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/fat/ Anorexia edition

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Thread replies: 322
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>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/bros who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
http://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
http://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones
First for we're all gonna make it.
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Second for
>don't ask why you can't lose weight if you aren't counting calories
>First for we're all gonna make it.
I've stopped losing weight. I give up.
Second for Anorexia thinspo goals
Fine, give up and be a fat fuck all your life.
Don't improve yourself, stay a depressed sack of shit.

You've been a fat fuck all your life, why not change and see the other side of your gluttony?
>tfw all food is tasty

Having a slice of pizza or a bar of chocolate is like a special event for me, whilst before I would binge on that stuff like it's nothing.
Will do.
I'm going to a buffet on Saturday, I'm already fasying on Friday so I can make some room.

Cant wait :)
>You've been a fat fuck all your life
Not really. I've been skinny in my teens but i put 80 lbs in college. Now i'm just depressed fat sack of shit.
Have fun anon, just be sensible :) Meanwhile I'm looking forward to tomorrow's tomato salad.
it's one of those buffets were you order, so they won't let me pig out as much
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>eating disorder
>mostly gone but still have self-image problems
>only about twenty pounds under ideal weight now
>still have to fight myself to eat every day, usually eat the equivalent of a medium-sized meal daily
>my body is warped and i look like a ghoul
It hurts, guys.
I'm not saying i'd trade bodies with you, but being underweight is what i'm aiming for.
Lend me your powers anon. In exchange I'll give you the ability to eat like a shameless fat fuck.
Highschool gf had the rexia. Was a control thing. She felt like her life was out of control so being able to have Stalin like control over her weight was like... comforting or some such emotion. It sucked getting pulled into it and was painful to watch. I couldn't help her and I can't help you no matter how much i'd like to. Good luck.
I wish there was a button where I can anrexic for a month

Sadly I love food too much
key is pushing what a reward is

fries, sauce, pasta -> "normal food"
chips, ice cream, candy -> "special food"

greens, vegetables -> "normal food"
fruit, nuts, yoghurt -> "special food"

im trying to get into the second catagory, once fruit starts becoming your new candy you're on your way
What would happen if I filled myself with a shitload of low cal veggies? Would I still feel full while being way below my TDEE?
How about you fat faggots just stop the sugar rollercoaster and go keto at least till you're in a healthy weight?

Sugar is addicting, if you are fat the obvious thing to do is cut it completely.

>inb4 muh anger/cravings, it VANISHES in a week or two

t. previous fatty, currently skinnyfat nearing skinny after lifting for a month
I thought i gained a bunch of weight.

then I took a huge dump. and it turns out I didn't .

daily reminder to eat your fiber.
>if you are fat the obvious thing to do is cut it completely.

Did you not read my post? Once fruit becomes your new candy you don't eat actual candy anymore, it's all about pushing the perspective

how dense are you
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Might suck to browse these threads however might be comforting seeing how dysfunctional most people are with food.
Having a good relationship with your body and food in general is hard, I don't have it as bad as most (I'm normal weight now) but all I do is think about food and my next meal.
I don't even feel hunger anymore.
Is this a picture of gonads?
I don't disagree with that anon, I've been on keto for only 2 weeks to get rid of some stubborn fat.
Just decided to get off it and ate grilled chicken on a piece of bread with swiss cheese.
Swear to god it was like candy, one of the most delicious things I ever ate and it was shit white buns.
Once you respect sugar that much you could easily have yogurt as a desert.
what was the reason you started?
I did, I was giving you a better plan. It is a lot easier to move to better carbs (and portion control) when you're no longer a carb addicted fatty fuck.

I think the dense one is you m8, if you're not at a healthy weight fruit is candy, grains are a bad idea and sugar is poison.

Have you tried keto?

The funny thing is I tried getting of keto a couple of times in this last month (since I started lifting I wanted to be sure to get my noob gains) and don't really liked bread over my usual eggs with coconut oil in the morning.

Also, even 80% dark chocolate tastes sweet, it is outrageous how much your taste buds change.
Why dont you guys do Keto or low carb? You can eat a ton and weight legit pours off of you?

Those who tried and failed, why did you fail at it?

boy, it's this meme again
take it to SlimmingWorld chief
Meme or not it is the best approach for /fat/.
I know it was only 2 weeks but it was mostly to see how I would feel (I didn't feel bad after just 2 days) and wanted to get a lot of fat for a while since I have a problem eating it.
I'm not comfortable eating the amount of sat fat that it seemed to require (probably a way around this) and I'm too poor to get good fat and protein sources that aren't bacon.
Main reason was I got bad acne with it.

Don't have a sweet tooth so I should be fine, thinking of getting on the natto train (fermented soy, less carbs) and going low carb for a while.
God tier macros and lots of Vitamin K2.
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ha, look how fat I was
I have been on keto / paleo now for about 7 months and am about 5 pounds away from being sub 10% bf.

It's not a meme it works and it's easy to follow. It takes about a month to get used to it. But after that. It's just life
but still the same sad expression
why you gotta be so negative
Sat fats being bad for you is mostly a meme (if you really do read the serious researchers behind low carb this gets very clear) and since I'm not doing it long term (only till 15bf) I don't worry about it.

What fats did you use? My grocery bill is a lot cheaper nowadays, I mostly do coconut oil (for anything besides meat) and olive oil/butter for meat/toppings.
I've read the studies and I'm not thoroughly convinced, there needs to be more research on both sat fats and cholesterol for me to treat them like they are healthy.
Not terrified of them but the amount I was getting was RIDICULOUS, coconuts are comfy but are sat fat too.

My fat intake was pretty much coconut milk, sausage, bacon, and olive oil.
I don't like butter and am lactose intolerant so didn't have too many options.
Was thinking about going low carb still though, maybe eating nuts/seeds as my main fat sources (to be on the safe side) and only eating fruit before working out so I can hopefully take advantage of the quick energy.
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Do love handles ever go away?
>85.8 kg
>22kg down

Fat on waist making it seem like I have wide as fuck hips
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>girl scout cookies showed up
I'm doing TKD currently - 10g of dextrose before workout and I'm good (also a bit of an endorphine high after lifting which is nice). Fruit is not a good preworkout on keto since fructose goes through your liver first. There is also CKD if you are a more experienced lifter (I can't handle the volume required yet) where you allow carbs once a week.

Just need to remember that there are no really well done studies saying that sat is bad. It's moslty word of mouth and media having to extrapolate shit to sell.
6'3" at 93 kilos here, hope i look that good.
Don't think those are lovehandles btw.
throw them out you weak willed lardo
I'm diagnosed anorexic, is this the thread for me??

Otherwise fuck all you fatasses for glorifying this disease. Yeah you lose weight, its great! Until all your hair falls out and you're cold all the time and your heart stops working and you get osteoporosis.

fuck you, if you actually wanted to starve you'd do it you pathetic waste.

Sorry Anon. I'm under ideal weight too, you can see all my ribs and I just look gross. All my hair is brittle and dead and I'm so cold all the time. Why is eating so hard?
Found out my ex is in a new relationship, our breakup was my motivation to start this journey, and I'll admit after some great success I got lazy.. But, that just motivated me all over again.

Here we go baby, no more plateau.
am I eating too much fruit? it taste great and is so filling for the calories it feels like it must be a scam.
Are you me? Though honestly I'm not over her and it shattered me once I learned she was in a new relationship. I just want to lose weight and get over her man
I hit 18.3 bmi today
I still see a fat guy in the mirror
Would it be possible to survive on 500 calories a day if you managed to stick to it?
Honestly, just do what you feel is right and works for you. I've read things where you're supposed to watch the amount of naturally occurring sugar and carbs you consume because of it and then I've heard you can have 7-9 servings of fruits and veggies a day and be fine.

If you're 350 lbs. Otherwise, you're going to wreck your shit and cause your body to freak out. You'll lose hair, your nails will become brittle and you're most likely going to feel fatigued, tired and like absolute crap all the time.
Move out
O-ok, that sounds much worse than I imagined. What would be a realistic lowest calorie intake then? Sticking to it is not a problem. I'm 6'1 250lb btw.

Yeah, but only if almost all of it is protein and you take a fuckton of vitamins, minerals, fish oil and other essential stuff. I think it would also be wise to do nothing else than lying on the bed or sitting the whole day so you don't pass out.
not the other guy, but the lowest safe amount is often said to be 1500. you'll lose over 2 lbs a week at that amount.
That's not counting exercise?
So like a normal restartaunt
yes that's assuming couch potato. I've heard some say they don't allow more calories when they exercise and some say they do. I don't bother exercising so can't comment.
Who /cripplingselfhate/ here?
I've been trying to lose weight for 3 months and yet I still don't know what the fuck I am doing. I just do legs for today then do upper body the other day then do abs and lower back etc.

I'm losing weight but I feel I am so lost.
Good to know about the fruit.
Will be on the lookout for literature talking about saturated fat.
Is the girl in the pic actually at an unhealthy fat %?
Asking because she still has a chest.
Was almost same stats as you years ago, I went for the 1500.
Is painful at first but once you completely reinvent your diet and eat mostly veggies then you will get to a point to where you are at 1200 or 1300 in the evening and call it quits, feels good man.
>>my body is warped and i look like a ghoul

I lost over 200lbs. I'm below my ideal weight now but every time I look in the mirror all I see is what looks like a sweater of loose skin so I keep pushing, just another 5lbs, over and over.
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Tfw you hate yourself so much that you have begun to not eat. I am trying a two week fast, on day 4. Before this, I ate <500 cals/day for two weeks, lost 7 pounds. Need to lose more. Pls tell me I'm delusional, and I'm not as fat as I think I am. (Ignore tan line lol)
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go eat another tub of ranch fatboy
Stop posting this picture in every thread on /fit/.
How much did you lose? How long did it take? Did you exercise?
But All you can eat. You pay a single fee and order as much as you want.
60 pounds, about a year of fucking around (could be done quicker), extreme anxiety = barely left the house even.
You can do better.
People have fasted for longer periods and they didn't lose hairs and whatevefr you mentioned
>fuck you, if you actually wanted to starve you'd do it you pathetic waste.

No, I'm restraining myself.

I can go for 24 hours with food at most.
>he didn’t take biotin and folic acid supplements
He didn't necessarily say how long, with supplementation yes you can do this for a while but there is no healthful reason to.
He isn't that obese, he should worry about health and do this in a systematic approach so he can keep up with this instead of trying to cheat.
was accused of bullimia this morning
it was diet pills last time

what pisses me off is that people genuinely don't seem to accept that I'm able to lose weight on my own without some kind of nefarious foul play
Would it of any benefit to do this for a week or 2?
Fasting for short periods (24-48h) is actually good for you. Resets gut cultures and health, boosts HGH, concentration, etc.

Even fasting for an entire year, under controlled studies, without supplements, and no one had those effects you mentioned.

Thanks anon, I won't let you down. But could you elaborate a bit on the fucking around part?
Depends on your goal.

I do full day fast once a week, and the rest is Intermittent Fasting 20:5.

For fat loss IF is a good technique.
This is a difference, updated pic. I'm trying To be part of the community.
you could lose some weight quickly doing it yes. the issue is that your weight loss needs to be a consequence of a healthier lifestyle, with better diet and exercise. such lifestyle changes take a lot of time and effort (potentially years) to develop and are best worked on slowly, if you want to succeed for the long term. if you try and cheat your way to the goal you'll most likely gain it all back again later because you won't have made the changes you need to make.
Both benefits and consequences.
You will hear differing opinions, maybe start a thread or two about it before just getting advice here.
250 at your height is imo not someone who should do it, it's stressful for the body and you aren't that obese.
At 2 pounds lost a week you could get to a good weight in half a year if you lift and do cardio, why not do what's best for your body?

I didn't mention those effects and no way someone this size should fast for a year.
For a day or two?
Sure, I do it sometimes and I'm at a normal weight now.
A week or two is unneeded, works for some but will make most people fuck up and binge, not good advice for newbies.

Fucking around as in having less motivation for a week, saying "I won't cheat but I won't track calories" which is just justification for cheating.
Not exercising like I should, my body looked like shit when the weight was gone because no muscle.
A strict regime will have you see the results in half my time with a better body, learn from my mistakes and have a cheat MEAL (not a cheat day) every month (still count the calories) and actually run/swim/lift if possible.

If true then dismorphia.
first - Lily Collins is perfect.
second - how do I add things like butter and olive oil to myfitnesspal? Say for example I used butter to fry my eggs, 1tbsp to be exact. Then would I add a 1tbsp butter to my dairy? or would I add like half of that? (because some of it left in pan and such)
anyone here have experience with extended periods of fasting?
>I didn't mention those effects and no way someone this size should fast for a year.

Fasting for a year is a different beast. There are definitely better and safer ways to lose weight. I wouldn't recommend it for sure. IF and one day fasts is the extent of the fasting I would recommends (not to children or pregant women of course).
You think dysmorphia? It does kinda make sense now. I hate myself so much that I regularly have thoughts of committing suicide, I think I'm so ugly that I don't look in mirrors anymore, almost wanting to cry when I do see myself. And I've began to fast for two weeks to lose some fat. Are these valid symptoms? Should I see someone about this?
it's called sleep
honestly you're not fat at all and you're not even bad looking. if anything you need to gain some weight by working out. it sounds like dysmorphia to me. regardless, suicidal thoughts are always a reason to see a doctor. i'd quit the fast if i were you.
Guy you are responding too and that's what I do, I do IF out of necessity (long hours with no breaks) and occasionally don't eat for a day about once a month.
Fasting longer is imo not a way to get into a healthful habit.

Yes, you can objectively look at your height/weight and see that you are not overweight, you can objectively see that if you were to accurately measure BF% that you are not fat.
Acting like these facts are untrue because your self-esteem is textbook body dismorphia, see a therapist, /fat/ is not for you as these men are often 300+ pounds.
personally i log the entire tbsp when cooking with butter/oil despite what's left over, to be safe. it's pretty much impossible to work out how much is left in the pan.
no i mean fasting for several days.
>down from 315 to 242
>double-chin is finally starting to go away
Can someone who does intermittent fasting explain how they get all the calories and macros in a single sitting? Do you completely cut out low calorie foods like fresh veggies?
Anyone seen this movie? The main guy is a cringe master
You have a feeding window so you can eat as much as you need within that window.
anything unsustainable is generally ill-advised
I know everybody thinks that once they're done with the quick weight loss methods they can go back to eating normally and things will pan out fine
the stats say otherwise
better to focus on nutrition and the weight loss will happen
I googled intermittent fasting and now I'm a bit confused. I thought that it's supposed to be a permanent life change and that you always eat like that. But apparently it's only on a few days of the week, and the rest you eat normally. Why? Wouldn't keeping this regime at all times bring the most benefit?
Who says you can't make it a permanent change? It's not even drastic, you're just timing your meals and going longer without food.

iF is like the default mode of our ancestors. They hunt all day (say 16-20 hrs), and eat at night. It's not even a fast it's like a timing your eating to have an empty stomach as long as possible.
i've never heard of it being done only a few days a week. it can easily be a permanent life change and there's some evidence it's healthier for you. i hear a lot of people with five hour windows in the evening, every day.
To add: most of your fast occurs in your sleep too. It's not a drastic change. We've just been accustomed to grazing all day, always keeping insulin high (which prevents weight loss) which is not what our bodies were made for.
I used to do keto + IF and it was really easy. Keto curbs hunger so it was easy to skip breakfast and lunch.
My gf keeps nagging me about breakfast. Are there any scholarly or peer-reviewed sources that verify IF?
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Why does fitness have to be so complicated, /fat/?

>215lbs and 180cm, want to lose fat at a good rate
>take up Alternate Day fasting to half my caloric intake since I read it's effective and doesn't lose muscle mass as bad as water fasts
>cut all garbage from my diet as well just to be sure
>want to burn fat faster if I can and preferably not lose muscle mass, sticky says lifting is good for that
>now the websites and /fit/ are telling me that lifting while fasting is a terrible idea because you can't grow muscles on a major calorie deficit
>look cardio as an alternative but according to sticky and other sources, it actually increases muscle loss and is inferior to lifting for burning fat, and doesn't do shit while in a fasted state

I want to focus on weight loss, but now I don't know what to do. Am I just supposed to not exercise, and wait until I'm Auchwitz mode before I can start eating daily and building muscle? Too much goddamn conflicting information.
I found that if I eat veggies alone, I'm hungry half an hour later even if I eat to the point where I'm unable to force down another spoonful. HOWEVER if I top the veggies with a slice of bread or a piece of meat, my stomach thinks it's full of bread (or meat) and leaves me alone for a while. What a moron haha.
Ok, thanks for clearing that up. What do you guys think of the 16/8 method? It seems fairly easy as I usually skip breakfast anyway. Would it have the same benefits as other methods?
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Split squats on a leg press machine: bad idea?
>the serious researchers behind low carb

Are any of them not fat?
You can't be worrying about muscles when losing weight. That is if you're a fatty, don't worry about muscles. Diet first, and exercise is second. Diet alone will make you lose weight.

What methods?

16:8 (3 meals) is very doable. Then do two 2 meals. Then move onto 20:5, 2 meals. First few days will be hard since your body will not be used to a lower blood sugar.
you're making it a million times more complex with fasting. just eat below your tdee.

it's often said that you can't build muscle while losing fat, but lifting will help minimise the amount of muscle lost if you get decent amounts of protein. cardio is always a good idea, purely for cardiovascular and general health.

the most important thing with IF is sticking to it. 16/8 is usually fine as far as i can tell, though it's not too far off a normal diet, try it and see how you feel.
Kill me, Pete

>started at 250
2 months later
>weighed in at 223 today
t-thanks, /fat/
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Yeah I guess. It could take me a year at this caloric deficit to slim down to the 12% bodyfat I want. I have average non-lifter male strength right now, am I going to be a twig by the time this is done?
Stuff like 5:2, 24 hour fast etc.
Did you mean 20:4?
I'm just wondering if just doing 16:8 be good enough without the need of moving to more restrictive ones. I think I could maybe squeeze in 18:6 if I tried.
also lifts have been going up, just hit 1pl8 ohp feels fucking amazing this is a goal i've had forever, always one of those "whenever i get back into the gym..." kind of ones
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>reached 1pl8 OHP in 2 months
>tfw still stuck at 60 lbs after 1 month
That's the basic premise behind "negative calorie" diets. I'm eating one myself and losing roughly a pound a week even though I'm not strictly complying with the food list or counting calories. This is the book I used to get started, but there are other similar ones.
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Anyone else using anti-obesity shakes to cut hard despite only having an 'overweight' BMI? I've used these for a week now and lost 15lbs but I've got another 40 to lose until I am skelly tier

I lift 4 times a week and try to do low intensity cardio on rest days to burn more but I'm so hungry all the time.

Basically my net calories each day are -2500 so if I stick to this schedule I could finally join the skelly club in only 8 weeks instead of 6 months
im sorry man
what routine are you on?
Also im 5'8" so my arms are objectively shorter, so ohp is easier for me than if you're 5'10+
>24 hour fast

It's ultimately up to you and your lifestyle. One day I will eat one meal a day at noon. One day I will do 20:5. Some days I don't even fast. It's up to you.

I think 16:8 is good enough to keep.
It finally happened. Some Stacy blatantly took pictures of me while laughing. I was doing incline bench at the time. I know I was making faces I guess maybe that was it, I don't know. If you see a picture of some skinnyfat white kid in a white shirt with red sleeves with blue shorts be sure to give a laugh.
Just eat negative calorie dude. That's some Biggest Loser tier shit you're doing there.
I think a more appropriate question is are there non fat ketoers (which there are, search for ketogains and for some ultraman low carbers).

Volek and Phinney seem reasonable lean (not that easy to find good pictures of scientists desu) and Peter Atila does triathlons on keto.
Thanks. It's all clear now. I'll try doing 18:6, starting tomorrow.
Keep on doing oyu man.

They must be insecure making fun of a person trying to improve.

That said, how do you know that she was malicious about it? Best let it go anyhow.
>That said, how do you know that she was malicious about it?
I'm not an attractive person, Anon.
Wish you good luck on your journey.

Please post back with results and concerns
Right, but you don't have any "hard" evidence that she was making fun of you. Right now it's all in your head, based on your insecurities and waht not.

Still, best to let it go and not dwell on it. For your mind's sake.
Do lifting either way, there is no reason not to and you won't look like a twig because of noob gains even with a decent caloric deficit.

Also, cardio is highly optional and usually bad for losing weight, specially if you are really heavy (running for instance will be hard on your joints). In the end it will make you hungrier than not doing it, wait to be at a healthy BMI and then add it for the health gains.
Why would she take pictures of you if you're not even morbidly obese? Fucking Stacies.
Not cool naming this thread "anorexia" edition.

We routinely have posters here describing their eating disorders and serving they have a problem, and OP thinks it's either cool or a joke. These people are killing themselves.
Thanks, will do.
y tho negro
excellent bait, well done
Never made it to the 48 hour mark. Got too irritable. Wasn't even hungry, just pissed off.

Get a thicker skin. This ain't tumblr, sister.
Anything that makes these people think that their mental disorder is ok is fucked up.
>how did you lose weight?
>I did X and Y
>you're doing it wrong, here's how to do it better
every time it seems
yeah, I know my diet isn't perfect, because there isn't a perfect diet
>Anything that makes these people think that their mental disorder is ok

First off, where do you think you are?

Second, Where do you see that?

And where are you when people have Fat People Hate threads?
Hi /fat/bros, I'm the anon from last thread who finally managed to get up in the morning and ride his bike after years of being a lazy fuck. Looks like I'm gonna make it today too.

Even if the road ahead seems endless, don't give up anons, we're all gonna make it.
Pipe down or I won't let your husband prep me anymore.
Simmer down Schwinnbro. It ain't all about you.
1. In a thread for people trying to lose weight in a healthy manner

2. In the title of this thread and every time someone posts about binging and purging, always refusing advice to knock it off because they "don't do it that much" or some shit

3. Those threads aren't about helping people.
Good luck /fat/ty! Keep at it my man.
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i remember you, keep it up
Just wanted to encourage anons to not give up. Especially when just starting out, like me.
So saying a name of a disease is advocating it?

Please stop being so triggered.

>and every time someone posts about binging and purging, always refusing advice to knock it off because they "don't do it that much" or some shit

People can only tell them to stop. The rest is up to them and anything beyond that is futile.
I've just started my journey to count calories and exercise more often. My current job helps a little with exercise; I pull pallets of milk and water using a manual jack, and lift empty wooden pallets.

I'm at 260 right now, looking at a goal of 200. Wish me luck!

>stats: 6'4", 23, based on 2000 calories per day
Would doing low weights with high reps be good for maintaining muscle while fasting long-term? Should I take BCAA?
>I just wanted to encourage others
>meanwhile I'm on day two of riding a bike

Hell of a milestone there bredgewick. I'm totes inspired. We're all gonna make it.

I know I'm being a dick for no reason but you should of just left it. Instead you copped an attitude like a petulant little bitch. You're a big fat fuck riding around on a bicycle, not an athlete or an underdog story. Show the appropriate humility. Cause, you see, what bothers me a little is that I'm hearing about your bike riding again. That's a red flag to me. It tells met that you enjoyed the validation you got last time just a little bit too much. And now you're back for some more of those sweet sweet (you)s and that little tiny dopamine hit that you get every time. And to be completely honest with you my blood relative, if you're being motivated this way that I suspect you are, then you've already failed. This attention is unsustainable. These upbeat feelings are hollow. Abandon both and suffer in silence like a man.
Different anon here, but you're an OK guy. That's legit advice.

Is one of the reasons I'm keeping my weight loss quiet for the most part. I don't think I should really get the recognition until I lose the weight.

But some people need more support than others.
T-that's harsh. But I totally get your point anon. I did in fact enjoy the validation and I thought it would help me not to fail today (which is something still very possible on just a second day after years of neglect). I should definitely rely more on discipline than on motivation. Thanks for opening my eyes.
Don't take it personally. I went from 220 to 160 and I made a lot of mistakes and picked up a lot of baggage on the way.
>what are support groups

Suffer in silence, but you don't have to, its better to enjoy your progress with others.

Motivation is fickle but its a good tool.
I was assuming it was "anorexia" because it's not uncommon for family members to accuse recovering fatties of anorexia.
Add the Under Armour Fitness app! I used it to lose 30 pounds because I used the barcodes on food to track my calories along with custom food.
Eh these are threads for people to shoot the shit, it's a community and if you're excited about something weight-loss related talk about it.

Just had my first vegetable shake and it was p good and really filling, 1/2 cup oats with carrots, spinach, and a little bit of coconut milk.
Going to add some seeds next time.
I was assuming that wasn't the case since it is so idiotic and usually only done by obese people who aren't even trying to lose weight but maybe.
Seems to me most people who would joke they are anorexic think it's somehow funny to be fat.
Can you be anorexic and fat at the same time?
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Pls respond
I believe you can, anorexia is a mental illness and those habits can form in overweight people (of course they won't be overweight for very long now).
Like starving themselves and restricting calories to 400 calories a day so they feel in control.
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I want to be thinspo... Will I make it?
Thanks anon we shall make it if we keep going strong

congrats man
>Eating 400 Cal's a day
Is that anorexia?

What about fasting? It's a different mindtstae for sure.
>keking at making her paler and making her board of a body look like she has hips
if youre not fat or trying to lose weight why are you posting here m8
"what are implants"
I'm assuming it depends on mindset, are you trying to be healthy and lose weight or are you obsessed with controlling your diet?
More of a mental thing, I'm a little hesitant when people fast for more than a day here or eat less than 1000 calories since most of us already have undiagnosed eating disorders.
IMO it's far better to fix your relationship with food and eat at a sustainable 1500 calories and learn to eat nutritiously.
one can have an interest in things without being actively engaged in it
she's russian and girls there tend to be ana
My cousins live there and tell me how girls will often go days without eating and it's seen as normal
which would also explain the fake tits, women there get implants all the time, so much that most of the women you could walk up to in russia has implants

I personally think fake tits look better than natty anyway if not botched
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>got oneitis and the drive to lose weight is fading

No way she'll be available in 6 months when I finally have my shit together.
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It's not just fat families that act like that.

I've had an anorexic in my senpai (she's survived by moving out on her own and raising a kid).

Those hard times stuck with us. Whenever I try to lose weight I get constant argument. I have no choice but to come here because my family is tainted. I would move out but I'm needed at home and my job is only part-time.

IMO these /fat/ threads exist because fatties don't have many to turn to.
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318 today, V3lbs from yesterday, V7lbs from start.

I fasted today and did not use the treadmill.
nice trips.
I don't like bmi tho
138lbs @6'1 then
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>Been on steady keto + IF for past 3 weeks eating nothing but wing stop hot wings, brocoli, and turkey burgers

Living the dream. Lost 15 lbs so far down to 235 from 250 at 6'1"

I should try to eat under 1k but I feel full at 1500 a day
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Ask her now, idiot.

Also , figure out why you are losing weight. If it's for someone else you fucked up.
If you still see yourself as fat you unfortunately have anorexia. See a mental health professional.
I have fat on me
I can grab handfuls of it
That sucks man, it's understandable the fear they have but people don't understand both obesity and anorexia are mental health problems.
Stay strong anon, make sure to workout so you don't become skinnyfat.
I have a oneitis too but am too afraid to ask her out because I dont know how over Facebook and am afraid her rejecting me would end our friendship from school

Having bodyfat = proper hormone response in body, doesn't mean you're fat.
Someone being "fat" means they are overweight or obese, so we know that you are not.
loose skin? unless you have fat pouches and you're skinnyfat

some people can have low ass bmis but also a pudgy stomach, just workout and tone tons
I am disgusting she will just reject me.
I do 3 week low calorie keto cycles and reward myself with one day of hedonistic binging

I am talking 6k calories every 3 weeks, usually buffet for lunch and like chinese for dinner

Keeps it easy
yeah, loose skin
I had stretch marks so I was expecting it
it's worse than what I thought it would be but from the waist up I'm kinda okay
hm? post a pic it cant be that bad

loose skin goes away and if it doesnt you can talk to your insurance about getting the lose skin removed if its that bad
anti obesity shakes?
He means those low cal liquid diet meal replacement mixes, I assume. Like Optifast. One meal is like 200cal, but they contain proper vitamins and such.

I wanted to do an 800cal diet for a short period using it, but my doctor vetoed it.

nice trips to you too
I plan on water fasting for until I look healthier or my family makes me take a break, I'm 5'11" and hovering around 350lbs. (plus minus 7lbs.) My weight and waist in inches will be recorded day and night, preferably after evacuation. But I wont see the data until it's done. Should I take daily pictures too? I can in HD. Anyway, would this general be interested in the data after I'm done?
Don't water fast.
If you're doing this to collect data, then rock on
if you're doing this to attempt to permanently shed fat, reconsider
If you don't wanna eat then drink alot of milk and yogurt. Also show us a body pic. You don't have to post face but you talk about how boney you are. Are you a dude or a girl?
>down 20lbs since start of June
>it was literally as easy as writing down calories this whole time

I deserved fatness for not being able to figure this out.
Ask her in real life, never over fb. Just do it before you know what you're doing pal.
hey guys. im not obese, but surely heavy. 6'2' about 220lbs with pretty much no muscle.. i have a big question. should i cut down until i lose the excess fat (i got man boobs and a little bit of a gut, some love handles and like no jawline) or just not worry about cutting and just focus on losing weight any way possible?

I've been doing a bunch of cardio mixed with some light weight lifting (i had a back injury, couldnt work out for 3 months, hence why i gained some weight and fat)

So, should i try to build muscle while dropping weight, or just try to lose weight.

ive been pretty dedicated to my diet, eating oatmeal, egg whites, chicken, coos coos, potatoes and rice pretty much and not going over 1400 calories. eating a lot of fruit and vegetables and drinking a lot of water.
>threw out every last bit of shit food in the house
>want to binge but theres no garbage food to binge on
>brain going crazy
t-this will be worth it in the end I-its only temporary feeling right. ill never let trash through my door again.
Didn't even notice.
fucking nice
should I make soup and just boil my cabbage on the side or should I make cabbage soup?
ask her casually (in person) to go eat something or watch a movie, not an actual date.
if she makes some kind of excuse or brings a friend then you are out of luck.
yes, women work in that way, if you are direct you are fucking up by definition.
Reposting for night shift /fat/, left is the day after halloween 2016, I weighed 360ish. Took the picture right after my first time on a stationary bike. Right was today right after weight training, I weigh 220. I do IF with clean eating. Still have binge days but I limit them to once a month at the most. I do cardio and weight training and unironically use Rich Pianaisms to get myself hyped. I know i'm still a fat fuck and the next 40lbs is gonna be just as hard as the last 140lbs but i'm gonna make it, we all are gonna make it.
You look like a serial killer that beats his victims to death with a hammer
>the day after Halloween

you looked like you had a jolly one mate.

but in all seriousness, you look fucking great cunt. really. great job, and keep going - because when i see people like you in the gym i always let out a little snicker or make a side comment to my girlfriend about their man boobs, just to keep them motivated.

get those manboobs gone, and you'll be there mate; keep it up!
A few suggestions -

1. Learn your macros. You're incredibly carb heavy, is that intentional?

2. Your calories are too low. Yes, there's such a thing. You can send your body into starvation mode, and it will burn fat as slowly as possible, preparing to starve to death. Up it to at least 1700.

3. Don't worry about the whole cutting vs bulking building muscle vs losing fat thing. Yes you should be working out. Do whatever you can. Set small goals. Accomplish them. Set more. The best for fat burning is cardio and lifting heavy.
Great progress my dude
Fuck you, he looks a shitload better than he did.
thank you very much for the all the advice.

>learn your macros, you're incredibly carb heavy, is that intentional

ah fuck, no it's not on purpose. i suck at managing carbs. what should i be eating? i dont eat potatoes very often, is coos coos carb heavy? I stopped eating pasta, and i dont know about chicken (breast). a nutritionist and good friend told me i need to eat rice because i play college baseball and need the energy from it

>your calories are too low
this is something i struggle with. i have a lowkey eating disorder and think if i dont eat anything ill lose the blubber. i probably eat far less than 1400 calories, probably more like 900 calories. ill eat 5 egg whites in the morning with a small, small bowl of oatmeal.. and nothing else until dinner which is likely a single chicken breast, kale, fruit, and rice or coos coos.

>Don't worry about the whole cutting vs bulking building muscle vs losing fat thing. Yes you should be working out. Do whatever you can. Set small goals. Accomplish them. Set more. The best for fat burning is cardio and lifting heavy.

thank you for this!
There are a million ways to diet. The two most common/reliable are low carb high fat, and high fat low carb. I'm assuming you're pretty close to high carb low fat, but that won't scale well adding 700 calories (you're already over your carb threshold at 1k.) Try lean meats (chicken breast, ground turkey are best.) Cook with vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc. Some high carb items: bread, tortillas, potatoes, pasta, rice, corn, beans, etc. Don't trust "low carb" labels - one low carb tortilla could be half your carb allotment for the day.

Get 6 meals per day if possible. I know fasting feels like progress - it's counter productive. You need to continually tell your body there's food around by eating small quantities. The less consistent your eating, the more likely your body is to begin retaining fat. Starving yourself is counter productive.
>Get 6 meals per day if possible. I know fasting feels like progress - it's counter productive. You need to continually tell your body there's food around by eating small quantities. The less consistent your eating, the more likely your body is to begin retaining fat. Starving yourself is counter productive.

Literally all studies done with fasting show the opposite but sure let's believe a stranger on the internet
great advice, thank you so much
Starvation mode is a meme, cutting at 1400 is perfectly healthy.
Cutting low burns both muscle and fat faster.
All studies point toward IF as being better at burning fat, at least marginally.
Insulin spikes cause fat storage.
IF only has one, maybe two insulin spikes a day, while 6 meals causes a rollercoaster of sugar.
t. someone who has done IF for 6+ months on 1500 calories and someone who has also lost weight by eating lots of meals at 2000.
Guess which one kept me more satiated and allowed me to keep my strength up?

The guy is full of bullshit, he is saying the opposite of both medical science and everyone on /fit/. Research it for yourself.
Don't ignore us europoors bro.
Mirin' those face gains
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What a good everyday plan to loose weight and start to get fit?

I've pretty much change my eating habits and now down from 260 to 220 but diet alone is becoming harder to do as I've stagnated for about two months.
>tfw pants are getting too loose
i dont want to buy new pants reeeeee



you don't have love handles
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Finally back at me apartment, now I can stop eating without people trying to force-feed me. Probably gonna eat occasionally if there happens to be something neat to eat at school.
Walk 10-15k steps every day.

If you want to actually do something, buy the Starting Strength book and follow the program 3 days a week to start building muscle, while continuing to walk every day.

Also, if you haven't been, calculate your new TDEE. You may be able to lower your deficit, depending on how big your deficit is now.
eating a whole stalk of broccoli for breakfast

now THIS is dieting
I skipped breakfast

get on my level, hamplanet
I wanted to look good for myself but that doesnt matter. Even if i'll lose weight, i'll still be pathetic piece of shit.
fat fucks
hey chad how are you doing today
yes, i'm a fat fuck and that's not going to change.
Was that you who took a dump large enough to clog the toilet in my gym today? It was beautiful.
gj bro.


Weights and cardio. At 220 you should be able to do some decent work without limitations. Just stay away from running maybe.So basically this anon is right imo >>42512274

Unrelated: Skinnyfat is hell, I want to slow bulk but I know i have to lose more weight first, thought Id be skinny at this point.
>thought Id be skinny at this point
Same, I'm at normal weight but still have bitchtits
>Unrelated: Skinnyfat is hell, I want to slow bulk but I know i have to lose more weight first, thought Id be skinny at this point.

same here. i appear skinny under clothes but i still dont have the bf% i want before the next bulk. also don't know if it's not getting late for the bulk since for summer next year I'd like to cut again....
guys any suggestions for a filling shake for lunch? i was thinking two scoops, 1cup full milk, anything else?
banana and flax
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>1 cup of milk for two scoops

hmm, yes, protein mud is my favorite
Let me tell you this as someone with a 17< BMI. You are still going to feel fat after you hit your desired weight goal, and after that, you'll keep on going. It is not about weight anymore, it is about an addiction; the addiction to become thinner. The reason why you think you look 'fat' is that your body does not have any fucking muscle whatsoever. And, I know how you feel; "muh muscles make you look fat", but that isn't going to be the case since it takes a fuckload of time to become so muscular.
34 inch waist. I can grap a handful of fat
Anyone else hit a wall when losing weight? First 35ish kg fell off like fucking nothing now even though I've cut down on everything I can't break through the plateau.
>count my daily kilojoules every day using mfp
>when I can't find it in the search I quick-add
>always overestimate kj with quick-add just to be safe
>never let kj exceed 6,234 (lowest possible deficit mfp will allow)
>been stuck on 75kg for weeks

I'm a manlet so I'm still chubby. God fucking dammit. I'm so close but I'm not losing anything.

I went from 108KG to ~70KG.

I've been hovering between ~68-72KG for the last year. I'll break through this plateau soon I'm sure of it.

You're going to get indigestion and overload your liver. Seriously... "saving room" doesn't work like that. I tried doing the same when I was fasting. And as much as wanted to push myself to "make-up" for the decadent food I felt like I missed... I just couldn't. Even with a stupid principle motivating me to eat more... I couldn't.

Eat to satiety. Eat quality and not quantity. A buffet is terrible because you only come out on top of your eat like a buffalo. Spend your money elsewhere.
How big is your deficit? What kind of cardio/weight training do you do?

have fun
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>mom keeps buying shit food
You look like two different people. I would laugh at the old you but the new you looks perfectly normal.
"Hey mom can you get me some cottage cheese next time?" problem solved neet
i shop with mummy and i have to tell her no thank you to everything/put stuff back and tell her we don't need it

often when i'm not with her is when she'll buy it then get upset

>cottage cheese

just fuck me up that shit's gross, gimme some brussel sprouts
How can you even be overweight if you're from England? How do you binge on bangers and mash and blood pudding and breakfast beans with tartar sauce and cloudy days? I would be sad and frail.
where to begin

>queen's delight a la carte
>fried twist n curlers
>kebab in a bucket
>custard by the barrelfull
>cheesy crisps
>munchy boxes
>pickled goatbabes
>drinks with the lads
>fish n chips
>dutch condoms
>lilt n crisps
>raspberry shnupples
>nigger nogglers
>biscuits n tea

our food gets a bad rap, but it's addictive once you get here and settle in
aren't brittain one of the fattests countries in the world/europe?
Maybe Europe, but not the world. I saw a list of the fattest countries not long ago and shit done changed in the last few years. The pacific islands and the middle east dominated it. I don't think the US was even in the top ten anymore.
>been trying to stop eating trash but always fail because cravings
>got next to no money this month after all bills have been paid
>suddenly care about what I'm getting
>stock up on pasta, potatoes, rice, fish, frozen meats and vegetables, get eggs from me mum (she got 20 chickens or so) instead of just soda and sweets
>drink nothing but water, or mixed with apple cider vinegar & stevia
being low on cash is probably the fix I needed, that my brain realizes I can't afford to live on trash, and instead start picking stuff that is actually good and lasts for quite a while, plus my cravings are dissipating
You'll get through it. Just keep fighting. I was in your shoes once. It does get better, but you have to keep trying.

I found lifting and it changed my life. Instead of watching to make sure my calories were under 500/day, spending an hour on an elliptical or treadmill 7 days/week, and waking up every day hating my body, I began to get excited about what my body was capable of and loved the changes lifting produced. I found eating the right type/amount of macros caused greater and more positive changes to my body and I have gradually learned to love it. It has taken a long time though. 9 years now. I'm not saying I didn't ever relapse, and sometimes I still find myself fighting that mindset when I take too much time off from the gym. But I have found something my body can do that makes me proud, and I want to nourish that.

I know it's hard, and it will be difficult for a while. But you will pull through. Encourage activities that make you proud to have the body you have.
Finally filled in a form i got 6 months ago about student loans, i only had 2 more weeks to do it. That shit was harder for me than sticking to my diet for the last 6 months.
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198.8 this morning my negros!

Am I on the path to making it?
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If you need to ask if you are making it, you aren't motivated enough.

If people tell you unprompted you are making it, that's when you are making it.

It's hard to communicate with the staff at my gym, so when someone leaves an English message like this it feels good, man.
>"I give up"
>including yourself in the group

try again fuckwit

But that's not what I asked
Why cant I stop watching food reviews and browsing fastfood websites. Im a vegetarian ffs.
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>watching food reviews while trying to eat less

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>2nd day into my weightloss
>Stopped myself from ordering pizza last night and went to sleep instead
>Woke up today feeling semi proud of myself
The validation you were seeking was the same
Cut the wojack greentext blogging out now, man. You're doing a good job but you won't get a pat on the back for every good day you have.
Let me be proud of myself for one day, damn
How much cardio... Is too much cardio would you say?

Currently I'm swimming 5-6 days a week (30-45 minutes a time), running (3 miles- takes me around 30 minutes as I'm still stupidly slow) 5-6 days a week and then going for a two hour cycle once a week.

Half of me says this is more than enough, and I'm likely already overdoing it as I'm slowly extending my milage running wise- I should be back to a 6 mile run by the end of September. However, the other half of me is mildly freaking out that it just isn't enough. I'm eating between 1.2-1.4k calories a day (using a food scale), decided I'd weigh myself monthly so not really stood on the scales since my last weigh in (I've massively upped my exercise for the last few weeks since the last weigh in).

I've got around 30kg to loose in total really, however I also go back to Uni in september, and know I'll have a lot less time for exercise, so want to try and get as high as milage as possible for then so I can start doing 3/4 1-2 hour runs a week as oppose to 5/6 half an hour runs.
If you're proud, then why are you looking for validation?
All you've done is go through this thread and shut anyone down that's happy with their progress. Find something better to do, loser
not sure who you're talking about but the only post I've made is >>42514425
I'm cutting, realistically how bad is it that I'm extremely satisfied that I'm starting to see collar bones/ hip bones?
When I lay down I can see ribs.

At work I find myself touching my collar bones and hip bones often.
I like sucking up all the air in my lungs while looking in the mirror and see ribs/ hollow between boobs.

How unhealthy is this? I have no friends to really talk about these things.

A regular customer at work asked if I lost weight and it made my day.

120lbs 5'1. Not sure how I'm seeing bone at those stats but I am
Do you guys actually count calories? I'm doing 40 hours fast and 8 hours eat. I just try to get a simple average-sized meals with all the macros and not too much junk.
When I'm fasting I just do an eyeball estimate tbqh.
You don't have to actually count them, but you have to be able to give a good estimate, and counting helps in that.
>2nd day into

Stopped reading there.
Come back in six month.
I'd still hit it senpai.
Ok cool, I'll take that as a 'nah not developing an eating disorder, keep doing you, bud' type of way
Ew, why? Shit is expired.
Got a skype interview in an hour lads, nervous as fuck
i really would like this position
gonna drink tulsi ginger green tea to calm the fuck down
Fucking hell I had 1290 kcal already and I haven't eaten dinner. I guess I'm skipping it like I skipped breakfast.
>lose 20kg/50lbs or whatever
>have extremely protruding ribs
>still think I'm fat in the mirror
>wonder if I'm developing an eating disorder
>turns out I have scoliosis, am still pretty fat, and my ribs just weirdly protrude due to a fucked up spine
note - if you have bitch tits you're fat
Ah man thats a shame. Good job on the 50lbs though!
I want to lose at least another 10.
Good luck Anon! Deep breath and answer honestly!

What did you eat that had that many calories? Have a big glass of water 10 minutes before you eat, it helps to stop me from overeating.
Lunch time boys

2 fried eggs
1 cup of garlic white rice
1 strip of bacon
2 peaches, about 50-60 g of almonds, 3-4 ricecakes (about 100 kcal), 4 eggs scrambled with 2 tomatos and about 100g of brined cheese

plus 2 coffees with milk and brown sugar
>Deep breath and answer honestly!
thanks man. i'll try my absolute best. i'm sure my nervousness wont get the best of me.
Never mind the tart. Its 390 Cal's for 1. I'd rather have an extra egg
hope that is a cup of cooked rice

remove cheese, almonds, milk, and sugar dude.
>>remove cheese, almonds, milk, and sugar dude.
Why would I starve myself? I'm not aiming for skinnyfat
Maybe start by cutting to lowfat milk in coffee for next time? Or switch to green tea to get your caffeine boost? I like the green tea with lemon, fuck all calories and does me for caffeine. Ive never been into coffee though so I guess the switch would be hard.
I shouldn't really give dieting advice though, my breakfast and lunch is a shake with lowfat milk. 220cal each.
because you ate 1200 calories for lunch and now have to skip dinner even though you already skipped breakfast.

Remove that shit and you'd probably cut those calories in half with little lost in terms of satiation
Just put a bar of dark chocolate between 2 cookies and ate it. Fucking end me. I'll just skip dinner.
As soon as my protein arrives, I'm switching breakfast for a protein shake with milk.

Nah I didn't eat all that in lunch, I had most of it as snacks. My lunch is the 4 eggs, cheese and tomatoes which is about 600 kcal. My dinner is usually 4.5% fat yogurt 400g (270 kcal)
remove snacks
increase meal size
Cooked and fried with 2 TSP of butter
Need to saute the garlic in something
But I'm hungry between meals and my lunch is already pretty big volume wise
Just an opinion, but I find a couple hundred calories in snacks to be less filling than a couple hundred extra calories added into a meal.

Assuming your snacks were 600 calories, if you removed them you could add an entire pound of chicken to any of your meals. And it'd be way better for you in terms of protein.
Oh I didn't add the tart after all.

>390 CALS for a pecan tart

Rather have two extra eggs on that and it's only 150 cals.
>kebab in a bucket
>in a bucket
>a bucket
>a fucking bucket
Maybe you muslims over there in england have a different sense of the word but all I can think of is a 5-gallon paint bucket filled with meat and fried vegetables
[spoiler]that's basically it[/spoiler]
can we get a shoutout for the real hero of weight loss?
Doesn't your stomach get fucked up if you drink too much of it?

you put a table spoon or two in your salads anon...
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What's it supposed to do?

I have a little ACV myself, when I remember it.
makes salads tasty as fuck
wew just got of the call
i think it went well lads, will know the decision by friday
gonna try my best to lower my expectations to negative infinity

anyway creating the new /fat/ thread now

discovered this by accident
I said FAJITA and they gave me BALSAMIC VINEGAR
easy mistake to make, but I'm glad of it
get some fucking nutrients jesus fuck
you're eating homemade junk food you
I can't really say because I don't fast (at most 18h when at class) so I haven't researched it at all.
Fit for oneitis:

> go to /s/ and see that there are 1000's of hotter women in the world
> realize that stats imply at least some of them are in your area and aren't dingbats
> profit
Ha, I win.
> down 20lbs since mid June
> it was literally as easy as starting keto and stop eating when full
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