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>Sitting on exercise balls Just a fad or is it beneficial?

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>Sitting on exercise balls

Just a fad or is it beneficial?
I know some of you are sitting on one right now
Fad, and a bad one at that. Also look at that guy's hunch.
shit hurts
what's the exact opposite of exercise ball? laying propped up in bed against the wall? because that's what i'm doing right now.
I ask because I have a friend who is thinking of buying one, but he is concerned about long term comfort and the quality of masturbation while sitting upright on a ball
A wobbling Aeron will provide you with all the benefits
Just imagine the back pain after 8 hours.
>have no proper chair for a time being
>use one of those shitty as fuck office chairs that cost like $20
>back snaps off of it immidiately
>eh whatever I should be fine
>2 weeks later
>back is absolutely killing me

Yeah, nah. Use of any chair that doesn't have proper back support will absolutely kill you. I'm not sure why anyone thought it was "cool" or "good" to use an exercise ball for a chair, but it's a godawful idea that could only possibly work for you if you only sit at a computer for 1-2 hours at most a day.

>exercise ball
>not Hula Chair

fucking casuals

>working longer than 8 hours
>masturbating while seated

top lel
I used one for a short while at my last casa. Fucking great, up until you get drunk and try and shitpost on 4chan.
it's beneficial if you are keeping your back straight.
it makes you move your back muscles in small movememnts for micro adjustments almost all the time, strenghthening your back muscles.
but if you are sitting like that dumbfuck, forget the benefits.
it's even worse than sitting like a question mark on a regular chair.

>not hanging yourself up by the legs and jerking onto your own face
It's fine if you don't sit like the retard in the pic.
But then again, that's the same as with any seat.

The big benefit is that it can enable you to stretch more easily when you need to.
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Quality of masturbation was better with an excercise ball.

>extend legs out
>balance on ball
>literally lay out flat while jerking off
>using legs to anchor on desk

Here's a diagram. Probably looked even stupider in person.

>mfw I am serious
>Doing EE AutoCAD
>Boss says to keep up with obongo health regs we have to have better chairs
>Everyone gets a hula chair
>Try to draw some diagrams
>Miss connections
>Circles aren't the right size
>Snap to grid doesn't help since I'm still moving
>Hear a crash
>Joe got stuck in his and it tipped over
>Erryone now walks janky-legged
>No work gets done
>Ford and Subaru are now infuriated
I bought some 200bucks chair from ikea. It is bretty gud. Balls suck just buy chair with place to put your head.
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i used AutoCAD once to create a plant layout for a steel factory, what are the odds of me getting a job
hawaian chair is so much better
Depends. EE? 'cause I got a job and I ain't even out of HS yet.
Comfiest masturbation position is straight upright on your knees.
Electrical Engineer? Nah, I had a job at the factory, the mechanical engineer there saw i wasn't old and knew how a computer worked and had me draw a whole plan of the factory
I thought it was bean bag chairs that were beneficial.
>Just a fad or is it beneficial?
Those are not mutually exclusive things.

When I had a crappy office chair, I found it helped me a lot vs sitting in that.
>place to put your head

Not sure I agree with that
Was thinking since I did it for a year and it was piss easy I might have a chance with it, ya know? Wasn't much formal training, I mean the ME trained me and all that but yeah
I don't think you can keep balance as easy at time of orgasm though.
That's why your legs are there to keep you from rolling backwards. It's kinda akward the first few times, but way better after you get the hang of it.

I've never jerked it in a computer chair though, just seemed awkward.
>don't think you can keep balance
Maybe for some sedentary loser
Do some core exercises fag,& it's easy
do you even orgasm hard enough anon
Even if you have a weak core, just roll the ball to the arch of your back.
yesterday I spent about an hour or two trying to find the perfect video, i must have analyzed almost 100 videos, but I was rock hard, i came so hard i fell out of my chair man
Are all tech jobs this retarded?
What ended up being the vid of choice?
that's what I'm saying
masturbating in an exercise ball will totally kill awesome orgasms that make you jump
>orgasms that make you jump
you sound like a girl, are you a girl?
A video of Tory Lane being gangbanged and basically slutting it up like a crazy bitch
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>please kill me
/g/ - Technology
Do you even self pleasure?

If you're not writing on the floor with cum on your face and a warm fuzzy feeling , you're doing it wrong.
this is technology you illiterate faggot
I'm sorry I'm not gay.
If took you hours to find such a tame "perfect'" vid then your taste is pleb as fuck.
Its convinenent if you can't sit still like me, as you can move around more. If you sit hunched over on one it won't do you any better than a regular chair. You can also throw/kick it at others easier, which is fun
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Yesterday, I edged for about 2 hours.
I take zinc supplements daily.

Jesus fucking Christ, I must have nutted at least 100mL of semen.

protip: doing this will get you smexy ottermode abs depending on how hard you have to strain to keep yourself balanced while orgasming
Chiropractor here, good for short-term use and long-term if you take pauses.
If you use those things, you need to straighten you back, not like in op's pic.
You get the benefits in working on the deep muscles of your back like the semispinalis and the multifidus = better protection of your back.
Doesn't help you posture.. it may if you straighten your back but the same apply with a normal chair. (sorry for the bad english)
work that core
you don't get it
the one rule of getting an awesome orgasm is to not have to concentrate on anything else other than the porn/imagination you're having.
Draw picture pls. For science.
guess asking for advice scared you off ;_;

>concentrate on anything else other than the porn/imagination

>not concentrating on the burn of a workout during orgasm

and this is exactly why you won't get laid. Tubby McTubberson doesn't get no play.
who said anything about me wanting to get laid
do you even basic forms of communication anon
Yes. Yes it did.
All I cna say is electrical engineer, even prospective ones, are in high demand right now since all the one that are engineering right now are kids who couldn't problem-solve their way out of an unsealed cardboard box or getting to the point where they retire.
>the one rule of getting an awesome orgasm is to not have to concentrate on anything else other than the imagination you're having.

imagine being 12 again and not needing porn to get off
>writing on the floor with cum on your face

>not wanting to get laid

>not concentrating on breathing, muscle control, pacing to achieve god-mode orgasms

do you even cum, anon?
What kind?
I'm 21, have watched / viewed plenty of porn, and in no way require it to get off. Imagination is sufficient.

Your problem lies elsewhere.
Ah right on, was just wondering if AutoCAD on its own might warrent a job, but it seems you might need something else to accompany, though i see a few postings for just autocad operators. Might aswell try.

Howd ya manage to get a decent sounding job like and not be outta high school yet? Sounds like good stuff man, you're set for a good future
>not being a wizard
it's like you guys don't want to reach the level of orgasming with your own mind
Any tips for an incredible orgasm? All I know to do is abstinate for a few days, massage prostate, and edge for a while.

Teach me your ways, wise sage.
Sitting hunched over is definitely the best posture.
Not him, but do all what you said, and if you can get your hands on some testosterone, benefit of that is you get some sweet dreams

aside from those things, cumming multiple times. Sometimes i go for one right after the other.
Enjoy your back support and not falling down every 10 minutes.
It will promote a fluid back and strengthen abdominal core. But pretty much you have to main tain good posture, it doesn't do it for you. If you slouch on a medicine ball YOU WILL develop a gut.
puts too much stress on your spine
Truth be told, I've been messing with electronics and electricity since ever. Got one of those cheap electricity teaching kits and finished all the projects before the next day, and I couldn't even read. That and it's my dad's friend, but I wan't the first choice (simply because he didn't remember me at the time).
It's pretty solid. Kinda wish AutoCAD had a linux port since windows drives me fucking sideways.
I'm a trap and I can already have no contact orgasms from anal sex
Yeah, I can hunch like that just fine on a regular chair.
looks like the women are the smart one in this office.
Sounds neat, the engineer where I worked was teaching some electricity stuff before my temp spot wore out, was a cool job while it lasted, kind of ideal. Oh man I feel you on that, the machine they had me working on was running XP and using AutoCAD 2002 but I got so use to it when I switched the latest version it felt shitty
So you masturbate while walking?
that's not a bad skill to have
The best seating "position" is to change your position all the time.

You shouldn't sit on a ball for 8 hours straight.
But alternating between chair and ball (and perhaps some other options) is a good idea.
I don't know how people jerk off in the shower standing up or in porn. I can never climax while standing
I masturbate while standing up leaning against a wall
I usually look like a frog standing up when I masturbate in shower
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Ball chair master race..

Got it because my chair broke and I had this in the basement. Bouncing helps get the blood flowing when you're programming. Helps force better posture too. Shit for movies though.
That's a joke.
That HAS to be a joke.
Try to masturbate and post results

we need data
Your dick is huge, It's half the size of your legs in your diagram.
>not fucking the ball
Smoke meth.

Or if you don't know any dealers, go to a bunch of stores with pharmacy sections until you find a nasal inhaler called Benzedrex. then google instructions on how to extract the propylhexedrine.

It's hard to get hard on propylhexedrine, but once you do you can fap for like an hour before one mighty orgasm. It's amazing bruh.
any wizards here who mastered long orgasms that last 5+ minutes? or are all of you 10secs babies

masterbate while sitting.. delays orgasm. If you want to get get a maintenance fap in do it kneeling.

Do a cwe on otc codeine pills. 60-80mg should do it.
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>I usually look like a frog standing up when I masturbate
I have no fucking doubt
It takes 40 fucking minutes.
>no rests or anything

Doesn't seem like a good idea.

Standing stations will at least prevent you from slouching
Propylhexedrine sounds good. Just take it until I'm erect? Or did you mean "it's hard to get high"?

The best orgasms I have are when I make a fleshlight out of a sock, a rag, a bag, and vegetable oil. I pinch the device between two pillows, lay down on top, and hump away. It's a dozen times more stimulating than even the tightest sex, and I can only last a few seconds. Can I expect to get a few minutes in with the propylhexedrine?

Also noted, thanks.
>Bouncing helps get the blood flowing when you're programming
So does riding.
It's just everyone trying to be Dwight.
probably just some startup firm full of hipster faggots that read a blog post about it
Standing at your desk is healthier. No hunchbacks to worry about.

Even better is walking at a slow pace on a treadmill.
only in murika
>not sitting on a custom dragon dildo at work
>not having a remote controlled buttplug with GSM capabilities in your asshole at all times
just a real big beanbag chair, maybe on a short table or something to put it up to the height of your work desk.

or a comfy mattress and go full neet-mode while coding. it's nice, though you risk falling asleep a lot more (not such a bad thing honestly)
>quads going unchecked
The white sticky kind.
The studies that showed benefit with exercise balls turned out to be very flawed.

Although the studies have long been invalidated, retards keep telling others to switch to sitting on these tard balls.
I masturbated while driving a couple times.
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It's the stupidest thing I've seen in a while. Why can't a healthy posture be a fad?
This is bullshit.

Recent studies have shown slight slouching is better for your back.

Do you have any links to any peer reviewed journals?
everyone has abs, in order to make them show you just need low body fat
Friendly reminder that chiropractic is patent-medicine hocus pocus and the medical equivalent of a proprietary rot13 encryption suite.
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I do this. Perfect for waking yourself up if you feel like you might doze off.

I just edge though, no orgasm.
Fuck off, this is 4chan. Does it say "google" in the name field? No, I didn't fucking think so. Look it up yourself, we're not here to spoonfeed you.

Sitting exactly straight up like in the diagram loads the spine causing discomfort and eventually damage. Slouching like one would on a sofa is roughly the most ergonomic position.
not if you rest your arms on the desk like that.
>/g/ - Masturbation
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Pls, anon.

I appreciate the correction, though.
there is no dedicated masturbation board. There's only porn boards.
You mean anal masturbation?
>Just a fad or is it beneficial?
>Carplates don't turn him on

>sample size of 22

Yeah, no


>gets butthurt when called out on bullshit
Isn't biology just natural technology? Therefore, penis discussion belongs in /g/.
When erect, I can't possibly stretch my foreskin into a semen receptacle and I never lose erection after orgasm, unless I concentrate really hard in boner-killing stuff. Those guys either have circus tarps for foreskins or go flaccid after an orgasm.

just claim you have ADHD like any sane person instead and get adderall
seriously what is the best option to not kill my back

Is there some sort of ergonomic light recliner thing where I have no pressure on any point and can sit for hours without killibg myself
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That pic always cracks me up, but I kind of feel bad for him too.
Does this look like fucking /a/ to you?
choose carefully the ball size
got a 75cm because my girlfriend is tall
great for her
my feet can't reach the floor
I'm 1.70
working with a dude on his ball is a pain in the ass because of that fucking noise
Is that TB?
>Being a manlet
I bet you use an iPhone too.
He goes by TC now
For years I've had a big blue yoga ball I don't sit on it while computing but it's fun to have it
It is.

What? What was he in the hospital for? Is he still there or something for you to feel bad?
lel xDDD
Cancerous growth within his anus
really? pffft
100% chance you've already caught the gay, anon.
Uh guys?

Probably great for stability.
lel he got poop cancer
If you really want to be healthy its better to stand

>Get employed by apple
>Designer. Spend whole day refining new innovative technologies
>Our employees need to be different
>Required to work 8 Hours a day
>Every second is counted.
>Dildo has heat-activated sensor.
>TFW it hurt like hell the first few weeks.
>TFW I Started enjoying it after the first 6 months.

I finally found somewhere I belong...
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>it's actually not
You ever listen to an old woman cough, and a very very old man laugh, put the noises together and that's what just happened.
isnt edging for that long dangerous?
It's not like your dick has to be hard for the entire 2 hours.
You're building up horniness and pressure in your testicles.
standing desk
>I'm Eggscellent
>those dreams where your fucking your first love bust a nut in the dream and wake up to busting irl

Did anyone else not have wet dreams as a kid?

I'm pretty sure this never happened to me.
If you started masturbating too soon - then you probably missed those wet dreams.
only twice that I can remember, about the same girl I used to be madly in love with a long time ago
I've never had a wet dream in my life.

However, I do wake up in the middle of the night feeling horny so I fap till I fall asleep.
I may or may not have worken up the next day with cum on my face.
Never had a wet dream. I've always been pretty sure that's because I masturbated way too much.
Never had a wet dream
Also hardly ever wake up with morning wood
>>mfw I am serious
You were masturbating while you posted?
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>Holy fuck I lol'd
>reddit face
And they're still here.
I have rheumatory arthritis, I'd imagine that I would look like quasimodo.
Oh, and just a terrible sense of balance.
Not the same guy but, it was a real thing.
who fleshlight here.
I legitimately had to take it for ADHD (and technically still should be taking it, but I can't afford it.)

The shit always killed my sex drive. Does it really help with that shit?
Concerta :^)
A fad, that shit will fuck up your back.
He looks like RMSs brother from a nother moma fucj OHH FUCK I JUST SNEEZED AALL OVER MY LAPTOP
>not using superior nip onahole technology
Cheaper than an office chair.
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my Daughter love these
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Standing stationary for long periods of time is pretty bad for you also, walking desk is the way to go.
And this is why you don't buy "gaming" laptops.
And I thought I was pretty cool doing it while driving 75 at night on a highway.

Playing porn using bluetooth speakers on the car (Ford Sync) is the shit.
>Bouncing helps get the blood flowing when you're programming
nigga you gay
>sit on blue balls
Doesn't help much for me. (._. )

>still has shit posture
wow it's fucking nothing.
Bravo g/entoomen that is the funniest thing I have ever read on 4chan.
you can pop a nut doing it that long
I have that same laptop and do the same thing when I am doing work on it. I have a little portable desk I lay things on for it.
your desk must be fucking heavy
they're pretty comfy
You almost made me get caught no tpaying attention in math class for losing my sides uncontrolably.
that's normal, how small are you?
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