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you have 10 seconds to justify not using linux muh games doesnt

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you have 10 seconds to justify not using linux

muh games doesnt count as a justification
Because I have a job.
and this has to do with using linux how?
because my time is valuable
but linux installs faster than windows
My unix beard itched to much and no stores keep enough cheetos in stock
because the fucking fish still chase you on land

also, because my laptop is a business model that I've never heard mentioned outside the site where I purchased it, I don't feel like spending hours identifying components, more hours looking for drivers and lastly having to settle for nonfree ones
libreoffice sucks
just use wine and install microsoft office. why eat the whole turd if you want just the peanuts?
OpenBSD runs better on my Sun Ultra 5.

(I'm actually posting from Debian on amd64).
so use google docs
>muh Visual Studio
>muh Far Manager
>muh superior taskbar
>muh Amplitube
I don't want to spend every hour tinkering with it. My time is more important because I have a job.
Internet explorer.

also muh games
Because I'm perfectly happy with how Windows is working. If I get tired of it, I can just hop on my Mac.
>actually using that pile of abhorrent garbage
You have 10 seconds to justify using linux
it looks like fucking shit and people who use it are edgy faggots
>hurr durr look mom im to edgy to use windows
>A reason is not a reason

Nicely done OP
Are those procedural clouds or is it just a lame skybox.
Windows is great. You're a huge faggot.
>muh games doesnt count as a justification
>an actual justification doesn't count as a justification

Some people like to play games, and they don't run on your favorite OS.
>package managment
>no crapware with nearly everything you install
>can be less careful on the net without fear of malware
>installs faster
>can stay up without getting unstable
>can do most updates without a reboot

its a skybox and dont you dare turn on reflective water or shadows as they both eat your framerate for lunch (project is still very buggy and image was chosen at random)
Because it sucks with high ppi.
Configuration time.
Lack of flawlessly functioning driver wrapper.
Lack of flawlessly functioning Windows compatibility layer.
Contempt with open-source and software freedom ideologies, preference for rationalism.
Familiarity in older OS, specifically GUI.
I install windows once a year or too so I don't care.
Setup time for windows is 10 minutes max for me.
(setup time as in configuring every software I need to be on the computer)
*other, not older
Ubuntu was fairly easy to set up for me, try it out.
>everything out of the box
>doesnt even start with ethernet drivers
>>doesnt even start with ethernet drivers
Recent version come bundled with ethernet drivers.
apt-get install programs
most likely everything you need is already there if you install debian or ubuntu
I'm sorry but "my employer is forcing me to use windows" is not a valid reason to use windows. You're just deferring responsibility of making the decision to someone else rather than making the decision yourself.
video editing.
>windows 8.1

ill keep my PC a PC thank you i dont need a giant tablet
Still doesn't deny the fact that Linux installs faster than Windows and is faster to set up thanks to package managers.
I would switch to linux too if it wasnt for muh gaming
>I'm sorry but "my employer is forcing me to do my job" is not a valid reason to do my job
Stop moving the goalposts...
dont know how to use command
>a kernel looks like shit
>my choice is based on conformity
>>45213543 this
Okay, okay, I was just being a prick. It really is quick to get rolling.

Ubuntu and Mint installed without a hiccup a few times in the past few years. Was pleasantly impressed every time.
This still doesn't deny the fact that recent versions of Windows come bundled with ethernet drivers.
how is it "rational" to willingly take it up the ass from cancerous proprietary companies?

also i like how you literally admit to having baby duck syndrome
How is openmw? Like, stability/bug wise?
and how do I activate it?
Then play games that do run on my favorite OS.
b-but i use arch exclusively on my netbook
and my phone has a linux kernel (may be modified)
I'll take things that will never happen for 500, alex.
shut up man like for real that's old shit now, ie is bad but not as bad as it was, its useable now at least, calling it abhorrent garbage just shows that you're more behind the times than the damn browser is, smh
it has nothing over alternative browsers
If your employer is forcing you to do something unpleasant then get a new job.

Oh wait you're probably one of those socialist eurofags who can't quit his job.
Winfag logic
No goalposts were moved. Your excuse is still not valid.
doesn't make it 'abhorrent garbage'
>how is it "rational" to willingly take it up the ass from cancerous proprietary companies?
Rationalism includes the state of not being motivated by ideologies, and both open-source movements and free software movements are ideologically motivated.
>also i like how you literally admit to having baby duck syndrome
I do not hold values I stated, I run Linux, I simply stated that baby duck syndrome may account as one of reasons of not using Linux.
>has less features than its competitors
>not abhorrant garbage

i wish Ms had lost the suit an been ordered to no longer package it
It just doesnt werk.
yeah it does actually, not only is it struggling to play catch up with other browsers, it's still proprietary and it still only runs on windows (lol), there is literally no reason for anyone to use it
OP I'm waiting for debians meeting about systemd to decide
please explain how supporting proprietary software and the megacompanies that author it is not an action motivated by ideology? you realize that nonsensically following the status quo just for the sake of doing so is a behavior driven by ideology, right?

imo for general use its not a terrible browser anymore. it looks nicer than firefox and fits well with the whole design scheme they were going for with win8 (which is a piece of shit)
im not saying its a good browser but its not abhorrent garbage, at least there's some effort going into it now
>muh Visual Studio
>muh Games (yoo're games are shit)
That's about it.
Windows 7 doesn't.
I use GNU/Linux because it is the best operating system for my needs.
Its GUI isn't that great but it handles clipboard pasting much better than MS Office. There's not that much wrong with libreoffice.
>please explain how supporting proprietary software and the megacompanies that author it is not an action motivated by ideology?
A person not motivated by ideology will not think in terms of property, source distribution and capitalism while using the software.
>following the status quo just for the sake of doing so is a behavior driven by ideology, right?
I didn't say anything about "status quo".
Because it's botnet. I use openBSD.
All the desktop environments in Linux just suck.
There's nothing decent and complete that doesn't look like a clusterfuck.
At least libreoffice supports LaTex.
Looks better than recent versions of MS Office, in my opinion. The '97 version looked all right, though, but since then it's only been going down the drain.
[spoiler]Yes it is[/spoiler]
MATE, XFCE, KDE, Cinnamon, Unity.
There's not much of a point in using any of them, though. A WM is much more efficient and doesn't bind you to a specific set of programs.
[spoiler]Yes it does*[/spoiler]
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>correcting your own shitpost
shiggy diggy doo

>adobe suite
>alcatech bpm studio native
>better ui
>easier config
>no cli bullshi needed, everything configurable through intuitive ui
>99% of branch software
>better performance for native apps because no shitty wine
>driver support
>100% third party support
>just werks
>A WM is much more efficient
That might be true but i want something that just works and last time i tried a wm (openbox) i have to configure things directly into a file and add shortcuts to the menu manually every time i installed something.

>and doesn't bind you to a specific set of programs
Which DE does this? last time i tried if a program needs qt or gtk the package manager just download those dependencies.
>A WM is much more efficient and doesn't bind you to a specific set of programs.
A DE is essentially a set of preconfigured utilities and WM is one of those utilities, you can't use a DE without a WM.
DE doesn't bind you to a specific set of programs, you are free to install, use, and replace any software you want.
>A WM is much more efficient
Yeah, no, that's completely retarded and only true for complete autists.
Because I play games
Raising the bar prior to a possible response.
Loaded question.
Raising the bar anyway.
Ad hominem.
Not everyone considers using windows to be unpleasant.
Your political stance should have nothing to do with your OS choice.
Ad hominem.
Windows 7 isn't exactly recent.

And cue the shitposting.
I'm not autistic

because it's fucking dreadful.

also, bonus answer for double points.

Windows does exactly what I need and it works.
>If your employer is forcing you to do something unpleasant [like using an OS you dislike or using deodorant] then get a new job.

I knew it -- Linux users are all Uni students and have never been in the workforce.
As a followup - no, WM is not more efficient due to the fact that it usually comes unconfigured and lacks often needed software for efficient usage - applets, for example. I assume you meant "power efficient".
no, it still is a terrible browser, and there is still no effort going into it

MS just does the bare mimumum they need to to keep websites working, it still lags behind every other browser in implementation of any standard, and it's still proprietary for no reason at all even though there is nothing special about it
>add shortcuts to the menu manually every time i installed something.
use a launcher that simply runs a program in your $PATH, e.g. dmenu
>Which DE does this?
I'm not aware of any DEs literally binding you to programs, what I meant was that a lot of things are already set up and can sometimes be difficult to replace, such as panels, system settings, file manager, etc. Things are mostly set up to leave the user ignorant of what programs do what tasks.
literally can't tell if autistic or trolling, but I'm pretty sure everyone else understood it
oh these are good times, you are now autistic if your intelligence surpasses that of a 9-year-old. I'm pretty sure everyone who's not mentally damaged can remember one key combination to open a program launcher and the names of the programs they use.
>I knew it -- Linux users are all Uni students and have never been in the workforce.
99% of uni students are macfags. Linux users are those that live in their moms basement and pretend to be leet haxxors.
>You're just deferring responsibility of making the decision to someone else rather than making the decision yourself.

Yeah, quit letting the boss be responsible for the, you know, the means of production. Down with capitalism! Workers control the means of production!
That other guy said he didn't want a giant tablet with 8.1 on it, making Windows 7 the next in line.

Unless you want to run 8.
>hurr durr every decision my boss makes is correct and no one should ever question anything or ever consider founding a competing company

No anon, it is you who doesn't understand capitalism.
>oh these are good times, you are now autistic if your intelligence surpasses that of a 9-year-old
No. Autism means that you have the skillset to use a completely non intuitive and non functional ui but failing to see the reason why that is stupid.
Open source is not ideologically motivated; the point of the open source movement is that open source development is superior to closed source development
>Talking about founding companies
>From his moms basement
Yeah, if you eventually get a job you might get a grip on how things really work.
>Not everyone considers consuming fecal matter to be unpleasant

We don't care what you like retard, especially not when you can't even give a valid reason for liking it
Why does almost everyone in this thread assume that using Linux requires giving up Windows, or any other operating system for that matter.

I use Windows roughly half the time and I'm not anti-linux. I decide what to boot into when I feel like it, or whenever some task becomes more convenient in a particular environment.

I generally try to keep my data in non-closed formats to stay as platform-agnostic as possible. Also, I try to keep my coding as portable as possible.
>No. Autism means that you have the skillset to use a completely non intuitive and non functional ui but failing to see the reason why that is stupid.
So it's not related to this conversation in any possible way? Unless you somehow find a useless WM and assume I was referring to that specific program.
>nothing to contribute with, just ad hominem attacks and projection
Also, I didn't mean to imply I believe this stance is correct - I meant to say that proponents of the open source ideology believe this. This difference is also why Stallman is autistic about open source vs. Free software
I want to start tinkering with it but I don't know how useful it will be.
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Because I like being productive lol
I have a job anon, and literally every person at my company uses Linux. In fact we've deliberately made sure we have zero dependencies on microsoft because using their software is a bad business decision.
People who make music and are serious about it, or people who do serious video editing probably wouldn't be happy with linux.
Actually, it pretty much is games, but I'll probably switch to linux.
I've used linux at work for many years so it really doesn't amaze me anymore. I just want something that works.
>A person not motivated by ideology will not think in terms of property, source distribution and capitalism while using the software.
please explain how you are not thinking in terms of that when you support proprietary software companies?

>I didn't say anything about "status quo".
so then you do actually have a valid reason to use it besides "hurr it's popular?" please do tell why anon, i would love to hear it
I always wonder why this guy got that job, he constantly looks like he's shit his pants.
I'm too stupid.

That's true. Microsoft goes hard on their licensing audits.

Software enginer, need VS
Are you seriously suggesting that he ought to quit his job and found a new company because his boss has people using an OS you don't like?

Oh lawdy. Could you be any more of a a stereotype?
>Open source is not ideologically motivated
Vast majority of open source software developers irrationally believe that open source software development is somehow the "right" and superior way of software development.
>the point of the open source movement is that open source development is superior to closed source development
Open source is only better if source code sharing, freedom of redistribution and an ability of creation of derived works is vital to software development and does not interfere with software developer economical model - i.e. Linux, Firefox, Apache - and most of software does not meets those two said parameters, specifically due to the fact that freedom of redistribution and freedom of derived work creation usually economically hurts the developer under traditional economical model.
If you can get a better job, why not?
>Are you seriously suggesting that he ought to quit his job and found a new company because his boss has people using an OS you don't like?
Linux drives multbillion dollar industries precisely for that reason, people got sick of MS and realized that there were other options. The point of my post is that he has those options.

Companies like Microsoft profit from making you think that you don't have options and that using their shitty software is the only choice. But you're not dumb enough to buy into that garbage, are you?
Why do you believe the ideology that traditional economic models are worth preserving?
Because I'm a well paid window systems automation engineer...

Thought, I think EMCs flare and Cisco's IOS are Linux variants...
I noticed THAT guy in your uni who takes notes with his laptop in 99% of cases uses Linux...
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Gnu/Linux > Windows

It's really that simple faggots
I never said that traditional economic models are worth preserving, and neither did I say that traditional economic models must be abolished.
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Because why would I switch to linux when wangblows does everything I want (browse web, watch movies and play muh gaymes) just fine?
Anyone would for a better job. The OS they're using isn't even of tertiary consideration in most people's mind. People change jobs for pay benefits, security, opportunity, stuff like that.

Imagine that job interview.

"And why did you leave your last job, Mr.Anon?"
Why would you upload that picture or post that comment when shutting the fuck up would do just fine?
Yes you did. You said open source is only "better" as long as it does not interfere with an existing economic model which implies that you think that economic model has some kind of validity.
I would lie, I don't want people to know me, anyway.
Inability of paying money after EOL for newer version of Windows will cause security risks and an attempt of pirating Windows holds a high chance of malware infection.
why would you go out of your way to make this spastic thread when you're supposed to on your way to pick up your disability cheque for schizophrenia and autism?

don't forgot to breathe on the way
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>not just getting keys for $5
I didn't make this thread, I'm just using your logic against your argument.
so in other words, you cannot actually give me a good reason to switch to your broken freetard tinfoil software written by schizos?
>Yes you did.
Provide me with a quote.
>You said open source is only "better" as long as it does not interfere with an existing economic model which implies that you think that economic model has some kind of validity.
I was not talking about superiority of any particular kind of economical model, I was talking about the fact that developers with only specific economical models will be able to maximize profit using open source licenses in their software.
How on Earth can you do that.
free keys from university that get resold for dirt
And where can I buy them?
>your broken freetard tinfoil software written by schizos
I don't use any software that fits that description, but that aside, no I can't because my reasons don't apply to you. Windows disables me from using my computer efficiently, but if you literally only care about those things there is no reason for you to switch.
That doesn't make me despise you less, though.
>despising someone because of what operating system they use on their computer

does autism know any bounds?
What's with your fixation on schizophrenia? Are you so insane and insecure that you feel a constant need to justify your shaky perception of mental health and your place in it?
It has nothing to do with the OS, it's only because of the attitude.
So what are you trying to argue? That the license of the software and the economic model, and the ideology of the company are not all interdependent to each other? I would strongly disagree with that. If anything proprietary software leans more heavily on the ideology side than free software does, because of the amount of faith it puts in preserving those existing economic models that are growing warts.

Nearly every piece of editing software, be it video/photos/web is buggy trash on Loonix. My time is valuable. i need things to just werk
Don't switch. If all you want to do is spend time, money, and energy playing "muh games" and watching youtube then there is no reason for you to, you're already too deep in the lifestyle of being a consumerist tool.

I don't know why that anon hates you, but I personally hate you because you're a whiny little bitch
>I personally hate you because you're a whiny little bitch
That pretty much summarizes why "that anon" (me) hates him.
>My time is valuable. i need things to just werk
Not as valuable as Microsoft's time considering they have you by the balls.

This catch-22 mentality is what is keeping you locked into the Windows platform. You refuse to switch because software companies won't port/fix their software and software companies won't port/fix their software because you won't switch. SOMEONE has to make the first move.
>So what are you trying to argue?
That open-source and free software movements are ideologically motivated and it is normal for a rational person to prefer non-ideologically motivated deeds.
I can't think of a reason, actually. I've had a bit of an introduction to Linux. Installed Arch, got that working nicely. But somehow I always come back to Windows.
Windows just works. I can't think of a particular thing I would need a linux partition for at the moment unless I wanted to rice or have a minimal install.
Well you still haven't explained what this mystical "non-ideologically motivated deed" is.
>/g/ in a nutshell
>Broken piece of proprietary trash that exists for no reason other than to promote vendor-lock in and is a confirmed botnet
>"just works"

I don't understand...
I don't like how they implement NVIDIA Optimus support.

Other than that, I'd switch. All I do is play Runescape and Second Life, which any distro can do with aplomb.
Windows breaking randomly is so trivial that it's now considered working as intended. Regular Windows users even say they have to reinstall once or twice every year.
I don't know what you are doing wrong, but I never had a windows system breaking down on me randomly in more than 10 years at home, school and work.
Then why are you caring that I am not using linux
Missed the point. The whole system is intentionally broken by design.
I think you overestimate my desire to switch. I choose the platform, that helps me do my job in the most efficient way possible. If your OS is trash tier nobody is going to move over.

There's no "catch 22" The free market has spoken when it comes to loonix, until it gets it shit in gear it will always be trash tier.
I ran Windows without changing anything besides updating games and I started getting bluescreens, the system started slowing down progressively, and otherwise I bugs occurred more and more frequently.
I'm running Linux on the same hardware without any problems at all
>Far Manager

Are you retarded?
In terms of software, it is an expectation of using software in order to simply fulfill your tasks without a concern about licensing unless you can directly benefit from it, and vast majority users of said software don't fall in a category from which they can benefit from it - quite the contrary, unequal representation of software based on their licensing biased towards open sourced and free software(i.e. Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora) scares off potential proprietary software developers(for example, notice an influx of corporation interest in Linux after open source movement initiative declaration - essentially a weakened form of free software initiative) from porting their software to Linux ecosystem and causes several completely needless and irrational conflicts(for example - GNOME foundation based on dislikes in Qt licensing, a framework on which KDE was based, and XFree86 abandonment due to licensing changes).

Sony Vegas
Windows is below trash tier so not sure why you chose it in the first place.

>The free market has spoken when it comes to loonix
Yes that must be why Microsoft has been successfully litigated against several times for having an illegal monopoly right?
I manage Debian servers on a daily basis.

Gr8 b8 m8
I have a social life


i remmebr years ago when dell offered ubuntu on their laptops... nobody actually bought them

there's even this video of this girl who failed college because dell sold her a loonicks laptop
> it is an expectation of using software in order to simply fulfill your tasks without a concern about licensing
What the fuck are you talking about? The whole reason why different software has many different licenses is because everyone's got concerns about every license. People just pick the one that they happen to have the least concerns about at that given time.

>scares off potential proprietary software developers from porting their software to Linux ecosystem
Who cares? Why is this a bad thing?

>essentially a weakened form of free software initiative
This is false, "open source" is a marketing term for free software, practically speaking they represent the same ideological goals.

>causes several completely needless and irrational conflicts
Both of those examples you gave were necessary and rational. Qt originally had a proprietary license which was a serious problem and XF86 license caused incompatibilities with many distros. I don't think you understand what licensing actually is, furthermore I don't think you understand how many licensing conflicts there are in the proprietary world, you just don't see it because it happens almost entirely behind closed doors.
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You actually believe in the free market. Figures.

Have fun with all those monopolies, lobbying, and government influence. Those massive conglomerates and shell companies as well. Not that your precious free market delusion could ever end up as anything else.
>I'm using it because my friends told me to
Not a valid excuse.
i use my pc to play games
Because I wanted to use BSD.

But as it turns out my computer is too new to be fully supported by BSD so I am forced to use linux anyway.
Like I said before, it just werks.

>illegal monopoly

Pls, shill your autistic justification elsewhere.
how it is better when it does not run games
No, I use it, because what OS I use is the least of my priorities. Seeing as I know my way around the Windows operating system, there is no reason for me to switch to linux just because I can.
Do they make foobar for linux?
>I'm using it because my brain literally cannot handle things that are new and different
Baby duck syndrome is not a valid excuse
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>just quit and get a new job

It's not my autistic decision, it's an autistic decision that was made by both the US and EU governments.

>it just werks
See this post >>45214618
It's 2014, decent software developers have no problems getting jobs. You have no excuse to be pissing your life away at a shit company that fellates Microsoft.

Do I want an open and free software and OS environments? Yes
Do I want a fair play between companies? Yes
Am I willing to lose my job, my income and jeopardize my family's well-being in the blind hope the above is going to happen? Fuck no, Im not anti-loonix fix your shit and I'll come over. Until then stop fucking crying and trying to justify your agenda on some hitler-level collusion of the top-dogs.

Loonix fan-boys are rabid, disillusion neckbeards.
>drivers that need to be configured manually
>editing text files for basic functionality (see above)
>can't even get a basic image editor right
>no decent music player
>every software made is a lackluster alternative to a program on windows or is x

Etc etc
Why should I switch to a new operating system if I would do the same things on a linux distribution? I think you want to get the better of me just because I mentioned having a social life. That is really weird you know? Almost makes you look like someone who doesn't have one and elevates himself by using an obscure operating system, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here ;)
i like how nobody will think i am an tryhard neckbeard autist on muh imageboards
>I am unhappy with the way things are but yet I'm too chicken to actually stand up for what I believe in or attempt change the system in any way because I made poor life choices

Well now I just feel bad for you. However you must realize that shitty companies like Microsoft have continued success because they prey on people like you, right?
>get a load of this guy cam.jpg

lemme help you out trips
I use Adobe products for my job. GIMP is not a viable alternative to Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
I never mentioned quitting your job or even switching to linux whatsoever. I only addressed your statement about a supposed free market.

Where all this is directed and how it relates to the post I made, I'm not fully certain, though I do have a vague idea. Careful, you're seeming pretty keen to become rabid yourself right about now.
>GIMP is not a viable alternative to Adobe Photoshop

Yes it is, it's better if you ask me
>I have friends who force me to do things such as use a particular operating system on my computer, therefore I am better than you
I am truly jealous anon, you sound like a social wizard
Muh games.

And deving.
it's gay
it's dumb
it's for fags
Why do you consider Photoshop and Illustrator to be "valid" products in the first place? You realize they are cancerous proprietary garbage, right?
>Hey, I'm going to stand in front of this missle because I'm anti-war
>This will surely work out well for me, i'll show them.

Please, don't try pull the "You're being manipulated and you don't even know it" bullshit. this is insignificant in comparison to the effect have a stable working platform has on my ability to earn a living.

Please, take a break and think out yourself for a few weeks, you only get one life, enjoy it
>GIMP is a viable alternative
>Can't even edit rotated text

Good thing nobody asked you.
Ironic, that: OP posts a picture of a program that does not run in Linux.
If you keep up with that defeatist attitude your shitty family is going to grow up as pathetic and powerless as you are and the cycle will continue. I really hope I'm wrong though and your business is solving some amazing problem, but chances are it's probably not, your technical leadership is probably incompetent if they chose to become a Microsoft client.

>hurr durr the only way to make a difference in my professional is to become a martyr or some other stupid shit
I cannot believe you are so far retracted into your comfort zone that this is what you actually think.
>viable alternative for anything

stopped believing that when i was 16
>photoshop a viable product
>can't even respect my freedom
go away

>adobe offering people marketing contracts at age 16
interesting, didn't know they did that
>that uncontrollable butthurt
>that projecting
At the very least you can not deny that it is a viable alternative.

For 99% of image editing cases it is more than a viable alternative, as in, almost everyone who uses Photoshop could just as easily or even faster do what they do in GIMP. Most users only do relatively basic advanced photo editing, which is especially ridiculous when these people claim they absolutely need $600 proprietary software for that.

They learned Photoshop first and have baby duck syndrome, that's the issue. Also the Windows version of GIMP sucks and using it on Windows is way worse than using it on Linux and most likely OSX.
>The whole reason why different software has many different licenses is because everyone's got concerns about every license.
It's aimed towards those who can make use of license - mostly OEM distributors, ideologically motivated users and programming enthusiasts willing to make use of source code. Normal user will simply download whichever binary is the most popular one without any concerns for licensing.
>People just pick the one that they happen to have the least concerns about at that given time.
And normal people have completely no concerns over licensing, but rather use software to get goals fulfilled.
>Who cares?
Linux users who want software that Linux does not have.
>Why is this a bad thing?
Because primary usage of an operating system is to get it to run a variety of software, this is a no-brainer.
>This is false, "open source" is a marketing term for free software
Open source and free software differ vastly, open source is software licensed under license compliant with Open Source Definition(http://opensource.org/osd), free software is software licensed under license compliant with "four essential freedoms"(https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html).
>Qt originally had a proprietary license which was a serious problem
It is far from being a problem, considering that KDE itself was free and everybody held equal rights of distributing and modifying KDE.
>XF86 license caused incompatibilities with many distros
Credit clause sure is a big incompatibility.
superiority complex mechanism activated.

Don;t become a bitter, delusional shill, anon. We're both entitled to our choices, the sooner you learn to show empathy to your fellow human beings, the sooner we can eradicate the cancer of /g/. Please fwiend, let me hold you
>Ad hominem.
It's not ad hominem, he's calling you a liar.
Wider selection of video games. WINE is not perfect and won't run everything. So I'm still using windows.
This is the world of big business son. If you don't act fast, you die. What my fellow human beings need is a good kick in the balls to wake them up from their vegetative states.
All my files and shit are on my windows machine and I don't wanna lose everything again.

Anyone know of a painless backup software? Also I play WoW and it runs Hellas shitty in Loonix
>Anyone know of a painless backup software?
Copy and paste
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Tell us more, oh wise one, for we are the sheeple in a crowd where only one man from /g/ has the answer to all our worries. Pls linux-man, come to our rescue

i have no skill at computer science, and i don't plan on gaining any
>Because mah video editor
Its too much for a 4chan shitposting box?
Can someone refute the reason of editing videos?
>Normal user will simply download whichever binary is the most popular one without any concerns for licensing.
>And normal people have completely no concerns over licensing, but rather use software to get goals fulfilled.
Just because they ignore the concerns of the license does not mean the license doesn't exist -- this kind of thinking is harmful to all parties involved.

>Linux users who want software that Linux does not have...primary usage of an operating system is to get it to run a variety of software, this is a no-brainer.
More software is not always a good thing, most obvious example being viruses, GNU/Linux users don't want the viruses and malware that other systems have. Many GNU/Linux users would argue that most proprietary software is malware, so why would they want that on their systems?

>Open source and free software differ vastly, open source is software licensed under license compliant with Open Source Definition(http://opensource.org/osd), free software is software licensed under license compliant with "four essential freedoms"(https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html).
Look up the histories of both of these ideologies and read more into those definitions, they are both based on the same things, the difference is in presentation.

>It is far from being a problem, considering that KDE itself was free and everybody held equal rights of distributing and modifying KDE.
And yet you still needed a piece of proprietary software to run the thing, this was an obvious problem to anyone who wanted to bundle a distro with KDE.

>Credit clause sure is a big incompatibility.
Yeah it was actually. You realize that EVERYTHING in the licensing world is about the fine print right?
I'm sorry anon but I don't see you standing up to help your fellow man. What are you doing to make a difference?

if you want good video editing software that is not proprietary garbage locked into windows then either write some or start demanding it
>Just because they ignore the concerns of the license does not mean the license doesn't exist -- this kind of thinking is harmful to all parties involved.
When did I say that the license does not exist?
>More software is not always a good thing, most obvious example being viruses
Malware is my forte, good that you have brought it up.
Linux is essentially immune to viruses due to strict root access policies, little reliance on executables, centralized and heavily controlled method of common software distribution - package managers and software centres and very fast update schedule. There hasn't been a single major Linux virus outbreak and probably will never be.
>Many Linux users would argue that most proprietary software is malware
Are you fucking kidding me? Whoever even thinks of that is so deeply rooted in his ideology that there is no salvation in him.
Malware means software primarily designed to do nothing but unwanted actions on a computer as an end result, primarily digital or physical damage, monetization, distracting visual/auditory effects and input block, there are no any other possible alternative definitions and whoever thinks there are should probably get in touch with reality.
>Look up the histories of both of these ideologies and read more into those definitions, they are both based on the same things, the difference is in presentation.
You mean the fact that licensing differences lead to the same result in practice, but use superficially different language to get there? That's a no-brainer.
>this was an obvious problem to anyone who wanted to bundle a distro with KDE.
And yet Ubuntu ships with Flash, MPEG-3 codecs and other proprietary software, how is that problematic.
>Yeah it was actually. You realize that EVERYTHING in the licensing world is about the fine print right?
Copy/pasting a couple of lines in the end of your own license sure is a major difficulty.
You're saying I should go to work tomorrow and refuse to use Final cut unless it's on linux?
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I prefer a kernel that comes with applications, and system utilities that come with a kernel
I don't know, are you able to do that? If not then be creative anon, if you really want to make positive change then there is always a way to express it without looking like an asshole.
No he's saying you should not go into work tomorrow, change careers into programming, learn a language and then make your own final pro on linux using FOSS mentality and not make any money for in that 5 years.

If you don;t do that you're a M$ puppet who can't escape this oppressive OS being shoved down your throat
I like to get things done

>average /g/ loonix idiot

you are a fucking retard my friend, shave that neckbeard, turn off your pc and go outside for once, try to find a job. Or at very least finish school
Based on this thread, I'm not justified. Yeah, coding is much better having used vim, love xfce with the right customization, and the terminal is snazzy but...
>Muh Fallout, Borderlands, Terraria
Sorry, I like to have fun sometimes.
>When did I say that the license does not exist?
You didn't, your argument was that people are making non-ideologically motivated decisions by ignoring the license which is false. They're still making the decision, they're just ignoring some of the ramifications of it.

Actually we were talking about the GNU/Linux operating system, not just the kernel.

>Whoever even thinks of that is so deeply rooted in his ideology that there is no salvation in him... Malware means software primarily designed to do nothing but unwanted actions on a computer as an end result
Most proprietary software requires users to agree to allow a third party unwarranted access to their computer as well as forbids them from reverse engineering the software to find out what it does. For people who want control over their own computers, this is indeed an unwanted action.

If anything proprietary software authors are the only ones who are so deeply rooted in ideology that they're beyond saving, because they think getting users to agree to this kind of abusive contract is somehow sustainable.

>You mean the fact that licensing differences lead to the same result in practice, but use superficially different language to get there? That's a no-brainer.
No, I'm referring to the overall goals of both of those ideologies. Licensing is a component of this, if you do your research you'll notice that both of those ideologies promote use of pretty much all the same licenses, this isn't a coincidence.

>And yet Ubuntu ships with Flash, MPEG-3 codecs and other proprietary software, how is that problematic.
Canonical set a goal for themselves that they wanted to make a distribution that features a lot of proprietary software. Personally I don't advise people use Ubuntu for precisely that reason because I think it's a net loss for everyone.

>Copy/pasting a couple of lines in the end of your own license sure is a major difficulty.
Yes actually it is.
But I don't get it. There's vi on Windows, there's Powershell. Sure, it's not like the terminal but it gets you lots of stuff Linux users claim to be unique.

And how can you even like xfce, it's like Windows 95 all over again.
That's nice but insulting me won't solve your problem which is that your boss is forcing you to use shitty software. Come back when you're ready to actually take a stand and fix things.
Guys, is this neckbeard post of the day?
you mean botnet docs?
lol no muh privacy
The GNU GPL is fascist
Yes. You still shouldn't use Windows.
>richard stallman is hitler and MS is the poor oppressed jews

This is what MS astroturfers actually believe
Don't want to risk fucking up the installation on my laptop and having to find tech support while I'm abroad in a non-English country. I plan on doing it when I get back.
I don't care. I will use it because I don't want to endure the Linux experience ever again. I'd rather chop wood than having Linux as my only OS.
>Didn't enjoy using GNU/Linux
>As a result decided to use Windows, the most cancerous operating system ever conceived

I can't say I understand your thought process, but I certainly one day hope to.
my games
Don't worry, you'll have a job someday
>Doing awful things is okay as long as your boss tells you to
Congrats, you're the reason why society is such shit
>the most cancerous operating system ever conceived
I like cancer then. Please, pollute all the cells in my body with this cancer, it's what I enjoy most in life.

It's worth mentioning I don't love Windows. It's just the least shitty of all current OSs and this is an indisputable fact unless you mix your communist politics into this.
my job requires me to use mac,linux, and windows. get fucked lol.
>your argument was that people are making non-ideologically motivated decisions by ignoring the license
Are you fucking serious?
I said that for normal users license usually does not matter and ideology around licensing for a rational user is more of an annoyance that anything meaningful, learn to comprehend text.
>Actually we were talking about the GNU/Linux operating system, not just the kernel.
Oh, so we are?
I wasn't aware that there is a hybrid of GNU Hurd and Linux kernel out there that is utilized in a system, or a Linux distribution compromised entirely out of GNU userland and nothing else.
>Most proprietary software requires users to agree to allow a third party unwarranted access to their computer as well as forbids them from reverse engineering the software to find out what it does. For people who want control over their own computers, this is indeed an unwanted action.
Jesus fucking Christ, don't talk about something you don't know.
Malware is malware when it performs malicious deeds, don't put your bullshit "for people who want control over their system" part, malware definition is universal.
>Agree to allow a third party unwarranted access to their computer
Oh, really?
Better give me at least a single example on this, shouldn't be hard to find since most software does this, shouldn't it?
>as well as forbids them from reverse engineering the software to find out what it does.
Prohibition sure is fucking equal to malicious activity.
>If anything proprietary software authors are the only ones who are so deeply rooted in ideology that they're beyond saving, because they think getting users to agree to this kind of abusive contract is somehow sustainable.
Yeah, standard, traditional economical models are ideological and your fictional "abusive" contracts are unethical.
>Literally the shittiest OS ever made whose entire purpose is to lock everyone in and slowly drain businesses of their money
>"It's just the least shitty OS guys comeon"

This has nothing to do with my politics and everything to do with MS having awful politics.
Citrix isn't stable enough for old laptops.
>Personally I don't advise people use Ubuntu for precisely that reason because I think it's a net loss for everyone.
Software that people want to fun voluntarily is a net loss for everyone, yeah, sure.
>Yes actually it is.
Right click -> copy -> middle click
Focus, anon! We are talking about Windows, not iOS. It's difficult to have a conversation if you don't pay attention.
> Think lying on a job interview is a good idea
neet detected
Computer Aided Design. CAD on linux sucks.
Why would I ever use amateur shit like Linux over a real OS like Windows? You'd have to be delusional to truly believe that Linux offers a better overall experience than Windows.
If you customize it right, it can look like os x, xp, 7, anything you want. I have a dark and modern approach on my netbook. You can really pull it off, xfce turns your desktop into a painting, and that 95 look you claim is just a blank page. WM themes, docks, dock panels, it's crazy.
But it is anon.

>I said that for normal users license usually does not matter and ideology around licensing for a rational user is more of an annoyance that anything meaningful, learn to comprehend text.
And again just because they don't care about the meaning does not mean it's not meaningful. The decisions to use software with a particular license still can have very real consequences. Your argument is literally "the user doesn't care about the law therefore it does not matter," try asking your lawyer to bring that up in a courtroom and see what he says.

>I wasn't aware that there is a hybrid of GNU Hurd and Linux kernel out there that is utilized in a system, or a Linux distribution compromised entirely out of GNU userland and nothing else.
Me either, it's a good thing I was talking about the GNU/Linux operating system and not either of those things.

>Malware is malware when it performs malicious deeds, don't put your bullshit "for people who want control over their system" part, malware definition is universal.
Okay then call it "unwanted software" or "harmful software" or whatever you prefer to call it that helps you understand that some people don't want it on their system.

>Better give me at least a single example on this, shouldn't be hard to find since most software does this, shouldn't it?

>Prohibition sure is fucking equal to malicious activity.
I don't know what kind of analogy you're trying to draw. For anyone who wants to ensure they have control of their computer, it's pretty damn suspicious being told to run a piece of software and then being told that inspecting its operation is not allowed.

>Yeah, standard, traditional economical models are ideological and your fictional "abusive" contracts are unethical.
Yes. Have you finally decided to address the arguments I've been making this entire time?
This. Literally the only reason I boot into Windows anymore.
>try asking your lawyer to bring that up in a courtroom and see what he says
>Implying I would be brought to court just for pirating Windows
gooby pls
>Software that people want to fun voluntarily is a net loss for everyone, yeah, sure.
No more like Windows by another name but not profitable in any way is a net loss for everyone.
>Right click -> copy -> middle click
You left out the "get sued" part at the end
I use windows because it looks 'ok' without ricing
dont want to bother dowloading DEs
You never know. To be safe you should just not use windows altogether.
Because I can't find the right Linux OS for me.
Because muh games
>And again just because they don't care about the meaning does not mean it's not meaningful.
I never said it is meaningless.
>Me either, it's a good thing I was talking about the GNU/Linux operating system and not either of those things.
Right, and what is your attempt at justification for calling it incorrectly then?
>Okay then call it "unwanted software"
PUP? Still wrong.
>or "harmful software"
Like a virus? Still wrong.
>that some people don't want it on their system.
And by some you mean ideologically motivated?
Give me a quote in licensing agreement in Windows that clearly states that Microsoft is allowed to access my computer unwarrantedly.
>I don't know what kind of analogy you're trying to draw. For anyone who wants to ensure they have control of their computer, it's pretty damn suspicious being told to run a piece of software and then being told that inspecting its operation is not allowed.
Welcome to harsh realities of business where your suspicion does not apply.
I was being sarcastic you commie.
Abstinence also greatly reduces the risk of STIs but I'd rather take my chances.

Not that I'm getting any, of course.
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games muh
>No more like Windows by another name but not profitable in any way is a net loss for everyone.
>You left out the "get sued" part at the end
That's why you don't leave it out.
Because everything it can do OS X can also do.
I agree with this. I understand that shitposting is fun but at the same time i don't understand why good posts like this one are always underrated.
>I understand that shitposting is fun
I will never understand how pretending to be an idiot on purpose is fun, like seriously what the fuck.
Linux is cool, I like the overall idea of using it but I also need some video/editing shit. My only conclusion is to install both or stick with windows and don't waste my time.
Just because you don't agree with them doesn't mean they're idiots.
Not everyone loves your shit OS
I don't know what you're talking about.
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I see that it's too late for you, windows is the aids of operating systems, you can never be cured.
>you have 10 seconds to justify not using linux

Linux sucks.

That took like .35 seconds to type. What shall I do with the remaining 9.65 seconds?
Punctuate better and I might give a serious reply.
The question is what advantages would I have using Linux over Windows?
>Welcome to harsh realities of business where your suspicion does not apply.
>"Don't worry about what's in it or ask any questions, just install it! We swear we won't take advantage of you later!"

Good to know you were a paid shill all along. The only harsh reality here is that people like you will say whatever bullshit like that that you possibly can just to get someone to pay you.
Well there are only disadvantages to using Windows, so you would actually be better off just not using a computer at all if you were going to use Windows.
>"Don't worry about what's in it or ask any questions, just install it! We swear we won't take advantage of you later!"
Nice strawman you retard.
What I was talking about is the fact that your suspicion is not a basis of inferior business practice, be your suspicion true or not, dumb fuck.
>Good to know you were a paid shill all along. The only harsh reality here is that people like you will say whatever bullshit like that that you possibly can just to get someone to pay you.
Shill gambit.
Speaking of muh gaemz, I'm so fucking hyped Star Citizen is getting a Linux port and Crytek is helping.
You're right, lack of trustworthiness is what is a basis of inferior business practice. MS just happens to be one of the least trustworthy companies on the planet.
>Shill gambit.
Live by the sword, die by the sword
I don't receive money from the government for having life crippling aspergers.
Web dev here. Please go fuck yourself. People like you are the reason why I switched from developing in H.T.M.L./C.S.S./JavaScript/[…] to C.

I enjoy general development but web development is just terrible the moment you have to consider Internet Explorer. Last time I had to make a website I.E. compatible, I had to put fucking JavaScript lines in my C.S.S. files just because C.S.S. property, even with the proper vendor prefixes, did not work correctly. It was for Internet Explorer 10.

For fuck's sake, what other web browser in the entire fucking universe could be that fucked up ?

>it takes literally hours to use google
If you take longer to do the things listed in your post than the time it takes a normal person to shit, you're clinically mentally impaired.
Okay. Tell Verizon, AT&T, Tmobile, and Sprint that iBwave and TEMS are totally not needed because some jobless, neckbeard virgin on /g/ said Linux is the way to go.

Protip: neither of those run at all on WINE, nor do they have alternatives, and even if they did (at one point we did with Wireless Valley, until Motorola bought that out then suddenly abandoned the project, then Moto got bought out by Google, then Google sold Moto... well, that shit's deader than Linux on the desktop), you'd still have to convince AT&T and Verizon to actually allow contractors and their own engineers to use them, which lololol not going to happen.

That's just my industry though. But I mean who cares about cellphones and smartphones. Those are just fads. (Ironic that the entirety of the cellular networks around the world are built and maintained by Windows-only software, and in fact a lot of the hardware itself is run on dumbed down PCs running NT, yet the smartphones themselves tend to run non-Windows OSes).
You can customize how it looks completely what are you talking about
If that's all you do and works fine for you there's not much reason to switch just for the sake of switching. In my case i have found a system where i feel comfy regarding entertainment and work. I also find that most of the free software programs have a very high quality regarding usability and design, and the environment i use is very customizable (KDE 4), i can just make it to adapt to my workflow. But you don't have to believe me, try by yourself.

Regarding politic reasons, i like to support open standards because i think that will be beneficial for a competitive market, and of course, a competitive market benefit us (the users). you know: better prices, higher quality products, companies will not be able to just get cocky and mistreat the users or make their terms of use draconian, etc etc. Another reason is that i just plainly don't trust Microsoft, mainly because i have seen their monopolistic practices, they try to hold their users by artificial means (pushing closed standards in a way to lock potential competitors from even try to enter the market), and not by giving better products or good prices. Simple: i don't like Microsoft + i don't like most of their products = i don't use their products. But that's my opinion, of course, any other opposite opinion is respectable because i know not everyone have my same convictions.

That's it, there are more reasons of course but these are the one i remember right now. In short, i like the product, their philosophy, their terms of use, and it allows me to do the tasks i normally do (you know: write documents, browse the internet, watch videos, play games like CIV5 or borderlands, edit images, programming, etc). I just think in the Linux based OS as worthy competitors with an active community of developers trying their hardest to deliver good software for the masses, doesn't matter if they are volunteers or full time payed employers, the love what they do.

It's not that I play the original oldfag. It's just that whatever web browser you develop your website for, it's never quite annoying. Of course, Firefox and Presto-based Opera can be a pain in the ass sometimes but it's not that frequent and preprocessors such ass SASS can help one to skip a lot of trouble but when it comes to making a fully Internet Explorer compatible website the best thing to do is a JavaScript file that detects the browser and then sends a special C.S.S. file just for Internet Explorer where each version of Internet Explorer had what it needs (you still have to remember that even when a given version of Internet Explorer does support a C.S.S. feature it is most of the time a buggy compatibility).

Internet Explorer respects fuck all in terms of standards, brings fuck all in terms of innovations, helps to fuck all in terms of development and fucks anything it loads up.

This piece of shit is one of the few but God-knows-how-powerfully-annoying reasons I am leaving web development behind me.
My sound card isn't supported and my mobo's audio is borked.
I'm sorry but "some company we bought software from demanded that we use Windows" is not a valid excuse either. This kind of nonsensical thinking is how Microsoft's cancer was able to propagate so far in the first place.
>muh games doesnt count as a justification
Actually, yes it does. I'd wager 80% of my computer usage is playing video games, and I have absolutely no reason to use an operating system that the games I play do not support.
>I am literally a slave to video games, therefore it's okay
Not a justification, sorry.
I use a laptop that is prebuilt for windows.
We are not slaves to the things we enjoy doing.
>a slave for doing something he enjoys
That autism.
You are when enjoying those things forces you to use a shit OS against your will

>dat broken logic
>butthurt wow addict detected
But that's exactly what a justification is.
Windows does everything I need it to do very well. Linux distributions would completely fail to provide what I want out of a computer. I'm sorry, but any OS you'd suggest does not belong on my computer.

If I didn't play video games? Sure, I wouldn't use Windows at all. But as it stands, why would I use an OS that doesn't do what I want it to do? You have ten seconds to justify that.
wut? seriously, why did you concentrated in that part of my post in particular?

What does /v/ have to do with video games?
Not in an easy way.
What you want out of a computer is to play games that you know full well will force you to use a certain OS. You're then asking me to explain why you would use an OS that is different from the one you're being forced to use. This is called "circular reasoning" and it's why video games are not a valid justification for using Windows.
You have no other choice. Windows is the only OS that lets you enjoy your childish hobby. Therefore, you're a slave to shit taste and a shit OS.
I like linux. I think it's cool. I might get a linux desktop but right now I use an MSI laptop that was pretty much built for windows. Why would I switch to an OS where nothing works like it was supposed to and I run into tons of probelms? Just o not be a "slave"?
Tried mint 17. Too many little quirks that pissed me off to make it my win 7 replacement. Ex. Won't remember screen brightness setting - tried all the fixes / workarounds still nothing.

Shit like this is not acceptable. It should just work period.
But Windows has never worked ever and you still use that for some reason.
because of the user interface

Aero > Aqua > Gnome > ..... > KDE > ...... > TheAmazingAtheist fisting rms and both of them shitting all over each other > Unity
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