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Okay guys, so I'm in the market for a new laptop. Currently

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Okay guys, so I'm in the market for a new laptop. Currently have a lenovo U140 ultrabook but fed up of its shitty build quality and lack of power.

Looking for the ultimate (impossible?) blend of build quality, good screen, gaming capabilities etc. Now I know usually in threads like this, the rMBP is highly recommended. I I certainly like the look of these. However for gaming, I know they are less than ideal.

So my question is this: could I get a 15" rMBP with a discrete graphics card and then install Windows in a dual boot configuration. As far as I can tell, this would give me the best of all worlds.

Please tell me if I am wrong.
>gaymen on a labtob

American detected.
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>rMBP with a discrete graphics

he's probably an underage child
>Now I know usually in threads like this, the rMBP is highly shilled.
Alright, I realise it is not the optimal set up but for me, I do require it to be portable. Plus I'm not looking for godly graphics here.
They do exist. You know that right?
A $200 PoS from walmart should get you the same performance as that Macbook and also won't throttle to 1/10 the performance and burn your thigh skin off.
Not an American actually. Any chance I can get an actual answer?
In terms of some of the internals, sure. But I am looking for a decent screen and good build quality too. I'd like it to last me a few years ideally.

There, now go away.
Honestly? It'd work for some stuff, sure (gaming wise). But other than some really light gaming, I'd never recommend a laptop of any sort for that purpose. Gaming requires hire GPU throughput than laptops can feasibly support without being a) massive with terrible battery or b) throttling and effecting quality.

You'll probably be able to play some decent AA/ older AAA titles at medium/high though.
It'll absolutely kill battery life.

Also, props for TayTay. She's queen.
Thanks, I'll have a closer look but most of these are plasticky monstrosities
Hmm OK. So I'm getting the feeling here that my suggestion was somewhat idiotic. The general concensus would then to be rMBP for general use and then a separate rig for gaming?

I did think this was probably the case but maybe I was being a bit fanciful in trying to combine the two...
>rMBP for general use

Good luck even browsing facebook with that.
Op look up dell xps15.

If you were willing to get mbp, then the dell is what you need.
Acer aspire v nitro, if you want cheap gaming that won't throttle.
How fucking dumb are you
Other models I have looked into on the back of recommendations are the Dell XPS and the Surface Pro that everyone on /g/ was masturbating to a while back.

What killed the hype? I know that mass recalls have been issued due to faulty leads catching fire...
Battery a shit though. But it's slim and kicking ass. Be sure to pick the i5 version.

The one I'm looking at has a 2.5GHz i7
Why would you buy a Surface Pro for gaming?
Have this and it owns but integrated gpu means u won't be crushing games it has like 30fps in path of exile on potato settings for programming / work stuff it's zero regrets so far
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That's only for the first 5 seconds after you turn it on.
Oh no, I've abandoned that idea now.
Who the fuck uses a laptop to play any games

There are no laptops that can play quality games while maintaining portability and battery life.

Just get a shitto laptop that you can carry with you and do stuff on and spend the rest of your money on a gaming rig.

Then if you ever need higher power than what laptop can give just SSH into the PC
Wanting to game on a rMBP in the first place, let alone a laptop, shows how retarded OP is.
Gaymen on a laptop, aside from light casual gaming sessions is pretty dumb because no laptop is gonna match the performance of a desktop unless it weighs 30lb and has glowing LED skulls all over it. When you finally grow up and stop wasting all your precious time on games you're gonna look like a retard using that laptop for anything.
BREAKING NEWS: Running a thin laptop at 100% causes it to throttle to prevent overheating!!!!!
True. Yeah I hate the look of most gaming laptops so I was desperately trying to find another way.

Lesson learned.
BREAKING NEWS: Gaymen on a thin laptop causes it to reach 100% CPU and GPU utilization.
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>not getting a razer and slapping a maki sticker over the logo
XMG look okay, still have a bit of that dumb gamer look going on but nowhere near as bad as alienware
For this exact reason I was trying to combine a rig and laptop. I am still somewhat embarrassed that I do occasionally like to game. So I would find it hard to justify building/ buying a rig for expressly that reason. At least with a laptop you can try and justify that it does other things.
To be honest the blade stealth is probably the best ultrabook for gaming if you're willing to spend the money on the Core. It can definitely replace desktops for people that don't want them. The only thing that sucks is they max out the RAM at 8GB so I'd never fucking buy one
Is that really a gayming laptop? It looks awesome

Who the fuck would play on that thin laptop though? It would reach housefire levels of heat.
Follow up question: why has no company designed a gaming laptop for actual adults that doesn't look like it was designed by a 14yo with some crayons. Or heaven forbid, even a nice aluminium body?
>gamer laptop
>aluminium body
It's like you want to burn yourself.
see >>52542602
If it's light gaming / even somewhat intense stuff will work just fine. Like, yeah, it has discrete graphics - it'll handle it okay on Windows. Just don't expect top tier performance or for it to handle graphics at an **amazing** quality.

If you do light/occasional gaming it'll most likely be fine for you. If you want to "actually" game, build a desktop. Laptops aren't great for gaming anyway. I'd much recommend an rMBP over any of the 1337 gaming laptops out there.

It's all personal preference though. I have a rMBP from 2014 that is 13in and I love it. Some people hate macs. I use my desktop for gaming. I use my Mac for almost everything else.
OK, fair enough. That is certainly the best I've seen.
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>Who the fuck would play on that thin laptop though? It would reach housefire levels of heat.

That's what external GPUs are for.
Fair point. But wouldn't a metal body help draw away heat from the internals?
>Follow up question: why has no company designed a gaming laptop for actual adults that doesn't look like it was designed by a 14yo with some crayons

the idea is that by the time you're a big boy, you have a source of income that allows you to build a proper rig
this desu senpai

Macshit Pros already burn your thighs even with their ancient 4 year old GT750Ms. I can't imagine what a GTX970M would do in a laptop the same size/dimensions.
Oh cool. I didn't know about these. So this would negate most heat sink issues right? Is it as adaptable as plugging in when you're gaming and ripping it out when you need to travel?
Pretty much.

Alienware has this as well, but they all look horrific.

MSI also has one, but the way it connects is retarded.
Don't they make normal docks anymore?
Dell used to have these comfy laptop docks with their own GPU.
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To be fair you're not meant to use the laptop keyboard when docked anyway.
>normal dock

Pick one.
Great stuff. I'm learning. So to take this further, is an external gpu able to be plugged in to any laptop (assuming it has the suitable connections)? What combatibiliy issues are at play here?

If this were the case, I could just get myself a decent all rounder and then plug this guy in as a graphical boost.

Or have I been a boob again?
That's what they are for
I think Razer said they're be happy to open up the spec if other laptop vendors wanted to support their external GPU box, but it only just came out.
Excellent. This may be the way forward for me then. It's certainly much cheaper than buying a whole new rig for essentially a bit more power and a decent graphics card. This seems to be a good overlapping compromise.

I will have to look into this properly.
decent desktop + low spec laptop is probably still cheaper
Quite possibly, but I would be looking at getting a decent laptop too as I do require it to be somewhat powerful for some of the applications I use for work.

Therefore, this sounds like the most viable alternative I've heard so far.
this culture demon needs her throat slit wide open. this disgusting cunt needs to bleed out on the sidewalk.
Who hurt you?
A question for all here:

Can usb 3.1 help solve the msi/Razer/Alienware proprietary dock shitfest and make edGPU boxes more popular? is there enough bandwidth?
The Razer dock is TB3, not proprietary. Literally all it would need to be supported on other laptops is drivers.
That is pretty fucking sweet then, I thoung they have their own
This is pretty cool. So I've found out that it's not hard to build your own eGPU. Just grab a GTX 970 and stuck it in a housing like the Akitio Thunder 2.

This actually makes my original idea of a macbook with an eGPU very possible.
>$500 gpu
>800mhz throttled overheating cpu
That'll surely work great. :^)
Did you even look at the picture
Yeah but the point is that it will overheat a lot less with the GPU externally housed.

Overheating will always be an issue here, no matter the build.
she is perfect ^^
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>overheat a lot less with the GPU externally housed
OK, so how can this be avoided? Seems like it happens to some extent across the board.
Yeah but in that photo the guy is doing overnight, intensive rendering. Most likely with a discrete gpu.

This literally does nothing to detract from my point.
You've been told since the begining of the thread.

1. Build a desktop and get a chromebook or some shit for portability.

2. Get a gayming laptop that'll overheat and throttle.

3. Get a macbook that'll overheat and burn your house down, killing you and your family, and doing the world a favor.
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Are you legally blind?
Ah yes but Thunderbolt 3 is out this year with the skylake models
Well apparently with this configuration you can run bf4 on ultra at 70fps. Which, to be honest is all I was looking for :)
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>oh no i'm so worried about throttling and performance
>i'm going to buy literally the worst possible memebook that throttles to $200 celeron craptop level performance
>muh gaymes

Throttling is caused by excessive overheating. Which is you are not using its gpu but are instead using an eGPU as a run though, the laptop can handle the rest quite easily. Fans are still whisper quiet maxing out bf4.
>handle easily
>anything besides facebook without burning down your house
Well meme'd. :^)
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>That ugly horse face cunt again
Fuck off OP
>playing ea games
>thinks a macbook can run minecraft without throttling
Go ahead and buy it, you deserve it
Dumb trannyposter
Taylor Swift literally has no ass or hips. Shit waifu senpai.
I understand your point. If you are working/studying out of home and you are travelling for a week or so at least twice a month like me, you want to have something portable.

This, dell xps 15 is good. Also I've bought a MSI GE60 as main laptop and I have no regrets (1080p, 15.6'screen, 960GTX, i7 fifth generation...). If I'm working, the battery lasts around 3 hours, and I can play vidya with the power plugged (960GTX in).

Also, I'd consideer buying a huge laptop and another tablet without android, like a ms surface or an asus transformer, and if you have enough money, a mb air would be great. It's up to you, but that combination is working perfectly for me (MSI as main computer + Asus T100 for taking notes, etc...)
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It's a good reason to hate 'muh thinness'. This thing had a power hungry Core2Duo (65nm!) and a smaller footprint, yet still never throttled.
But gaming laptops cost more than proper gaming rigs
Not if it means getting a rig AS WELL as a laptop
Thank you for understanding where aim coming from. It's only cheaper to get a rig if you don't also need a laptop anyway.
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