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Help me seem smart

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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 55

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Help me seem smart
You know what to do anon. Go for it.
Because I want to berry my cock in you
cuz dat ass is ancient
Because i want to fuck you as hard as meteor hit our ecosystem millions of years ago
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Because you can dig into my pants and in there is a bone of some sort haha my boner haha
there's no female scientists, i was just asking as a joke.
Because having an interest in something as dumb as me (a rock) will feel like a huge waste of life
Since you are famed philosopher, Michel Foucault, who used his method of Archaeology to illuminate the inner workings of the history of ideas, which, before, had the myopia of contemporary perception.
Cuz you look dusty as fuck. Like I'd spread those lips and be hit by the curse of th mommy lmao
>Darwin once wrote in his origin of species of the survival of the fittest. Through millions of years of evolution, I have emerged the ultimate life form, the harbinger of your ultimate sexual satisfaction. Join me in coitus. Listen not to your brain, but to your animalistic desires.

But then again, I'm not autistic like you guys
MiLady, thouest heart is surely the greatest of all treasures. What wondrous joy the very though of uneearthing it brings me.
BC I have a rather large bone for you to examine ;)
But actually have a bone and use it as a club to beat her into submission then rape her.
But never call her again, only a slut gives it up after only one day of carbon-dating
because i heard you lured my daughter into an alley and raptor
"Do you know the ancient Egyptians used to fuck their sisters?"
>carbon dating
this part saved the post
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It does work
"Because I want you to dig in"
Then you send a dick pic
/lit/ pulls off what /fit/ failed at for centuries. like pottery.
Yeah, on fatties
now i'm no expert, but it looks like you have no chance here and are just validating her
can someone confirm for me?
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No, we ended up getting together and we've been dating nearly 2 months
She's lost 40 lbs since I've met her in December, reap what you sow
Holy... I want more
That would dry her pussy up so fast
40lbs in 2 months? Did you start shooting crank with this chick?
anon, that could be as long as 4 months ago

Just flex a 'cep.
/lit/izen detected

Anything work on faties and butterface.
dat nigga got locks like da maiden of mayfair

ima faint
Why do you post like a nigger?
Show me your tits you filthy whore or I'll stab your mum
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just bee urself
hearty kek
this reminded me of a thread i saw a few years ago, think it might have been on /b/

it was on kik or tinder or some dating app, somebody did an experiment to see how much of a dick you can be and still hook up with women if your profile picture is of a good looking dude who's in shape

so this guy we invented, chad, pretty much goes around calling everyone a shallow bitch, stupid, slutty, ugly, fat, etc and they just lap it up. he'll say all that and then they're like asking him where they can meet up and what they can do for him and shit

does anyone have a screencap?
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You gotta understand, carbons are sluts. It's not their fault, from birth carbon is told that their "special" and that it's "essential to life"by organicist S2J3W's and that it should bond with any other element it wants to. That puts carbon in a place power. Let's use my ex as an example, I was nice to her, shared all my valence electrons with her, but no, it still wasn't enough, she had hook up with another element on the side just to make a "stable compound" She even said she wanted to be with me forever. Well that FUCKING LYING BITCH only had a half life of 5,730 years! All carbon are bitches like that they don't wan't any nice elements, they only want douchebag elements who treat them like shit, they just want to get as many electrons as possible and our society rewards that. So the best solution is to do just like that and treat carbon like they want to be treated, like shit.
It's just chemistry.
it wasn't this exact thread but this is still funny as fuck
You have to be model tier for this to work, I have a friend who is pretty chaddish has banged over 100 chicks and uses this approach on tinder calling girls piglets and trout and he has a pretty slim success rate with it but doesn't give a fuck.
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OP checking in
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lmao welcome to the "guy who might buy me gifts" zone
what now though
>inb4 she asks you to send her 5 bucks
>that was pretty good
>are you free?
>want to meet?



Post letters to Nora.
OP here, dubs are what I'll reply next
>y-you too
>are you free right now?
suck dik
Goddamn even im moist.
Before we go on, I am obligated by law to inform you I am a registered sex offender.
womyn are simply infirior
God I'd love to syringe my baby butter into your cherry clam baby
Damn so close.
what the h*ck are you talking about? she looks cute as h*ck to me
I hope someday you will find a black man who will properly satisfy you. I hope you will let me watch.
I don't believe you.
how about i educate you about archeology ;) ?
Worst reply.

have you heard about a guy called Nick Land?
Wouldn't mind having you sit on my face so I could suck a fart straight out your ass. A shame my dicks on ice after the accident otherwise I'd be rock hard right now
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>I'm not autistic
kill yourself
my friend tyrone really wants to meat you lol
shut up you stupid roastie

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I really like the look of this girl

Help me
don't do this OP it's not even remotely funny or clever

say something about her tits instead
yo /fit/, this guy I'm crushing on just started weightlifting but he said he's "only going 3 times a week tho :(". I replied that 3 times is plenty and "I'm sure you're getting stronger already"

... Does that last bit sound condescending to a guy? I realized after I sent it that I might sound like I'm belittling him.
How about some Empirical research?
who cares, stop overthinking it
"Hey nice eyebrows. You look really confused"
Fair enough. Good advice.
Nah you're fine . Kind of a cute reply.

Do you do facesitting? Or fartplay?
this or youre not gonna get anywhere anon

tell her about roko's basilisk in a detailed manner
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No, but he does
> u


"Let me add to your apparent confusion. [proceed to talk about roko's basilisk in an austitically detailed manner]"
i dont know anything about roko's basilisk
LOL he fucking did it. The MADMAN
a-anon you better not have tried to make me mess things up with this girl

she's a real qtpt2
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your on your own now, buddy.
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you son of a bitch
oh man...


its not like shes gonna answer
Move on to the next one boi
My cock just died, can i bury it inside you?
say fuck you thirsty ass bitch nigga looking ass
I found that the girls you fuck up the most when talking are the ones you really liked


>matched ages ago
>haven't send a single message
>to top it off the first message you send, its you making fun of her eyebrows

yeah mate
Move on
Pls respond
it wasn't this one either, but thanks anon

the one i'm thinking of wasn't acting like an autist, he was being a dick. I specifically remember one 8/10 girl who he called a stupid whore, ugly, retarded, and all kinds of shit like that, and then she invites him over and tells him he can do whatever he wants to her. one anon replies, "this girl has a father"

might not be a screencap around

you do now
Are you related to Anne Frank? Because I want to Zyklon Be with you
You're not me you dumb nigger
>survival of the fittest
fake news
"Have you read Infinite Jest?"
You would need to be one to find all of the corpses I have buried

Is that a ring in your nose or are you just pleased to see me

You have cara develignes eyebrows and hannibal lecters stare
"sup bb wan sum fuk"


cmon :(
I told that to my girlfriend in college, who was actually pretty reserved, and she thought it was good too.

I honestly don't understand women's mindsets. That is one of the stupidest fucking pickup lines ever written down, it's a fucking meme for Christ sake, but women like it.

I don't fucking get it.
See >>15836
This was after I was already dating her and I was telling her stupid pickup lines, though.
lots of people, men and women, like dumb jokes, in fact I think being able to laugh at dumb shit is quite a positive trait.
The reason why you think it's a meme and so stupid is that you already heard it a dozen times on here.
Didn't it get a small giggle out of you the first time?
I put the STD in STUD and all I need is U.
I somehow got a tinder date. What do I do? Help me?
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It's genuienely funny first time you hear it.
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that's how you make a fat gf
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>nobody posted this yet
>eating in bed

why the FUCK would you do that?
damn, too bad I'll never be like this. Even if I tried, it wouldn't be sincere, u dig?
is this life on easy mode
These whores disgust me
Manasvi seems like an alright girl though
this line is so overused that it doesnt deserve to work anymore
Manasvi is a keeper man (ofc not a white girl..)
>that one indian girl who seems smart, but then invites the guy over once she's done her with her bitching about "I'm not a slut like other girls"
Bit depressing.
flowers and chocolate is so overused but it still gets them every time

why fix what's not broken
just because she says she might want to grab pizza sometime doesn't mean she's going to let some random stranger fuck her right off the bat. Nothing wrong with getting to know someone a bit first before spreading your legs for them
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Well wtf do I do now guys...
when in doubt whip it out, big fella
B-but she's kinda fat

Not disgusting fat but still...
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so she thicc?
ask for her phone number
Idk, all her pics are from cleavage up
Tell her she's a used up slut.
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Send a dick pic and see if she wants to fuck. It's not like you're signing a contract if you don't wanna, just ignore her.
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Lauren was a fucking savage
just kidding haha
in that situation you need to pre-empt her by asking for 5 bucks first
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Last one is her number

Is it usually this easy? I'm not usually this forward...
>im not usually this forward

that's why you dont get results, dummy
Why do you think they want to have an actual conversation with you on tinder?
Idk man somehow this seems gross
all you did was flirt and get a phone number
The sole purpose of tinder is for you to fuck sluts. If casual sex with loose women doesn't appeal to you, you shouldn't be using tinder.
>meme pickup line
I mean it's a meme here, I've never seen it used irl though
d-d-d-does this really work
Is there more of this?
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>that's why you dont get results, dummy
I can actually hear her drip the sauce
what about the girls saying "i just want to find a serious relationship hereee"
naive or lying
This, women have the attention span of a child. Cause they are fucking childrens.
it's all a mental game. stop being a sissy and just go for what you want.
>just because she says she might want to grab pizza sometime doesn't mean she's going to let some random stranger fuck her right off the bat.
that's exactly how it works
oh ye poor fool

find a chad and tell him to show you his facebook pictures, then tell him to point out every girl he has fucked
He doesn't get it my dude

If she actually just wants to get pizza you definitely wouldn't meet at her place
That's code for they want to get fucked by a guy who wants to fuck them at least more than once.
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>this fucking thread

/fitlit/ is a work of art
This post was obviously made by a girl
an, you illiterate dipshit
'you've unearthed something old and broken.'
Are you taking the piss?
is this what lit is like?
is*, you illiterate retard
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>a friend of mine wants to hang out with me
>she has an amazing rack
>but no ass
>literally no ass to speak of, like her chest sucked all the potential from her ass
>she is also vapid

do I hump and dump and hope for the best, guys? We have A LOT of friends in common and I know she would tell them.
Beyond this, she is vapid as fuck. I don't think she's ever read anything outside of really shit genre fiction.

What do?
>I don't think she's ever read

LOL who gives a fuck reading is for fucking faggots and nerds kek
U wot m8???
>what do?

missionary my friend, that way you dont have to look at her flat ass but see her nice rack
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>bad credit score
>girls on the internet
It thought we already talked about this ?
I mean to actually talk to the dude a bit first, those other girls in the picture give off the impression that they'd fuck the guy right as they showed up on their doorstep.
It'd make sense to actually talk to the dude a bit first just in case he gives off bad vibes or something, but then again that'd be the smarter thing to do, and these are just whores

she never specified getting pizza at her place, she could have very well meant to go out on "date"

Nah, I just have a very poor outlook on casual sex for being degenerate
>Nah, I just have a very poor outlook on casual sex for being degenerate
You have a very poor outlook in general.
That would work desu but thats a bit boring, i guess it is the only solution though.
"I like your dark eyebrows."
But that's an anthropologist you dump trucks
>she never specified getting pizza at her place, she could have very well meant to go out on "date"
might be one of those slags that use dudes for free food.
Honestly it's the most-used positions for a reason.
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holy shit this never gets old
I know but I like dominating women, like tying them up and stuff.

That's part of why I am hesitant
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he was too good for this world....
Three ways:

1. you on top, her tied to the bed railings (or whatever

2. her on top, handcuffed and blindfolded

3. man up and dive into psychological bondage. Force her to undress you and fuck you all without physical restraints (either through threats or blackmail or mind control or whatever).
this is /fitlit/ bro

step 1: get her ass to the gym, and get her doing squats

step 2: get her to the library and have her start reading some books
>it's so dumb it may actually work
I guess I'll just go for it
anon be honest here how many girls have you met that have even read a book?
What do I do on a blind date?
Not giving a fuck? Yeah. Just a month ago a dude I haven't seen in like a decade was asking me to send him pictures of my dick after like one conversation. Didn't even try to pick him up lmao

>t-this only works for fags
sure :^)
>You have a very poor outlook in general.
Why's that?
We'll all turn into monkeys.
My friends (not the bitches I fuck) are generally not that stupid.
>we'll all turn into monkeys by not falling to our pure animalistic desire to fuck anything that moves
No I'm making fun of what you're saying.
sorry i'm not used to /lit/ humour
Oh. It's a Zizek reference.
Poo poo pee pee caca nigger fart shit penis
uhh, yeah I'll guess I'll just use my mind control powers
>australian """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humour"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Anon I do hope you weren't planning on using actual, real-life threats/blackmail.
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I mean I'm not exactly experienced in that kind of thing
If it comes to it you can work that into the roleplay.

>H-hi I'm an apprentice wizard and -- Oh shit! I accidentally mind wiped you with my wizard powers! btw suck my dick

Okay you get the picture.
>I do hope you weren't planning on using actual, real-life threats/blackmail.
where do you think you are?
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Actually friendo, this is Aussie humor ;)
sorry i wasted your time
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> carbon dating

fucking kek
im really enjoying this board
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every time

hey /fit/ how many calories are there in sour grapes?
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>Darwin once wrote in his origin of species of the survival of the fittest.
No he didn't
if he knew how to eat he wouldn't be fat!

>You and me baby ain't nothin but mammals so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel
Do you want an enjoyable experience watching her big ass bounce up and down or do you want your dick to be buried in the flat lands but watch her twin peaks bounce up and down?
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What do I say next
Yes he did, he also wrote about flying to Jerusalem on a donkey.
Tell her that you have a hidden body you'd like her to uncover (((;
Tell her to read it to you
She lives 20 miles away from me
When I go on the interent eye brows
You can't drive 20 miles?
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Are we just doing a tinder thread, I got this one a couple months ago.
>Would you like to know where I've hidden my body?
>In your bed.
That's a long way for pussy
>Are we just doing a tinder thread
wanna know how you are only /fit/?
>Well, I can make you feel ACTUALLY raped, if you'd like. :)
Has anyone tried the same with a 10/10 stacy pic?
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I am only /lit/ though.
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>Can I have a mug of milk coco too, mummy?
I dare you, faggot.
Well, dubs already >>27144
Would this work on guys if you had a picture of a beautiful woman?
this isn't going to work, I promise you.

Even clever girls are still a slave to their primal sexual urge to submit to the pure masculine
She sounds dumb. Tell her that you want to just get to the fuckin
He should say:
>I just calculated the square of pi.
And she is like: "Ooh?"
>Yeah, it's rooted firmly in your pie. ;)
That is the most awful thing I've ever heard.
>you regularly make women you have no sexual interest in laugh because you aren't being a turbo autist around them
It hurts.
What about:
>I must be a Cajun...
Her: "Why?"
>Because I'd love to taste your crawdad. :P XD
tell her her taste is shit and that you dont date plebs
the best kind of raped :^)
Wow and I thought I was an autist with no social skills. It looks like this woman has me beat.
you better have replied to her, she's actually got a sense of humour
>5 days ago
>no reply
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Kek u blew it
Haha, holy fuck.

Can I use up one of my other dubs like: >>27211
>Text girl in the afternoon
>She hasn't responded in a while


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Top shit lad
t. manlet
Just picture them as 'pleasure receptacles'.
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Because you are a bright person, who perhaps did not mature emotionally as much as you should have as an adolescent (or are somehow hindered in that regard), and you falsely believe that everyone else in the world perceives the same shortcomings in your life that you do, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy in the end.

Forgive yourself my man, you are a good person with many positive qualities, and you deserve to be loved.

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Yawn....it's back on
>I stole the crown jewels, I need to hide them, any ideas?
Her: "What?"
>I know! Can I bury them in you? ;)
Oh, faggot, nice way to recant.
>I might be kidding about that, but I'd like to make kids with you.
Holy shit that's one of the nicest things someone said to me on 4chan thank you
mummy mummy me want milkies!
*grabs tits*
*sucks nipples*
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>tfw trapped in a relationship

OK long story short, we met on this livestream app and we instantly kicked off. Thing is, she leaves a few states away and we're both poorfag students.

The relationship obviously isn't going to work, so I want to end it. However she is constantly texting me "I love you so much" and telling me how I'm her only friend.

TL;DR: How do I break up with a girl I've never met without breaking her heart?
>Are you an empty yogurt pot? Because I'd lick you out.
Now tell her that you want soitroast her with your boy Jamal
Since >>27522 was a waste.
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kekked hysterically
Block her and never contact her again, that's what I'd do.
You need the punchline:
>I know! Can I bury them in you? ;)
Also >>27533
Don't ignore my winrar you cuck.
Finish the Crown Jewels shit then do my winrar
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Oh fuck my life... :'D
But that will break her heart anon, she has me on social media as well
You just need to talk to her about how you think it won't work.
It's going to hurt.
fucking gold
This needs to get sexual, fast.

Tell her your going to pick her up for a nice dinner, then set her back down on your dick.
Well guess what, that's what love is. It sucks man, but this girl deserves to know the truth.

>Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.
Rolling for this, after >>27533
holy fuck
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Holy shit my sides
>Are you a chiropractor? Because I need you to massage my bone.
It's over. I wasn't going to drive 26 miles for pussy.
That's like a half hour drive.

You're dumb, could have convinced her to drive to you retard.
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the most magical of boards
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Kill yourself.

>hurr I dun wanna drive that far
Okay then get her to drive you dumb faggot, whores are fucking easy as shit to manipulate.
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>easy as shit to manipulate
>Hey want to come over?
>Have sex in my parents house.
That wasn't going to happen
How is it that you are consistently half delivering these lines.
this is /fitlit/ not /shit/
how are women this fucking stupid

these threads depress me
>tfw I used to be chubby and dorky so girls would never give me attention and now that I can get any woman I want I just reject them all out of spite
I'll never enjoy anything and I don't even want to anymore.
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lol looking for intellectual qts interested in meaningful relationships on tinder? mmk.
to be fair, there's a certain amount of leeway you've got to give for that.
No girl would really want to date a chubby dorky dude like how no dude wants to date a bitchy landwhale. You can't just spite women for not expecting them to have liked you when you weren't desirable.

I understand where you're coming from though since I'm a chubby autist myself
audible kek
>You two
>uses 'ultimate' twice in the same sentence.

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