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GTX 970

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What does /g/ think of the GTX 970?
I like it
Very sad that Asus' GTX 970 is very slightly too large for the NCase M1.
Coil whine.
Got an EVGA around when they launched, had some coil whine that wouldn't work itself out. Called them and it took about 5 mins to setup a cross ship RMA and they sent me a 2.0 card that has been great. Not a huge fan of their construction for these 900s, but I do like knowing their customer service will be painless.

In hindsight I wish I had gotten a Strix tho, ASUS customer service has always been good to me, too.
Yeah Asus is good too. Only real bad one for customer service is msi.
Pretty good but impossible to find and too expensive outside of the US
anyone have benchmarks for linux?

best bet is f5'ing newegg. they are getting more in stock all the time but they sell out really fast.
Oh look. It's this thread again.
Stupidly overhyped and completely unnecessary for most builds that have them. Its overkill for 1080p

>overkill for 1080p

Please do elaborate.
bought one last week. its still in its box as I'm doing a completely new build and wont have the cash for the mobo/cpu until i get paid in 2 weeks.
going for the 4790K devils canyon and an Asus Z97-A, 16GB DDR3 and a GTX970, possibly another in future if i get a higher res display.

From what i've read - very positive reviews. Britfag here - and theyre in stock everywhere.
A 280 is now $150. It will play all the same games at similar settings for 1080p and still break 60fps. If your using a 970 with a 1080 monitor, you're a fool.
Yes but so will a 650ti.
I thought ASUS had shit customer service for mobos.
Still trying to decide on what 980 to get.

>what is DSR

Also, a 280 isn't going to break 60fps on all games with max settings.
Why not two 970s?
Laptop eGPU here.
I'm bandwidth throttled because PCI-e 2.0 1x over expresscard/USB 3.0
Because I don't want to mess with sli and all the other things it brings.

smart man
> what is dsr

A sign you should get a better display
But 4k isn't decent for gayman yet. And the pseudo-2/4/8k will make some lighter games look nice.
1440 monitors exist
DSR is really for 2k+ though. And there's absolutely no excuse in 2014 for anyone to be on a sub-1080 monitor.
Still waiting for it to be delivered and the Asus PG278Q to be in stock again.
Some of us have 120hz monitors and cannot go back to 60fps, or even sub-60fps for the more demanding games. If you are happy with your current set up, good for you, but please don't project your personal preferences on others.

And a 970 is a perfect card for 1440p.
If that 120 fps is still 1080, you're a fool.
Care to explain why my three year old monitor makes me a fool?
Ah. The deafening sound of silence.
They're falling in price in Europe. A (reliable) store here in Italy was selling MSI 970's for 335€ + shipping. Amazon.de had/has Gigabyte G1's for 355€ (which became 362€ for me in Italy, but whatever, price was ok so I got it)

Problem is that there's next to no stock, I ordered mine on the 11th, Amazon.de just informed me it'll reach me on the 28th.
a) future proofing. A 280 won't be that hot in 2 years, a 970 will still be great.
b) Oculus Rift.
c) What you said is actually not really 100% true, a non-OC G1 GTX 970 will stay a little short of 60fps on some games at 1080p, like Crysis 3. I play 1200p so it's going to be a little more noticeable, but I can just dial down some AA to less insane levels and I'll be able to play locked 60fps.

But that's, like, the only game that'll give the card troubles sticking to 60fps at 1080p, so not really a reliable indication of anything.
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>Impossible to find and expensive outside US.

Very easy to find in the UK, and are on par/cheaper then 290's

hmm, maybe I got lucky. I had to RMA an Asus video card once and they made it easy. EVGA prolly the easiest to work with that I've ever dealt with.

Had a prob with a MSI board once and jesus christ that was a pain in the ass.

Only other computer related customer service that I've dealt with that was as bad as MSI was Sony. Had a hard drive die on a laptop that was under warranty and it took me like 3 weeks of phones calls before they agreed to fix it. First they made an appointment to send someone to my house, who never showed, then they told me to pay for shipping and they'd reimburse me, and they never did, then they kept my laptop for 2 and a half months to fix a hard drive.
I really want a 970, but I keep hearing bitching about coil whine.
Which manufacturer builds their 970 with the least coil whine?
I have the G1. Its nice

tbh I think a lot of it is overblown, tho a lot of ppl saying MSI has coil whine.

if you are getting like 300 fps somewhere you're gonna get coil whine on anything. maybe a lot of ppl are complaining cuz when they get to their games login screen and are getting 5000 fps their card whines, even tho that's totally normal. vsync can fix most of it, if not you got a bad card.
outright the best gpu on the market.
Issue overblown, as >>44694160 said.
There's a shit ton of 970 threads and I've read a lot of 'em to make my decision, and from what I've seen really few people actually bitched about their cards having coil whine, most people with whining MSI's had it go away after a little use afaik, and I've read just a couple of posts about Asus cards having it.

If it was a serious issue you'd see a torrent of tears and panic, guessing by how much GTX 970 shilling is going on on /g/ lately.
don't think i have had any coil whine yet.

but dolphin is performing poorly.

i think that may be due to my 3570k somehow though. no idea why but dolphin reports 100% speed and 60fps but it definitely feels like 30 and even less at some points.
my only complaint is that the current driver is kinda shitty by Nvidia's standards.
Got an EVGA 970 blower in. 1500 on stock voltage, a little fan curve adjustment and it stays in the 70s while gaming. Card is great except for coil whine. Hopefully the whine dies out over a week of gaming. RMAing with nothing in stock would be annoying.

rma it through evga. i called them and they gave me the advanced rma where they ship me a new gpu before I send them back my old one for free. just put a 1 dollar hold on your card that'll turn into the price of the gpu if you never send them your old one back.
I have a zotac gtx 970. Really quiet on load, luckily don't have any coil whine. OC'd to 1500 on stock voltage, don't want to push it any further since temps are where I want them to be and so is peformance (the zotacs are currently voltage locked if youre thinking of buying one).
Would it be possible to run two stock clock Gigabyte G1 970's on a single (good, of course) 650w psu? Or is that insanity?

It's an XFX Pro 650W semi modular.
Would a I5 4460 bottleneck a 970
Just get a 970 anyway. With a 980 you pay double the price for an 8% performance boost. The 970 is a terrific overclocker too, so that 8% difference is easily eliminated.

If you need more power than what a single 970 offers, either SLI or wait for new cards.
I want to get a pair of these for SLI, any recommendations? Normally I'd get blower cards for SLI, but the 970 apparently has very few blowers, and I've heard all of them use the GTX 780's blower.

Will I regret getting something like a G1 Gaming or Strix for SLI?
i think its too difficult to find one in stock
Got a Strix yesterday. Really good card, but it has the oft mentioned coil whine under any load(Even with frame rate limited) and even some annoying humming when idle. Going to RMA and try getting it again to see if I get lucky and get a card without the issue. Amazon is usually really painless for me but would it be better/faster to go through Asus for this?
would a cpu bottleneck a gpu?

What? Yes they can. CPUs can be slow enough to not be able to completely saturate the GPU's bandwidth throughput.
Yeah, get a single stronger card.

Fuck SLI off for anything not top of the line.

If you're going to OC them and push them hard you may run into heating issues, but for all practical purposes you will be fine as long as your case has good airflow.
Very good especially for the price points. Although I read AMD is bringing down their high end card to same price as the 970. compete. If that is the case no reason not to go AMD R9 290. But the power consumption on the new cards is very nice. Just bought 2 gigabyte 970s
I just bought an asus 970gtx because of dat silence, whats a good and extreamly silent psu to go with it?
>3 display port

Don't tell me you wouldn't buy it just for the god-tier input config. It's the perfect 4K on the cheap.
i dont understand why people are buying in this early, it's obvious nvidia is holding back the Tis until amd comes out with their response. then we'll get the good shit and the aftermarket coolers wont be sych ass
the 8800 gt of our time
I hope so anon, I hope so...

Try Amazon first, if they have in stock and can do it go for it. If not, go through Asus imo.
>why buy this generation when you can just wait for the next...

Why so stupid.
Obvious botnet

That doesn't make what the 970 is capable of right now any less significant. For just about every PC gamer, a single 970 is all you need.
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ill take fps over resolution any time, my 980 is crushing games at 1080@120hz
>Video card

Will you fucking tinfoil faggots get off the internet already. You are on a computer connected to a network. The government, intel, and Google already know everything about you. Why do you care?
What game is this!
That's a good hint that your card is overkill for your resolution. You could still have 60+ FPS at 2560x1400. A 980 is only going to start going below 60 FPS when you push multimonitor resolutions and 4K.
Ancient aliums.

yeah but it's perfect for games like witcher 2 where i average 135-145fps (drops to 70~ in cutscenes though), can play vsynced, everything maxed except ubersampling and bloom because i hate it
guys the strix or the g1? I previously had the twin frozr and it fucking had coil whine no matter what load it was under (even with frame cap) so i returned it to newegg. i heard the g1 sags since it's a longer card and a bit heavier, i heard the strix does not have too many complaints of coil whine? which do i buy? price does not matter either, dont care that the g1 is 30 bucks more, just want a card without coil whine.
>tfw firing up wow with a 970 right now and getting over 300 fps

dsr to push it or vsync, if not she's squealing.

Gigabyte is the best OCer
FTW is the best out of the box
Strix is the best for quality craftsmanship and noise.

And when you're talking OC'ing, all of the 970s OC very well. So you're picking the best of a bunch of all good choices.

That's why I like the Strix the best. It may not OC as well as others, but it's still gonna perform very well with lower noise and higher build quality than everyone else.
The 970 ACX FTW has some noise/whine issue apparently. I'd go with it in every other situation though.
As mentioned in my previous post, I did get one with whine, but it looks like you just have to get lucky. Otherwise it's a great card. Was playing Shadow of Mordor at a solid 80 fps with no drops. The fans not turning on until 60 is really great as well. Just ruined by the coil whine for me.

I'm honestly not believing most of the coil whine complaints anymore...from any brand. I mean sure, there are gonna be some cards that whine and need to be replaced, but like this dude said >>44696350
if your card is able to push ridiculous FPS on certain games it's gonna have coil whine. I think a lot of it are ppl who don't know what vsync is.
Crazy it fits the MSI and Gigabyte though. I'd totally buy the Gigabyte just because of how insane it looks. Maybe Asus will release a Poseidon that doesn't have as wide a PCB.
Should I get a 970 or try to rind a 780ti on sale?

i get a bit of whine in things like menus when i get 3 kajillion fps, never in game, i dont believe it's harmful and it's a minor annoyance at worst
At $360 I don't think that's something that should happen
>FTW is the best out of the box
Did EVGA fix their heatsink issue?
>yfw *k refers to horizontal axis and 1440/1600 monitors are technically 3k

>heatsink issues

If by issues you mean a lazily designed (or reused more than likely) cooler, then no, the FTW uses a totally different cooler design than all of those cards.

But it's worth noting that as lazy as that ACX 2.0 cooler is, it's actually performing pretty well.

That says more about the 970 than it does the ACX 2.0 cooler tho. You can strap a ceiling fan to a 970 and it'd prolly stay under 65c under load.
FTW uses a different cooler
trying to figure out which 970 card to pick up, I do want to try my hand at OC'ing the card which I haven't done before but there's so many 970 cards out there to chose from, any suggestions?
should i get a used r9 290 + Lepai LP-2020A+ amp + Micca MB42 speakers, or a gtx 970?

anyone have a r9 290 tri-x or pcs+? how loud are they when overclocked and overvolted?
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this is the FTW cooler, forgot the post pick. the 980 ACX 2.0 and the 970 FTW have these coolers. Everything from ACX 2.0 SSC and down uses the 2 big pipe 1 small pipe setup.
>reused more than likely

Heatsink is exactly the same as their 760 that had the same problem, just no one cared since it was a low end card.
>evga 8800 gts
that brings back comfy memories of playing crysis on decent settings for the first time
I work in the CS department of EVGA. You're pretty much right. The coil whine problem is that it's been happening a bit more often than it does regularly out of the box, and it picked up a lot of publicity. It seems to be happening for most GPU mfgs, from what I've heard MSI is also addressing the issue.
But we've had internal notes from the RMA department that the majority of those cards being sent in for noise RMAs are passing testing after they run a 24 hour load on the card.
Run 3DMark for a few hours. If after 12 hours it's not working, give CS a call. You get free 2 day EAR if you have a coil whine/fan problem.
FTW uses horizontal heatpipes and not diagonal ones. From what I've seen it looks like all 4 of them are functional 8mm heatpipes.

They haven't changed the ACX cooler.
so what improvement is this in horsepower over the 780ti?

The diff in the FTW style cooler and the 3 pipe one (which is really 2 big heat pipes and a small 3rd for who knows what reason), is only abou 3c from the tests.

EVGA prolly decided it wasn't worth it for a card that ran so cool to begin with. So they spent the money on the premium FTW line and the 980s.

But the backlash has been bigger than the actual problem, which has lead to ppl RMAing EVGAS even when they're not faulty. And EVGA prolly regrets it by now, since they're just straight up replacing 1.0s for 2.0s for free, and letting any 970 owner step up to a FTW.

They prolly didn't think ppl would care this much.
the FTW version is always overclocked out of the box although it costs more
>i dont know what coil whine is.
"muh coil whine" - a phrase often spouted by poorfags that are jealous of the things other people have
>If your using a 970 with a 1080 monitor, you're a fool.

I love this 'my shit cost $150 so you're a fool if you spend more'. Fuck you faggot. How about that.

I want one, but will likely settle on a used R9 290.
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Can't wait for my Gigabyte 970 to arrive.

Guess it means I'll be retiring my EVGA 670, I was sort of on the fence about whether it'll be enough of an upgrade but the price was low enough to sway me.

I'm also looking for a 1440p monitor to complement my two 1080p monitors (had 3 one developed a panel defect). I'm thinking either thinking the ASUS PB278Q or taking my chances with one of those Korean QNIX panels. Any advice?
Looks nice, but I'll probably just get a used 770 since people are selling them for under $200.

If you're settling for used, check out 770s as well. They've been selling cheap on Ebay.

I know because I sold one there.
Best brand to get? Or just find one in the best condition?
See my post here
I'm upgrading my trusty HD 6850 to a 970, waiting on it to arrive as well.
Yeah I'm probably just going to go for the Gigabyte. The Strix seems really nice though. :(

Probably EVGA for 700s. EVGA has almost always made great cards, the 900 issues aren't really the norm for them.

And from a reputable seller. That means a lot on Ebay.
mine had coil whine so I returned it. just gonna wait for AMD's offering and if it's shit i'll probably take another gamble at a 970 again
Never bought stuff on ebay before. Could http://www.ebay.com/usr/foxistoocool be considered reputable, or should I look for a seller with a higher score? I know there's risk involved regardless, but I'd rather reduce that.

The prices for them are around the same as the 290s. Ironically the cheapest ones are about how much I paid for my 7870 a year or two ago.

Thing is, I just want a really significant upgrade over my 7870. Not just good enough performance, but absolute overkill for 1080p so I won't have to worry. If the 780s got cheaper I'd look at one of those as well.

I think I'm just gonna wait a bit longer for prices to dip further.
That tells me nothing.
>z97 a
Enjoy your brown PCB and gold heatsinks.

Looks like most of their reviews are as a buyer. If you're unsure,

Tbh from the pics it looks like a Cyperpower PC or something. If so, I doubt they ever OC'd it.

Before bidding I'd message them and ask for a pick of the GPU tho. Only pics shown are of the computer and a generic 770 pic.
Doesn't a 7970 still crush 1080p though?
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Tfw 980 SLI.

Fucking poorfags
Yeah, I'm skeptical of a lot of the sales because of that. I should probably figure out what I want for my build though. I've been too indecisive about what I want to get (and often I have to switch parts on pcpartpicker because of price changes, usually from promos) so I never really got anywhere.
>enter game menu
>ear splitting whine
>cap FPS
>no more whine

Are people seriously returning cards over this?
>Tfw SLI 780Ti SCs

Sadly, yes. Sucks for manufacturers and sellers I bet.
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>Sold the first couple of weeks
>Happen to get an MSI during a random 'drop-shipment'
>Hear about rampant coil whine
>Get ultra, super paranoid and check constantly
>Dead silent
>Go to Microcenter to get a laptop drive
>They literally have all the major brands in stock

Tempting to get a G1 Gigabyte, but it looks like I hit the lotto when it came to coil whines

>Get a new graphics card
>That feeling when you upgr--
>Pull a 'grass-is-greener' and return whatever you got and get the other one
>Get that same feeling again about getting a new graphics card
Anyone get that same feeling?
I get that feeling whenever I spend money period
Might happen to a lot of people when the 390X releases, assuming it lives up to the alleged specs, doesn't have any major issues, and is competitively priced of course.

Still though... too many unknowns right now. At this moment in time I think the 970s the better buy. No point wasting time on speculation.
gonna move up from a hd 6670
I think the 970 is a really nice card for the price, and considering the performance it's a good deal.
From what i've seen, a vast majority are from autistic fags with their case open and putting their ears right next to their card. Even most of the youtube vids you can only hear it when they put the camera close the card at a certain angle.
if thats alien isolation, you dont have much to brag about because that one of the very few games that are actually optimized. people with gtx 760s are easily getting over 120fps.
What exactly is getting people hyped for that card? I heard some rumor about "3D ram" what improvements would that give?
Basically the only thing anyone can get hyped about is HBM or as you put it "3D Ram." It's stacked and works highly paralleled (if I understand the tech correctly) to have a much higher bandwidth. But it seems ahead of its time as the 980/70 shows with a 256-bit bus and almost enough to push 60fps on 4k monitors that aren't yet mainstream.
stacked dies are pretty insane if AMD actually pulled it off. the bandwidth you get is just ridiculous by ay measure. lower latency, better throughput. I doubt it'll happen but I'd love to be proved wrong.
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I'm hoping they don't because I don't want my 970 to become outdated after like 3 months, but I'm just a selfish prick like that.
It'll be outdated, but you shouldn't trade a perfectly good efficient card for a more powerful dragon that will melt your whole neighborhood.
I wouldn't worry. HBM isn't a magic bullet as memory isn't the biggest inhibitor in frame rates.
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Hurry up and get yours while you can, guys.

>traveling to the US in the 21th to buy a new computer
>have to hope for a miracle stock of 970s on amazon/physical microcenter because jewegg is just horrible
It'll be interesting to see what AMD will do with their temps for the 300 series. No point in being more powerful than a 980 if the card runs at 110C

What is?
Why do Koreans hate Displayport?
>What is?
Depends on the game (some are CPU limited before GPU limited) but typically the GPU.
Nvidia, so shit be default.
License costs more than DVI?
>a single 970 can do cheap 4k at decent temps or ultra 1440 gayman

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Not even once.
The new aliens game that just came out, I cant remember the name. I think its isolation.
Yup seems like a combination of things.

1. Fans dont start spinning until the card reaches a certain temp, thus some people are used to how quiet it is and are noticing the coil whine more.

2. The card is a beast and its probably reaching thousands of fps in some menus thus the coil whine will be louder than their previous card.
whats the difference between this one and the G1?

The G1 a backplate, higher core and boost clock, and is longer and taller.


You will see most if not all cards go in and out of stock on a daily basis. Just keep checking.

>telling people they're a fool for buying something
>recommend r9 280

Literally Hitler.

In all seriousness, 970 is justifiable at 1080p gaming. There are games out there (Crysis 3, Metro 2033) which even a 970 can't do constant 60 FPS at ultra settings. Not to mention you can DSR any extra headroom and future proof for quite a bit longer. Besides, once you've made a commitment to a graphics card, you're stuck with being out that much money. You can always just bump your monitor size up down the road. Also 280/280X are shit cards with a large portion of people complaining about artifacting and shitty drivers. If I was to hit that price point, I'd say either wait for the 300 series, the 960, or consider a 760, 285, or 270X instead.
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>selling the card for $100 more due to the shortage
>there's no telling when the cards will finally be in stock

>i almost considered buying it

God damn it.

Not always true. When it came out, SLi 760s was the smart choice. Much cheaper than 780/Titan with more performance in most games. For the most part though, I agree a single card is usually a waste unless you're already high-end.
Are there going to be 8GB versions of the 970 in the near future? And does it even matter?
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>Spicy Bomb's new house
Maybe when 4k monitors become more prevalent in the market but right now it's still mostly 1080 and 1440 monitors which the 4gb more than already handles.


No it doesn't matter. 4GB is enough to do 4k and quite frankly a 970 doesn't have the horsepower to go beyond that. The only reason I could see it being even remotely useful is if you did SLi 8GB 970s for surround 1440p/4k gaming since SLi effectively only has the memory capacity of one of the cards.
Thats strange. Just yesterday I put in an order for it and sold through amazon for $349 and said they'll notify me soon when it will be available.

Just checked now and there is no option to buy from amazon but only that one store extorting people for $100 more. Wonder what it means.
maybe a year down the line.
4 gigabytes of VRAM won't be something that will hold you back until ~4 years from now.
How bad do you think Black Friday/Cyber Monday are going to be with the 970/80s?
Oh my, American "architecture" is just so fucking ugly.
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dont be so sure
970/980 provide the holy trifecta for graphics cards and AMD doesn't seem to want to cut prices low enough to really force Nvidia to adjust pricing so not much. Maybe $20 off or a game bundle.
>Unoptimized textures = need more ram
>Yfw that's in Canada and is actually based off of frog architecture

>implying there will be any in stock

I talked to a guy from microcenter today and he told me the manufacturers can't keep up with the amount of orders and everything is selling out even before they ship them to the physical stores. Nobody has any cards, they are just allowing pre-orders hoping the cards get made fast enough.

He told me it's going to be at least two months for stocks to "normalize".
Atleast I'll be able to get all my other parts hopefully cheaper.
do some if not most items on newegg/amazon go on sale for Black Friday - Cyber Monday because I was considering holding off till then to buy the parts I need for my new rig
thats just some dick waving.
Lots of people are saying its hard to spot the difference between the Ultra and high settings.

Seems like it was just poorly optimized , or whatever you want to call it.

You can add all sorts of realism mods to GTA and make it look as good in terms of quality while not having these outrageous requirements vram
Usually, and Amazon. And thanks to Burgerland's extensive love of holiday shopping, sales last the week of CM too.
>He told me it's going to be at least two months for stocks to "normalize".
>I talked to a guy from microcenter
the people working in a retail store just talk bullshit to make it sound like they know.
Atleast it's more time for reviews to go up and general consensus on brands.
they're in stock in australia. keep in mind it's a $700 card here or something stupid.

The big problem here is that the manufacturers did not make enough cards for the launch batch and the demand is way higher than expected. He also told me that the manufacturers were and still are rushing the cards out, that's most likely the reason why so many problems across all brands and models.


He's a friend of mine. i trust his word.
would this be considered a paper launch?
The best two options are

>order from Amazon.com not a reseller on Amazon

Pros: They won't charge you until it ships, so you can still look elsewhere.
Cons: It could take a long time before you're up to get yours

>f5 Newegg

Pros: They don't let people order out of stock items. So when they get stock it's first come first serve. Be ready to order as soon as you find the one you want.

Cons: They literally sell out in minutes. And they're shitheads about it sometimes, they'll restock at like 4am.
Demand outstripping supply does not a paper launch make.
so? script it fool.
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i think it's for poorfag neets on /g/ who cant afford a 980.
no, because while stock is limited it is getting out to peoples hands.

I've got mine installed in my system.
Currently there are two EVGA 970s in stock on newegg:



I wouldn't buy them after hearing all the problems these EVGA 970s are having.

The two you listed are fine. They're not gonna out OC a Gigabyte or a FTW, and they're not gonna be as quiet as an Asus, but they're not terrible either. If you get a loud one you call evga and they replace it no questions asked.

I'd hold out on a Strix, but they're like a fucking yeti. I see ppl on /g/ talk about em, but I dunno of anyone who has ever seen a real live one in the wild.
I thought about getting a 980 instead of a 970 but I realize that the 980 TI is bound to come out and the price drop on the 980 is going to be worse than the 970 so I just couldn't justify it to myself to spend 60% more for 10% more power.
>forcing yourself into the grass is greener cycle

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Do you sincerely believe anyone who doesn't think like you do or shares your personal preferences are "forcing" themselves to think or act differently?

Just how massive is your ego?
>60% more than the 970

if you like to wait the 6 weeks it takes to ship it...

fyi the 970 is immensely popular and that drove prices up quite a bit. you cant get a gtx 970 for less than 400 mountainjewdollars atm, i paid 580 for my 980...
You're literally waiting for a card that isn't coming for quite a while. Now if you already are well-off, fine. But if you're in the need for upgrades, not going with a 970/980 right now is just silly.
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>if you like to wait the 6 weeks it takes to ship it
As I noted earlier, I already purchased it and I am expecting it tomorrow or the day after. I didn't mention it previously because it wasn't relevant but I bought it at regular MSRP.

>You're literally waiting for a card that isn't coming for quite a while.
Incorrect. I am waiting for a card that is available (though rarely in stock) now. I made my purchasing decision based upon a card that is almost guaranteed to come out in the foreseeable future. I invite you (re-)read >>44698696
>I thought about getting a 980 instead of a 970
This indicates I am getting a 970.

>blower design

You done fucked up.
I expected someone to have a petty complaint about that.

FYI - I have an Silverstone FT02B case which works better with blowers that push the air outside of the case rather than dumping it inside the case.
The problem is, how long will it take for them to send you out a new one with how out of stock it is everywhere.
as always, the third heatpipe is real
yeah, same. lots of 980s have blower designs but I don't know which have reference PCBs and which don't. I want to be watercooling it later on, and don't have to have to pay out of the ass for some custom waterblock for a design nobody has heard about
why bother with water cooling?
still cools the block just fine.
>What is overclocking
it's something fun to tinker with. I like tinkering and I like things to be as quiet as possible. if I can overclock and dump all the heat into a big slow fan + radiator setup, why not? I know it's not cost effective, but it's something I've always wanted to do.
>implying you need water cooling
Enjoy your jet engines or 100+ temps
Guess, you haven't read a single review on these cards then.

>golfclap for the retard
that's not to say the cards are silent, just quieter than the previous hair dryers.
you are a triple nigger autist
just did the same build as you
I don't even know what the response to that is supposed to be.
The cards aren't magically made with Nvidia No Heat™ technology. Overclocking them still will fuck your temps like anything else. And air cooling is one or the other unless you live in Alaska,Antarctica, Greenland, or Siberia.
to expand on that, even a small overclock will result in significantly lower efficiency.
Does anyone know how many cards these manufacturers typically ship out in a month?

Are these GPUs selling better than consoles?
I love the tests of factory overclocks who lose all the efficiency of maxwell and take just as much from the wall as kepler
>muh durahurtz
yep. linear increase in speed, exponential increase in power use. or something of a close enough approximation.
Which one /g/?
Asus for quiet, Gigabyte for slightly better overclocking and more power delivery.

Asus has a single 8 pin and gigabyte has 8+6pin, which I like better.
Palit. Nobody knows what the fuck it is.
>better oc
>better cooling
yeah, it's long
yeah, it's slightly louder
but, goddamn, the performance tradeoff is well beyond worth it
Gigabyte is overdoing it. No need for a 3 fan cooler when this GPU already runs cool even with max overclock. Also costs $20 more than the Asus, EVGA and MSI.

I went with Asus because it had a backplate. The performance out of the different manufacturers is very negligible.
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>better cooling
I don't know, my MSI runs at 68 with a wicked overclock, so unless the gigabyte keeps the card at like 60C or below at load I don't think it's really worth it to have 3 fans
has anyone here "pre-ordered" from amazon in this month? how long does it usually take for them to get some in stock?
Alien Isolation will run well (yes, with reduced settings) on my Intel hd4600... it's a very well optimized game.

Try Crysis 3.
What things it brings?

Ive had 560's slied fot 18 months and not one issue has ever shown
>tfw no strix in stock
>tfw getting the phantom
Yes, that'd be fine.
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>a more powerful dragon that will melt your whole neighborhood
>if the card runs at 110C

People always bring up the temps with Hawaii, but the issue was really only rampant on cards using the reference cooler. Non-reference temps aren't much hotter than any other card.

Fermi was the same situation: a stupily hot card with problems further exacerbated by a shitty cooler, but practically fixed with non-reference coolers.

I get that the damage the reference coolers did to the GPU's reputation has already been done and the stigma is there most likely to stay, but god damn.
Bought a normal 970 instead of a G1 because they were super out of stock. Is it such a big difference besides backplate and slightly higher BC?
Did just buy the last one before it went out of stock.feeling fresh
I need three moar!

Seriously though, I am irate I have to install X before I can install the latest .run

>still fuckin with grub2 and trying to figure out EFI vs BIOS & MBR vs GPT
>still poring over the mobo manual, random threads posts and in a shitty mood the handbook is half assed.
>alternative method (just to Fak with your head and mess you up proper like)

I-it will be a great card once I get things working right.
there is nothing reliable in Italy
Subjective. It looks like it was cut and crimped with a fucking hand tool.

nah their coolers are working fine. a couple degrees off the better ones from the tests I've seen.
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>mfw all other dealers sell those almost 100eur more expensive
they're easier to find in the UK

Anyway, I bought the 280x almost a year ago for the same price. What is the performance difference between the 280x vs the 970?
well i have my msi 970, if only i had something worthwhile to play
I have the MSI Gaming OC version.

Mine works very well, and even though I've heard a lot of people complaining about coil whine on it, I love it and I recommend it if you need a new GPU for a 1440p monitor(s).
cheapest is UK amazon: 304 gbp. still a little bit cheaper in Germany
>Usually dispatched within 1 - 3 weeks.
fuck. why are they so scarce? I just want to play my vidyagaems
I think I'll wait for 20nm cards

28nm has been out since 2011 now
what will happen if someone SLIs all three of them?
the galax 970 is the best, no reports of coil whine and highest recorded 970 overclocks.

It's the tri-x of the 970 series
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