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>zyzz had 2 cups of oats for breakfast Cooked or uncooked?

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>zyzz had 2 cups of oats for breakfast
Cooked or uncooked?
You measure oats raw ya doofus

He knew what hot water would do to him.
2 cups of oats is like 700 calories on it own.

No way that nigga had that amount of calories for 1 ingredient in 1 meal and stayed shredded.
Apparently not
he was on roids nigger
Does nothing if you're overeating.

The roids just make your body lose fat easily when in a calorie deficit, but if you eating stupid amount of calories you stay fat as fuck, as do many steroid users who can't cut because no willpower.

Zyzz had fuck all calories, he came from being a skeleton, all of his gains were purely from steroid use. If he actually consumed a shit load of calories he would have been a lot bigger.

Based on all the shit he spouted back in the day I'm sure he never consumed more than 2.5-3k calories a day, and just had the drugs adding the mass.

Even at his height/weight to stay how lean he was all the fucking time, there's no way he ate shit loads of calories.

If he was on 4-5k+ calories, he have probably sat around 15-18% bodyfat, but he never seemed to be above 8-9% so I'm going to assume he was def at 3k or below and using the drugs to keep the mass and stay lean.

Remember, he literally never bulked, he wa never fat, he started steroids 1 month into lifting, he literally never learned to eat properly, he just ate like a bro/skeleton would when they first get into lifting (fuck all calories) and relied purely on the gear for his growth, it's part of the reason why he had to take so much grams of gear per week, because he just didn't eat a lot, and needed to up the dose until he was satisfied with his gains, without ever actually learning how to make best use of his gear....because well he didn't even care about being built fat big, he just wanted to look like a Greek god, he only required lifting and steroids for that with a normie diet, if he wanted to take it to the next level that's where combining diet and gear usage to maximise gains.

He didn't care about that. He was happy with the size he got from blasting gear without worrying about eating a lot during his cycles, since he could get big from the gear and stay lean due to not force feeding like most steroid users do (who are all 15-20% bodyfat)
t. jelly fatso
Didn't read
do you expect us to read that shit?
I appreciate this anon. It opened my eyes to the amount of steroid use that zyzz did
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