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Bene/fit/s of NoFap?

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Thread replies: 122
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Does it help? Is it a meme? I wanna be less of a turboautist, and the faggots at NoFap say that "they make eye contact all the time!". I don't care about getting grills, I just wanna stop sperging out when talking to people. Is it possible, or should I just neck myself?
Hit 1pl8 OHP and got a date after 2 week nofap.
Coincidence? Probably.
It's legit in the sense that you gain focus and confidence. Superpowers are mostly bullshit.
Think of porn (or fapping) like an addiction, like nicotine. If you successfully resist the urge for a long time, your brain will need to find a different avenue to find those dopamine rushes.

No this will not immediately make you better at socializing. But it's a good step. Go talk to people to practice socializing.
Won't not fapping pretty much make your balls useless? Aren't they just gonna stop producing sperm at a point?
It'll slow down but not stop. It sounds gross but your body will release semen by wet dreams if you're NoFap. I am used to them but can control it, kinda.

This reminds me of hanging leg raises, that excercise is so dangerous while on NoFap. 0/10 experience if you come in the middle of a gym.
Ok but overall won't it have a negative effect on stuff like sperm count? I'm 2 weeks in and still feel no urge but this kind of stuff is honestly worrying me
I believe it doesn't, your production will go down and I believe fapping helps against prostate cancer, benefits outweight the cons imo.
This, just find something else to replace your porn /fapping addiction.
I think porn fucked me. I was 6~7 months without sex fapping everyday at least 2 times per day and when i finally get it, i had to stop at least 6 times to get hard again. Couldn't keep an erection for more than 5 minutes.
Imo, consider moderatefap as opposed to nofap. Too much of a good thing isn't good. I do once every 2-3 days and I find myself feeling more awake and less sensitive to stress. My orgasms are better too, which helps better alleviate stress when tough times happen.
once/week masterrace here

If you're not having sex on that week, fap. Not fapping entirely is even better imo but I can't hold myself without feeling bad about it. If you can do nofap without feeling like shit(Because you still crave it but still suppress your feelings and desires to fap), you've reached true enlightenment.
No fap is easy. You just need a girl to bang 2 or 3 times a day.
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>cures social awkwardness
I'm sure that it helps, but don't expect anything crazy. The only real benefit is being horny enough to maybe overcome your social awkwardness. I have no idea what that's like since I can socialize with everyone at the gym easily even when I'm half asleep and barely know where I even am. If you really want to overcome your social autism you really just need to put yourself out there and socialize as much as possible. I used to have it too, but being forced to socialize every day got me out of it pretty quickly. Nofap is mainly just a meme by redditors who don't have the willpower to make actual meaningful impacts on their situation.
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>We evaluated whether ejaculation frequency throughout adulthood is related to prostate cancer risk in a large US-based study. We found that men reporting higher compared to lower ejaculatory frequency in adulthood were less likely to be subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer.

>These findings provide additional evidence of a beneficial role of more frequent ejaculation throughout adult life in the etiology of PCa, particularly for low-risk disease.

Is nofap the most dangerous meme/misinformation that /fit/ ever come up with after squat and oats?
Yep, I've pretty much dropped porn and am working on only fapping once in a week to a month etc. School is starting soon and I'll be using my GI Bux for gun and gym money, been getting flabby since I got out so I need to get back in the saddle. I made some really good progress while I was active duty, I was a cunt hair away from 6' and 130 lbs at 18 when I left for boot camp, by the time I got out I actually grew about an inch and was weighing in like at 178. Anyone else /latebloomer/?
They asked men to report how much sex they were having.
Not how many times they jacked off.
They also didn't ask didn't factor in heavy or frequent masturbators.

That finding says less then fuck all about prostate cancer and ejaculation.

But there is a study that says that heavy frequent masturbation leads to an inflamed prostate later in life. Which will lead to prostate cancer.
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True. Fuck porn, never fucking again. When I got with a girl first time, I couldn't get it up for the life of me. She blows me, nothing. She offers anal, nothing. Rub it on her wet fucking pussy, nothing. Wasn't fun, I can tell you that.
Watching porn puts you in a voyeuristic position, and when the real deal finally comes along, it's not as exciting because you're conditioned to be a passive observer. Break your chains, OP. Free your mind.
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I spot a bum bum! Do it go poo poo poo?
>That finding says less then fuck all about prostate cancer and ejaculation.
>But there is a study that says that heavy frequent masturbation leads to an inflamed prostate later in life. Which will lead to prostate cancer.

no links? that's what I tough
Getting over your crippling psychological porn addiction will help you but nofap itself is basically BS
go fuck yourself

nofap works for those that need it.

>go out practice meeting women
>jerk off afterwards

so nofap could help make you a bit more determined. but use it in that function.

When I had a gf I would still fuck her and jerk off. I didn't have a problem at all.

The easy part is stop using porn / nofap. Then you gotta GET OUT THERE.
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Atleast give us her name!
Just don't jerk off before you lift but you can cum before you sleep. Helps with rest and recovery. The endorphins released are beneficial for growth.
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nofap didnt cure social awkwardness just made me not care.

>tfw you have a lucid wet dream.
seriously beats fapping by miles.
Yes because we all know people are doing nofap to prevent prostate cancer. Great debunk laddo.
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If you get a limited T boost after a week of NoFap, can I use that to hit a PR, break fap and repeat?
Pretty much all species of primates masturbate. When you have a wet dream, your hypothalamus is essentially taking over and doing a manual maintenance fap. It's fine to fap if you do it like a caveman would, out of horniness not boredom and using your imagination.

The point of NoFap is to help reverse the effects of porn addiction since the two go hand in hand. Porn use messes up your dopamenergic balance and puts strain on your nervous system. Your reward system gets disrupted by access to an easy way to release six times the normal dopamine of positive or pleasurable activities. People praise NoFap because it helps them to atrophy the negative behavior circuits and downregulate their dopamine receptors. It's a similar but less dramatic process comparable to rehabilitation from cocaine abuse.

Stop watching porn. You can't use moderation. The scientific literature shows it's an all or nothing phenomenon. Also, stop listening to YouTube virgins making videos about how 250 days no fap let them walk on water.
It forces you to find a new release for your body becuase yoo tell yourself that your not giving yourself dat orgasm

So yes it works
There is a def change in the brain with nofap. But.... I find fapping to be just like hitting the gym. It's a work out. I swear my dick got smaller on nofap, gf even said if felt odd. So fuck that shit. Almost 40 and fap ery day, use it or lose it it seems. You need to get rest and be healthy though, too much will screw you up otherwise.
Does NoFap = Not cumming? I mean I like the idea of it but my gf has her demonic needs too. Pls feedback
Fucking is fine you idiot
>benefits of nofap

There are none. It is a placebo. Probably being shilled by religious zealots trying to save your soul.

Also don't buy into the "porn addiction" shit either. Porn is a healthy, safe and private way to explore your fantasies and body without having to worry about the needs, judgement and sexually transmitted infections you can get by playing with partners.

Just LOL at the absolute MORONS who live in a world where there is unlimited porn of any fantasy at their finger tips FOR FREE and they choose to live like sexually deprived cave men instead.
Invest in viagra m80
Never gonna make it
How do we know it isn't simply a question of high-T males having a higher libido and fapping more often? A lot of diseases are associated with low testosterone.
Stop watching porn, masturbate without porn, use a magzine or your imagination.


why are magazines okay and not pictures

can i fap to doujinshi? is futa okay for my brain?
im in now, and i enlisted at like 6', 145 ish, now im 6; and 180,but i still got 2 years, were u usmc?
It's not jerking off that you need to fix. It's your shame in regards to jerking off.

The same way sociopaths like Ted Bundy can rape, murder, and rape the dead bodies of over a dozen women then still look people in the eye and have a regular smiling conversation. The action has nothong to do with it -- the problem is your shame tied to the action.
If I hold in a huge poop long enough while also being on a nofap streak I start thinking really gay thoughts.
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I see most replies saying that the main reason of nofap is because 'porn' is unhealthy for your brain and mental well-being.
I almost exclusively fap to traps and specific fetish drawn material, does this also count?
I'm starting to get worried that it way be worse.
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>Porn is a healthy, safe and private way to explore your fantasies and body without having to worry about the needs, judgement and sexually transmitted infections you can get by playing with partners.
I don't know. I just in my heart of hearts know that it's not healthy watching other men fuck women. Don't give me "I pretend I'm that guy!" shit either. You know that isn't your dick!
Can you buy that outfit my sister would love it
Nicole Aniston
All porn is cuck porn.
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Just so you know, the mods tend to delete these threads. Anyway, here's my dump...

As someone who did 4 months NoFap, here's my opinions on some commonly listed benefits.
1) Cures ED - I don't have ED, so I can't really comment outside of mentioning that I seem to get more embarrassing erections when fapping regularly than when on NoFap.
2) Increases libido - True for roughly the first 2 weeks, but past that absolutely not. In my experience long term NoFap totally kills your libido. After 3 weeks you'll no longer give a shit about anything sexual other than when you're in bed and your mind starts to drift or when something is going out of its way to tempt you.
3) Clearer mind/increased self-control - Yes, but not for the reasons you might've expected. The only reason that your self-control will increase on NoFap is because NoFap kills your libido and having a dead libido means that you have one less distraction.
4) Increases sensitivity - YES. After a week or two off you can easily cum in under 2 minutes. So easily in fact that it's hard not to, which makes for some really shit wanks.
5) Increased testosterone - Impossible for me to measure properly without any medical equipment but with everything /fit/ has told me about test in mind (e.g. increasing testosterone increases libido), I'm going to say no to this one.
6) More cum - Yes, but the amount of cum you have seems to reach its maximum after as little as 1 week. That's hardly NoFap.
7) More confidence/motivation/better social skills/attitude - Nope, the only thing I can think of on this end are issues that you may have within a few hours of fapping, like not being worried about the fact that you might smell of cum or have some on your face or something. I suspect that you'll only get these benefits if you're the type that's doing NoFap to encourage you to go out and get laid, although I must admit that I'm very tempted to agree with that "The NoFap Hoax" screenshot's "WHAT BETTER EXPLAINS THIS SO-CALLED INTERNET PORN PROBLEM?" section*.
*Speaking of that screenshot, if I've not included that with this text then tell me and I'll fix that.
8) Wet dreams - Nope, not a single one. From what I've heard this may be related to age, at the time of writing this I was 20 years old.
9) Any other medical claims - I've got a list of /fit/ stuff to read on the subject. I'll get back to you when I've finished reading that.

As for downsides I've noticed while doing it, there's the following:
1) Your balls occasionally ache mildly and tend to stay extremely close to your dick even when the temperature isn't low.
2) If something goes wrong with your health while you're doing NoFap then by not ejaculating you've lost something that would've told a normal man to see a doctor. The best example I have of this is from my own experience. For a few days after I broke my 4 months NoFap, I had fucking blood in my cum.

So what's my opinion on whether or not you should do NoFap?
1) If you're worried about your health then NoFap is not for you, keeping an eye on your reproductive system could save your life.
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2) If you're a MGTOW or in any other position where you think that avoiding women and their charms is wise, NoFap might be for you - it's harder to be influenced by that sort of stuff when your libido is at rock bottom.
3) I'm increasingly suspecting that NoFap doesn't so much have benefits as that having an orgasm has detriments. It's well known that ejaculation makes a man feel tired and all of the chemical shit that cumming does to your brain is plenty to throw you off from say, being able to hold a conversation half an hour after you've jizzed. The only counterexample I have for this would be anyone who when not on NoFap gets so possessed by lust that they become incapable of doing anything other than attending to it, although in my opinion anyone in that position should seek help - they're probably not far off from their dick leading them to doing something they'll regret. Basically what I'm saying is that rather than doing NoFap, just be aware that masturbation isn't a good idea when you're not in a position to deal with the consequences.

I'd say that it's best to just treat fapping as any other hobby, learn what it does to you and interact with it based on that. As for NoFap, I'd say that you should only do it if you've got some reason to fear your own libido, otherwise your approach to NoFap should be more along the lines of "fuck - I've not fapped in a week" rather than "I'm not going to fap for 30 days".

Finally, here's that list of medical shit that I mentioned. Pic related is a rebuttal to some of it.

Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/

Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0102419#pone-0102419-g001
Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption
(Decreased grey matter with increase in porn usage) :http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574

The Dual Control Model - The Role Of Sexual Inhibition & Excitation In Sexual Arousal And Behavior (2007) http://www.indiana.edu/~sexlab/files/pubs/JanssenBancroft.pdf

Adolescents and web porn: a new era of sexuality: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26251980

Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574

Pornography's Impact on Sexual Satisfaction

Neurobiological Basis of Hypersexuality (Taken together, the evidence seems to imply that alterations in the frontal lobe, amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, septum, and brain regions that process reward play a prominent role in the emergence of hypersexuality):

Compulsivity Across the Pathological Misuse of Drug and Non-Drug Rewards:

Watching pornographic pictures on the Internet: role of sexual arousal ratings and psychological-psychiatric symptoms for using Internet sex sites excessively:
Mood changes after watching pornography on the Internet are linked to tendencies towards Internet-pornography-viewing disorder:
Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance:

Trading Later Rewards for Current Pleasure: Pornography Consumption and Delay Discounting: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26305628
Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material and Sexual Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2958.2009.01343.x/abstract
Pharmacological and physiological aspects of sexual exhaustion in male rats: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12914589#
Masturbationand Pornography Use Among Coupled Heterosexual Men With Decreased Sexual Desire: How Many Roles ofMasturbation?
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention:
Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports:
Individual Differences in Nucleus Accumbens Activity to Food and Sexual Images Predict Weight Gain and Sexual Behavior: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3377379/


And that's the lot.
Goddamn homie. Feeling like a leach now. Good info
I find nofap can boost my confidence and lower my social anxiety which in turn makes me seem more outgoing/less autistic. It's not going to magically transform you into a suave James Bond type, but it mostly helps you not give a fuck that you might say something stupid.
>I had fucking blood in my cum.
and what did the doctor say about this?
Longest ive gone was about 17 days. Although my social anxiety was still there I noticed I was more "okay" with the fact that I was experiencing it. Focus and energy levels were definitely increased for the first 2 weeks but that started to decline after that. I would be able to jump out of bed in the mornings and feel completely energized. after about day 14 I felt I wasn't really getting much more out of it and just fapped. Felt very clear headed and content after the orgasm without all the guilt and shame about it, which was very different for me.
I googled it, to my amazement the general consensus was that it's usually nothing to worry about. The basic idea is that you've got so many pipes and tubes in there that it's not too surprising that you'd get the odd bit of damage every now and then, and that you should only be worried if it doesn't go away after a few days.

Long story short, I didn't go to a doctor because it cleared up after just a few days.
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yeah dude. the whole observer thing is right. a man needs to use his thing like a tool. you need to be in control.
look at that fucking hair style. why would someone put cotton field rows on their head like that.
Fucking hell, I nearly posted that in response to >>42482736, although I thought that it was too /pol/ for /fit/.
oh fuck this made my hands weak as soon as i read it
I've got pictures, but even /b/ thought they were fake. It looks like fucking soy source.
I'm on day 2. So far so good.
The gains are mental, you literally start talking to girls like you were normal, my hypothesis is your body knows you just can't release the semen in other ways so it forces you to find pussy. I met my first gf while on a 40 days no fap streak and I was chatting several girls at the same moment at the time.

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I just relapsed after a 102-day streak. Didn't watch porn though, so I guess that counts for something.
How the fuck do you even begin meeting girls? I don't even use social media unless you can count 4chan
OP Do you understand that you're looking into an autistic solution to an autistic problem? Have you ever tried to maybe get out of your little faggot bubble and start talking to people? You idiots think that being social is a talent that you're born with? A gift from god? Its not, people talk to each other because they care, they wanna hear from other people, they wanna talk to them and know about their lives. Your problem is not some magical shyness or some self diagnosed autism, your problem is that you're a piece of shit of a person who doesn't give a shit about anyone but yourself. How many times you touch your pee pee won't change that.

Maybe you might consider start caring or having some manners? Next time you go to a store or you talk to the delivery guy, say a friendly greeting (good night) and ask him how is he while he grabs your pizza or if you feel thats too "creepy" for your little childish mind, just ask him how is the movement going in the place he works. He 100% will say something, most likely tell you a little bit about it, people want you to care about them thats how you start to relate to people. Be friendly and people will be friendly to you, be respectful and they will respect you. And get the fuck out of 4chan you don't have the mental fortitude to be in a place like this, you will most likely end up killing yourself over some stupid memes from people just as socially retarded as you.
Give me bennies
Guy... I have a lot of trouble cumming when i fuck. I've been on nofap for 1 week, what else can i do ?
>Is it a meme?
Except fapping isn't an addiction/addictive, quitting porn is arguable but not with garbage science from r/nofap, Your Brain on Porn or dopamine memes.
People call it flatlining but what it actually means is that your dicks just dying from you not using it. Yout balls don't become useles but they might as well
It's definitely bullshit
>That finding says less then fuck all about prostate cancer and ejaculation.
Good thing the most recent study on the matter did. Oh wait that that's the same one you just said didn't.
>But there is a study that says that heavy frequent masturbation leads to an inflamed prostate later in life. Which will lead to prostate cancer.
That's bullshit, and you not only don't read, you're fucking retarded
He's spouting pseudoscientific garbage
YBOP is pseudoscientific bullshit run by hacks
8 day nofap/noporn streak. I need to get rid of this fucking addiction.
Sliding into DM's on social media only works on idiotic girls that aren't better for anything more than sex and you won't be successful at getting those girls until you can close on a girl in a normal situation.

Just go get involved in shit so you meet people and learn a little more about social interaction and opportunities will present themselves. In college? Classes, student organizations, fun shit on campus. Working professional? Go out with coworkers.

Find shit on the weekends that you might enjoy and actually do them. If you manage to strike up one conversation you're on a good path and it gets easier from there.
Yes Devil

only if you give up dat boipussy
How the fuck. I only did a week no fap once and I became a fucking monster.
Dependa incoming. How do I score a wook?
I am starting to feel like a syrian refugee in Cologne at New Year's senpai.
abstaining from fapping is only going to make a palpable difference to people who:

1. have an actual problem with masturbating excessively i.e. people on reddit and 4chan who claim it works
2. have little in life outside of staring at a computer and who will benefit from applying their willpower for any amount of time

basically, if you're a normal person, no fap is pointless. it literally only works for people who really need to stop fapping to complete excess, and these are the people one encounters online.
>"He's spouting pseudoscientific garbage"
>posts graph without a measure or labelled y axis
>articles from psychologytoday
>both articles by David J Ley
>"your dicks just dying"

oh man I can't believe if i jack off less im gonna get a big rectangular cuboid but you'll only get a a smaller rectangular cuboid
so basically everyone on /fit?
>posts graph without a measure or labelled y axis
>oh man I can't believe if i jack off less im gonna get a big rectangular cuboid but you'll only get a a smaller rectangular cuboid
I can't believe you're retarded and don't read as well
Get in fit, hang out around bases (I suggest Miramar if you're in CA) and look for the ones who look like deer in headlights, Boot Wooks are just starving for some attention. You may get cucked at some point though so you better get to cucking yourself after a while if she turns out to be a walking mattress on deployment (if she can even deploy)

Or you can knock her up to avoid all that and enjoy the baby leave gravy train, the choice is yours my friend
Watch don jon or Shame
Probably gives you a some motivation to seek real sex. Whenever I interact with an attractive girl, as soon as I get home I look for a pornstar that resembles her to break the urge. This is counterproductive.

The focus is a meme though. You will be as focused as a chain smoker going cold turkey. You won't be able to get sex off your mind. You'll get uncontrollable boners and they'll rub up against your pants, stimulating you, which will tempt you to relapse.
Thanks brother, I was a dependant in okinawa all my life and now I have no idea what to do. I'll go in with a commission if they ever get to funding the space corps.
Just letting you know that you are trading your prostate health for a placebo
So what's the point? Can you body differentiate fapping from fucking?
>I swear my dick got smaller on nofap, gf even said if felt odd.
Yeah I noticed that too.
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Should men:

>quit porn all together - but fap occasionally without porn if needed
>quit masturbation all together

I honestly feel quitting masturbation all together is fucking impossible. Studies show that masturbation has some health benefits.

But porn man I went from jerking off to lesbians to some fucked up shit. Shit needs to stop. It can't be good for you.
How does Blacked afford such amazing production quality? Who is funding them?
Yes sex is scientifically proven to raise your testosterone. At least penetrating is. I imagine getting fucked like a girl would lower your test.
How does Hegre Art, HardX, Tushy, and Vixen do it too?
I still fap even though i have sex like 4 times a week.

hmmm... which smut merchants could be behind these websites ?

let me rub my hands together and maybe the answer will appear...
I still jerk off, but only once or twice a week if I can help it. Fapping too much changed the way I looked at my horniness. Whenever I would get horny I thought to myself that I would like to jerk it now, instead of thinking I should go out and find a partner for sex. Ever since I made the distinction my desire to actually go out and get laid has increased and I have to say, it's actually not hard at all if you just go out and meet people.
People I know who do nofap are so disturbed it wouldn't surprise me they developed cancer because it goes hand in hand with their personality disorders. Shit genes. And don't tell me that's what they say for smoking because smoking isn't a biological feature. And no, smoking isn't harmless for anyone even if you are the most pure human to ever exist.
are you fucking kidding me right now
Alright nigger faggots.
I'm willing to try thhis nofap meme along with novidya and little to noalcohol for the remainder of the year.
Just one question.

How long until i see results? I'm not exactly a khv sperglord (still virgin but that was mostly me being a sperg, not because i've never had the chance) but I want to increase my focus and "drive" so that i can try and go back to school next year.

Please don't say it will take months
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I only fap once every 14 days. It feels kinda good being horny and thinking demented thoughts all day. It's times like this when I am fighting myself from buying sex toy. When I do fap it just doesn't feel great. Makes me want to try out one of those prostate thingies see if that makes things feel good. I get grossed out at the imagery of me shoving something up my ass though.
This redpill is hard to swallow.
So is that how cucks are born?
Quitting 4chan would be better for you than nofap desu
Considering the fucked up habbits that you've picked up I think that you will see fast results (withing months)
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>Been at it for 16 days
>Almost blew it today
Because it's hot as fuck?
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you didn't do nofap correct if you didn't have wet dreams

edging is losing nofap

eating protein supps made my cum like fucking rubber
God damnit i have a chess match for a league in like 2 hours and i want to fap

Should i go for it?
Watch porn and just when you are about to beat it, don't and blue ball yourself. Do this enough times until you have so much sexual frustration that you go out and kill your chess opponent. Instant win.

>being horny as fuck
>your opponent trade queens
>you lose because you are too eager and can't play a positional slow game
jesus christ women need to be gassed
underrated post, pic worth reading.
>Day 16
>Girl I dated while abroad sends me pic in tight bikini
Not gonna make it
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