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Keto a meme or not?

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Does keto have any real metabolic advantage over eating a balanced diet at the same caloric deficit or no?
pls respond
negligible. use google u fucking idiot. bumpfag
settle down anon its just a question no need to get all angry.
That diagram isn't keto, it's not even paleo
I'm aware it was just a picture of food.
Yes. Keto is suppose to make you lese hungry because of the lack of insulin spike. But if you didn't know this, you haven't done enough research.

Just eat food.
I'm aware of that benefit but does it have a real metabolic advantage, do you lose more weight faster at the same deficit is what im wondering.
It should if your diet consist of sugar. Because insulin is the hormone that gives the signal to put on weight.
No, Keto has nothing to do with losing weight other that curbing cravings. The only reason to do a Keto diet is if you're struggling with craving while cutting.

>Calories in Calories out
Not true. Hormone plays a big role, and all calories aren't created equal. Although calories in < calories out is the way to go, you should do it by eating clean.
You'll lose more fat and less muscle on keto as opposed to just "losing weight". Cutting out carbs usually forces people to consume more protein dense foods instead of sugary shit. A calorie isn't just a calorie
>Does keto have any real metabolic advantage over eating a balanced diet at the same caloric deficit or no?
Not really. Its all calories in calories out ultimately. Plus its literally impossible to do HIIT or really any cardio work on keto and that can go suck my dick.
I run about 15 miles a week so that wont work for me, i really enjoy my cardio
T. Lazy fuck with no will to put forth effort. I was lifting twice a day on keto for a good month

Same shit as Atkins. Ketofags will blindly tell you it's not. Shits been around since the 70's and fucking nothing happens other than people sell books, get rich selling you a bullshit fad diet, and cutting years off of your life by increasing your risk for heart disease, obesity, diabetes, cancer and brain disease. Look at fucking Atkins- died of cardiovascular disease that he fucking covered up to sell idiots diet books. Adkins looked like a complete piece of shit for the last thirty years of his life while he followed and peddled his snake oil diet. Compare that to the wfpb doctors. They look fucking good. And they're fucking old. hmmm I wonder why.

short term weight loss isn't worth it.


yeah and potatoes and white rice give you less of an insulin response than meat and dairy. hmm i wonder who's not done enough research.

>lifting is the same thing as 800m repeats
Meat also doesn't supply carbohydrates for it to have a significant impact on your ability to utilize ketones instead of carbs. And the fat also blunts the insulin response by a lot. Keto has never been a high protein diet. Too much kicks you out due to gluconeogenesis
Do 10x15 sets of weighted hanging leg raises with 1 minute rests in between. You're gonna break a sweat
I am not a fan of going for long runs. I ditched jogging in favour of HIIT.
>I was lifting twice a day on keto for a good month
I am talking about HIIT and cardio specifically. Lifting uses your creatine phosphate energy system, while HIIT will use your glycogen stores. And guess what, on keto you don't have much glucose. For me my conditioning work is very important, since i do muay thai. On keto muay thai training would fucking kill me, lack of glucose would cause me to legit get fucked up. Also:
>lifting twice a day
Seven days a week too? Rich piana style? haHAA
>Calories in Calories out
Did you drop out of Jenny Craig academy?
Seven days a week twice a day. Not everyone is a weak lil cuck like you brodie
>Roiding for this
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>Shits been around since the 70's
and jesus created the earth 2000 years ago
Stop you're raising my ego too much

Wrong about insulin spikes, so you change the subject. The fat doesn't do shit- it's one of the main fucking offenders of creating insulin resistance. You're making things up. Keto fucks up your insulin resistance. It can be reversed by dumping your fat intake. The "shittiest" of carbed up vegetables provokes a smaller insulin response than the best of meats- fuck even chicken and fish are dog shit compared to the "worst" carbed vegetables.

You don't need fucking ketones unless you are starving to death you dimwit.
Okay and the point still stands that ketogenic diets are low protein, only 20ish percent. You aren't going to sit down and eat a quarter pounder with 2 chicken breasts and egg whites on keto. The leucine content of the portions should be low so you're actually IN ketosis
>"lean ground beef"
"all callories are created equal hurr gbdr" t. dipshit

Your body responds differently depending on the macro, and with protien the amino structure of the protien in question. Glucose causes your liver to store fat, consumption of fat causes your liver to shunt it. Heart disease and obesity wasn't commonplace until we started eating starch staples and sugar additives.
Watching the video would require interrupting my music.
>I noticed the 25% dislike ratio.
And fat does actually reduce the insulin response of meals it's added to. It elongates stomach emptying so there's a longer period of time for food to digest instead of being broken down quickly. But by all means keep shoveling grains down your throat. You're the one that's gonna suffer
I notice I do loose weight when on a low carb diet, even with the exact same calories taken in.
Idk if Keto is better than just your average whole food <100g carbs diet though.
I'm giving it a shot right now to see if it actually helps, but so far all its done has made me hungrier and tired. Definitely thinking im gonna bring back low glycemic fruit.
Unless someone can explain keto being better than low carb. Everything I read says its the same, but again, open to anything that will help loose my remaining 50lbs(just hit my halfway mark)
>but so far all its done has made me hungrier and tired
Get your electrolytes
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