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small/stupid questions thread /ssqt/ /qtddtott/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 283
Thread images: 25

Questions that dont deserve their own threads thread (so like 80% on /g/).
Im about to install Antergos on a nigger rigged PC I drunkenly put together last night.
I have 3 HDDs, a SATA 320GB one, an IDE 400GB one and an IDE 60GB one from 2003 that kinda still works.

Which one would be better to work as my OS HDD? The SATA one or the IDE one?

Thanks in advance, Ill post pics of my masterpiece next. Currently running a live session while waiting for help and wisdom.
If I were to install Arch on a virtual machine using a physical hard disk, could I boot from that hard disk on my actual machine?
SATA 320GB for boot
IDE 400GB for storage

Don't use the 60GB IDE in this system.
probably you will have to fix the bootloader and fstab file
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Thanks bby, will do so.
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FreeBSD 10.1 was just realised recently, wondering if it's any good as a desktop OS?
*sigh*.......ok....If I put another video card into an optiplex 780 can I use two monitors? I know there are splitters and video cards with two plugins but I'm using limited resources for now.......
Yes, if that graphics card support dualmonitors and has 2 ports (for videocablkes, forgot the name of those things)
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Virtual machine question:
How many cores do i assign to the guest?

if i have a dualcore, how many?
if i have a quad core, how many?

i assume 1 on the dualcore and 2 on the quadcore
Should I just wait for my 2013 Moto G (UK one) to get Lollipop or flash the GPE ROM?
Hello, linux user here.
How can I see how long my system took to boot ?
do you use systemd?
>run win XP installer on VirtualBox
>asks for product key
>no 'authenticate later' option
>simply won't bugger off
How does one make it not be a faggot?
Is it possible to close on right click on xfce? Also why do I have xfwm on xfce when i am using openbox and i unistalled it?
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In Java, with x=3, y=3, why does this
x = x++ + y++ return x=6, but this
y= y-- + y - x return y=3
in one case the post increment is ignored, in another is made.
Google for a CD key then RemoveWAT.
How does Windows respond to a processor change?
Generally wont give a fuck
I replaced a dualcore celeron with a Core2 Duo in a computer recently, Windows installed drivers for it, asked me to restart and that's it.

Just no.
It's not.
y-- is still 3, y - x = 0, and 3 - 0 = 3
Installed Fedora 20 after manually booting from the grub2 prompt (yep it's slightly broken) I get this in emergency mode and I have no idea on what to do.
Starting Switch Root...
Not switching root: /sysroot does not seem to be an OS tree. /etc/os-release is missing.
Failed to issue method call: Invalid argument
initrd-switch-root.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Failed to start Switch Root.
Startup finished in ...
>Windows installed drivers for it
for a processor?
Yeah. Frequency scaling, advances instructions, microcode I guess.
class Tester
public static void main(String[] args)
int x = 3;
int y = 3;
x = x++ + y++;
x = 3;
y = 3;
y = y-- + y - x;

Why does /g/ hate on Ubuntu so much? Just run FixUbuntu and use the proprietary graphics drivers if youhave an NVIDIA card. I recently replaced Windows with it, and it's working just fine. I can even play CS:GO (albeit with alot of tearing).
Start a live fedora, mount your current root, chroot in then reinstall grub2, re-create grub.cfg and optionally re-generate your initrd.
I need to encrypt a whole harddrive. Now that truecrypt has been abandoned (most likely because of NSA), what's the best encryption software around?
see >>45239207

why does it print x as being 6? shouldn't it be 7?
dmcrypt if you are on linux
What should I donwload to test the clarity of my monitor / internet speed?

Also unrelated, but listen to this song
It's a Windows system. And no chance of convincing the owner to install gentoo.
If you suspect a malicious program/code on your OS and want to back up your data so you can perform a format and fresh install, is it possible for that malicious program to infect the external drive?

This is all assuming you're backing things up like image, video, audio, and text files as well as a few exe's of drivers and important programs.
I've got a file server running FreeNAS, and it makes me think about the possibility of expanding it to make a game server.

How implausible would this idea be?:

Put the server in a big enough case to house the shit that's already in it, plus 2 decent GPU's. Or possibly go with one of the GPU's as an eGPU. Then install a Windows VM with the passthrough thing enabled, then use Steam Streaming to stream games to any other device in the house.

P.S. If my motherboard has an integrated graphics package, could I do the GPU passthrough with just one graphics card?
yes, depending. What sort of malware are we talking?
Not positive I have malware in the first place. Basically I decided to be a complete idiot and visit shady websites, a lot of them. I didn't download anything from any of those sites and I do have an updated system but dat paranoia.

And now dat paranoia is concerned about whether or not I'll transfer any of that possible malicious code with me to the external.

Paranoia strikes me. Into your life it will creep. It starts when you're always afraid. Step out of line, the men come and take you awaaeeyaaay.
run systemd-analyze, also look at the manual
Not more than your cores/threads. You can create a dualcore VM if you host has two cores, but with intensive usage from the VM, you host's programs will suffer performance loss.
Yes, there have been a lot of examples of widespread worms that do just this, specifically if we're talking about high risk files (.doc, .pdf, .swf).
mhm, just run a virus check on full scan, it depends on the malware if it will copy or not.

So what's the solution then? Format everything and lose all data?
>Basically I decided to be a complete idiot and visit shady websites, a lot of them. I didn't download anything from any of those sites and I do have an updated system but dat paranoia.

You got noscript and adblock? If so you're probably fine
Considering you're just being paranoid, I'd say wiping everything would be a tad extreme.
Not Noscript but yes, adblock.
How can I play youtube videos in mpc?

You can not, if you're talking about mpc hc. But SVP Tube can.
I can also play CS:GO on my Debian install. Nothing you said is exclusive to Ubuntu or makes it less shitty.
Is there a difference between OpenNIC DNS servers and DNSCrypt.eu?
the two expressions are not linked together. I said them both to show that in one case it doesnt do the post increment and in the other it does the post decrement
Wrong board, anon.
yeah, this board is reserved for linux desktop threads and android phones
Take your memes with you, Winbabby.
Moto G 2nd gen just came in the mail. The only thing I need help with is a lightweight .epub reader.
Is logicalincrements up-to-date?
So my monitor basically blew up this morning and I'm afraid it may have destroyed my computer too. Is there some way I can determine if it still works even without a monitor? It turns on and stuff and it makes one beep before seemingly idling.
How the fuck could a monitor damage a PC?
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Is my toaster getting too hot?
Power surge?

You have a spare HDMI/VGA cord and a TV, right?

someone help with mine please
Seems a little warm considering it's winter. Where do you live?
It doesn't have a VGA output on it, only DVI

I'm not sure, I really don't know what happened
>tfw my motherboard temp is at 81 _right_ now
Is it possible to build a computer without a hard drive and install my OS directly to the RAM?
I though that 4GB RAM is still enough nowadays but I am constantly close to maxing it out and all I do is browse the web. Is this normal?
Yes, that's good. If you weren't maxing it it'd be wasteful.
Is the MSI GTX 970 GAMING 4G Golden Edition really worth the $50 extra dollars over the MSI GTX 970 GAMING 4G
Install a lighter desktop environment c:

Your installation wouldn't last very long
RAM is volatile. Not possible
thanks for the answer, can't help you though.
dude its fucking golden
but really the only difference is a slightly higher factory overclock


Is it possible to build a working computer using only limestone?
you're probably a le botnet faggot too
this board is trash because of stupid fucks like you
can i run my own git server (or simmilar) on a rasberry pi?
Poland, but my GPU's fan has given up the ghost, so I started being concerned about its temperature.
yes, you can.
You just have to search for it.
Depends on your definition of a computer. You could do some mechanical logic gates if you want, and given enough patience maybe set up enough of them to do something useful. Don't expect to be playing crysis or some shit though.
duh, my bad

didnt think it was available just like that

strap a case fan to it
Stupid question:
(XFCE | Cinnamon | KDE | GNOME3)
PC is mid to low tier
Is there any way to make winamp take me to the all the artist songs when clicking on "artist" in the song info bar?
Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do.
Any way in uTorrent 2.2.1 to make torrents auto-restart after some time period after being stopped due to an I/O error?

I don't like that they just sit there until I notice and manually restart them.
XFCE or Cinnamon.

GNOME and KDE are heavy as fuck
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OP here, pics of my sweet guts

Muchas gracias, Ill go with XFCE then
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and another one
What laptop do for €400, essentially for Uni.
Thinkpad X220.
Buy a macbook air
I want to upgrade my android phone to lollipop.
I also don't want to reset it all.
Is there an easy way to backup and reinstall all my apps, complete with account info and preferences?
I'd prefer not to have to reconfigure google authenticator.
He is asking for a device, to take notes and create presentations, so what?
About how much power does a W7 desktop spend while "sleeping"? Obviously it depends on a lot of factors but give me a ballpark figure compared to normal usage of playing a video and browsing something. 50%? 30%? 10%?
Something like 3-5 watts. Total.
All that's remaining on is the ram.
For haswell, this number is much smaller.
<1 watt in that case.
about 350 watt
So where can i aquire a One plus invite?
Assuming you're using STR (which it should by default on most configurations, you can tell because all your fans and shit will shut off) very little power is needed. Just enough of a trickle to keep your RAM from losing its contents.
Register on the forums and they'll email you one eventually. For me it took something like two months. They prioritize active members, which is the whole reason for invites instead of preorders, so you'll get one faster if you're active in the forums. Those forums suck, though. I only ever posted once. Their production capacity increases all the time, and so I assume that people signing up today will not have as long a wait as I did even if they aren't active, but since it depends on whether or not more people are signing up now than were then, it's hard to say for sure. Waiting your turn as a forum member will probably seem like a long wait if you need a new phone now, but if you're just tired of the one you have or whatever, it's not that bad. Just register and forget about it, and at some point you'll be surprised with an opportunity to upgrade.

Alternatively, buy one on ebay or just wait and hope you get lucky.

Can I have 2 domain names on the same host?

As in let's say I want to have top.com and kek.com can I have those on the same host (as in not paying for the two of them separately)?
I'm trying to set up a test boot here for my PC. My power supply didn't come with a 4+4 pin PCI cable, so I'm a bit confused. Do I have to get another one? Can I not plug the 8 pin that's protruding from the power supply into my GPU's 8-pin slot? Or does that go somewhere else?
You mean have both of them link to the same server? This is entirely possible. You can usually set different root directories for each of them so they will appear as different web sites to outside connections. (Of course you can just have them both point to the same place if you want that as well.)
Yeah that's what I mean. I guess that still counts as one domain doesn't it then? Thanks
Two domains, one server. The domain is just the address used to locate the resource you're connecting to.
Let me rephrase that. Is it fine to use a straight 8-pin cable instead of a 4+4? I don't have a 4+4. and my power supply didn't come with one.
First time posting in /g/, wondering what OS I should run if I:

Want clean, flat UI
Play games (steam and other)
run word processor, 3d modelling, photoshop (3 main uses outside of internet and games)

Currently using Windows 7 64x.
What the hell is with WinTab? Why does it take more processing power than crysis to idle? Is it just me?
If you want to play games you pretty much need to be on Windows. Otherwise you just wind up wasting a shitload of time on workarounds and sometimes can't make shit work at all regardless, and it doesn't sound like any of your other applications are things you can do much better in other OS.

W7 is probably the best for playing games since W8 dropped directdraw support which made some really old games incompatible.
Stick with Windows

Upgrade to 8.1
7/8. Gaming on any other os than windoze isn't an option in my opinion.
Do hosting sites check what you upload to your site? I want to upload a couple of files for a relative that would otherwise require him to torrent. Would it be best if I upload them as zips and renamed so they seem a bit more subtle?
Do I need to get a network adapter or is it included in motherboards?
Thanks, anon. I really apprexiate this.
I'm searching for a backlit mechanical meyboard in Europe. 100€ max. The layout or switch type is not a problem.
Thanks. That's kind of what I figured. I just recently reformatted and thought this might be an opportunity to try something else.
Sup /g/, I'm a consumerist whore looking to upgrade in a few months.

I'm gonna have around 550 euro, and if I flip my CPU, MBO, cooler and case, around 925 euro due to eastern european communist pricing.

This is my list right now:
>Xeon E5 8C/16T off eBay: 280€
>Raijintek Triton 240mm AIO: 80€
>8GB DDR3-1600: 70€
>Good used ATX X79 board: 100€
>Another GTX970: 337€
>Decent used case: 60€

Current specs:

>Core i7-4820K @4.5GHz
>6GB DDR3-1600
>Gainward GTX970 Phantom
>120GB Kingston HyperX 3K
>2500GB in 3 HDDs
>Corsair CX750M
>Fractal Define Mini
>Raijintek Ereboss
Id guess at the very least they have a database of fequently pirated MD5 hashes files, and they check filenames too.
Use a generic filename and maybe a no compression-but-password-protected compression file.
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my brave little toaster
Best internal network card bang for my buck?
How does this work exactly?

echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq' | dc
But I constantly get warnings from windows that not enough RAM is available. And the only thing I have open is my web browser and 20 tabs. Is that too much for 4GB to handle?
How much will I get paid for solving captchas?
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Is this incorrect? Should I have a separate 8 pin for the graphics card?
You will only get paid a real wage if you break captcha systems, not by solving them.
Well you can always try dual booting if you want to experiment. I'd just suggest you don't abandon Windows completely just yet
How do I identify or potentially fix problems of my CPU or mobo?
My computer restarts randomly, and it gives me no error message. The CPU isn't overheating, what else or how do I check for more hardware errors?
Nearly every motherboard has one and many come with two.
are u really asking that question
how much is 4+4?
I'm just being cautious, man. I'm a virgin to this.
this is gonna be my first build:


any tips for a first timer?
4+4 means its two plugs of 4 slots
u might not know this but older cards came with just a 4 slot connector

just like mobos used to come with 20 slots
that's why its called 20+4 so the psu can be used on old machines
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I'm on OpenBSD, but my questions are mostly concerning X11.

What's the proper xmodmap configuration so that caps lock and left control are switched and left alt becomes escape? Bonus points if you can show how to map <c-space> to <return>.

I'm also curious how I can source my shell profile/ksh configuration in xinitrc.
source ~/.profile
doesn't work, and neither does
. ~/.profile

Also, on the topic of ksh configuration, how can I get
bind -m '^L'=clear'^J'
to work? Whenever I try to enter ^J on either the terminal or within vi/m it inputs <return>, as it should, but how can I enter it without it doing that?

Thanks for any help.
is amd a must for you?
do you have an old case and/or power supply?
I just have a laptop from 2008 and a mouse right now. as far as brands go, amd isn't a must.
what do you plan on using this computer for?
playing some video games (cs:go, dota2), text editing, web browsing. i'm not like a serious gamer or anything though.
>fake bold
Absolutely disgusting.
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what do double angled brackets around a filename mean?


I suspect that its only to tell people reading the script that theres a variable, but i have really hard time googling this shit out


FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR *.* /B /O:-D') DO COPY %%I <<NewDir>> & EXIT
well what you built is decent but i can play dota2 with an e7200 and a 8800 gts 512
albeit i dont play on max graphics i do get 60fps most of the time
so well its up to you but if u can afford more money ill give u a somewhat good build

but i'd suggest more ram
alright, thanks.
I don't know my batch super well, but I thought ">>" directed output to a file?
IS there anyway I can force my nexus 5 out of safe mode via usb on my computer /g/?
Rooting my S3, can someone provide me with a solution that fucking works? I tried the towel shit but none of my browsers want to download the fucking file, on chrome it opens the link to the apk over and over and on firefox it just opens the page and doesn't download shit, naked browser downloads a txt file and the stock browser tries and fails.

Can someone provide me with an alternative?
Variables in batch are wrapped in % (e.g., %var%). Double >> directs output to a file. Not sure wtf is going on with <<NewDir>>
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yeap, thats what I get from googling
and its the same on bash in linux
but its seems I am right, it just mean for a reader to put a path there
though I still have a problem and commant gets extra space when I try to execute this
all folder exists

set source="C:\Users\dov\Desktop\test case\*.txt"
set target="c:\target folder"

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR %source% /A:-D /O:-D /B') DO COPY "%%I" %target% & GOTO :END

notice huge space in the cmd before "& GOTO ...."
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/g/ so sorry for asking for support here, but im doing improvements on my cpu. and i did a lot of research but i dont know if it will work. if it will bottleneck or etc. i need help

my setup is pic related.

im going to buy a

ASUS SABERTOOTH Z77 LGA 1155 for motherboard and

VGA ASUS Nvidia GeForce GTX670 2GB DDR5 PCI Express 3.0

VGA ASUS AMD ATI Radeon HD7970 3GB, 384Bit, DDR5 HD7970-3GD5

radeon or nvidia? i am going to get bottlenecked? any other recomendation on this price range? im desperate /g/. the discount ends friday and i dont know if it will work. i am a poor fag.

and i dont think i will use z77 to the fullest, can a i get a

its way cheaper, and as a poorfag it would be much appreciated.
OK, this fixed it
I had bad path to the file I wanned to copy

set source="c:\Users\dov\Desktop\test case"
set target="c:\target folder"

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR %source%\*.txt /A:-D /O:-D /B') DO COPY %source%\"%%I" %target% & GOTO :END

Is there a package I can install on my server to get Dropbox-like functionality?
1. is you from 2013? All the components are generation behind.
2. yeap, you can get away with a nice gigabyte B75 chipset mobo, but since you are making screenshots, it does not seems theres anything wrong with your current one

i use seafile
owncloud is also popular
/g/ pls ;_;
how can I make horizontal scrolling with the mousewheel a bit faster? It's useful, but it's much too slow as it is.
why do you have gtx670 on the list and not gtx760?
why 7970 and 280x? or 280
please respond
well but isnt the new motherboard a upgrade? or i just focus on a better VGA? if yes, any recommendations?
CPU fan isn't running after I clear POST. It runs when the motherboard screen is on but doesn't go after that (doesn't run in BIOS either).

Chip is an i5 4690K on a Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming 5.
No, if your intel mobo works well theres not much your new mobo would get you
especially if you are not getting chipset thats not overclockable
even then you want mobo + good heatsink and then you can OC to around 4.3-4.5GB that sandy bridge of yours, but there are cheaper mobo than 5 year warranty saberootth

and this all would not increase FPS that much in framerate and would still cost you soemthing around $150, including heatsink

dont buy mobo, add that money to the 7970 budget and get gtx970, I like MSI version
great. thanks for the quick response

but some guy told me my current setup dont handle a gtx970. was he lying? or he was just saying i couldnt get the most of it? if you say its good, i will get it
I would be more incline to say he is full of shit
yes, your setup could be improve, but the difference would be tiny
especially when 300%+ increase in performance when it comes to going from gtx550ti to something like 7970 or gtx970

your setup can take it without any issues, sandy bridge was probably the best investment in to a cpu of the last 5 years

the ivy bridge, and haswall that followed increased performance only very slightly but most important thing is that generally 90% of the games just dont care for the cpu, but even if they would do, with sandy bridge i7, you are in the top category still
I'm searching for a backlit mechanical meyboard in Europe. 100€ max. The layout or switch type is not a problem. Any options?
x++ is a post-increment, meaning that it first returns the original value, then increments the variable. eg x = 5; x++ returns 5, but after x++, x = 6.

What's happening is something like this
x = x++ + y++;
//broken down into
z = (x + y); //where z is a temporary address or register used by the computer to store the value of x + y, not an actual variable in your code of course.
x = z;

so you get
z = (3 + 3) = 6
x = 3 + 1 = 4
y = 3 + 1 = 4
x = z = 6

as for y:

y = y-- + y - x
//broken down into
z = y;
z += y
z -= x;
y = z;

so you get

z = y = 3
y = 3 - 1 = 2;
z += y = 5;
z -= x = 2
please respond
I'm using Linux and I just added a second hard drive to my T420. I would like to save these from my browser straight to the hard drive but the download always fails. I suspect it has something to do with needing root to add files to the directory within the second hard drive.

How do I download stuff to my second hard drive from a browser like Firefox?
Question : I have to assemble a pc for an illustrator. She uses the computer mainly for photoshop//illustrator. I'd like to save her some money. Do i really need a vga? Do I really need to get more than say... an i3 or a 6300? Am I fine with like 8 gig of ram and an ssd? Thanks /g/uys
I'm trying to disable mouse acceleration in OS X yosemite. Anyone know how. i tried this.
Where is the second hard drive mounted? You could try using fstab to mount it to "~/Downloads/". You can try moving something to the hard drive with mv or cp on the command line, to confirm your suspicion about permissions, or you could just "ls -l" its directory to see what its permissions are.
Yes, but it would be bad. Wood is a much better material.
is the oneplus one still relevant?
You probably mounted the drive as root and didn't set the right permissions. You should use /etc/fstab to mount stuff like that.
It's still the best value on the market AFAIK, so yes.
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I have a file in a directory in /usr/include that I am trying to include in a program. Changes to it are not registering. I can change or remove the file entirely and the program compiles without difference. What is happening?
Thanks for all the replies, guys...
The thread is for questions. You just listed a bunch of shit.
Is it any good is what I'm asking.
Is there a way to install of Kali's software on xubuntu?
My computer was working fine earlier today, but after leaving it alone for a couple hours I cannot get anything to come up on the display!

Naturally I thought my dinosaur GPU had finally given out so I attempted to boot using on board graphics, but still no luck.
>motherboard has a LED to indicate it's getting power
>fans and everything getting power
>tried reseating RAM
>tried clearing CMOS

What the fuck could it be? Any suggestions before I try to reseat the CPU?
Yes, Kali is just a linux distro with tons of software installed. Everything you want should be in the repos or available online.
All that for a display issue and you didn't check the monitor.
Thanks. I did have Kali installed but gnome shit itself So I'm now on xubutu
How do you guys decide on which motherboard to purchase when it comes to a build? I'm reading stuff, but there are so many choices out there. I'm just trying to find something that'll treat my i5 4690k and 970 well.
Sorry I thought that was kind of given
Trying with two monitors, both working fine with other input
Sin's VRM list if I plan on ocing.
I often avoid asus because of poor pricing, the rest really boils down to the list. Often gigabyte is the best, but be sure to check some reviews for major things it might lack what others do have.

Buy this, tonight.

If i leave my charger plugged into the wall (but with no phone/device connected to it) does it still consume electricity?

If so, is it anything significant
Anyone here (lol) mind sharing their config file for the mg text editor?
Depends on the charger. Some will drain a couple watts no matter what. You can get a power measurement thingamabob or you can just leave it plugged in without charging anything and see if it gets warm.
if you shout at home and your mom isnt at home, does she hear you?

Why do different countries have difference sockets?

What was the original one and who the fucks hipster idea was it to make it different for everyone else
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I feel like I can "hear" my computer working.

Whenever it does something calculationally intensive, the ambient buzzing noises that my computer makes get quieter for a split second.

It's kind of faint but I notice it so much that I have to wear headphones to drown it out. Do you know what's actually going on?
Yes, it will always drain something, however small. No, it should not be significant at all.
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yes it does, also see pic.
coil whine
Why do you people that know things come to these threads?
This might not be the place to ask but my Jcreator trial just expired, I know there are better alternatives but I need this specifically for a college course, how can I not pay for this without surveys and/or viruses?
I also know that there is a pretty cheap version but I'm on a tight budget here.
Is it ok to connect and extension cable to my surgeprotecting powerboard?

I have all my devices connected except for one which is out of reach :/
How do I enable switchable graphics in xubuntu? I've got a GTX 860M and I want to be able to use the Intel HD 4600 when I don't need the GTX. Where do I start?
It should be fine if your cable is heavy enough for the load you're putting on it.
Can I install debian on an external hdd in order to boot to it depending on if I am at my desktop or on my laptop?
I often leave these threads open in a tab while I'm doing something else, and check them when they've racked up a few new posts. Sometimes I ask questions myself, sometimes I learn things from watching other people's questions get answered, and sometimes almost knowing the answer to someone's question causes me to look something up and solidify my knowledge about something.
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Ad Block or Ad Block Plus for Chromebotnet?

µBlock is based on ABP and both are GPL, but µBlock is less resource hungry and seems not to have any drawbacks.
Will look into.
Whelp I went ahead and reseated the CPU and heatsink, looks like I may have found an issue. The H100i I installed a couple months back had an excessive amount of thermal paste -- basically a square layer the actual size of the CPU. I didn't think much of it at the time, but here we are now. It seems like it had run over the edge and gotten on the motherboard a little and possibly into the socket.
After attempting to clean up and reapplying thermal paste, it boots just the same -- still can't get a display. Is it possible that the CPU is fried or the socket rendered useless?
pls help
Anyone here been in the situation where they were trying to get an entry level IT job without any prior experience or degree?

If yes then do you have any advice? I'm having a hard time figuring out what I can be practicing or doing on my own/ what to fill my resume with.
Within the past few days, the speakers I have connected to my computer have been making this weird high-pitched buzzing noise.

Moving the mouse cursor changes the frequency of the buzzing noise, scrolling through webpages makes a different noise, and whenever I am playing video games or watching movies the noise will continue to change.

Unplugging my DP cable from my graphics card seems to fix the noise, what I want to know is what could be causing this, and how I could potentially fix it without just keeping my graphics card unplugged
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the fan in my nvidia card cant go below 28% (linux). anyone know how to fix this?
Sounds like maybe an audio cable is inducing an EM field produced by your display cable. Fix it by using shielded cables. If that doesn't help, it's possible that the interference is inside the case, in which case you would fix it by using an external DAC.
Why do I have a null pointer exception?

public AirportMgr() {
//creates a new array equal to the number of gates established in our constants file, it can be changed if the value of NUM_GATES is changed
array = new Plane[AirportConstants.NUM_GATES];

private int getVacantGate(){

for(int i = 0; i < this.array.length; ++i){
if(null == array[i]){
return i;
return 0;

public void parkPlane(Plane plane) {

if (null == array[plane.getGateNumber()]) {
array[plane.getGateNumber()] = new Plane(plane.getFlightNumber(),plane.getGateNumber(), plane.getDestination());
else {
int vacantGate = getVacantGate();
array[vacantGate] = plane;


public Plane getParkedPlane(int gate) {

for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i ){
Plane parked = null;
if (this.array[gate] != null) {
parked = this.array[gate];
return parked;

public Plane getParkedPlane(String flightNumber){
Plane plane = null;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i ){
if(null != array[i]){
if(flightNumber.equals(array[i].getFlightNumber())) {
plane = array[i];
return plane;

public int getPlaneCount(){
int gates = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.array.length; ++i) {
if(array[i] != null){
return gates;
How do I install Better Twitch TV on Seamonkey?

When i try i just get the '...cant install because it isn't compatible with Seamonkey 2.30" message.
What drivers are you using? Also, what card?
I recently redid all my external computer and audio cabling, and wrapped each cable into loops to shorten their lengths and keep them tidy.

Could the looped cables be increasing the interference they give off somehow?

Its really the only thing that has changed since this started
See if the proximity of the cable affects the volume of the interference, and let me know how it goes. I'm curious.
just use livestreamer faget
post the full error message, original line numbers and use
 blocks correctly.
in stylish facebook css, is there any guide onto what the class tag mean?
If an analog audio cable runs parallel to another cable for a long time, that will significantly increase the chance of producing audible interference, especially if the audio cable in question is pre-amplification.
botnet command sender
340.46 driver, a GTX 750
How to install fonts in unix?
What's the GPU usage at while idling?
Put them in /usr/share/fonts/

There's probably a package in your repository that includes the font you're looking for if it's a common one and freely licensed.
it quivers between 0% and 1%
source code pro and fira mono are pretty nice
Managed to solve my problem. I'm still not quite sure what exactly what might've been causing the problem. I spent an hour plus reseating all of my hardware, checking power connectors, etc.
And then finally (in a last ditch effort) I reinstalled the GPU and attempted to boot using those outputs instead of the on-board graphics, and it ran perfectly.
Firefox's unprompted "featured" tiles, while it can be disabled, turned me off of the browser. Do I have any other options, aside from Chrome or IE, that will play nice with Adobe Flash?
What's a good low-medium price webcam?
I need a website and/or a program that allows me to stream media from my computer to other people from outside my network. More specifically I want to watch anime with my long distance friends, but I'd prefer to do it with my own downloaded content rather than copy pasting links of low quality videos from anime streaming websites into media sync pages whilst crossing my fingers every time hoping the link works.

I tried VLC but got no-where, and I'd rather an alternative to making an account into livestreamer or ustream whilst utilizing a heavy piece of software that hogs all my CPU and memory screen-grabbing and streaming with delay and stutter.

Any suggestions?
worst case is i just solder in a resistor to make the fan a bit slower, otherwise i guess i could BUY a quieter fan
Update, moving the audio cable, speaker cables, video cables, and power cables had no effect on the noise.

Plugging the audio cord into the front headphone jack had no effect on the noise.

Switching from displayport to DVI had no effect on the noise.

Unplugging the right channel cord stopped the noise coming out of the right speaker. Same with the left.

Listening through my headphones, there was no noise.

So the audio cord from computer to receiver is picking up the interference, but I still have no idea where the interference is coming from. This is a recent problem as well, smooth sailing up until a few days ago

How do I fuck with this guy who tried to get into my email?
What's the ffmpeg command I need to enter to convert my .flac to VBR 44.1KHz mp3?
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I reformatted my moms computer but now we cant find her microsoft office cd key

can we still install office, like is it bound to the windows 7 account?
man ffmpeg

No, the key is separate
yeah, meant like does it kinda work like steam where once office (or other microsoft program) is installed under a Windows account it will alway be associated with that account?

If not, any ideas on what to do?
buy a new key
It was most likely a bot, mayne
whats some nice apps to have on android, whats your favorites?

i mostly use my phone to make calls but seems like kid these days spend more time on their phone than on computer

maybe i just need to get a life and leave my computer

AutoKMS, faget
how does one create a multiboot flash drive? I want to create one which has the image of every edition of windows 7, 8, and ms office on it. how many partitions can a flash drive have on it?
>maybe i just need to get a life and leave my computer
sounds like you could use tinder
mkay thanks
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Im gonna get a BitFinex Prodigy case and build a computer around it.
What cpu fan, case fans and psu. should i get?
I really want a silent computer but it still has to be cool.
Welp I gave up and renamed the directory.
Like this?
So i tried to root my tablet and fucked up
It won't even get to the bootloader,I just turns on and a red bar on the bottom of the screen flashes.
I know i'm retarded but:
Is it fucked?
I just bought it recently so would i be able to return it pretending it never worked?
If i returned it would they know i tried to root it?
pls respond
Try restoring with your computer
How many iterations will this go through:

for(int k=0; k<n; k=k*2)

It should be log base 2 of n, but it's not.
That's the thing
adb doesn't even work (It just shows the make of the tablet and reboots)
><waiting on device>
Same with fastboot
I'm not completely computer illiterate,I'm just new to tablets and /g/ said i should root it to remove advertisements
I need some help, gals and guys.
I created a website designed to let users enter text to be superimposed over one of several image templates, and then uploaded to a gallery.
The image and text are rendered to a canvas, then the base 64 encoded canvas data is uploaded to an image hosting site, and the gallery database is updated with a link to the uploaded image.
The code does not allow for users to upload images, but somehow trolls have been ruining the gallery by posting numerous unrelated or offensive images.
I've disallowed saving images to the gallery entirely, but my site has been getting attention on twitter, and I really don't want to let a few trolls ruin it for everyone.
Any suggestions for making the system more secure? I literally cannot imagine how these idiots are bypassing the restrictions I placed in the code.

Are you getting the MATX or MITX one?
You're screwed
nice bait
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>You're screwed
B-b-but i just bought it 2 days ago
Should i try return it or just send it to asus for repairs if they do that sort of thing?, like nintendo did for my ds?
I'm aware rooting voids warrenty but i can still pay them to fix it,right?
No, seriously. I'm retarded, I know. It's in a nested loop and I need to know the number of iterations that particular loop goes trough.
I'm doing this exercise from think python and I don't understand why
arc_length = 2 * pi * r * angle / 360

works but
arc_length = 2 * pi * r * (angle / 360)
assigns "0.00" to arc_length.
This is driving me crazy.
why'd you buy asus anyway
I just wanted an ereader/porn/youtube viewer for when i'm in bed
Asus memopad was 140 euro so i bought it on a whim,but it was packed to the hilt with bloatware.At least twice as much as samsung stuff so i wanted to root it to block ads and remover bloat.
I'm a fucking moron
Aside from the obvious answer, it could be 0 if n<=0
>obvious answer
That's not helpful, at all. A number would suffice,
Also, it's k=1 not k=0
I have a few questions...

I just switched to waterfox from firefox but I use google for a lot of things [scholar, books] and would like to be able to switch from startpage [is it decent? I've heard ok things and have had no complaints aside from the lack of features] to google. There's nothing in waterfox's settings pane that allows me to toggle back to google.

Also I use vimperator and recently it broke text boxes on facebook [only facebook]. There are a few reports open on vimperator lab's github with similar problems. Basically I cannot use the return key on facebook, or the / or ' characters for some reason. I can type just fine but hitting return just makes a new line as opposed to posting the content. Anyone that uses vimperator can lend assistance?
PLease guys :(
What value does the first one produce? Is it possible that "0.00" is the correct answer?
No, the first one produces 78.xxx with angle = 90 which is the right result while the second one produces 0.00 with the same value of angle.
Oh and r = 50 in both cases.
Because angle / 360 produces a number rounded to 0 but if you multiply it by all that stuff first it becomes large enough to not be 0.
+S ++ +S++ ç +S +S+ ç S+++ S+SS SS S ++++ + SS+ ç SSS ç ++ SSS S+ +S +SS +S+ ç S++ +S ++S ç +++ ++++ SSS ++S +++ +S S+ S++ ç +S ç +SS+ ++++ S+SS SS S ++++ + SS+ ç SS+ +SS S+SS +S++ ++ SSS ç +S +S++ +S++ +S S+

Does anyone recognize coding like this?
There you go, thanks a lot man.
I got really dizzy because the code on the book only runs in muh python2.

Infinite (if n is less than 0) or 0 if n is greater than or equal to 0.

k = 0
k = k * 2
k = 0 * 2
k = 0
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