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>work in a hipster web shop >get on a team of wimminz >they're

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>work in a hipster web shop
>get on a team of wimminz
>they're all web developers
>suddenly their website crashes
>they use outdated Drupal in LAMP
>IT send us a clear message of parsing error on this php file on this line from logs
>Even print us a page with some helpful pointers of possible causes
>one of teammates decide to have a meeting to go over the issue
>spend the entire hour talking how IT should resolve the issue instead of us fixing it
>start pointing fingers at random people in IT
>IT actually only deal with Database and Server Hosting
>I suggest we strap on XDebugger and start debugging
>my comment get ignored instead they want better process
>spend next 30 minutes talking about improving process (agile method, etc)
>bitch about how they only work with HTML/CSS as web developers, everything else should be IT's job
>I started my debugging process to track down the stack where things went wrong
>other teammates decided to involve their strong empowered female manager
>they all storm to IT (bunch of 40 year old neckbeards and Indians) and start demanding IT to fix the issue
>none of the IT folks deal with Drupal, some knew PHP
>manager scream 'WHERE IS PERSON X AND PERSON Z WE ARE UNDER FIRE' with my teammates
>3 hours later
>I finally tracked down the parsing bug
>fixed the bug, it was one line of code calling the object the wrong way (array way)
>mfw I still hear my manager screaming with IT
>work in a hipster web shop
that's your problem
Managers are shitty.

>hurr durr we need to hire the best people do the job I'm suppose to do.

fucking faggot shits.

I love when this type of shit happens OP, and then a day IT quits and everyone is worse off than before.
How can anyone be hired for their skill in html/css?

It only takes a day to learn.
IT are fighting back pretty hard - telling us we own the server and we have root access to get the job done. I agree with them we do and its our job to debug. It's just crazy there are some developers who refuses to debug
According to my manager she thinks 'attitude' means the most as a web developer. One time she almost hired a cellist because she thinks playing an instrument is passion, which translates into dedication in programming. I wish I was joking
jesus fuck I hope this is just bullshit or else I'll have full-on cancer by the end of the night
What's worse I think is their attitude about the situation, and I understand why their doing it.

Just people creating a little drama for no reason other than the fact that they can.

Let me guess on a good day all your managers take a laissez fair approach to daily problems, but hey when their a FIRE everyone YELL FIRE!
btw mark my words your president will have a meeting tomorrow about this and your job is going to suck after words.
>fixed the bug, it was one line of code calling the object the wrong way (array way)
Sooo... did they notice yet?
I told them they were happier than before but for some reason my manager and IT are still going at each other...

I think the problem is that I joined Visual Design team - half of the team is photoshopper (all female) and other half is developer (half female). After I joined the team I learned all male developers quit because they can't deal with the feminnazism of the manager.

You should die from a painful death.

Its obvious you should write some code to delete all of their shit which will go off at a certain day and then quit. Dont worry its obvious they could never find it. Haha
>One time she almost hired a cellist because she thinks playing an instrument is passion, which translates into dedication in programming
Programmer cellist here.
That's fucking hilarious. People who don't know shit about programming should not manage development teams.
OP made up all this green text because he hates women

more like:
>work in team of women
>none want to date him
>OP comes to has his man feels stroked by /b/
>faggotry ensues
>I told them they were happier than before but for some reason my manager and IT are still going at each other...

They want to fuck
>Managers are shitty.
Not all of them. In fact, of my 6 jobs (3 retail 3 software) I've always had good managers.
Hmm I wish I was making this up. If this thread is still alive tomorrow I would post my Drupal patch here.
this sounds like the opposite of the hipster web startups i've been in, where IT is the enemy and the devs want to do absolutely everything themselves

drupal doesn't sound very hipster either

my guess is the front-end team wants to be even more hipster and wishes they could just use node because javascript
they don't know node, mongo, or angular. They know - HTML, CSS, basecamp, photoshop, mac OS, gui drupal, and javascript (being generous, everything they write pollute global variable on the site).
Have you ever worked on a team of mostly women? I'd say OP's story is par for the course.

I've met women who've held long grudges against other workers for not doing their work for them once a long time ago, and spend the rest of their professional careers trying to sabatoge that coworker till it drives them to the edge of sanity and deep into lawyer debt.

I've personally experienced a female coworker taking a sexual harassment issue (more like non-issue) to HR, and later admit she was just having a bad day and had dental surgery earlier?! as if that was somehow justification for accusing somebody of verbal rape! which in the HR world is just as lawsuit prone as regular rape, and thus a liability that must be removed.

Seriously dude, women can react very differently to some statements than you might expect, and negative reactions are rarely displayed when they should be. I've seen it time and time again when a women seemingly accepts a harmless joke for what it is, only to hear about it later from corporate in the form of a stern workplace respect lecture.
why are women legal
Things to Remember When Dealing With Women:
>Never make eye contact
>No sudden movements
>Maintain at least a two-meter space
>Speak in a slow, even tone
>Never show your back
I got fired for saying "that was bitchy" within earshot of a pissed off woman.

She was actually yelling at one of our maintnance tech's, she straight up called him a murderer for joining the army in a time of war. I overheard it and said "damn, that was bitchy" to my buddy, we were like 15 feet away. I wasn't even watching them or anything, I figured she hadn't even heard me. I was completely uninvolved in their convo, but I got shitcanned by hr a week later because of it.
>IT not just tapping the SLA or contract and telling them to fuck off
Your IT is terrible.
sorry to hear that mate... jesus fuck why cant we just all just get work done instead of causing retarded dramas.
But they're beautiful social animals and men are mindless oppression machines that can't consider other people's feelings

You fucking patriarchy robot

see this is why I never bothered going into that field
I just cant deal with shit like that.
Code for a hobby. Doing it as a job in today's feminized tech world is just gonna cause a shooting spree.
You should have filed a complaint against her as well. If she was straight up yelling at this guy that's way out of line.
>there are some developers who refuses to debug

Seriously? How bad are we talking here?
You mean they wont even deal with compiler errors that they probably caused themselves?
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I swear I have to post this image 3 times a day.
I might as well start keeping it on my fucking desktop.
I agree, all women are the same. congrats.
PHP, HTML., CSS, and JS (not including use strict;) does not need to compile - they're all loose languages. why do you think so many freelancers uses PHP?
I know the guy getting yelled at filed a complaint. They both still work there, though. Somehow I was the only one out of line there.

> she straight up called him a murderer for joining the army in a time of war.

As a former military fag, i would have insta raged on that bitch. I wouldbt evebn be able to over hear that and not rage on her. I'm quite surprised he controlled himself, good for him.
underrated post, find another job and then do this OP, like a Y2K bug but it just says "fuck you lady cunt managers" and then rm rf the whole server
Bummer. If you'd filed a complaint at the time you'd have a pretty strong case for retaliation.
>has anger issues

Pick 2
Who the hell uses Drupal?

I just charge people for the same WP theme I got some sap to buy which I've reused and just changed the colors and designs slightly. WP is way better and the plugins and simple structure make it a fuckin doddle even if you know literally nothing.

I don't get why more people aren't in on the web design scam, even though I know JS I rarely use it on a job because you can sell people simple looking and performing websites and they'll love it. Even SEO I just use plugins I got my clients to pay for.
my company got suckered into drupal by a smoothing talking salesman for a contracting company. the vp actually paid him 100% in advance "because he was a really nice guy and walked us through the process".
nice fairy tale faggot
Yeah nah fuck those IT faggots, none of that would have even happened if they did their job in the first place
Kinda surprised they chose Drupal instead of Wordpress
do you know western women? this is typical behaviour of brain-dead western women. I'm not saying 'hurr durr women are stupid and dramatic', i've known lots of them that weren't, but they all also were highly educated, cultured and life-experienced persons who did not see themselves as "females" or "women" but "humans". Some of them(the best) even as "beings", throwing away the cultural image of the human as well.

But most people just watch tv, buy things, and have societal - instead of personal - ambitions.
>>they use outdated Drupal in LAMP

Isn't all of Drupal outdated?

i learned about this scam too late and i feel dirty trying to pull it.

>m-muh time of war
>m-muh crying eagle

you sound like a reasonable, calm/sane gentleman. Drink lots of bleach.
beta cuck detected
oh wait, we're on /g/
Man, I'm not that military fag, but I feel for the guy. Even if it wasn't mandatory and you ended up just being fooled by the government, thats not really something you'd use to spite someone with.

Its unprofessional as fuck, she's trying to manipulate him emotionally.

are you sure that you're not women OP? check out from mirror, since only womens complains
i hate warfags too, but she is another burguer, she lives like she does and has the easy life she has because of this men that go to die for her, she should shut the fuck up and suck his dick
>all the misogyny ITT
You MRAs need to fuck off of my /g/.
"throwing the problem over the wall" and pigeonholing doesn't happen in bigger companies?
Process is a magnet to useless people. 'Process improvement' would be useful in a workplace without politics, but no such place exists, so every solution they come up with just ends up adding more middlemen who slow the process down so they can remain employed.
Using unprofessional language like "bitchy" isn't getting the work done. Stop pretending.

He shouldn't have said that. Although I'm surprised that gets you fired and not just warned, so it's possible he did some other inappropriate stuff.
cool story bro
>she straight up called him a murderer for joining the army in a time of war
And the problem is what exactly? She was right.
>I wouldbt evebn
u mad?
>has the easy life she has because of this men that go to die for her
Obama plz.
Hahaha yes because the US would not exist unless they went to bomb some libyans and put troops in Iraq

Is this what americans really believe? Even the educated people in tech?
>Even the educated people in tech?
pick one and only one

she is profiting directly from these men willingness to endanger themselves, i can talk shit about burger warriors, but only cause i'm a thirld world faggot oppressed by your government's long arm, your fucking feminists should be shutting their mouths or at least stop having an easy citizen's life and get radical and try to stop wars

she is just a fucking brat
what is first world war, what is second world war, what is cold war, what is gulf war, what is pinochet, what is videla, what is cuba, what is vietnam, what is the league of nations, what is the onu, what is cocacola, what is motor oil, what is monsanto, what is microsoft, what is google, what is afganistan, what is irak, what is iran, what is libbya, what is the drug war, what is korea

fucking kids
>what is microsoft
not my four freedoms
Is collateral damage murder?
Oh yes, I forgot /g/ is all "autodidact" NEETs
>average PHP developers
The language is shit, so obvious people who work with it is shit as well.

>she is profiting directly from these men willingness to endanger themselves
PHP -- the containment language for shitty programmers. Moot should rename /pol/ to /php/.
go to see how people live in other countries, then think how your country actually maintains its power... if you think its because of fair competition then you are deluded as fuck
>your country
>implying I'm murrican
insulting your fellow anons like this should be bannable
>verbal rape
This fucking basement dweller has no idea what the army is like
>thinks my post is insulting enough for 4chin standards
you just showed this is your first day here
first day is the best day
I don't think he should feel guilty for not being an poor uneducated violent psychopath
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not even a supreme gentleman but i got to say typical for women working in such field.

the only females i don't mind working with are nurses.
female MDs are complete jackasses, even worse than male MDs.
>an poor

The fucking irony
not being a poor uneducated violent sociopath is unamerican
I didn't think one could be new enough for their "days spent on 4chan" count to seem negative.
I stand corrected.
100% garunteed, OP you should send an email to head of IT explaining that you're not in the group shouting and that you have already fixed the bug, by doing your job.

It'll go a long way for you at this point.
Some service people are alright.

when I worked IT for a uni, student services people were always pretty calm and collected, even when all their shit was down and they had 50 bone-head students yelling at them.

I guess they understood we were all in the same boat, they might have 50 people yelling at them, but they knew that mean't we had 100 people yelling at us, most of them the most pompous wankers you've ever met.
>anyone who uses the title 'professor' is 100% guaranteed to be the most-serving arsehole in the world with no regard for anything or or anybody else.
>>anyone who uses the title 'professor' is 100% guaranteed to be the most-serving arsehole in the world with no regard for anything or or anybody else.
Yeah, i remember my anatomy lecturer.
He made a bet with another anatomist who will fail more students at the end of the semester.
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>But most people just watch tv, buy things, and have societal - instead of personal - ambitions.
I don't see how this is linked to western women. It applies to 90% of all faggots who aren't poor as shit, because 90% of people are shit.
Deal with it.
If you were any better, you wouldn't hang out on /g/, btw.
Shouldn't all the MRA ITT be occupied with Lena Dunham?
>implying consumption is not for plebs
>implying 4chin isn't a very nerdy community teeming of resources, information, and people that are experts in their area, even if it also has an equal part of aspiring children

you'll see, spend enough time in this environment and you will start making choices based on understanding instead of blindly grabbing everything the mass marketing giants throw at you
>people that are experts in their area
what are is that? shitposting?
forgot to add understanding will come in the form of insults, mocking, and general humiliation
>no one in /g/ knows computers
>no one in /mu/ knows music
>no one in /b/ is a sociopathic porn saavant
>no one in /cgl/ knows 3d
>no one in /fa/ knows sucking dick
>no one in /adv/ knows to be cringy
>no one in /fit/ knows body building
>no one in /lit/ knows books
>no one in /pol/ knows jew's fables
>what are is that
my expertise is mangling english, /g/ood sir/madam
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>because of this men that go to die for her
>the primary purpose of the military is the protection of the population
Ha. Fucking ha.
nice shop
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you tell them
He's not tipping! WHY IS HE NOT TIPPING?!
gerfag detected.
this, except b
Congrats, your detector's working.
>OP comes to has his man feels stroked by /b/

Crossboarding shitposters are a myth, guys. Just saying.
>spend enough time in this environment and you will start making choices based on understanding instead of blindly grabbing everything the mass marketing giants throw at you
already spent some time, no. you are simply wrong.
/g/ is just /b/ minus the erection
>i forgot what tab i was shitposting on

Kill yourself.
>She's profiting directly
No she isn't. Our military industrial complex is though.
already did
>not posting as a zombie
Word choice doesn't affect how work is being done, you're clearly just another pissed off women. He has a right to say "that was bitchy" especially when he 'could' have been talking about something completely different.
>get on a team of wimminz
found the problem. Daily reminder that women are incompetent with technology and always will be. OP, I suggest you recommend you fire your co-workers and hire people who know what they're doing.
> i can talk shit about burger warriors, but only cause i'm a thirld world faggot oppressed by your government's long arm,
> because I'm totally shitted on that means the shit in my eyes makes me see clear

>checked my privileges
I came to the conclusion that due to my privileges my judgement is far more objective than yours.
What you gonna do, faglord?
>What you gonna do, faglord?
Tell Obama to drone strike you.
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sooo, most of these stories are made up right?
yes. /g/ likes to make up stories to demonize women for internet points and karma.
slashdot plz
No, women are stupid and shouldn't be in IT.
you forgot the story
I unzipped my dick
Fucked your mother
The end.

How's that for a story, faggot?
lacks a climax
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