school children would be an overkill.
>not using a katana to kill school children
I like to think of myself as a wolf, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor.
mad amerifat
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>every single thread ends up like this
blame /k/ faggots

Please empty the clip into your skull. Make sure your loadout is armor piercing, otherwise there will be no effect.
>mad europoor
How's VAT treating you on PC part prices brit?
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Shit. I just dropped 180$ on buying a Victorinox Cybertool 34, and a Leatherman Wave.

I barely see any multitools here. Did I get cucked?
>Cybertool 34

Best item in this entire thread. Not even kidding.

>Law enforcement sources said Wilcox, who had a concealed weapons permit and carried a handgun, was ready to “end it” when Amanda Miller, who was behind Wilcox, shot and killed him.

Your average EDC /k/ poster.
got banned a few years back
>potted meat
>every day carry

Sounds like a pretty decent human being, senpai. Re you against decent human beings?
Build wall
i just got a leatherman skeletool for $20 at home depot. seems skelecool.
>full size
I have a lot of experience with this model

again, if any of you faggots had real experience with weapons, you would know hp rounds have a lot more chance to interfere with the loading mechanism

Got a regular holster, didn't even consider showing it in the pic
hello fudd
SARB looks like

cant tell you the exact one
I hook it onto my belt for easier access to my keys, then put them in my pocket.
Keeps them out of the way from other stuff in there as well
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But the man attacking your wife is a good fit no?
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>The flashaholic scene around 2000 was cool
Today's "scene" is cool too anon, modders able to make a single aa size light pump out ~1200 lumens is crazy.
That green button you use to get into your building is used in Russian flats.
>And yes Rolex was very prestigious at the time
No, it wasn't.
It wasn't the same luxury brand as it is now.
>6 condoms

Anon, we all know what you are going to use that flashlight for. You are going to put it in your butt. Just to state the obvious if you don't get it. Right up your bum.
You forgot the nigger
I vape cause I quit smoking, and I'd smoke a pack a day and if I could t get any I'd smoke other people's hardly smoked cigs out of ash cans so your argument is null
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