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is keto diet a meme?

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is keto diet a meme?
It's just another fad diet that hides calorie restriction under an arbitrary gimmick to make snowflakes feel like they're doing something special
Yes. You will lose an unnoticable, insignificantly smaller amount of fat in exchange for diminished energy reserves, shit isn't worth it

Eat your carbs, eat your protein, watch your calories

Intermittent fasting definitely helps me lose weight more quickly at the same calories count, but that seems to vary person to person, and it makes some people feel like shit
yes it's real , carbs with high gi
are the true cause of fattys
cause horemoans


Lost slightly more weight on it but the reduced energy was fucking ridiculous. Just restrict carbs to complex carbs like brown rice and no more than 250 g per day.
Complete meme. When you're cutting you want to keep your carbs as high as possible to retain your muscle mass and strength. Keto will make you lose all your gains
Absolutely not, above anons are certified keyboard cucks. I gained weight fast after leaving the military (<1>rltw) due to the drop in physical activity. I cut a solid 37lbs to 12% bf giving me a base to clean bulk back up to preferred size.
Can you explain this further please? Why would Carb calories retain but Fat calories not?

It's a meme in the sense that it doesn't break the calories in/out requirement for weight loss. But it's not a meme because the primary challenge in weight loss is not just counting calories, but resisting eating when you are hungry. Eating a keto diet helps minimize hunger throughout the day due to its effects on insulin and hunger hormones.

There is also some marginal evidence that a low carb diet may increase your metabolism (or rather, prevent it from decreasing, which a high sugar diet can cause).
alan aragon points out why it might "work" but it's a meme like any other fad diet

when you do something like keto you naturally end up (usually) both: eating a ton of protein and eating less calories in general. then magically you end up losing fat, surprise bitch
Only meant for obese people. Doesn't do anything for skinny fat
Don't take advice from 4chan Anon.
Mostly a meme diet. Meat takes a long time to digest so you're not hungry as often so you eat less. Carbs burn fast so you're hungry more often and you eat more.

There's no magic to it.
Is it true? I just started keto but didn't know if it truly worked. If not what is the best way to cut? Just regular calories in and out?
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Not a meme.

Good for losing weight. Difficult for bulking.
Keto pisses me off

You know why?
Boxers and Wrestlers have been doing it for DECADES to lose weight for WEIGH-INS. They already knew about the scientific fact of not eating carbs making you drop water weight.

Then a bunch of fucking retards did it and thought they discovered some new shit because they lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. When it's just water weight.

That's it.

>Lost slightly more weight on it but the reduced energy was fucking ridiculous

you were doing it wrong.
So it doesn't burn fat?
Fat is burned whenever the food you eat doesn't contain enough energy to keep up with how much you are exerting
I'm getting leaner than I've ever been on it.

My lifts are poverty now though. I can do lower intensity for the same amount of volume as before, but high intensity, no way.
eating less calories than your body needs to maintain its weight burns fat

Even if you're doing keto if you're over eating you're still going to gain weight. There's literally nothing magical about keto unless you're diabetic. If you aren't, insulin drops and fat is burned to make up caloric needs regardless of macros.
>body's preferred energy source is carbohydrates
>no carbohydrates available
>body starts to suck ass performance wise

Almonds = fully activated.
Not him But carbs seem to always make me hungry all the time plus feel like crap
Kind of.

There may be a slight benefit to muscle retention while losing weight, but it's probably unhealthy. I suspect if there was any studies of mental performance while on a keto diet people would perform worse than when on a regular diet.

It is a simple way for people to be on a calorie restricted diet though.
It's for fatasfatasses. I don't see why people don't get this. Even keto fags acknowledge you need carbs with muh "refeeding". If you cut carbs from a fat person's diet guess what they can eat? Absolutely fucking nothing they have been, because all the fucking junk they shove down thier gullet is carb loaded with no nutritional value. It was brought in style to get fatasses to not be fatasses. For a normal person it's comparable to any other style of clean eating.
What's best then? Low carb or just a low cal intake to cut?
Is Paleo a meme?
Yes, it's a meme.
Yes, it works.
Yes, there is science behind it.
No, it doesn't break CICO.
In the end, the best diet is the one that works for you and your goals. I realize that here we like to shit on everyone's choices, but ultimately having more options is better than having less.
You've got the beetus then my friend. Get your A1C checked.
If you just started and are still currently doing it, you might as well try it out.
I'd suggest sticking to a calorie reduction, unless you have an iron will and amazing self control. Then I'd recommend trying out a PSMF, they're pretty effective and you only stay on them for 1-2 months
I guess if nothing changes just go on a normal cut with carbs included?
Really? How's that
Carbs should give you energy. If you eat carbs and feel tired and hungry it's because your body isn't responding to insulin properly.
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Oh shit I hope I don't have beetus
yes, not for fatties tho.
>it's a meme like any other fad diet
>then magically you end up losing fat, surprise bitch

>it works
>its a meme
>it works
Fast for a few days. You become way more insulin sensitive.
Read a book. Keto on its own is not for people who exercise. You need to carb cycle.

yes, it also damage your kidneys
It's become a meme, but if you go on it you lose weight, get more energy, feel better etc.
No idea about the long term effects of keto diet, but if you're just in it for the short term a 14 day fast is probably the better alternative.
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look at size of food. compare calories. tablespoon of fat = 1 big apple.

people are literally retarded. this is reddit at it's worst... fat fucks actually try to lose weight eating cheese...
cont. since /fit/ is gay too

keto = protein + fat. protein = filling. fat = not filling.

so if you do keto, and just eat bacon and cheese, you'll get fat.

if you do keto and eat chicken. you'll get skinny.

but who the fuck wants to do that?

just go vegan and enjoy life
enjoying life has no so much to do with what you eat... no matter if you are vegar or omnivor.. what matters is if you fuck pussy or not.
Keto in the long term is a fucking stupid idea and the mouthbreathers who recommend it weren't breastfed. Just carb cycle instead, with 25% of your calories coming from carbs on your training days and 50% on rest days.
>fat = not filling

said nobody ever
Lol yes
why does everybody always talk about ketoacidosis diet
every day on fit it's always ketoacidosis diet, ketoacidosis diet, ketoacidosis diet
shut the fuck up about ketoacidosis diet, real actual human beings don't give a fuck about ketoacidosis diet, they don't even know what a ketoacidosis diet is
what the fuck even is a ketoacidosis diet, like seriously nigger, talk like a human being, not like some limpdicked friendless INTJ autistic from ketoacidosis diet planet
It's not a meme you fucking shitheads. If you actually try it, you will see that it works wonders. I was able to shred 1kg a week easily (from 82kg to 70kg in 10 weeks). I didn't even feel very hungry during the diet (because of how keto affects you). It's one of the best ways to lose weight, and if you bash it without having tried it, well you're missing out on something great.
so for someone who is active on a regular basis and is moving around a lot doing a keto diet is not recommended
For endurance work it's ok, although you'll find examples of people who do both better and worse on it. The main thing for endurance is that it solves the 'hitting the wall' effect, when your ~2500kcals of glycogen from the muscle stores get depleted. Since your body burns fat, it can tap into the fat reserves easily.
However, for sports requiring power above endurance, pretty much all the examples I've seen say that performance is diminished. Even in that '83 study that claims no performance change on keto, if you dig around a bit, you'll find the author admitting that the cyclists had noticed a decrease in their sprints. This is why athletes who insist on keto for other reasons also do carb cycling to replenish their glycogen stores, thus trying to get the benefits of both approaches, so to burn both glucose and ketones.
Keto seems to make caloric restriction easier by reducing insulin spikes.
I was never hungry on keto.
it's literally impossible to overeat on a fat based diet
carbs are #1 preferred method of energy that ur body will use before fats & protein, which are used more together - carbs | fats & protein | protein |

>Eating a keto diet helps minimize hunger throughout the day due to its effects on insulin and hunger hormones.

This is basically it. It doesn't defeat calories in/calories out, it can help you not gorge yourself on additional foods.
I would do it if your a fatass but if you are like 15-20% I wouldn't. It didn't really work for me at that range.
I've tried it and I've always been low energy
What do you think about the diet where you eat one day and fast the other? Already lost 10kg with it and I'm done to 90kg at 180 and goal is 75-80
you have no clue man.
If your body has to choose into digesting carbs and alcohol, he will always go for the alcohol first, not because its preferred or better, but because the molecule is easier to break for energy and in fact it is poisoning the body so it wants to get rid of it asap.
Same. But try getting any of these chucklefucks to try it for themselves
Will keto steal my gains or not?
It'll make them ineffective. You need dem carbs
People who experience low energy on the keto diet aren't doing it right
How so?
Is keto good for skinny fat?
Adrenaline kicks in when ketosis happens. You're basically in "go hunt a deer and eat it raw I'm so starved for quick energy" mode. You shouldn't be tired. Lack of sleep and low blood sugar makes you tired.
>he watches One Piece
>shit posting about western cartoons when he posts chink shit
you're just as autistic kysys
I definitely don't get enough sleep due to insomnia and I might low blood sugar but idk how to fix that without carbs
2014 just called they want their meme diet back.
The keto diet is where you starve yourself of carbohydrates so that after your glycogin storage is empty your body starts the process of ketosis, breaking fats down into sugars to give reserve energy and get blood sugars back to normal levels.

If you are on keto and you are tired, you are doing it wrong. You are most likely eating too many carbohydrates or not exerting yourself enough to get rid of the energy from carbohydrates.

Go on a 2 day water/coffee fast and you will absolutely feel what keto attempts to do.
Keto is for people lost at sea and niggers in Africa who come back from an unsuccessful hunt. Just eat 500 calories less a day. Skip the bowl of cereal and milk.Eat half the bag of Doritos instead of the whole bag.
Yep, simple but it works. good luck bb
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>fat = not filling.
>so if you do keto, and just eat bacon and cheese, you'll get fat
>just go vegan
>want to go keto
>don't have access to a kitchen
>Everything high in fat, but not carbs needs to be cooked to be edible

What do
Cheese, nuts, butter, olive oil, green veggies, smoked meats, canned stuff - all of these and more don't need to be cooked.
Search for a list of low GI or low carb foods and see what you can use.
>Eating straight butter


>Smoked meats, cheese, nuts
When I tried before, this is literally all I ended up eating, but I was worried that I wasn't getting into keto because the carb content of cheese/nuts was too high.
Pic very realted
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