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What Loonix distro looks as nice as and runs as smoothly as OSX?

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What Loonix distro looks as nice as and runs as smoothly as OSX?
theyre all shit
now go make a hackintosh or buy a mac
that's what I feared
Redstar OS
Modify Gentoo to be optimized specifically for your hardware
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el clapistan.webm
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>smoothly as OSX
This tbph, senpaitachi
Honestly this. Applications even come in .app containers.
So smooth!

I should switch to OSX!
Jesus christ
rofl, are you running that in a vm with restricted resources on purpose for giggles? you're a fucking idiot.
I couldn't tell you, most of them run better.
Elementary OS
probably a MBP throttled to 100mhz so it doesn't catch on fire
Deepin is linux osx edition
Photoshop is maxing out the ram making it run like that...

OS X is literally unusable when PS does that though.

because Linux isn't really an "OS" so much as a selected collection of packages that perform specific functions and allow other packages to function.

windows and os x are also the same concept however at least each company manages and updates their own sets of packages respectively.
Linux isn't a selected collection of packages, it's a single monolithic kernel.
Linux kernel with GNU toolset=os
Linux kernel with *bsd toolset=os
its pretty good but it still has some bugs.
>not stopping me from using it.
BSD uses the BSD kernel you dumb fucking nigger.
>OS X is literally unusable

Could've just left it at that.
he didn't say anything about the bsd kernel
Let me pontificate for your edification.
Linux using the linux kernel and bsd toolset is fucking linux.where the fuck did your gay nigger faggot ass read anything about a mother fucking bsd kernel?
Or are you not aware of the fact you can mix pretty much any kernel you want with any toolset you want if it is already done for you, or if you want to take the task and do it your self.
Fuck of winfag
Actually if you want the same feel and a much better overall experience you can install Deepin as a de over whatever distro you prefer
isnt deepin just a dock? lol
Nope it's a full distro if that's what you want or you can get just the de
Ive been wanting to put a tiliing WM on it, I havent found much that i dont like about the whole distro through except the remote assistance update but that can be removed. Its been pretty fucking comfy for the last 2 years through.
Did reddit ruin this show yet?

I enjoyed the first season, but couldn't stop saying to myself this is literally reddit: the show.
Stop letting fanbases affect your opinions of things
My only issue with it when I was using it was the repositories. Absolutely pales in comparison to Arch and AUR
It hasn't affected my opinion in any way, as I said, I enjoyed the show. I was querying if a cancerous fanbase emerged already.
>I was querying if a cancerous fanbase emerged already
Why do you care?
I havent really noticed. I get a lot of things from git. It does have the standard debian repos though and thats rather nice. My only real complaint so far is that there a ram leak in DDE for laptops. it never clears its hybernation file after closing the lid so my laptop needs to be rebooted once a week or so. rather minor i guees. I really like the quake window though, probably the best feature other than right click-uninstall program.
Yeah with all of that I'd just stick with Arch with the Deepin de to see what its about
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>9 applications open, including photoshop
>chrome with several JS heavy tabs
>an AppStore download going in the background
>screen recording
>probably on either a MacBook Air, MacBook, or a VM

>haha get rekt macfags your OS is laggy shit xD trololololol
If I did the same shit on Ubuntu it would work just fine

fags on suicide watch
arch with i3
don't believe anyone else
My little brother has a MacBook air, he literally cannot open chrome + another program, out of application memory
It's okay anon. This is an anonymous board. No one's going to come to your house to laugh at your OS choice
Try Deepin. It's just an Apple ripoff. However it has a lot of proprietary content.
if that's your idea of heavy load, then i certainly am going to laugh at you
But El Crapistan is a huge resource hog.
ok now run the same test with linux
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>implying OS X could ever compete with this
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> Elementary OS

Can you test it with a more finished and lightweight distro like Lubuntu next?
Kubuntu, ignore these arch clowns
I use arch and honestly,
>I'm more of a KDE person myself
No, because he's comparing it with unfinished bloatware like OSX.
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deepin 15.png
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Deepin is a good distro in both performance and look.
Install Linux mint. Move the toolbar from the bottom to the top. Install Docky. Now you have an OS X like god tier Linux.
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