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>Linux has been free for over 20 years >Still less than

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>Linux has been free for over 20 years
>Still less than 5% desktop market share
Nice bait, but thanks to linux I learn to use Unix then I got a good job as unix application support for a large company, get a good payslip, I can say "thank you linux for teaching me to not be a fucking noob"
Driver support is the most common reason, though it's much better these days. Muh gaymes and muh Photoshop is another common reason.
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>smug moe shit face
>tfw someone shit talks about your waifu

wanna go outside kid?
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BIggest reason is most people would never even attempt to install their own OS, Microsoft was already in bed with all the hardware manufactures and people just use what ever comes installed on their device. Nobody would use OSX if they didn't make pretty computers with it already installed.
The problem is that most distros are made by one of these groups:
- neckbeards who expect everybody to configure shit for themselves (Gen2, Arch, Slackware, LFS...)
- neckbeards who want to make an easy distro which just works but have strange policies like "no proprietary software allowed" (Debian)
- stupid hipsters who want to clone the mac os UI but can't code shit (Ubuntu, Mint...)
- big companies who don't really care about stability in the community editions (SUSE, Fedora)
>50% phone market
Except its a closed ecosystem brought to you by Google.
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>wanting to be a wagecuck
It's as closed as the repositories of desktop distributions
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iOS has a closed ecosystem.
Android does not.
I love using ubuntu server for my at-home server setups. I don't think I'd use it every day as a personal computer though.
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>thinks knowing Windows and windows applications can't get you a job

The world runs on Windows. Businesses don't use libreoffice they use Word and Excel. They don't use rsync or NFS they use robocopy and smb. etc
Linux is number 1 in everything other than desktop (servers, mobile phones, embedded systems etc. etc.) because it is number 1 for anyone who knows anything about tech.
So, what's a free as in costs no money stable distro that actually works, and isn't made by stupid hipsters who can't code or fat autistic neckbeards who try to tell me which software I can or can't install and call it "freedom"?
Because I don't think there is one.
You are kidding arent you ?
Are you saying that this linux can run on a computer without windows underneath it, at all ? As in, without a boot disk, without any drivers, and without any services ?

That sounds preposterous to me.

If it were true (and I doubt it), then companies would be selling computers without a windows. This clearly is not happening, so there must be some error in your calculations. I hope you realise that windows is more than just Office ? Its a whole system that runs the computer from start to finish, and that is a very difficult thing to acheive. A lot of people dont realise this.

Microsoft just spent $9 billion and many years to create Windows 10, so it does not sound reasonable that some new alternative could just snap into existence overnight like that. It would take billions of dollars and a massive effort to achieve. IBM tried, and spent a huge amount of money developing OS/2 but could never keep up with Windows. Apple tried to create their own system for years, but finally gave up recently and moved to Intel and Microsoft.

Its just not possible that a freeware like the Linux could be extended to the point where it runs the entire computer fron start to finish, without using some of the more critical parts of windows such as the drivers
This is some low quality bait.
no, it's ancient copypasta
>apply for a bunch of positions after college
>get calls back
>employers keep asking about my Linux experience
>Redhat and Fedora offically, Gentoo, Ubuntu, Arch and Debian unoffically
>they rant about how not many college grad applicants have Linux experience

Working basic IT and network support, I do understand that Microsoft has the office (no pun intended) and business pieces on OSes on lockdown. But (at least here in Canada), they want most server techs to run Linux.
I love Linux and use it exclusively, but that is a pretty accurate description :-)
I honestly believe Linux could get a decent push if it would be marketed as a slightly cheaper small business/home-tier model, with everything included. There just needs to be marketing to convince people
>stupid hipsters who want to clone the mac os UI but can't code shit (Ubuntu, Mint...)
well with this sentence you don't know nothing about GNU/Linux
Oh for server techs absolutely they want Linux and UNIX experience (Although knowledge of Server 2008 etc. would probably be helpful). But that's just a small fraction of the options available.
Most normies don't know/know how to use it.
>Even my boss fucking hate ms office, that incomfortable laggy peace of shit
World runs on widows, only because of ignorence
Well from what I remember, its installer does give user the option to install non-oss software (and it actually calls it non-open source as opposed to non-free), so I guess at the very least, it isn't totally autistic.
Been having issues with 2008, DNS seems to (randomly?) switch to the loopback network. Been trying to figure out what's been going on for the past month.
>then companies would be selling computers without a windows.
They do. It is called ChromeOS and it is very successful. Sorry to shatter your trolling :^)
Its because most of them haven't discovered Arch yet.
>stupid hipsters who want to clone the mac os UI but can't code shit (Ubuntu, Mint...)

>tfw run Xubuntu
>tfw geophysics major and my first progamming language was FORTRAN
>tfw they also taught me Octave
>tfw I picked up C on my own afterwards, and it has fast become my favorite language
>tfw doing project euler for fun
>also have a home server running LMDE (I was going to go straight Debian but I also use this as an emergency machine and Cinammon looked nice, wanted to try it and it came default on LMDE) that does file sharing over Samba, DHCP, DNLA to my TV, serves up my shitty webpage that hasn't gotten its first hit after being up 3 months, will soon be a print server, and the monitor also doubles as a digital picture frame when I'm not using it (It's a laptop I had lying around)

>still can't code for shit because anon said so

I have a stage 3 Gentoo install on a secondary machine and I like to do all sorts of stick-poking and fuckery on it. But when I need to get shit done and have everything "just werk" I boot into Xubuntu.
> 99,9999% of PC's already come with Wangblows pre installed
> 99,999999% of computer users are retards who doesn't even know what an OS is

I'm amazed Linux is more than 1% actually.
HP has a bunch of computers that come with freeDOS preinstalled, so there's that too
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>Wanting to be a leech
Lenovo also sells some machines with FreeDOS, considerably cheaper than the version with Windows.

Few people ever purchase Windows standalone unless you're a corporation or a fool.
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kinda like Windows 10?
Linux is made by and for its users, not people expecting a paycheck in return for selling as many copies to dumb fucks as possible

Since the vast majority of people willing to pay for an operating system don't even need a computer, operating systems that attempt to gain market share among "desktops" tend to be very bad, catering to the lowest common denominator to the point of being hostile to people who want to get work done outside of office and photoshop. They're even hostile to the developers that try to enable work that's "computer aided" like that with shitty, closed APIs that are flat out deprecated when the devs say so. No forks or revivals!

So, of course, linux stays out of the desktop. Linux is an OS for people who use computers for computing.

And then you have hacked up attempts at "modernizing modern desktop linux" brought to you by the gtkucks at freedesktop.org (formerly the X desktop group), which are predictably worse than even windows.
And tech illiterate indians who want to earn a rupee for shilling Windows 10.
if a linux distro could even match microsoft xp people would use it
But gimp is better than photoshop
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who wouldn't nibble on Tomoko, really
Got eem
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>Few people ever purchase Windows standalone unless you're a corporation or a fool.

>J-just pirate Windows!
>Your data is so worthless you'd give it away to Russian criminals for free Windows

Woah the Wii numbers....
God forbid they steal my anime reaction images.
Linux was comparatively awful in the early 2000s is my impression from reading others' opinions. If something is given away for free, people will feel like it has less value.
>God forbid they steal my anime reaction images.
And what about your rare pepes?
Linux's version of freedom:
>You must be root to do this
what the fuck?

Just log in as root if it bothers you... It's actually a useful security measure and Windows has emulated it to a great extent with UAC.
They're worthless now. Didn't you hear about the pepe market crash?
People aren't completely rational and informed?
>tfw she had her own 3-part hentai doujin shacking up with a nigga
My company uses only open office.
those sysadmin and script kiddie/.NET jobs are the punch card sorting of the 21st century

the women in tech push is meant to get men out of worthless positions that involve windows and web dev and back into real programming fyi
>desktop market share
Well, for one, desktops are depreciated. And for two, Linux is free so it obviously will not have a market share.
>people use XP more than all of the linux distros combined

as somebody who still uses XP to this day, this is fucking hillarious
the majority of XP users are businesses/governments who haven't upgraded. Remove that and the number of home users/individuals would be insignificant.
Surely you mean deprecated, right?
fuck off reinhard
Can you describe your use of the word "depreciated"? I'm used to understand it as an accounting term as in "write-off".

Did you mean depreciated as in "desktops are being disregarded"?
Fucking moron.
kevin is by far one of the worst posters on this site, constantly talking out his ass on even the most trivial subjects because he's pathologically afraid of being publicly humiliated. it's actually a lot of fun to watch, like a train wreck in slow motion, only the train is an actual, literal retard.
Jesus dude get some autism pills seriously.

I don't hate desktops, and any other use of deprecated literally means depreciated. Your confusion isn't warranted nor is it likely even genuine, I suspect it to be the product of obsessive rumination on either an honest to god autistic trigger or in the case of
(narcissism warning) an infatuation with myself and a desperate need to feel connected to me.

*tips fedora*
This post is now depreciated.
>More people use an OS that's super vulnerable security-wise than Linux
Just goes to show how dumb some people are
>Remove that and the number of home users/individuals would be insignificant.
you'd be surprised. My parents would be using a P4 Celeron on XP - for email and banking no less - if I hadn't physically disconnected the machine and said "it's not secure, you're moving to at least 7 whether you like it or not"

Normies change absolutely nothing about their OS unless forced to.
Do you have a better idea for computationally intensive tasks that require low latency I/O?

Besides not doing them and nestling your dick into the waterproof coat of an evolutionary superior animal man instead?
first it was movie sports
then it was video games
then it was artistic fun simulators
now it's computationally intensive tasks that require low latency I/O

when will the madness end
3 years of ubuntu and i still dont know shit about linux
>I don't hate desktops, and any other use of deprecated literally means depreciated. Your confusion isn't warranted nor is it likely even genuine, I suspect it to be the product of obsessive rumination on either an honest to god autistic trigger or in the case of

Nigger, just tell me what meaning you meant. Did you mean obsolete or outdated or antiquated as in deprecated or the other one? English isn't even my first language so I was honestly asking and you still didn't tell me, just say it please.

You must mean the second meaning of depreciate on https://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/depreciate?q=depreciated
, right?

I'm not >>52322626 btw.
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When will you retards realize that LOW market share is a GOOD thing?

More popularity => more retards in your userbase => more pressure to cater to them => shittier product

Linux is just fine where it is, fuck all of the "linux evangelists" who can't use linux for shit but still talk about it like they built it. It only harms the Linux community in the long run.
We could use open source drivers like from Intel.
YOTLD arrived 2-3 years ago. If your hardware isn't extremely new or very wacky and niche, things will run fine.

Intel graphics work perfect, nvidia and amd work decent enough.
The vast majority of network cards (eth and wireless) will work perfectly.
Printers and scanners work great as well, along with webcams, game controllers, and other stuff.

I have no use for windows other than a couple work-related programs that don't play nice with WINE. So I installed Windows 7 in a virtual machine, and I use Linux full-time.
Yeah I'm satisfied with everyting but nvidia / amd graphics drivers actually.
Don't worry about it dude.
For all intents and purposes its a triple pun that only I find funny and only you get upset about.
Look, usually the meme goes "x is deprecated" with x being a certain thing meaning that it's obsolete and you should use y now.
"desktops are deprecated" would totally fit as it would convey the opinion of the general population that only use mobile stuff nowadays. Did you do a word play on that by replacing deprecated with depreciated to meme on purpose? I'm not upset. I want to know this.
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