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>/g/ wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/inde x.php?titl

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 238
Thread images: 56

>/g/ wiki:

>$200 and under headphones:

>ComfyGrados (CG) FAQ:

>Headphone Price Guide:

>Requesting purchase advice:

>Universal IEM /g/uide:

since i posted right before the thread ended,
So im ordering the fidelio x2, ill need a dac but not an amp right?
you already have a dac
it might not be external though
Daily reminder that the HD800 is GOAT.
wow, lewd
well yeah but should i get one?
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DT880 has no mids.
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Now more neutral and entry level!
Bright inaccurate shit.
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Pic related.
>Portapros for $20 on amazon
>I'll bite
>Sound aiight - Little muddy, but hey
No regrets. These will most likely be my daily drivers now.
Do you seriously need to start these threads with the pedo shit?
whats that stand? i need one and that looks decent and cheap
>pedo shit
>huge tits
Jason Schreier please go.
But she's 20
I'll just leave this here: http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/BoseQuietComfort25NCActive.pdf
At least they're better than the QC15.
Nah, the HD800 is bright inaccurate shit.

From a fidelity perspective, it's a failure.
They're pretty damn neutral for Bose. The neutrality seems to be achieved via DSP in active mode.
Are these good?


I have 50 to spent and I've never had a good pair of headphones, I took it from the headphone price guide.

pls help

The right side of my Koss KSC75 went out. What do?
Stick it up your butt.
HD681 Evo are better.
Okay thanks
Best headphones for portable use? Anything from $30 to $150, could work around that too.

I just want neutrality, accurate bass, and build quality that won't break in the outdoors.
Actually, I just remember having a pair of Senn HD428

Should I just rip out the cord (which is a thin piece of shit) and mod it into a detachable cable?

More comfortable with the included velour earpads, treble isn't as fatiguing.
Which headphones will make me a loli.
>Least flawed flagship
Ok. Any other options?
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Anyone have experience with these?
It's a failure as it's not accurate and very colored.
This. The failure here is used to refer to the overall nature of the headphones, not the relative success it had within the company.
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Feels good to be master race.
more like Master GAY
This. It's only the most widely used flagship and reference headphone in high end auditioning together with HD600 for it's neutral sound.

HD800 is a failure.
Irrelevant, seeing that most HD800 owners are placebo loving subhumans.
>CD900STfag comes back
>him and CG don't argue like they used to
It's not the same
Not sure if I should get k702 with O2 amp or Fidelio x2 with no amp because of budget.
Not sure if I should get x2 or k712 + amp if I flex my budget a bit.
they are good, but not enough to consider to be masterrace
X2 with amp.
> All HD800 owners are richfags with top tier battlestations
It might be you who's poor that is the subhuman.
They're too poor to afford speakers like any actual richfag will buy.

Regardless of one's income, the HD800 is a failure from a fidelity perspective.
>the memephone
I love this meme.

Is it legit, guys?
Price trackers say that's a pretty good price, you should get it while you can.
$200 AUD flexible (most likely translates to $150 USD prisewise)
>Requirements for Isolation
Not sure how much I need. I don't want sound leakage but I want to hear myself speak. Also, my PC is loud (phone sound meter says ~40db) and I don't want to be able to hear it at all.
>Preferred Type of Headphone
Full sized
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
Shitty headsets
>Preferred Music
Everything, really. Maybe rock, I guess. Main usage would be games/TV shows/movies, however, and not music.
I'm currently using a pair of M-Audio Q40s that are starting to fall apart. I started off not liking these things but eventually they grew on me.
I'd like an upgrade for my next pair, here are my details.

$250 soft ceiling
Lossless/320kbps to X-Fi Titanium(not HD) to SMSL sAp III to headphones
No isolation required
Full-sized over ear
>Tonal balance
I like a good amount of sub-bass, but I think the mids and vocals are the most important part of a song.
>Past headphones
ATH-AD700, M-Audio Q40 Studiophile
>Preferred music
Triphop, pop, house, etc. Strong vocal focus with both varying tempo and occasional bass emphasis.
United States

When wearing my AD700s I found that I greatly enjoyed the open soundstage and airy-ness of it, but the lack of mid and sub-bass really subtracted from the experience of more fast-paced beat heavy songs.
I've been looking at the DT880/990 and the HE-400s but I'd like to know my options before I drop cash on this.
I enjoy taking things apart and modifying them and I heard the Fostex T50RP are a good platform for relatively cheap planar magnetic cans.
I play games but I'd rather not compromise for them if I don't have to, these would be mostly for music and general usage.
Any recommendations?
I actually recommend trying to EQ your headphones first. Google an EQ tutorial. I used one from headfi and it worked fine for my AD900x, however I personally use a more complex process that makes use of a measurement mic. The amount you need to EQ is kind of a lot though, so be ready to turn that AMP up to compensate for the lowered pregain. There may or may not be more distortion that is noticeable, though I don't perceive any on my pair, I can't say for the AD700.
I'll give that a try, but my headphones are still falling apart structurally.
Would swapping the driver into a different, cheap pair present too many problems?
Probably if you're good with soldering and making things. The resulting sound might be even better, who knows.
M40x or MDR-7506?
In that case I'll probably give it a shot, thanks for the help.
It might just be the cord, replace the wires.
If thats what you want sure. Use mogami wires.
What is /headphones/'s opinion on akg k271 mkII?
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Daily reminder that ur a faget and graphs are for nerds.
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How do you guys feel about the Koss ProDJ100 Headphones? I am just looking for some decent 60ish dollar headphones that I am fine with carrying around in my back pack (I will still take good care of them, but I am in college and frequently take a pair of headphones with me when I walk places). They are mentioned in one of the guides in the sticky, so I figure they cannot be too bad. Anyone have any experience with them?

Amazon link:
Someone forgot to put a Subject in there.
/g/, if you have to chose between:

>Sony MDR-V55
>Superlux HD668B

What would it be? Im gonna listen to them off my PC, also gonna be doing some gayman.
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What AMP do I buy for X2? Do I need a DAC as well?
decide foryourself baby
>Sony MDR-V55
look here >>45235251
>Superlux HD668B
>frequently take a pair of headphones with me when I walk places
just get earbuds unless you want to be known as the autist who wears his headphones around all day. Because let's face it, you're gonna be wearing that shit around your neck.

Protip, for minimal autism points just get apple earbuds, this automatically signals people that you're willing to talk to them instead of being someone who prefers listening to his music and living in his own little world.
Any suggestions? Does the M50X fit my needs (since that seems to be recommended everywhere)?
>dat tomcat
I don't really like earbuds. I also plan on using them when I work in the library, on airplanes, buses, etc. Are there any ~60 dollar non-autist headphones you can recommend?

If not, what are the best >60 dollar buds you could recommend? I don't like the new apple buds, cause they don't stay in my ears very well.
yes, neutral sound
The M50Xs isolate pretty well. This can kind of throw you for a bit when you talk, or cause you to talk a little loud. Otherwise, they're pretty solid. They're not completely neutral, as they lean on the bass a tiny bit, but they sound good and are comfortable.
Rotel RA-01 (because i also have speakers)
Beyer DT880 250ohm and Sennheiser HD600
shitty no-brand chinese DAC from ebay

What do I upgrade my DAC with, for around €300-400? And is it possible to have a DAC that can switch from two digital sources?

>implying anyone on here actually knows their shit beyond entry level headphones
>implying I won't get Fiio shit recommendations.

ausfag here

bought sennheiser hd 280s like 2 years ago off ebay from some cunt in melbourne for $100 n2b
Looking for my first pair of full sized headphones, want some suggestions to try out in stores before I make the final decisions, have been looking at various options but they seem to get fairly 'low' reviews. I guess I can't expect TOO much with this kind of budget, but still.

Would like to keep under €100 but can go over it if the increase in quality is worth it.

Desktop at home.
Occassionally phone on the train

>Requirements for Isolation
Fairly low, some public transport noise.

>Preferred Type of Headphone
Full sized over ears, need to be comfortable for long sessions.

>Preferred tonal balance
Bass heavy with decent mids

>Past headphones
Only <€30 IEMs; Sony MDR 12-LP: I was incredibly satisfied with the sound for it's price, too bad they broke after ~1.5 years and they don't seem to be available in my country anymore.
Sennheiser MX470's. Pretty good substitute for the Sony's, not as good though.
Have the Logitech x-530's as desktop speakers, but since I'm moving into a student's apartment I can't afford to blast music through the house anymore like I used to.

>Preferred Music
Mostly electronic music, bass heavy.
Youtube links:
Well you get the point.
The Netherlands, Europe.
Headphones seem to be a lot more expensive than in the USA here, especially considering the currency conversion.
Are HRTFs are best for closed or open headphones?
alsoft's HRTF still feels like regular stereo to me, there's no crossover between ears so it always needs reverb to sound nice.
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s-should I do it? this would be my first proper headphone purchase
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Your biweekly reminder, that these are still working and undamaged 4 years and 2 weeks in.
Repost time.

Good for $70?
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>this is an achievement in snapheiserland
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How would you guys tackle my problem?

I have an HDMI audio source as the only source and I need to get that to my headphones with some decent quality. What kind of hardware do I need?
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All Orpheus units are still going strong after 20 years.

Not surprised though...they are made by Sennheiser after all.
Looks like a vagina.
>If it's drawn, it's underage
C'mon son.
I'm looking to buy some balanced in-ear earphones for when I go out-- I was looking at the Etymotic Research HF5 but they advertise, like many 'noise isolation'.

I cycle often so I'd like to be able to hear oncoming cars with moderately quiet music. I was thinking maybe you could hear what's around you with quiet music, does anyone have any experience with these?
What the fuck, what hps dont have massive leakage. Should i get the NVX XPT100 or ATh M50x??? im too poor to invest in headphones and then not be able to put the mic from the wiki on bc everyone will hear my shit
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Senal SMH-1000

Also get some Beyer DT 250 velor pads
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wrong link;
i thought Beyerdynamic was a shit
That's a meme forced by sennshills.
Bluetooth earphone advice. Used primarily for gym.

What do I pick...

Outdoor tech orcas?
Meelectronics metro2?
None of the above. Koss Portapros.
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No its a meme forced by ex beyerdynamic owners.
I thought Sennheiser was better!?!?!?
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They are.
so then what should i cop for like 200max that wont leak when i attatch a mic??
>borrow DT880
>borrow shitty sennheiser headphones that don't even cost 100$ because you're too poor for that as well
>write a shitty forced meme on a paper
>take picture
>keep reposting the same pictures for years
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>what headphones should I use for gaming?
There are a few things you should look for. It is generally recommended on /hpg/ that you purchase headphones and a microphone separately rather than a headset. Avoid gimmicks such as built in surround sound and wireless headsets. Look for open headphones with a wide soundstage. This helps with positional accuracy in FPS where you will be able to tell the location of a certain sound effect, such as the footsteps of an enemy. If you feel you need surround sound, it can be done in software, such as Dolby Headphone. This is a very brief synopsis to point you in the right direction.

What do? I want them for music too, its actually a higher priority than games but still???
Bluetooth. Earphone. Used for the gym. These fit none of the criteria.
What about OpenAL Soft's HRTF?
Ive tried those ones on the left before lol my friend has them

literally zero bass, just a clearer sounding ipod earplug set. zero character and boring to listen to

and yes he has a dac and amp and everything.. im convinced people shilling amps and dacs is buyers remorse for the most part
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Rockboxed iPod Classic and desktop

>Requirements for Isolation
Isolated enough not to trigger people in a library

>Preferred Type of Headphone
Over-ear, but I'm willing to try on-ear. Portability is a big plus since I'll be walking a few miles a day with these.

>Preferred tonal balance
I guess mostly balanced with some emphasis on bass for the genres I like. Lyrics are important to me and I'd want them to be clear.

>Past headphones
Bose AE2 that I've had forever, VSonic Gr07 mkii classics IEM (love these and use them for exercising) I have also tried my friend's ATH M50 and Sony mdr-v6 quite a bit (I preferred the feel of the Sony)

>Preferred Music
Rap, hip-hop, synthpop, chillwave, trip-hop, electronic, funk, and basic indie rock (like Modest Mouse)

Seattle, Washington , USA
what is the name for the folding blue headphones that /g/ seems to like?
What's better between a Marshall Minor and a Shure Se112? I might go as far as a Se115 but I'm not sure if I even want them and there is a big gap in price.
I want something with decent isolation and neutral or slightly bassy sound. There is not many options in my country for IEMs outside of cheap sony/phillip/panasonic.
Beats by Dre Solo
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I own the Marshall Minor. They aren't isolating at all. They also have a warm, more full, mid centric sound. The build quality of them of has impressed me for the price I paid for them. They are my general buds that I wear when I'm out around in the town and take a fair amount of abuse, such as being scrunched up and shoved in my pocket, or having the cables pulled by clothing. I also wear them in the rain while hiking when I don't want to get my PortaPros wet. I think I've had them for three years, maybe more.
DT770 is quite veiled and muddy sounding with shit build quality and zero soundstage. Avoid like Ebola.
0/10 shitty troll
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top meme m8 xDDD
Fidelio x2
>Abusing the tilde key
Almost as bad as people whose names look like you're trying to model a molecule.
That's a shame, I'd probably use them the most when riding my bike or when at the gym to block out the loud music.
Do I need an amp for USB headphones?
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Gosh, CG

Why are you such a loser?
Because he's the shitposting samefagging obese poor kissless permavirgin headphone thread troll ComfyGrados.
You could maybe get a used benchmark DAC1 for that budget. Otherwise I'd suggest a dacmagic plus.
I feel like I've been missing out on decent sound quality for my entire life. I use broken fucking ear buds that I don't even know where I got. When I do use the speakers they are either from my old laptop or cheap TV. I was hoping I could get a pair of cheap headphones to get an idea of the difference. The thing is, will I even notice a difference with a pair of <30 headphones?
The earpads/headbands sure aren't though. Unless you don't mind the earpads on your $15k headphones flaking due to the thin vinyl sennheiser used on them. Oh well, at least the stators are coated in gold!
Yeah you will. Especially if you're used to TV/laptop tier soundquality.

Koss KSC-75
Get somes Beats by Dr Pepper and you'll really hear the difference.
not more than $30 USD
>Requirements for Isolation
doesnt matter
>Preferred Type of Headphone
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
cheap iems
>Preferred Music
almost everything but mostly rock
Dominican Rep. planning to buy them in amazon.
Are wireless headphones really looked down? I currently have a wireless headset and it kind of sucks. If /g/ thinks they're inferior in terms of quality, then I'll consider getting some wired headphones. I wouldn't mind spending $100-$200

Also, what could I do for a headset? I use it a lot to make business calls.
>Are wireless headphones really looked down [upon]?

Those clip on ones always used to end up hurting my ears after prolonged use. I was thinking about going off the under $200 guide in the OP.


>forgetting about dre


That's fine, if they're lower quality then I don't need to repeat the same mistake. However, I do like having a headset for practical reasons, because I take a lot of calls for work and because it was wireless I could walk around the house. I wouldn't mind getting some great headphones but I'd hate to lose the ability to do this.

Any thoughts on a potential setup?
JVC HAFX101, be weary it has bass
but if you can find one for that price range get these
Headsets are also looked down upon here. Get a pair of nice headphones and a Modmic.
It's not really clip on per say. It is a bendable piece that can form your the shape of your ears, super comfortable. If you don't like it, you could always return them/
Actually, now that I think about it, what would probably be ideal for you is to get just separate headphones, nice headphones, for pleasure use, and a wireless headset with a mic for work.
Have a ghetto one for work, Then have another for play.

Ok, a modmic sounds like a great start. What about wireless?


I thought about that and it's a bit inconvenient and I would rather not, but I can see why it would be a better solution.

I think I'd rather make an informed choice than buy something and immediately return it, bro.
If sound quality is an issue for you at all then simply avoid wireless technology right now.

I mean, I listen to mp3 and spotify, do I really need great headphones? What's the best wireless headset out there that could at least be passable as headphones?
Thanks anon. Do you know if the Brainwavz delta are good?
i really like how they look.
>I mean, I listen to mp3 and spotify, do I really need great headphones?
192 kbps MP3 is indistinguishable from lossless, so that's not a reason not to desire improved sound quality. I'm going to stick with the statement I made >>45240855
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There are so many options that don't involve a a shit headset. Actual headphone makers produce professional headsets for the broadcast industry, such the AKG HSC271, Beyerdynamic DT190, Sennheiser HD26 Pro. Their are mics that you can clip on to headphones such as the Antlion Modmic or the Zalman mic. Then there are desk mics, such as the popular Blue Snowball, the USB AKG Perception 120 or the Audio Technica AT2020. It comes down to what you want to spend and what your priorities are.

Ok, I did not know that, so downloading 320 kbps MP3s is a waste of space then?

That's fine, I think it's decent advice. I think getting a really cheap separate headset I can quickly put on when I want to talk and move around the house would be fine. I could then have some quality shit. I don't think I'd need a modmic though then because I really don't use my mic for anything other than calls. I don't really game anymore
>so downloading 320 kbps MP3s is a waste of space then?
I'd say so, but not for the reason you think. I don't use MP3 in the first place. I use .opus, which is superior to MP3, on my PMP and archive music in lossless form for future use. Thus, for example, if a lossy format superior to .opus comes around in the future I'll have the music in lossless form to encode to that new format, which is good as re-encoding lossy files to a lossy format is never advisable. This is the method I would advocate for anyone with the storage space for music archival.

Yeah, I don't sold my desktop... I guess the other issue is that I use spotify.
Spotify, even without Premium, offers 160 kbps Ogg Vorbis streaming, which should be indistinguishable from lossless, as Ogg Vorbis is a superior lossy format to MP3 (and Opus is even better than Ogg Vorbis).

does premium offer anything better?
>192 kbps MP3 is indistinguishable from lossless
You fucking kidding me, m8? How shitty is your hearing? 192 is passable, but you can definitely hear the compression.
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is this worth it at this price? currently own ad2000 and need some new cans
Yeah. Usual sale price is $350
is that a Cherry G80?
HD 558 or HD 598

I want some neutral headphones for all genres. Budget is $200.
What is a good headphone for talking and vocals like with skype, mumble, etc?
320 kbps Ogg Vorbis, which won't sound any different than the 160.
>but you can definitely hear the compression.
No you cannot in a blind test Internet Tough Guy.
Those two headphones sound almost identical so get the more inexpensive HD558.

He's right, though.

>lean on the bass a tiny bit
Right. Just like Beats.

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Legit K702/K701/Q701 prices went down quite a while ago, actually it's more than it were 1-2 months ago.

They are indeed more neutral, and cheaper, but less fun to listen to.

>inb4 hurrr you liek da niggerbass
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Requesting anime girls wearing ATH m50's

pic related

Biweekly reminder that they have been veiled and tinny shit for 4 years and 2 weeks, and will continue to be so.

I have the SMH 1000.

It's basically has the signature of a 7506 without what some people call harshness.

SMH 1000 has the following:

- obviously a stolen V6/7506 chassis but with removable cable
- clean & no bloated bass for a closed headphone
- clean mids with emphasis for tracking vocal consonant sounds and sibilance
- smooth and rolled treble after 10khz
Beyerdynamics have been veiled and tinny shit for a lot longer than that, Beyer shill.
Yes you can. It depends entirely upon the equipment being used. Shitty transducers will give you shitty sound, no big surprise there.

those last two links are a fucking joke. I follow archimagos blog and he did the test with high bit rates, which is a completely different story. I don't doubt at all that 320kbps mp3s are indistinguishable from lossless.

I didn't even mention Beyer. I'm not a shill of any brand.

not him, but beyers 700 series amd above a like over-glorified Sony 7506s in sound quality...
speaking of q701, Mine come in the mail tomorrow morning. Can't wait!
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Anyone have experience with K612? They seem like more comfortable Q701's with more bass, but Im not sure considering the price difference.
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Post what your're listening to and what with.

分島 花音 - Killy Killy Joker
分島 花音 - Continue
It might just be that my other heaphones have nobass, and I'm just not used to having nice headphones.
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while playing tribes ascend

aw yis

i still have no fucking clue why does the video include trains.
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Don't know how this went under the radar.
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>yuru yuri
My fuckin' nigga
How is the HE500? I've been looking at the HE560 as well as STAX. I think I'd rather go with planars for now though. I hear that they are darker with a more even low end.

I may be a friendless weeb who enjoy watching little girl cartoons but I will always be middle class and well educated with disposable income, something you will never get to enjoy CG. Also my parents were pround of my achievements, it's unlikely your mother holds similar sentiments about you. Enjoy your basement and hotpocket.
Why are these getting posted and recommended here so much all of a sudden? Are they actually good or are they the newest simply epic /hpg/ meme?
I can see why.
cause they look cool
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Up to $400.

Computer or tablet/phone. This is mostly for computer use. Playing games, watching shows, and only occasionally listening to music.

>Requirements for Isolation
This is the most important factor. Really, it's the only thing I care about. I just want to block out the bass from my neighbour's shitty nigger music and his TV. It isn't that loud, and I can't hear his music aside from the beat of the bass or feel it. It's still loud enough that I can't work on homework/read or sleep though.

>Preferred Type of Headphone
Full-sized, but I need to be able to sleep with them on.

>Preferred tonal balance
Probably balanced.

>Past headphones
I'm using some $60 pair of Sony headphones that I found for half-off a while ago. Full-sized, I don't know the model. They're ok, I guess.

>Preferred Music
Streetlight Manifesto is probably the best example of the type of stuff that I like to listen to.


Canada. Southern Ontario.
Why do you weebs inject your inane cartoons in to everything?

Also hd280 pros reporting in.
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I've got a new case and a SSD arriving today, my tech savvy friend who was going to help with setting up the SSD has jumped town for a few days and told me "Its fucking easy bro, you got this".

Are SSD difficult to set up at all?
If I obtain a "legal" copy of Windows 7 64 bit on USB, it should be as easy as installing on the SSD and booting from it, right?
Any help is appreciated, otherwise I was thinking I could just wait the 8~ days
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Friends in everyday life are a pointless expenditure of time. Time wasted in facile social interaction is less for me to indulge myself in my own interests. I see them at work, that's enough for me.
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>I'm OK with dying alone because i'm so aspi I really have no choice.
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I love them. I have this nigger headband mod which makes the weight distribution a lot more even than on the standard headband. I have some EQ applied to them in foobar2k which rises the upper mids/low treble a bit making them sound extremely clear but still not bright. Low end is perfect as it is, no need to touch it. I've been thinking of getting the HD 800s but simply can't justify the price after these. I have heard them and they sound fantastic while being extremely comfy but... These already sound so goddamn good that I don't really feel like spending double just to get something more comfy.
558 is better deal.
Do people who use software EQ deserve to get stabbed and left in a gutter?
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Any anons have the Sennheiser Momentums? How are they? I'm considering them for my first foray into the headphone master race.
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Those headphones look really nice but they are magically tiny. Google some pictures of them and you'll see what I mean. Unless you're an asian loli or you prefer ridiculously small headphones I'd go for another model
Does your first name start with S?
WHAT THE FUCK? THEY'RE SO TINY. They look so much bigger in all of the promotion pictures. Fuck.
who the fuck draws this trash
fucking weebs
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Because they're nice.
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I can't be that autistic because I am very sucessful in employment and academia, neither of which you know anything about. I enjoy sharing my interests with others that want to do the same, hence why I'm in /hpg/. My collegues don't care about audio, computers, anime or anything else I do. Anyway isn't you critising me for being a friendless autist like me calling you out for being a permavirgin? It's a bit hypocrital isn't?

These are sounding more tempting. I usually go for a brighter signature but with the HD650 I was made aware just how much I do enjoy a warmer sound, especially with rock. I should be testing the HD800 next week if the weather is decent enough for me to travel out of where I live. If you like the sound of the HE500 and want something more you could look at Audeze, there are plenty of mods available for extra comfort.

Isn't there an over ear model?
>Isn't there an over ear model?
Yes, but both are extremely small, one is just even smaller.
I know, I was considering buying them too and was gravely disappointed when I looked at images of them. That's why I wanted to let you know as well.
because 4chan is an anime board
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They are new and got very good reviews, so it got popular fast.
Also, successor to an already popular headphone.
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pls respond
why cant japan into reflections? i swear every single reflection is just a copy paste of the character without any perspective fixing
Aren't these extremely open and not isolating at all though?
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Nope it starts with J
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well fug

ok you are good, same as mine,
Although still audio related. I was wondering what everyone's opinion on the new monoprice 5" speakers are. And are there any other good alternatives I should be looking at, at around the 150 range for studio monitors?

They are currently on sale on massdrop.
This. X2 for now, add amp later on down the road.
Yes. That suggester didn't read your full post.
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Computer, Phone (maybe a amp/dac)
>Requirements for Isolation
Eh, not necessary, but important
>Preferred Type of Headphone
Over ear
>Preferred tonal balance
Probably balanced
>Past headphones
>Preferred Music
Rock, Game OST, OCRemix, Anime OST, Weebshit
>Not necessary, but important

God I'm retarded. I meant not necessary, but a possible factor.
Is there a site where I can see comparisons between headphones? Like what a certain kind is comparable to in the same price range?
Whoa cute image dude.
Fidelio x2, but it has no isolation.
Help me out /hpg/, I need to get someone an inexpensive Christmas present.

Under $50
Phone, Laptop
>Requirements for Isolation
The more the better
>Preferred Type of Headphone
Full-size over ear headphones preferred, would consider on ear
>Preferred Tonal Balance
>Past Headphones
Mostly cheap IEMs
>Preferred Music
Dadrock, not sure what else
United States
Sony MDR-ZX100

They're on ear and they sound great for the price, I've used mine every day for the last three years and you'd think I've had them a month.
Cool. What kind of sound signature do they have? What kind of music do you listen to?
I listen to anime soundtracks, the closest thing I could compare them to would be Beats, but for 90% less. If you're getting them for someone who isn't autistic about headphones, they'll enjoy the quality.
Not as cute as the last one
Okay, I'll give them a shot, can't lose for that price. My only concern is I'm not sure how something Beats-esque will sound playing dadrock and the like.
After searching around a bit it looks like Bose is the gold standard for noise cancellation. Has anyone tried the QC25? I don't want to drop $330 on a pair of headphones if they aren't going to sufficiently block out my neighbour's bass.
What is better between a Beyerdynamic Dtx 101 Ie, a Shure Se112 and a Marshall Minor/FX? I'm looking for a IEM with decent isolation and a neutral/balanced sound. This are the best options on my budget that I've found on my country, not many brands to chose from.
Alright I'm gonna follow the template I guess.

Budget ~$300.
Exclusively full, over ear.
Source is phone or computer.
Isolation is kind of a must, minimal leaking preferable as well.
Past Headphones N/A.
Location USA.
Music preferences Pink Floyd, fuck ton of classic rock and just general soft rock. Some psychadelic.
Im sorry, I should have said autist
Never heard of them. How are they for gaming?
Someone bought me a QC15 as a gift a long time ago. They were sufficient for isolation on airplanes and the QC25 apparently isolate a few decibels more according to InnerFidelity's measurements. The QC25 are also quite accurate as long as battery power is provided according to said measurements.
What do you guys think about HD 419s? Are they a good value for what Amazon is charging?


How are they for rock genres?
What was that fiio usb dac people used to reccomend a lot?
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>snake oil general

Headphones that cost more than 200$ are placebos.
Prove me wrong.
The burden to prove your own dumb ass claim is on you.

Is this on ok?
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30$ mouse?
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