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/plg/ - powerlifting general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 319
Thread images: 40


4 p is 4 putus
pants and romaleos say to me more like blushu starter pack
Virtus just took us to the BEST Italian place
Was it Buca di Beppo
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How do I fix this absolute bullshit?
No bullying and please respond
thanks to the person who recommended nsuns

also found out that I have my wrists way too much back in OHP and bench press
I bet no one will respond to this, very sad.
Just fucking tell me how to fix the hip shift.
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Fix what, exactly? Your partial nudity?

you really squat that wide? your vertical jump must be shit, powerlifting is only way for you as being athlethic wont ever happen to you

hip shift is caused by muscular imbalances in your legs atlethiclet
Stick a squat plug in there
Squat stance has nothing to do with how athletic you are lmao, it's about leverages and ankle-mobility
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who is this kid again? i keep seeing this pic and other pics of him in disc..
when are you going to post a pic of your boner
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this comic always gives me a raging hardon
Fcukin hell this Norman khan was just ITCHING TO COME OUT







alright im back again with another question for you fags after you saved me with my squat form.
Currently at 320/200/365 for 5RMs and progressing nicely on SS with a light day on Wednesday.
I aim to do rows on days I bench but it seems to put a lot of pressure on my lumbar spine especially after squatting heavy. When doing Pendlays I touch the plates to the ground but this requires me to break at the knees and open my hips a bit and its very hard to tell how much I am cheating the reps.
So what kind of rows should I implement or do you have good queues for barbell rows? You guys gave me some queues for squatting that I never learned from starting strength book or various yt videos.
Chest supported cable or seal rows should keep the stress off your low back
stop that. come back when those numbers are in kg and youre not a shitlord

also S E A L R O W S
Lads is there an upper body/bench equivalent to SSB and RDLs? Like a low-skill, low-risk strength movement you can just hammer? Dips maybe?
Not entirely sure, but check out
I'd rather say pushups tbH. Adding resistance by plates or bands.
Not sure why but a fuckload of fatigue has crept up on me the past couple days. What should I do? Should I just turn this into a yolo peak and max? Take a deload week?

Yeah, that's a good option too
i had the same thing just last week and i deloaded. i feel fine now.
is one of your leg shorter than the others?
I had the same problem then """"fixed""""" it by taking a slightly uneven stance (one foot a toe more forward than the other)
Same, but I had to take one additional rest day because my gym was closed and I'm kinda fine now.
>not sure why
Hep/burn/. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's lacking a bit in the fatigue management aspect.

Deload in some manner. Cut two thirds of the volume and work back up, for example, something like what you did when you started it.

I should mention that you cannot really expect to be completely symmetrical, but it's worth looking into how much you can fix it and you might end up being unable to even slightly adjust it. If that's the case, and you're not experiencing any pain, it's quite possibly not an issue. An expert, hands-on opinion is very valuable, mind you.
>work back up
over the course of a few sessions*
Not unless I have to do meet prep or no other program works for me, preferably

Yeah, sounds good. Wonder if I can manage a week longer to finish the current progression without getting injured before deloading... Biggest things that aren't recovering are my quads and low back, but it's mostly my quads. Maybe soaking in some hot water for a bit will help.
man why do i feel like a complete fuckface after an hour an a half nap?
my squat hasnt gone up in 4 months, 160kg currently

recommend me a program, I'm coming off of TM. pls help somebody
Could at least get an extra night's rest, then. You'll pick up where you left off before a deload anyway, tho.

Had to kill my WiFi for the night, so I'm just going to fuck off. Later.
A nap isn't enough to wash the fuck off your face, chum.
Gonna be off for 2 days after today, so already on it :)

Eating more and trying harder. Height and bodyweight?
you miss trappy
5'9 200lbs
lmoa I have better squat at 165lbs and that's high bar
mine is highbar too im terrible at squatting for some reason

meanwhile i deadlift 550
p is for prutus is alive?

i thought he killed himself after trappy-chan got exposed
oh nice I can barely deadlift 185kgs, my squat is almost that.
He's alive, shipping out soon
Both /QTDDTOT/ ignore me so I'll ask you guys.

Started SL5x5 2 days ago from 35kg/45kg/60kg/80kg and 45kg Power Cleans instead of Barbell Rows.

1. How should I do Barbell Curls and Lying Tricep Extensions? The SL app says 2x8, but the SS book says sets of 10-15. What do?

2. I'm a fat fuck that can't do a single Chin up. How do I work around this?
Do SS and just do the fucking program.
B-but 5x5....? A-arms assistance exercises...?

I already subbed in Power cleans instead of Barbell Rows.
Just do some curls
if youre that weak you dont need any arm assitance`do chin up negatives
Sigh. Shouldn't I do both?
my calluses hurt, what do

I trim them with a sharp knife and chalk the shit out of my hands, should I also use climber's salve? any other tricks?

inb4 sack up

Try using a pumice stone instead of a knife.
Dunno, literally never ever had this problem. It doesn't even hurt, my skin is just harder and more rough and that's it
You can do triceps extensions and curls, you can do whatever the fuck you want. What you SHOULD do is squat and bench every Monday and Friday and deadlift and le press on Wed. Yes your press will stall a little faster but who gives a fuck.

For arm pump stuff, higher reps, 10-20 reps for a few sets near/to failure. Can't do pullups? Negatives then lat pulldowns, you'll be able to do a few in a couple of weeks.

Also yes, you're super new and week, so mostly focus on the compounds and if you feel like it, hit the pump stuff. I like the Wendler approach, every day do a push, a pull and a lower or ab exercise for about 50 reps. Like dips or DB bench/press, pullups/cable rows/facepulls, and lunges or ab wheel.
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hey /plg/, can you tell me why my deadlift form is shit and what can I do to improve it?

i couldnt get a better angle because my gym is small and crowded

God gave you fucking legs so use them next time also I hope that weight is in kilos
Sit back more
>What you SHOULD do is squat and bench every Monday and Friday and deadlift and le press on Wed.
I see your point, but the program alternates days A & B, meaning for a while I will be Deadlifting on Monday and Friday every other week too.

>For arm pump stuff, higher reps, 10-20 reps for a few sets near/to failure.
So 3x12 or 3x15 and the "near failure" part will come from increasing 1.25kg every session, just like the other lifts? Can you confirm?

>Can't do pullups? Negatives then lat pulldowns, you'll be able to do a few in a couple of weeks.
Duly noted.

Might throw in some Face Pulls since I'm pressing too much (BP/OHP).

I know it does, I forgot to add that the Wed DL sesh should also be 5x5. Don't be scared of deadlift volume, 1x5 once or twice a week will "work" for a while but you'll stall out hard. Do some deads, get big and strong.

For arm stuff, weight will vary day to day. Try to add weight when you can but if you accidentally hit a set of 23 on curls because you went too light, it doesn't fucking matter at all.
Seemsgood.png about the arm stuff.

I don't know about 5x5 Deadlifts, sounds like a completely different program for further down the line. Like 5/3/1 or TM or something.
It is a different program. It's better. 5x5 is a great rep scheme, esp for a novice, and deadlifts aren't some mythological hyper-taxing exercise never to be done for multiple sets.

Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Push/Pull/Lower x50 reps in 3-4 sets

DL 5x5
OHP 5x5
Push/Pull/Lower x50 reps in 3-4 sets

Give it an honest three months (obv adding 10lbs each DL session until you can't) and see if you get bigger and stronger or smaller and weaker. More deadlifts will make you a better deadlifter and beef up your back and hamstrings.
Nigga no one in their right mind should suggest 5x5 deadlifts like that. 5 total sets of 5 with work up and backoff, sure. But 5x5 working sets adding 10 lb a week is just asking to fuck your shit up.
Or get fucking jacked and strong. Sure, eventually you'll have a workout that's 5,5,4,3,2, but just follow the SS deload protocol and move on.
I should add that no one in their right mind should suggest multiple sets of five across three times a week adding weight each time either.
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>didn't get the job I was really hoping for
>spent the entire day playing video games and wallowing in self-pity

Time to get back to filling out applications, I guess. I've been enjoying what was basically a two-and-a-half month vacation (with consistent job applications), but I'm running out of money.



You're stiff-legging it, which probably makes it a lot harder. You're also hyperextending at the top. Your goal is to stand up with the weight, so leaning that far back at the top is unnecessary (it can also be dangerous).

So basically, just lean back at the bottom and not the top.
>tfw becoming a pretty goddam decent cook

Feels good lads. Spend that big $5 a month and get a NYT Cooking subscription.
>These are the kind of people giving advice in /plg/
5x5 deadlifts is an awful idea. 5x5 deadlifts with weekly progression is even worse. Show me any reputable novice or intermediate program that uses that deadlift scheme.
Why do people keep bullying me for squatting low bar instead of high bar
because you're a weak shit and low bar looks fucking pathetic when you're not squatting at least 250kgs
SS and SL don't and those are the only two "reputable novice programs" that exist. Sheiko would certainly having you doing higher volume than 7.5 reps per season, as would any other reputable PL coach. Going from 185 to 195 to 205 week to week is pretty fucking reasonable if you ask me. Not to mention a lot of people find squats more injurious and taxing than deads.
>Going from 185 to 195 to 205 week to week is pretty fucking reasonable
Not at 5x5 working sets.
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I've been having some lateral/posterior hip/glute pain. Thought it was piriformis related so I was doing 3 minutes of pigeon everyday but that hasn't done shit to help.

It's really mild, like 3 or 4/10 and comes and goes. Any idea on what I can do to fix it? It's only on one side, my right side.
why is that though. That reponse is the one I get everytime but nobody has provided any sort of calm non offensive arguments yet.
why are high bar squatters this insecure about their squat bar position lmao
Yes it is. Especially if you're gaining a pound a week like most novice progressions call for
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Here's a picture of where it is
hey boys been deadlifting only once a week for 1x5 working set and it hasnt been moving one bit (I think its actually deteriorating). My squat is going up nicely (10 lbs. per week at 325 current for 5 rep) Just scared to start adding weight on diddly due to bad form. Any tips based on the vid? That is 385 but I can feel my form breaking down
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FORM checc pls
10 lb a week on deadlifts is reasonable for novices doing 1x5. 5x5 deadlifts is stupid. Notice how not a single novice or intermedia program suggests 5x5 working sets for deadlifts, because that's guaranteed to lead to burn out and stalling, plus form degradation for novices.

>People who think 5x5 deadlifts is a good idea: some anon on /plg/
>People who think 5x5 deadlifts isn't a good idea: literally everyone else

How about you dedicate yourself to doing 5x5 deadlifts once a week with 10lb progression and tell us how it's going after 4 months?
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>300lbs is planned bench opener
>135kg is 297lbs
>137.5kg is 303lbs

Watch the donny shankle video on hand/callus care.
>chalk the shit out of my hands
Chalk dries your hands out and makes calluses worse/more prone to cracking. Make sure to wash your hands when you finish lifting.
I did it when I started. I pulled 4 plate at 155 lbs after 7 months. I pull 6 plate now at 193 lbs. Never had a back injury.
137.5 dont be a bitch
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pls check form friends :)
dont they have microplates so you can do 136.25kg? Or atleast 136.5
Apologize for taking a vertical video first.

That's what I'm thinking but it'll fatigue me slightly more and I'm in an 8 person flight.


Attempts have to be in 2.5kg increments unless it's a record attempt.
well I figure vertical would suffice since I didnt need to capture much...
That's not an apology you little shit
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sorry bby
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Has anybody here done Jim Wendler's 5/3/1? How was it?
so do I
I am restarting powerlifting after long hiatus. Which is currently no.1 /plg/ approved program. Would like something with a tad lower volume
I forgot, beofre i dropped it because of demanding collega i think i was an intermediate-ish lifter with 170/110/200 @ 80kg
Did anyone ever dig up the RP hypertrophy PL template? I've been looking but I can only find the bodybuilding templates.
Did you completely stop lifting/trying in that time period or did you just stop competing?
Restarting strength
Is it ok to do bench programs for weighted pull ups?
Do that super cool chin-up program by anonymous
I did some bodybuilding, some benching, but nothing structured and frequent. I did some random squats and deads last two weeks and i dropped maybe 10 kg on squat and 20 kg on dead, bench is about the same, maybe 5 kgs better
But most pull up routines are garbage
They're what you make of them
I'm looking to put a program together using Cowboy Method for squat but something else for other lifts. Anyone put together a program like this before?
use the bench/deadlift programs that come with the ebook
>thought I was watching trap porn
>reach climax
>notice the "trap" actually has a vagina

Mfw accidentally masturbated to straight porn
How do stop being depressed and get my shit together
Just be depressed for a while, then eventually, and I say this totally un-ironically, but build momentum.

And what I mean by that is yes, be depressed, but soon begin to make small positive changes and ramp up the changes as you make more and more bigger and more frequent jumps in your life.

You can't do it all in one go, you have to build momentum.
Start small, and let it all build up.
>have my shit together
>still depressed

What's gonna change anon
On that note, do you know if the percentages for your monday and wednesday sets are based off your initial 1RM for the entire program, or if you adjust your input max weekly based on your 10/8/5/3/2 rep max sets?
what muscles should I use to lift the bar during power clean? ive looked up tons of forms videos but my form is still hot garbage i dont know how to not lift with my arms
I just started Starting Strength.

Is it normal for lifting to make you extremely hungry?
so linear progression? thanks i'll try

do you have friends or a gf?
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>mfw the latvian girls eyes lit up when I said I'm learning her language
posted this >>42548499 in the prev thread

few anons came up with RPE-based suggestions.

alternatively, could i also consider nuckols 2x dl program / cowboy method DL version (tho that's only 1x week).
Did you mention you're learning Latvian because you have an obsessive crush on a Latvian girl you never met before?
Quit bullshittin op, that shirt is off the hook

>This is the people's cock!!

Things The Rock says during sex for $800
Will Panzer dare I say finally lose virginity?
I did them based off of each weekly max and it worked pretty good, but I was hitting rms based off of calculations for around a 5 pound increase in 1rm per week. If you're doing true rep maxes it might be slightly different.
I'd do the cowboy method DL version but replace the deficit deadlifts with paused dl and maybe drop the percentages down by 5 or so.
Or you could do 5/3/1 with a 3x5 FSL for diddlies but that might be a bit much if you actually do an AMRAP of the last set instead of doing jokers until it feels heavy.
>I'd do the cowboy method DL version
tho i dont like dl'ing on wednesday. can it still be done on friday?
also is that enough volume for only once a week dl? or does it imply to still do additional variations on another day for added volume?
The book suggests that you do additional quad/hamstring work every session for a good 3-5 sets and gives some suggestions for different exercises.
I did split squats and weighted back extensions and they worked pretty good
Depends what you mean by "Cowboy method for DL". If you mean literally running Cowboy method but for DL instead of squat, you can do that but that feels aggressive. If you mean doing DL once a week like is suggested for Cowboy, he just plugs in Cube method for DL. You can just do that program if that's the way you want to go.
Happened because you're doing hepburn it happens to everyone but you didnt listen
How often are you trying to do other lifts?

One thing that comes to mind is combining Cowboy Method with 5/3/1 or nSuns for deadlift/bench/press.

Monday: Cowboy squat
Tuesday: Bench nSuns/5/3/1
Wednesday: Cowboy Squat, Deadlift nSuns/5/3/1
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Cowboy Squat
Saturday: OHP nSuns/5/3/1
Sunday: Rest

You'll probably need to deflate your deadlift numbers for doing them after squats, but the rest should be fine.

Alternatively you could line up a 3 day bench program with Cowboy Method, although that would still lack deadlifting.

If you want to keep up deadlifts you could reduce the percentages of the Wednesday session on Cowboy Method and do deadlifts first, while also doing deadlift variations after the Monday and Friday squat sessions.
more like hepburnout lmao
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Who here /backpain/?

How have you taken care of it?

It's my gf. I waz just trying to get your attention for my q
I only have a 250 Wilks. Should I wait until I have a 300 before I compete in a local comp so I don't get embarrassed
yes. in response you should extremely eat
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I need some fucking help. I'm 4 weeks out from my first comp and I know this is not enough time for a huge change, but I'm at a loss on how i should approach my lifts in this time frame.

My gym lifts are 405lb squat, 510lb Deadlift, and 235lb bench @ bw 160lb. Yes fucking 235lb. I have a torn labrum in the right shoulder and undiagnosed problems in the left, so my progress is slow as fuck.

I was going to run smolov jr for bench and squat but I'm unsure how i should program in my deadlift. If i dont touch it for 3 weeks, it's gonna suffer so... what do??

Pic related... its me.
Ideally my attempts would be (lbs)
Squat, 395, 405, 420
Bench, 210, 225, 240ish
Deadlift, 485, 500, 515ish

Any tips or advice??
Traps and maybe biceps? I don't feel any strain on my ceps but it seems like they play a tiny role. The bar bounces off of your thighs and you imagine that you're pulling the bar onto your delts, but you can't do that unless you get your elbows under the bar. Once the bar leaves your thighs, it's almost as if you're trying to upright row and barbell row at the same time. But remember, your arms won't bend at all while the bar is below your hips. Practice hang cleans to get it right, friendo
This video really helped me out with my power clean form
been away for a while, how is /plg/ these days?
Dead basically.
what is the cube method?
Hey guys,

I've been running standard Texas Method (replaced power cleans with speed deads) for a bit now, and want to swap to the four day template. I'd value some opinions on two questions

1) Barbell rows from the floor or from a hang? I assumed from the floor but ten is pretty big set for Pendlay rows.

2) Swap LTE for neutral-grip incline dumbbell press - yeah or nah?

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>Forgot pic.
I told you to never reply to my posts you cunt
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Weigh ins in 4 hours lads. Lifting starts in 6.

Get hype.



AND Mr Mobley
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bring trappy back she was the life blood of /plg/
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good luck
If it's an opener you should still easily be able to do 137.5
She was never here lad. Just let the general die. I will be here to turn the lights off.
haha okay raffy
I wanna try some lifting shoes for the first time, any recs?
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tell her latvia is just a shitty version of lithuania
Are you me from a wormhole or something?
I have more rights to turn the lights off than you

I have posted every single day for 1048 days. Without missing 1 day.
Tight psoas on the right side. Get a sports massage therapist to iron that shit out. Also work on hip flexor mobility.
Lowball it you dingus, it's an opener
Question about Texas Method.

On the light days, are squats 80% of Monday's 5x5 or 80% of the 5RM?
the first one
Never mind I think they are.
So if my 5RM is 142.5. Then my 5x5 is 128.25. So my light day would be 102.6kg 5 reps of 2 sets.

Sorry I am a mathlet.
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Look, mama I made it to CBUS
reminder to use RPE for volume day
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what you doing there
I've done Nuckols/Perryman Bulgarian to peak for meets a few times, worked well enough, and four weeks is enough time to get some benefit from it. Just don't be super greedy and you should be fine.
They've got cameras set up. I'll see if there's a livestream or smth. The plg crew isn't lifting for another 4 hours though

Being a GDE to make the talenrchads feel better
that would be dope

We start in 3.5 bongs
What is RPE?
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Rape penetration evacuation
Rate of poop evacuation
Thank you
Don't tell me what to do with my son.
Good luck to all you lads. Not sure I'll be able to watch the stream.


Concentration curls, pinwheel curls, leg press, and SLDL.

>the rest

Dunno yet.


I get back pain when my glutes and hips get tight, especially if it's uneven (like from an old couch or something).

Lots of stretching and some walking helps a lot.


Yeah, that'll happen on Hepburn. I think at this point, he would have recommended switching to the alternate program, but you could also just take a deload week.
good form, look more straight ahead than down if possible, other than that you're doing well
how many dicks did you take?
>took a week off lifting

My stats have gone from
65kg ohp > 50kg failed
180kg deadlift > failed 140kg
100kg bench > got 90kg

(Haven't tested squat yet)


What's happened!!!
>tfw benching 335 singles rpe 4 but doubles rpe 9001

I'm on this stream :)
why are you on platform 1 and alex is on 2?? hes a bigger talent chad than you

Because I'm a 105 and they're 93's.

have you contracted AIDS
I've completely lost the energy and thus motivation to keep powerlifting

I have had insomnia for close to a year now. I have a severely bad quality of sleep when I do sleep, and frequent all nighters have destroyed me.

I can't lift heavy. I keep leaving the gym after 20 minutes because I just have no more energy
I take long periods of rest and never recover
I am getting smaller and weaker

I want to bodybuild but I haven't a fucking clue how
Powerlifters and bodybuilders compete. You're just a casual gym enthusiast.
I run powerlifting programs

I am a recreational powerlifter.
Bodybuilding 101:
Read that volume landmarks article on renaissance periodization. Then read all the different body part specific articles (iirc a single central hub article links to all of the above). If you have any more questions after that, watch everything Mike Israetel has ever said on youtube. Dude knows his shit, regardless of his obvious steroid use.
No such thing good buddy.

>he forgot that off lifting doesnt mean also off eating week

nooo imma be at work
ey i have the same thing. No idea what it is. DO MOAR HIP MOBILITY BEFORE ITS TO LATE FOR YOU
considering im weak at push ups will doing pushups ed make my tricep bigger?
Me too. I think it is from sitting crooked and then squatting and having inactive muscles and fucking myself up.
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>didn't get the job I was really hoping for

That's a very bad feel, I'm sorry to hear that friend.

Gonna go to the shitty commercial gym before work and do 45mins of upper body fluff


The brand new Brand New album, it's kind of shit.

Kind of pissed because the meet I was planning for in october got shifted to winter 2018 and replaced with some unsanctioned deadlift in costume halloween party silliness.
Good luck man.
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Im doing candito's LP with the Hypetrophy template and I've come across one of his videos where he lays out his volume day like this (first second of the vid):


This is a silly question but wouldn't it be better if he did the Close grip BP (One of the optional excercises) after the bicep curl and prior to face pulls?

I always thought that face pulls should go after shoulder pressing movements but I guess in the end as long as you do them in the same day it doesn't matter. But I think he overkills the triceps too early with those first three movements.
I did the vanilla version and hated it. Training each lift only 1x per week sucks. If you do it, do something were you do 5x10 OHP after bench, and 5x10 bench after OHP. Same thing with squat and dead. Just do whatever so that you train each lift 2x per week. Maybe not necessary for deads I guess.
Hype, good luck lad. Smesh it
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>I wonder who could be behind this post
tell me your latest Norman Khan experience
Where and when do I watch /ourboys/ lift?
It's over you missed it
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pic related

30 mins
Shut up sean you're just jealous no one will ever want to watch you lift. Assuming you're ever gonna start lifting in the first place.
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Powerlifters compete in the sport of powerlifting. You're just a guy that does S/B/D.
I wonder which stinky pajeet could be behind this post
It doesn't matter if you do them on the same day. You can even buy some bands and do 3-5 sets of 50+ reps at home every day if you want to. There are lots of ways to ensure joint health.
Actually if I posted a livestream of me lifting everyone in this general would click the link and watch ESPECIALLY you KEK
That's mostly because nobody knows whether you've ever set foot in a gym.
Zahir comes across like a douchebag but his competitions are really entertaining
>bomb out and start cussing
>hit huge weights and start cussing
Either option is great. If he doesn't get banned from competition for insulting other lifters/judges/countries while on the platform.
Running the nsun 531 meme, 4 day version. Today is a bunch of conventional deads and front squats. My top set is 455 x 1+.

Just had a triple serving of oat bran with dried cranberries, cinnamon, and honey. A glass of keifer. About to drink a pot of black coffee.

Probably another Irish traditional and Irish pub rock day.


Good feels today. Went out and got drinks with a qt last night. She got up and ran 23 miles today for her marathon training. I would rather have a PL gf, but there are no PL gfs here. She seems nice. Looks like Cameron Diaz.
No it's mostly because I am your ruler
Bow down before your king, peasant
haha okay MasT
Start time has been moved back to 1:30 lads.
Open on 3 plates or you're a pussy

Second attempt is gonna be 142.5, first is 135.

Lick my butt anon.
Can you wait until after your meet? The sweat really enhances the flavour.
I 've been running Hepburn's B routine for quite some time and made some gains on it but eventually went stale.

My question is : Will switching to the A routine (4-10 singles) make me lose muscle due to the decreased amount of volume per workout? 4 + 5 singles = 9 total reps for the first week sounds like extremely low especially for bench press and ohp thinking I would be close to 50-60 reps per week per lift towards the end of a cycle
You got the letters switched. Either way, pic related is the pump phase for that variant of Hepburn. That, combined with starting off with ~90% for your working sets will be more than enough stimulus to maintain or even grow muscle.
LOL a fucking rapid fire of Norman khan turds came barrelling out of my ass into the toilet

Now longer Of Norman khan are dripping out and they STINK

desu I thought the link above was the most accurate source of hepburn's program so I used the lettering there and where is also suggested not to do the power and pump routines in the same workout
the fuck did I just write, it almost makes no fucking sense, still dizzy from my lower body workout lel
Weird how there's so many conflicting things. Either way, you won't lose any muscle doing the routine with singles.
I hope sewan is shittinf himself to death lads
Google the agile 8 stretch program. I do that shit before each workout and it helps like a charm after a few months (I have an injury sensitive si joint)
cant wait for these trips to be doxed
Oh so a recreational powerlifter, ok
its been over an hour why hasnt it started yet

Please stop snapping your shit. It's disturbing to watch.
Lads help me out here.

Havent squatted/deadlifted in three or four weeks due to what appeared to be something disc related (pain to the right of lower spine when reracking squats). I've been doing McGill's big three since then and trying to decompress my spine a bit. The last time I squatted I had pain reracking even on my first warmup set (1pl8), and for a few days after stuff like bending over quickly were uncomfortable. More recently I've only felt occasional 'niggles' and no pain per se. I've been out of the gym for two weeks for other reasons until today, so since I've not felt any significant discomfort in a week or so I decided to do some very light squats at the end of my workout. I did the same 1pl8 set that hurt a month ago and I had no pain - however, a) on a couple of reps I felt a slight sensation in my glutes (fairly near the skin) that could just be because I didn't do my normal pre-squat stretches, but I'm afraid was sciatic nerve related, and b) I've got a click in my spine when I pivot forwards that varies in intensity and sometimes disappears for a bit, particularly after lower back stretching. Are either of these things to be concerned about, or can I get (slowly) back into the squat?
The boys are SMASHING it
The gin was horrible wtf
What gin
Can you recommend me a song to run to in the next 2 seconds?

I have to break a plataeu and the pain is worse than alternate cancer treatment in the middle ages
Soviet national anthem
stream is dogshit. I cant watch but I hope you lads do well :)

but how are you posting mid run???
Stream is shit and unwatchable, keep us updated please?
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MA just missed 240kg twink hit 182.5kg
What was MA's 2nd?

Akso grats to talentlex for his 265kg
Missed how?
[spoiler]depth? :^)[/spoiler]
Bitch if you have torn shit and diagnosed problems take a fucking break and heal
Nah just couldn't get it.
Fucking commie
Fucking weeb

Was a good run

7minute mile at 91kg, and the rest of the way was smooth sailing
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Alex came back and smashed a 160kg bench after failing once
3/3, 265kg squat
2/3, 160kg bench
Opening shitty stupid memelift at 240
But shitty stupid meme lift was first?

all your lifts are shitty meme lifts :^)
Fuck off kys
Fuck off kys
Alex is about to try his opener for a third time GET BEHIND HIM BOYS HE NEEDS THIS
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What was the weight?
Will was up for deadlift and realized his deadlift socks were in his bag still.

Sorry, meant
Holy fuck I'm stupid. I'll just shut up until it's over.
holy fuck what is this
This one?
No >>42563054

Don't they have a handler?
bump, pls guys
Meh lads I think I'm gonna give up squats forever. I can't do them no matter how I try I keep getting back this same old injury. It was fun training with you lads I might blog some bench progress from time to time, but other than that I guess I won't be coming much here anymore. See ya lads
I'm handling
Totally missed his socks. Too many >>42563112 lifters to keep track of
lower the weight...
You should seek professional help tbH.

Sorry. Even >>42563184 with that >>42562951 blunder,
you're doing >>42563184 a good >>42563091 job I'm sure.

What injury?
Bruh you have a kik or something?
Bitch i torn it when i was 11, now it's literally something I'll always have to deal with and I ain't fucking stopping, i will overcome it.
Alex won the pee lottery
Now we see how lifting with haack has affected him
Link to spreadsheet?

Im very confident in my squat and dead but my bench is a shit and has only ever responded to smolov jr level freq over the last couple years.
It doesn't matter I've been trying for 3 years some days like this tuesday did 140kgsx6 easy without any problem. Today it started hurting at about 80kgs on warm ups. In those years I've been deloading and resetting so many times. I think I've already restted my squats to just a bar 4 or 5 times. I've been stretching trying to improve my technique, trying out low bar and front squats, nothing helped.
When I first started lifting about 2 months into lifting I injured my lower back a bit above left glute area. It feels like a sharp paralyzing pain. Back then it was so bad I couldn't walk for 1 month without any pain and I started squatting again after about 6 months after that from complete 0. It was fine for a while then it happened again, although this time I noticed it much earlier so it wasn't nearly as bad and just hurt for a while during squats. Forwarding to today I haven't had this problem in past half a year and today it happened again at my warm ups, so again I knew if keep squatting it's gonna end up just like the first time so I just stopped and I'm giving up now.
Joe I want to apologise for everything I sad about amber and I want to be friends again
What did you say about Amber?
That they'd break up when he went to college

Spoiler I wuz wrong
682.5 total with 265-160-257.5
435 wilks
Waiting to pee in a cup now
Proud of you
Good lifting mate.
I think you should seek professional help, even if you mean to stop squatting entirely.
Daily reminder to bee comfy
You're right, but the problem is that doctors will most likely just say "well don't squat and you're fine" and it doesn't help that I will need to wait probably half a year for a visit with a specialist. Was thinking about finding some olympic weightlifting coach, but I also can't really afford them.
Maybe have a look here, then. gen lib rus ec /book/index.php?md5=5E4AC923FEB2CC6C051F9068CE1E8904
What do I do after nuckols bench routines stop working? Sheiko bench? Russian bench routine?
But you're still a stinky euro :/
Thanks, I'll take a look at this.


Texas Method
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my squat finally feels really good
think I'm on my way to making it
Which one?
Seems to me the vast majority of couples break up when they go to college, so Isley wasn't unreasonably mean when he said what he said...
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>DC day 6 (last unique session before repeating and trying to beat the logbook)
>concentration curls, rest-paused
>pinwheel curls, straight set
>leg press, straight set plus widowmaker
>SLDL (to just below the knees because reasons), two straight sets

It went ok. I now understand why curlbros do leg press instead of squats. Pretty fun, has a similar-at-a-glance movement pattern for the legs, and you can use oodles and oodles of weight to bring up your ego.

I might want to replace the SLDLs with some other hamstring exercise, but I'm not sure which one.


The only Brand New album I have is Your Favorite Weapon. Would you say it's representative of their work? I liked it, but I haven't gotten around to listening to more.

>some unsanctioned deadlfit in costume halloween party silliness.

Fucking normies. Could be fun, though.[/spoiler]
The devil and god are raging inside me is their best by far, unfortu ately it also sounds nothing like the rest of their catalogue
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why am i so low test?

>no aggression
>no energy 99% of the time
>no high sex drive
>shit erections

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time to become a lolfeder lad :)
You mean that's not normal?
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you know as well as I do that youre high est...
What did twink alex hit in the meet?
>Tiny penis and balding
>Skinnyfat, shit at building muscle
>Ridiculously high aggression
>Too much energy, workaholic
>Have almost cheated on my gf because insanely high sex drive
>Despite tiny penis, rock hard erections
>Masculine personality according to liberals

I don't know anything about my hormones anymore

>tfw browsing /fit/ in a bar
Why bother
Maxed out sumo and I do this weird spring thing where I quickly squat down and grab the bar and spring back up

I accidentally only managed to grab it with 3 fingers on my left hand and 4 on my right

Still got the rep
He could have done more but his leg drive caused his ass to leave the bench every time, had to go with absolutely no leg drive for his third attempt.
>twink more or less hit 4plate sq 5plate dl
Nice, he's come a long way
You were also wrong about our bets (hence you losing to me on multiple occasions lol)
You're literally never right kek

Honour your bet weasel
He never honoured my bet either.

He literally owns a shirt of himself fucking a tranny for no reason
Closet homosexual perhaps?


Thanks for the reply! Yeah, training compounds once a week seemed pretty sketchy and boring to me, but I like the progression method. Thanks for the advice too, friendo
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