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any other shut-ins with repulsive faces that lift? >tfw

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any other shut-ins with repulsive faces that lift?

>tfw delusional enough to think that one day my face won't look fucking disgusting and subhuman because of dropping bf% and my self-esteem will be adequate to go outside and make something of my life

probably a futile effort, but I have to at least see what I look like after cutting from 25-30% to 8-12% first before I kill myself
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>tfw 14% bf and still hideous
why don't you let a max plate loaded barbell drop on your neck when benchpressing """"by accident"""?
Seriously don't even bother lifting if you don't have at least a 5/10 face...
there are easier ways to go
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I wonder how much that would hurt.
A few years ago I made a self defense course and I let the trainer put me in a choke hold.
There was no pain, I immediately saw only black and tapped out.
Blocking the blood flow to the brain seems like a good way to go, crushing your whole neck might leave you with some discomfort though.
choked to death between a fit qt's legs is a good way to go
>if you can't be 9/10 why bother

God I fucking hate this fattie justification. Going from a 5/10 to a 6/10 is still improvement

>the only possible benefit to lifting is being hotter

Again, fuck off with your shitty mindset fatty
You could try taking care of your skin AND your physique anon. There are tons of success stories about clearing up acne if you look around.
I've been literally blocked out of the blue by 6 women in the last week? Does the pain of the ugly man ever end? I'm still expecting the so called "white men privilege"
>be 6'1" chad with 18% bf
>don't have to be too serious about lifting because Chad face
>be maintaining what's around my face
>knee deep in pucci
Just kill yourself and restart with a new character
>going from 2/10 to a 3/10 is still improvement
What's it like living your whole life in this hypnosis like state?
Fix his awful skin and give him a chin and jaw implant and you'll have a pretty good looking guy.
my diet cleared up my skin
That guy is not ugly, he just has acne
What kinda acne are those, looks more like some serious skin infection.
Come on now, his only attractive future is his green eyes and blonde hair coupled with good eyebrows, his midface-chin area looks like a neanderthal even if he gets rid of the acne.
;_; I'm sorry if it's actually you OP
It's enough to pass him off as attractive, if he didn't have smallpox, that is.
>tfw I turn heads in public but i'm too autistic to actually have a conversation with women

This needs to change

tons of bitches would cream their britches over a face like this as long as you are clean and semi articulate. whole lotta bad boy/brando lips going on.

don't shoot the messenger, I think you're uglier than a possum eating a gorilla biscuit, but bitches are on a different wavelength
If that guy cleared his acne he'd be top 10%. Hell he's probably still above average.
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Please tell me I'm not really as hideous as I feel. I'm nearing the point of suicide.
i think you have serious self esteem issues if you think you're hideous. you're like a 6/10. you should really see a therapist

Lifting won't help much... You need God. Concert to traditional Catholicism. Looks don't matter.
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>tfw good insertions but incel face due to parents inbreeding
I want one to crush my skull like the red viper.
You just need some confidence with that face bro.
>blonde hair
>attractive on a man
t. shitskin
its good with green eyes and its no where near redhead level even if darker is better most of the time
then explain how most of the male sex symbols are blonde: brad pitt, justin bieber, ryan gosling, chris hemsworth etc
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>tfw one half of your face droops down like a stroke victim and you also have overbite
I can make girls laugh better than anyone I know and talk to anyone for hours, but when I even mention asking someone out they start acting like a total stranger
>tfw I only see DYELs with average faces with qt gf
Matt Bomer, Henry Cavill, Depp, Hemsworth brothers (they have naturally brown hair you stupid you), Gandy, Aidan Turner, Ronaldo, Franco brothers, Marlon Brando, Orlando, Christian Bale, etc.

The ratio is 1/10 (blonde/dark+brown)

Studies proves it too, 2bh.
Don't forget Jon Hamm.
Brad Pitt (ish) and Gosling are the only natty blondes on your list of 4 people.
>beauty standards are higher the more caucasian you look

Let this sink in, if you're a chink or nig people won't even be able to tell whether you're ugly because they haven't been brainwashed for decades on beauty standards which exclusively focus on white people.

Beauty standards for black or asians are so lenient you basicly get a free pass. If you are a pajeet or chicano you're out of luck because people will try to judge you based on white beauty standards.
you have an alright face man. maybe work your jaw muscles a bit.
You look very boyish. Get a different haircut, that doesn't really suit you because it makes you look like a high schooler. Let your beard grow out a bit if you can, at least have some stubble. Work out your neck a lot more.

You're exactly normal, mate. You have nothing to worry about.
If you are really fit and well groomed and well-dressed, your face will matter very fucking little
I unironically grow my facial hair out because when I shave I hate the way my face looks. I trimmed it down a couple days ago to a tiny bit more than stubble and realized what a mistake I made.
Keep living that lie ugly tell me how it works out for you
Nigga what? You're super average. Get a haircut and stop crying.
Then why do people pay huge premiums for blondes at sperm banks? The bitches want my 6'0", green eyed, blonde babies.
>tfw people that can't breed think you're the perfect male
Not sure how I feel about it tbqhwy
>people pay huge premiums for blondes at sperm banks
(Citation needed)
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Nigga, you look fine.
Stop getting 5$ haircuts and smash some gash.
Average dude, could genuinely be good looking if you drop some weight and get a haircut
only 2% of the world is naturally blond as an adult

so if 1/10 is the ratio (according to you) that means blondes are 5x more attractive than brownlets
i imagine that's why hanging is so popular
you are fucking delusional mate
>work your jaw muscles
Is regularly chewing gum enough for this?
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Hey, I've seen you before!
Just start fucking making good games; pay attention to lore when building your worlds.
You may not like it, but New Vegas was much better than both F3 and F4.
Just wanted to post to tell you I was a fat neet with a shitty face. Lost the weight got my shit together but my face still blows. Asymmetrical, crooked crappy smile and nearly bald. I sleep with 11 girls last year and my gf is skinny with double Ds and says she thinks about marrying me all the time. If I can do it so can you.

I'd smash.
Daily reminder you can be 6'5" with a ugly face and still drown in pussy. You don't know true suffering unless you're a /fit/ manlet.

>Daily reminder you can be 6'5" with a ugly face and still drown in pussy.
There are people who actually believe this.
Just end it bro
Seriously, get a haircut and stop being so self-conscious. You look fine, and with enough effort put into your hair, body and clothes you could look well above average.
Bigger height=more strength
Girls are programmed to be attracted to strength.

In terms of attracting women you can fill the niche of ugly but freakishly strong men. As a manlet I have no niche to fit into.
hanging breaks your neck
That depends on low drop vs high drop. low drop you'll be dangling for 10-15 waiting to die, hurts like fuck from what i've heard too.
High drop is suppose to snap your neck and kill you faster.
>implying people that want to have a baby by picking up a random man's seed are sane to begin with
>be me
>mid 20s
>never get looked at by anyone
>made fun of for my looks most of my life
>if i get angry about the jokes, it means i cant take a joke about myself, if i make jokes about it as well then im a no confidence self deprecating beta autistic faggot
>have had people on 4chan boards and reddit say im ugly
>have had girls i meet online drop me when they see my face

tell me exactly what lifting would fix
>1 mum
You for real, nigga?
You can't get otter mode, you need to go huge bear mode. By being huge and strong you'll be able to attract people who did that form of body and very often don't mind ugly faces. See linebackers and bouncers are swimming in pussy. By being big and scary look you'll score points in a different way
of course it is

Dont ask them out then. Suggest them out instead.

Girls nust "want it to happen" so if you direct ask it will be no.
I'm not him but what's the difference?
get a hobby. nice chin dimple bro, very classically masculine
U got an average face man, just get swole and don't be an asperger around honeys
Yup I got a really nasty ass nose and a face that looks like Carlos Mencia fucked a pineapple.

I have a weird dad bod right now cause I let myself go real bad when I was dating my ex (my bad decision).

I can't get back in the game too cause of my shitty looks. I get compliments every once in a while about my body build but we all know that shit's pretty superficial and doesn't work unless you got the full package.

No one wants a gorilla walking next to them...
You're not really ugly, maybe slightly below average at worst. If you start mewing, smile a bit more, and work on posture and possibly hair/beard, then you'll be downright handsome in 6 months to a year.

I have a giant, overly square forehead that virtually all males from my maternal line have. It's most likely due to my potato nigger ancestors marrying their cousins and sisters, but I've learned to live with it and accept it. YOu only have to worry about "incel face" if you look underdeveloped or unmanly. It doesn't matter if you're a bit of an ugly fucker, if you have a masculine face, good body, and confidence, then that's enough to give you a good chance with at least 30% of girls.
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i know that feel man

ugly as sin reporting in
Chew gum for a few hours a day and make sure to chew it around all sides of the mouth, not just on one spot. Also work on your posture and try to keep your mouth shut and your tongue pressed flat against the roof of your mouth. This is pretty hard but if you stick it out for a few months you'll see improvements, and if you do this for years and years you'll eventually end up with a pretty fucking good jaw.
chewing gum that much is a great way to develop TMJ dysfunction
Med student here
Stop being a nihilist and go see a family doctor and get yourself any of the various treatments for acne + wash ur pillow case and sheets weekly

Because you sound like a suicidal pleb, consider not having roaccutane or whatever you call it in your country and instead go for something like doxycycline 100mg once daily.
>acne is the root of his problems

i see why you're still a med student
touche, you have bested me this time
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could be worse. try changing your hairstyle
100% normal. If you work out and grow some facial hair you'd be hot.
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If I can get girls to talk to me every once in a while, so can you idiots. It's not allabout the face
bro youre not ugly lol. youre pretty good looking desu. you just look masculine.
Its pretty fucking easy. Go to your nearest walmart and get a face cleanser, stridex 2% pads, and BP 10% cream.

Face cleanser in the mornings, and before you go to bed. SA in the morning afterwards, BP at night.
look for josh jaw exercises on youtube.
Shave that belly hair looks kinda weird with a smooth chest. Also you look like you should be leaner, do some jaw work.
that doesn't change shitty skin genetics though
it will remove your pimples but you are stuck with shitty complexion/texture
and i've tried chemical exfoliants
Look up falim unflavored gum on eBay. It has mastic in it which gets super stiff when you swish cold water in your mouth. Great for jaw gains
That is a minor thing, compared to being a chinlet, manlet, or dyeliftlet
enough to take you out of the rat race and give you reverse halo effect in everything social
it's actually Jonn Hammm now.
Maybe you need to quit being a little bitch and grow a pair?
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>tfw I fear rejection unless i'm under the influence of something
>never picked up chicks while sober before

being ugly makes you weak and beta, your mindset doesn't fucking matter
Then you never had a chance to begin with so quit complaining about things you won't change.
yeah you're right
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>hurts like fuck from what i've heard
I used to be 350 lbs or more and while losing weight, my face now looks worse because of the rosacea. I thought it would get better as I lost weight.
I'm now trying to cut out dairy, sugar and carbs, which is really shitty.
>expecting some deformed goblin
>get average looking guy
Why do you think you're so ugly?
that's not op
i would kill to look that average, nothing would be holding me back from doing what i want with my life
you are not ugly by a long shot.

chop that mop off your head and get a decent hair cut.

your face is very boyish, so you would look good with some stubble.
drop hanging does, almost no one uses this method though except for actual executions

suspension hanging cuts off the bloodflow to the brain and you become unconcious after about 5-15 seconds, the body starting to freak out then looks brutal though
he looks mulatto
Long face from keeping your mouth open, Mew would be disgusted
My face droops down too and I also have an overbite. Must be common if you have one that you'll have the other.
FAS, sorry bro
I make it work dw booboo
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Hella average, you look sad as shit though.
youre a andsome kid , you look good and you need terapy man
> "Wanna go out to lunch with me?"
>"I'm going for lunch, you wanna come?"

Guess which one will get you less rejection
>blond hair blue eyes
>people have rated my face as 8/10 to 10/10 before
>have had multiple girlfriends
>military fit
>still a lonely shit

Happiness in your life HAS to come from within first. Find a reason to enjoy waking up. I don't care if your reason is to enjoy going on <board of choice> and shitposting with your fellow neckbeards about <topic of choice>,if it makes you content, or happy, do it. Strive for a fit body, a sound mind and attainable goals. The rest will fall into place. If your desires happen to bring you around qt3.14's, be a not-sperg and see who catches your bait. Maybe you'll get a girl. You have to be proactive though - females aren't naturally the ones who ask guys out. That's the man's job. Be a man.
Can confirm this works, also if they say that they're not hungry you can pull a "I like it when people watch" [me eat] joke.
You just look young. Keep lifting, meditate and don't jerk off.
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