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When was the last time a consumer product genuinely impressed you?

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When was the last time a consumer product genuinely impressed you?
when i left my house and found out they made IPS panels after using the same LCD panel mfg'd in 2001

desutbh senpai

literally unfucking killable.

still using the same one since 2006
The original ipod was neat, but the first one that let you play video on a tiny screen you had to convert to some random format beforehand blew my fucking mind for some reason.
Never. Technology is always mediocre at best with planned obsolescence. Only thing that mildly seduced me was a Sony VAIO laptop and Dell XPS Slim Bezel Laptop.
My 120Hz monitor.
Too bad Youtube is limited to 60.
I'm pretty impressed by Japanese made laptops.
that was the first thing i ever bought with my first paycheck from my very first job

how /g/ am i?
>tfw nothing
feels like nobody gives a shit anymore, personal computers have been garbage since the mid 2000s and everything's just a half-assed money grabbing orgy of planned obsolescence and apple clone styling, pandering to consumers who don't give a shit about anything but mindlessly consuming media and shitposting on the internet

Apple turned smartphones into dumbed down toys for soccer moms and facebook teens who use their phones as time wasting devices rather than the powerful productivity tools they used to be

the future of hardware looks bleak and even more uninteresting as monopolies start to form and everyone is trying their damnedest to turn everything into locked down social media telescreen appliances
nikon d700
rigol ds1000z series scopes
late entry level panasonic plasma tvs
jbl lsr305
My first Thinkpad, X60T. It was the shit
Back when we wuz kings (and shit).

My new phone.

It feel that Samsung made genuine effort and succeeded to make a great smart phone. There's literally nothing lacklustre about it, personally.

Before that my old ipod classic and itunes's massive range of podcasts.
t. Alberto Barbosa
>Before that my old ipod classic and itunes's massive range of podcasts.

I don't disagree with that
t. Alberto Barbosa
MacBook Air


went from a standard monitor to an ips and what a fucking difference.. I still set the brightness to 15 and the colors to very warm because Im not used to them being this bright and vibrant
Are you a girl? Post dick
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This is now an Alberto Barbosa thread
freedombox is a pretty cool project.
The inexpensive small boards you can get is really ideal for this.
Topre keyswitches.
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this bad boy, Thinkpad t40

I could play quake 2 on it at full settings, shit was cash
Topre switches

Nvidia shield tv

Ssd two months ago

Something else i can't recall now.
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Honestly? My G5 iMac. Just a more polished presentation. I mean I like programming Windows but it's distracting how post-XP every program has a different UI and a mismash of new dialogs and old dialogs. It looks unfinished. But then most software these days feels like they did just enough to get it kindof sortof working and quit.
When I'm running Marshmellow with CM 13 on my Moto G first gen. Too many updates, so little time
Tbh senpai
>shill whatever you want general /swywg/
surface pro 4
my samsung tv
everything else did just what I expoected of normal tech
>Can compete in 2016 in 1080p (high settings)

What's the best for 1440p?
why, the iphone of course :^)
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xDDD i love the jew meme
pls post more
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>Apple turned smartphones into dumbed down toys for soccer moms and facebook teens who use their phones as time wasting devices rather than the powerful productivity tools they used to be
Honestly, the iPod 5g
q6600 is yummy. never dies. just keeps going. w/ gtx750 having no prob to go 1080p in games
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Logitech G400s.Quickfire Rapid mech keyboard with Cherry MX blues. $1 Mousepad. That's about it...
Asus G750 and my jeep zj making it up a mountain when it was stock while full size 4x4 trucks were getting bogged down all along the trail
NFC was exciting for a while
The PS4 but that was before it actually came out.
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t. Alberto Barbosa
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Who is Alberto Barbossa?
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I've still got my Q6700, such a great CPU.
Going to do a new (old) build with it soon. It was only replaced because the mobo died, and all the LGA775 boards you can buy new suck (fuck off ASRock).

NVidia Shield TV.
So many people saying the nvidia shield, why?
Mid 90s, got a 3dfx card and was absolutely amazed by the 3d in quake2. Going from software renderer to hardware was absolutely amazing.
My thinkpad no joking my main computer died and is very great quality never used it but i'm using at main right now and for browsing and shit works like a champion.
Playstation 2
My Bluetooth car radio
my 80 gb zune

decent interface, nice build quality and screen, scroll pad worked pretty well
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When I got my retina Macbook Pro.
SSD (2013)
DAC (2015)
My Corsair K70
The entire GeForce 4 series
>post-iphone smartphones are dumbed down compared to blackberry and S60 devices
Nexus 5. Enough said
The ps2 fucked me up
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Subpac S2. I can feel like I'm installing Gentoo in da club at 2am without disrupting anyone.
What the fuck is this website?
To be honest?

My Pebble OG. GF got it for me on Christmas, and she's right it's perfect for me.

The minmalistic aesthetic + the eInk display is just a wet dream for me.

Sounds perfect and is also immortal
he wuz a kingz n shiet
>tfw I use the same LG monitor since 2005
>tfw even in 2005 my monitor was $100
>tfw I never looked at an IPS monitor

now I feel bad
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Kindle 3.

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VR porn

Yeah I've been using a 10 year old 720 Dell TN panel, and whatever basic 1080 tn is in my 6 year old thinkpad, and a few days ago I hooked up my new 1440 AH-IPS.
27" + 1440 = stupid screen real estate. So much fucking room, the colors are crazy vibrant, and the clarity is amazing. I haven't even OC'ed it yet and I love it.

I have one and after a decade of intense use, several drops and still werks very well. I haven't even noticed a significant decrease in battery life.

Are you my brother?
I bought The Witcher 3 on PS4 last spring. I was impressed by all of the things that were included in the case.

They went so far as to include a full paper manual, booklet with a description of each character, a soundtrack disc, a thank you note, and stickers.

It really had me in awe. I ended up buying it on PC later on but still.
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mfw I'm gaming on an old Dell Ultrasharp 22" from 2004 and an old BenQ 24" from 2007 with a 5820K and 980Ti...
my dad's new laptop
display port dock with 2 more
Amd A10-8800B 15W
6 hour battery life
1920x1080 main display
16gb ram
256gb m.2 PCI ssd
actually a good touchpad
linux just werks
Why did the shoop a batting helmet on fat fedora guy
Cause he's war ready
HAHA holy shit I was just about to say this

I moved my pic upstairs and I turned the wrt into a wireless bridge, saved $60. It works like a charm, strongest wifi I've ever had

Don't throw yours away
>still using the same one since 2006

I guess you don't need internet faster than 20mbit or LAN faster than 100mbit.
My first Windows Phone, Lumia 1320. So pretty, so intuitive, so simple, so snappy.
MS hololens i know its stupid but i just think there is so much potential in in to waste on games.
probably the first iphone

that shit was miles ahead of the competition when it came out
Jokes on you anon we're pushing 3 Mbps here in America.
I bought an energy drink and bread today. Both impressed me
Its great for its time but 1080p is be. Q6600 is quite a bottleneck unless you considerably overclock
I just upgraded to a Nexus 6P from a 4-year-old phone, This thing is so... better.

But I guess that's what happens when you skip 10 generations of technology
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Will I shit my pants when I upgrade, anon?
It's coming soon. The battery doesn't hold a charge for long anymore and buttons take an eternity to register.
I don't know m80

Pretty spooked either way.
Adaptive fast charging
>planned obsolescence
>he didn't live in CCCP, where everything was build to last
I'm so sorry for you m8
/r/ barbosa with the hand meme.
2016 is going to be glorious
Going from a flip phone to a galaxy s2.
32GB microSD cards blew my mind when they came out, now I just expect capacities to double every now and then
Magic Trackpad
BlackBerry Q10
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The ili translator, honestly the fact that the language barrier may be smashed is enough to get me excited as fuck.
But will it translate puns?
So if I understand correctly. There is no sound coming from this device, other than the sound of it vibrating, to simulate bass in your stomach like at the club. Never knew such a thing existed. Thanks for posting anon.
Getting my mechanical keyboard with blues and dual monitors were both fantastic upgrades.
>VAIO Fit 15 - 2GB GTX735 - 8GB RAM - i5 3337U
>Battery lost 50% capacity after 1 year of use
>WiFi reception is lowest tier and the chip is shit
>Screws fall out
>Palmrest is so thin after 2 years of use there are pieces of aluminum missing
>Bad design on the nvidia optimus chip
>CS:GO max FPS 80
>Minecraft lags

Damn these things are marketed well.
First photos I saw taken on a iPhone 5.
Blackberry Q5
>smooth as fuck
>responsive touchscreen (coming from a vertical samsung slider)

Cowon D2+ musicplayer
>built like a tank
>52h battery lifetime while listening to music
>decent enough menu
>cool design (basically just a brick)
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When I saw the hololens presentation at MS. Too bad it will never make the leap.
The Dell Inspiron 570
Got my grandmother's old one for free, and though I'm building a much better machine once Pascal comes out, this baby takes almost everything I throw at it like a champ. For a 4GB 2009-ish family PC that came with speakers, KB/M, and a decent monitor, it's pretty impressive.
My Idol 3 5.5.
>that 1080p
>those dual front speakers
>that camera
Probably the iPod Touch 2G. I despise modern apple, but the early i-devices were awesome. Software can impress me far more than hardware products these days.
Aftershock PC's laptops when I first heard of them. The novelty quickly wore off but the products still stay top-tier.
Kobo aura hd is pretty great especially for reading my mangos

No drm bullshit, so I can just drag and drop files. Does exactly what I need it to do
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>powerful productivity tool
I know this is going to rustle some jimmies but...

Went from Diamondtron CRT to Dell u2311h monitor. I was stuck believing my CRT was superior to LCDs until I got one when the CRT died (flyback transformer died). Not only did the Dell have better colors, it also had greater effective contrast and the lack of geometry issues, whine and the 1920x1080 crisp text were amazing.
I have to second the zune. They were awesome. Especially the first generation of them.
I bought my first TV in 15 years. From an analog that weighed 130 lbs and had a tendency to electrocute you for touching it, to a 6 lbs 32 inch screen in 1080 for less than 100 dollars..... it was awesome for me.
>Apple turned smartphones into dumbed down toys

Apple created the smartphone, you moron
>no microsd slot
>There's literally nothing lacklustre about it
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